The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, December 22, 1899, Image 2

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    flic jSetiwrat
Agatnst theCtlutublai Muuth. ',
Referring to an item in the Democrat
ebsut vtsselt passing through Astoria
or Portland after their cargoes the At
rian give the Astoria tide of traaspor
etio n matters a follows:
If the Democrat studies this matter ot
hips ga'aj up to Portland after wheat,
tidies tha matter fairly and without the
bannot tn Ofegmian'siaflaencs, it will
couie to the conclusion that the people
of the Wuhmette valley have more real
came for concern to. the common point
eeaport question than has I Astoria.
benefit from belnit made a wheat atrip
nlmr o rt waald be indirect and nnlest
other commercial enterprises followed
Astoria's gain would he very limited.
The tosage of the ship from Astoria
to Portland and return and the attend
ant expenses ere paid for by the farmer
Certainly no one else will pay ' the bill
It may be said "the wheat koet through
Portland." How is it to be taken to As
torn, 100 miles for nothing? Will mak
ingAttjriaa shipping point eliminate
by some unnatural process the cost of
that extra haul .
The answer tj reUy. Whsat loads
at Albany on the care should be deliver
ed at the month of the Columbia river at
the same rate now charged to Portland
Grant Portland a differential, but put
be Oregonian seaport on the same foot
ing regarding railroad freight Iwith Se
attle and Tacoma. The Oregonian, in
editorial of October 26, and speaking for
the 0. R.& S.Co., acknowledged that
freight rates from the interior have been
and are too high. Why hasn't the Ore
gontan preached tnat doctrine long ago?
But these matters are the A B O of toe
Astoria proposition. Tbe ultimate lose
of the orevailme shipping condition in
Oregon falls on tbe farmer. The Imme
diate gain go?e to the transportation
companies. If the spectacle that brings
these facts to mind are nnpleaaant and
disagreeable to the papers of Astoria it
is because tbiy realize all that preeent
arrangement! mean. If tbe Democrat
ia uncojctrned it is because it has not
yet discovered that tbe people of Lion
county pay for the dilay and ct ol
banting tboee ships nnnecceesarily np
and down tha Columbia and Willamstt
To tbe people of Clatsop county the
disciiminaton against the month of the
Colombia rivar is a brake on the possi
bilities o! trade and growth in the entire
Colombian basin. To the people of
Linn count it means hard money ex
torted every year from their pockets.
John J. Lints got sarcastic in a speech
in Congress as follows:
We are in favor o! nominating W. J.
Bryan and we will put in a plank against
truete, and we will put tn a plank
egainct imperialism, and we will put io
a plank against the British alliance, an
alliance that is now open and .apparent.
They are shooting down liberty in Sooth
Africa while yoa are shooting it down in
the Philippine islands. That is evidence
caScient that both governments are
operating npin parallel tines. Tbs firat
blossom ol liberty in the Orient to be
at off by the republican party of the
United Statet, the firet tubstantial ttrng
le for liberty in Africa to be mowed
down in its infancy I y tbe queen of Bag
land, with tbe czar asking tor a peace
conference. If things are not inside ont
bow can the republican par y stand im
potent sod s.ient while K igland bas
tieen ebooting to death a republic in
Sooth Africa, and while nnder tbe mili ,
tary and imperialistic powers that pa
tronage hat delivered to tbe president
here, the crime of crimes ia being com
mitted nnder tbe Stars and Stripes of
the Uni CJ
New Inventions.
An automatic reminder for forget fit
trainmen bas been patented by General
Superintendent f . H.Stillwell, of tbe
Rick Island Railroad. It is beleived
that many accidents due to negligence ol
trainmen ca bs avoided by this device.
Briefly described, this invention consist
of alarm bell placed in the engine cab, or
other part of tbe train, if desired, in clote
proximity to tbe orders of tbe engineer.
Tbe Alarm is sounded by an e'.ectric car
rent is automatically tent through tbe
bell appraching stations, switches tr oth
er paintsjwhere it may be desirable t
construct the neceesary mechanism to
sound the a'arm.thos calliog atten
tion to the orders.
Walter Beaton, a Michigan inventor,
bs patented an automatic bicycle pump
weighing lees than three oonces, which
prevent! ttopping tbe bicycle alter re
ceiving ordinary punctures by having the
inflation continually going on.
A shoe machine recently invented by
Warren Evans, of Exeter, N.H., doea
the work of five trachinet and savea
the work of four men. Tbe lent Improve
ment ttavet op and fil!i tbe beelt, a
arurk which never has been dene before
by any machine.
I trakes no difference now Lad tbe
wound if you nse De Witt's Witch Hazel
Sive- it will quickly heal and leave no
sew. Fosbay Mason .
Womio'i Suffrage.
ditob Democrat:
Will you kindly glvstpace for
thmurhti on this mostSmcortant
a few
ques -
Wedbv the voten ol
nnn. at nnr Bfit election. The preei
It the great educator of public opinion.
Tnrn on the light. Wake OP W minus
ot voters tuat we may
kana vttfhl VBrdict.
"-' ..... 11.
A good cauee is often omaereu , . .
mild he helpers. war tun u
suffrage, Other
questions are mixed up with this que
. rintrlment of both, Thi
question 1. not "How will women voter
2 ti mn better than men?" It
i. .tmni. "Shall men and women, whom
God has associated In life, be associated
in the decision of public ques.wos.
ti,. m.n ia tha head of the household
It it not fitting that woman should usurp
thi mm. HOC uoa ua
UlUUflb w.v. .
...i.i tham in authority. He ray t
"""v . .. ..I,
xnkti.Urn nVmv vour parents."
.t. i.ti... nj thv mother." ".
them have dominion."
ti. ,. .hnnld be the business man
ager of the family. But our laws already
. a. i tat
recogniat woman's rigut in iu
Individual! not as repreeen
tatlves ot families or other association!.
already recognise tne prop-
Mri rihta of women as lna.viaoais.j
w that Qod bestowed a thara o
...... ..,. I.m
authority on w omen at tnaiviau. -
an interest in lastice, pumic tranquimj,
the common defense, the general wei
Utt. the bieieint t of liberty and and al
theobjecttof civil government" an
we in lattice deny them a shar in gov
nnleaa .God bat commanded T
And if God baa denied to women a share
. .i,. Mntt r.t nnhlie afratrs tnen an
Presbyterian and Independent cburchet
are wrong lor tbey give to women f qua
suffrage with men. Borne may consider
improper that women anouia auena
primaries, etc. Io tome countries i "
considered improper lor oavt ou
.iri. to attend the tame echooi, or
,h. honld even allow their
I ... k. uan In nilhlir. But W arO
iv w r
i tktnwino of Tnrkev for social mod-
taw mmiimi have a voice id iuo
. . . .L.
maoagement of pabitc aaairs. woy
m . tTT
Very Truly,
From An Indiana Paper.
The pries of coal lt climbing op so fast
that it promises to go out of rec' of all
save monopoly manipulators aud trot
The report is that Mark Hanna affiims
that Republics are ongratelui, ana n
support ol this affirmation be points to
tbe abuse that bas been heaped upon the
truly great and good Mark and Mack by
an nnapprecia'tve pnbiic.
When the Ieis ature of Montana last
undertook to elect a United States Sen
ator, there was a great ontest. A halt
dozen multi-millionaires were candidates
for the place,nd eacb;of them were on
tbe gronnd personally to spend tbe mon
ey and bar tbs election it possibiv.
Hundreds of thousand ot dollars weie
dumped into tbe pockets of tbe ivembers
of the legiilature and campaign sup
pers every night were their'a witboot
asking. Claik was elected and now the
overnor, many members of the legis
lature, and other men of preeminence
have sent a protest to the U . S. senate
asking that he be denied bis seal, and
alleging that he spent over $400,000 in
buying tbe votes that elected bim.
Rosebarg Review : President Haw ley
has been lecturing on expansion, and bis
school has been notably contracting.
The btate University bad a president
of the gallivanting lecturing order wbo
hesitated at no tocial or economic prob
lem. Fortunately he was induced to re
move to other cumes, where, it is nooea
that bis varied talents are more appre
ciated than they were in Eugene. Eu
gene Guard.
Encat!on is ao omversal necessity.
Everv man's son or daughter thould feel
free to get it at a pnbiic institution of
inarnins without having to receive any
political or rel gions propaganda! on tbe
side. saien Journal.
Th Reenritv Savin z and Trust Com
pany of Portland commenced suit in the
circuit ccurt yesterday against the As
toria street Railway Company to recover
25,000 face value ot e per cent oonas
and 4,500 accrued interest. The com.
nlaint asks tor a decree foreclosing the
mortgage on the property and also for the
appointment oi a receiver.
Now is the time to get an ironing
beard or clothes rack, manufactured by
E. B. Davidron. under patent. Fine
things Try one. Leave orders at Hop
kins Bros.
If othf bc alM A&n wo nvek 1
to the) charm of lb drmwinm !
tvuwti aw boudoir sui th aoftlr rsuti. I
tint light fron OOKDOVA Ctidl. J
Votbinr will oontribate mon to ths) I
nmic inioctjsjp vi tat iumneon, i
tsts or dinnvr. The bM decorative I
ftauarllstti for tha atraolflsrt or tha
i tnAsst, alahnratA fnnr-t tntk for eot I
L tac or manaioo. Ma4e in ail aoion
An4 tiia Baowt dlicat tinU vf
mad aold rs7wbtMa
The are Indications that franco an
China will have another slashing match
A majority of Chinamen will learn about
I it a:ter me war is over.
Stay Ion hat a mile In two minute bus!
nee, man. Q. D. Trotter, of thatc ty,
runs, or trots, a sixcoi-imn advertise
meat in the Mall end 8clo News. He
wil. win.
An Nl.000,000 tai.urein New York
city has greatly excited the money lend
ers of Wall street. Where we Mr.
Gage that he did not come to the aid ot
the (peculators and nam biers mixed ur
in the buetneas.
The Woodburn Independent It tioonv
ing Claud Gatch for congressman. It
will boom in vain. The program It at
ready made out. and when the conven
tion tueete Thomas II. Tongue will be
nominated br acclamation. Thete men
who have no use tor Tongue will have an
I opportunity to beat bim after election.
Mr. Tsgue will no longer be reapoufi
ble for falee prophecies in reference to
Oregon weather. He list been trans
ferred to Chicago, and Mr. Sal'tbury bat
oeen piaoea in cnargeot tne rortiand
otllce. At a matter ot tact Pague la one
of tbe beet posted weather men in the
United States, and hat a crack reputa
tion at a forecaster. He hat the ugh la
bored in tbe most difficult field in the
United States.
The following it from;the Patent Rec
oid: J. C. Ken yon. of Otwego, N. Y..
has perfected.'a preraration that restores
gray hair to its natural color. It Is as
aw ,nd hamleM B1 water rric8
i cents. The world does move.
The Willamette university toot ball
team have secured the Oregon pennant
by virtue of the other colleges with
drawing from tbe leairne. The pennant
aoes not take wuit it me tact tnat lucre
are two much better teams in the
league, the U. ot O. and tbe O, A. C.
The Southern Pacific Company, a San
Francisco paper reports, has Jarued an
order forbidding its employes to tinoke
cigarettes. Many humnn.s men and
arms relate to employ cigarette-smok
ers. By the way, much lees ciuarettc-
smoking. it done now than formerly, says
an exchange. And this is business.
Seattle girls are not slow. Recently
Miss Caroline Dempsey, daughter ot the
former editor ot the Seattle Ttmes, was
witnessing the presentation of the fa
mous Shenandoah from a box when
Robert Elliot, the leading men of the
company, saw ber from the ttatre and
teli in love with her on the spot. He
secured an introduction and in lour daya
they were engaged.
From items in tbe Albany papers the
woolen mil's of this city are attracting
attention generally through the North
west. The following from The Dalles
T. M. is a eamrte:
Tne Albany woolen mm under tbe able
management of W. A, be tuple is enjoy
ing an unusual prosperous season. Dur
ing tbe past week over t JOO.000 worth of
orders have been refused, yet tbe mill is
running nigbt and nay to us iuu ca
pacity. Tbe mill bas orders ahead until
next September, and an effort will be
made to increase the capacity of tbe
plant. With such business being done
at Albany, does it not appear that mills
in the United States, would do a profit
able business and give good returns tn
tbe owners?
From the E. A.
Mrs. LixzieSommert left Saturday ev
ening for Portland to spend a couple of
weeks witn relative and menu.
Mrs F. E. Al'en, of Albany, is visiting
her sister, Mrs J. C. Mayer, in this city.
The foiling is trim the Kheridan Sun :
Last Wednesday Mr. P.M. Scroggin star
ted by train for Lebanon, Linn county,
where he will make his future home.
He has purcbasd a brick building at Leb.
anon, and in connection with otber par
ties will sometime during the coming
month open out in the banking business.
Mrs. Scroggin will leave here abont Sat
urday and join bim in their new home.
"Plea" was Quite a land-mark here.born
and raised on the old homestead close to
Sheridan, he wat cart and psrcel of the
community: pnbiic spirited, an earnest
worker ana memoer ot tne uurisuan
church, he and his family will prove a
loss to both the business and social in
terests of this community. Tbe Sun
most cheerfully commends him to tbe
good graces of tbe community in his new
"Argents" poliehTng cloth for sitver
wsre, 25c French Jewelry Store.
Pennsylvania cbesnutsjost received at
Vierecks Sugar Bowl.
Tne O. R. & N. will give special cheap
rates during the holidays.
The John Kelsey residence at Corval
lis has been bought at Sheriff's sale by
J. Fred Yates for 1,000.
J. II. Hsrrit, the pioneer merchant of
Corvallis has not sold his business at re
ported. The sale was declared off.
The Magnolia Laundry will not be run
on Christmas. Take notice and govern
yourselves accordingly.
Have your notes, packages, etc deliv
eied by the Messenger boys. Pbons Mo.
9. Or call at Central oilice. Postal Tel
egrsph. Tbe Ashland Tidingt tbowt npons Dr.
2. Schrueder, a ;man prof est ing to be a
German doctor, wbo is taid to be on bit
way north bilking people. According to
tbe Tidingt he it a professional dead
The Dalles it a prosperous city. Two
of the merchants there, I'eate A May ard
A. M. Williams & Co., run full page ad
vertirements in tbe two daily papers of
tbe city. Such men give a city a repu
ation that it widespread.
Solid satisfaction plven awa. with
every purchase at Wilt & Stark s, deal
ers in good wares, silver, gold, glass and
Death of Guru nil Lnwtort.
ttivru. IW 10 Uoneral Honry W
Lawton hut been shot and killed al Ban
Mateo. He was standlnn in front ol hit
tmnna. ami was slot in the breast, and
died immedlatoly.
In the Senate.
I)eo. 10. Discussion in
iim amitttn of the tlnaiiclttl measure draft'
,.1 hv tha Intuiihlican iimlorl'v ol the
cummitMo on finance wl IIkjuIii Ihurs-
iv. .In. 4. the dav after l is nouuay re
.. Tiiin aniinunimmeni was uinuo id
he senate today by Aidricn, ot iinoue
Inland, chairman of the llnanoj commit'
Those Awful Fntjineer.
Wabhinokoh, fDoc. 10. The Oregon
delegation has got to meet a (recommen
dation of General Wilson, chief of eng..
iicers, favoring a t ortago ra'.lroaa at me
Dalles. CapUtn ltarts manes tne reo
ommedation. which is indorsed by hit
chief. While this may not block all leg
illation lookiiiu to an iuMrovement at
The Dalles, the tear is expressed that
such may be the result.
lUdn't Crossed.
London. Dec. 10. Only the optiuilttlc
gave any credit to th rumors that Dul
ler had crossed the Tugela river, and
even thfv aituodllv realixod it was In
credible that the war otllce would refrain
from immediate publication of news of
tuch an Important nature. There is al
to no continuation of the ttatoinent that
Menthuen'i line of communication has
been cut.
At Manila.
Manila, Dec. 19, 0:20 A. M, It isoin-
cially announced that General Young re
ports that he believes the A met lean pris
oners, including Lieutenant Gilmore are
now in tbe bands of the united ,
troops. L'eutcna'it Colonel llowse and
Msior Hunter have I ." operating witn
smalt commands in l uitli Ilocos prov
ince, and it it tupposed ti o-e of these
lias affected tne rvlvasa ot tl o Ameri
Our Shaic.
Washington. Dee. 10 Tons-tie nets i
tmall chairmanship, arid land, and goes
on rivers and harbors. It was enuuevi
to this committee by reason ol bis ser
vice, but more particularly because the
Pacific Northwest should have a repre
sentative upon a committee dealing witn
the river and harbor iioprovemetla ol
that section section.
Moodv is placed on three committees,
public lands, mines and . mining lands,
nd expenditures to tue interior uepari
When i Raised.
Niw York, Dec. 18. While neighbor
ing speculative markets were in a stale
of demoralisation today over f the situa
tion in Sonth Africa and the disturbing
fait ores at home, wheat, on the other
hand, enjoyed the biggest boom it has
had in months. From . Saturday's last
curb fkures to the best point of today
was a matter of 2 cents per busiiei.
Tlio Currency Bill.
Waihinoton. IX-e. 18. The currency
bill, which wat debated all lust week,
was passed today by the house by a vote
of ISO to 150. It had the united support
of every republican in the house, and .ol
11 democrats Clayton, Driggs, Fitzger
ald, Levy, Kupnert, Hcud lor. Underbill
and Wilson oi New York. MwAleer of
Pennsylvania, Denny ol Maryland and
Tbaycr ol Massachusetts.
Grant's Movements.
Manila, Dec. 18. General Grant hat
nearly cleared ZambelifS province. Me
discovered hidden in Subig bay a steam
er, tbe Don r raocisco, of isu tint, fully
equipped and coaled. She it supposed
to be the vessel Aquinaldo wat keoplng
ready for bis escape.
AWar Reports.
London, Dec. 10. The Daily Mail
hears from a hitherto reliable corres-1
pondent that Genera. Buller, after a stiff
tight, crossed the Tugela river.
The correspondent also ttstes that
General Menthuen's communications are
I he Railroad Trust.
Chicago, Dec. 17. Tbe Chronicle to
morrow will say :
One of the most radical and general
advances ever made in freight rates will
go into effect oa all the railroad east and
west ot Chicago January 1. Thousands
o! articles of every ddscription will be af
fected, and tbe increase will average 35
and 40 per cent, the Juiupon many class
es reaching 60 per ent. The contemp
lated action bas ar tied tbe shipping in.
te rests of the count iy,
Aquinaldo Fleeing.
Manila, Dec 17, 10:45 P. M. The fol
dispatched has b en received from
Natives at Manitong, province "of
North Ilocos, report that Aquinaldo, in
dHguise and accompanied by several of
bis generals, leit Manitong last eaturaay
with 500 men, going in the direction of
Saltona, from which point he intended
proceed to Cabugaon, province of Caga
yan. .
The Best They Have.
Loneon, Dec. 18. Shortly peforr mid
night the foilowihg notice was potted at
tbe war office :
As the campaign in Natal ia the opin
ion of her majesty's government, it like
ly to require tbe presence and undivided
attention of General Sir Bed vers Buller,
it has be9n decided to send Baron Kob
eits, ot Kandahar and Waterlord, as
commander in-chief in South Africa,
with Lord Kitchener as chief of staff.
England ia Danger.
London, Dec. 10. The Timet, Jcom
menting on tbe tituation, sayt :
Neither tbe Crimean war nor the In
dian mutiny gave rise to greater dangeis
to the empire than that with which we
are now menaced, nor at either of the
those critical period was Great Britaii
so isolated politically or regarded with
sued dislike and su plcion as tue now al
most every where apparent.
WeCNews Killed Him.
Toronto, Dec, 17. Edmund Morris,
general inspector of the Ontario bank,
and widely known in banking circles,
died suddenly from heart failure today.
His ton is sn cificer in General Buller's
army la South Africa. Mr. k'orrisjwas
attacken shortly after reading the latest
war bulletins
Eilu-f e Tour tor"s Vlun tulor.U.
Candy Cntlinrtlr, cur conielpntlon foreer.
tOo, 26a. If C. C. C. tall. arbJL iU r.:'mi money.
Another pioneer diet suddenly, Mr.
Richard Farwell. an old and reiperteu
oltisen of Linn county, at bW home near
Shedd on Friday morning, Nov. 21th,
Mr, Karwrll was one of the pioneer
aottlurs ol Linn County havibf located
on (he donation laud claim on which he
wat living at the time ol bis ueatu, was
lHr lil 11 SDOrOUKn IHMIIUT,
Hamnshtra. in the year 1M'. If be bad
lived till March SUtn would have been
78 yeart old. Mr. Farwell remained at
the place ot hit birth until he was 17
rears old. when tie removeu wuii ms
parents to Mercer Uo. ,111 , and remained
their until the ytar 1810. During bit
borhood ha recti Wed a good common
mhtini n.i.inilnn. In the vear 1818 Air
tfyrv.ll m.rrl.ol Mia Kltlltr 1'aUVll.WllO
same to Illinois In 1830 from renntyi
vanla. Truly a good man hat gone to
bit reward .'saving a aevotea wiie ami
if fltiilitron. who are
It. V. rarweu,
Mre. John Duncan. Mrt. w. ji. wrignt,
E. I). Farwell, II. J. Farwell, ot Shetfd,
Kt. t u ---. Aff L'.L.ana atnil a alii-
the last one livln&r oi a larae laniuy,
Mrm Vrlw la lvlnif danserOUtlV tlct at
tbvlr home ia Ashland with no hopes of
A lame and tympatlietto congregation
of Mania Hatened to hit imm estiva fun
eral sermon which wat preached at hit
home by Kev. Beat ol jvugeoe. me re
main were laid to rett In th Band
ltidue cetneterv bv the tide ol three
children who bad gone before. He wtt
ruiiMliil hv a wide etrelaol friend! and
acquaintances lo whom hit sudden death
was a shock and a cause of deep regret,
The ttrlcksn family have the sympathy
of all Truly a good man hat gone to bit
reward, lie leavet but a good name, i
kind word from all who knew him.
A Dawson Letter.
In a letter to tue Dkmotmat man dated
Nov. 30 Mr. C. W. Wattt tells about Alb-
banv people as lollowt :
v;;:;tn Achlson, a hrot her ol Ed Ach
(sou, the ttone cutter, arrived bore on a
scow recently. In the spilog he will go
on to Cape Nome, tie tttaiti to oa eon
tiderable of a sport now, losing 1(1,000
baiting the titer at Ssagway beiore leav
ing tnere.
Ed Achlson had just returned lo Sktt
way from Atlio with a little '.over H.0U0
cash. He will arrive In Dawson over the
ice in December, and go to Nome with
hit brother in tbe spring
lohn Bolt it here, not working a! pres
ent, but locking for a good lay. II will
work this winter for wg.
John Itom ia aorkioi on Doratuloa
errrk for a man named Golden.
Frank Komau,h and wile, (torment
a CorvtUit girll arrived litre iov. w
over tn ico from iienneii anu part oi
the way in tcowt and a tmall boat, and
walking tne lan 80 mllet. They etrt
well but tired, having had a long, baro
A Sbedd correspondent give) an Inter-
t'.ing account ol tbe gam ol foot ball
between Albany central and the bbtdd
public school. According toll Albany
made the drat touchdown io three min
utes and the stcond in eleven minutst,
mostly by end playt, and again had it
ilb'n three yardt ol tbe Hiisdd goai
when lime wat called. In the second
half Sbedd made a determined stand
and only one touchdown wat mads
against tbsm. Albany was too quick
and fast tor the Sbedd boys. Albany
surprised the ShsJd boys by tbelr Inter
(erence. Tbe gtwe was free from slog
ging and prolans language a at! the best
ot leeling pievailed. One of tbe Shedd
school boys was John McCoy Barton, sn
old mso, well known through tbe coun
try, wbo did great work for bhedd, tea
terlog the Albany boys right ana isit.
Hereafter Barton will ptebably be made
.-J t,I..K l I .....I.. II. ...I hll
career In football.
In Memory of Richard Far
A precious one from ut hat gone
A voice we love n stilled ,
A place It vacant In our home,
Which never ctn bs filled.
God In bit witdom hat recalled,
The boon hit love bat given;
And though the body moulden ltre,
Tbe soul ia tafe In Heaven.
'Tit bard to break tbe tender cord,
When love hat bound tha beatt;
Tit hard, to bard to tpeak the wordt,
Most we forever part.
Dearett loved one, we have lal 1 thee,
In tbe peaceful gtave't embrace.
But thy metnoiy will be cherished
'Till we tee thy heavenly face.
Weep not that hit toils are over,
Weep not that hit race it ran
God grtnt we mty rest at calmly,
Wbea our work, like his, Is t'ooe.
'Till tbn we yield with glsdnett,
Oar tiither to bim to keep,
Ann rejoice in the wet sssursnce
He glveth hit beloved sleep.
Dearest father thou hatt left nt,
Here thy lott we deeply feel ;
But 'tit God wbo hath bereft us,
lie can all our sorrow he!.
Oxi Wno Lovkd Him.
A Portland palmist'wbo has examined
the hand of Frank McDaniel taya that
it he wat the cause of the girls death!it
wtt in some way accidental. That he is
possessed of very little moral courage,
passionate but is no: c tpaple of coin-mittine-
a premeditated murder.
Letter LUt.
Following is th list of letters romaiulofc
in the Poitofiice at Albany, Linn county,
Oregon, Deo. 19, 1890, Persons calling
for theoe letters tnut give the date on wbicb
advertised :
Adams, Kobert B'uetting, Mrt M
Barry, John ' Couch, S B
Daly, Mr Philip (3) McOully, Mick
Emmett, Mr Louis E McKnlght.Mn M 8
McFadden, Mr Julian Miller, Mrs Amelia
Perry, MrJim A Shepard, Clara
Tylor, Mrs Jennie Wellace.Mr Jae (J
Nutler, Miss Jos (2) Wallace, O U
Wheeler, Mrs Elizabeth
S. S. Tbain. P. M,
Tennessee Gatherings.
Very rainy.
Listen! Wedding belli la the future
J.W. Uidawsy ai visiting In th
vicinity recently.
Chat. Swlnk wat visitor In ihtit
part last week,
J. II. Fronk went to Oregon City thi
week to work on the It, It.
Stuart Ilrot. are cutting wood for the
Paptr Mill Co,, ot Lebanon.
J. Q. lllacklaw wat In Albany the One
of the week on business.
Literary will lis organised Immediate
! after the holl lays.
W. W. Fronk and Geo. Davis wars la
Albany recently on buainsst.
Mrt. Nancy Stuart, of Bolcer, bus been
visiting la Tenn.
J. Q. Hwltik hat been "andtr the
weather" for a few days.
Walter Davit It employed at farmer
(uavit) for w, u, uonaca.
Mr. Morsao hat oocunltd the rett
deuce recently vacated by Hilts Gentry
Ed Myers has beta alllctsd with rbeu-
i mi, r.iimi ihjuwm
Ill spend Christ
mas at Crabtrte.
Born, to the wit of O.K. Keebler,
Dec Stir, a ten pound girl. All doing
Mr. and Mrt. E. L. Vmnbrev are
visiting relativea end friend la (hit
There will be an Xmat tree at the Hil-
rmw fthtirflh nn lit. avitnlna fit lJuft. 2?
Ttnoette will ttslvt la the exercise.
"Link" Couey and family, ot Leba
non, art new retldtota ot lean., occu
pying tbe former retldenco of Dolpn
Ayer. ve are at way t glad to welcome
our new neighbors.
v, v. Kot who i aiiniii)B totiool at
the U.olO. will tpend Xmat at hit
borne In tbtt vicinity.
Tbe winter term of school will be cou-
tiuued two months longer than the orig
inal time specified, nnder the present
maoagement, Aoul lllacklaw at teach
n a..i... .. i -i... .
oB of the best hop-yards of title oslgh-
nornood says i. ill plow tiiem uo and
lorever b'd ad tea to the cul'.ur ol hop,
bentible It looks l.k.
P. L. Wallace died at hi home In thlt
vicinity on the evening ol Doe. 12. De-
eettt l wat worthy eltiten and Tenn.
mourns an Irrermirabl lot. Funeral
exercltet wore conducted tt the Baptist
church In tabanoa and at the grave, by
tne a. u, u. w. of wuicu be wat a
honored member.
Your correspondent noticed the fol
io log well aimed bit from ihe Salem
Lion county like tome olhsr counties
has a "School journal " They thould
be calld "tchool nolitlclans' Journals."
usually owned by the text book trutt
and worked lor the county school rine.
Oh, Education! What fraud ar com
muted in thy sacred nam I
lour correspondent s well at other .
hive "paid op" tuhwripllont in the of
fleeol "Tbe Una County Rhwl Jour
nal" and have never rse'd a cony.
What's the mattert
The Stat fair eoinmlttevt for next
vearare: Finance Jasper wi'klnt, J.
11. Hitttlruiicr, (1, L. It ; Publication
and Pronram-W. II. V ehtung, O. L.
Ke-s, Ueorg Chandler Hpeed frogram
W. II. Webrlnt. U, L. Itees. Ueorse
Chandler: Premium List W. ti. We-
iirunir, j. ii. Mr ui oiler, Utorgeunsna
ler: Trsostiortation W. It. Wehrung.
Jasper Wilkin, i. II. BetMemler.
ibe undersigned AdmlnUfrator ot
IheeuUteot J. C, Lyont, daceated, has
filel with tbe county clerk ot Linn coonty,
Or., bis final account as such administra
tor in taid estate and the court bts Uxtd,
Saturday. January 6, 1 WOO, at 10 o'clock a.
m . to near oiicuon to said tectum and
for tbe tettlement thereof.
Tucs. Itof s. AJmr'.
J. J. Wuitkkv, attorney for adm'r.
and order of sale lesutd out ol the
Circuit Court of tbe state ol Oregon Tor
tbe county of Ltnn, to me directed, de'iv
ered and dated on lb ltb of December,
lemin a certain suit in tam court wocto
la T. T. Oeer, Governor, F. I. Dunbar,
iecre'ary of State, and Charles 8. Moore
treasurer ot the State of Oregon, coosti
tatmg tbe brd of commissioners for tbe
a!2 ot school aad University land and
for tne Investment of the fund arising
therefrom wre plaintiffs and Lavlna
Cllflgtnan, Fraok Clmguian and Oscar
Dehayen were defendauU in which said
luit the said plaintiff recovorel a jutlg
mnt on tbelath day ol November, im,
.u-,iHf..ndant Lavm Cling-
the further um oi iw.w v.w(... .,
and cotlt and diiOur.emen a Used at
23.oSwitb interest thereon at the rate ot
8 'Mr cent tr am ,l0m .leJ0,,,4id
judgment, aid, wherein tbe said defend
intCrDebaven recocrd la jedgmej.
Lavina Uingbam ettorneyt
ogstber 7"n 'fnat tbsnvteofs,'
5? ce'nt iperSSdateof said judg
nJSrina and decreeing that tijs
gsgo andcomplaintto wit. Betn g a por
tion ot Donation Ld avis
belnir narti ot tbe claim ol jests wavis,
oeing puna w tj0rtneat rornw cf
North 40 chain.-, JfiXS
to place of t eginning. all in J0"0?
Soith Ranee 4. We.t of tbe Willamette
at TV out) w .
ynn founty. OreBoa. an'l.
r i in nnnntv. Oregon, tell at puoiio
auciiou to tie btgbe.t b dder for ch n ,
bund rabjset o redemptioa woonhdg o
law, the above dctcribed rei proper.y to
. .a. i. .hJ a I iMVlVM - r
satisfy said juowineni uu aQ
Dated this 18th day of DecemUsr, 189i
Sheriff of Linn cuoty , Ortaoii.
a iun or arrPH. utj iui
a"H7t. and oth': I