All Kinds. Oat of every three persona struck by lightning two recover. Eggs without shells are shipped from Itusiia to England. The expenses or the queen's household are estimated at 172,000 a year, A quart of milk contain the tame nourishment as three-quarters of a pound 1 of beef. Ia Norway the average length of life is aid to be greater than in any other country on the globe. A vanilla bean kept in the sugar bos Imparts a delicious flavor to eugar. The French know this. The etate of New York will tend to the Fails exposition of 1900 a forestry eshtb it of thirty-four specimens of wood, al native to the state. At a recent auction sale at Zurich more than 1,000 gold and liver Swiss coins ol ttie fifteenth to the nineteenth centuries wre disposed of. The Argentine Republic and Uruguay are among the few countths in the world where the number ot sheep raised today is larger than a year ago. Owing to the risk cf fire front leakage of e.ectricity the insurance companies warning their patrons nnt to nee incan descent lights in their windows for noli day displays. A manufacturer of certain machinery in England inserts an advertisement in some of the technical periodicals in which be uses French, Spanish, German and Japanese side by aide. 'J hreogb the efforts ot the Audobon so ciety, a law was passed bv the Illinois legislature which makes the possession of any harmless bird, living or dead, an offense pnnbbable bv a fine French playwrights bave dramatized Dtfoe'a "Babtiissn Crncoe." The play is in the nature tf a spectacular extrava ganza in twenty-five tableau. The cost of mounting it was $60,000. Not far from the east room of the White House, under the limbs of an an cient tree, la a "wild" mushroom bed that ia, the mushrooms gtow there with' out care from the gardener. The mush rooms terved on the piaaident's table are frotr this bed. The rocking cliar causes insanity, so it is said. Ia fact, the physicians are claiming that the rocking chairs are the cause of most of the nervous troubles from which women suffer, and are advis ing their telegation to any p'ace where tbey wili not be used . Up to the latest accounts Kipling' poem, "The Absent Minded Beggar, ' wbicb is being recited and sung in the principal music balls of England for the benefit of the Reservists, has brought ia no leas than $15,000, and the money still continues ta pour in . Santos, in the state of Sao Panto, a abort distance from Bio Janeiro, is the largest coffee shipping port in the worlJ. With an area of 106,939 square miles and a population of 2.50J.000 Sao Paulo ! pay be considered the model sgricnltur- irt state ol flraiifi In Ponce there is" an American free school, partly supported br the military government and partly from private en terprise by the citizens of the city. It has about 350 pupils and is doing excel' lent work, being a thoroughgoing school accoding to American ideas. Retlew Applteatlaw ( W. B. Uw. er ir at i-ie staiee mtii. AITL1CA1IONNO. i. United States Land Office, Notice Is hereby I veil that in nurau. anue ot chapter eix of title thirty-two of me iwvuibi oiaiuiea or in u tinea Btatea, . 11. Lawlcr. lions uostotllt:a add mutiny, or,, claiming iouu linear rest ou each or the following-named, veins, lodes ur niini'mi ucposiia, rearing goiu. lo wtts lted Bull. Uold Hack. Hold Hug, Gold Klnch. Red liulr. Golden Kimlu. Golden irown, uoiti tun, uoiu uuiclt, and Uold Cannon, each with surface around tklO ft in wium. mi ivtnor una ueiiisr situiitii 2. Instead of recording several fara t ' y TO,"n on one eoheJule in the Twelfth Census, gi.ui, has uiada application to ununited About the Census. The following Is furnished the Dho mar by Supervitor Winn: 1. The first really valuable Censua o' Agricultural In the United States was takea in 1850, of the crops of 1819. The next enumeration ot Afriniltural will be taken in June, 1300, of the products of 1S0. at It Inches tn the around with niguue tr, blused and scribed -SJ UT, bears ot stones scriuwu r u, nn.iiw .. r m -. " ... iwti . tree ) tnehea In diameter, biased and other hemlock trea IS luuhe In diameui', scribed s- Mr, beara 8. M dev. as mm. uiaaeu ami eoriuvu 4 ur, beaia , eter, biased and acrlbsd - UT, bears tie. M nun. W.. variation 11) deg, SU win. Ji si aeg. SO niln. W. SS (eoti lhncB. iK., lib tool. Uutch runiuiisr aoulnerly iut m At, "i mln. W., variation 80 dc. hl., lMt to corner iso, , a huwvd itn poi ZTM Feet to corner No. , rn-wd nr put 44 iituhaa by 4 ro.t Iohh, .. t u inclixi it inches by 4 tavt long set 18 tnehea li) Hi Uie aiouud, with mound or atones hi .round with mound ot stonsa scribed scr bed V--l-i wlienca a plna true 1 . ". whenna a t r trea Jo incnea in iiicutw lit uiuintner, umK'U and surlovd ,m.V blaaSd amt aorlbd t-ll-!6 UT..6--affl UT, b.tra k. a dcK. W. tt ".at, K n lT, mlii. W. ta.t feet, and and pli.u trea IS Invhua In diameter Fira tnehea tn diameter, biased and biased and ecilbed bm UT, bear. N. ,J?iiJ5-5t- UT. baara . '. " mln, K. 114,11 Ivcti thence N. M i H 10 lfeet i I hence N. 83 deg, .tMUg. h Kiln. K VHi-iattuii Is u.g. W mln. : . variation W de., fcyt. I R, a.6 6 feet, IJlacovery point ?t w an,,.,. i'wk 1 Ivet wme now." .!" iMw.-njr win t,.rinf, .), , will ha accorded s.l,u a Pftant tor the said mining K9 Heretofore, een larm will no eccoiueu c,jma, the aald claims being known and separata blank, the entries on which, jfeeiMuatedaa the iwier Consolidated in . . . Uroup o Lode Mining Claims, and being Will not b known to any save sworn Ot- mora fully demrlbed aa to metes and A...,. ,,- nmirimuBt tin ii ii in ne ' oounos oy tno olllclai plat herewith poat flcere of the Department, rto names ed antl by th BM nutra ,urvey t;oro. Will OS pauiisnoa in conneciiou wnu io '. ran uieu in me ouice 01 tne register t. ... ...... i ... ..r.' lof the United States land omca at Ure- ; T Miriier No. Uold im; i tooa. nortneuaterty B, J, i reel to vomer Ki. I. " - :. i.,i.,,H.,r una i j ina iiiui.a , thla vur lted Unit- corner No, Vey on Me and Imer.ect line t-4 tho place of b ir lode, thla survey tW.T feet to UoU So. 1, the placa ot iHalnuliig, I Ueglnnlng at formation secured from the peop'e. 3. Tax aseesiors, collectors and equal iters cunnot serve as enumerators, or have access to the Census returns, or to the information therein contained. 4. There are more than 5,000,000 farms, plantations, ranches, stock ranges and market gardens in the United States, all of which, for Ceosus purposes, will be designated as "farms." 5. A "farm" is all the land cultivat ed or held lor agricultural purposes un der one management, whether in a sin gle body or separate puree s . 6. The enumerator will lask for the site and value ot each farm, the value I of buildings, aad the aggregate value ot all machinery, implements, vehicles, harnesses, etc., need thereon ; and the amount of land owned and leased spectively, by said occupant. 7. He will alo ak far the and valne of each crop, and the po City. Oregon, which Held notes of sur vey describe the boundarlea and extant or eacn or sniti ciuitua on tlia surface, with niHKiietto variations at ly drg. mln, to 20 Uig, 10 mln. east, aa follows, to wit: Ied Ball I.ode. Beginning at corner No. 1, Identical with corner No. 3, Uold tlack lode, thla survey, V. a. M. M. No. 1, beara 8. 33 deg. 43 mln. K. lliT,4 feet A corner of tha IopaIIoii. which la a cedar trea. N lnchea In diame ter mnrked thus t.X) on two aides, bears ... . Hll. UiaiAUl , thence 8. 53 dejf. 6 mln, V variation SO tleir. 10 mln. K., SSi.SS feet to corner No. 2. Identical with corner No. 1 of Gold Back lode, thla survey, and corner No. i ot V. H. lot No. S7. White Bull lode; thence 8, SI deg. Bl mln, V., variation SO uck. iu mm. t-., oi'.j rcet ro corner wo. 3 and discovery point of lode on summit of rldtte runnliiK northwesterly and south easterly on line 46 of U. 8. lot No. ST, White Bull lode, a hewed tlr Dost. 4 Inches ny tst reet lonir. set js inches in the irround, with mound of atonea scribed S && The post etanila ncMlnut the south easterly side of a hemlock tree U Inches In dlnmeter. which la a corner of the lowi- ition tx-lnir marked thus X) on the south- re- easterly side, and ts also marked X XX beginning- uuiu tun i.d., eornur No. 1. Identical Uold rWti 1.mI. ...,! with coriiur No. H of Hed lialr lode, this llealnnlng at corner iso. i. r t- amvey, on una 6-i or uold J'luch imle. inches uy bribed Ji V .T' "n":.Jf J'."i.'.rr"i? u" do d id on on 4X4 tlm aroutul. Wltu mum y "'r':" 'a. luiu. im, mi im iwura ffljf i interaectiou of Hue - ot M".'4 M deg. mln. V variation IS dca. l7ti .ii.l line 1-i of ueii nar min, k.. 144.1 feet. Cornet a Noa. 6 an i...!v. nf thla aurvey; whence V. S. M w. i reapecllvcly of Uold s'lnc-h lodo a No. 1 beara N. U don, .s "",",'";" uold cannon iode. b.ith of thla survey. A lir trea IS inches In diameter, J7s jj,,,,,,,,., ., ut ....... , .,... Q 111. Dour, b, ti lid rjLl i f...,l l i.,rr K,. 9 l,li,n,. w min. W. H0 feet, ami "r,V. T with vomer No. S of Uold Caution lode, it Tnchei lit diameter, biased and scribed um,y, t, llliU u( (j0,jP Crown 1-Sa 1T. bears M. 44 dea. 15 "' ,? lode, this sutvey; thence N. 43 deg, Ut sssfeet. The dWa.-ov.ry point of the lode nll w vr,MUo , ,,,,Bi M nlu w M beaiw B ea. W mln. K. lrliri,0: Xeet. Bumrnll of, main rldo runnlua ilwiice 8. a-1 deg, .i mln. H., variation oulhwater y and northenaiei y Hm fm"t iitiwH - ,, vt.fiti i iwwn win1, mm murvvx . iiiwiic crnr No. 1 Identic at wn i n. si dt. w nun, w varlutluti l dca. i, on line i. vey, a hewed ,lll(ir NO . 1IIVI1II. " " " .V.-rt U !'. l lllll, I.,. VIM III t Uold tn a Imle. thla survey; thence B. w mn g m fm.t 0 h M desr. ' "' w- vurtalton 80 tt eg. fc. rrly sens feet to corner No. 4. toS feet. Bliver v rem, , . . ; k,u... I ;"e, ivnuiw imio. iiuo eurvcy, nnwru ulherly 00 tVet to corner rm - , nemioca post i incnca oy 4 reel long, imst 44 inches by t teet lot . set , , Uw j,,!,,,, , o( n n, ,,,., EittS feet. HI i- ...,., ja tiicnee iy -. s'i hi iiic iirvjcc i Inches In the arminu, wun with mound or alone 4-aai5i whence a is uivinw ... . .t... nr tree . u ... i.,.t.- ,.i... . .Intl.. scrllica ..ii.a.1 1,11 "imiivifr, iiih'i Him ' . . . . I . I .1 , 11 ,11111 PI I . ' 1 1 1 - '. I I 'I" I . .. . LI . I . . 1 W MH. JiW ot volume 4, uf Mining JteiurUa of said uuuntyi Ioo linear feet Is iilalmed alone ill. vein, which la Wall deltn.d. Th. pre. sumed general vuuiew or dlreutlun of said vein Is parallel with th. side lliiua vf said claim, aa shown uputi Ilia plat pouted ni?.iiiii nun nuvui nw in wmwf ly iu aoutheaaterly. About sue feet la claimed on the loda southeasterly ft win Hi. point of dlsi uvery and about feel liollhwualeily from the tiolul of dlecovarv. 'I'lm luild cliiini la bounded on tha southeast by unsurveyed aovermueiit hind, un tha southwest by file Uold Cannon lode i fulm; on the norOiwest by th. Ueld lllll and lted Hull' lode claims, and un tho mirth. east by Ilia Uold line luiln claim. There are m conflicting tluima to the knowl edge of aiuillimnt. I lia Iteif llnle utnlm Is uf riumnl In Ilia Olttc of tha iiilniilv titurlt nf until 1.1. nut , of Unn, stale of UriKiin, al piige 337 of .".nine v, hi miiiiiik liri iiriiH i,r sillll 'iiuuly; I.MID linear reel Is clnlmeil altmii the Vein. Which Is well ft..lln,l 'l'l. r. "' euuisn or uireciioti or sain v.i it Is panillel with the side lines of "Hid c ulm, as shown upon the plat ptet etewUh. and is about northwesterly to . inn heaslnrly; I WW feet Is claimed on Ilia me euuiiiennieriy irom tile plllllt or (US- itovery, The sulil rliilni Is on Ilia southeast by the Uold Una- and Uold Nnch lode claims: on tlia auulhwest by Ihe Unlit Mill lode elnlm; on the Imrtli west by I lie Uold Uuleh and lted Bull lode claims, and on the norlheast hy the While Hull lode claim, 0,111 acre of euld elnlni la In conlllct with (ha While Bull lode claim, the anld While Hull elnlin hav ln herelnfiire been imtenleil, and being now awnefl hy applliant. There are nu nfhee eotlflllililisr clitlnis tn (tin hnnuUI.,, of aillcant, -rue iioiiien rctiBia eiaim la tit reeord In acreage acreage BT. A Ur tree IS lnchrs In diameter. blazed and scrllied S .t.'5 U. T. beara 8. 15 dex. 80 mln.. W. M.2 fint. The center of the Red Bull shaft beara N. 44 dear. !t mm. V. 70.7 feet distant. Thence 8. 56 i . ..h.. lit niiimeivr, wr ".- . ini whu k,. BT. beara N. 4 ;'. "" ;" feet, and a hemlock tree SO lnchea In uTteit and a tr tree W ''"I'S",.?. AJ?& diameter, biased and acrlbeit t3Xb BT, iter biased and scrlt.ed -- l.J bears H. SS rteK. IS mln. K. Hal feet; thence a T 16 mln. K. W fet; thei ice N. N M & mtn K variation dea. is dee tS mln. W.. variation SO deg. . K s ft, Oll0h rimnina northerly 140 Ss5 feet to corner No. 4. a hewed UP fl,t Humml of rkWe ru,,, nrlh. mfst 4x4 1 Inches by 4 feet lonir set Inches WMl(trly ,, mheaatcrly ltlu.S fe. t to f.i the aim nd, with mound of at nea ,rw Kl, 5 identical with corner No, bribed whence lr tree 15 " '"' a. Hed Blr lode, thla survey, and on line K diameter, biased and ecrlbeil rff I S of U..I.I tlulih lode, this survey: 1VP bears N. o deir, i mln. K theme 8. U d.. an mln, K variation SO unde 1 r tr 10 Inch In diameter, d. r, K . IS TO feet. Bumrnll of rdlue run- '! " ".r,.", . HY. bear. N. W lea. l,. HtrlhHlelw i.n.l ...ull..."!....!.- fa" mi l V M. feel; tbence "S, 1454 1 feet to corner No. 1, the pluca of i2 mln. W. variation t? deg . , m n. b.. Wtsinnlna. no. a. a ws"i. . - liniu (inien l one. nlimninimi nnlmnrnearf sn.l iilM .".. V - variatlo-1 SO. U.K. 1U min. lands. e. The deeiguatiou "each crop eludes all grains, cotton, ccrn, rice ..... " ... nlrllwe i.i Inches by 4 feet KK, V i','.'.'.'! B. Hlnnlng at comer No. I. identical wllh . llvl Ilicues ij . ' T . comer no. 4. on lino S 4 i (, nrnuml. witn ,",, ;i inn corner io. , iten nun nme, ims survey, Red Hair ode, this survey, a hewed hem-l'elbed 61131. on line i s on line s-4 or He.i Uuir'ioiM, tins sur- .. - lock iMMt 4x4 Inches he 4 feet Ions- set IS r, 0 .h t. Lorvev: whence 0 pine re IS M. M, No. I. Wars H. 7 dea. ' in-. Inches In the with mound of , ?."iu In dlaihetcr.. biased ana n mlu. K. 139.S feet' theneefl. M de. ., atone, scribed t-l-Si-S. A tlr tree 4 feet ftLLi-s-IS UT. bears N. w ur: i ! mm. v variation m ilea, in mm. jr. . , euaf ,,n diamploP. hlaae! anil scribed 4-1-S.-5 STJ Zl, ami a Pine tree It ln ' '? im feet. Uuleh runnlii northerly tn.l , clover BT. beara N. !! deir. 60 mln. K. 13 feet, and jS ameter. t-lic ""'VecThVt ice 'wovery pnlnt of o.le In ne Sfs J , hemp- anti scrltW 4-1-33 BT. beaiw R Uck. 'k S dear. rim. &. vttf!2't)? i ..mi ' ttalr and Uold Hill l.atea, thla ui . nnta 45 ml"- " et. A hemlock tree 1 u mln. K.. 44.l reei. : - f lted vey. on line leei. nuiiiinii oi rmH ' oul" Inches In diameter, marked on two sides re-oectlvely of Uold Ml i'7. a, runnlua: imrthwi-sierly and a.ulhesierlv nreli.r.l thus 1XXX.V1. which ts a eornee nf the It, Tf- 'Tj.. h J this survey, on line ew re i .,. r,,iitllntt northerlV t! f-et v.. i. tne tn- i mw iu ..''"" - location, beara 8. 3v) deg. SO mtn. K. S3 feet Thence N. 3S deir. S mln. w. vari ation SO deg. 10 mln.. E. 1W J feet, to corner No. a. A hewed hemlock post set 1$ Inches tn the irround. with mound of earth and atonea. scribed 54325. A hem lock tree 20 Inches In diameter, biased and scribed &-4-KS BT, beara R & der. SO mln. W. 14.S feet, and a hemlock tree 20 lnchea In diameter, biased and acrlhed 54331 BT. bears N. 3 deg. 25 mln. W. 10 feet. A hemlock trea 12 tnehea tn diameter. marked on two aides thus (XXX). which He.l cace, scgar beets, sorghum, bay wild grasees.'gathered torage, flax bops, peanuts, tobacco, seed tropical fruits, small fruits, fruits, nuiwy and greeohons stock, broom corn, Irish potatoes, sweet pota toes and yams, all vegetables, including the product of all family truck, and market gat dene, etc.; also new or un usual crops, wben found . 9. The enumerator will ask for th number and value of the lire stock on farm June 1, 1900, which will be report ed under a nimber of beads, sucL s horses, colts, mules, asses, cows, beiters, steers, calves, bulls, ewes, rams, Iambs, swine, goatachickens (including guinea i t . i. - j .. i ... i iuwi;, iiiiinji, Km, ii ' eio. . ner. bears N. is dear, zo mm. w. ts reet. .i. Bml Intersect""? rv point If!, H- will .!. s.k lorlth. nn.m it. ? he easterly corner or a ?-aiamn mill r",. ,h, ,urvey w ir-j. - - lin to comer No, 2. Identical with rorner No Hair k.. nr 4. UuUt Hill led, and on tine 4-1, Uoldeti rteitlnnlna at corner ro, ,"""", ig KBlo lode, both of thla survey; thence rs! x lu.hea by 4 feet Ion, set w N a M m(n w m.1 feet to corner K?ehea in "he ground, with enouml jr N 4 ,)(l,,ti Kagle lode, thla survey, on It2J2 fi-rlbeil t-!C5; whence It. 8. M. Wj ,., l48- s fw, , .rtl,r No. , n hewed v 7 bears N 43 deK. 41 mln. j SL hemlm k post 4x4 lnchea bv 4 fel Ion. i Sr N- 'Ue, L0t mln 't 1 ftrVee In the ermind. with mound 'hi Hilll ItHle hara 8. KS M pf Pwr,h Brul .tone, scribed S-M5; whence 4..wi'i. null lode M S7.S leei. ...., ih of a lunnei " " .tir. itears r. ? e.. ai.v iw. . .. nnlnir aoutheasteriy V mehes 1 crinea an.t nr. oe Kin W l1 eet. A flr w"J?'. so mln. W. 14 2 feet, and a 43 mln. ais-i . .,.rt.d 1325 II I j .--i,,. i .ii.mie l,t. mn. K. fjuased 3-331 BT. bears N. S3 de reilnr Ires 4 fed In diameter, biased mi l acrlhed S-3". BT. bears N. dea. hemlock free biased and serltwd Is a comer of the location, beara N. Bl N- -m dear. W nrw-w-la r tree 'Sir jjiji a. t deg. 40 ', "i.. ".:vA..r.fc": i; , nea. s mm. c... vnnntion i lies;. min. i j ert!ed I os yu 1 mln. riiuo irp. r,, ...w .-. .-. " n K.. 601. 9S feet to corner No. S. A sawed I"" r ,48 feet: thence 8. M A?-i f, northwesterly SUM feet to corner No 4 flr poet x lnchea by feet long, set IV 5- Vsriatlon 19 deg. f ml. f... bbmtlcal with corner No 8. Bed Bull Inches In tha ground, with mound of J,-' IZl ime 1 ot U. 8. lot w y ,,, ,hta ,,rvevi thence 8. SS de. j stones scribed S-.'KS. A hemlock .tump. ISKTTbuI lode. t N, M d ea, 2 4 ml n.v. m y variation 19 def. M m il. V... which was Identified to me as tha stump jJJ mf, t from corner NS-,Ve this survey ! to comer No. I, the place of vi ira """i" ""rs."" "I""" '-,,r NO. 1 Of -'"" 'V.'LZ. jV of Uold BUB ' , . anrl vslne ol milk, cream, batter, cheeae. mouth of tunnel No. 1 bears 8. 19 dear. 10 , ' ' 1 mln. E. 5S4.2 feet. The ir ire W feet to corner No. eorner No. t of Uold Finch lode. j f Uold Finch lode, thht Jvc,y3 survey, and on Una 1-2 ot Uold tlLed IU post "",h" Vyii.rLound J'Mfe. this suney. IT. R M. W. N .h.r inchr. In the around. fHh mound j N 9 Beainnlnn at corner No t. Idenlteal with fills Hill No, ,1. month nf tunnel aw taina wn n saa mninaa assa ivrnn invap -w-- ... a ssr yt Bins tii tia i iBiaiiiB iriuue isivtvr f Haa ( ivu, av-n a. a t 'i-pa . r. erTv.r ivti. ( 11c 1 egge. beeswax, honey, wool, wine, cideri -J V,liS" A 'flr 24 flSei -"g .SS? NaaMrg" vinegar diied aad avapoiated fruit., for. n amand 4 feet and 31'. and generally all artielw.made at borne, ,crJbM m bear. n. 74 dear. 6 mm. W.. vrtailot. j1" act is Inches in the around, with m"'irid from farm materials in 1899. K. H.7 feet. Thence 8. dear. 2 mln. 55.fP1j. A feet. Bumm t Vhrterly "t lriea scribed whence a flr tree s7 tV """""J" ""' E.. variation deg. E.. 142S.J feet to cor- iuthweaterly and riohcaaierij Inches In diameter idased and a. rlbed 11. II ft person who moves from a farm ner No. 1, the place, of beginning. $ ," o 'rne!u?0.-,.e? A Tewed - T beers N. 67 deg. W. X feet. between the end of the crop year 1896.nd "-i: ofoo.d outch , ide. thta .survey. n A b VVMT.' ffl - t sk iiicjiiinh ni, its iiei litj, m. uu linn 1 .ae awa June 1, 1900, will leave a written reco.d Gold Bug lode, this survey. A hewed nr ; - .... 'a'.. f . Ipoat 44 lnchea by 4 feet long set Is Inches of tne producla and cropa 01 that larm .in the ground, with mound of stones. scrioea 1 u. H. M. M. No. 1, bears N. 71 deg. 51 min. W. 320.1 feet distant. The discovery shaft beara N. 8 deg. 7 mln. K. 2.b reer. a nr tree is inches in diameter, ne ground, with fnounn M w fi ,,,,, dl,Unt. thenca ,?d" jl6-42S BT. a Mr tree ,n K variation II dig. lameTer. biased and sert ii M , . r4 wrwr Nd. I a f!MLV. incheTln dlam- 17 feet and J'l i-S BT. bears tcr. maaed and scrifWJ thence N. 8. 3S deg. MnlJ "-.tiltlon 20 deg. K-. .A" .i-t-iHi1 1 , . 1 . . w . , . .. K 1 -hse uf lieara s- " , newen nr ii ",":v" 1 j5XS BT. r- is lnchea In dlam inches) In tha ground, wllh mound "nL JLkMA s & SS nr. ot' , .,,.. .eii,,i ilaaJi whence a Br tree 7 Inches In diameter. Mused end for 1899 where it will reach the appropri ate enumerator, the statistics of bis oper ations for that year will not be lost. He will be rt quired to give the enumerator of the district in which he lives on June 10m v. i . . icei; mence . ot aeg. mm. w., varia-i,hi- mirvev. on . bv 4 reel 7W , , J900 the acreage, value, build.ngs, tion 19 deg. E0 mln. E.. 260 feet. Summit !hl? w.-IX nr twst 44 inches by . asli M m, K, 7KtJ f mavHnery, implement, sd Lye stock of j- 0? iriU: the farm be tneU occuciel. imenucai witn comer no. 4 or v. b. lot (No. 27, White Bull lode. A hewed hem- 12, If every farmer will begin at once ilock post 4x4 inches by 4 feet long set , , ii . v t. ... I IS Inches In the ground, with mound of 10 prepare careiui recutu wi u ue stones, scribed Z 3iS. whence a double which enumerator will be instructed tot?1 '" ' 5l?!!!e,r'!ld F. S. Osgood, the fceattle man, who recently purchased tne Chancey Dale mine, u the Blue Eiver mining district, has let a contract to Lew Finn and Ed Pooler, to ran a tunnel in the game, dur ing this winter for the sum of $4.50 per foot, all materials to be furnished by Sir. Osgood. Work will be commenced on the tunnel at once. EogeneGuard. A gentleman was in Albany hut even ing to consult an Albany doctor in refer ence some small-pox near Kings Valley. Here ported three or four cases of the dis ease at Fort Hoskins a fewmiles beyond Kings Valley. The description showed it to be the same aa that experienced by the inmates of the Moon hospital. himself and the officer, and insure more accurate returns to the Government. 13. The twentieth century will begin on January 1, 1901. Therefore, tbe'peod ne Census will afford to future genera- linns m. messnta nt lh strength and run. 'milt. W. 9 feet, and a hemlock tree 24 uousa meaeuteor. ineeirengm ana con- , h . diameter, blazed and scribed se dition of the United States at the thres hold of tbe new hundred-year cycle. For that reason all should take an active inter est in making it as nearly perfect as poss ible. If each farmer will make his own report perfect, tbe aggregated report for eery community, and for tbe nation, will be perfect. Educate Tour Bowels Wish taucarets. to?.a25e? uacuXT2J0nS: toe court hoQ8e for Pillical meetings. The name of tbe McKinley and Hobart vm 3 ot i,ngene bas.been changed to tbe McKinlev Club straight and the club bss voted nnammouslyin favor of using CEHP US QfJE DOLLAP VmI Ulx swL . 4 aarncl t m wUh fl.OO, aasl VftUlinaiMlali KXIV iMru&imm thumb, mtm vwui, j iMtju & o. wttisMt TFCI1 HtsMu Ym cm umIm It atyMf atrct fMIH H CXew7M rcpaasati UsbI Smr bettor thaa ert;isB8 sVfvM-ilasl by mumtOUm PRICE $35.90 U tfcl.s 4ifwit, m 14.6 asU fn&tthmnt. THE PARLOR CEM 9 ikm m ftrtkAflui Aa BwiutiesBT TUAKit ininMM fHt , jrrom (U UiwstntUtm tshown. whiclk U nxruved clirect tromm pixotofrTwoh. routes Ujtw ome idemot It beautUul appesumawa, Mm4 &sMsmsfltfl iwrter sjsb west 4MB tvr wssuiat tM ttaireai pes unggm awry agj, isui i mttm WawUfaJ warersswtfT 4m in pammb auasl amswiir mth&r s.atassjs.g itttirmtitmi lieiuifee. (UKOf loc&ess on,xj loctie vidaad weitf&a smi Kunatv uonuunt ocutreM, 11 nopn, tu follows : issMtei. rrisTf i IsMMi, Mrtnaiii, ClMta, CrsjsisgHsV, BtaswCsMpsMV TrdsteCtMsl, - - IrigsiM rtti itw Vn tnugt I Ottoei taslm, 1 few ivsK, . 1 twta. Orgs, ftevefl. 4 fU mi Owliswtftal Tenrai IfmisnaHn PIm ' T t rmt4M7 BT4t, 1 llastssr 1 rf awH HlsUa BsssmU, 1 SeterfST Caaanshfflr VrtlUust lel Bawsssw, 1 ftetttS. ik rilss cWtvli. lwaiMW aweai, a m ear rsuif Mn mshuiii rufgrtsssl ' Ksmu. THE PARLOR CEM acUoa coo.liof tl CleWtoe1 HrwM MU, which atr oniy OMd in Ui high of lh be rubber cioth, iply bellows stock suid linen leather In TaUwea. THE PARLOR GEM ii f umUhed with 10x14 beveiftd piat French mirror, nickel plavterl sd&l fmme. sv&d sjry modorn lmprovint. hrnsteh frtM) sWCsm mk mi lb Mt tiM Wsak MbtlaM. GUARAWTEEP 25 YEARS. HWfR! iMua ft written binding Sf year ?tuvraUst, br th rn an a eonaiuons oiwaica uuj pr repair it IVm mt ekriv Trr it one month refund yonr money it fom svr not perfoctiy HtisflsM. of theorginwfn be sold tut 35e60 MUJl 1KKT ESaAY. OUR RELIABILITY IS ESTABLISHED gjg deatitwith ussuik w4vjriiU:hbor4viout ua.wrlt the publisher of thla paper or Metropolluui ,Zf" natioagu iu)k, oruorn nat. mtnk.oi Vobctmoi f r ion(or (WIT i: s OR sHWsWsW ,T2 CL g-iTesootws 5" snd ws win y" ssulld. MS k,i or uarmsn Lseiuuiffs UAtue, ftew koiici or sny rsilrosd or express eommny in Chicago, wi swsishuii m, oocupr entire one or the Ujvmi bupineas Slocks Ia chlcsjre. snd employ nearly sua people tn oar own bullfltng. WI ecu. OSdASS AT Stn-e eeS eel record in June, 1900, be will save time for H. 6.7 feet, and a hemlock tree 14 lnchea jin aiEuneier, Diazea ana scri!a s bears n. 4s dear, iu mm. v. zs.i reet: thence N. S3 deg-. 5S mln. E., variation 20 deg. 10 mln. E.. 234.88 feet to comer No. I. A hewed hemlock post 4x4 inches br 4 feet Ions set 18 Inches In the ground, with mnimil nf alniK. r rt Kutl 3 1 1 tV-. whAIIMI I lie .in. in b .i. uiaiiici.i, " scribed -1-325 BT. bear N. 40 dR. 40 aiavssvrai in uiamci,r;i viowtcu cm si it wiiuvai e- 1326 BT, beara B. la deS- W. 14.S feet; thence N. 5 deg. 25 mln. JS., variation 20 deg. 10 mln. K., 180 feet. Uuleh running northwesterly 30.8 feet to corner No. 4. A hewed hemlock post 4x4 lnchea by 4 feet long set 18 Inches In the ground, with mound of atones, scribed 4 i2a, whence a hemlock tree 10 Inches In diameter, blazed and scribed 4325 BT, bears N. 74 deg. W. 4 feet, and a hemlock tree 18 Inches tn diameter, blazed and scribed 4525 Ii. T., bears S. 41 deg. 60 min. W. 11.1 feet d la tent; thence H. 66 deg. ? mln. E.. varia tion 20 deg. E., 2&8 feet. Summit of ridge running northwesterly and aoutheasterly 672 feet. Gulch running northerly 75 feet. Ridge running northerly and southerly 8fcS feet. Gulch runninsr northerly 1475 feet. Main ridge running easterly and westerly 1509 feet to corner No. 6. A hewed tlr post 4x4 Inches by 4 feet long set 18 Inches in tbe ground, with mound of stones, scribed 6325, whence a fir tree 24 lnchea in diameter, Diazea ana scrinea e sua . T., bears N. 6 deg. E. 38.4 feet, and an other fir tree 24 inches In diameter, biased and acrlhed 6 32S BT. bears 8. 79 deg. 16 min. E. 109 feet; thence 8. 68 deg. 25 mm. w., variation is aeg. du min. . feet. Corner No. 1 Gold Bug lode. eurvey, on line oixi.3 feet to corner tbe place or beginning. :I1 Hal Lode. Tfecrlnn!ntr at corner No. 1. a hewed flr nasi 4x4 Inches bv 4 feet long set 18 Inches in tne ground, witn rnouna oi stones, scribed 1325, whence a flr tree 18 inches in diameter, blazed and scribed 1325 BT, beans 8. 72 deg. W. 26.9 feet distant, and a flr trea 10 inches In diameter, biased and scribed 1325 BT. bears 8. 64 deg. 5 mln. W. 42.5 feet. The discovery point of this location beara N. 72 deg. 2 mtn. ti. 3M7 fwt. Th mouth of an old tunnel running northwesterly beara N. 69 deg. 15 mln. E. 292 feet U. 8. M. M. No. 1 bears N. 10 deg. 23 min. W. 282 feet, corner no. 8 of IT. B. lot No. 37, White Bull lode, aa re-estaoiisnea from its bearing oojecis, neara r. i aeg. w mm. ej. w.e iw.. ih.tif. rJ (A flr mtn. V... variation 19 aeg. 60 mm. K., 13S. reet. imerwci iim 7 a or u. B. lot iso. si, wnue bun i'uj, i N im rir ia mln. w 9 is eet from cor ner No. 8, 140.4 feet. Intersect line 41, Red Balr lode, this survey, 261.8 feet. Intersect line 8-1 of U. B. lot 37. .White Bull lode, at N; 33 deg. 12 mln. E. 102.1 feet from cor ner No. 8, 301.7 feet, corner No. 1 of Gold Back lode, this survey. In line 600 feet to corner No. 2 on line 61 of Gold Back lode, thla survey. A hewed flr post 44 Inches by 4 feet long set 18 Inches In the irround. with mound of stones, scribed Z 323. whence a flr tree 24 Inches In dlam- 5a, AaJ U fKjAt I rn irr ... .... I ssis le 7 ewe e - .. . ., I I is I 3 1 1 If r - - 7. - Trr ii ft lWWrW'rJti.flitaiatoUsM fk to cornr No, i tnch uy 4 fi I has srrriliFl.l With 90 " j!VLmS 4 mound or tone. crlbi-d j wMc wktu null lode. """i. v tinn m ice; ,8 of W. 8 . "min' Wars N. 4 dug. So mln. K bears B. M f . "'" lhec. N. M d.g. 26 mln. K.. ice B. 65 dog. 'J?ln,i dg. K., ' fet to corner N variation 20 6. iMi'iill- Kliit'li Iwle, r.. " - - .. . tn min. r.. . '" - . ..i, i wun mrnar r. i a. .ij variation w , u B. lot K. th1 ,urvKy; thenc, N. 15 dg. 69 mln. W., !n'."e,i..! n?iVat B. 4W. variation 2 deg. E., .6 fet to eorm r No. S dg. No i H 5 n!j fwt from corner KOL.;-1outh. Identical -J??n .( mnht ridge, .runn n souin p0rve. .5'il- .nd northeasterly variation 20 Wrr;s tr - Uuff ICHsT. a.. T tersest llna v-s. v. "r . Identical with corner No- 4. Uold s'lncli, tnsnce r.. tin anil. v mm. -. deg. Is.. ei.7 reel to corner AP. niuM No. L the placa of beginning. . . teriWi feat to corner NO. , The Red bull claim la of recora in tne vyt 14;ii.I!f . . 'orllca of the county clerk of said county 01 """ooTde- F.ale le- Uca) , Linn, .state ot p-a. ino ,in corner f Tiiu.iv of J, OI voium. no. , m ...r.. Ba,nn!n. w. 1 .nd reepectlvel o . , in ilnl)ttr tW!t J, claimed I ." . . .,,. ,.ut,.B. Ill . .7 . . . . . ..1 .. 1I...I t trie vein, wnicn is wwn .u.imi.j ..n.riil rniirse or direction said vein Is parallel wllh tha side Unas aa anown hiwu m ,,.. aoout norinwinii About 76 feet Is southeasterly from - n,l mIuiiiI 119ft rt ii-cJoin lode1 this , iQ j northwesterly from th, point of d.acov- r.' nnrthweateriy.. hem- -""". r witn p "-fii..i ' and Lawler placer claims. There ' K "i "f set west by tha Cold Gulch lode claims; on y 4 ff'-ima of the north weat by the Bed Ho. k placer "r r..Mu ih Krounu, wu "'r-"- . 'claim, and on the nortneasi tiy ine veu in (iii ii r.i. ... . . .1 i -jcn.- m ,1. . -- . . , . i . .ii . Titnr. -ii. ..ii stones acriueu , kissed Jtocn ana i.wii pi.i Vi... . arjk trJe 18 lnchea in diameter, bla" i corlnimlnS claims to the knowledge bem bribed i-VJ, BT, eara B. a o s f appl(clin, 41, and a cedar JJ"Dr-d I The "oold Back cla m Is of record n county of Linn, lftt of Oregon, t pHtf volume 4. of Mtnfng Ilerord of Mid iMilifilw t a f.lttn alMlai - , "it -" ut i'afira, (( 1 ' S4 " 4, volume 4. of Mining Iteinnls t snlil emmty, 16m linear fwi Is cliiliiiril nlung inn viiin, wiiit'll is won ni'nnnl Tile pre. sumed getifrnl eounwt or direction if said vein Is parallel with tha side lines of said claim, aa shown upon the pint post, ml lirr.'Hlili, anil Is almiit nortltwestnrlv Iti sniilhenslerly, l!M feet la tlitlm. on Ina luila north westerly ftum Ihs imlnt of dleeavery. The sulil claim Is Iwiuuitnil nn Hie amithenst hy the Unl.l.'ti Crown lode .luiln: on the sotithwnst niiil mi the tinrilt. wost ny ttitsiirvevfii gnvernment land, an1 mi inn nnrtneast uy in,. u.,i,i iimh-Ii and lnlil lllll In. In niliilnir ilntins. 1hirM are no ronnirtlng claims to the knowledse of apidleatit. The Uutilen Trown elnlm Is of r,.iiir.l III the ittllea of the eoiinly elerk nf aalil I'fllllllV II f I .III It Stllln Of Orrsilll. at liHOrt iS, Viilumn 4, of Mining Itectirda f S'tld r.iiiniv. mi linear fet't Is clnliitmt along lh vein, which Is w.tll di-tlitoil. Th nre- siimeil unirriil rniirse or rtlrerllon of sndt ln Is imnil VI with tha iil. 1 ties of said i-lnlm, aa shown iihun tlm nlitt iKistrd li.T.-ttlili. and Is alimil norlhwi-sterlv tn iotitlteatirl. tM Is i lullilnl on tha Imta smitlmnslfrlv from Ihe ttoltit of dls- nverv, Tho ai rliilm Is linuml.ii on lh smtlheitsl and nn Hie aniHhwest he unsurveyed vovrtimenr tiuid' nn th ntirlhwest hy the (itildun Kt?le (rule claim. n i on tn norttiKant .v liio liodi mil inil rinlil I'ltniiiin IihV rl .Ini... Thrra are u ennnl'-iltig rlnlms to ilia knowledva of the applicant. The- uold lllll claim Is or record In the fhea of tha county elurk of sold emtnly .f l.lnn. stale of Oregon, at tins tMl of volume i of Mining Hecords of anld conn tv. l.VW linear fet Is claimed slime the vln, which I well dltnrd. The presumed general pursa or direct Inn of said vsln Is pnriill.1 with Ihe side lines of ssld liilm aa slinwn tumn the ulat nnstcd herowlth. and Is a limit northwesterly la southeasterly. 150 fwt la claimed on the I. nlu northwesterly from tha point of discover. Tha said claim la bounded on tha southeast bv tha fluid Finch and Hold Pannnn lode claims: on tha soul h west by the Golden frown end Oold-n Rl lode rlalms: on the northwest hv Ihe Gold rluli'h loda elnlm. and on the northwest by Ihe lted Hair lode claim. Thsre are no irnnrticilng claims to tha knowledge of ftp. pnrnnc. Th lold Ctilch claim I of record In the office of ha count v rlmrk of aald county of l.lnn. alala of Oregon, at page WT. vitluma 4. of Mining Iteeorda of said rountv. IWO linear fent Is claimed along the vein, which la wll dsflned. The pre sumed general eourso or direction of said vein be parallel with tha side llnea of snld claim, as shown tinon the plat imstud herewith, and U about northwesterly ta southeasterly. 18A0 fft Is elalmod ou tha lode northwesterly from tha point of dis covery, Tha said claim fa bounded on the enutheaer hv tha ld Dnlr and tha Gold Hill loda clalmar on the southwest tv tha Golden Rsgla ld claim and im surveyed government land; on Ihe north west by the fled Hock nlaeor claim, and on Ihe eortheast ly the Tied Hull tnda Halm. There are no conflicting claim to the linnwledsa of applicant. The Hold Cannon elnlm Is of record In the nltlc of the county clerk of said county of I,lnn. atat of Oreaon. at paga St. volume 4. of Mining Uncords of ssld county, iwwi linear rt is cinimi aiong the vein, which Is well denned The nre- sumed general coii-s or direction o' aald vxln la parallel with tha aid llme of anld claim, as shown ttnnn the plat pot"d herewith, and la about northwester! to southeasterly. About 910 fact Is rlalmsd on tha loda aoutheasterly from tha point of discovery and aiiout wn feet non westerly from the point of discovery The aid elnlm la bounded nn tha antMhsns' hy unpatented ground: on the southwest hv unsurveyed government lend, and hy the Golden Crown loda claim: on tha noethweet bv Gold 1'MI lode elnlm. ind on tha noMheast by the Gold Winch lone claim There ar no conflicting clelms lo the knowledge of snnllcsnt. Anv and all nersons claiming adversely the mining r round veins ImVs nretnlses or anv portion thereof described, sur veyed, nlstted and enntled for are here, hv not I fled that iinlesa thele adverse einlres are did filed as according to law end tne regiilatlnna thereunder, within SO rfsvs from the rlnte hereof, wllh the reg isler of ITnl'ed Btstea lend nfnee at Oeeeni citv. In the etet of Oregon, they will he bsreed in virtu of tha provis ions Of said etie CHAnt.KB TI. Mns" Register T. tin 4. a hewea h.i in the ve n, wnicn is wen aiiiim. ; i"- 5i?chew bV 4 t'et long. ntJlr"bd sumed general course or direction of said 4,n2ff.y with mound of elop.'fJJSEr vein la parallel with tho alda Unas of 'fa h? inihea In ameter, biased ndw No. 1, 12.326 BT, bears 8. -" ,a llM.heB in and another n.- fibed 4-325 t. mameter blazed V; thence 8. beara 8. 32 oeg. V-vaI.ia.on 20 deg. J M deg. 62 "lin. E., varmw . mln. SI. WL7 iAHUi "ni "oM Gulch rriactlvely of Oold HI l anct2 lodes, this survey, on iin No running nv. ...j. --ng, l the place of lP"'' iide. 1 V old Lr?Zn l a hiwed pine Beginning at corner No. 1. a ne potx4 inches I by 4 feetl f fnchea In the flEjSS,-, whence U. B. stones scribed 'JT1 g deg. B. H5 if. M. No. X beare N. n am- & b! 40"de7 ' -'J aTametV.eW aeg. mla W 26 9 feet; r.K., 59 mln. variation w oeg. w nlng So ret. Bummlt of main rwg. fet c?Wnon;.nd4C Hill lodea, tnis fuh eomer No. . corner No. 2, Identical W thencs 3. Gold CannOT woe in., e. u fleg., m.ll w 1 e.rrtbln In Bm.lcaHnrtrnmeBt. st lowest wholesUe prl.. Write for freespeeial 'e 28? feet distant-thence S 81 deg " 69 erasa, puno sad muku instrument estalogos. Aoanes. I ITriiiliiri iiiitiiiull mi.M. aniTTi ' , 2- nistanr inence b. ih oJb- g, .7 - e-n, , , . ' VT "s.sssisiissin;ssanisi aiiiw.t mln. E., variation 19 deg. 60 mln. E . 196 SEARS, ROEBUCK A CO. OacJ, Fslten, Desplaine snS Wajsus f U., CHICAGO. ILL. t- Gulch runs southerly 403 feet. Sum mit of ridge running northeasterly and southwesterly 710 feet. Gulch runa south westerly 1408.2 feet to corner No. S. A hewed flr post 4x4 Inches by 4 feet long deS 'V.'feet VcmiV"No.t 80 mln. E., -i.'tnehes by 4 feet Ion. WS1 .flr4?he "ground" with motin sei is -" --". iM. whence m or SJ 222! imeblaaed and snibed eter. blazed and scribed 2-325 BT bears Jlja BT. beara N. fe. n diftmeter. N. 35 deg. 30 mln. E. 19 feet, and a flr '7 and a flr tree ""it'Vars B. . tr 10 1..!, In Hl.n.l, M.4 -nA ..'V ' -A arirlhed 8 325. HI. "L"-' 1 niaicu ' thence UW 25 feet- Bn, . ot o Corner No. JllUlh.k port 4,4, Inches bv i tree 18 lnchea In diameter, blazed and scribed 2325 BT, beara N. 88 deg. 5 mln. W0olr' line 2-4 of OoldOulch ; ijojjly cTalm, , ,h0wn upon the plat post- ed herewltn, ana ia auoiit nonnwrnmi to southeasterly. About 260 feet Is claimed on tho lode southeasterly from the point of discovery and about 1260 feet north westerly from the point of discovery. The said claim Is bounded on the southeast by unsurveyed government iano, anu oy m Gold Bug loda elnlm; on tha southwest bv tha White Bull loda claim: on the northweat by tha Red Bull lode claim .a the Trailer nlncer claim, and on tha .nrihw.ii hv unsurveved government land. There are no conflicting claims to . lHAa.le ennllennt. L 1 1 ' ' I IV, " . " v . -1- ' ... The Gold ug cniim is or recom in i"" office of tha county clerk of said county Af T Inn etntn of tireiEOn. at PHKS O-l 111 volume 4. of Mining Records of said coun ty, 1600 linear feet Is claimed along the ... I .i,ii, i. watt tanned. Tha nre- umed general course or direction or earn vein IS parallel witn int km . ,Za aald Claim, as snown upon inn v?"" herewith, and Is about northwesterly to southeasterly. About 1400 feet Is claimed on tha loda southeasterly from the point of discovery and about 100 feet north westerly from the point of-discovery. The said claim la bounded on the north east and aouthweat by unsurveyed gov ernment land: on the southwest by the Gold Finch lode claim, and on the north west by the ned Balr, White Bull and Gold Back loda mining claims; 0 028 acre of aald claim Is In conflict with the Red n.i. .loin, heine- included In the appli cation for patent of which this la notice and 0.058 sera of aald claim to In conflict with tha White Bull lode claim, tha ssld White Bull lode claim having neretorors been patented, and being now owned by applicant. There are none mner conincr- tng Claims to ina iivw.i. w. -.-----, '"Tha Gold Finch claim Is of record In the office) of the county clerk of snld county of Linn, state of Oregon, at pnge. Should Pass, Congressman. Tonga, has introduced bill In tli lower bonsa and 8enator Mc Bride one in the senate providing for a pension of 8 a month for the Indian wr vetetant in the Northwest. There are " 'i, w ",:;-a .r.., new, It is siaien.ons inousanu survivors, S2"fn.h.te seven fhoni.ndu who orrlgln.llv voiisiru, anil lll'ra uuimrru mim vi vst-rstis. The Oregon delegation bava all Iskeo considerable interest in tbe matter and will push the bill. Last year it parsed lb senate, bat was bald op by (;rr Keed, who Is now oat of the war, - . - - V . - , m Itn mouna m '"" ;nh-. in aiam- whence a hemi'vs. ire. . so that the bill Hands a math better chance. Linn county is well represent ed in tbe list of veterans and nndr Csi r. Wheeler ire using their best efforts o seenre tha recognition .tbey are entitle I to William Dunn, a we I-known tele graph operator, died of consumption at tne nome oi mi mower n eaiem on eat urdav. He was married onlv a tow months ago in Jacksonville, to Miss Anna Helms, who survives him, A. R. McCoy has recently invented an ingenious bowling board , to be played with pins and crokioole disci. The Led ) forty indies long, ard it ii arranged for two. one at each end. with backs to atop the pins, easily lowered when the discs are snapped. M. L. Maglauuery left lor Salem thl ' mirning where be will put in an ageno for tho Call. 11a secured a large list n A'bany which Capt. Phillips will buvj e targe of, and is a rut!er. The are eighty thousand British trxs 8 outh Africa and more be sjut. e y wSWba neeJud.