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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1899)
s. ! 1 , Ion tnj I got : I'1 pi - fdsi tali ;thg. W:" b!et;; ibutV- srei- t buL lb'; M Of B Wu exe, will t -J I TL frr jevef" W fct: H e b r H Jail Sped; j1 out f M .riei bent H ami isel i ha; roul tongi esli 3es w. knn sifie ,o se teed; ! ij . sent en ngf fori! lirni Segltj The' ami 01 tioa bed reso ton log '! i proj safa 6,oa IWhr kini U and! ! 7x I MtH KM ! ! 1 f i; die Ojemojccat J FP.NVrrTINtt.Ed and Pi op. The turkey Jokes this year weie of the armed-over variety . .. .1 ... I'nat . Particular! Are yon particular about your laundry work! , Hmm want tour natronaee, we Uke to work tor particular people beceie we believe tbejr appreciate our efforte to do first class wot k. ... YVearealaay willing to rolauhder live of charge any article wnu-n may do aeni borne unaaiiaectory. We run ear laundry on a syaietu. It we promts ou your bundle on jMrtmin timM rim 1 eel it. Bead in a tiied order end be convinced that e are turning out laundry work tbat will p!a-. Telephone SI. Maonou St Laundry, Albany. Oregon Rbrta bavins faced three mothew in-law. the ordeal in WeaMngtoa as O ttnlng to mi paol eiperianca. Cecil Rhodes, who ' coopsd op in Ktmbeily, ii depending on an old fash ind balloon to make hit escape in oaae the siege is succeefa The alert congreseuv.0 will once mare ieutn bi wonted vocation 1 1 eolicitlog eeedfordiitrlbuticn auoubi thrifty At d admiring conatitoet.ti'. TveUmony taken for tbe oongrt ttlntl ndoatriel ooomMMioo In Chicago clearly eetebllibee tbe fact that Ave men have been meeting and still meet In Chicago every morning aoedrcide what tbe far mer ahall be paid for fala grain : that their par pom It to eaain'aln the nroOti of uanrpjrtere and dveUrt in grain, no tnaiterbuw low market nrlcea mav ma toai tht mat rwtrwent and rontro - it . . ... au oi uie meant ny which grain u lent from tbe farm to tba niarkit.tloir decis ion baa beta and la flu!. And itll Nark Hanna (aya'tbrre arenotruttalln it. " uia ooeatrv." SEW ADVKHTlSEMENTa For Christmas. The Cbnartaional Record ia ae iotr etting publication, but it la sot op-to date A photograpbio plaot ahonld ba auuexed ia order tbat the poara of .Rob erta may be illustrated . For home-made mince me t try tbe gagarBowl. Bilanti Tour Itatr-ia Wnn .Mwrta. Canity Cutliartic. ear -xmstipoKon forerer. true. c fall, nrvrvUis rM money. toc.esc. It is siid that the Preaidant'a meaaaga contained 30,000 worde. W will be lieve the statement, sa it ia too much trouble to coant them. But It there is anything in which MoKioUy excel i it is ia words. ri!i .... vuucinuau iviqvtner: A sreat uiauv mouotaios areloomine uoln tha .!. j .1 i . r ueuuai piaina. The top wraphy of the political country ia chao.lsK. Theoaaa- oi large standins armv U of tha daepaetgmlty. Not a promUe made la the campetga of lSW haa been fululled SQdpooplaare tlrad of prefsnona that I xnetufogia always going to be dona to reform the finances, whan in fact the ad miuiatration influence ia afraid todoanr- miog, and will probably do notbibir be fore ttie pretideotial flection. There are no more auitable Chrlitnui nreevnta than thote kept In a first elate otothlug atore. The Blaiauotbing to. la tbia Mr oarticularly wed eaulpped to niMi iLa detuanda ot the t'Ulillo. What ia mora appreciated bv a gentlman than A kite necktie, A pretty handkerchief, A pair of alippera, A tair ol itiovet, dre, driving or walking. A well made abut, A mu filer, An art let ic pairol auapenderr, Or a suit ol up-to-daU clot bee. They have them. FOR oALK. Oue parlor eat, nearly now. Call on A. Pecker next door to store of B. F. Uamp. LIVERY STABLE for sale st a bargain or will iraueior antwp or nmor swea or laud. Imiuire at the 1kmoi-iut of fice. Special Sale, SPECTACFS, EYE GLASSES Goggles HAONIFVINQ HI. ASS ICS andOOMl'AB'EH O EYES TESTED FREE. Call od net prices lie fore bur Inn else where, Seoiscle and Eye Glass from ifio up wuggiee, iw, J. A. Cummings. To the Music LovingPublic, -0- JFbp the esl0ltilV The fifty-cent size b just right for the baby. A little of it in the bottle three or four times a dav will sunnlv 1 precisely the fat all thin ba . bies need. If your baby does not gain in weight as fast as you would like, try Scott's Emulsion The result will please you. If the baby nurses, the mother should take the emulsion. It makes the baby's food richer and more abundant s only buy the dollar size-it's more economical Both mother and child will fed at once Ks strengthening, upbuilding nd tat-producing properties. Senator Mason ha introduced rcio lutiou providing for the expression cf the Senate's aympathr with tbe Boera. Evidently tbe Hon. Billy baa turofd f'0U blushing for his own rouotry to blushing for Great Britain. Lebanon. From tbe E, A. : J. V. Cart and Douir. Wheeler shipped a carload of hoas to Ran Krin. . Cisco yesterday TheT Dsid 4 rente nr I . I . - . ' r WANTED. -Several pewons fur dutno' Oflke Managers in Uus a'ate 10 repre sent me in their own and surrounding coon lies willing to pj yury sow, payable weekly. UeMrehie tmployiuent with uul opportupitu. Kfrvnces i exchuouod. Kacloee self aiblrt'snou I stumi suelope, . A , W t'lix- otj I'uilii'flg, t'hlsao, J ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE, NOriCE IS I1KHEUY 0IVK THAT tlirt tmJor.iiiioa has kn dills an- tyiuicti ny ii tiunl Court of l.ii.n vouni v. uncoil, a tminulration of llir e ate ot j v J'orell, duciuis d. All pt none ,iH tiiiin uy.iinat aaia eerate are nereuy ;hiui ii to (rieiit ta m, duly vr itieu a i,y Hw requind, o the under- a.gii.a at itaY, Otop, Ubln iiuiiiiip irin me unto ucr.'df , -Wi tbm 18:u day of October, 1890. T, J . 8titr, Administrutor a i Teddy Roosevelt ia about to tackle tbetruata. lie should burl one: of tbe copies of his narrative of "How I Cap tured Cuba bj the Way of San Juan" at tbe Octopns. Surrender wonld surely Mlow. tonnd on foot for them. Thia l iI.a second carload that they have shipped this month. Jack Roes, of Seattle, was here Stur- I will til til o KORStALEOR UENT.- fartuoxrrnt it to a cash customer ,.t ir rmli dIuco nonr a town or vllloire. Tbe lartu ia near Liberty rlnirch dsy and bought a carload of milch rows aw miinafruin Crabtreo station. Call ou hr k' IWu,.l ...I IV It H TL. ? ' """V '.v. !....l Will .nil 11 IV.. The If Bryan should accept tha appoint' ment as 8scator to succeed Senator Hayward, his many frienda wonld be heartily glad. There ia need for Mr Bryan s etordy patrlotiam in the eenate juat st tbia time. Martin Julian, tbe former manager of Fitnimmons, after having experienced ' fall out" with the pugiliat. ia Ulking tbroogh'his poultices and sticking plast er in an effort to create tbe impression tbst be adminiatered a licalng to Bob. Secretary Log now proposes to hon or bam peon and ignore Schley by a vote of Congreaa thanking tbe Commander-io Chief of tbe North Atlantio Squadron : for the victory at Santiago. Perbapa tbia will bean easy way for disposing of tbe controversy. Banal ia tbe Con gressional Record wonld indeed be a tuelancboiy termination of tbe matter. from r K. Doud and W. II. Moore cowa were shipped yesterday. Tbe Modern V,vwlmn ti,. ri. lowing new otHcre Friday evening: Head consul. V rh.n,li. .,ii.n. 0 D AlcKnlht: clera. banker. W J 0.hi mana m a mii. , towi, hjm rammer; watch, W M Brown: eentrv. Frank Milioe. G. If Rosa and famil ouiaay irom Unford. C . Mr. Ram Wtt her fiv rin man an,! K.K . farm above Waterloo, and they have now eocre to reside on the place. Mr. Rosa ia a nf .i n ir.n.. at t aterloo precinct. It snowed st Forest Grove yesterday, j The third annnal Lana Mnni show will be held In Eugene Thursday. "r ana Saturday ol this wsrk. O. W. Downs, of Portland, will ma .. Samuel Kuck for particulars. reasonable. WANTED. Trustworthy persons to take orders for "War in Houlu Atnoa anu the Hark Continent from Kavagery to Civilia titon," by William IIwMoir. tbe traveler, cabls editor, and au thor. Presi says "wonderfully com nlaia vrai.hia diweriotiODS." bril- fiantiT written.'1 "eumotuouily lllua- tratsa"; demand remarkable; sales un precedented; prteea low. We shall dis tribute 100.0UO in nold among our sales people; be first; don't ruiMtbiscoejice; also highest commisstoo; books on 30 days' credit: freight and duty paid; tarn pi) case free, address I he Potuin ion Company. Dept. V, Chicago. Letter Liit. I I ONLY SSJS CSNOrJOMO NE V, luTin . i. uui. .11,1 mi la in. iui. H'Ur.'IfMu. ..uki. .1,. u,u. W or lin arvuua .1 mwwrn. .nil w. w,, m., f.. tSS TSIMMISII4VIS la ri. .mm uJ li.a,.. -wr, 1,1 S-..l U onJ pntonly ,a Mk a;r., ... .m-,1.1 .reHSS.7, lil im.n ii i, ".in. lor iwli mm THIS caig is La. tsar avvL roe rattanti wiitii. ffUMl ma !.. I biMlllmllMifkh vwelMk, SJ tMkM lf. wrr tZil.. p li" J It ' X ri..,. luiniAiiiitlatlnu tak'ng UP afs study ot muslo will Und It to their Inter est o lnvealiuate the advantages onereil by Albany Collie. The followlnf bruiiclu'B are taught! VOICE. PIANO, 01H1ANJ COUNRT. lublONY, .rt- C!OUNTEurUlM,i,"i uninu ami I laiuui fB muoivj Mr. Wlrta, Musical Mrecior, la a gra4. unto of the Chicago Ooneervatory tl Mu siv, and baa atudietl ltli aucli SitlsU SS M-oUH-t k, .Irgloldt, KtHillIng, 'alk. (lar. ood, Huff, ami tbe laU Dr. Karl Mars. These men are In their respect. Ive departments and iiitiatclans of world wide fame. .11 Mrs. Wlrta, Instructor In vocal muslt. Is a pti pi ol r. William Nelson lUirrllt a ho la kno n to l one of tha best vole laiMflisirat Iti AtlltsrUta UmUv. Mr. liurr.M studied eight years In Italy and severs, years In 1-oiidon. Tha methoits used in Albany College Conservatory are the latest and most ep proved, being the combined result of superior Instruction received .ciperioneev an.l tha acotitttntance with tbe methodr of our eastern ronsrvaUiriea. Tuition reasonable. Potua may entei at any time. Fall term 01 ns Npt. iv, mv. tor further information call onorsd dress PitBsldent Wallace Howe Lee- McCLlRO'S MAGAZINE. 1 00 n Year, 10 Cent 11 Copy. "asj.gfff wcw; 00.. OHioAOo TRY MORMON BISHOP'S PILLS for all diseases arising from dlsipation, sell abase, eseesees or cigarette smoking. In nas over 60 years. Brings hack your .Manhood, cores depleted worn out meo, makes rich blood and tisane. Cure was! loss and all uses, makea yoa taetitingly strong, cures impotence, lost power, emissions. Freeh eider at the Albany Tradior Co's iwrs. a aencious annK. Lemon peel. Orange peel, , Citron, Raisins, Cnrrants Figs, Dates, Walnnts, Almonds. I have everything that goes to make fltet class fniit cake or any other uuu 111 a case. A.O.BJLUC Admiral Dewey haa a seat in an . Epiaeopal church and Mrs. Dewey haa one in a:Roman Catholic church. There will be fun in tbat famone bouse about ebarcb time some Sunday morning when the question of which edifice shall be hunored comes op. We see the Adinir al's finish slready. Following ia tb litt of letters remaininu In the PostoiBce at Albany. Linn count. , " 7 " Ti' .1 ., " " ' . - . "IL " Llv". "Wi uvv. 14, low, rersons calling for these lettera mtrnt give the date on which advertised : A notable feature tor 1000 will be The Lite of the Master by lbs Itsv. Jehu Wstson, D. O., author ot "The Mind of tbe Matter," "Beside the Booale Brier Pttih,"ete. A Ll?e of Christ by the Rev. Dr. John Wation (Utter known si Ian Matlaren) Is a work tbat spraka suf- ficlentl for Itself. The work embodies all that Is told In lbs sacred iscMde. in a spirit oofaillosly devout and reveren tial. will be Illustrated, largely In color, Iroln pUtoree made In Psiastlne by Corwlt ' Pospp 1.1 or on. Oihrr featuies will te a novel by An thony Hope, frequent conttlhatioi.s by Kadvaid Klollne. abort stories by Mara Twsln. Other short stories by such well known niters as Bret llarte.Cv W arman.IWtb Cbauncey M. Depew eonaamed a half page of doable column leaded matter in th N Ynrk Wnrtit in lat tha nnklta I . know hia feelings upon being sworn in as , a member of tbe senate. Cbauncey BDooia restrain nia feelings; they may , overcome him in time, and thej, too, there are many deserving young men in Washington, who can do It jucl as well as Depew and tbey need tbe compensa ting collateral: C..B. COLLINS At Second and Ferry streets, in former Photograph gallery, does Upholstering, Repairing of Furniture Picture Framing. Givelbim al j That Tooth needs attention Remember it can be filled or extracted without pain DR. ADAMS Secretary Hay's son goes to Pretoria as Consul, at ons of tbe most critical periods in tbe relation between this country and the South African Dutch republic, lnasmncn as too yonag men is twenty-tour years of age he may have been expected to have acquired a large amount of diplomatic experience which will stand him well in hand ia his nsw job. Being a son of his father, however he may be expected to dodge all the rough places and bang on to tbe soft snsps. Baxter, Mr Amos Busch Mrs Esther Barkbardt, 0 tl Cameron, Mr Lee Cary.MrZ Dorso, Mrs M Reed. Mr Wayne Wood. Lvdia Davla Williams, Mr Walter Baxter, Mr Ted Baker.Mise Mabhs Co! ten, M B Cochran, Oh. a E Duke, Mr U R Mack, A 0 Smith, Mrs CM Bailsman, Mlse E weicb, Mr John i-7i vvwiii wwujewusi 1 tiiiiawi ansa iirai iBrige iiw n iniBn.JMiUID oat of memory, baa areams, auraoken organs, deepondeary, slespleesoees, ITarrlnston. hhsa F. Bullock. TighsHon- n wm. eiuiw nervuaa twiicninae f the) evelioe. Alskes life wo.'th living. A booo to young or old. MORMON BISHOP'd PILLS strengthens and restores small weak organs. Btopa all losses by day or night. Doo't delay. Price within '.he reach of all. Unaraa teed to core. Price mmm a box A for ti.W by mall. Band for free circular. Add rose BISHOP Rill REMEDY CO., Ban Francisco. Gel. For sale by Foe- hay & Mason, Albany. Su'lu. Mr W D, Millersburg S. 8. Tkaw. P. M. How's This ? We Off Or On Hnndnut llnllar. a - a'vni Avvwwsasu lor any ease of Catarrh tbat cannot be' euro oy naira uatarrb uare. r.J. CHENEY A CO.. Props., TnlmAn It Ws, tbe ooderaigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 16 years, and be- iiotc 01m perfectly Honorable in all bus ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J. Joseph. Proprietor. Stockholders Meeting. The Best The stockholders of the Altny Cresm- PhOtOCTflpllS a uu.4lMM kM tkais twassm. I C-' AawWIMIVll wsas aav teva wuhhw aes- ineaa tranaactiooa and financially able to K at One o'clock p. m., Thnrsday, Jan . j a r 4fL, carry out any oUlgattoos msde by tbeir Hth. 1900, for tbe purpose of electing Bve fl A I Daily DV t H6 firm directors and tbe transaction of any otbr I . " " Lon Photo Co.. At Second and Ferry. Mr. J alius Grad wohl will now be found in his own store at tha above location better prepared then ever before to serve tbe public with a first class stock of crockery ana glass ware, and standard groceries. The ligbest place In Albany. Everv, thing in sight. Good goods at low prices. Mr. Gradwobt has always done tbe square thing witb bis cost men and will continue to do so. Also writes insurance in rst class ompsnfes s nmmn VITALITY. LOST VIGOR AND MANHOOD Cures Impotency, Night Emissions and wasting diseases, all effects of self- abuse, or excess and Indis cretion. A nerve tonic and 1 blood boilder. Brings the pink glow to pale cheeks and restores the fire of youth. 1 By mail COc per box; G boxes for $2.50; with a written guaran tee to cure or refund tbe money. umana world-Herald: witn appro priate gestures and self abnegation truly refreshing to behold, Attorney Gen era! Griggs thrusts asids tbe vice-piesi deney. Griggs knows a thing or two or three or foar. He knows it Is easier to do nothing and keep others from doing something, all 11 the benefit ol tbe trust and a a-nodlv aalarv. than it mrmXA ha t lecnra another office bv election. Ciraa i be stands by tlie trusts. Eutto risk his political fatore st the ballet box not aoj for Mr. Griggs. Wist & Tnnar. ITtinlaaal rt..-.t... I Kina.a athlrh mav be bronsrht beore tha Toledo, O. " .meeting. sale Drutrgiets, Toledo, O. ' S.Faoititr, Secretary. Uali'a Catarrh One- ia l.i..- I President. " . . IUIWIU- ' - elly, aciine dlrectlv anon tha hlrwi ,nj i Si-WMSiThe Keal Test . Hall's Family Pills are tha haat. ' O'good floor is shown by the demand for it and there is a aemana tor II1IA1 11U111 AO Mffllit'f.'iajiIEirifi In From an Brick. The lMdlns trallerv of Albany. 1 he onlynp-tOKlate first class studio In town. All work to please. MAK1E LONG Prop To Cure a Cold In One Day Take Laxanvn Bboko Quiaorn Tab uiri. All drck-ffisbj refoni tbe monev if it fails to core. E. W. Gmovb's signature is on each box. 16c. ' Doa't Tobacea 8pU aaa KaMfce tear Ufa leq, To quit tobacco cully and forerer. be maa- netle. full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To-Bse, tba wonderworker, that makee weak men Ginton Jackson Sts, CHiCACO, ILL r:' eterung Kcmady c, Chicago or yaw York, NCR VITA MEDICAL CO. Dr. W. Wixon. ltalv Hill. N T. aavs. "1 hsartilv recommend One Minate Coueh Care. It gave my wife immediate relief in suffocatins- asthma." Pleasant to take- Never faila to onicklv cure ail concha. colds, throat and lung troubles, For sale by Joshay k Mason. ,'9m liar rre Snnaar pwu Ajseat jwtn pus 'aotaes at Jon ptrs tnrmoA s stj jjooj 0 mdfaq 1 'waprpeta etn 10 noes 10 omon omj 2a;n WJJV sptmod g penrsi I TJUota sao ni nsaioia na aW JPJ I ipse jo arwoq auo 2mm i ye pint wpanod peq8pa 1 iuj onatomoa naqAV paajaps se eenpt jw eq puw .BonatEwajd eiuoAaj, Svcnn traSsq v .swraj- 1"U, sjq osrs pu ,'Xi3aooit IworpaH naptoo, .'ocdijosajj ij -JOawj . em 'wntoroani ara n m am SaprtApv Axntuo jnfjjty p foS uoot fyyipv Jut xtv twLf 'mi ot fiatat r tm 1 cue 'La ineai a ten oa 'atn m ilreWwaa tnwe yu ptp ijtjx 'panuo; q oj eAvtr whom, notiuado nw iwqi pus uonsieoin vm r Dies an puw )srrspads e paiinenoa j 'punoj 2rp ipreq pjnoo Xpood oe seat oSs ajmaX oau nua 'asjosa MiiS uwa aum taad ) nj -em im rre sear jo sjoui trjreaq d nt naq aAvq r -aaura -jpauj pooa paw oau pa ptn jnoX Jo; ure 1 rniajwS iaoq saajdxa vmnea SP-A a : tajuj. 'eoTJi ''03 nyiirtiBjj 'onoi i ;o ;8uoi 'A 'W -sjw Magnolia Floor Vnr tmlem tha eaoscitv of the mid. st S rices considerably above ordinary valley oars. It is always msde from Jo. 1 Old Wheat Every Sack Guara nteed I For Bargains In Farm Lands. Timber Lands and City Property, call on or writo 0, A. Dicwa a w. Albany, Oregon' JM RALSTON, Three doors esst ol the DsatocmaT office haa ituuif to loan on farm security at low rata of inter eat. Also small loans msde 0 n personal security . City, county and school warrants bought. Collections made. , Ranla onllAfftMl. FlIW Itt surance written in the lollowlng large and raliahla mmnanieS! HOME 1SJ, CO., of New York, PHOENIX 1N8.00., H.Hfnrd. Oonn.. LIVERPOOL. LOS- DON AN 0 GLOBE 1N8. 00. ol Eng H. F. HerriH INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT.- X collections promptly sttenaea 10, cor respondence solicited, umce in vsmo ai building. Stanley Stewart, bmcIemHrIhg, FOBGmBAND MACHINE WOBE kins, Robert llarr, Clinton Koss, W. a. Freaer. Interesting articles by Llent. K. P. , . , . , . iji it.Mii. tiarlaod, R. 8. Pakar, Rev. C. T. Hrady, Prof. K.B. Holden, Ex-'Jov. U.S. Ii out well, and otbeta.; Tas 5.8. UcOtcssCotiraMT. SOO Kaat JMh 8' reel, .Nee Yora City, New Yotk. M. Senders Co, Ear and Oat Warehouses' 8eventa end Railroad Streets. We are prepared to take 00 storagi baled hay, will boy your oats in snv quanlty at top market price. SACKS FURNISIMKD. Oata bought In car lota at any abltr ping point. M. SENDERS &1C0. Insurance, II ay, Grain and Wocl.D UThl Paper Una Year. farm Journal .1 S Years-C3 Pay np and ge4 both papers st price et one. We wsot mors new subscribers to our Weeklyi we therefore continue our ar rangement with tbe Farm Journal bv whicn we can seal tbe Dbmociat and tha Farm Journal 6 years, both for 1 .25. And we maks lbs snmeofiVrto ail old subscrib ers who will par all arrearasos and one year in advance. You know what ours ts and tba Farm Jour 9 at I a gem practical, progressiva-. clean, honest, nse'nl par full of gumption, full of sunrbine, with an im menre circulation anion- the heat oeonbi every here. You ought to take it. Daily subscrioers nayini In advene an also secure i:. f V NOIcllJ3S3Ucl 3JLIUOAVJ For sale by Fred Dlwion CITY TREASURERS NOTICE Notice is bsreby given tbst funds are on band to pay city warrants Nos. 423 to I . . . a . a arto w a 470 Inclu.ive ot tne issue 01 iobo. iuior est on ssld wsrranta will ceaae with the date ol tbia notice. Albany, Or., Nov. 23, 188V. E. A- Paskxb, City Treasurer. Sometblne new and: artistic sre the opal plate and easel photographs, which j yon can get at Miss Long s studio. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. (JNN CO- ABSTRACT. COMPANY Offioec Bank of Oregon BoUding. Only et of Abstracts of Lion County. Qomplete pet of maps od plats. It mart Wrtal TOVWhaHtMrjM CnntiRO tbV aWrTOkllllllV tODMCO tsAbli. NOT O-l rsjaBOTM in dust rat Cor lobsvoeo. wl u gaayrwous) oisirwi, x mii i Uam, port A th bloosi. rt- Msrssv swes nauuvvy, i (Krk., say mmMTO-HAC from our own drusjirnt, who I voueh for flat. TslIcm It as ilk . will, patleritlr, pwrilsteatlr On , 7 ouretf I bos, $t Ml iTnuta o itirs, or wo rafuod mo nor, 1 Ssjes)sj og CUsMCflj. AoaMrMlt Sow Iwns rfllk'llla . . a a a.aiiB.B.ira. ana aSLIf ?A-S ST Tg s Jew bo I At A Linn County Invention. A land roller invented by James' Wl Newman, of Pla'.nvlew, Linn county, is now on the marker, it la owned by Roberts & Newman, and Its sale will 1 e pushed. Mr. Jas. Marks, of this city, nas ueen appoiniea agent ana will intro duce tbe roller. It commends itself st a f;lance, being so constructed ss to adjust tself to the inequslities of tbe ground and permits the turning of corners and tha return angles at tbe ends of the nti witb facility. It consists of three rollers so ad lusted as to ran readily on all klmla of ground doing the work easily and at. fectivelr. The invention is unaueatinn. ably a fins thing and is something farm, ers senerally will see tbe merit of and nn doubt secure for the better 1 arming so much needed. 1 AlBinY LUNCH COlTffl, Prcmpt intals a4. all honre, Frei I c s srs lit styles dr.Irad. Be linobi 1 o anqnets on sbcrt no:lot.