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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1899)
MISFITS. In Memoriam. ' Thar ia nearly enough mud on Flret treet lor a poll'ical cattipalgn. Inaamut-b aa death baa removed -from !ue our comrade in turns, Robert Brown, enior vie commander oi ueroerion Post, If 111 . . . . Th.i in iifa diMim ait lore m.mhrnn whom we could rely to 00 nit Th. American W " " , Rt8oi.YtB. That wa feet hlalosa deeply, ny kind, hence there wee a big demand 'Ut .ppreelaUon offals 4otW nigbfe Demomat.: j ,h, decorate the etand of the Sen- , ,, .s, , for Vice In Baltaba mourning tor thirty property eny..J from begin!. to end. .PP" " d tb.t W9do oar utmost nw " - nonni t umuiw . ? , , lor Vice In altaba mourning tor uy Ti.-...tern DuWic baa nia.le a preuy day. ir " : d .Ued fcUt ttrelf over the Dewey "Z7!u dining days, a-a w H W A Eugene aper aaW ot another Eu WM M promlneut in par deceased cow gene paper that Hrded jl utM ,?&OkBD th.t , copy '-rf the, molu. aide: "it ha. lost nothing of intereet, " t0 th,7 t,aUiM of tuie - which iato the point, 'olfy'or puUlcation, and that our be- 'reeved banded a copy Young America 18 havina hie turn j tue wme. . . " . ....Li:., afternoon. ' - . hi. nt taeklin.! tuia UM'V - with two crewdaot aa loud ever e4 lit the atmosphere. afternoon, ' rootera ae Daub Tobbkt, Chairman, 8. W, RsKca, O. M. VV kstbrook , OonimUtte. srzzxz ' The properdins. tlWd IDS (HI )' -. t. .. . . - .. i.,i,.n ni vear u t minion ii.;ij.i . , , ., fore Then wny ie u"'" " ' 1 he Oregon Barbers' communion niu lin t theie a ecrew looee eomewbere. , hiitlntm eMion ia lbil cit, yea- 1 terday, the purpwe being to receive and A Salem paper .a Wcklng because tbe consiJer certain rbargee made aialuat a tnkMDarhae been raited by couple of barbers in Portland. The pnceot blank paprna. lrt preferred bythe Portland thetruata colaltJ. ihinga ' Barbir'a Unfon. againat 1 frank Palmer. ii tuncheA we e i i hnn nn tue corner of moat. B the way who i. wo- V .ete. and John iogua tbea. trotw. - ' Knoe. a barber employe Kaoe. a barber employed in tM earn ahop. Enoa ia ebarged oeing a UKDIIQki gruuM - i--- ---- -i. re ao longer cocfined to 0i exaina and irorphine. Falroeria .-Theee yeHaareao wua re 'charaed with keepiog in hie employ a . collegea. Tbe Portland Woodmen re nPf $ pl$M fleBd. The ae. Sotly .ook auecnraion to Aator.a, and "Mk thRt uT, licenj. of the two SJ. fa the way, tbe yelled: , ffie0 r9foke1,,nd that they be not aU lowed to loiiow oeir iru m . TjSitedSUtea government. tar. weT Who are, , Down tbe river to the tea. Woodmen otth. World . i a.K A a. I rkr ! 1 foriiADu w .l&mecT for croup l caaser, ""J. lnr ,toud Coret;'"":-' Md care. " u,edu , .7 r ouo asthma, pneumonia, 2SLh, tripXaad alhrit and lung double;. P'U n9U,nPuou itbyFo.hayo. m.. . m1i1w1 tn vietbeac cusere and accuaed a hearing and Mon kay, December 4tb. t 11a.m., is the Urn. filed for hearing teatimony in th. matter, the trial to be held in Portland. Statesman. . . .IhddrpepSi"ty flver Sodol TERMS. ' m .A, ... m .dvanc. SOo permonth For in"Vdvance. By carrier, 10c net 1"' w in rr nt iddedif allowed to run over monthe. Single Mpvaa te W.U..T si 2S In advance; 1 1.60 at end ..vtnfl vt-ar: i'2.00 for Dl8pep8ia 0. !r;S s rd aid Drying year.', when not paid nd H ".u" iV s. h bet in advance. ClubofBv op- eunacnoer. F,emmiDtown Cum aU form, of in- at $5.00. ' dieettait known. Bwhere pr8. - diieMiou. XDJ . ,i. h Koshar & Mason- Young Motners ii. . . - .effecUjannua ecribe LaGripp, fT "it Tay & yngoTh bc'auae it i out bSak i. eo ,lStt )lmu Oougb Cure, gifiing and fnojimtly fatal. Shiloha -mckj cured b, one Mw immediate rSuzh and Consumption Cnre acU i hk. Cwip ia the terror of ll'aB J ! I'WS a t pr-Mluoe. immediate Qouzhand Conaumpuon v-rw-.- ahAATt v icuiv . Kptni..iUB. an raoaa ni liinuu. w u Ta.ult. in ''find luutr trooh!e.. r known to fail. The wo pneumouiaandtbroM a Fur ta:e by iewti immediately. Prices ft will P,re.VntDfumpa 60 cu. and $1.00. f:1 I out ol order U yea kave (he arnBtoaw numratd e thU aaH. Tea caneura wttaout the aid ol Calom.1, Blue Maw at (tatntaa. Thy are nlntrtli and are apt to aoUoa the blood. Why not add your name le th. already tarf. Hat ol people ourtd by BITOT AN t HVDVAN BM eurad 10,000 Olh- an and tt will cure yen. HVDYA.N to th. graalMt vtahl. Nnedy el the eenturyaud will rliT aU th. foUowlng (rmptonu I BTDTAN eaa be kad el bU drut Utt lot Me&t.pMpackaa. POINTS OF WEAKNESS: l. BIXJOUB BXAI- br HUOTAN. 8-S. JAtTWDIOBOF THB BTXS. HUD YAH will eaaie th. rl towoeai iolMppar and Uia nomaUkaalthy eotor to retora. 4. COATED TONQUC. FOKTID SB.KATH. MUOYAJwUUJ.arth. toucuo and Bake th. bnath rare and intt 5. TENDKENKSS AND PAIN !1 THB STOMACH, DTJB TO INOIOKB TIOH. HUDYANwlUolarth.sloBiaehoi th. excaiot bile, rellova the pala aad eaaj. th. tood to be perfectly dtftatod. 0. XKLAKOBKBITT 0 THB UYBB. HUDYAN 1U lonea the eongoatloa aad r doo. th. Uvr to lta normal alM. BODTAN will care all the above symp tom, aad mak. too trail. Do not data loufw. do to your dniftUt at once aad pro eur. a paekaie of BCD TAN for ao eants or aaektia. tor tUo. II your drartlft dete not kMp !t,end dlnot to th BOOYAIt BBM. EDY cOKPANY taa rraaaUoa, California. If you are bo MtliDtd with the 9cta, r tara th. .maty BtrDYAN bos and w will letara your mon.v. B.mambar that yea eaa consult the HUDYAN DOCTORS tie. rll and sm th. doctors. Yoa ffi.v .all and M thorn, or writ, m yea dotir Adam. HUDYAN REMEDY COMPANY, Cor. Btocktoa, Market ni Clll. Bis worst cases re- 25 cts,. ana t F,-v aale bv Foshay Maeon, S'ck Headaches, FOSHAY & MAS03 Wholesale at Retail DRU80IST3 AHD fiaOESEUfU A LB ANT, OBKOON. Pure Drnga and the finest and Largest Stock of Stationary and Books 'o, the Market. ALBANY COLLEGE OFFEH8 A THOB00QH '. High-Grade College Education To every boy and girl that haa tbe ambition to attaiu on. Tb. ooura. la complain, and Bmbraces th. LANGUAGES, SCIENCES, MATHEMATICS, HISTORY ENGLISH AND ELECTIVE8 Th. Normal Oour.. TIdT P to t 8TATE DIPLOMA, end the Commercial Coure. baa now becom. Business College Fast Bpokaa F't." 8.0 m Albany, Oregon. WALLACE HOWE LEE, President tl W. N. COLLEGE OF MUSIC AND ART. I M. PiKTII, Mas. Doc, Diractop- MR! J. H- BROWH Principal of Art ai.1. Plan. Latest Methois, Pull Course gWen in th. Principal Branch., oi I AcSoi Piano. Organ. Vote, Italian Singing, Violin. Band In.trumenla, nlrrll tLanterMlntrpague aol higher Musioal Composition, .lo. UffiTiW Yoaoi TMObtn fW.B work to assist In obUlnlng a Musical EJuo.llou. i O'imited amount of Ha tnrned Uh 18uo ,; v,,th. ...,wl nrnmunkind.are wise lovauwB"- . nnrifiee Uie Dreaui --vtlw and aorelv cured DyKan i w wwu KaVr. Clover T$S" 7 8 noth- te thVt Tblool purifier ( and flMt-cl... farm , byita action on the bowe1' ' abBoiute ..V builder. Money refunded if not business property else will. innd McU. . Zg$JSZ Price. scU. d 50 eta. k' Pp' cent-for M aale by FW'T"". ArnfUi Or allness : if voa suaer rom hoalder- iu. eonsripatwn. o" . For aale by Foshay & Maaon. ica- I oadache, and tee. uu. "ted. TICKETS ToalljoiKS East vu GrKt Northern Railway. For ratea, f tdera and full infc aiation Buer. will cure yu- eau. r-. h.f.mBBILL, I oerMiK"J nun. .'a ,,ngins tne, uu w ,, ZTJeha. .D4te a' -B""'7.J. De- v- -. . 1 18 tleE plei tbe HIa due o opea Witf. Little "" by t,rompUf, P'"""J, and CJUMBg e removing tbe flow aaturally. HIa due 'o Beaatr Ia Blood Deep. . blood meanaj a .. . neauiy rrSTTj t. it iu.n. bv , wotf do't be wilbontDeWat . Sirring itb laUver and driJii all im Thoe.B Bfb, 'and .kin dt.easee. , J'J'.Tckly b.l.ou. complexion by Ukmg for P.cnSts. for sale by j Cai4reta)-buty for tenant.. Allg Bewareof countersem. 1 But, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 30c hay&B. j - Geo Noland. Bockiana, v., "TO wife nad pile, forty yean. DWitt . Witch HaielBalve cored bet. l ia ne v ; Ammica " It heals every- ' thing and care, all diaeaw.. for .ale by Foshay c . Albany MarHet. CASTOR 1 A fla Knd Yen Ha Wwaj BougM LQAN8.1 have a money to loan on eeenrity or improved in Albany, interest oarticular. call ouor address. H. F. Mbrrili., Democrat nuiiutng. Albany, Oregon ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. W.TflTIf!E l the ondenlgned Bears tbe ciemfttnre ol SOUTH and EAST VIA SOUTHERN PACIFIC Overland-South Bound .. ...7Kpm LaveB Fort i.n j to :45 p m 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT has been duly ap pointed by tbe County Court of Linn county, Oreiron, as tbe administrator of the estate of H A Davie, deceased. Any and aU per.-ns haviOKc'n. agaiBst said stale are hereby BatiSed to preeeBt the same, duly verified aa by law required, lo tbe uBdereiffued at Harrisburg, Oregon, witbin si months from the date hereof . Dated this 8th day of Novemoer, 1899. E E Davis. Gacb Ann Dvw, Administrators. Wbatbii roan t Wtatt, AUy's r Adn r'B. r I -iwnver. it: SuH Wr h,Omh.. Kin- JJ.U pm aaa City, Bt Ul., " r m.i.n .nl least. 1,1 "P waulta., Chicago, A . East. 8pm OCEAN BTEAM8IUPH jor du -" Ball .v.ry ftv. daya ...... Ttrt?l InB B n en UUlU"""".'"' ... m..L.i ILIDUIIUMT " - - - - . .( BatorUBytoAatorlB anu way tO p n mi4" ...... i jifTTB ttlV. 4!'.0n (ni i iuvtTK AND 8i30p JSTSL andWarnd.: .ndSai am WILLAMOTTBRIV. 4:30 p. faeeday Portland to uorva...- - - rSur.. BodWay-Undmga. T ur , and Bat. . Lv Uwlaloi LvUiparla ia.nn M Dally Blparia m ' W.H.HURI.DUBT. UAWLISOS, PorUand.Of. Agent Albany. a mtiiaw itT-alirtit tux et4. llvtoa la Htm York Clif, had Imm lats liir IJd uTu.t JaM .! tud boo imUvt br a ouoitwipf KbjnrtHaaa, eot iW ilThd?. o?U.. ..omi-b : aohr all w-lnajT 4jr.r- BaitMr proooowwl It hlilary cnuuu. or wm ir " "TTT i it., CSgS lalurl kwtoln Klpaaltkafaa, I r ih. amuk Hi ao(M OMUM SM imh mam wma ira.i - ". r . . . . . . L aad bad vrr uiua pp""v and had r mu ppui. r. " r""-. Al? V". -'ks 1U jMn. d lh.. fiae Diana tUom o pmw ; ;7T7rr 5 , "jyjgy-p - Jutaa-tra'aMea. a ' iiniani li 1KB S00 PACIFIC UHE. fcT Ct IvK n A uwrl.. Ti.muuk Bt da alwpl"! t)irlrt cari from coast lo OSTUiN Without Change. Royal Mall StsamsliiD Unes; CHIBI. JlPAHandlUSTAUl p fud Information rardiog ra!- etc. apply to. fiTKF.L. ! H.H. ADBOTr. ' Albany, Ore. inrtland. Ore. ei;sw E-,,0A!ofk A. Vancouver, B.C. out Wheat 42 'enU. OaU27 Egg 27 rents Butter li to 17 cent. Potatoes 30 cents. Hams 15 cuts. Rides 10 cents. Shoulders 8 ounts. F(o)fol(ali U VA 1 .Q-JtO PB . 8:15 pm; 8:05 p m D 36 a m 5:43 a m 9:15 am iivM Albany. Leaves Albany. Arrive. San Francieco. . . . North Bound j.eaveaSanEranciwo Arrives Aloany Leaves Albany.. Arrives roru California Expreaa-South Bound. leaves Portland '.'l2:l0 a m Arrives Albany .12:30 p m ilrimVarFVanVi::::::.. 70 Pm , Oregon Expreas-SorthBnd. Leaves San Francisco 2;? p m Arrives Albany 3:10 p m Leaves Albat y 7 -.00 p m Portland 0 a v Dyspepsia Cure. Digests wnar yon eat. .wi.(.lwirMtat.Vie food and nidi Fatore in strengtheaij and recon- trans. It is the la tt discovered digesv can approach It In efficiency. It la- atantiy relieves ana pcriuurun j Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Eeartburrj, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Wauaea, Si ck H ead ache, Gasti algl h. Cram pa, and all other result of imperfect dl gestloa. Jtrepared bv E- C 0wi.; Ce Chicago. For sale by Fohay k Mason. JTF.EiT RAILWAY KOTICE. Toe motor on tbe Albany Street ltal.v :u .1 nimnii ith all trains toat from the depot, day and jigbt. special 'nps win w 1 -w. MtW' B. H0C('ra!v(t 1 i V A if BanB HAIR SWITCH 65 CENTS. ws uu MLSiS ia oinau uM.b UT Ml. .1 tnm .SO .8.t8. mitt OFFER' CutUHtadeulaBdsmq u..ui u( tk nut wanud. MMl em It oaf pu.UK., ana B.i.k ,r k.l. nwrt, mid MKl to ra tfntii, ii''.' " T"n mn i"."r Mtt Md. nun It Ma U1 ImnMlsUir hn-.ui u.r tAm m hnni o. twltk nn. lofiir, long .una, . LA.i ..a. M.ln Iad. irtMn. Sl.lftl .ol 19-ln. Mnc.thoii num. I.S0 . lnntf..hurl.tem. .8.8.1 1H o.fn-ln. Ion- .hart .Mm. 83. 2S. U Ol nam in. niium cm. '(. OrSMMu4trt ... . t.w HH IMMt I' Mt i. Writ for IrM Culott ot hklr .'xl. AdilrM, IEA!t,il0EBUCK BCO.nM.ICDiesaa, sac, sm miosmr iwihw " I BIGGLE BOOKS mm) 8:10 a m - m T Hka aAfl rave b map. j . 10 -.30 a m Arrive at Aioaty 3:25 p Leave Albany 6:05 p . i fin Arrive a.. - "wJSffiSlS HwaFi" ith t.amrtng line. o r ua China, The Pbii'PPn tM cftll on For through ticket- w Agent, or 2 .VwKc,i office Alba'ny.Or. c H . haRKHAM, K0ESSr. G-FPor?laPnd6, m p m OREGON VIAVI COMPANY Cer. Morrison & Park Sts. LEWIS BUILDING. Portland - Oregou nvnWiriTiiVfi CO. "Second 6t street. Albany. ' Sells Chi- ea medicinef Chinese rice, Chinese Heand Pt oil. K. O. T. M. Tory Saturday evening at K. O. T. af a I VUl ii? Knigbu iaviied. O W UOFFCoromar.der. A Farm Library of nnequallcd jalurrr5n'cal Op-to-datc, Concise and ComprehcnslTC-nana-somely Printed and Beautifully Illustrated. By JACpQ BIGGLE No. l-BIOOLE HORSE BOOK M about Hor-ii Cmmon-8neTretie.HhOYer vV iilultrations ; a Mauduril via k. l'ti. jo UU. Mo.2-BICaLn BERRY BOOK Allnbout erowiufr Snull Fruttsesd sad lesrti bpw, ti.lorca Hie.Hkrepto.1iiUlonoJalllei.diog SE&S 4,?Jd iiother HluMiation.. 1 1 K.. J CuU. n .-ii d rvuilTDV RflOrC . .tt. rw7i,Vi', traductions rf Jnuvtar nci brttd.; itU I. J 1'rice. ?o Cents. No. 4bl00LE COW BOOK All about Cows and tb Dairy Bu.!nM ; hln breea, iron 13 miin ini. - - No. 5-BIG0L0 SWINE BOOK tut out AU about I!o-Bredlt!r F.Hti, Butch iS? ufJ. W " CoXlu. ove, L lMtflul half- tones and other mgrviuS. Price, jo Cents. TbeBiaaLE BOOKS are ualqi,orlr!na.uftil-ypunrT " are bavins an enormous sale Kt. tuth ""me who keep. . Morse. Cow. Iloa or Cblcken or grow. Fmsll FruiU, oi.Rht lo send right awar for tbe BIOOLE BOOKS. The FARM JOURNAL II IB M yrnaw Comllis k Eastern Bailroal TIME CARD. 2ForYqulnatifi Train leaves an"j arrlvea Yaqulna. . . . 6 :50 p. m. 1 Betornint , Leave. Y.quma Arrive. Albany P ' $ For Detroit j UsvesAioaDy - Arrive. Detroit H: .Returning: Leave. Detroit 12: p. m Arrlre. Albany A6:P- 6Leave Albany. ArrWeaCorvalla 6.65 p. m 6Uavea Corvallia 6:40 a. n . .... hi.... 7 Id l. n On. and two connect at Albany and fWvallla with Southern Paclflo train., Bivlna; direct aervic. to and from ew VSrUSS frnrA.b.n'y to Corvalli. on Mwdaya, weuneauaya anu 1 No. 5 runa from Corvallia to Albany on Tueadaya.Thuradaya ana aaiuraey. w j ..... i. (. ,i, mmintains arrive at L'O trolt at noon, giving ample) tin to reach ns trrOUCOS 0O lUO rawu." and Bantlam rivera tbe same day. Edwih e rosi, 11. L. WaLDBW, Mansger T.F.&r.a. J. Tobnbb, Agent, Albany. U vour psper, tnsde for you and not a misnt. old; It Is tbe great ooiiro-oown. nii-yi""'- .,iUftrouAeHMid-it. Farm and Household, paper in the world-Uhe blK)reM psoerof its 8i in the unju-u the world-the bluireiit patr 01 n mj in - -of America having over a million and aball regular rtocr Any ONE of the BIGGLE BOOKS, and the FARM JOURNAL . YEARS (n1t,'Pl'90. tai W) ""1 b sent by mail f mpUoTFARM JWAi and circular derlblng BIQOLE BOOKS free. . ,n . I T II II I I HT 1d I HEW YORK WORLD Thrlcf-a-Week Kdllloji 18 Pages a Week . . . ... 156 Paper a Yeai For One Dollar bll.hedevry HeraaleBay exeepllaa Tii.Thrico-a-Week Edition of Taa N kj York Wobi-d is nrsi noi-inn 1. :-.: fmnnAnnv of ouulication paper ,ii -- i " . i , . , knd tbe freshtsss, accuracy and variety ol Uacor.tims. It hie all tha menu of a ,.i i ,uilv at: he nrice of a dolla Ki. T-T.L!..I ' 1 l eekly. its poinicin now. i. pruiuv-i, uu LEGAL DIRECTOI Albany W B BlWwa. Fo.hay A Maeon blort. U Bryant. PO block. Anderaon Cannon, PO Mock . J N Duncan, P O block, jgrw'iWbloii. WiySnkbulldln,, L H Moitanv.. I'earo. block; J C Powell, P 0 block. C E Bob, P 0 block. LLbw.nn, Bank building. Jl 0 Wataon, bank building. W.atberford'& Wyatt, bnilJU Whitney A Newport, Cu.lck block. G W Wright, PO block. Irbauon.' . P M Garland. Brownsville A A Tusalng. fSclO. TJ Wilaon -I .1 Ti.'in'.1- LAi 7 o AMJiT(oaBWPai fsld.nv..i. .. . flea rrMldmt Ttsul.'... 1 ACCOUNTS BBM .ubJil.B.. - ) 10HT RICUANUB atutsttfrspal. If aMJ, a n.w jf. LtOTIOBS aAOf on tunr.bU ras. . j I B B Tooa. B w Lei I r Ooraani (. fwaaV : o a. rum. i nlrtii( strip to th. l'rl K.po.ltloa, al ; SODA WATER from Bodaville, frosh, juet received at llurkhart A Lee a a healthy drink. Also a line thing frcm Marquon III, bottled by John liurnett of Bwect Home. Tl If -1 i IB. an BaaiaBBaiaBTajBjli il askausBMBBBH CaveaUsndTrsfle Msrtsobliitned " ontbuiiliieMCondncteatorModerrt. F . " e BenIroocli-l,arawin(jorpBoio. noi J ptnnUble fri-n of char ?o. Oil T t mi n dt d . j patent is. noil red. A P.mphlot "UoW 3 IWMUC.H-I'M, Witt, wwv -. - - i uiii rureiu ootuilrte. seal ma. iiww a a. snov & cl i Orr. Patuht Orn. WtSHISO. !