The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, December 15, 1899, Image 1

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    m r w
NO 20
' 1
lr 0 I It 4 IffI ri r i ri I I I I I 1 I. I
.-e-w 11 id
Not worth psylni tnenilon
to, you My. Perhaps you
have bad It for weeks.
It's annoying because yott
bavo a co '.slant desire to
cough. It in nova you alto
becauso yo i remember that
weak lung (a a family falling.
At Aral ii it a slight cough.
At laal ll la a hemorrhage.
Al Aral ll h easy to cure.
At Ui, extremely difficult.
quickly conquer your tittle
backing cough.
There la no doubt about
the cure now. Doubt comes
from neglect.
For over half a century
Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral baa
been curing colds and cour.hs
and preventing consumption.
It curca Consumption also
If taken In time.
Kctfcscef OMscr't etitrri
rcctori Plasters tier tw
Mult we $ni yew m
boo M this subject, freer
Ome Mil la ml Department.
U rwi le any eotnplaJftl wti.l.
r .1,4 thw Imp.1 MiMllrl
ertvlre fun -! pMibly ttlit, writ,
lb aortal IikII. YHl VIII ml
erMf rtly, wtthuat e.r.
Ai-ii. iU. J. V. A V Kit.
rbjsician and! 00 n,
HillOlovk - - i- Albnr,'.Or.f
Littler & Littler
Broadalbln St.,
AlbAny, Or,
tieo. Collin D I) 8
A. Jack Hodges D I) 8
Odd Fel.oe's Temple, Albany, Or.
Oliver Plows- p
'HOPKINS 3ttOS., Agents.
AlJany, firrgba
"Olier gvs the world tli chilled plow
And it ha saved more tuonej
to the farmer of A ntcrlca
1 1' '' t-njlnnnnt evor prnduoed.
im')lr 3hllel are tne buet uu
T 1 1 ) I vr la a promoter of happt
n ft i f r m, and the daaler who ella
w he i handling the beat. Look
Imsiitattons aud touch nothing but
eauin gHd, wide only by Oliver
I plow warkt, South Bead, led .
Mock of goods
C Z. lud l
i .
3 B ,8''
Wi own and occupy the tallott moreantlla nulltllnf In tha world. Wa have
over 1,000,000 cuatomere. Sixteen hundred clerke aro conetatitly
engaged BIHng out-of-town ordon.
OUR GENERAL CATALOQUS Is tho book of tha people it quotee
Wholesale Prices to Everybody, haa over 1,000 pagea, 16,000 illuttratlona, and
Co 000 dreerlptlona of articles with prices. It eoeta 7 tenta to print and mail
each copy. We want you to have one. BEND F1FTKKN CENTS to enow
your good faith, and we'll send you a copy FREE, with all charge, prepaid.
Ynqolii Knocked Out.
VaIITNiIT.iM Tint. 0 Tl., . . . .
1,0 board of eng neert upon the Ymiulnn
' v-"v"ut "" wini a view to
T V, 7 '""f-T i proeccut
in the workautborlavJia 18WI, wai eub
mltted to congress today. Tba board ex
pathos the opinion that the commerce
Ida to nrtuiAiiiiM i..,,.. i. .
. I ""i"" ipnivnieni,
'"I mad;
that -i), 000 be expndod In romovin? a
c uater of reck In tho channel Uylml
harliorunwnriliv I ... i .. .
by the uoneral goveromont.
YouiiK All Klgltt.
Manii a !)! a in.r. a i
-I - , .v.. n. oi. i here
a COIIlldurall ra Uf In M....I i
- ... .iini, wnun
tlw new. waa rwcelveU to,ly that JOen.
oiing e amall force had mrlvtd iafely
t VillHM. lirOVlllCB oINnnll, Ilwui t,..l
. Anx lv had lHn t..n fn. is. i
XUUneand tha vnrrlann , Vl... .1 - i.
waa knnar ll.a (ln....l ti.. i" . i .
. , uaua large.
agirriiuiivelwdy ol inurgunta owratlng
n the vklnity,
InSoutH 4hlca
FttKTliHI. 1W 7 I Tl.a f..H !... .11-
patch, dated today, , hae le. n received
1 1 .? TM U"M "Mr Iadymity :
The British are advam ing on 0jleoo,
uut laai night paaied wltlnut an attack.
There aaaa ueaultory cannonade thU
moining. the naval Kuna In Ladamith re-
Hi7Hi8 YiH-jrouiiy loournrp.
Tn jr lor V,(,itrn;r.
FuAxaroitK. TUp. n ti. ...... t
ofelrciioi.atori BhtHBveout Ha otlicial
linlin that W. H. Tiiybr, for Kovrnor,
and the re of the rfmiblican ticket.
liave been elected on the fau of H.e re-
ir-. wiiiimit.mere r.Uia and rryor
. i . .i ' ' vrv, in which
tiioy hi ld tlmt, at a bor.lofltiivar.
i ney nave no rlKhv t riBht to go twhlnd
the returna of the county bonrde.
llicCriciic mil.
w Atmmrun . Ic. 8.-TJe house
upicii a Fjiecmi lor the ronidn
lion jl the currency bill, beiilnnina next
Monday Tt. ,.ri i.
tinue until r ridav, and Suinn-ny amend
uiente may be oflored under the 0 y
V rr TA. '" ''oatog diunvpa
the voje a III Uukrn.
Tin and (iranlte er t
Oiilixo A IlcniinT'a.
Acts gently on the
Kidneys, Liver
and Bowels
Cuanses the System
tir txi ei4uiNi-MaN'r e er
ret smi a u
from IO.0U0 to
tt.UOO Intlcn
i j day
...i ... .i. ii
:(i as, ut i'
Michigan Ave. and Madison Streal
Thuraday'e Examiner contakia a pic
ture of William A. Uickey, one of Dew
ey 'a four orderlies, aud an intereetiog In
Urriew. Mr. Uickey recently pastd
through the city, where a brother lea
popular atodaot Id Albany College, aud
the DuMour.At mao among others bad tbe
pleeure of meeting blui. 1 he Examiner
William A. Mickev. the Han Francle.-
voj oo wm an orderly 10 Admiral
I M li V ( Ih. halt!, ill 11 ..... I . 1 I...
arrived lioin Oharleeton Navy Yard, and
la a guest ol hie uncle. Thomas J. Mo
Bride of 177a Fifteenth street.
Vuritig the great eeaSiiht Hitkev waa
alationed at the speaking tube 011 tbe a I.
ter uriugeoi tiieuiympia, and waa kept
busy sending ordere to various parts ol
tbe ship.
Mbonly alter tbe news of the victory
rtacbed ti.ia country a New York artist
made a bit with a cartoon of a fat aailor
pulling at a cigar ae be leaned np agaiost
a gun on board tbe Oivnioia. and ob
served, with a wiok and a smile. "We
didn't do a tiling to 'em." Tbe title of
the cartoon was "Jim Uickey at tbe bat-
lie 01 nauna.
The picture waa tbe artist's crea
tion," said Mr. Dicker, "and tbe came
by ac ddent happened to tally with mlue;
but. nevertbe ess, e all lodoreed tha
sentiment credited to tbe imaginary
sailor who began amoklug ae soon ae the
goaf got through." '
Mr. liickey bat a handful of leltere
Irom erions rarte of tbe United Sutee
addreseed to "Jim Uickey of the Olym
pia," and filled Willi humorous and pa
triutic auggeeiione.
"I have sejn tn.ny stories of the Man
na oay anair," said be, "and I have jet
10 see one tual properly quotie the Ad
ujiral's order to begin tbe 6gbt. Tbe
words Ufually given are: 'UrUler, if
you are ready you may fire Wbat Ad
miral Dewey actually did say was
Uililey, )ou may fire now.' Tbe fact la
that the rangefioder bad instructed the
gunners, and lor many minutes the ship
waa in perlect readiness to open fire.
The Admiral knew that everything waa
Uickey left Ban Francisco od the O'.ynv
pia lour years end seven montbt eeo.'
kept a diary of the veaanCa Innii rrniaa a (
3'9 D," especially of tbe history
miklM Hl nl Iti. !
macina Dart of tha .liln'u .Tu,
He poesesaes a number of snapshot pho
pliotographs f scenes on the flagship
during ma eugiiueot, as wsll as a
peintina by a Japanese artiet. bo was
an eye witoewe of the great battle.
From the Timet:
L. Boyd, who haa teen agent lor the
fa. I
railway In this place (or tbe peat
two years, win probably soon be trans
terr.a to Ualeey, and the agont at Sher
idan, placed bere.
James Abrame, who resides about one
mile south of Brownsville, baa been very
sick for some time and went to Albany
yrtterday lor treatment. He waa ac
oompanHMi to I. D. Arthurs.
We regret to etate that Geo. Pad
ley baa been committed lo tbe poor farm
near Albany. Mr. Fad If y was a resid
ent of this city many years ago and some
time tlnce returned bere to reside. ,
At the regular meeting of tho Katlve
Sons, Jes iilakely Cabin No. 18, tbe fol
lowing t.flkera were elected to serve tha
ensuing term : A M Templeton, presid
ent; J PCooley, first vice; W W Robe,
second vice; O A Unme, third vice; J
ri uiaea, financial secretary; H L Robe,
recording secretary; Henry Blakely,
marshal; A. Jav .TemDle'on. treasurer:
Gen Colbert, H Blakely, Geo McHargue,
traeiees; u K Mansrd, past president. -
This and That
Smiley 's Clean Printing.
In novelties Will ct 6Urk lead.
Open till 12 o'clock p.m.atStetter's.
V,r. J. II. trsk'me la now in the Foster
Block, 2nd story. .
Oysters cooked any way yon wish at
Suiter's. .
Leave your orders for Fresh Oysters
at Btetters .
Oysters opened esh every day at the
Leading Keataurant.
French the Jeweler makes a specialty
of engagement and wedding rings,
Fresh Sodavilie soda-water a healthful
summer drink, at Burkhari &Lee s.
For tale, good carpeting, 33 oenla per
yard, by I. S. Alexander, east end 01 ottt
A laige and fine stock of cigars and to
bacco at Conn & Huston's. . See the die
When you want a choice steak
roe it or meat of any kind, call on
a nil
sroders. He keeps tbe beet.
Go to Verick'a shaving and hair cut
tine narlora for first class work. Hot
and cold baths. Clean towels to every
ti raer. . ' . .
II makes no difference how bad the
wound if you u DeWitt'a Witch Haxel
Salve; it will q ilcklv heal and leave bo
senr. ' Foshay & Mason. i
The best meats of all kinds and good
treatment at tbe Albany Dressed Beef
Company's market, Just d)wn Second
treet. Good weight and prompt attend
Sugar Mr. GraJwohl informs us thai
he It telling 17 pound of granulated au-
f sr for $1.00 Now ie the time to buy at
tit liable to ff" up at any time. This it
a net cath proposition.
All goods doltvered free of charge.!.
Eilocate Your llowcle With t'n.carete.
Cnnily Cotlmrtic. curs mnnllpntion forewr.
Wo, S4c. If 0. 0. C. full, dm jlIsis ro'-aid money.
Have your stoves polished by Ooun
Old papers ten cente a hundred at tbe
Wood boxes have arrived. The Bngar
Bowl bat butter, pea'e,oraoges, lemons,
bananas, applet, figt, dates, cocoanott
and homemade mince) meat.
Souvenir paper euttere, eream and
tooth powder jare, ink sUnds, spoons,
beautifully engraved and very cheap at
Freni h'a jewelry store.
Solid eatisfaction riven awa, with
every purchase at Will & Clark's. dn
iert in good waree, eilver, gold, glass and
I iiMrii as "
The denoeite la tha) Firar Nattnna!
Bauk of Eugene ere 1380,08 t
M. tl. Ferry la Kc.o'a near marnr. 1
Ji;elton recorder, N. Young maienal.
Tbe H. A L. Co. trill hnlrt a an-i.t
meeting tonigbt at 70 o'clock to make
nominations for tbe coming election.
A. Bush pets taxes on I16S.4M1 and ia
lbs heavieer individual Ux never in
mi mi ivn con 11 1 y.
lie is eaid to be worth a
mil.ion dollars.
Dr. Ban- is the new Council'
mander of tbe Woodmea of tbe World of
Lebanon, and Dr. Bojth the Chancaiw
Commander of the Knigbtsof Pytbias.
..A tbief recently entered thahan ham
Of Hon. hulua Thomoaonon i.ia farm
and took away thirteen chickens. It ie
10 te no pea tne unlucky numbea affect 1
tbe tbirf. I
Y'aanina haa been knnc.kl mit ami ii
is doubtlul if even next summer's con
gressioorl election can resurrect it. I'.ut
lue Long 10m Improvement will go on
regardbtss of tbe bridges. j
DM- P. Fruit recently killed a lynx nesr
Brownsville. AfUr bring several abots
into tbe animal it climbed a tree,
where it waa finally abot and fell from a
limb forty left. Tbese are very raw an-
imals here.
Deputy County Cle.k bat just com
pleted for the cuoty a fine map showing
tha Voting distneta of Ilia rnnni It i.
splendidly gotten op, ie accurate atd is a
valuable property.
Mr. Dyer, ci this city, while working
In tbe logging camp at Berry yeeterday,
waa bit by a chain which broke, reeult-
ng 10 oaa iracture to one ol bis bios.
tie waa broiiuht In a ll,.n I..,
and bia broken limb attended to by Dr.
lTn,l.l. '
Robert L. Dorris aud W. F. Steven
ton were taken from Uiilaboro to thu
etate twnitentiarv Tbnriiv All a tolles
. . -4 . J - -
number of stndyiBfc la w bere.
Mr. Hub Bryant returned laet evening
from Salem where be attended a big
meeting of hop u rowers. Tbe Hod
Growers Aeeociation voted to sell I heir
own hops, tbe attociation receiving 14
ceat commitsion, salea to be in tbe
bands ol a committee, proceeds to be
prorated and no advances.
Tha ladies of tbe Mecca bee elected th
following officers last right : Lady cmu- ;
mander, Mary J.Stitee; ladyeommand-'
er, Fratle . Beam: lioatenant com
mander, Oordnlta Howard : record keen-1
rr.Icillia M. Sears; finanee keeper, Zula
U Vi ton; chaplain, Agnee Hereon: eer-i
geant, ilia Stuart ; misstreas-at-arms. P.
Kboadee; sentinel. M seals Neelai.d:
picket. Amelia Wanldabl; installing of-'
ucer, L.iss e a.uraw.
At their meelina laet evenina- tha
membert of McPherson Poet chose tlie
lollowicg officers for tbe cornice rear:
Commander, David Tor bet ; senior vice
commander, John ft. Bray ; junior vice-
connianaer, w.r, Small; chaplain, U.
H. Walter; qoartermeeter, W.O. Bteck
enrldge; surgeon, M.J. Palmer; otfioer
01 tlied.y, JohnCatlin; officer of the
guard, C. M. West brook ; a jutant, S. W.
Reeca. Delegates to grand encampment,
C. H. Walker, alternate, Silas Livings
Assistant Inspector 0. II. Walker in
spected tbe Post and found its affaire in
a very satisfactory condition. The oat-
look lor it s much more Dromisina- than
several years pest. Building material
is now tM-ing provided for impiovemeots
to tbe hell that will make it oue of the
finest and most convenient in tt a city.
Baptist cbnrcb : Tbe topics will be:
In she morning, "Personal Responsibil
ity;" in the evening, "Religion a Relig
ion of Faith." Other services as utua).
Christian church : Sunday school 10
a. tu . preaching at 11 a. tn., subject
"Obriatian Cere One of Another." It is
eepeo'ally deeirone that al! the members
be present at this service, xunng r co
pies matting at 6:30 p o preacning at
7:30, subject, "Div neand Human Wotk
in Redemption." ,
r Congregation church : - Morning w t
shin at 11 a. m., snbiect, ''The Hyme I
PjiiiiU fiino ami Thna . I Hin Sln
Kuuday ecbool at 12 :li; Junior u. K at
3 :ou p. ni , aveutng aei vn-e at 7 so p. m.
All not attending elsewhere are corrially
invited to the above eervicee.
Presbyterian church : Morning wor
ship at 10:30, evening worship at 7 UJ0,
Sabbath school at 11 :6, Junior Endeav
or at 6:30. Subject of rooming service,
"Going to Church.," Evening, The
Walk and Gates oi the Holy City." A
very vcrdia. invitation tn attend all the
services it evtendsd to all.
United Presbyterian : On account ot
the pastor'a themes in Portland, Dr. H.
F . Wallace, of Portland, will preach both
morning and evening. Sabbath schoo
at 11:4d Junior Enriravor at 3:30, Sen
ior Endeavor at 6:S0. Preaching ter'
vicesatlla m. and 7 :30 p. tn All in
vited to these services..
Rev. Oipelsnd will preach at 11 a. m.
at the Pesrre Church, subject "Life in
CI ritt.
No-To-Bac ror 'lfty Cents
Riarnntecd tobacco bablt cure, maka weak
Bien sirong, blood puro. anctl. AU drugi!'W.
jco 01 ivo ana a nail years lor Ioreryrii r
Dor rl wet a resident of Allien, far
An up-to-dale service was held last
nigbt in the Presbyterian church eon
ducted entirely by men, with only men
in attendance, and man from all avennes
of life regardless of politics or religion.
There were about one hundred fifty pres
ent, leading business men and citizens.
The idea was an excellent one and it was
well managed and carried out under the
supervision ol tbe officers of tbe cnorcb,
Key. Heed, the popolar cantor, Messrs.
Brownel,, Fortmiller, Galbraith, Lee,
1 'Jn,r. n1 e,dr. Ooff, Weaver
anr tllison deacons, and Miller, Monta
gue an J St-ars trustee.
Upoo arrival the bats and top coats of
the visitors were received and checked
and at about 8 J3Q tbe tables arranged in
the sbspe of a diamond with a table in
tbe center were surrounded, tbe college
students in tbe center, tbe others at tbe
ooter tablee. Rev. Morrison asked tbe
blessing and tbe fine spread of twelve
large turke) s, cold bam, aalad, jratos
chlpe, celery, olives, buns, jelliee. apples,
case, aougnnnts and coco and coflee.
btentifolly get, waa in tbe bands of tbe
. i' . uneuniaa in their piaise
ol tbe fejet and tbe manner in which it
waa evrreo.
Following Rev. Reed ard G. A. West
gate at lbs two ends of
.1. . Ji j
00k charge as toae:masters end present
raraais ranuia a ia, ar ft c o. e.
mm mmm (iuIh U mUmmr Mna rrl(kt
1 B Ml u axaeM? mm npraram.
m nm Mi ml... I
rtHI-T T Ml (YlitoR CESS aeaa. mf tk, .
tit awtarawr Tvlta braw .. mm am uisnnuu.
ebon. felch U ea(TTea Sir tmm a ohotorph 70a 1 eaa Iwrm
aonaldMof t.l.ul iwmim ii" V!
mmm, akerwaiaataaSntna.yaitwvi kr.rwiMr.
m,mm'irm hmM iMln ...III mii mmaj mtornw i.M.tlnM
ZT-tLZSrZktMTS Tai utair wrtu. MKFA ktxK
.EM IiIIkI fcigb, it UKbee loog.n Incbee wideaod M
Kaaua, l. tmUmu, twin, a c, Iw.t,
tu. e. a lu " a M Cmm. t Tm w-U.
1 Und em Sa, Swreiwlnll-4 Smlm Mm
7JTc-ji, artian rrtwi. B. 1 tt Wmm a.i mmm
Bte THC f ARLO" CESS acUoa eoMUt. or taa
Cilin.i aina a ... vhleh are oolr aBd la (be klh
M rraO. UHnamU! OtI-d with a. I I t-aliri mm
Si . alao bart Dobce MM, muutn, e&, miiows
04 lb b mUrclrlh, tplr billows .t'k aed enrnrnt
I ermt
bmui.rln wi. T MR rAeiuaviie "'"-T"!
with 1W1U btnlM put , raara aurrur, aiexei
tmUl rraouM, and ervry tmoAmrn IroprownMni
KTiil.e torn tml 1 in anjM - U.I-A
GUARHNTEEO 25 YOBS. 257?."!-.
U.U. a wrttuo lilnJlmt a ytmr unuUM, tT th
aerma and eoaditkma ot wkkrh U may part KTnm
i. m mm ,k .1.1. Tnp It otMi wiotith ana
rrtiuKt roar mtmty it yea an ao pwrlvrur an I
ef thm.nraaoill b .-.U . S33.SO. OaUtaJt
Itut Nblltiwr OT warn vapor er aa-vr "f"isi - .-
k.Hal SL-nkr ne,r KtL Rank, of (IblftaTOi
awe Skinitaaus It's.
saf erearaT alTtfsJkiMMa. ML otxmtfT tnfe
OM ot thm UnrM bwtnetv kioclTJi Im cliJcsMr,
mad tBpJoyBsjaiMT iw wow rm vsir ewa
kullfitner. wi gaaUMV syfiaaVBia ir n.w taawj tjs
Strict Iv buranesa
French the jeweler.
Crescent 31eycle,
Hopkins Brothers, agents.
Beat Bicyvle fortue moitey. .
Will A Jtark, jewe'era.
Creerent bicycles at Hopkins Brother,
for ool v $20, 30, 35 and goO.
C R Winn, cue ticket agent Tickets
to ell points in tbe eaat.
Be sure and see the anti rat tinware at
Hopkia Broa, will las. a lifetime. .
Go to Miss Longs for high priced pho
, tographs, and do not Jorget to take along
the money.
By allowing tne accumulations in tbe
bowels tn remain. tbe entire avgtem U pois
oned. DeWitt's Little Farly Risers regul
ate the bowefv Trv them and you will
always use them. Foabay A Mason.
New Goods. P. Cohen's large and
well selected stock of new goods haa ar
rived. It embraces late up-to-date
goods, which will be sold at prices in
reach ol all. Utve him a cau oeiore duv
ing. aro Core Couatlpatlun 7orver.
Take Cuamreu Caud v Cathartte. If or tea
It ti C. C fall to cure, rucgiau retunu money.
r tlobba' Sparaaa. P1!le core all kldner lUa. Fara
ale Iraa. Add. bterlinii Rcmedj Co.. Chieaco or Si. I
naYXt 9UmmmlMTWmhlrtgin aaigml tiwtf f M UWm WftirtsMsU ILJ
sTCA, ptUSd aVBsl mtWCaai tMMUmmmt ealCU. AaMrtaW. (Will, lll.les eWeee sHilwsTi,
f EARS. ROEBUCK A CO. O-cX FiiittM, DrteMM Wayiiitui Sla, CHIC ACQ, 11,1
In CARPETS and other kindred
goods are of the latest patterns and
colorings, our rug and lirt qsuare
Unes are very strong this season.
masonic Temple Bldg;, Albany, Or.
It the Oldest Furniture Dealer in the city and be keeps a complete
line of Fnrnitnre and Bedding and if you want good goods chesp give
bimaca l lie doe?n't intend to be under told.
ed a feast of reason for two hours, with
flashes ol wit and humor that kept tbe
guests in nns numor ana as well set
to em to thinking.
Toasts were responded to as follows:
Tbe Occasion and Its Four Walls, Mr.
D. P, Mason; Tbe Church and tbe Com-, i'h. 0, a. mum; iue rensD
Clearing House, Mr. . D. Cutick ; Prob
lems, Mr. If. O. Watson ; Church going
Mr. F, M. Redfield: From Dan to Beer-
ebeba, Mr.O. C. Riches; The Church
and tbe Doctor, W. U. Davis, M. A
Legal Opinion. Capt. Keatintr: Tha final
nese Mao and tbe Church, Mr. K. B.
Towosend: Lang Hyne, Col. O. B. Mon
tague; The cbnrcb of Tomorrow and its
Relations to Men, A 8 Hart: Tbe Other
2-3. Mr. a B. Winn.
Interepersed was some splendid muic
by tbe Hopkins orchestra and the qnar
tet composed of Messrs. Hammer, Fort
miller. Gofl and Lee.
The company adjourned at 12 o'clock,
and tbe event will long be remembered
by tboee present on account of its novel
character and it ia to oe hoped its infla
ence for good.
Reuben Thcmpeon, who is attending
Harvard University. writee home that be
is pleased with bis surroundings and ad
vantages. He entered tbe junior year.
which speaks well for bis preparation at
MeMinnville. He bas played in two !
.oct ball games on minor eoilege teams.
knt will nMiiulit. nut trv far th A Kid.
i. uinroooa.jn, at be will have only another tea-
" ' f. y n
goa tbete.
mmm a f
r - T rmM
.... .
No "ure. No Pay.
That is the way all tne druggists" sell
Grove's Tasteteaa Chili Touio lor CbL'ls,
malaria and Killioun ss It ia as pleas
ant to take as lemon syrup, bQc
Dr H H Haden, Summit. M la. says, "I
think Kodol Dyspepiia Cure a splendid
medicine. 1 prescribe it, and my conSd
ence in it grow, with continued use." It
rljgea t what you eat end quickly cores
dyspepsia and indigestii n. for rale by
Foahs't & Mtvon
Mcetc Miea Muarea fiurmeetet
eacher of piai"" or organ. System tha
Ms"op touch Ki-d technique. Residence)
"iftbctrref .ctooaite 0 P chuieh.
Mist Joyce Biownell will take np her
piano clast during vacation through tha
winter. The best German and Easier
methods. Leave word with W. F. Read
Oysters by the piutor quart at tha
Leading Reetaurant.
You never knew what form of b'ood poi
non wi'l follow const ipdt un. Keep the
liver clean by using De Wi fa Little Early
Risers and joo will av-id trouh'e. Tbev
are fatuous pills for constipation and liver
and bowel trouble.. For:a e by Foshay
A Mason. - .
1 . r ! -a K m -
I " jrm I' .
"'--J, . I
M L f 14
1 k-ysfia -
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