The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, December 22, 1899, Image 3

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Make good Christmas glfta. We have lota o( lfsndksr
chiefs bed tlitm Imported specially for ui last summer.
We have them et 2tfo each end (or (2,00 each and at
bout twenty price between.
We have Initial Handkerchlefa, all Hi an, at 25a et.d at
ftOoeeoh. Embroidered Handkerchief by tbe hundred.
16c, VOa, 25c,iiUo and very
Handkerchief at 60o. Ilanikrchle'a of sheer linen wl'b
lace trim at 60c j look Ilka Hip would coat wore. With
better laca at f, II
Coma to tha (root tlili lima of year and wa ara ready for
trada. Wa have nrarly one hundred down of (ha new
aleeo gloves. Wa bava them at $1.00, at 1.25 and at
11.60 par pair. Almoet any H ad, any slsa. Than wa
have a better line at fl.70 lo oolora and 13 00 In
Tby ere all tight.
S. E. Younf &Son.
At the
For Christmas Fancy Work
stamped Embroider Linens and
tli silks, boops and thraad.
Battcnburg Work
tha Pattarna,
flralda, Buttons
ajd Thread.
Crochet and Knitting Yarns
Fancy Canvas,
Down Cushions,
New Cushion Cords,
Pin Cushions.
A variety of
Handkcrchief Linen and Lacca
riala linen hemttlched, em
. broldered and Batlenhnrg and
Kenaiesance tare, dollies and
centerptecea ready made.
A Bfeelet Eicorslon will to ton on I La Boolhtrn Faclflq to Ban Krsnclsco,
eavioi Albany ,
December 26, 1899 at 11 p. m.
Fare for round trip $17.
lor tlcketeor information call on C. B. Wmo or addreea Dr. 0. W. Barr, Leb
anon, Oi. Tickets must ba secured two days before tha excursion.
To tha cttiaeos of Albany and vicinity a invite you fj
to call and frast your ayes on tba many V
beauiuui inings
rvl. for tha
F. M. French Jie.
(in Una nf
WeVhes, Klnk8,Obalna, Jewelry,
fjllverware and Silver novelliea la larger than
at any time during tba 20 years of our bualneaa In Albany.
Our Specials.
Good for stock on hand.
Wa bava a Special High Grade Coffee tbat cups aa well aa many 0j
gradea. Our apeclal price 26o lb. Try it.
Cur Vinegar cannot ba equaled, and wa atlli bold the price 16c srallon
We winiglveyoniSIpke. Extra Choice Mush for only 25c.
Wa bava a tuli;iine of Grocer Itsjand Provisionsjat reasonable prtcea.
Call and examlnelour goods.
Albany Trading Co.
Vance Building, Second St.
Try Parker Bros.
1 For the best Groceries,
Baked Goods,
Fresh Produce
70 aud 2.00 tacb.
A complaint waa Clad with tba county
:lrk batslnrlii ami In tha Circuit Court
(or fllram llumpleby agt Walter, .
Cline el al, for tha foredoture of a mort
ises. Hewitt A Box attorneys.
dAhI, 1 V (Jarnleh to A T McCul-
ley, 134 iota uryenti an to Alb
any I 2!X
Dead, Hrat National Bank lo J. V.
Littler, VI laet ironi on ttroadai-
bin Kt at Seventh 000
Deed, W II Vail to A F Goocb, 100
acres 13 Kl WQ
Wm Landnth by aheriff to J 11
Walker, 3 acre H w 4 2
U 8 to W 11 Vail. leOtcrea Patent
Cbatel mortgage for 60
leg Broken.
While working la the Jogging camp on
Klger'a Island thla side of (Jorvallla tbia
morning, uunton uiemeos met wim a
aerioua accideot. A bona fall on blm in
ucb a wav aa to break ona of bla lege.
lie viae brought to Albany, and taken to
tbeollieeol Dr. J. u, Hill wbotet bie
leg, and be waa taken on tba afternoon
train to bi borne at Jeffenon.
A la!l young man
ltut be la not entitled to aa much aa
tba One stock of candiea, outa and fruiu
at V. II. 1'feifler'a.
You can ret them either by wholesale
or retail at tba loweat retee tor quality,
See FM French,
the Jeweler, for
Holiday Goods.
wa nave onoia
Naw Year
and Fruits.
Rev. Cane of Amity la In tie city. ','
W. E. McPbftreon of Portland.! In tha
city. Mr. McPheraon waa loroierty In
the real ratte business in thle city. I
Mrs.KsteMarlnan, who haa been teach
ing echool atHheridan aeveral months re
turned to Albany this noon.
General Com pson iaalill In the field
and will deliver a lecture In one of Ptit
land'a suburb tomorrow evening.
Mine f lutilai Friendly for many years a
resident of Corvallla is now a teacher in
the schools at Sitka' Alaska.
Mrs. Edward Emerson Gore, of Med
fori, and her fnnd, Mra. Granville
Height, ot Albany, are viiitlng friends
In A. bland today. Ashland Tidings.
The Uoseburg Pleindraler, rep., men
tlook the following gentlemen aa repub
lican randldates for state r nstor s Judge
I. ('. Knllerton, A. M. Craaford and A.
O. Martian.
A pleasant dancing party was given
last evining at the home of J. O. lioylee
threoor miles from Albany. A
'Of crowd of young people headed by
t. iriniuio aiienueu iroin Albany.
No. 2 s social held laet evening at their
ball was a very enlovab e affair, areailv
enjoyed by forty or fifty members and
their families. A abort program waa
rendered, and there were refreshments
and amusements.
William Ifoean.a former Ronton roun.
ty boy who recently retired from the
stock busineer in Eastern Oregon, after
making an entire success of the business,
haa settled permanently at Albany,
wncre lie nae turciiateu. and now oc
cupies a hands jine homeTimes
Licence waa issued todav for the mar
riage of 8, A. Laasell, a prominent young
man oi una county, aon ot n. u ijw
suit. of Tallman, and Mine Grace Living
ston, one of Albany's brightest and
most accomplished young ladies. A
large circle cf friends will throw rice at
thorn alter the wedding to-night at the
home of the bride's patents.
Miis a. Darker of Albany.gran J chief
of the Degree of Honor, and an amiable,
eecompli.hed young lady.made Madrona
louge oi jscusoovuie an oiilcial visit
Friday evrning, accompanied by Mee
demee Burrlsa aod Cssey of Ashland.
I be occasion was entirely impromptu,
but neverttielesa proved a plessant and
profitable one. there ware a number i
social featurea conoected wilb it. includ
ing a Dice lunih.- Jacksonville Times
Miss Barker wilt go to Lakeview before
returning to Albany,
Quick Payment.
Msyor Burkhart received this after
noon from Toronto. Canada, ibe bead
office of tba order of Fc restore, a cbrck
for 12,000 In favor of Mra. Maseia Blod
ett. In payment ot tba beneficiary of
tar late husband, E. K. Blodiett, in that
order. Mr. Blodsett died on Nov. 29,
and the proof of death waa not made
until aeveril daya afterwards, being filed
in tha Toronto office on the Htb. The
promptness ot tha payment speaks for
tba splendid management of tbe o.der.
ACnaisTMAS Bkcsition. On Christ
mas afternoon tba Albany lodge of Elks
will give a novel reception at their ball
In this city. It will be solely for child
ren, boys and girla noder twelve yeara of
age, aod all to tbe city will be invited.
Th ameanaa big crowd. Every young
gueet will ba preeeoted with a eouvenir
ana tnere win be enteriatnintnt lor
tbem during tba afternoon with refresh
ments, gamee, etc. CompeUnt com mi t
teea bava been appointed with R. B.
Montague aa chairman of general ar-
rangemente, H. J. Hopkins, tbe Exalted
Kuier, of rout to and entertainment and
rogram, Fred Dawson of Invitation, I..
I. Marshall to invite mlniatera. Henry
Klrecb on decoration, Miaa Marguerite
Uopkiason herding tba youngster. Tba
event promiere to be one tbat will long
ba remsmbeed.
WhatThit Got. At tba poultry ahow
In Eugsna tha only two Albaoyfcxhibitora
swept ft he the field in their liner. On
black l4mgabaae A. W. Blackbirn took
fiitt premium on his pen, first, second
and third ou cockerel, flrat and second
on ben, first, second and third on pullet.
V.u. wood worth touk first on pen on
bie Silver Laced Wyandottea, first and
third on cockerel and second and third
n pullet. Douit Waasom was present
with bla turkeys and captured five pre
Stop at Will & Stark's
For Holiday Goods.
Thav bava a large and elegant Una o
lewelry, silverware, watchee, clocks and
many novelties, suitable for Christmas
Sea their eouvenir spoons .
See tbeirdiamonds.
See their beautiful ring.
Sea their many silver novelties.
Sea their pretty chains.
Sea their cut glsss.
See their gold and silver watches.
See their canea.
And many other choice linea of goods
of superior quality at reasonable pncea
Christmas Packages.
Called tor and delivered by Messenger
boys, or can ba left at rostal lelegrapb
Office. Call Phona No. 5.
Tbia is the week when a young man's
fancy turns to thoughts of where he can
get tne best coniectionary ror ma girt.
The verdict ia unanimous that F. II.
Pfoifier's la the place to go.
The Best
Christmas Confectionary
At F. H-Prclffer's
Open your purse and order early.
See FM French,
the Jeweler, for
Holiday Goods
Tin and Granite ware at
On unq & Hclucht's.
Bullar has not eroased tha Tugela.
many bullets ahead of Duller.
Tha eupreme eourt of flllbols ba lust
bsld tba anti-department law passed by
tba last legislators of lbt a' ate uncon
stitutional. Tha department aiora will
continue to squeete out the small deal-
era, it la tne spirit ol the dav.
That most wonderful of military
dramas, Bbrcsndoab, will bo presented
In Portland next week. In view of tbe
fact that fllty horses appear on tbe stage
at time it Is not oeccesary to slate tbat
tba play will not be brought to Albany.
Had ChrUt lived physically until next
January, as time Is counted, ba would
hava completed nineteen centuries of life,
ana no would begin bla next century at
I list time and not when ha waa vaar
old. That is all there ie to tbe queation,
and tha Orraonian and other lru
vision ia obstructed should do some more
Tba Oregon liar will bava to give place
to tha Mietouri liar. He who haa per
trated tba following:
"A farmer wanted to set a conole of
ears of new corn, lie weot out in the
field to pick tbem. The stslks wsre so
tall that the eara were beyond bie reach.
He then boosted his boy op to get the
ears. The boy did not come down tbat
day nor tbe nrxt woik. The old farmer
died; when begot opto heaven be aaked
if bis boy aaa there. Uh waa told tbat
boy passed tbrouitb tbe dav before on a
corn stalk."
Tha Rosoburg Review stirs op Brother
Skip worth aa follows:
Use E. K. HklDWOrth. of uvene. has
a letter in tbe Oreeonlan denouncing.
both McKinley and Bryan, fckipwortb
waa once a democrator thought be
waa and is a brother-in-law of tbat ih
lustrlous but unfortuoate oflice-aeeksr,
Marun turner ripes, wbo ran lor dis
trict attorney in Multnomah county on a
free silver pfU'orm in June, and in tbe
following November voted for McKinley
becaute be represented the sold atand-
ard. Tbe only national ticket tbat would
sutt tneae two stateemen would be M. L.
Pipes for president, an i E. R. Ukipworth
far vice-president. Too bad be can't get
some one to nominate tbem to office
"anything to get office,"
Floe Things tor Christ man
Lemon a
Da tea
Baldwin Applea
Brazilian Nuts
Pecan a
Pino Kota
Ben Davia Applea
At Viareck'a Sugar Bowl, 2nd street.
W here can t ou get the finest confect
ionary in the city for Christmas T
No quest jon, but wbatF IPieaffer'a ia
the p.ace.
Corvallla. on Monday. Dec. 18. 1899,
at '.he residence of tbe biide'a mother,
by Iter. P. 8. Knight, Mr. Bealto
Weatherford, aon of Hon. J. K.
Weatberfoid, of Albany, and Mica
Erma Horning.
On account of recent deatba in the
family of the bride, the wedding was
- - . ... I i . ..Ua
rivate. Alter a weaning Dreaai m
annv conole came to Aloany and im
mediately to the farm of tba groom, near
Harriaburg, tbe residence on wbicb haa
been fitted op for them in excellent taste
where they will reside. Tba groom is a
Ufa lane resident of Albany and an ex
cellent young man, while the briae is
highly apoken ol aa an eaumaoie you
lady. They have tbe beet wishea of a
host of Irienda.
New Goods in All Lines.
For Christmas.
There are no more suitable Christum
presents than those kept In a first class
clothing store. The Blaia C'.othlng Co. ia
this year particularly well equipped to
meet the demands of the public. W bat
ia more appreciated by a gentleman than
A fine necktie,
A pretty handkerchief,
A pair of slippers,
A pair ol gloves, dress, driving or
A well made ahirt,
A muffler,
An artiatio pair of suspenders,
Or a auit of np-to-date clothes.
They have them.
At flie BLAIN CLOTHING Company's
The Coming Cackle.
rTba naw premium Hat to, ,h. Oregon
state rooury Association exhibition to
be given at tbia city January 2-27. 100o
Is Just ofl V. I. Smlley's presses, ona of
the neatest pUces of work of the year
Tbe list shows over MOO In premioms to
oe Riven ufsiaee several special pre ml
urns, and there ia a anap and cackling!
atyla al out it that means that there will
be some line em laid dorin thaeshlbU
(ion. ine association la In aoma anlan.
did bands, and there ia no quae ion
about the success of tbe com Ins exhibit.
There are pilte
Of candiea and nute
At F. II. PfalfWa in. . ..t.
Vbristmaa treea. Special ratea eiven tori
. . m va atiw MIIJIUK
"rge quanmiea lor Christmaa fertivele.
Cream mixed, fancy mixed, petite!
mlie', broken mixtd, mixed and
French mixed candiea at tba Buear Bowl
2nd street.
See E Ai French,
the Jeweler, for
New stock of Dolls and Toys juat opened. We invite your attention
to this line.
in China l amps and Fine Glassware we can suit you at a very mod
erate price and hope to etcare a call.
J. A.
To Please Everyone.
Wa have juat received a nice selected line of Holiday
Goods, that wo consider strictly op-to-date, and t book!
? lease almost everyone. Our line n compoeed of A 'bums,
oilete Caere, Collar and Cuff Boxes, Necktie Caea. Hand
kerchief and Ulove Boxes, Comb, Brush and Tray Seta,
Medallions, Bonbon Boxes, Jewel Caree. a fine line of La
dies Pureee and tba moat complete line of new Perfumery,
ever brought to Albany. We guarantee evtry thing wa
Call nnd look our line over, jcuden't lave to coy.
Wa want yon to aoe the goods.
Burkhart Lee.
or a Cook " a Stove
or a Stove " Utensila
or Utensils " Groceries
or Groceries Dishes
or Dishes " Spoons
or Spoons ' Knives and Fork
Let ne topply ail except the Cook, any
good Kubtler can get a co k.
F. E. Allen & Co.
x4S- -i m i - .y
aV ' "a'm..jj niiswaiiiDii II i jtir
I The Modern Mother
Haa found that br little ara in-
gentle remedy, than by nay olb.r.
t hild-
rea enjoy it and it btntfils them, laa
true remedy, 8vrup of Ftgs. ia manofaot
ured by tbe California Fi 8rapCo, only
See F H French.
the Jeweler, for
Holiday Goods.
Fresb pickled !ttine. nickled clas feet.
olives and manyother Par'
aer uroa.
Call in and aee our t -'. data lino ol
Airtight Heatere.
UnXMQ ft tlClBCBT.
See F M French,
the Jeweler, for
Holiday Goods.
Af ATI7C nA po'i'hei
LjA. 1 HO by D 8 Young.
6th and Thurston Bts., Albany. Leava
orders at French's jfwelry store.
jV y V s" w r v -
Careful clothing buyers
never consider quality
alone or price alone.
Its the happy union so
fully met with right
here that strikes home
to our consciousness like
a bullet from a rifle.
You know this make I
-1 . 1 V au f f
i . w J . ai i . v a) t. v J a v