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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1899)
Live Tak. if : TbeCetvellie Tlmta talks la the lol- lowing very live manner about sinner! ;Ia Cwgmii . ! Of coo rie, Roberts should go. Every good cltlren mows that bit seat should b denied him. Bat at the itmi time, like honorable people, we thou Id be Im partial in applying the pruning knife, i When Hoberta i dismissed, tbe presl- fdent thoutd Im notified to eever oar re llationi with the Sulu narem. What it Ifair for Roberte it fair for McKlnley. I And while the moral reform it on, let ;the work ot purificat'on be car-led on to the floors of congreet. There it Senator !ect Clark, a democrat from Montana. He epent $400,000 to a million dollare in Tboylcg hie way lato the senate, 3O,C00 lot which now liee in the tale of elate treasury at Helena. kicked out. L;t Clark be There ia Senator Tom Piatt, a republi cs in from Ke York. lie ie the tool and jbss of one of the mott corrupt political inachinea in the wide world, la poin of mural sensibility and honesty, Rob erts la probably a thousand timet more 'exemplary then he. Let Piatt go out 'with Roberte. I There, too, itMark Henna, occupying front pew in the eenate; Mark Henna, the worat tpeclmen of corruption!, that ever sat in a legislative had in thia or iany other couu'iy ; who bought hie way Jtato the eenate, and bought it to openly .that nobody denies it who holds that every man 'a eoul can be purcheeed with gold, and who ia eo coaree and brutal in Jbie nature that (he common decenciee ol manhood are Bt range to him ; a man to jjvile that own particen bold him in con iemnt. A man who has done mere to Wrapt American citizenebip and lower tt at andard of morality, than Lae all bther corrnptioniete combiped. When i&oberts goes, let Seaator llaoea, also, to. JBnt Roberta and Clark, and Piatt and Iftiina, are not the only ainnert in Con gress. The place ia fall of bribe-taker, peculators, and trafficker in francbieee nd vofee. 'il a Cotton letter fchow how -lantington bought the vtes of con gressman after congressman, for hit va- i ' ' . a - a . , . j oae and vile railroad echeinee. The ood. viriqout men in the body are forced to elbow the vicious and dishonest, tile fasincere and corrupt. If therefore, we trite in sainl-liae virtue to purify the ongreaiional atmosphere by the eject pent of Roberta and bia barem, let na Iro pursue the work of cleansing and amigating until all the filth and rot and jieeaet-germa are swept from the legie tive chamber. That it a fair, and no II I Christmas next. Some of the etore give cheering signs ot the facta. Lawyer Wcodcock, ot Eugene, adver tieea for.hoge at 4 cents per pound on foot, Such an advertisement in a Salem paper ought to bring prouiio results. It would be a very funny thing 1 Quay were eeated aa a U. 6. senator where Mr. !Corbett waa refused a teat under like circumstances. No telling what politic will do though. Another advertising- fake lias done up Salem. With a little gall a man can bilk the people of any of the valley towns. W e are a credulous people when given tally. There ia one time in the year when the Chemical Engine Co., ot Albany, cuta a figure. That ie in the firemen 'a election. Just what the Company ia for the rest ol the time could not do discov ered with a microscope. A former Albany man working on a railroad in Kansas reports his wagea re duced from $1.35 a day to $1.10 a day, with the restol the men doing like work. This ia not a campaign Item. The following ia a Salem Journal Ray item : J. J. Whitney, the veteran Democratic legislator of Linn county, was made an alderman ot Albany, Monday. If he does aa well for the city aa he did for the county, no one can complain. Matte at Alle4tew ( W. B. Law- Mr ir m nets iHlti in t vat. APPLICATION NO. 4. United Stata Land Offlee, vv - oreaon l?ltv. nr.. Niov. A liaui Nolle la hereby given that in nunu anve or chapter via of title thirty-two of ' wyiau eiaiuts or in united motes, H. B. Laawler. whose, noatoltlua addraaa la ,u-Ji v.r,, i-miming jiRv imvsr ieei on each of the following-named win, lodes or mineral uupotuia, bearing gold, to wlt: Ked Hull, Uold Back. Uold Bug, (lold Klnoh, Red Bulr, Uolden Kagle, Uoldvn yrowu, uum mil, uoiu uululi, and Uold Cannon, each with surface ground 00 (eel u wium. an lying ana twin eittiatea wimm iue wuarisviiis mininu utatriot. no. three, county ot Linn, and atate or Ora. Son, haa made apiillcittUm to tlttf- United tatM for a natent fur lh aal.I n,li,i, citUina, the aatd clalma being known aud ueaunatea na tna i.awier Conaolldated Uroup of Lode Mining Claims, and belli more fully described aa to main ana bounds by the official nlat horeelth luat. en ami uy me neiu notes 01 survey triere ot, now riled in the otfloa of the. register ot the l'nitd Skates land oHlce at Ure (ton City. Orea-on. which tteld imtxa f aur. vcy dcscrlba the boundaries and extent ot each ot said claims on the aurface, with magnetta variations at 19 ileg. 36 mlu. tt'SO dcg. 10 mtn. east, as follows, to Red Ball Lode. corner No. J, Hold Hack lode, this survey, V. S. M. M. No. 1, bears a 33 dog. mln. t llr7.4 f oet. A comer at tha Ineatlnn which Is a cednr tree, U lnohea In diame ter marked thus X on two aldra. h.ara . M deg. 25 mln. R Tt.s feet dlatant; thenif a 6S deg. M mln. W., variation ft) deg. 10 mtn. K.. JS4.S8 Ie.- to corner No. Identical with corner No. 1 of Oold Hack lode, this survey, and corner No. i oi u. n. lot no. 3i, nits nun lode mtm .. .. a . . . . ' UUal M inl.l..,a i Ult.luw Usni1s1 II f ttlkJd "'nches'ln dlam.ter. biased and at u.g. ,,. 7.1 "Sw ?l!lSJW&&1' rlbed t 111, osara o. ua mm. .wr nlwK iree i luelies In dlaiiiair " w,m: wi, 1 reetTaTnl . a r tree U Inches In dlam, biased and scribed liV bei ! . i I "M.,n,a enral course or dim; Ion of d sat II Inches In the ground with mound ot tree It" S. M deg. DO mln. W. feet! thence a dg u inlu. v variation 'ill deg. 60 miiT M deg. K6 mln. W., variation w ueg. jio isvi. uuieil luiiuing suuLti,jf iom! ftflj leet to corner No, . uawea or i.v i"1 """!" . a hewed blue post A-t 1 k. A r.ul l.mir ant Ik Inches In 4x4 llluhM bv a In.. 1 1...... - .. . '"T. r.. ! heaim mouniy atone, 'i!,,.", '',,h i 4--a: whence a r tree, W Inches In acr bed wiienie a in "rvu ! diameter, lilaaed and scribed. Ul, Inches In diameter, biased and aiiu..J ara N. T deg. li mln. . W.4 wet. ana -- BT, bears N. u dig, W, He leelT fir tree Inches In diameter, biased and and a tn tree Inches In diuiniu.i' -rlbd 4--X UT. bears M. 44 aeg. o tnnaea gnu scribed e-a-Mk ln bears N. mni. w. au.i ieet, oiwuv. a ,uiii, a. m,m ivei: silver Creek I feet wldo Tlows southerly h!., ;. feet, discovery oulnt Jr ,ii m conflicting; claims lo Ilia knowl - - . , . A.. Kl.l . w - . - . - .HUM ,.r .. .. 140 feet corner no, y vm .-i running souinweaierly u this survey on line and liilerl 1 li l- northeasterly lii.l feet to vomer No. rteu Hair tone, tine ' " ri,. ui uvgiiiitiug, corner No. 1. the liiius 01 "". t : Uold um I-Iu. uw.wt m - - ' 4!t.laln. mm uluivfit ,t.i IIim tilut Uuatud lierowlth, and I about norlhwesturly lo seutheastsrly, Atiout KtO feel b claimed oil tha loile soutlienslerly fiom the point of discovery and about Mft feet noi'thwvslni'ly from the point of discovery, The sold ululin Is bounded on the soutlienst by uiiaurvryed aovsnuneiit land, on 111 aoulhweat bv the tiolil Cannnn Im1e cltilm; on the northwest by the Hold Hill and linrin- Z:".. ...i..""MV5 ?i Mod llalr lode clalnm. and on the on T lB 1 To n.i,, , 't by th Oold Hug lode claim. There liii.i tmiH9 ut ni'l'Hcaut. "" I The Ited llalr claim la of record In the ntllea of th cminly clerk of aald roiility 'of I .Inn, state of (irrgon, 11 1 page W of t...,..., ----- --- . . ! vuiiiitin m. (,r allnnitf Itei.lirilM or aam IVirlnnlna at corner No. . a flr iw ' ti S S. . n '.i-n,.,? ..T .' t nuntyi IW linear feel la cl.ilme.1 along i4 liiche by 4 feet long, set iiiwhmiu ,ulvy; 0 ,,. r ? ',, "V f.i -,'. .vein, wiilclt la Weil denned. The pre- the around, with mound or stones scnuru .hto aUrvay i H it m n.. i i....,.m Z' general ruiiran or ciireciiiin or sni'i 1-11. at tereectlon ot line 4-1 ot Uold Vg 441 k tt?, M v" ! with Ilia shin lines of lUuTlod and line l- ot ttejt U dei. rnln W varlatt ia . 1 mi ?'lM ''? m' ho" "J""1 ,Ib1 ","",'a both of this survey; whnc U. B. M. M, h V!'1 1 n ' l," l'1 nd Is about northwesterly to feet. The dWvery point of the 1h "t y Um O..M llulcli and lle.1 Hull ?S.y8rt 5Sjt? 5 A-SSrSI? &hA corner t)7 t Identical with corner No. Crown 1 1 1.. ,mr bewdnrore been plrnte,, and being 4 tlold ltug lode, this survey; thence B. iv "jS1"?" W,?i,', V- i". ; ,ih." 0 " t'V applicant. There are no is d. Jfiln variation ! deg. K . mVrf. fee' : 1 1 u l. h In . ,' !'if: "V"1"?"" to .ho knowledge southerly 0 feet to corner No. 3. . h lr iKwt 4x4 Inches by 4 f t lot g i i,.hea lit the stones erlbd 6 S5S aa leet. tiuicn rumiii,e , tjujlie'j'tjie mde thta siWvev a hwti i 1. m En',', WW ground, with mound ot nPI" "J ,h0" Vu' baaaof a tie li- ? tJnn. stale of nrrgnn. at page A republican signing himself Anti-Pop Democrat hat a humorous communica tion in this mormon's Herald. It ia cot difficult to read be' ween the lines. Vessels continue to tail into Astoria and out again up to Portland after their cargoes, all of which ia very unpleasant, in fact disagreeable to the people and particularly the papers of Astoria. Bon. Thoa. Q. Tongue haa announced that he will tpeak on the financial bil on itc way through the house. It it eafe to predict that be will not nee any ot thoee convincing free silver remarks rf his made before being whipped into line, ,h..C a T.. ki i xir .77L..A iA -tones Trior---. d.:: To mln: K.?m ti to eoVner NS. S is'iW" bearsN.' deg. ml W. rgi J'"- W" '!, ' Vein. I. "wVil dnel ""t,;; and discovery point ot lo.le on summit of flS "lr tree SO Inches In dlam- r"8,, lr 8. M deg. U.lsumed general eourae or direction of in 1.1 rldgo running northweaterly and south- Iter blaac I Parallel with tha aide lines of easterly on line 45 of U. B. lot No. 87. a k del 15 mln. K. SO feet; thence N. 1 ""'"! Vl?.i . , ajcS SiK.'1: ,,r-,W rlnlm, ns shown ttfain the plot pot. Whit lluUlo.le. a bowed fir post. 4 Inches i a 'fi' mln . W.. varlatlon'lodcg. K., ' : ',"". a .?" : Jah.nt" 1 11 ""rcwlth. snd la about norO.we.terly by 4x4 feet long, set 18 Inches In the L T ",,, to corner No. 4. a hewed nr N. M leg. itiln. K.. variation 10 deg. in soiitheaaterly. feet Is claimed oil ground with mound of stones scribed S-t9.? x4 1,,'hcs by ft long set IS Inches ;; r inning n;Jrly 140 ths lode northweaterly f,m th Int of SS. The post stands against tho south- rot ml. with mound of etnnea '.'j u"m. " . iTia? fr-Tl? iiVff '."1" T l,.l"cnrr?- ,,,, ,-,B,m ''i'..led on easterly side of a hemlock tree IS Inches "H,, fT-3iS: whence a Or trc 1J tm-hea "n ef1 Nif S b 11 ileal IVi. ',f. 'v!.' r,.",. IIM",,"'"!", hy ,hh """' Crown lode In diameter, which In a corner of the loca- mr aeter? to I.tsed and scribed i0'.. fiX ? r,nr, N"' Mtm: the snulhwest and on the north, tlon being marked thus (X) on the south- VtV tJmri N. 0 deg. 30 mln. K. M Ccet. ffVV'T una.irveyed government land, and easterly aide, and Is alo marked S-S "Jj a t r tree loll "liea In diameter, biased mVe a M d..i J ill V "'i?, n f i." ".'.":'. ""t1 hy ""' "'"' UT. A Mr tree IS Inches In diameter. J i "l,H-d I -3 HT. bears N. M leg. ,""np" 81,6i,V , sHm.," 5' varlnjion HO, Oold Hill lo.h. mining ctnlma. There nr biased and scrltwd 8-K5 H. T. bears a 15 S." mTn NV lslfeet: thence N. W deg. . 8 ""'It of rhlge run. inn ,;oni. ting claims to the knowledge of deg. ao mln., W. !0.S feot. The center of variation 1 deg. 60 mln. K.. .r,hr"V',v. , nO'W'-t-rly 1 amdlcnnt. " l?.' HJ1 aAwfa.lwrai N. 44 dog. W jF-t cS?SS No. a Rewe flr jr-'rt Rill"! 10 vu,n"r N- ,h" " ' ' '.d,le Crown claim la of record 1,1(11. ... lui irr ui.inni. i nenr-n B. na . - . im, i,-,,'.ir. an. in in. m . . . . . i,,, .11, ten inn I'tintii v f Mr. nr mmi.i ... . ,,,,,. ... ,niiui,u,i av u.'a. i" ,,iii,., K. !K fi feet to corner No. 4. on line s i Rei Balr lode, this survey, a hewed hem lock post 4x4 Inches by 4 feet long, set It Inches In the, ground, with mound of atones, scribed 4 lS.'S. A flr tree 4 feet xi iiu-m-a ,.V ,i of atone mmii i-uira I. one, fl ln ,h5 T'lili : lt.mM ot OolS HW nlnnlng at corner No. 1, Identical wllh S rri-thlV surVey: whenca a pine tree It - J' 'H'. ' .'.I"?" 5?'V"'v . feet I- claimed along lode, this survey Inches in nl H 1 its HT. i23.t feet and rvey: njt - n line a4 of Ue. Ua ameter, blttel an.l J" Vey. II, 8. M. M. No. 1. rei 'il inches In H mln. K. 12M& feet; t LJI scried "Vkt" 5.ii.w-j,.r."tfff icnuniy or l.lnn. stnta of Oreaon. at tmae Toiume c, mining itecoma or aalii uair nine, mis sur- ;(,e vein, which la well denned, Tha Pre. :. " .J "" surneti general rouran or d rr-i on of an ! thence 8. &X dea. I..i u ,.r..ii..l m,i, ,i. .i.i. ,,..'1 ... . ', J Jo deg, 10 mill, K.'rlulm. as ahnwn iiih.ii tha nlm r.n.i.,1 i irr. bears N. a) eg, 60 mln. K. is teet. and 20 mln. K. Sl-t feel; tnence '""! nerewnn, ami l about nnrthwesler y to a flr tree 30 Inches In diameter, biased li "52 ,iL rf n B . variation 19 Of. I'lwovery pt of lodo In line 3,11 J southeaaterly. IfrSM feel claimed on the and scribed 4-l-!5 BT. bears 8. 13 deg. M deg. J. y,,,, No. I and ; Nos. J - ut B reaecllyely of ,t southeaaterly from the "ln of d la" 45 mln. W. 43.4 feet. A hemlock tree 14 .r.-il .?,.! I lllll lode and lied Kl Hair end Oold 1 111! lodes, thla ir- eovery. The said claim I lM.un.1rd on llnchea In d!meir. marked on two sides I'.r'Tl.J'f thia aurvev. on Una W feet "J"!. Pmmit or rings jihe southenat and on lb aniilliweat by thus (XXXX). which l a corner of the ', P""N"rt' i tha place of beginning. VP. i t i r. .. ""surveyed government land; on the location, bear a SO deg. mln. E. S.J l' corncr "ft-a il, ld. . . J .'il''1"'; '.'V".",1, ,nlrlVrr,y.U" t"' ""rthwe.t by the (lolden Kagla loda claim, feet. Thence N. deg. J mln. W. van- .,.- "IT , Corner ' N- ?I nlinnn i t. Identical with corner No. r4 ,. northeii.t by H.e Oold It 11) atlon deg. 10 mln.. R 14SS.S feet. In "fRL4 Inches by 4 tret long. .! i; 10old, ' V" t": "ml.?? ,m (1,','n and tlold Cannon l.1o claims. There are corner No. S. A hewed hemlock pot set P' Jx ' ground, with mound of '"e-l lHte. both of this survey. Ihencaino conlllellng claim to tho knowledge ot IS Inches In the ground, with mound of I ''"'J? '"oir. TlSra whence U. 8. M. M. g. J7 deg SS 1 m n. W. Bu.7 feci to cornerjthe applicant. 8 earth and stones, scribed S-4-J2S. A hem- Jj""? tf K fl i" "ln. W. 7 8 "', Mo. Ihl aurvey. on The Oold Hill claim I of record In the lock itree lch , in , diameter, biased nd SrN M JSl.iV.' Lem! '...f i'.'i MSSSL V? a a? " .ui..y clerk of said county lecnoro o v ni, oears . aeg. iu mm, ,;,.i,m ii lle bears 8. oe neg. .n,... , v. , .- - v"" " m i.inn, siaie or iirrgon. at page zs of W. 14.1 feet, and a hemlock tree Inches Jrh,?,By", Tha mouth of a tnl t,.,!nc',7 n ,h T.unA Vjh "l"""1 vom. 4. of Mining llecorda ol'sabl conn. In diameter, biased and acrllwd 5-4-33 Sne?nt utheatrly bear N. W deg. of earth and stone, scribed SS.; whenw ty. 5o linear feet la claimed along he EL..!.": A'. .IV- 1? 'r'" A ff wiW .JrP.'A flr tree 14 tnche. 7 4 I" Jf'"a5? T?t PT?" . .-''"T'L' in diameter, blasv.1 ana irri. le.i fe mm. v .14 rr Va . eJ r,- F""r"l.r ",.r'"lm:""n..0' " meraru on iwu siaes laus a.a , wnicn "m v TO deg. 60 mln. ri. ;, ii V. if. , . iT.r.i i jiLIa.' fnranei wun ine sine lines or asm Is a corner of the location, bears N. 1 .beara N. ', ? " , diameter, biased Inches In diameter, hlas-d and scribed c aim. as shown (iron tha ulat lit feet Thence N K nr 'MiM HT Virl 8 Jr528 WT- N- mln. W. vartMbjn Sc5 ffi mln iand scribed 1-KS BT, bears t w . J, 4 (w tn(mo N M d , e by 4 feet long, set .w:'T""Vi. ii of IT. 8. lot NO. Jn, oor.n w. -aier v e... i lee. o corner no. s. wltK m,in.t ftf inienM-v, .V. .o Aa fi mm. . iwrilic. wun niniT no. , net, ,1011 , wttn. mouna or .... n ije. at N. W d"g. ,h.. ,, it,.nM a m toV. ,hVtm1o te W.OTaSin'cg- &!r.rve- mln. K.. variation 1 deg. ' mlaK.. im. po. i oi v...... - -. - . . n. . una im, ,u corner nu. i. ina utacr oi dec. 50 mln. W. neg. St mln. R. H.. eot.M feet to flr Dost 4x4 Inches lnehea In the ground atone scribed S C5. which was Identified of a tree which marked location cor The 8aleffl Journal tnaket the follow ing leap in the dark, uncalled for: Linn county like tome other counties . , , T i itl.. ..,.,. "i a tree wnicn marsea n urmiwn vwri- -nij intersect line t i v --. , , , . haa a "School Journal." They ahould - bears v. is ri w.i te 4u ipn lln R?.' feet, d scovery pom bcginninif. Ka eallad Oaelinnl nnlitlcian' JontnS .Th L n . loun. . Mni,r No. I on ! . a ... . . . ... . . nr iiMie . - ' t . .. iki. .aore than a fair proposition. I If it were not for the red tape part of be matter the .Sicaragna canal bill ? ould stand a good chance of passing ongrees thia aeesion. Bnt there wlil be o many committees to report after in vestigation of matters that Is very doubt ul whether it passes at tb:t time. Pub. ie aentiment it ripe for it, tha advent res to accrue from having a quick naval onnection between the Atlantic and Pa ;ifie being so plain that no one can fail o aee it nnleee at obtuse s ex-tpeaker leed. .' A bill baa been introduced in tbe IT. 8. senate providing for tbe prohibiting of nnatori and representatives from receiv ng free passes, li should pats, though for free paaaea given to legislators ie limply a corruption fand to influence legislation in favor of the railroads. The man receiving a free paea ia nnder obligation! to the company giving it, tbe ieme aa any one ia nnder obligation! : to ,be donor of a gift. r Old rceolutione providing for tbe elec tion of TJ. 8. tenatort and an income tax have already been introduced, end will be duly set down on. Botb are splendid resolutions deserying a place in tbe eon stitntion, but our servants at Washing ton are not made of the stuff for ttand ing in with such measures. . r '. 3 ' - rs;J When Ruberti iball have been very properly kicked out of Congress it" is eafe to predict that be will not retire on ,000 a year salary as Gen. Eage did when be was kicked ont of the army. Which reminds ns that this ii ai odd kind of a world. eaaaasBBsaaaaaaaBVaaBaaaaaassssassssssBsssssa Hi-no Moraouf-v tA6J0f CAfllHtT lUHOICK IEW(H6 UAtjMlJitJX:t ft... Von evavn eiamint il avt your uearect trtteht tVl aryl if f - iiiii and TUB iB.tCATkhT AL'.i XUK SFJT" 2??7iZf. BTKii mke or, r7 Sdc ia 0T er Prist $15.50 ftr-wf &-sXf" fc and (raiffbC chfcnraeV Machiue wagtts lao vkui1 tuw th? f trltt 'Tm! on tor tj usually owned by the text book trut and worked lor the county acuooi r ng. Oh, Edocation I What fraud are com mitted in tby aacred name 1 The tuckert do not all live in Oregon. In New York City the Frankiing Syndi cate, a company pretending to invest money for subscribers at an enormous interest baa cleaned op over s.w.uw. $931,000 was received for investment of which $138,000 of the money was paid back as the returns of tbe investment within a few weeks, aa a bait for more euckere. Tbe thief escaped. Jodge B. P. Boise returned from bod ing court at McMinnville last night, and went to hold court at Albany today. A Eugene lawyer complimented him by saying that be witbed bit jurisdiction extended over tbe Second district, as they had one lawyer on tbe bench, who kept bis toot on toe otoer lawyer a oecas. Salem Journal. This refers to Judge Hamilton, who, it ia said, does net seem to realise that lawyers have rights aa well aa tbe court. The following from the Salem Journal it wearisome: . ljti$4 "Tbe people of Salem have seen what a fearless exposure ot municipal r affairs by tbe press can do for Belorm. Tort land, Astoria, Albany and other towns have just aa honest and patriotic people, and need reform just as badly but tbey have no newspapers that persistently hammer away all the year around to create the public sentiment that de mands reforms," With all its reform, Salem, a city of 5443, according to tbe recent S. 8. census, ia now expending $27,000 a year for current expenoe in cluding $11,000 interest, where Albany, with a population of almost 6000, spends $16,000 a year, including $6,000 for in terest. Onr rate is 8 per cent, Saiem't 10 percent. The real reform differenoa lies in the amount of blowing tbe Salem paper doet when it bits a fly. ' herewith, and I about northwesterly to southeasterly, ism feet la rlnlmrd on the lone norlltweateriy rrom the oln of discovery. The said claim la bounded on tha southeast bv tha Ciolil finch and tlold Cannon lode clalma: on the southwest by tha Golden frown and Qolden Knale loda l.lm.i mm f Mm nn.t )iu I I, u 1 ,. . Mluli h lode claim, and on the nnrthwrat 5l mln. E. 684.1 feel. The mouth of tunnel J"" ,nchis In the ground, a a or lull ..... m p. . -' . . ... . iw. m irai, D. i lira. , mv.. . ' - . . ..w mouth of tunnel No. 3 beans 8. M deg. 1 mln. E. 1151 feet. A flr stump !4 Inches In ncrlbed W. ln scribed E. E. ner and interaeel liny 4-1 Vr k on UM; ftold 4"an f.oilt. . . by tha Wed Hair lo,le claim. There are no ha7 m ln vi Vs iZT The of bHle.'nch l,X thl. survey. ' rteglnnln, at turner No. I. Idenllcal with JconrlMIng tlolm to Ihe knowledge of p. mouth of tunnel No7rbeTra 8. ldr. 10 fcl -VTost ViV lnche. by 4 feel 'r W line I f of ilo'ui IIHI I 'ill. ili.i ....... ,m , ict lMncr In the ground. win"M h), ,r. b. M. M No. . tho orrice of the county clerk of stone , XT Led nd scrlbl bears N. 24 Inches In diameter, hlnci a niecover k-i-f 7..?0 fnAerdlnm- deg. record In W . I .. . 1 M . . 1.1 38 dg. U mln. K M.I feet. The Irotmty of Mnn. slate of Orraon. at i.n dlecovery .olnt of the I'Hl Mora ft. JO jsrf, volume 4. of Mining Hecor.ts of said mln. k. oro. reet; ; inence , i county, ISrni linear feet la claimed along riTwi i . L,. li m n 39 tret- na B."r ulTi tl-32t tVt l"JIr mg. a mm varinuin i neg. w nun. ,m ye n. which la well defined Tbe pre. l Tl? Iibi'?eJii,n l5snrhe cter. biased nnd -f'iVf7et- thence N. K.. 4I feet to corner No. , on line 1-f aumed general courao or direction of said AllLS?2StJi 7m5Ji and 8 30 mlniv.W,v?rlaUon' 19 deg. M of Golden Crown lode, this survey, a tavarallel wllh lha aids line of na!SUaa iJX. tS1--m rSl BS deg. 38 mln. W ., f.""? "run- hewed Or post 44 Inches by 4 foet long I .,, rlB,m-,hown .lpn ,he at po.te.1 Ibed t-XS 1 .de- W mln. E- VA feet. .Bumrnjt ol 0"JJ; tarl set 18 Incite In the ground, with mound herewith, and t l.ou northweaterly to "iUfT - J5i r8-!.. ?ierilU southwesterly and n""n,""J il of stone scribed -: wh-ne a flr tree I southeaaterly, IS.) feet I claimed mi the .I?HV'?Sai.of iJJSni1 W iJ4MTl fet t ,Inr.K?.(...rvv A hew-d U Inches In dlam'ter biased and scribed ,ml Brlhweterlv from tha point of die-No- h ,lJ2uJ2tf!l Art(Miaute'il)lMknK.M t-X BT. bears N El deg. W. 4 feet. rWery, Tha said claim Is bounded on (old Baelc loae. IV' ... inches by 4 fn iona. r , . . M lnehea In d ameter. I , u u,u-..t .... riMi . m. it.. si mazen son scnoea a r-w- , ifi,,iti iiiii nil euimi' on in- snuinweai t , i - Gold Bug lode, this sur ey. A hewed Mr i",h!? J"iw BT. a hr ..e J Inns IB nnHn " " " ' . . V.I mArt H VI 41 "-- - ". -. . a-a . . . . n . . ars N. VdiM?hM In d am- W mln. 04.4 feet to corner No, S. a fir tree 1 Jrwhj in mam h d 4 4 , h, by , .- . -- . Mtnaa acrioea a v - , Mrlhe.1 Oea". mm. . . m iiiaiwiii, .,,y v pun w incaea oy ieei long a ia incn.-a 7 . - diameter. diii" "V, r" vv H 4 I n ,m ,r..M ...1 mrllh mnttn.l ftf .InnM ; ' " ' . K In the ground, with mound of stones. scribed 1-325 U. 8. M. M. No. 1. bear N. 1 deg. Si mln. W. m. discovery shaft beara 2. feet. A fir tree 18 Inches In diameter, i b aied and scribed 1-X5 Ii. T.. bears S3 deg. 40 min. W. 10.8 feet, and a (lr tree Ir,.-! S-6-33 HT, bear 1 fec't dlstantT ' The . n , f rd "T. bca N. 8 deg. 7 mln. E. ,eur. Waa ami e & f t. thence I Inrthoa In r1!nmrttr. ! ZLS ' t wnvlAtltin t" " I". . ii -atS-'w Tannin. ?beV?Vr: f 378 feet, corner No. 4 Ked liull l f f , Til inrnon in nm mor rifwi nnn av ri ii 1-33 B. T.. bears B. 25 d. g. 0 mln. W. 51.1 1 HJi " Mrvey on line t"t ?; feet; thence N. 65 deg. 42 mln. W varia-.thl t 4-4 lnehea by 4 f- tlon;. 50 min. E.. 2B0 feet. Summit ".'Te lnrhea in the around, on bed- 01 mum ."""-" with mouna m "."'r- ,11. m. irr. 4. a neWwl nr poai, incurs w . .iiji.j j ,? o im7 whence a nr in i,T hmn fl. long, set is incnee in I claim, as snown noon tne piai en.irn Identical with corner No. 4 of U. B. lot w,a nd bribed 4-325 IT. JfJ, n mound of stones scribed 4-321; whence a'herewllh. ami I- amt northw-sterlv to No. 37, White Bull lode hewed hero- b'ase w 15 feet, and a flr nr lrre u Ilchrs In dlamoter, biased and -aomHeaaterly. About I0 feet I claimed lock post 4x4 Inches by 4 feet long get; m dlamew. bh ar acnor JT bfr N. " . , on lha loda southeasterly from Hie nolnt 18 Inche In .the .srou"d- fcwltl mo "f.hfi i i-Ss BT. bears N. Na 87, min. V. 11.5 feet, and a flr tr to Inches nf . Bbouf r.fln feet nor.h- stones, scribed Z-S, whence a double i- rorner No. 5 of v -,1 42 mln In diameter, biased and scribed 4-S It . Weaterlv from tha point of discovery. The lwmlocT.Unihe!n 2. Mr, M1? .White Bull lode, bear 8 . ngt-f mB r, N. 45 deg. 3U mlu. K. O.a f-et; ,,rt Pls)m (, bounrted on the sonthea.t and scribed 1-325 B. T., bear, Jj'fj'g", feet: thence 8. feet, thence N. t deg. 25 mln. K.. variation nv noatenled ground: on tha eotilhweM B. 6.7 feet, and a hemlock tree 14 lnehea 'Jrtl"lon 20 a.ff W mln. dr E lw feet to corner No, 5. Jdenll- Ue...rveyed governmn land, and hv in diameter, blaaed and crlbed 2-E5 BT. jt line 6- ofaU r.B J2l t? mln car with corncr No. , Gold tuh lode. (h. oolrfen Crown lode claim; on th hrs N. 49 deg. W mln. W. 29 whit Bull lode, at 1 B. 5- .gj 7eet this survey; thence N. 15 deg. 5 mln. W., nohweet bv tbe floM 1"ll ld claim thence N. 63 deg58 mlnj B. TOrlathin f n'm fevt from corner a "ou,. variation 20 deg. B.. IW.5 feel tc corner No. on , nrthen,t bv the Gold Wlmh deg, 10 mln. E., 2S4.98 feet to comer No. s. fnTmjt of main ridge, runjing i-" idnnllcal with comer No. 4, Gold r'lnch, nAm rnim ThoPe are no conflicting n nnrineBBICliJ .--- - - - m. . . w, thanna N TtM lnr t mill. IV .. I 1 . ta I. a, X. aAu.lA.1..a V aa sAtkl liitn f , -..a IU In S haa ml jarlt tl tntlllttl. S.4 feet, tn-nir . .,. -,ibed S-i-Sl-S: whence a flr thweaierly ree 7 Inches In diameter, biased and II lode and scribed a-I-325 BT. bears N. W deg ..ui 11 i ni. . it f....i and a flr tree 18 lrtchra ln diameter, biased and scribed 326 bear Ii. 44 deg. 70 min, W. as lest thence . 47 deg. rl mtn. B.. variation 1 11 deg. 60 mln. 7U fet to corner No. hv th Golden Kagla lode claim and tin- urvvd overr!ment land: on tha north west by tha He.1 Itnrk blacer claim, snd on tho nnrtheaal by lha Bed Hull od claim, Thera are no conflicting claims to the knowledge of applicant. The Gold) Cannon claim la of record In tha nftVa of the county clerk of said county of T.lnn, state of Oregon. l pa IM. volume 4. of Mining Beeorda of aald countv. l.Vrt linear feet l rlnlmd along tha vein. Which la well defined. Tha nre. aumcd general coor- nr direction of said vein I parallel with th wa line or sain Mrs. George E. Fish, of Portland, is in tbe city and will remain during the hol idays tbe guest of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Peter ScLlotser. , Vernon Bsmp weot tq,prownsville last evening to referee avpa&eof foot ball today between Browaavft!p and Shedd. 7m am la tor each iM mile.. GlVt IT JH6(t T?'il In OMrOWSnoma,aDa w. .111 nuji. ; .hi ,w4,.uj u.T f ,,e arrv 1 satieflad. W.allISatkM,Ma ratr Ewl9t Khnu S.Sa,' -,, it.eea4aM, all fuiiji d-ncrih4 in our tnr v-i '- aMte.CaUtocw butSlLMrortbla glr XsAU.aiMtl SUttJat la :, tMvraateat Tales er egcre by ear brju. .-... I ITWARE OF llVflTATIOHSreesen. UewnioU(OBeruitT wwaurat uuun 1 aw wumuw", w,m veoaeievii arrawn-tl. nnuteawirieaa BiuHrtsaKawBMifanruaWislsmtM sua w m ttt sfk aT (Lr has evrrr n:).ikhX lHi'l':i vpt. 1 tfAUtt aTJAl HiK slaVM, WITH 1 r2 mm j'sW' JL-aw A. newea nemioca posi mcuej j . feet long set 18 lnche In the ground, with ntnunj M.nnMM ...IKul 311 T9B vh.tirH tOrCCll s fir tree 36 lnche In diameter, biased and yJaTaaintc. scribed J-l-325 BT, bear N. 40 deg. 4 ot beglonina Beginning at corner r. Uv.y of of Linn, .state o( Oregon at pag.o. V"3."""ti "1'ru.w iVry-f with corner. "Hi hiii lode .. thia 14, ot volume rio. i, oi " ""--T Nl MdeV 25 mln: E..'VariaIlon-20 OoWj u. " i M N. V' . J o .aid county . ,ie. 10 min. K.. 180 feet. Gulch running v. il5. leet; thence 'ong " northwesterly 330.8 feet to corner no. 4. a -. w.. feet longet 18 Inche In the ground, yrttn --"- ',me Gold Bug ihi. .- variation 20 deg. K., 61M.J feet lo corner mound of stones, scntjea jn o; wnenc; t frtt t0 corner r.o. N , th. p.CM of beginning. . im. K l..tu In Hlimdfr b aaed and Vey. ! - . C.. . . .... i r- ... ...AA.y In ,ha una- -,,m vda. 1 me ea uuii kiiuiii a v. ... ... '...I., M M r. M M . . . 1 . , . Mi .. .. . . ...UnfV Mm,, Itl IB III ,-,,11111 V I, at corner NO. i. , . , Oraaon. at bag No. mln. W. t feet, and a hemlock tree inches in diameter, biased and scribed linear feet la claimed hieh la wall defined. I deg 60 mln. The presumed general course or direction Solntol lode on of ald vein I imrallel with th aid llnea 7.J'0JE.V. running of said claim, a liown. upon th plat posted herewith, and 1 about n 'Tin west erly to aoutheuaterly. About 7V feet I claimed on th lode aoh''rjf"" the point or aiscovery sou ""mi"' . northwesterly from lbs point of dlscov- Tne saia cwiro n i""i ;"; n Moia dulki t oi,e . lmla claims: on tha south- Gold Gulch lode clalma; on il K. lha tied Rock DlOCer 672 feet, ouicn running nonneriy reei. -v---nd ,lones acrioea tr--, " " V id , im knd on the northeast by the ueu Ridge running northerly and southerly 85 "h kn tree Tu l Inches in diameter. bla claim, and on in "icer clalrit. There J2?&!"'2:jLtl!2L?5!i nT sicrlbed i- . 21 j a"cedar ?ree S? lo confllctlni claims to th. knowledg. """ XTV 1 " v.;:i . 26 mln, B. V," " ,d scrlbea f applicant. , v-... in niameier. ,ii- w.l n'u- fnA 1 hewed hemlock poet 4x4 lnche by 4 reel SVfBj,Jr. feet. Lilscov long ei is incnes in me gruuim, nu ,y" aummlt oi ni"i -. - ,.rilur mound of stones, scribed 4-KS, whence a and westerly 677.7 'ef.'tos coj j- hemlock tree 10 Inches ln diameter, biased Sf"tejf,JaS5tica with corner No. 6, ooia and scribed 4-J25 BT, bear N. 74 deg. W, Nrrown i lode, this suiey: thence N. rld'ge. run- o'., w in T..7 rir.. E., 3sal reel. """""" -i southeasterly ery.. UntT thence"-56 "mlZ E.aria- nlng nort",., aHMl tlon 20 deg. E., 268 feet. Summit or ridge 4,4 mche bf '""nd ot west bv the running northwesterly and outheasteriy iock ; P. " h a-round, with mound or. west by ina Tflst UUH Ih V littL - Jal4 by the. fcwt materctta In AweHra. ... mi.,v. sm. -watv-:ri ejaereetrr M 'i1 caatxtr. ' 'K-'f i ciofoi iiTA-i Jroppuiirtr .m iijfht to be atd u iwer tobU, aiMsl r eVsk, 1' Mbropra vitta full l' sMi4 betwl In pltvetsfor ewtntr . 4 f entry tlnsrcrm, Utnt ltg ekrleiM fraaM. rarrtvl Daneid. na- oeed !c (lor&tMl pabfuttttliatik, flutt nickel drawer polls, resaUon four citrtcre. axdJ:rtU! treadle. t?ni:lnoSiothlrorj -ml. Tmt ltwfillr Arm br4, poKt.vofwrm'Jtionfrei,fjejf tiirte-rlint-Ylbrafinff ahuttl. utomt-fj bob'.Hit wiiictfr, ndjhiritf bl baiinn, patent tcntlon lihermtor, improved loom wr.fc'.l adjustat);? Vresitire foot. lmfrodtbutUv patent needle b4W, pitffit drvHgjraril t-h aVBtt4M&i eewrmie-i twi 4HvMle4 ue bMatffsliy tflrri irtMnrei. C U Aft Nlfct!) Hrtteiea rvMlte Mta dtrnM Mel aearwaa rei.atr'.ef'M aa ttiac !!'. rf kMvwu Miitkmmi Is favsicltee arid our Free ItV tmcrt.oa BooK Mil Ji.'.t bowauronenrcnHaDd do either plain or any iid or taney wore, a unv avetivtisbAarasiMitMficwitn every inacnine. trUJTIa I Is J lfJlf th.-e. won l.w.Lnu-ai ..It. aieTtaAti tan north wItTlV faAl la Pllllmcd from lha notnt the place of beginning. ...... biased .and. .crlled. Venc. : of doverV and about 1250 feet north- Beglnnlngcor 0TV a hewed r'ber. a : -vtTo!, deg. 10 weaUr.y from LJT-'nt o post 4x4 lnche by 4 feet long get IS lnche ji -g,, - feet. Comer f 5J.I o',,.h nVnirveved governmaot land, and by the the ground, with (iteiWol ' ' fnfi' ,"1 gulch Bug loS cla ItS? on the .outhwe.t acrioea l cui. an,m a, 11 , . i . ti . . . . " " ; - aurvev. on i,i,w "- - v . in diameter biased and scribed 1 3Z HI, . bean S. 72 deg. W. M.t feet distant, and ,a' "ot beginning, a fir tree 10 lnche in diameter, biased .1. the (:r0vrm Itde and scribed 1325 BT, : , . . . ...1I..MI llodJs. this aurvy. on i.n cornep- No. by the While and the trawler place post w "."u" M.Xfind with mouna oi Mihnce a pTne ti lnche in a.m- beara S. 64 deg. 5 mln. W. 42.6 feet. The discovery point of this location bear N. 72 deg. 24 1 mln. E. 309.7 feet. The mouth of an old tunnel running nortnweieriy pears im. s org. mln. E. 22 feet. , V. 8. M. M, No. 1 bear N. 10 deg. 23 mln. W. 22 feet Corner No. 8 of V. 8. lot No. 37, White Bull lode, as natahliaheH from Its bearing oblpcta. bear N. 73 deg. .40 mln. E. lffi I feet: a nr jr , iiK5 ?T, bears jy . thence N. 68 deg. a min. JS., vanauon v mn. w. 2. teet; M!, k deg. 60 mln. B.. 13. feet, fntersect line ! Wation M,J-.2 Tinning 7- of V. 8. lot No. 7, White Bull lode, mm. lt ot main ridge, runmns at N. 69 deg. 24 mln. W. 49.16 feet frora cor-1 1 -t" ,y ana southwesterly 326 feet. ner No. 8, 140.4 feet, intersect line i, "-"" Nos. 2. o'd tann . -j - -, r th a aurvev. reet. Intersect ' - .ki. . .urvev. on line - ; U. 8. lot 87. White Bull lode, I?' LJJJr Ko 2, Identical lth corner ro. n,.A ennnan looe, .i,m - - - a, , . , v Ti.,ii in1 claim: on tn northwest by the Bed Bull Me claim 2nd t llawer placer claim, and on the (lolden t row- a. . ina ' bv unsurveyeo goyermn.-... Tieglnnlng at corner no, i, ""L" Jet 1 land. There are .no conflicting claim to ot x "?e "y,I with mound of the knowledge I biased "VSFV Tet. ar h :f ft J diKrifeter. blnwd i ofn?ee of Vh.-cSuntv clerk of .aid county m . . a.,a f f lrotrrtn in Solufn" i ol Mining RordiT of ld eou". t iSS) linear feet I claimed along th ..I. which IS Weil oeuneu. pre- Bair lode, thl line ft 1 of II at N. 33 deg. 12 mln. E. 102.1 feet from cor- ner rno. a, &n.i leei, corner . .jv... min. w ., . -. - a Back lode, this survey, ln line 800 feet to!?- f wt.R feet, to corner Np. J, acK looe, tnis survey, in line m v ia min E. 231.8 reel, io corner No. 2 on line 6-1 of Gold Back ; mln. b.., ' ,nche, by 4 feet imur. lode, this survey. A hewed flr post I JL?',, inches In the ground, with mound inches by 4 feet long et IB Inches In the ..on"s scribed 3-325: whence ft flr .tree ernnnrl with mnnnrt o atonea aerlhed 2-.'?.' .'"JfT i".,(.-. biased and crlb-d 325. whence a flr tree 24 lnche, In dlam-t" JSf? 'tVari N. 43 deg. 15 mln ',LBK eter blnaed.end. scribed . 2-32S BT.. bear. r ind a flr tree 12 Inch In diameter. I c""'orfl,te07 r nv. .1 .. an , o rAA, Mn m ne . n . , a 'i-r. , , i nrum r,. i - - ... .. . ... iui.. min, .. .. . . tiiazeil ana sen wu ". n j.. eso.eo. and rhea If eonelneea tha you aremn v-.r u. ..;., r.3 your iremnt airent ne ls.ou, southweeterly 710 feet. Oulch runs to ta to iiii rota l.60 u atanTtimaa-i-.niorriri-eio-jri'i.oajjr-ioMisaoi uxunco. vuiu iu, weaterlv 14fHI 2 feet to corner No. 2. '"..'rr .ur I hewed flr post 4x4 Inches by 4 feet tree 1H Inchea In diameter, biased scribed 2328 BT. hears N. M deg. 5 mln. E. 25 feet dlatant: thence 8. 31 deg. 69 mln. E.. variation 19 deg. 60 mln. P.. 1!5 feet. u!ch runs southerly 403 feet. Sum mit of rldre running northeaaterly and utn- A long i . and m min. E. 14 feet: thence. . !M mln. W.. variation 19 1 deg 60 m.n 25 feet Bumm t or .s-. . ""- No ffFA" .'-if MS "TS; whencrrhemlock tree 16 Inche. In dlam- mUVeneral course or lr4wttoii . of ld Venn Is parallel with the side "ne ?f said claim, ns hown upon the plat VontM herewith, end 1 about northwesterly to southeasterly? About 1400 feet la claimed on the lode outheaMerIy from the point t discovery and about 100 feet north weeSeriy from tha point of discovery. TMald claim la bounded on lha north east en aotithweat by "YK?Z: ernment land; on the outhwest by th Gold Finch lode claim, and on the north weit by the lied Hair, Wrilt Bull and Sold Back lode mining claims: 0.028 acre of said claim 1 In conflict with th. Red citlon for rrotent of which this I notice and 5oS I cre of snld claim I- m"""' !.. tiii u,rt r u m. the said White Bull lode claim having heretofore been patented, and being now owned by nrmllcant: Thire are none other confllct lr?g clulms to the knowledge of oppll- CBThe Hold Finch claim Is of record In the office of the county clerk of mid county of Linn, tato of Oregon, nt page An nd all neraona clnlmleg adversely the mining ground, veins l-vlee nmmlses or n portion thereof o ileaerllied. sur eeved. nlatted and annlled foe are here, he notified that nnle thet advern elelma are dW filed eeeoedln to law -.nd tb rernlatlnna therennrtee wtthln l lavs from tb date hereof. wlh b re, later of tha I'nl'ed ltea 1ed n"lp a Oregon rttv. In tha s'"' of Ormn they will he barred. In virtue nf the provis ions of said ions or sail nMmFg Vrm Tteirlstee ATftsTion, The Obrlttroaa nu robe to be pobl lined oo Dec. 17ih hy the Sto Vraeeiacn riall" will be the finest paper ever issued on tbe Paclfle Coaet. It will be Issued In illnmioated coloie, and will contain article trom tbe moat renowned rltera. Everybody should secure one. 6c a copy. Leave your order lor it now at Joeepb'a Cigar siote opposite tue pott offlce. M. 1. Phiuips, Agent. li. stindar "OaU" delivered by car rlor for 25 cents per roontb. The gambling garnet were ttorped hit night In tbe city genetally. I hev liave Wn mnnlii fast for sometime. The quUtus should be eontinned. Marshal Ue gave bis Instructions yester isy ard they were quito generally respec e , tbongbone game watrun awhile ln-t BUbt. Several men have ln lor Died the Dkmo cbat that the article published ln this morning's Herald, signed Dy Anu-ppp-Demccratwat undoubtedly written fy Mr. J. A. Finch. Th Marion county court has allowed Dr. E. A. Pierce 1 191.60 on account of the rHxot until pox casos. The Sam T. fchaw theatrical com piny is in Spokane tbia week. The Eugene tannery run by W, YV. Haines, well-known in Albany, is the second larger in the stale. Its vat csa acitv it 50. Ten men are employed ate) 10,000 bidet handled every vear. Tlai value ol the annual product Is 115,000, 600 cords of hemlock ten bark is used etch year, at a cost of $4,600. The tan nery pays a handsome Income lo the mailing proprietor. FOR BALE, One parlor set, ne.irly new. Call on A. Ilocker next door to storooIB, F, It in p.