The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, December 22, 1899, Image 6

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    he :jBtmiuL
FP.NJrriNf. EJ. and Prop.
Kate-rad at the Post Ornee at Albany
reor,a aeocud olaia wall matter.!
tm.. A n.naril L1W100 I a I " uu ueen ugpm
a marinas arm v In the I w nearly reduction ot war taxes' will
' W V . a V - I A Ik. 4 It man. Vms U .ar. .a... a t
PhillttpiUM. Lawton was
bt generals then, and
among the soldlsrs. The loss
would rot hart been felt.
Are yon particular about your laundry
If to we want your patronage, w like
to work (or particular people becate we
believe they appreciate our effort! to do
first class work.
We are always willing to rolaunder free
of charge any article which way be sent
borne unsatisfactory.
Wa run our laundry on a sysiem.
II wa promise ou your bundle on a
certain time you I get it.
Seed in a tried order aud be convinced
that we are lurnioa out laundry work
tbat will pleae.
Telephone SI
Magnolia Steam Lacmdrv,
Albany, Oregon.
Th rororti come Itom ba Pbillp
. . . .... j
pines about the Filipinos Ming aea.iercu
land wandering in small squads ol
Everything g! to sLow that they have
rniixiiiMiiui occiilon to set a few
thnnaand mm together. 1 hei a have un
doobtedly been some big mistakes made
in the manner ol fighting tbe r uipiuoe .
For home-made
gugar Bowl.
miuce meat try the
There are young men in moat every
. t . l..a.nM.Af tha anl.lf
community wuu imiwunv.
k.f inniiMt touna McDaolal to murder
the vonnir lady witu him, about which
the Portland papers have been tall lor
several months. Ever? respectable young
lady at the first sign of too much famll-
arity in the young man with whom she
asociates should drop mm. is time
the rascals who can not be gentlemen in
private were sent out ol respectable soc
popular I commissioner of internal revenue. In
ot Otis I that offlolal s annual report to the sc.e
tary of the treatuary, he gives the re
celpts for the year as 1273,484,573, whir
is an increase over the previous year of
lOl.tJtf.OOO. Notwithstanding this en v
mows increase Commissioner Wilson or
ee toe amtnendmentof the revenue law
So as to require the oUtupinif receipt
for Indlvidlal deposits in banks A oik
lien cannot even be allowed to draw hi
money out ot the bank for his own uss
without paying tribute to the war again
the Ptilippioee. Sull the telegraph
companies and the espies companlee,
which have derived large but8t Itom
the war, are exempted (rom the burden
which are pUeedoatbe Individual eltl-
How sad it is to see weak
children-boys and girls who
are pale and thin. They can-
not enioy the sports or child
hood, neither are they able
to profit by school life. They
! I f i. I l n .
ux inuceu 10 dc piuea. out
there is hope for them. .
Scott's Emulsion
has helped such children for
over a quarter of a century.
Your doctor wfll tell von it it both
food and medicine to them. They
begin to pick up at once under tts
use. Their color improve the flejh
becomes more firm, the weiritt
.... . -
increases and an the Rid fife and
vigor of childhood returns again.
" dnoman ; x. uu Si ox
SCOTT A BOWNE. Cheoitta, New York.
MoDaniel, the Portland murderer d
aerved haniiins If anything. Whether
he intended to strangle the girl to death
or to only frighten makes no difference.
Seven of the!iurrmen said on the first
ballot that he should no hanged. Five
sa'd bs should not. The five 'ruled, and
fifteen years in the peneteutiary ia the
result. There will be toaae (attraction
in bis having tbe opportunity to contem
p!ate his crime In the dreary lyeare 'bat
ball follow. The rase suggests the nerd j
of a change in the jury system so that at
least three fourth shall convict.
Speaking ot the Mormon conference in
aaletn ttte Jorrnal sars that one of the
speakers confined hltuielf mainly to gen
araliiiea, but did advance one of tbe idea
btch aeem to distiogutih Moruionism
from all ' othar doctrines claiulng lbs
name of Christianity, and which aeeuis
to sustain the charge of groesoes aud
beastiallty. That ia the dortrine that!
God is a material being like a man, with '
allot mans -aesions, a being, In tact,
greatly resembling the gods ot the o'd
Grecian mythology . He quoted from (he
Bible in support of this theory, claimina
that God must have body, parts and pae.
sions like a man, or He could -ot fel love
and it rould not be true that He created I
man in his own image.
Nntlae la hereby ulven that the annual
meet I mi ot the stock huldeit of the ugar
Pine Mil a Future Uo. will be held at
the rotneanv'a ollloe in Albany. Oregon
at the hour of 8 o'olock p. in., on the OtU
dayol January, 1000. The meetltix I
for the purpote ul election a board o. Ave
directors, ana ma irnniaoiion oi muj
oihe.- businesa tbat may propwrly come
before the meeting.
Dated at Albany, Or., ueo in, low.
E. r" Sox. r vas,
Seoretiry. t'resiuenr.
IXWL8.Oood, fat turkeys, gecso.ducka
aod cbiokena, drensod to oi oer tor uie
holldavs at F U Powers poultry house.
WOOD. Big, dry fir wood. Call upon
P. W. Spinka or itouuri wrosuy ,ior
price. Order early.
WANTED. Several irori for district
Urn e Manager in iuu sain inropir
eot me in their own and eurroo idiag
ponntiea willing to pay yearly goyy,
parable weekly, t'eoirable tiuployuient
with uul opportuniltc. Koferviice
exehanued. Kuclnae self aitireaid
starui et eneloi, 8. A . I'ark, 800 L'
ton Huiki'o. Chicago.
LIVERY STABLE for snle at a Uarjiala
or will trade tor ;ico or other stock
or laud. Iu,uiro at tuo Dkmockt o -lice.
Special Sale.
MAG.VimNO 01.AS8E8
Oall and ait Drlcus befors hnvlmi ela
8'ecta)le and Eye Glass from 150 up.
Uogulvs, 10c,
J. A. Cummings.
To the Music
mi.. .t-.....lullnif tak'ns UP
stt dy u ugS WJ l t tlwlr Hilar
mil Itlvesugnt-the v.nUgrt ofta
v A lianv UOIH'tie.
a l niu b.-ut'r.izniM' nas nern uuv M-
P'iniw uy u'e vwiiuiy uoun oi i.inu
Ouun v, Oregon, adminmlration ff the r
tato of J O t'o I'll, docem d. A II twi wn.
bavin,';- cluin's iirtiiut said ra'u'it are
hereliy notihi d to rreaent tb in, duly r
1 tit'il ) In w rnitiiitd, to the ut.iliu-
S'giuil at Ibany. Vtoe, within!
months fi'"u tint tin to Itertwf .
Uulrti ibm Itff li tiny of October, 181)1).
I . J.bTlTae,
Messenger System.
E. L. King, manager ot the Postal
Telegraph Co. has suited a messenger
service for Albany, and you can have
your otea, Packages etc. delivered by
calling at Central office or by Phone No.
o. am meaeeneer Dors mounted on hi
Now it ia declared tbat nrt a third o!
the resources of the Bo;rs, have been
used in the war. It this ia trie the Eog.
lish have a herculean task before them,
ml thav mivht aa wall aa not seek a
ompromiae of an empbatio character. ' f?- therefore prompt and r-.
Their defat in the mean, tar i hTvin" 7.r
more than that itself is concerned. All mesaenger blanke and envelopes tarnish.
Europe is waiting to take advantage of.'. A pply at Postal Telegraph of-
ner raiiurv bo cou4uar u juu
her victory ia fraught with danger for
her, for it may mean an alliance against
ber on account ot the innholy character
of the war. England has pot her feet in
WANT ED.-Trrtorthv joroy to tak
.for 'War iu South Atnca aud
the tUr Conli.-ent from Hvftgev to
CiyUii.-t.on " William lUitlu', t .e
f oua tr.'ve'er, c hi? n'ltor. eiJ u
fm-M HVt OU'e.icllV CO !
.let," "rav'c dec ''rito " bi -liavilr
wiitlen" "u r-pi;oply li'"t-
lted": de..iaiiT hui 4ivei aa-e up
. WeibeMoi
t'ibu'e 1100.000 in o'd anot)gour salrs
peo.'; ue6rtj doi't u-u.t.icua.oe:
mIji Ii. .nlcommitlo: books Oil ..0
dat' t edit: fre.ght ilu;v pnidj
an-pl cr f e. di'i'ies t!ie I0hiin
ion lo'tsny. Dept. V, Cflcayo
How's This ?
We off or One Hundred Dollars Reward
it in very aerions minner. It will take , for ,f Catarrh that cannot be
.1 her resource, .nd the oh ot her beet STf
Yout Liver
Will be roused to Its natnral dut!n
and your biltunra, bradaciie .-id
runstlpatlon be cured l( you Was
Hood's PHIs
8old by all druirEliti gj cents.
:m ft II
V v'." y .! r
T .. f '- .?,
I I ('" rkarii..
ONLY $2,25
MUt, fcllj lit lU UK, VUlff
tuur it p4 ht. ir ttttitt
er ft lUi'liw MHiytiil bejala
axl swell, skM.t r tttH ytMt thie
UOmt. rSAittllW ih tf i
rll'Ml If ritHlMI BMesWtl
MMsMtMhs ete4t p
lb m,i
g.fiiiu luittrQ tauuhtt
COB N i;t, hah monj .,rt.,t,nslTinN
Mr. Wills. Musical Director, lJ"'
unto of the Chicago Conservatory ol Mtt.
lo, and has studied altlt anch ai tls U ai
Sel..u' k. ZU-gluldl, Koelllng, ralk. Uar
a owl, Buff, nnd the late Dr. Karl Vera.
Tlimo men nr innslvra In tlmtr resjxHit
IvoiUyartnients and niuslcUnsol world-
"MVw'rla, Inalructor In vocal iniwtC,
la a pup I ol Mr. William Nelson Burritt
. !, la Vnnwn to he one ol thaoeat voice
ft..ttli4Ssa 111 Atititr Ira tutlav. Mr. tlurr.W
studltnl lght years In Italy and sevwai
years 111 London. .
' n ... i..u rnuid n A bany College
Conservatory are the latest and most ap
proved, Miig the combined iranlt ol
iuiH-ilor liistrticllon received .ciperlenoe,
... I iht apnuaiatame with tho methods
of our eastern conservatories.
Tuition reasonable. Pupils may etilei
at any time. .
Fall term opens hvpt. iw, iw.
rorlurther Intorniallon call onorad
PiEssldont Wallace Howe Lee.
s4rW ! .
00 n Vcbr, 10 Cents a Cr y.
mllk. laskM W. ntr (uu .p u v -a Mi pr
fall. 1'
full? lnalM4 Ml Mm& hlli) W.I r ruw Mu
ttimnM4 vtik thn m. ihI cwllar aufc t.a mtai
wilt lit kraM, ol.m Imiiui vHiMMwnU. Vtw M
mtftltiltHiaill nd HtulbniM lli.t 1 1 .a
m than Oovbl. th. h,. wAu fcitu t fwim
minds to get out of the precicamsnt. j
Freeh cider at the Albany Trading Co's
store, a aeucious drinc.
Lemon pee),
Orange peel,
I have everything that goes to make
op a fiiet clasa fruit cake or any other
aunu oi a case.
A. 0. Bzak. n
We. tbe nnderhltrnetl. hava knnain V
, J. Cheney lor tbe last .5 years, suit be
The scarcity ot money In .Wall srreet J,ave him perfectly houora-iie in all bas-
ni.rl, costHl . panic. Isn't it Just what i - ""y ante o
mi have been demanding for several firm 7
years, more money, ine increase o ibcax, Wholesale Drnggista,
money is not in .keeping with tbe in-.o.". w
e...nfonr,.,nrees. and instead ol i AXH,. K. Wbole-
. . . , ,, . aam urnggists, loledo, O.
contracting oorcuraency it should bs Hall's Catarrh Cur. ia taken intern
increased. Tbe tree coinage of silver ally, acting directly upon tbe blood and
would have a better effect in this line ! !uc'na eoriecee ol the system. Price
per Dome. BOIU bv all Ilrilrr.ia'a
cmYa! A notable feature lor 1X wilt te Tbe
VoS&Ven5 We ot tbt Masler by the Uev. John
Watson, D. P., author ol 'The wind oi
tbe Matter," "Braids the Bonnie Brlsr
rnih," etc. A U'e ol Christ by the
Bv. Dr. John Wattou (battel known at
Ian Matlartn) la a v. oik that speaks suf
i,.r litwll. The oik m bod Irs
Pa.gHWA0 that ia lold In the Barred lecoids. In
tial. To add to the vetne o( the work, m
lil be Illustrated, largely In color, froln
pit lures msde In Patctiine by Cor wit
Pnann I.lnion.
t t.l fj.ll!iaa m til ha a novel bv Ac-
TRY MORMON BISUOP'6 PILL8 for all disease arising from lbony opi frrouenl ccntilhutloi.s by
disipation, sell .abuse, sxcesres or cigarette smoking. In Kudyaid Kipling, abort storta by Mark
oyer w ycare. twium uftca your niuiiwi. vutn uvtfivtn wwvu- i
out men. makes rich blood and lissce. Cures wasiings aod all
rises, makes yoa lastillngly strong, cures impotency, loat power, emissions.
oat of meraorv. bad dream, cbrunken organs, despondeorv. sleeplessn
varioceele and constipation, adda lnstro to the eye, stops nervona twltchings
I the avallos. Makes life woth lirlna. A boon to young or old. MORMON
BISHOP'S PILLS strengthen and restores small weak organs. Btops all
loaaea he da or Dtsht. Don't delav. Price within tbe reach ot all. Ouaran-
eedtocure. Price r'TTI a box 6 for U.W by mall. Hend for Ireo ctroular, I
Addrese BISHOP pVi REMEDY CO.. 8an FrandKO.Cal.
For sale by Fos- tSu3 hay A Mason, Albany.
than anything else that con Id bs done at
tbe present time, besides benefitting a
great industry . Tbe eyes of the repub
lican party have been opened on tbe tar
iff question, and yon cannot hear a
soond about high tariff any more. It
will be the tame way on the subject of
giving silver the same rights and priv
ileges as gold.
Testimonials free.
Uall a Family Pills are the beet.
Second and Ferry streets, in former
rootograpn gallery, does
Repairing of Furniture
Picture Fra mlng.
Give.bim il
That Tooth
needs attention
Remember it can be filled
or extracted without pain
At Second and Ferry.
Mr. Julias Gradwohl will now be found
in his own store at the above location
better prepared then ever before to serve
the public with a first class stock of
srockery and glaas ware, and standard
The ligheet place In Albany. Every.
thing in sight. Good goods at low prices.
Mr. Gradwohl has alwys done the
Square thing with his cust mers and will
Continue to do eo.
Also writes insurance in rat class
Cures Impotency, Night Emissions and
wasting- diseases, aU effects of self-
sbuse, or excess and Indis
cretion. A nerve tonic and
i blood builder. Brings the
pink glow to pale cheeks and
restores the fire of youth.
I By mail 50c per box ; G boxes
for $.50; with a written guaran
tee to core or refund tbe money.
Clinton Jackson Sts CHICACO, ILL.
For sate by Fred Dawson
It is a great privilege to make tome
one happy during these holidays tbat
come but once a jear. People ahoold
open their hearts at least once in the
year, unbending themsjlvea so as to fej
tbe great poise beat of tbe world. It ia
as well a privilege to renumber one s
immediate friends in a manner tbat
shall bind the ties tbat are too apt loosened anyway. The Christmas
season ia one which should enlsrgs the
hearts ot mankind and make man bet
tar. Anything which bas a tendency to
take awav the selfishness from a man's
nature is a good thing for. tho world
Thiaouirhttodoit it any thing will.
If a man keeps bis parse strings entirely
tied thia season of giving. ! be mutt be
hopelessly lost Tbe spirit engsndered
now should go with one daring ths en
tire year that follows, radiating .the life
and easting its influence daily, not d is
appearing like'.tbe rainbow,"
Lowney's and other fine chocolate car
amels at F. H. Pfeiffer'f .
Sugar Mr. Graiaobl inform na tbat
be la selling 17 pounds of graoolatsd su
gar for $1,00. Kow ia the time to boy aa
it is liable to go np at any lime. This is
a net cash proposition.
All goods delivered free of charge.
Ooristmas tree toys at V.ereck'a Sugar
J Joseph. Proprietor.
Other short stories by sncii well known
att'.iura aa Itret Harte.Cv VYarmeo.Hoth
TarrlPglon, rhae F. Hulloc. Tighe Hop
kins, Robert lUrr, Clinton Kos, W. A,
Fraser. . ,
Interesting articles by Ment. K. P.
UODSOQ, uepi. rfoauoa oiocum, wiim
Uarland, R. . Paker. Rev. 0. T. Urady,
Prol. E. H. Holden, Ka-'Jov. 0.8. Saut-
weli, and ottiei.
111 S. H. Wt voHranT.
200 F.a.tS''ih 8' reel, New Von City,
New Yoik.
Stockholders Meeting.
AI. Senders & Co.
I Hay and Oat Warehouses-
eeventn and iiauroau Mieeia.
The Albany Trading (To r.
running their own delivery wagon
uring prompt delivery.
Miss Long makes pictn
in the highest style of tbe art of ybo
The itfciMdei o th Albany Cream-
r laiviii'im will bo'd tne'r annual ro-ef
j ing at One o'c'ock p. m-, Thursday, Jan.
1 11th. 1000. for the purpose ot e'ecung Sve
. B ' directors and tbe tranaactioo o any o'ber
i i busineii which may be bioofbt before tbe
E I. Snrtr,
S.FaoMAic, Secretary.
Ho-To-Bm for nrty Cent
en.SJ2 Jb" "r-.P.i k
New List.
Hickory Nnt.s
Home made Mince Meat,
Black Fige,
White Figs,
Maple Syrup,
Sweet Pickles,
Bulk Olives,
Silver Prunes,
Fresh Hominy,
Siner Kraut,
ACE Bnowsm's.
To Cure a Cold la One Day
Take Lixanyw Bbdmo Qcrisurs Tae-
uii, All dreggists reran i the miney if
it fails to cure. . W. Quote's signature
uoa each box. 25c.
American Beadles.
There are none fairer or sweeter the
world over. Unfettered and nntram
meled the American woman queens it as
aoes no other
woman ia the
world. Yet her
very energy and
ambition are of
ten times her un
doing. She at
tempts too much.
Her health is un
dermined. And
when health goes
beauty goes also.
The use of Dr.
Pierce' Golden I
Medical Discov
ery re-establishes
the health. It
cures diseases of
the stomach and
organs of diges
tion and nutri
tion and assure
perfect assimila
tion of food and
the proper nour
ishment of the
body. It in
creases the blood
supply and elim
inates the impur
ities that cloe
the system and
j M
r wa
14 SA
The Keal Test
O'good flour is shown by the demsnd for
IV and tnere ia a oemana lor
The Best
In Albany by the
Long Photo Co..
InFromad Brick.
The leading gallery of Albany.
The' onlv-np-tOHlate first class
studio In town.
All work to please.
We sre prepared to lake on storsgt
I baled bar. will boy your oats in an
Iquaolty at top mark.t price.
Oats hongbt In rsr lots at any ship
fosnrance, Hay, Grain and Wocl.D
This Paper
Una Year.
rami Journal
5 Tears.
Magnolia Floor
For twice the capacity of ths mil', at
prices considerably above ordinary yalley
Honrs, it is always maue irom
Fo. 1 Old Wheat,
Every Sack Guaranteed
For Bargains
In Farm Lands. Timber Lands and
City Property, call on or write
Albany, Oregon-
Dr. W. wixon, Italy Hill, N T, says,
I heartily recommend One Minute Cough
Cure. It save my wife immediate relief
in suffocating asthma." Pleasant to take.
Never fails to quickly cure aU coogbs.
colds, tbroat and long trouble. For tale
by roenay at Mason.
Dea't ToImkc Spit tad Satak Tear life iwsr.
To quit tobacco easily and forever, be roasr
netle, luU of life, nerv aad visor, take No-l'o-1
Bae, tbe wonder worker, tbat makes weak men
strong. All druggists, bOe or II. Cure ffusr&n-
teed Booklet and ettmple free. Address
Starling Remedy Co , Chicago or New York.
cloud the complexion,
Three doors east ol tbe DraocsaT office
bas money to loan on farm security at
low rate of interest. Also small loana
made O n nersonal security .
City, eonntv and school warrants
nnllwt!nna mads.
Ilents collected. Fire In
surance written in the following large
nH mliahU Mmnaniea HOME IN 8.
CO., of New Ycrk, PHOENIX 1N8.0O.,
n amor a, uonn., wmniwiii wv-.-DON
kfrtL Msirr R fssrlai a Vai. s-tli - t
?. Wl?t: ,Pr- ''' Ooldew Medical
Discorerr. 'Favorite Pmonnti. . di .
jfj V V1 m wnea doctors and other
ana ererrthi
aeatH. Was Terr nerrous and could h.tri
..." .Mini, ,ir wfflllll llmnfl r-amn mm
Voir KAmm w rm V ...T-
untold nlaerjr. I had rien un all hone of
I could not lie down to sleeo.
Rme to
acrou the room. I only weifrhed ninety pounds
when I commenced ulkin hn ...
years ag-o; 1 now weigh one hundred and forty
pounds and am harinir better health than erer
Defore. After beinv .irk an t i...... l j
',rb''lr'ychakl. I have taken fifteen
??"' fh of 'Prescription,' Diacorery and
Notice is hereby given that funds are
on hand to pay city warrants Nos, 423 to
470 InclUklve of tbe issue of 1818. Inter
est on ssld warrants will cease with tbe
date of this notice.
AJbanv, Or., Nov. 23, 1899.
E. A. Pabkib, City Treasurer.
H. F. rierrill
1 Lollectlona uromnl'y attended to, cor
respondence solicited. Office in Ditto
bat building.
Stanley Stewart,
Albany Oregon.
Office! Bank of Oregon Building.
Only sec of Abstracts of Linn County.
Complete set of maps and plats.
It rati with yoa wb.tnr yoa enntinu.
mmth tha dMtr. lor tobMo. 1
out atrrou. dt.trM, Mll nico-
tlb, parlor tt. biooo, n
ptorn to.. Bun
Bometbing new and artistio ere the
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets act gently OP8' Plate ,D1 eael photgi aphs, which
but effectively. Women value them. ou can get at MieeLong a itudio.
1 WW 1 1 w ir-caMieu
r yv
tn.k won itroos
I. Wipot
r.d. Buy
tft druirirtlt. vbt
Hl.otirhforai. T It with t..r.l.tDtlr. On.
bos. SI, oia.lly car s dosm. SI Ml
!r.atMdtomtr.,orw.r-ftiBd moo.y,
Pay op and gel both paper at pries of
We want mors new subscribe' to our
WeeklT; we therefore contione our ar
rangement with tb3 faim Journal by
wbico we can teal tbe DsnocntT and the
Farm Journal 6 years, both for $1.24. Arid
ws make tbe same off . r to ail old subscrib
er who will par all arrearage and ooe
yerr in advance,
Yoa know what ours is and tbe Farm
Journal It a (rem practical, progressive
a clean, hone-t, useful puaor full ot
mimptinn. full of sunshine, with an im-
menre circulation antona tb liest people
every bore. You ought to take It.
Daily ubscrloer ptying in advance
an also 'score i:.
A Linn County Invention.
A land roller Invented by James W
Newman, of ria'.n view, Linn county, Is
now on ths market. It is owned by
Roberts & Newman, and its sale will be
pushed. Mr. Ja. Marks, ot this city,
haa been appointed agent and will Intro
duos tbe roller. It commends itself at a
glance, being so constructed aa to adjust
itself to tbe inequalities of the ground
and permits the turning of corners and
tbe return angles at the ends of the rows
with facility. Itconsists of three rollers
so adjusted as to run readily on all kinds
of ground doing the work easily and ef
fectively. The invention is unqueetion
ably a fine thing and ia something farm
e.s generally will see ths merit of and no
doubt secure for the better (arming so
much needed.
Prompt uitals a'al.'
n styles e'eshe3.
ts on shore notb.
hoirs, Fre-li
Botve la ache