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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1899)
A ti. A . . - 'APPLICATION NO. . n,;',",,ittM Lund om.i, Not.,. ;-.i..mea 01 III United Mint.,. IV i. nT'S""8 "."luttl' "duress l Al- ,';' '-fr grouVd'eon'a nS riLl. i'Y1 .'"""If 'umJ within tni IfUvlllu mill II dlatrlut. Mn s ..,.,,., t Latent r.. n - tV.i .. T. " I!""" Claim, consisting of Him ltu. k ('limn, rampi'lMIng lm.tMe i-rKJ the lAwiuriiiuuerrlHlin.coiuprliiiiiir acres, tld t litlm milil nlui .r claim. auniurlnliiH . .. TM. which said claims ara more I t1"ly. Iwrllwia as to metes timl hounds I ITy the ottiilal plat herewith i.oxlr.l. and by Ilia field notes of survey thereof, nuw mmi in i iitt oitti'a of the rrgiater of t It lunltittl Htatcs imid office at Oregon City, ewiiii'ii n "mi inno or aurvry n.-ai rltio the ' iHlUll.llirlKa mill aXtelll if aulil nliilnia i.n inn annum wun magnetic var tttlon al in to n d.g, 2u iniii. ij s fuliuws, to wit; Itiirk I'laavr, f lli'ttliililriir Ml Mil. I. a 1HHI tt llll'liua lV Limit a..! Iii.'Iih In I In. i:luuiiii. wllh mound ot a.'ruw.i; wiifiii u. H. M I. fin. l brxira II. SI 34 mln. w jKt rwnt. A liinlMk trra blunod ami .rllifil HT, ai uut 11 liichf In (lliim ir. Uora N. U it. , 46 mln. W. inl.l f.t, Mini n iii'iiiiiii-K irfM ij in.'iimt in iiiiinu.iar. tilnae.1 and arrlli.-il 1-asn ijt. tmara M. 19 lllf. K. J5.7 fw-t; th.-nio K, it, ii,(i ih in in. .. vnriaiiuii iu iii.. bo mm. k i'W fot-t lu rornor No. t, a linwvd li.'iiilo. k mat iti Inrln-a jy 4 frft Itintr, ant 14 iiihoa In tlia aroiiint. with a iiuiund ot l.niB pirllMMl l-a:, wlmiifa li.nilork tret a liirh" in illHinm.-r, lilaavd and 'rM l-aw HT, l.r.ra H. 7 lr, iw mln. V. IU fori, and it liumlock tr.' 10 liulua III illnnuilrir. Ijlna-t niul airllml l-.rm itT ,.-.itia N. VI thu. V mln. W. I7 fnot; tli..iue N. 74 !". 4.1 mln. K, variation 1 I.'. W mln. K, Hi fft to cornrr No. 1 A liewt-d hi-tnl.u k port 4a4 Inoho tiy 4 ft Iiiiik, net In lm !u' In h Kriiillid, Willi mound of alomm rlbed whnni-a a hemliMk trr Inrhca In dlamrtar. til u ar.l and ai rllio.1 y IIT. tinara N. M da, !fi mln. W. 7,1 t. and a hrmlork irrw ) In.-hra In dlamolvr. hlnaed and a. rllir.l JI3K HT. tx-ara H. U (if a. as mln. V. Ill fnol: tlioiiin N. nd't, 3.1 mln. W vurlnilon t l. U) mill. II., m tvt to rrnr No. i. A linulo. k trca iut off ff.. altovn ihm around, hwid t lm h.- wiuar, wllh mound of atouva arrllwd 4 3jWi wlicnvo a hrmliKk Iroa 11 lnrh-a In dUmrter. hlaamt and crllrd 4-Ja ItT. Iwara N, 11 .t. a. lu mln. W. W4 fact, and a nr i M Inrhra In dlmrtrir, lilmud ana . iiiM-a 4 iit, noma H. w di-a . W. 14 fncl; hl.t- N. 44 dc. U mln. K. vnrlatlon 19 di, Ut mln. IS., m f.t Waa.iit rnnd ruunltia airrly and Wnt rly JWj fiBij dry ui. li runnlnK wtrly " 4 fm-t to (Hirnnr No. . a h-Wad iw.lar pout 4x Ini-K by 4 frol on, aat 1 inonra in Itio annind. with mound of at. HIM hitIImhI d Jea; whnllrs a ttr trwi 4 ff-t (n dlamrr, bluard and arltiad HT. Wnra H d. . M mill. W. 17 4 fcr-t. ami a nrniioa ir n inciii-a in ninmrti-r iiiiiKc.i and M-riiMnl t-32 HT. Ix-ara N. mi m mm. v io, ft; ihmira M l.'B". mln. V.. variation It l-. to mln r... 67 rroitoniriirT no. , a howod hrm I.M-k p.iat. ant 1 liirhea n Iho around un mound or aionmi iwrllH'd 37: hnr a hi-mlork trwa 14 Int'hva In dl atnfir. I.ln. and arrltwd 4331 HT. Iwara M. M dna. mln. XV, 15 4 frt. and a fir troo M Inrhna In dlamninr, blaand and n rlb.t HT. boora N, M tl-m, K, fr.t; ihrni' S II di-K 8 mln. K. variation I dr. E0 mln. B. 44 fl In 'ornr Nn 7. a hownl hr-mlM-k tot 44 liii-he-a by 4 f..t Ionic, act InrliM In In round, with mnun.i of utoiirn arrllx-d 7 : arhriir a fir tr M Inrhra In ilimn '"L ,,,""'' "ml a-rlld 7ct4 I IT, br-ora 2? '. 6" mln. W. K4 frt, and a hxml.H k trr f4 Inrh'a In dlnmpirr, blnad and ,-rlM.d 1Xm HT. b.ra H IS, d- lit mln. K t Itft' ihr.iri M mi ii 4 mln. V varlallon III U.- W mln. K 7W I io roriiir rn. . a rirwmi iilna boat m nn nr. iiy foft tonic, In lm h-a m tun aroitnu. with mound of alonra ktIWI y-a.; whm- a hnilwk tr. to im-lo-a in aiami'ipr. Maarn and arrllwd a JS HT bn N. 4 dra 41 mln. W. 7J fr-i. am a Itr H it Inr-hoa la dlamrtr. blaivd ami a.riim iit, lirara N. la dra 30 mln. W. 7 f.-t; Ihrm-a B. 7 dr. M mm. n ., variation 30 Org. 10 mln. K , 41. T r.mi to corner ft0. , a howd h-m iora kii t inchva by 4 f.ft lona. at 1 nii-nrai in ini arouini, wllh mound of lira riix-o p wnMiii- a hmlrk lr 41 Inrhra In dlninrlrr, blitd and mtidtii a-.,T I IT. Iwnra N. M dr. w mm. . si tiwt. and a hrmlix k Iran ii in. nr m oiaiiirirr, lilatrd and a. rlh.-d a-MI r. hrara M. dftt. 40 mln. K. UK mi; in. ni l. i. 11 M mm, W Viirla. lion dr. to mln. K.. IX fr.t. Uul. h run auiimarraieriy I4W ruet to ctirnrr No. 1. a hrd hrml.H-k fNH 4i4 Inrhra by 4 ft-rt oii, ar-t la inrhra In th around, with mound of atonra arrlbrd lojUM; whnra a Vew traa 7 Inrhra In dlamrtrr. bhiiird and .rrlid lo-xw HT. boara a M tU. lu mln. W, 10 frrt. and a htm lork irr is Inrhra In dlamatrr, blaari) and arrllM-d lo-sa HT, brara N. 17 d. W. a fwtj thrnr B 74 dru. .06 mln. W.. variation to d. Io mln. B 47 ft. tlulrh runa aouiharly 197 frrt to corner No. II, a hawed heml.M'k poat 4x4 Inrhea hy 4 fei lona art u Inrhea In I ha ground, with mound of atonra arrliwd 11 33: whrnr nr Irea Inrhra In diameter, hlaied and arrlhed ll-SM I IT, brara 8. 14 dea. K. 17,4 feet, and a Mr tree II Inrhea In dlam. etrr. tilxaed and arrllwd 11--3J HT, beara H. .4 drjt. 10 mln. W. 4 4 feet; thenra H. SO de, 44 mln. V'., variation 10 dra-. K.. ii feet: l uminlt of rlda running northerly and aoullierly Ml feet lo corner No. II. a hewrd fir pout tit inrhra by 4 feet long, art m Inrhea In tha ground, wllh mound of atonra aerlbed lt-KM: whence a Itr Irea 4 Inrhea In dlamrtrr, blnsed and arrllmt II-S3K HT, bnr . 70 deg. mln. K. 11.1 feet, and a hrmloi k Irr a Inrhra ln diameter, blaaril and a. rlor.l IJ-KX it. fcar" m,n- W. lt fe-.t: thence B. 75 drg. M mln. Y varlallon deg K. V4 feet; Hprlng gulrh runa aoutherly 3M fee to corner No. 13. a hewed hrmlork lioat 4x4 Imhea by 4 feet loirg, et in Inrhea In the ground, wllh mound of atonea arrlbed 13 3: whence wL",J,l'J'',t. "?.'? chrai In diameter. Jl drg. in mln. W. 10.4 feet, and a fir liv f, 'rt,' ,'.1 ,.,m",r. blaaed and arrlhed . tvrU ,nr 8. IS drg. It mln. K.. vnrl tlon ttl drir R tn fe" io corner 'n" !. J hewed hemlock poat 4x4 Inrhea by 4 aCf.'i. ,mc 5Tl 1 ,nrh" ,n ,h" round. with mound of atones acrlhed I4k: blnxed and acrVlrd iU'h't. KST'K: 4 dra. IS mln. R in 1 f i . ...i . i. , ,: hemlock trea SO Inrhea In 'diameter, blaaed LErii'r'.t-p' M deg , :""!:", '2 "! nemiock tree aJi-ii nr i - r, iiinaea and arrlbrd . "" i a n. .ti oi'a, so inenra V .. in cro;. to corner iTu'iVL.?! rt .hP,.l.,, P" Inrhea wiiS. . . i ' i . ,n,!n," ,n " ground. "V 1 wi'i.ire prrioeil lfi wliAOra m fla 41. a-. . ,.i..J. .Za-'.T 1 irT '." ninmeter. la i " 'T. beara 8 I Ufi;.,.r,H; , m" nr tree HT. beara B. 10 deg. 10 mln W "T.frr: "'." 70 deg"" 47 rmn. W..' nrinnon Ji ne. e:.. n i feet t.i .... a . . t.k a inrnra o. ii. a newa.1 Mmkutb . , . , . r"i i"riB. eei in incnea in the around wtin mound of atonei acrlhed VtKH; - "j.."'" iree jj inrnea in ainm. eter. hlaaed and arrllied 17 t SM HT henr, R. g deg. W. 1. feet, and a hem: Ti 'T a " '"fh"' I" diameter, biased ok mir. ir . aV 1 N. 17 drg. .ns mln. W. t44 feet: thence 8. IS dec. a. mm. (... variation 19 deg. R., 13 feef w"!T.n.r,1"(,r,,nn,n eaaterly and weaer. 'i . dry guli h runa weelerly 119.14 ecrlned 14-42 AT. bra -a fl. 27 drg40 m"n 111. UX fret; thenra 7 rler. 19 mln V Urlnilon to der. K.. (to. ft rnrnVr Jo. IS n hawed hemtnek poat 4x4 (nchea iv 4 feet long, art 1ft Inrhea In th gr mnd With remind of e"onp eerlhed 143.4 A mat 4x4 Inrhn hv 4 feet lona. t i Inrhra ln the ground, with mound of flonra arrlhed 1-n?c whence a hem'nrlr Irre ?4 Inchea (n diameter, hlemd and fcrrlofd IS 1 .rS HT. beara N. 9 deg. 20 , Tpii. w. T. jfts and a nr tree s Inrhea (In (Hnmetee bsed and acrlhed 11 1 I HT. beara 8. dep. E. K feet; thence N. 71 dee-. 81 mln. K.. variation 19 dra. K0 Imln. F. 10!iH feet to corner No. 19. Iden liii'til wllh corner No. S of mirvey No. Gold Oiilch lode, n hewed hemlock vt 4x4 Inrhes by 4. feet long, set 1 hea In the ground, wit- mound of SVftf f?w wt1ed 1-JH whence a fir tree to inches In diameter, Llus4 ana urlbn.1 IS-itfg UT, boar M, K dVg, mill. M. U.t feat, and a heiliTk tree iiuh In diameter, blaied and .XX.X JIT. bears tS. lu dei. w7 i i Z r. thetiue N. to dev. HI m :...i.:.f. .! au deg. M.. 7ir ituuVb. i'Li,- ' wodtwrly M4.I feet, to corner No. SM, IU...1 Until with corner N. 2 ,.t a..-.,-., i3 JJi iii uuich ii. ani oornar W.;' ';.' iTra Hull lode, game survey, a hemlock t.ot 4s4 Inches by V feat Ji. Et ft Imilma In Iho ground, with tn.nnS al.mea scribed rf-aa "WiSla ,mlo?lf erlbed a. S - " t "unV,". bla',rt '"! (run 43 liwhi- Ulnnon N , MBHI fH, W, 0 IB m W M H f..ii " van Xlon li dttlf Aft (. Dl I.I. ...i . .V l '.. UJ ri(. to corniip v I'li'inirui wun fun-nil m .. m K..,i ii,.ii it;.. ; "urT",i Mu i ...... ' i' HVfii lip nan V"'" r Joet lonif. rt IX InnhM in li lira iTv 71 t ,h "' ' fhnft 4x7 mln. 'ivTul .r'":.H - Ml 'IS" " """''I'JIf ?f l.awl.r Uol.1 - . .. . H. M III,, I, hmUHk Mump U Uu w n r.i u ... i feetT the'n,.."'il' VV." aJ?L " Hon a. d W! varta- a t l,i o corner No. '. VrnVT).!- I'llll'ltr1 II11M H..H..... .... .. .. . . ni I : .. w.llvnw Ull lllia Vlfl ..a'.ii iai runnititf mbhu,i.. No i. .-heVrd-hrmk' 4V4 K whwir. hlk ,r a7nV ,eS IndTami 114 ft: thenc." m " u drJ' mm' K varlallon la rj, Mcr.' "."in. B. -""" nu, va, B nflWfill rMta, . .'aa inrhea by 4 feel lona a,'.' i'V" T J:' groun. wllh mound of V.onei rThcd ti!! HT. bear. H n a!' ".2" rr,"r"rM n.l a hemlock t" S -5-. eie ki....i -'. in .nam B t AZZ 1. Z ! mr"'1 TS3H HT, beara v. 4M fee. fjaaaev ...I. fc , , ' " mln. wide flow'. PXZPU& f'rorncr I of placo of beginning. C "pr I- n Irr . I'lat-vr. l.Hle and corner No. J Hed liu urvey No. ). ' ' ft lull ,k . . . .' ru nemifM.b l"it 11 rio, I. tx-ara H m . " r, i"'i' "v -t (lit....; iT ; 1W lit, Iwini N u 5 fr'" " 4 ft. and a fir t. T " ' . mm rter. blat ".iT'JiT. Inrhea In 1 8. CI "SjTra HT, Ix-ara thenr drg. dg. 11 "lJ" w.. variation ner Nn ,., - irri 10 N.o I. Men Ural f rd- nTk o,L"e' .TV'' n a line 4-1 of auve; No1 ilrv.?' ",,d lhaiira H? ?UrJ!Z . . Hull l.lo 3B drg, k iw fc-t .D,m vrlailon Una B-bV, ltd it J2 flu Nn- vey. a heiLJ. P'-'r, thla aur. "V 4 feet U,V. aiTflT-iu Jf? "-h-a Ulllh m.111. ." - r- iK.'iin in i ,u a, . . ha. ...... 'T whenre a llr ai..,. Vi ..r,UWI.. -aM nhllM laa atla. ret f1 ImI 1. r. 1 . . . . . a; ".- " mm. w. n ",P l'."' ""hea In diameter and a rrltu-d aS!l HT feet dtatanl thenra 8. l doa. IV ' u' k. an niin .0 corner No 4 V" e i.."-.- f-l r... vnriailun 4 of ,urV vk"'"Vf"h WnerN hewed hrm'iiL" ""'.n tk lode, a ng. act u if. ,'..'hchea by 4 feet nr tre m in.,i.-. 71 " : wnenca oerlhcfl 4-aat itr K.r'Vv ?'"! aua a - ' w. a . in na hl.Ved,Tn.,nr-..' I" diamei 'g. 10 mln K r.,IT- brra 8. M .lei k .tr- '! 'r! .": thence ir feel: gulrh eimiV"",i" ": R S,"T.V ?oUr,nahrrr,nf "r-rlf-S. tinning. r No P'" of be. ivaraa tiald riacer. 11 . rn.r No. 1m .,t w itl,"S'm'i?wl h IHIllHt Bff MfllM VM , a . .. urvey, U. 8. K ii !.:.? "a'r, tin lu mln p n. , . i! "'"ra 8. 1 N. IJ .IrAS ' dl.tant; them "471I JC-MI Wllh a.w.. k.1 4t inrhea by 4 f7 f.t0,lr.m''M"k P"t 4x4 ground, with mound '""? ii ii ti avh.!.. .. . - va w-riiMfci 'n dlnmeteV t.lalJ?..'"; ra N. iH dra. ju T- ".'"V? .7? T tout, and a nr -i". " H biased ami ..,1 " r I aiameler. dra-. 91 no ,. V. . T. beara a j s. a. a . . . ""Hi frf. 11 fHllt 4 I II I M a. ft . a . 4 deg. ai min .r:?'?."'- 'nenea M mln. . Ta . -" u Taruiiinn IU .4 .. a. IISI feet i. ..... v.- r;ra mndfilor, 4 feet llr tree 24 im hr. diameter. a . and a hemlock ire- i.Vi. erlbed 4328 W. 4.7 fe?r, in diameter, blnxrd ara a ?l. 61 40 m weaterlv "u,rn runnin eouth dar lt i i T:irV"rifl. . "' 8 Inchea I.. "f 'ng. rth acrltd "iCsSi. w.ncaT SIPS ot 1 incnea in 11 umi.. ' ie n 1 aiamrter. blused and .rHilli " e 11 i , fret, a nd' . T,'.,"' .V W. 13 ........ ..a,,,,, ai.'rura t 31K HT lu.a , a Ant. 3d mln j .VT 'i. fare 8. arrll.i k-SZ T.S. " "-"'rier, oears a. K3 due tut i. 111 IIM Oence 8. K " 4 erlbed tra. wh7i I L !" In diameter. bears N. I dra. P U1 Ml. . . . . 1 . ' bit 1 1 ,,wi a vw ni. a hemlock tree mi i."" nd b aaetl anrf .,..11 V a""lr?.Jn . Olameter, n . V r-T" ." r No. 7. a hewed melorlTr. TJ. r: ., WKIIIlllin Jll flxaa E. U 1.9 K . . ' -r-m.t IWI IO Cur by 4 feet In... ... .u.r---. ... iiicnra ground, with ...... -..-1 ii inrnea 1 ik. mound or earth scribed 7 ai; wnence eter, biased a 10 d. m -t--l;r'Z 'T. beara Jry gulch 4 feVt w.d; nowa'nS-r'thwT. KS 241 feet: wagon road running northwe.. f.rly and southesaterlv : S4? rf..11?! No. . by 4 feet Ion- -i"1 . menn with mound of stoneiecribed Ha Thi -outheasterly comer of i!T:..JThe known as the Hryn C ty hotel CrTO ?or1i'r-,ri7.ni1in-, K S:' l Lk JL'SLX4 .'"ii'V .d' biased and acrlhed n mln. W Wi. ornrs N. 40 deg. lll.dl"mr'i.i' nnd .crll.7d 1 Jv... .i.."r5i '? 0'',';.,5 mn W. 1R.3 i... o . - i- ;. : van .., ..a ti,-.. jii mm. e... lmi e.. ........ ..v.. a, r, nrwei nemiorir hm 1.1 h. .1 by4 '."f lu"' 1" Inches In the around, w th m..,,.,.i nr ,L 'J ... .ui,,tirr, iii nam ana arrlhed g .?"k iit oenrs B. h7 flee. 46 mln. K 18 4 fe ..4 iiim- iree m inrnea in diameter. i imro -na scrined HT, beara N. K5 J , ' . m " r": tornce 8. f3 dg i..".1"-. u " variation 20 drg. lfi mtn. K.. m iHot. to cnriiue K'.i in . v.u,..i ..,-1 -ri ii inrnra hv 4 r..r nn. a. ix incnea In the arnumt m.Hh n..,...i r niuire arm i-o ii. s:-.: wr.ence a hemlock ree Z4 Inches In dlnmcier. blaxxd ami arrlhed 10-S HT. benra 8. S drir Kft mln W, 8 feet snd another hemlock tree ; Inches In diameter. biased and scribed i cm : III IIIUHiulnii a a. .1 Iliri-ijiK'dmm1 ji ii r, lirara H, l d..g. 30 mln M i ll.ill l.ln. A hewed fir poat 4x4 liirhe. hi A hemlm'k Irea ; Inrhra in tfaJZZf? ""IIH'll H 1141 arll.aril M Iv inn .. " runa nun II Waaler Xli'il. horthraaT. mln. E. Ulamalar, li ai.dJ Vd . WiJl! I I i n k. i ... . . : m, mn i : 44 inth rfi 4 'f..."T.7.."" .pp? In Ilia rrllw.1 li3a,: whan, a . K-Ziil. "L lWI1" mouim of .'""'"fi ana Kcrllmd I2ava " ( I . - till IK ... 1 ... i. . . .i i i. i '. Jw nun. curntir o. I, piat, ot tifglmilna'. nm or I..... I.. .,.1, t,. ... of r-wii.r tlrr, 11 .Hturrtm lotnl area of claim, tix.HW acres. M lire iir.ii 111. illca'o?".:'''".' in ma oitK'i f v.l...... 'a . a" '." ei inie said cnuniv I. 1. .". ""OfUS W ih. , u'.,",' L'oaraa Oold placer claim; on . . wvuiiiich on iriA gnuih. a...,. . . -"'"-. ,.wiiii nun inn 111, fl uumn ioo claim, and mh.rwi.. 1 ... :v.?.J2,'.!rrn.. "" no Pllrni.1 w ln" "nowHUga of ap. jiie inwler n ncer claim In uiiire or ui cnumv a-i.a-L. 1 m i volume 4. of Minin- "Ulllir or unn aia . ' - -..i ...on.y. jt is Hounded on th. aout: ..A ... "-.'1 . - -"" I1BJ U iiT. ..11.11"..' "".V J0" "alms on 11 : "it loda claim: c !. Zt ,.oy I"1 to l'ler ; - iiiirtouiiet oy unSUC' veye.1 government lumi ri.... . " J. pl'tcinl clulm" ,0 knowledge of ap- .J." i. 0"1". "P1" P1"'" f record In inn oiuca or inn conniv l. ..i.i 7 w. 'inn, state of Oregon, at d,,. JTm0L" "m..; 1' "ln Itwordi of i"".". i la noil 11 11 ill on tna north n7hl.T..,"V,ca nark P'"r-r claim and otherwise by unaurveved aov.rnm.n iiiu. 1 nere are no ronfllrtlnir """"iimi. ui applicant. Anv and . I 1 . , ... 1 . .a . ... tha mining ground and nmmL . .n. IHirtlon thereof ao descrlbad, surveyed, l.lnttrd and anpllrd Tor. ara herehv mil i..i "7."r ineir aoveroe claims are duly filed as aty-onlltig to law and the IXmA 11... ....I.L aa.., " T . . " " " rrnuiiii uni inereunorr, within CO days I. Ih. 1l..l..a Ba..a. l. ' irom tna nnn nanmr owiii, v.. ... ... vHiini niairi innn omra ai irw. gon City. Or., they will ba barred In vlr. i inn provisions nr sal'l statute. (.llAKUKlf IJ, MOaitKB. Iteglster. MONDAY. College Notes. The line up of the 4econd team of the college which defeated the High school eleven isat Saturday by a icore of 1 1 to 1 was a follow: Center, E, Uickinson guardg. K. UoU and Don Morrison tack lea, r, Mauser. J. Yoder; en.lg, C, urawtor.1, j. liurkhart; quarter-hack H. Crawford, capU; lull-backs, C. Ah by.O. Kupert; full-back, C. btw.t. Rev. Ilo't, of Portland, who is a mem ber of the college visitation committee of the rreebytermn eynod, made us a visit Mat wcei( The A. C. L. H liava aleetiwl !.. fn1. lowing ottlcers to serve for the ensuing term: President. K. F. fSmkkj vice president, J. K. Torbetj ecreUrv, J. L. niuieyu , attorney, w. u Marks; critic, II. U. balttnarsh: treasurer. Chaa. Stewart; marshal, Ju. Bryant. Dnton, Clackamas, Coos. Crook, Jack- . wugiat, unn .isnoo, Multnomah, l oik, Bbermao and Tillauioov. counties are now represented in college. Tiie State of Washington is also represented. At the meeting ol the A. C. L. 8. gat- urusy evening the quealion "Kesoived that the city ol Albany should own and operate iu own electric light plant" was won by tha aflirmativ. Aillrmaii.. "'JUV?laln nd Jo Torbet; negative! 0 M. U?key and M. U. Acbeson. Mayor Elect Davis. The ISai Francisco Call contains a pic ture ot Mayor-elect Davis with the fol lowing sketch: Auusv, Or., Dec. 8. Dr. V.'. II. Da vis, who has lust been elected Mayor of the city of Albany, is a native Oregonian and graduate of the University of Or- gon. lie is 39 years of age and cctnes!of ""ol the best pioneer families, in the nuiameti valley. After leaving the University of Oregon he entered the. medical department of the Willamette University at Sa'.etn and graduated with high honors. He has resided in thla city about fifteen vears and haa trained a State reputation in his nmfMainn m. is a Republican and takes an active part iu uutu cute ana local pontics. His nomination by that ttartv for tha nfllm of Mayor was equivalent to election, so great is his popularity among all classes. Firemen's Election. The firemen's election was in progress tills afternoon with two tickets in the field. At meetings last Saturday eve ning the H.4L. Co. nominated C. II. btea-art for chief engineer and endors ed R. N. Morris, of thn f'hamir.l Knoina -i. . . ... a.. w., tor asBisuuu, unn engine Co., No. 2 nominated A. J. Coiwell, with Hop kins Bros., for chief entrinrer and an dorsed the nomination of Chemical En gine Co., for assistant. Albany Engine Co. o. 1 endorsed the nomination of Stewart and Morris, en that the contest is entirely on chief engineer. Notici. There will he a s'ated meet ing of Willamette Lodge No. 100, F U of A, this (Mondav) evenintr at 7 :.1fl at tha a nan, 11 being the lime for the flection of officer-. All (raters are re quested to be present. By order of F, M . Last Friday evening while the dautrh. tersof Mr. Martin Payne were entertain inK several gi.l friends, twelve or fifteen voung hoodlums tried to get into tne house through the windows, breaking a pane of glass and committing several nuisances, and conducting themselves in a bad manner generally. Mr. Pavne says the nest time anything like 1 i o-- cars, be will causa some arrests. QDe cent boys shou a be above such things A canard. . It wasVt-norteii that one of the ishedd foot ball box s while play og g practice game of foot ball struck his neck with bis knee in such a wny a to break the neck, resulting in bis'death. A tel phono message from Shedd ae. there is notliintr in it. but that nil t bell players ougiit to he ki led. d ' gl int- a the Coml.iimt p ana a tinmlot'k iron u 4 SIS i: JHafss.1 !:? At Grand PnidzT Bturdgy, Dec 9, 1809 will looir bre- emberd;Ly Grend Prairie 3ftoee No. Ihslforeiioon wit Wgyottxl to" conferr ing tLi 3rd and 4ih deirreea upon clati ol (oorteen, nod the 1st and 2nd degreea upon cUs ol two, gfter which a Funcb wm gerveu m place ol the regoJar bar vet feait. In the afternoon the following officers were elected for the earning yMr 1 MlltlP A I A It........ ' 11 IWI iiiai.. Overeeer, C W Wallace. Hteward, Wayne Dawaon. Aitant Bteward, Lealie Pnyne. Iiectnrer, 0 h Bhaw. Chaplain, 0 II Walker. Treasurer, M Henahaw. rJecretary, Mabi Payne. Cerei, Gladyi Hhaw. Flora, Vivian Keeg. Pomana. Lvdia Froman. Assistant Steward, Kate Payne. a. ! . . I . . . . , iTguntsi, joia 1 aimer. Oate Keetmr. J II Wallace. Trustee. 1) U Bod i no. ii L Khaw and it 11 ... ' 41 v vasv. Important Trip. J. K. Wyatt, s prominent attorney of Albany, who was here for several days, started home last Tuesday. Mr. Wyatt is a di-ector of the Corvallia & Eastern railroad, and, was pr jbably here for the purpose 01 investigating the utility ol building bis road across the motti.tiins into Crook County. Journal. Asa mailer ol tact Mr. Wyatt was at rrlnevme on legal business. Probate court : In estate of Otto Foz.II. II. Hewitt was appointed administrator to .collect judg nient in favor of diseased. In estate of HIchard Fox. A. J. Fox re signed as administrator and F, M. Red Held was appointed. Value of estate, 11000. Mnth account approved in ettate of Martin Cumming. a minor. Itetxtrt of sale of real oronertv in estate 01 jouu tuainnaii, nieti. .eIa - . " In esUte of Ueorge ry inventory filed, vaiue 01 proj eny jwu. Recorders olfice : li'eeds filed Dr and Mrs Cole to Polly J Parcel!.! Jason Wheeler, Samuel K Clay pool, Martha M Parker. J. Ii. Clayoool and others, separate quiet claim deecs to 265 acres Gilbert M Douglas to John Zeller. 41.08 acres 300 Est. John Maraball tn fl It leaver. 200 acres 1682) Willamette Real Estate to John II Larne, 1 lot, Haleey 40 Frank J Banner to B 8 Hoover, interest in 8 31 acies. Browns ville 600 William C Weeks fo Charles B tireen, 6 lols, I-banon 600 UBH inn to Curtis Lumber Co.lflO acres timber lend , . Mortgage for 600 1500 120tt 600 450 400 Mrs. Thurman this evening. at the M. E. Church Mr. 0 ;tl. Monroe came upfrjra Port land this noon. Lawyer Jones of Toledo is doing busi ness in Albany today. Mr 0. 0. Parker of Lebanon, has been in the city during the day on business. Today's Oregonian aavs: "C. B.'Winn sn attorney of A'bany, is at the Imper ial 1 Dr. 0. B. Reese, Brownsville's fame us csne presenter, has been in the city on business. A reception ws tendered Mrs. Lucy Thurman at the home ct Mrs. L. E. Blain tnis afternoon. A young lady fell into a fit because her father would not give her money to at tend the "Night Owrls" Friday night. Mrs. Jno. O'Brien, of Albany, is visit ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Titus, in thLi city. Eugeoe Guard. Bssaar bv the ladies of the Christian church Thursday, Friday and Saturday of this week in former store of Peacock A Co. Full particulars tomorrow. At the armory last Saturday evening the Orange basket ball team of the ccl vege redeemed themealvea by defeating the Blacks 28 to 4. Miss Ieswis's goal throwing was quite a feature ot the game. There was a large crowd of inter eeted spectators, who were greatly pleas ed with this tine indoor game. Last Saturday evooing some me en tered the bar room of the Rues Hou e during the temporary absence of the bar keeper and stole tbe nick le-in-the slot mschino,' which has not yet bew located. It was a daring robbery. Remember Mrs. Thurman at the M. E. Church this evening. The same ot football last Saturday be tween the high school and College sec ond team ended in iavor of the College lltoO Charles Stewart did the star playii g for th- college and probabl) Oliv er Howell for the school boys. C.T. Wilson, whohss been acting as agent for the 8 P. Co. at Tallman. has been transferred to Saginaw, Lane cone ty, snd Ed Alien, recently of OorvaUis, has been appointed .went at Tallmsn. W HEELER CLIFTON. On Saturdav evenintr. Iec. 9. 1899. at the home of tlie bride's parents, in Albany, by Rov. ... . : - . . W. I'arker, Mr. meis n. wneeier and Mrs. Flora Cliton. A very pretty ceremony was performed in the presence of a large ou tuber of r-l- ativesand friends, followed by congratu- latt ns and a delicious tuncb. The groom i tbe ownr of the Santiam Lumber yards of this city. He was for many vears a resident of Corvallia and Is an excellent gentleman w)io haa ti e es teem of all knowing him. lbe bride is the popular daughter of City Treasurer Parker, an eft amble lady having many friends here and eisewnere. Mr. and Mra. Wheeler will keen liou-e at their home at Fifth and Railroad street", where thev will he at home to their friend af ter Dec 20. They were handsomely re-. membered with nne display oi useiui and ornunental preseuta. May life's best blessings lxthjir fortune. ! - : i II n Jul JeffebWepTepaTaflonlbrAa slffiliaUng ttiifFoodflndRula-' Bji the H"1"" wrk1 " Ticsa afid BeslXon Was ndttvT CTauiniorpwn0 nor twextn. Not Narcotic. MtAfMfrSMCBJVnEtB tic knettxt BeiralY for ConslliMv tioh. SotirjStoinacb.DiaUrhoe8, Worms ortviilsiorts ,f evcrisn oes5 and Loss OF StEZB TacSumls Signature" ot TXTWv "YOkK. TUESDAY. Runaways. This forenoon B. M. Huston wss load ing bis dray at tbe freight depot when the learn, belonging to Octo Hiatt, which Mr. Huston has been breaking V work, became ft igblrned and ran on tne plat- from directly Iflio tbe pond of water caused by tbe leceot rams. Tbe dray was tipped over sod the contents drop ped into tbe water. Home are of a cha: scter rot 10 be injured while others like silk thread lisvs been damaged some what. Upon being unhitched the borset a aln ran away, stoppitig after going two or three block'. While this wa4 going on at the end ol the depot the horre ol Mr. Fred Brock- man concluded to be in tbe swim and al ao ran, breaking a single-tree and mk ing the mnd fly. Tbe horse was , stop ped tnougb. The Firemen. In the firemen' election yesterday afternoon Mr. Caldwell received 66 votes for chief engineer and Mr. Holt 30. Mr btewart relating to permit his name need, tome of the firemen filled in Mr. Holt s name though wot a regular cand date. R. N. Morris received 94 votes for assistant chief. The new cl.el protnieet to be ao etncient omcer. In estate of W J McMeekin. the first account Bled. In estate of Robert Johns, supplemen tal account filed, shoeing bsL.nce ot 119,459 78 for distribution among heirs, Licence was issued for the marriage of Harmi'O Green of Albany aud U.acr WyliecfScio In the recorder's office: Deeds. H W ray to EE Kingtley, interest iu lot bl 10. Albany....... . IOC AC Roland to W W fcjwell. 17.15 acres, II w s 12 700 O W Cox to Hiram Cox, 2 lots bl 10, Albany L T Hen net to P A Correll, 160 acres 500 Cbatel mortgage for 30 Dellcf Arp 10 J V Kwiuif. 18 52 acres 8 May Zabo lo Egbert Cor ley. I let Lebanon.. , 850 Hulda Miller to W H Uooth, 1 lot. Lebanon 850 400 McMonsele to G W Spur'ing. 12 lots Lebanon Mortgage for 11 1. Satisfaction mortgage 250 100 25v On I st eren'ng just sj Mr. Bowersox and wile bad settled themselves down for an eveninga reading by the aide of a good fire theie was suddenly an alarm at the outer door, and upon opening it they were surprised to find without sev eral of their friends and neighbors but as tbey all seemed lo hsve tbe pass ord tbey were a Imitted and given the ilgh nsnd 01 fellowship, upon counting notes there were found to be present. na Mrs. u. names, Mr. and Mrs. IGrorge Payne, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. See i i ii. ley, Mr. snd Mis. E. F. R:ce. Mr. and Mra. W.O. Iweeda e, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Allen. Mrs. Frank Kerchum, Mra. C. O. Lee, Miss Joeie Barnes, Mis Parson; , Mr. F. W. Bergman and Mr. A. w Bowersox and wife. Mrs. Ke chum ai occe lot k possession of the puno and put every one in good spirits I y render ing some deligli'iol musie.and in a short time all were busy at progressive whist Upon counting tbe beana it was found Mrs. Allen and Mr. Payne were the pr s winners and that Mrs. Bowereox and Mr Barnei had ftirly won the boohj prise There seemed io be no end ol gooi things to eat and drink after which Mrs. Lee ssrg by requett two favorite songs. Af'er urgent requests to come again the gne-ts toek their departure each feeling that tbey had enjoyed a p.casant evening and that Mr. and Mrs. Bowersox were royal entertainers even if thev were caught napping. F"4 MUM liflM aSUlf klr -MiweTMia kfJSKSsI tf"K e 1 Fot Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signatee of In Use For Over Thirty Years ANOTHER BURDEN. In tbe ease ef D. B. Moateitb respond ent egt. E. A. Parker, city treasurer, the supeme court yesterday decided the case agaiust the ci y, reversing tbe decision of tbe circuit coot t. Here is substantially the case : Upon tbe completion of the big bridge io 1893 st a cost of little over f 9! ,000 there wm oo tfficiert money ln the bridge fund toliqa date in fall, so warrants were is sued 1 i favor of the Cortland Bridge Co., oteoi March 9,1892 for 13,189 68, one on April 27 for 5,r00 and the final one on July 2. 1892 for $884.30, a total ol $9. 073.98. In 1895 the city sold 20,OCO ln bonds to pav tbe floating warrants In cluding this warrant, which were draw ing 8 percent, thus sating 2 per cent per year. Immediately D. B. Montfith and .then, claiming tnat the city was not liable for in ere t on tbe warrants, en joioed te pay meet of lbe same, and tbe case has been pending in diff-ient forma since For over three yesis tbe money remained id'e while tbe 8 per cent inter . st never slept, so on ffept 29, 1898, un der a ron tract with the bridge com nan y $7,203 94 was paid on the principal leav ing a balance of 1 1,870.02 dne on the principal, an anronat that bad gradually leaked into other funds of the ci y's bie iness. Tbe tola! interest now accrued is within a fe dollars of $5,000, which with tbe f 1,870. a total of approximately $6,880, the ci y cortionee to owe on lbe lig bridge end will have to pay, adding to the a' ready cumbersome burden ol quite a floating warrant drb. A Woman Hung Her arms around her husband's neck and begged bin. to take her to see the "0ls" Friday night. She bad beard about tbem when they were here before. Her husband bought tickets for the en tire family. George Disbro of Vancouver is i the city. Judge Hewitt was in Eugene veeterdav on bnsinsss. H. A. Soramerville an.l wife of Harria burg bave been in the city today. Mrs. J. F. Altermatt left this noon fur her home in Centialia, Wash. Mr. F. G. Power is out after beine con. fined to hia home several weeks bv ill ness. Vt . W. Haines, the hilarious Eugene tanneryman, ha bten in the city after hides ol which he buys ten thousand a year. - -, . Dr. J. C- Littler, who recently sold hia residence to Mr, Uogsn, hss rented the residence of rs Edgar Blocgett and movtd into it today. Mr. Phil Grarko. an exDeit boot black of Portland, bis been hired by the Com- oinauon suop to lis charge of tbe fhin tnn and work oi that establishment and will be here tomorrow to begin aork. Twelve or fifteen Albany Odd Fellows. beaded by Grand High Priett Howersix will go to Brownsville tomorrow io meet with tbe encampment there. There will be six candidates and tbe eventpromisea to be an enterta.iiiug ci.e. Fred Fisi. one of the university's for mer successful orat rs whom some ot onr Albany students met several jea a ago in a contest, bas been appointed first deputy of Sheiiff Wither, of Lane county. Hon. M. A. Miller and wife left this afternoon for Rock lelai:d lo atter d a meeting of the officers of tl.e Modern Woodmen of America, of which Mr. Mi Irr is one. This -as. ill I Mrs. Millet a first visit east. While sore Mi. Miller will rrobably pay Col. Bryso a visit. Messrs. Pswjer, Jones, Myers, Lin a". ey. West, Alexander and Dodd of tLe Lebanon K. of P 'odge and Mayor Mark Peerr of the Sc o 'id.) last night were sin. wo the myet-rii s o( tbe second, third degrees st lbe K. of P odge is this city. Thi wort. ss fol'wed by an elegant bano'iei at Stetti r's, at which about fittv sat down. Toats were given and it waa ' z o el m-k before the banquet ended an is nippy crowd separated. aW tf .lS I 4.e.1S af SB MS 10S2H HT. beara N. " 3 "UIUI SO- H9 9 43 deg. 10 g 3um ; i S IS L WV- a 7 Xa wa i rr a v"