The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, December 15, 1899, Image 5

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II inmll pox Lllli warn illyultn..l
W Class & Prudhorame, 05, co'n-
si T
lmi.,iV " '0l" A 8 McUon
. on supplies,
Jrgnret and Walter Cllne permitted
Viwrn proiwrty sold on tax.
film ma tier of the Thykgur road or-
fl PMtlKl OR havmai.t of tHO la Mr.
liia. T
W -
1 l lowed i
Hit Barton
5)Urk Cwblree
UtS Hunker
H'NI ,
X Hiafford
.ywtotsndenl McDonald,,.
100 00
Itl 00
Ittfl 00
I'M) 00
17ft 00
AO 00
83 83
60 00
..-rftntirrr Jack
V Oirk Montague
r j fclierlf! Lewelling
9, ' ACCOUNT COl'HT llUl'Hlt,
00 00
Hl Wwthrock , I 2ft
Kl Light Co ; noo
t box 4 jjo
r,lJ,fW,t 'vor J W Ouslek
000 00
4 00
SO 00
8 )
.Kelaman and wife
voker minor
Ja lareu
J i
Ktewart and wife
Allen ,,
IS (tft
1 00
nuiol k Uli
4 00
10 00
12 2A
25 00
8 2ft
Drentwd lteuf Co
9 00
40 2ft
10 10
3 60
aixvht rwu raau.
h'l Hell Shepherd, upt .
23 HO
2 25
3 2ft
0 3ft
68 7ft
1 00
79 44
17 41
10 04
9 00
1 A3
A ilulburt
pit Bros
Id Mrs Druminond
wnaon & Ilannard...
"y pinTte
f.ilisY Jlubl
H mh A Davl
? J Cameron
;! et al
J Kindig
yr Ilroa
i filter
"KrJ i MiKKLLANaoia.
4ii'jCral)lr stationary
2 111 rocker A Co "
j;") Train, stationary
i My( Ue printer......
iltlo'a Pre, printing
iTalt, fuel
,; a Neely, fuel
1 ! Iledfleld, wltif Morris caae
I Montague, ' " ' " "
l w heeler, " " "
J ton Ireland, bounty
' Hnk, bounty
; II Davie, act tnaane
. McDonald, itationary, etc . .
f,' J Jak, alalionar..,..
'''. rion ltarton, aaaeaament roll. .
'f,lrioii I'orter, reUte tax
fa Trimble, acct Inaane
3 40
9 54
12 00
36 32
6 00
1 HO
18 75
23 00
4 00
33 00
11 00
12 70
6 73
3 2ft
6 75
8 20
10 SO
17 20
2 60
2 00
A 00
22 W
0 00
3 00
6 00
6 00
1 60
3 00
"'benon h A nrlntlna. ......... .
JJjn Ht Jhn, acc
f My Munkera, "
acct aberiff..
3H 00
3 00
2 00
3 Hotter.
Lol Urownivme account ditcb
miring channel of Calapooka. 100 00
0 Montague, accl aaeeeameot
jCatlln. iaoltor
10 00
20 00
20 75
i I'reorkaen, reporting Linn
tanty agt Morria
i Mill Prospects.
At. W. W. OurUa, of tba Curtla Lum
Co., and Mr. William M. lloag, of
i Albany Water Works, tbla afternoon
ra holding almeetlng with the cltl
ttiubaidy couiniitteo wltba a view ol
unlutina arranirenienta for the build
f: of the big mill at thia city. It ia re-
teu inai luere ia a apienuiu proipeci
ibt partiea getting tone t her ao aa to
jure me erection oi mo out uere, ao
t!y desired.
Lawyer Wateon bad bualneaa before
nupreme court yaatarday.
tern Durkbart and A. McKllloD are in
taune with a view of opening a lunch
Mr W.:il. Worrel will aucoeedlMr. J.
VyinWinkle, recorder-elect aa deputy
i C. A. Oossawell. the veraatile
Uvanidard democrat ia in the otyjon
M bualneaa.
Sf ra. Rufua Thompaon la In ronland
the bodaide oi tier aiaier ura. maris,
to ia danferoualy ill. .
ator Daly of In the city
iLPrnaon. lie aeoured fame on ao
lent of aome acbool legislation.
jtlissOlga Hewitt, last evening, at the
ime of her lather judge uewitt, waa
tdcrel a pleaarnt surprise party by
i uieniDera oi tne vAingri'gguuuni
fbe adjourned term of circuit court
s convened tma auernoon at o oioca
in.Wa Uoise and the caae of The l'a
ie'a Security and Building Co., agt Dr.
II was being conaiderea. a rooiion to
nut parte of the amended com-
pat was bosng argued.
the SoottleJP. I. waa turned over to
I. nrnriA(nr. laid to be the airent
Stlark lianna, to-day. Lbe boya made a
ti iive paper oi it anu me now wi
w ill have to kep a battery in thoir
els to keep tue piice set.
It h the high
quality of Royal
Baking Powder
that has . estab
lished its great
and world-wide
Every house
wife knows she
can rely upon
it; that it makes
the bread
biscuit more
some r.lways
be baked.
It is economy and every way
better to use the Royal, whose
work is always certain, never
New Officers.
Corlutblan lodge, No. 17, A. F. A A
M.t W. M., A. W. Ilowersox; 8. W
P. W. RumUugb ; J. W., T. II. Bodlne;
treas.,E. W. Laogdon; sec,,C. D. Winn;
Tyler, J. N. Duncan.
Degree oi Honor : r, C. of It., Mary
XI-. I. I..L... ft ..f II K
. .1 . , v. v. ....
Thrall; L. of 11., Llllie Mclfargne; O.
of O. katie Horum ; L- U., Iena Tunni
cliff; I. W., Lillle Philips ; O. W., Fred
Myers; recordeer.nertha i. 1'arker; on
ancier. W. II. Warner; receiver, Mary
J. Kelly; trustee; J. if. Lindgren; cap
tains, Mairgle Ilarker. l.lie A. Craw.
Hattibono Kilters: P. C, Florence
Conn: M.K. C, Maggie Moe; K. B
A me O' Urlen; K. J. l,yd II. Van Win
klet M. of T.. Kali Uorum: M. of K.
and C. Kertha T. Parker t M. of F..
Mary 11. IlMrue; O. of I. T., Minnie
Helner; U. of O. T., I-aura Chamber.
A Good Selection.
Gov. T. T. Ueer yesterday appointed
Oeonte L. Iteoa, of Albany, a member of
the strte board of agriculture to fill the
vacency created by the resignation of A.
J. Johnson, of Hclo. Mr. Johnson waa a
member and president oi tue old state
board of agriculture, when the lesiala-
ture created the new board, and he wai
appointed one of the members of the
new orjranixatloh by Gov. T. T. Ueer. hi
term of office expiring December 1. 1900.
Mr. Iteea, the new member of tba board,
ia a nrominent farmer and breeder ol
One stock, residing near Albany. He is
reported to be an excellent businew man
a irood farmer and an enterprising clti
sen. The commlaaion, evidencing his
appointment, waa Issued to Mr. Iteea
yeaterday and be will probably meet
witn ma board on i ueauay evening, iec,
12th, the lima fixed for the annnalmoet
ingoftiie board. Statesman. The se
lection of Mr. Keea will give general sat
isfaction. Ha ia an agricultural rustler
and a good man for the position,
raoarxcriva Railboaub. Three sep
arate and distinct railroads aro being
projected toward the central portion of
Oregon. One is the Columbia Southern
which is being extended from Wasco to
ward Prinevillo: another is the Nevada,
California A Oregon, which is being
built northward from Amedee toward
Lake and Klamath counties, in Oregon,
and the third ia the Humpter Valley ex
tension, which will be pushed from
Sumpter toward Canyon City. In ad
dition to these the Corvallia & Eastern
haa a line reaching eastward toward tbe
the heart ol Oregon ; another road bas
been surveyed from near Medford east
ward into Southeastern Oregon, and ar
ticles of incorporation tltec for another
which waa to run southeast from Port
land through Multnomah .and Uacka
mil conntiea. : t ' .-
i With all these lines projected and
some .actually under construction, It wilt
be saen that Central Oregon will find
plenty of outlota for its commerce. At
the oresent time the entire heart of Ore
gon Is without railway lacllitiee. Tele
gram. , ',.'!'
The Mite of Corvallis closes its account
of ttlie Eugene foot ball fame in the fol
lowing dramatlo way: Tired, defeated,
aleopy, yet hopeful for the future, the
Corvallis people at latt rested. The dai
so long looked for, from whltb so mucE
had been exnected. wa oast. The rush'
ing wind and black darkness ruled the
earth, while far away in fair Eugene was
great reoiciog.
WATSON. On Wednesday, Dec. 6th,
to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Watson, Tot
Albany,) a daughter. Weight 8,'i
pounds, All doing well.
with so
an article
as the
delicious anc
1 whole-
the finest that can
Tliere are many!;,ii
powders, mativ r..-i
may cost h-si i-r i.
their use ia at tU k ;
aowOta CO., NC
Corvallis in Danger.
From the Te'ogram :
D. U. Ogden, usliUnt United HUto
engineer, will leave tor Corvallis tomor
row, to inspect the work being done by
the government snagboat Mathloma,
above that town.
Tho work consiata of 800 feot of revet
ment which is being built to keep Cor
vallis from being left an Inland town.
Juat above Corvallis, the river make a
aharp bend to the weet toward Corvallia,
and as soon as !the city is passed turn
sharply toward the east, leaving a pen
inaufa opposite the city. 'In time of high
water it is the tendency of the bulk of
the stream to flow acroe the peninsula
instead of around it. and it the govern
ment engineers bad not Interplead, it
would have been a queetion of but a
bort time only until the rlv.r would
have cut through here and left Corvallia
out in the cold. In addition, it would apoilod the river channel by spread
ing over greater apace.
Thia was .ne of the earl est works un
dertaken by the government, and is one
of the moat necrsnary. Tbeie is a fall of
200 feet in the Willamette between Eu
gene and Corvallis, which is tour times
aa great aa the fU in the whole distance
between Corvallia and Portland. It is
necessary, in order to keep tbe channel
from spreading out.not to allow the river
to become any ahorter, a the fall for a
given distance would thus be increased.
A $1.75 Election.
They bad an election at Philomath
Monday, says the Times, and a corres
pondent writes that the well-known dol
lar and rix-blt law suit waa the issue.
The result of the election wasaa follows:
Mayor, Dr It O Loggan. recorder, W II
llolea, marshal, E A Taylor, treasurer. O
W Davis. Councllmen, first ward, E L
tiixon, II Sheak: second, U W Scott, J
Ward; third, J E Henkle, W A Jolly.
The correspondent says: "The only
issue in the election was whether the
voters should sustain the city council in
it action In the suit at law which was
recently tried in the justice court of Cor
valll ,and which is now on review in the
circuit court. Tbe result waa almoat
unanimously in favor of sustaining the
present council, ur Logman, tbe present
mayor having been re-elected by a vote
of 73 out ol a total of 80. Every one of
the old council who was a candidate.waa
returned by almoat unanimous vote."
A Oio Cask. Judge McFadden went
to Salem yesterday to argue., the case of
Bwiuerton versns Wystt, and others.
The ease Is a remnant left over from the
old O P litigation. Swinerton reside in
San Francisco, while the other parties at
interest are Samuel Wyatt, Con Sullivan
and other labor and material creditors of
the old OP Company. About $700 ia
Involved in the suit. The case was won
in the circuit court by the local men,
but was appealed by Swinerton,
Mr. Wholesale Your former employ
er tells roe you were the quickest book
keeper in the place.
Applicant (dubiously) He dooB?
Air. Wholesale les. lie eats you
could chuck the books in the safe, lock
np, and got ready to go home in just one
minute and ten siconds. Michigan
The College Second team and Pnblie
School football team were rolling each
other in the mud this afternoon. First
hall College 6, Public School 0.
WATSON.-Tbe infant child of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Wation,oa Friday morn
ing, Dec. 8, of spasms, aged two days.
From tbo Criterion!
J, A. Cummioga, one of Albany'a pop
ular druggiala spent yesterday in thia
J. II. Nixon arrived here laat nlht
from Chlco, Calif,, whpre he Iim trn
stopping recently. Mr. X.xuii will n
maln here for the winter.
'J. P. Durfee, of 8!iaw, Marion county,
waa in the city yesterday looking lor a
location for a Jewelry atore. We under
itand he haa decided to located here.aod
will open up next week.
C. E. Lrownell and family, of Albany,
spent Thanksgiving day in thia city, the
guesta of Mr. and Mr. Ii. L. I'ower.
It. Thom returned KsttlrrUv Irnm tlia
Bohemia mining district. Mr, Thom
couidrs tliat the richest tniolng dis
trict in the west and believes it Lai a
bright future.
L. M. liuehor hna returned to this
place, having quit work for the ISocth
Kelly Lumber company at Maginaw. Mr.
Bashor said lie bad bis choice between
working in the uiillpond and quitting;
and aa he waa uoi an expert awimmer,he
chose to quit.
The following officers have been elect.
ed by the Itoyal Neighbor for the ensu
ing year: Oracle, Mr Eva Millsap;
viceoiacie, Misr Ada Miller: oust ora
cle, Mra Km ma Miller; recorder, Mrs
Ida blurm: teceivur.Mra Llllie Modin-tt!
chancellor, Mr Clara Chandler; mar-
lial: Airs Leota Alexander: sentinel.
W IS Harden.
At a regular meetinir of Marguerite
chapter, No. U0,Q EH, held at their ball
ant Sionoay evoulnif. the fol owing of
ficers were elected fur the ensuing year:
Mrs Clara Uuy, V M ; C II Young, W
r; Mra Miiieap, A AI ; Mra Iva
Buhl, C; Mia Mnjiie Armetiong, A C;
Mia lVt M Bmitli, Kec; Mrs Louisa
Hughe, Tiea.
Anuinaldo is again about to surrender
Hurry up and let the agony cease.
The school attendance in Portland has
passed the 19,000 mars and the Portland
paper are nappy.
There ae several ambitioua candidat
es for the position to be vacated by re
corder-elect Van M inkle.
McMionville has a cabin of Vativa
Uaughteri with Mis. Gault a nreai-
uem, it i j3o, v.
Lane county haa numhased book
typewriter for the county clerk depart-
mem, f wo ueiug iue price paid.
New pateota are: J Herfert, Tucker,
waau, animal-trap; li Paulson, Hum
mer, asu, uicycie-Drake.
The laying of rail will toon begin on
the Mohawk railroad to be built between
Eugene and tbe Booth-Kelly mills on the
The Albany Woolen Mill ha orders
ahead for nearly a year, and has besides
turned away order. The demand for
the goods of thi will ia immense.
ine uuara says me nun on the Lockey
Boy mine in tbe Blue Kver mines will
start up thia week and will be run in
definitely. It ia intended to push these
At the Halsey election on Mondav J.
P. Carter was elected mavor, U'. V.
Koootx treasurer, J. C. SUndiah record
er, C. E. Tyler maishal. C. H. Bone, Dr.
Marks, D. U Stewart, Doug Taplor, O.
M. Koootx and W. II. Uuhitord council
men. .-...-.
The people at Eugene are having a
training school in cookery. If all Eugene
peiple could cook the way the Metho
dist ladies can, judging from their
Thanksgiving dinner, tnere Would be no
object in a cooking scboal there.
The receipts at the Portland posteffice
last year were over 100,000 more than
those of Seattle, the same aa Seattle and
Tacoiua combined. If the postal dic
partmenthada clearing house Seattle
would make a larger comparative show
ing. Tbe Dkmocbat man will take a back
seat. The editor of the Pomeroy Inde
pendent, who is said to alsa be a preacer
announces that for tba next five years he
will conduct marriage ceremonies for tb.3
returned volunteers free of chargo, be
sides baptising the first babies, and in
the event of any deaths during that time
he would minister at the burial.
At Itoseburg yesterday Dora Cole, a
tramp, pleaded guilty to stealing a horse
and waa sentenced t3 the penitentary
this morning foi one year. W illiaui Per
kins, her associate, was sentenced for
two years for the same offense. Mia
Cole is the first woman sent from Doug
las county to the penitentiary.
Circuit Court.
The time of Judge Boise wat taken op
from yesterday at 2 o'clock, until after 8
o'clock this afternoon with the Pacifies
Securtly and Building Association agt. J.
L. Hill Tbe motion of thedefendant to
strike out certain parte of the complaint
was partially sustained three pane being
struck out. Upon tbe complaint being
amended as desired it was then de
murred to as formerly, and the demurrer
sustained without argument. On ac
count of the laige amount of business in
the state of tbe com pa ay thecasewill
probably be appealed. Already inquiry
nas been ma it from different parts of the
state in reference t) the case, indicating
tbat there will be other contests on the
eaaia gruuuua. t
Court adjourned until ieo. 23.
Tbe county court adjourned last even
ing alter transacting the following ad
ditional business :
Continued, bill of A 8 McDonald, for
$22.10, bill oi L L Buckner for $56.00.
Allowed: !
O H Buraraff, aco't OH. $300 00
Wation ASwana, att'ys fees.... 25 00
U A ntzgeraui, acc t roan ana
bridges.. ;
D L Curl, co. citua.iaeioner....
DCSwann, " t " ....
Ladies Aid Sociotv, acc't poor. . . .
Hopkins Bros, order Welch Bros.
Welch Bros.
Geo i Barton, aco't poor
61 00
7 40
12 00
10 00
400 00
75 CO
7 10
A stranger was in the city yesterday
trying to pass a $23 check on a Salem
bank. I: was found to be a fraud and
no one bit. Albany business men have
learned from experience not to cash
checks promiscuously.
The Black Patll Tronbadonra . I.
tba state agstn. j
The men an to hold a banquet this
evening ia tbe Presbyterian church.
Tba center of attraction in Albany
these days is the pole raising of tbe tele
phone company. Every , bis
trade. ,
Thomas Shea, manager of tba Central
School football team, received chal
lenge today from the Sbedd team to play
Dre. 16th. It will probably be accepted.
Dr.T.K. Chapman baa been arrested
at Monroe o., the charge of polygamy
and other bad roiidnct. Ms will be tried
today. L. liilyeo of Eugene is bis attor
ney. The Bishop Scott and Portland High
schol will decide tbe school cb am Dion-
hip of Portland next Saturday at foot
ball Weatberford and Mason will nlav
the ends for tbe 8. S,
Following ar godaville'a new officer:
TrnsUe. N. Bridge. II. O. Fisher. J.
W Mitchell. 8 B. Mora. W. W. Par.
rlsb; recorder. A. P. Flory; marshal,
. V. Klum ; treasurer, K. O. Briggs.
Tbe Carlisle Indian foot ball team will
coma to the cest and will probably play
Deraeieyon cnrisimar. TliS Usliloin
lans will think a cyclone ha struck
them. A game should be secured with
this fatuous team in Uregoe.
The Salem Journal figures it out this
way: Jt U said that at It Albany city
lection tt.e Kepublicans areelv voted
for the Democratic nominee for city
marshal, and thsDemocrata voted for
Republican nominee. Tbe Republican
was elected.
On Friday the Northern Pacific Bail-
road Company filed on another big block
of timber land at tbe land office, in lieu
of lands in the Mount Rainier forest re
serve. The lands are principally located
in Linn county, ani consist of 18.909
acres. Oregon City Courier.
Tbe recorder and marshal of Salem
each get a atraight aalary of $1,000 a
year, atreet commissioner S4BO, police
man low, one engineer 1720. two drivers
each (480, nine horsemen each $120.
The tola! expense of the city for the com
ing year IS estimated at $27,430, inclod
lug $11,000 Interest on bonds. A ten
mill tax will be levied.
The new proprietors of tbe Seattle P.
i. arsert positively tbat the entire capi
tal stock of the company has been pur
chased and is owoed by private citizens
resiaems oi ine state oi ; Washington,
done for an investment, and not a cent
bas been nut Into it by a corporation
wbatevrr. In view ol the fact that there
have been ttaiements that Mark Banna
was interested in It we hasten to give
tbia side ol I be matter, ueorge and Ed
ear Piper announce tbat they will re
main in Washington state and identify
themselves wltb its interests.
Mr. F. L. Kenton is clerking in a atore
in Hepner.
Mr. Don Swann, a competent yonng
man, is a so learning the boxes at toe
post office.
Regular meetior ton!gbt at L. O. T.
M. Election ol officers. A full attend
ance desired.
Lawyer J. R. Wyatt returned this
noon from a legal trip to Prinsville. He
foond stsging to be pretty rough at tbia
time oi the year.
A pleasant surprise party was tendered
Scot Hart lart night by several of hia
boy (mods. Tbjy bad a fine lime and a
iirt-y iancn.
Those Invited to the men's banquet at
the Pr sbyterian church tonight will
please not forget to be there. The op
portunity oi a (He time.
Robt. W. Craig and Miss Josie Taylor
were married near Maclay last Wednes
day. It waa a big event there. Dr. C.
W. Barr of Lebanon was best man.
Do not maka any date for next Friday
night Dec. 15tb, aa you will want to see
tbe "Night Owl" in convocation at tbe
Armory. Tbe play haa been revised
and right up-to-Jate.
Tbe Magazine Club will bold their first
meeting of the season tomorrow after
noon at 2:30 o'clock with Miss Lore
Vance. Members are requested to be on
hand promptly. '
Lawyer h. R. Ssipworth and Rev. I.
D. Driver, two of l-ane county' leading
ciiisens, passed through Albany- yester
day for their homes at Eugene. In just
ice to Mr. Skipworth it may be remarked
that they were not traveling together.
Mrs Lucv.Tburman, National W. C.
T. U. bupt. oi wort among colored peo
ple, will speak in the M. . church
Monday evening next and in the U. P.
church Tnesday ereulng. Do not fall to
put these meetings into your program tor
next week. ,
John P. Jones, traveling passenger
sgent of the Southern Pacific, and Mr.
R. B. W ilson, traveling passenger end
freight agent oi the Burlington, were
doing business in Albany today.
Denols. Stovall has been appointed
Deputy Supreme Commander and Slate
lecturer of tbe Knights of Maccabees snd
will assume bis duties ss a stump speak
er and organizer the first of next week.
Recent letters to his family from Late
Wilson, were dated at Skagway, Alaska.
I .ale had been employed all summer in
the Atlin region, and at Skagway, and
bad, from a financial standpoint, done
well. When be wrote he was about to
leave for some mining point, south, of
Skagway, where there were promises oi
two months remunerative employment!
He waa home aick, but doubted if be
would return to Corvallis this winter.
Corvallia Times.
'With warm shampoo of ConceaA Boar and
light droning ot Cctiotra, purett ot etool
liect akin cure. Thia treatment at one
top tailing hair, remoTe crusts, scale, and
dandruff, aoothea irritated, itchtnf turt
atUnolatea the hair follicles, supplies toe
roots with eaergy and nouriahmtnt, a&J
make the hair grow -when all else fails.
eW Utmrlml tt wort. Pott.. D j.b C Coir
squama 'imMMiiiJini
iong ways Uff. . y f.
M'WJT0D', dlspatr-rf to tii '
Herald from Manila ays:
u?p ' ndintf the insurrection and
halting military operation in the Phil-
Ippines, which seemed so bright a few
days ago, bas again faded into the nn
certain future. Nothing more ia heard
of Laving the rebellion stamped out in a
few days. Field commanders Dow think
tbat the and Is still afar.
IFighting Ahead.
Loxron, Dec, 8, 6 A. M. Gener! Boi
ler's arrive! at Frere is held to indicate
that all the preparations for an advance
to the relief of Ladysmith are complete,
and that stirring news will soon be re
ceived. Tiie fact tbat Lord VTethneo is an
nounced as resuming his com ma fid at al
most the same moment is interpreted in
some quarters fo mesn that battle will
be fought simultaneously in Natal and at
Tbe Wiley Aqulnaldo.
Makila, Dec. 7, 10:50 P. M. The ex
pacta'ion of catching Aquinaldo in the
north bas been practically abandoned
and the probability now ia that he will
inrn southward, ill he is not already
there, with bis destination Cavite pro
vince, his home, where the insurrection
began, and where it still has its greatest
l bs Kentucky Election. f
FiiAXKFOBT. Dec. 7. The decision o
the state board of election commissioners
covering tbe gubernatorial contest, wilt
he handed down Saturday morning. Tbe
strong probability is that certificates of
election will be given to William 8. Tay
tor, tue republican candidate for govern
or, and the other republican candidates.
The rote will probably te two for tbe re-
pu oncan and one lor the democratic state
rerrlblc fire.
Rsaoino. Pa.. Dec. 7 One of the most
appa ling fire that bas ever visited this
city occurred today, when the extensive
hosiery mm ol the Nellie & llorst Com
pany took fire, destroying the plant,
causing the death of one person, and in
juring o other employes oi tue compa
ny. To -Be Pulled Through.
WAsnisGTOir. Dec. 7. Tbe uroiect for
a 40-foot channel at the mouth of the
Columbia river waa submitted to - con
gress today. It call for an appropriation
oi z,o.u.iw, ana nss the indorsement oi
the chief of eugineers and tbe Secretary
of war. It proposes to extend the t pres
ent jetty a distance of three miles, pro
ducing a scour which will give a channel
40 feet deep and of ample width.
The Kentucky Governorship.
Fbaxkfobt, Dec. 6. The Sflood gates of
oratory were opened promptly when the
election commissioners took their seats
todiiy, and it rolled on for honrs, with a
oriel intermission at noon. Tbe repub
lican speeches were longer and more
elaborate than thoee of the democrats,
who apparently are saving as mscn as
possible of their time for Judge Hareia.
of Louisville, who tomorrow .makes the
great argument lor Ooebel.
The Roberts Caae
WAsnisoTOif, Dec. 6. Representative
Tayler, of Ohio, chairman of tbe special
committee to investigate the case of Rob
erta of Utah, bas called a meeting of the
committee tor 11 o'clock tomorrow. Tay
ler saya thia initial meeting will be to de
termine upon a line of action. He could
not say how soon the committee would
de able to report. Roberts was about
the house during the day.
.Many Bills.
Washington, Dec. 6. Nearly 800 bills
and joint resolutions, several important
concurrent resolutions aid petitions
numbering hundreds were presented to
the senate today. A majority of the bills
were old stagers. A few were of fnation
al interest and importance. A Id rich had
tbe honor of introducing the first meas
ure in the senate. It was the financial
Surrounding Ladysmith.
Londox, Dec. 7. 4 :30 A. M. Again ia
tiers a complete lull in the war news.
Ladysmith has established heliographic
communication with Frere. A dispatch
from tbe Boer laager, confirms the re
port that the commandos have been
closing in upon Ladysmith and mount
ing big guns in new positions. . , . -
. . An Awtul Deed- ' - '
Maysvuxx. I Ky., Dec 6. Richard
Coleman, colored, confessed murderer of
Mrs. JsmesLa'hbrook, wife of his em
ployer, expiated his crime in daylight to
oah at the bands of a mob consisting of
thousanda of citizens by burninpfat the
stake after Buffering torture and fright,
beyond description. The dreadful spec
tacle occurred on the peaceful cricket
grounds of this, one of the oldest and
proudest cities o! Kentucky.
In the recorder's office:
Hulda 8 Miller to Effie Baker.l lot, '
.Lebanon... $ 4C0
DPMaeontow A kaiug, ad air,
13.13 acres, 10 w 1. ....... i.
Mortgage for
Chatel mortgage tor...............
Tax deed to I C
Dcedell, 1 block
"H GafbraTth,' 45
Fairdale.... .- 95
Hash Harris to J
acres...... I
Release of mortgage tor. 21X0
In probate court final account filed in
estate of O A Knighten.
In estate of Woodridge Geary, petition
for support of widow.
In the matter of the probate of the
will of Lowell Ames.theisame was denied
on the ground that the testator was in
competent at the time ot making the
will. . ; '
A new suit in the circmt coort is J B
Barker agt S J Archibald, fr $130
claimed due ou account of a note sold to
the defendant, who disputes the claim.
Dr. Murphy, rector of tbe church of
the Good Samaritan, has accepted a call
to a eimiikr position at Was-ington, D.
C, and, with his family, be leawe next
Thursday to enter upon his dutie..
McKillcp and Burkhart have returned
from Eugene, where they w ere unable to
obtain a suitable place for opening a
lunch counter. They were greatly
pleased with the city.