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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1899)
f1ow' ! o JgOOi, bs J i par tWb I Idea! ! let i't $!.. i jJ; s Mi Skl5 ' tf en- : Ml' ai( I N I erts wit ! Tii . a In t evet; iota- ivefj koid : Vile ! j.emj ?orr; ; its 4 1, btbt M 0.j Bi V". SPCfl' Ind Jan out otxj o bl ntu net on$ nen, ito; am left ,! iw . f ,ot oi ee 10 SOI . it it 4 To I 18 c 51 v Cm-ama Rats. Weekly i Dmocbt d Kxarainer fz.oo ana Ilmco-a-wess ATorld 92.00; ana Bepubllo fl.Tot and OrcaroaUa 2.23; and San Francisco WMklr Cull 2.00;and Salem Weekly Journal Z.00 J D Bridges, Editor " Democrat ,' Un tter, N II, says, "Oo Minute (Jough Oars ii tba beat remedy for croup 1 aver ued." Immediately relieves and caret eughs, coldtvCoup, asthma, pneumonia, bronchi) it, grippe and alt throat and lung troubles. It prevents consumption, r or . sal by Fothay A Mason. "I had dyspeMia nfty-eevea years anu mtw found permanent relief till used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Now 1 am well nd like a new man." writes S J Remmina. Murray, Neb. It it lb best known. Cures ail forms of in - digestlw. Physicians everywhere pre. oribe it. For sale by Foshay A Mason- laGrippi with its after effects, annua'ly destroys thousands of people. It may be uicky cured by One Minute Cough Cure, the only remedy that pidues immediate results in coughs, cuius, crup, broncaitis, naeumouia and throat and lung troubles, fit will prertot consumption . For sale by rosbay mason. AILV DNr..aaT. Quanta nar mouth U.00 per advance. 30a nemionib. aot in advance. Bv carrier. lOo net week. 10 par (sent added if allowed to runoTer months. Binale copies 6c. WUKLT. tl.SS (a advance: tl.bO at end f yeari 11.75 for second Tear: 12.00 for ihird and prsceedingears, when not paid in advance. Clubs of Bra new subscribers atfi.00. Change of Time, j Beginning, Dec. 1st, the O. R. A N. will run their SPOKANhV FLYER via Wallula and the 8 No. 4. will leave Portland arriving at Spokane No. 3. will leave Son and arrrv at Portland at 8:00 a. IU In connection with the strove trains, the O. K. Jr. M. will nut on a passes gerUain, leaving Daylon at 9 p. m. and Walla Walla at 10:30 p. m. connecting at Wallula with No. 4, irom roriiana at 11:20 d. m.. and with o. S, irom tpoa ana at 12:02 a. m.. leavma Wallula at 12:10 a. m.. and arrivlns at Walla Walla at i !Z0 a. m. and vayioa :w a. m POKaNK FLTKK via . 3. R. V. R. R.t Train n .""fv Portland at 8:45 p. m , 9 I et7:lta.m. Train I I. pokane at 4 -.30 p. m., I CATARRH OP THE STOMACH " l"n dtssass. Thsia is aa tnltsuas. w mnsr eoaUng of the stomeca. A thick, ropy maeas tonus snd this esoNs ths mors proaouncsd symptoms. It remains In ths sMmaah I and dsoomposss, Then, el osntss, dlfstUon an not bs properly perform Sd. Ths grssl vsgstsbls rsmsdy BVDTAN nsvar Istls to asset a our, i BVDTAN a as hsd of all dru(its (or Mo, ps ciokur. Blad nui wuptjiniGsrcrullyfrom UiUchart. Xsohanm. r rprMiits a symptom or s group ot sjrmp. I "ra"- ion bars ths symptoms. Mm HVD n sna tnsy will UU.ppw. SSBSf, ALBANY COLLEGE l -0FFKR8 A TUOROCOU- High-Grade College Education To every boy and girl that hai the auibltlou to attain one. W i THE SYMPTOMS ARE: Tha course Is complete, and embraces the LANGUAGES, SCIENCES, MATHEMATICS, HISTORY ENQLI8H AND ELECTIVE8I3 ' 0 " Tha Normal Courts Irads up to a BTaTE DIPLOMA, and the Oomtnerclal Court bat now becoma a Business College Equal to anything la the Stat. Now Illustrated catalogue. Board at tba Btadents Club at actual coat price. Far particulars wrlle I7?t Worth, Omaha, Kan- Mail at City, loull, 14 P fe Chicago and Eattt Fast Mall 8 pm ThU U HUD- t MmivaLOVer . Baa turned with disgust from an other wise lovable girl wun an oueu.. u..wj. Stfl't Clover Root Tea purifies the breath bvits action on tno uowbio, c w, - s ;n Rnia for rears on absolute taarantee. Price 25 ctt . . and 60 eta. Fo sale by Foahay A Mason. J If you sulrar front Underaess or fullness n the rifrht side, pains under shoulder- ' asdache, and feel dull, heavy and sleep? ;;. tm-nid and ooncested. Ue- x'Witt'a Little Early Risers will ton you nromDtly. pleasanUy and permaaensly by removing the gostioa ana c - bile ducts to open and flow. naturally. - They abz oood rnj . ' i Young Mothers. ; Groan is the terror of thousands of roona mothers becauso Its outbreak is so unmunff ana imuanuT muri. duuwi Cough and Consumption Cure acts like Seen known to fail. The worst cases re- ievad Immediately. Prices 25 eta., and 60 eta. and 11.00. Fa- sale by Foahay A Mason. " Sck Ilead&chea. The curse of overworked woniankind.are quickly and surety cored oy XLart a utover Root Tea. the sreat blood partner and tissue builder. Money refunded if not satisfactory. Price, 25 cts. and 60 eta. For tale by Foshsy 4 Mason. ; ' "I wou'dn't be without DeWitt's Witch fissel Salve for any conideration. writes Tbos B Rhodes. Centerfiel, O , Infallible for pile, cuts. burn, and ikin ; Bswareofcounterleits. ror sale by os hay 4 on. TICKETS ' " " To all Kir a East via Grent Northern Railway, For rates, ft Idera and full information aUt oraudresa H. F. Mukiix, Agent Albany CASTOR I A vnr Tnfanta and Ciildren. Its Kind Yea Hate Aliajs BccgM j Bears the GlCaataro of Beaatr Is Ulood Dcss). Clean blood means a clean akin. No beauty without it. Catcarets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lay liver and driving all im curitit from the bodr. Itesin to-dav to banish pimples, boila, blotches, blackheads, snd that sickly bilious complexion by Uku.g yaacareia, oenuiy tor ten cents. AU drug. Geo Nolan), Rxkland, O., siys. My Iwifo nad piles forty years. De Witt's j Witch Hasal Salve cored ber. It is ths 'beet salve in America " It boats every , thins and cures all diseases. For sal by r- t e .fl r OSUiy OC niHBOD. 1. BILIOUS MAD ACHE. mors pronounced In ths msrutua van wiu rsusvs tns bsadaohs. S-a. BHD AND WATKKY iris NUOYAN wilt eaoss ths rsdneas la dlsaa. sppear and mUs ths syvs satums Ustr aar awl, hsallhy appsaranes. . OOATID TONOTTB awn tni BSJBATH AND Ban TUT! XH THB MOUTH. HUOYAN wt)J alsar Us tontxis, mats ths breath cur and mat aad cause ths bad taste to disappear. 5. lAIir AND TBNDKHirma rn THB STOMACH. This la dus to Indices Uoa. KUDTAN will eaaas ths food ta ha. eoms perfectly digested sad ths pala aad Isndsrneas 1U dltappsar. 0. EWLABOKMBNT OF THB I VI a. HUOYAN wlU lessen thaean.. Uoa and reduce ths snlaned liver i lu sislsus. vutajv wui relieve von of ths abon symptom aad make you well. Do not delay. Oo to your drarrlst at ones and amenr a peckace ot UCUYAN for Wo. or a law om If your droit Ut does not keen It. Band ths Ul-OTAH BUmV CSSn an rranctsco, CaU and they will tend it to yon. Yon can eoasult ths great BUOTAN DOCTORS rKKB. Do not tercel that. Call and ses them if you wUh. Yon may eall and aea them, or writs, aa von Address HUDYAN REMEDY COMPANY, Cer. tteckfea, Merfeet sad Cilia tts a Freaeieeea CeL Albany, Oregon. .aa..a -M . . ir.hJa. HTKAWr-lvn. ,obwis WALLACE HOWE LEE, President t W. N. COLLEGE OF MUSIC AND ART. Van I. Dulutn, , r waukae, Chicago, East. OCEAN STEAMSHIP For Han Francisco Ball every Ave days COLUMBIA RIVER y Bll'.ABjr-ivn. a To Astoria and Way LafflltJge. - . . .mwui lit if A .'.a . a . Wll.l.'illilir, tvi it ei.wv Esiiun. teBOAUIty,Kerg, EstJua Be ns Snn I p n 8:30 MonilS -m WHXAMETTEAND l l- YIMIIIIJjKIY, iliore.. OregoB vy, and Hat. and wayuanus. anunsi, am WtU.AMETTK RIV. p i I A. PAMIN, Mas. DOC. P rector. Ml J. N. ERHWH Prlnr hil nf Art SKndArt"' LU" Mth0J, FU" Ur" gW" 10 lh I,rln0lp, B"n0b" 0f f huf IS WayUBnS!11 Tb? J? a - I A St t MaVa Pian3, Organ. Voice. Italian Singing, Violin. Used Instruments. 8' oeiuon, SIO. I ..,!. Correspondence. New r.w. HSAKE RIVER Utparta to Lelsion Muslo In M us tot SOUTH and EAST -VIA- SOUTHERN PACIFIC Overland Sontb Bound Leaves Portlani Arrives Albany Leaves Albany.. ...... Arrives San Francisco. 7d0 am I'jtso p 100 p ml 8:15 pm An Important Diflcrence. To rxtke it apparent to thousands, who think themselves ill, that they are not af flicted with anv disease, but that the ays tem simpli needs eleansiner, is to bring comfort home to their hearts, aa a costive ondition is easily cured by uamg Syrup of Figs. Manufactured by ibe CVifcrnia Ftg Syrup Uo. only, and sold oy an urug- FOSHAY 4 MASON -Wholesale at Retail mmim m booxskiui tLBANT, ORKOON. Pure Drugs and the daest and Largest stock of Stationary and Books the Market. 8:05 p m 6 36 am 5:43 a m 9:15 a m North Bound Leaves San Francisco Arrives Albany Leaves Albany.. Arrives Portland California Espreee-Soolb. Bound. Leasee Fo-tland "S.S Arrives Albany m Eesves Albaoy J Arrives San Francisco. 7 K p m Oregon Express North Bound. . a.- Wranriaca 7 KW Am KM" 5.47 m Arrive. Albany Olil'vi - Albany Market. 'ents. Wheat 42 OaU27. Eggs 27 oonts. Better Is to 17 cents Potatoes 30 cents. Hams 15 otata. 8ius 10 cents. 8hoalders8 otwts. SIX PER CENT LOAN9.-I have a limited amount of money to loac on QrSt-Claaa farm aan( - I . business property in Albsny. Interest sis per cent lor psrticulart call ou or address. H. F. Mihrili., Democrat building. Albany, Oregon Branch-Dailf y (Ex. Sunday) Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what yon eat. It artificially digests the food and adds Fature in atrengtbeaiDgf and reoon jtructing the exhausted digestive or gsns. It is the latest discovered Atgtitr ant and tonic Wo other preparation fltl at ntteisVl 4f. in afYIlani li e jb Direct connections at San Jco gtaotfy and permanently cares with steimshm Un for Uaii, Jspsn, 1 t indigestion. Heartburn, China, Tba Fbil.ppine. ana Austrs ia. vg stornaclL KatueiL For through tickets and rates cau .! sick Head ache. Gastialk-CrarrirMi.srirl v address O. K. Fronj, uepo -TO u other resalUoflroperfectdlgestioa, C. B. Winn at Wells, argo A Co s omce, b t c A co Chicago. Lebanon Uave Albany for Lebanon. Arrive at Albany Leave aVlhany Arrive Alt anv . 8:10 a m 10:30 am . 3:25 p m , 6:05 pm . ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. VT0TICE IS HfcRKBY GIVES THAT i,w the ooderaigoed has been duly sp- poinua oy ids county ucurt ot Linn county, Creiron, as the administrator of the estate of II A Davis, deceased. Any and all persons hav ag claims against said estate are hereby notiSed to present the same, duly verified ss by Isw required, I o the undersigned at Hairisburg, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Datel this 8th dar of Noveinosr, 1809. E E Davis, Gac As Davis, Administrators. Wkathii fokd A Wtatt, Atty's r.r Admr's. r . T. i J ' vuuulBrpolol ' ugus anu mgoer musinal Lomp M S i " ,B "rmouy Counterpoint given by i . t , . """ " bu"ii soung isaousrs given wore to assist in obtaining a Uusioal KJuoatloo. " -" - - . Wtf Is tT 'tilth . if. A wMaw stny-sldtt rnrn nli, hvtoe tm Wew Tark Olr. aad aeeat - - - - - ' Sasssseatfcsjai witMnt STOOP Fwassaii. Alt ujaaaea ika 3:30am Daily and btt Lv Lewlslot 8;00 r Daily VT. I. HURLBURT, tisn. Pass Agent, UAWLlHUa, I'ortland.Or. Agent Albany. a marDhlna . rVTTT "W artMoartaJs tm mint After oatud tbam s traaks tha W aid urWXirjrTr. ?J ? aavtana had aal asaeagaiiMa r IS Ma, SSa) 4ett 5?S4"ff.,f Ml aaaa Sa BrfrV-A S wJ aatkaaaSt. ..... . . a 11 Cm ,DM,'V- C.H.MARKHAM. KOEHLER. O.F.andP.A., Manager. Portland, Or. For sale by Foahay A Mason. 0RT1IERI1 PftCIFICJLB. OREGON VIAVI COMPANY Car. Morrison A Park Sta. LEWIS BUILDING. Portland Oregou iTFEET RAILWAY NOTICE. Toe motor on tbe Albanl Street Kal. will connect prompty with all trains toai ' from the depot, day and jigbt. D : . i . ii. i . . DHeciat 'np win oe naoe at spevi rates.: B. MOCBK,. f'rtCMt i f.t.'l m 1MB I HwaSatl AND S00 PACIFIC LINE. Direct route lo ami fr . prnnls snd Eur or- Jbroog-i the t. ka i w KsT K V in America. Through flrtc'a.s sleeping and toirist cars Irom coa.t to T0K()NT0 MONTREAL BOSTON Without Ohango. Royal Hail stsaii Mi H4IB SWITCH 65 CENTS. as ut. m Si Hiia t.miiuuuit. OUR OFFER: rtnieawinlawj to UI. tnfltnMa a mm mmmA wmpl. ut U. mm aa aaaud. aad rat It a, a. w ia nnia aa uoaalbla, laxloae aMW aHM mut tm K nua la par mum aad n alll mmk la MW f ' . and wad tor V altDnatDaid.aiMl If rn. ... nnt rrfn. 0wkaMKia.,rrWa,aMlmi ae.tieh ein. wait. Ion iinl Mai aori .W I m.wia.nm,,inoniMalll --0. avlA. lontf. .hArt Mm. ll.lAi k lit-la.lona.abortatoia.ea.8St oLlt-ln. umv.wortamia. as. SS. ssataiuaias vi.a nuaa in aiaaats erada ea Uta ftrl,l Orfc, at mm m4 .t IMN aMI.I arMM. fa, mm.; rrtanwd If .'. aM r..MM. nnw m rrae uiiaiafue of t.iroeoda, Adtirm, S ' RS, ROEBUCK CO.flne.) Cliiesaa, en wsj waj ewsaasaaws mvmmt! O.U'.ni r I 'fC! CO, Second St nsar Lroi street, Albany. Sells Chi- a li i 1 1. J liast rice, Chinese H ill I nt Ail. Pullman Sleeping OaTS, Elegant Diniag Oars, 5 Tourist Sleeping Oars' ; Minneapolis '. Dnlutb Fargo, i ro Grand forks Crookston Winnipeg Heleba and Butto TiaOUQM TICKE't TO itb , Japan and Ch na, vls era Pacinc steamshif ine. j, time cards Mapsactf write C G Borkhart Fass Ar K.O.T.M. i very Saturday evening at K. O. T. si al Visiting N.nt?nu inviiea. GSV UOFiVCom mender. OUR CAPACITY Is Unetiualed In the Valley. OUR WORK la Unsurpaase - In Oregon. to have the best stock u. select irom and our price ro always the lowest, quality considered SMILEY, A'luuf. The Pri. iter GGLE A Farm Library of unequalled value fradlcal, I'p-to-datc, Concise and Comprehensive IUnd somely Printed and Beautifully Illustrated. By JACpB BIOQLE No. 1-BIQOLE HORSE BOOK All about Hortce e Cotnmoa-Htnae Treetiiw, trllh orev 74 illustrations ; s (Undard work, price, Jo CeaU. No. 3 BIQQLE BERRY BOOK All about growing; 6m.11 Fruit reed snd letra bow ; coot. in. 43 colored lilc-like reproduction. ( all leading farictic. and loo other illuatration. J tics, jo Cents. No. 3-BIOaLE POULTRY BOOK All about Poultry ; the beat Poultry Book In exletencet telle everything : witbe) colored life-like reproductions of ill the principal breed; with to) other illustrations. Price, jb Cents. No. 4-BIOQLE COW BOOK All about Cows and tbe Dairy Business : having s great . sale, contain Scolcred liie-likererodiKtlonsof each, breed, with 13a other illustration, price, y Cents. No. 5-BI00LB SWINE BOOK Juat out. All about Hogs Breeding, Feeding, Butch, cry, Uiseaaes, etc. Contain oer 80 beautiful half tones and other engravings. Pries, )o Cents. TbeBIOOte BOOKS are unt(ue,orig1nel,nerul you never aw anything like them so practical, aoaenaihle. They arc having an enormous ale Kat. West, North and fknith. livery one who keep a Horse, Cow, Hog or Chicken, or grow Rm.Il Fruits, ought to scad right sway lot the BIOOLE BOOKS. The FARM JOURNAL It I vesrs hlt4h-nllm-lha'haail.- ave-Sid-it. Farm and HnnihnlH mn. In the biffffVat IMtVt nftm at. Im .V. X?iA -navuiii over a muiion and a-balf regular readers. Any ONE of tbe BIGGLE BOOKS, and tbe FARM JOURNAL sample of FARM JOCKNAL and circular describing BIOQLE BOOKS free. WTLMSB. ATXHraow, Addros, CUAS. F. jSMKMIS. U,I Ppw' B,,d ft ' n1 ei'1t old ; it is the great boiled-down, blt-the-nall-e quit-efter-you-have-esid-it. Farm and Houaeh the world ti C'omlli. & Mrs Bailroa.. TIME CARD. No. 2 For Yaqolna: Train leaves Albany 12:45 p. m. " Corvslhs 1 :65 p. in. " arrlvee Yaqolna.... 7:29 p. m. No. 1 Returning: Lesres Ysquina 8:00 a. n. " Corrallii 11 :80 a. in. Arrives Albanr 12:16 p. m. No. S For Detroit: Uares Albany 7:00 a. ta. Arrives Detroit 11 -JO a. as. No. 4 BetarninR! Leaves Datroit WW p. va. Arrlret Albany 6:45 p. m. One and two connect at Albany and Corvsllls with Southern I'aclUo trains, giving direct service to and from New port ana najecent oeacov. Trains for tbe mountains arrive at De troit at noon, civina ample time to reach eemDinir grounds on the Ureitenbosb and Santiam rivers the same day. GDVII, II. L. Wamaw, Mangsr. T. F. A P. A. J, TtiBMKa, Agent, Albany . CHIM, JmHandltJ3ULll For full Inforeuatlon regarding ralos etc. apply to. U.K. BBGTr, AlVrany.Ore. Agent l'ortlsod, Ore, E.J.OOYLE, mt A. O. P. A . Vancoo ver, B.C. 1 LEGAL DIRECTOR , Albany W R Bllven, Foehay A Mason block, II Bryant, P O block. Anderson Cannon. PO block. J N Duncan, P O block. ( T P Ueoktoman, Psaroe Dlock Jndge 11 11 Hewitt, P O block. ON B Uomphrey. Kelly A Curl, bank building, L II Moitanve. Pearce blockf , J C Powell, P O block. OESoa.PO block. L L hwann, Bank bnlldlng. H 0 Watson, bank building. Weatberford 4 VVyatt, Bank bntldiug Wbltney A Newport, Ooalok block. O W Wrlgbt, PO block. Lebanon. P. M Garland. Brownsville A A Tutstng. TJ Wilson NEW VORK WORLD ThriCf-a-Wetk Udllion . 18 Paget a Week ..." ... 186 Paper a Yeat For One Dollar bllabedevery t ItsraaleBay ssesptSaa a The Thrice-a-Wook Edition of Tn Mvt Iobk Wohld is first atnonjr all "weekly papers in siw, frequency of publication and tbe freshens, aceoracy and variety oi Its contents. It baa all ths merits of a irreat $8 daily at he price of a dolls weekly. Its political newsis prompt, com FARM JOtntN A I. ruiLADKLmiA Css ssvesjs-s PATH3TS rSF ADVICE AS TO PATENTABILITY Pflf?!! Notice In "Inventive Age" i I S Book "How to obtain Patents" ft I Lai La Charge moderaU. No fee till patent I secured. letter atrtctly conndentml. Addres. ; E. 0. H00ERS, Patent Uwytr, Wtthlngton, 0.C, j HUT HATIUAA1. B4BF, or iUtST , OMwOst J freetdeat.M. T w rrapiii.p, ii shier, LVLINI TounQ w.Laaquca TaAflAOTl rTaMBaALbaaUasIb istas S AOOOUHTsaaPTeableettssbeei. lailTKlcaANUK auut.iurauww UT aerer, s Kew Tfk Sas rraaeleeo.Chlcage aa 1 r-Mt t LI0TI0HI 4AOa tavnvaMa fSOaSS B u.-eaSS, PiOoeswrs1 lu fU$M 0 I. fuss. Ullabla niwiu of a mechanical ar tnvuitlv. dftlrln (rip loth. Part Kipo.ltion. wltSguM aal.rv anil nnfflln n.M. .hnulil writ f Tt i'AXJt-SX ltCOJii. ilaltlmore, Ml nVMtsan4Trads Warts obtained and all nit ant buainnas eamlactad for M Aderrta Pee. Bcndmodrl.drawlngorphato, Weadrlm HI jntmitalilsfr.sof ctutrire. Our feenotdnstlu natnntlsMmireii. A Pamnhlat "llaw t.a Ula Patents." with coat of aauielr the U. l o&d(orel(nconntrlesaantfrea, idorosa, J . a A. GNOW&00. l !' wee. rsTCHv orriev. whiott, o. i 1 i