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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1899)
K - t Nolle of lnln (vr uilaa IIiih I'aleat. APPLICATION NO. a. Aeplleatlea ( W. . United BUtm Land Office, Oregon City, Ur Nwv. 4, W, Nolle la ituieby given that In puru ) of chapter vf tule 13, ( Hi llevlaad Mtutuia r th I'liKuJ BtaUa, VV, U, Irftwlur, who poatotllc addrv I) Al bany, Linn county, Oregon, claiming XUH.n.ui acre of placer ground, containing gold, lying ami Uelitg iltualed wltltlil Mi WUHi'tavllla iiilnliiir district, No. f, county of l.lmi und tt of Oi- on, lina mad application to ilia United Hiate fur a patent fur th Lnwler Consolidated l'liicer Milling I'lillin, emulating of the lied Illicit placer claim, ooinprleltig 1I.(K4 acres; Ilia Lawlur placer claim, voinprlalng ll.lil acre, Hint t'outan Hold placer claim, uoinprlalng lii.wi acre, which said claim ar mora fully duai'ilbed a to male and bound liy Ilia uflli'lnl plat herewith posted, and by llw flr-ia iiolna of mirvay thereof, now filed In ilia utile of tit roKlHtr of (tia Unllnd Ml tilt-a In nd omit at Oregon City, which field note of aurvey iliairlb th boundaries and extent of suld claim on the surface with magurllo variation at IV to U d.'g, to mill, U., a follow, to wit; 114 Huvk I'laver. llfulnnlna it t rumor No, I. a hewed lU'iniu, k 4x1 Inches by 4 feet long, l in Indie In the iinmnd, with mound of attune scribed Jill; whence U. H, M jh. ro. i oeura . at ue. i mm. " Into I feel. A hniiluck lr biased and scribed 1-323 1IT. ii'iout ID Inche In dlwn rirr. henre N. 33 d u. . mill. W. f""l and hemlock tr 13 lml In diameter. Mused and crlbed laai UT, hear H, l deg. K. 16, t feel ; lliunce N. IS df K. . in vi' varUilnn ill dev. ut mln. I'. 4tl feel to corner No. 1, a bowed btnlo k poat 4x4 Inche by 4 ft Ion. art ' liiihc In tlm around, with a mound of toiiu .rll,.d wlipnua a iwmiora lrr Imlif In dlmii"ir, blaaod and mrlbrd -3ZH MT. bwra H. 1 d-. ) mln. W. U.4 foot, and a Immloi k trpo 10 Inche In dlumtr, bln I und wrllifd l-ltM 'l, Imura N. rt d., 4o mln. W. W.T f; tliwir N. 74 d". 43 mln. K.. variation II I.-. W mln. K . U a f ! t' cornir No. . A howl hi-mlwk i.m 4x4 inche by 4 frj-l liMiar. l Id ini-bea bi lb around, wllh mound of alnno rlbrd M: wheni-a a limiilmk lr"o S" ln'bi In dlumnlfr, bluaod and ai rltwd J-W UT. bourn N. aj !. . so mln. W. V I ft. and a bi-mlot k tr U Uuhvt In dlnmrtwr, blaa and n.-rllwd a IIT. Iwara H, l& di-a. Ill mln, w IM I fl- llmiu a N. !H d.H, CI mln, W., rlnllIl lu il.o to mln. li.. HI4 f"t to r.irnrr No, 4. A hnmloik tria cut off 'tj frt abova lh around, bewwl lnrh .iiinra wiih muund of atone arrlbwl whone a hrmlofk tr M Inrhr In illnnn-HT hlnard and wrtlM-d 4 -131 Br, si ii ,i..m in mln. vv. mi ffwl. ami a rtr tri M Tni-ho In dlamotrr. blx-d .t ...rll.r.l I IT twata M. 46 tlrtf W. A4 liwl; tlifiua N, 4 dc U mln, K., vnrlatlon l dra. Co mln. K., la fil w ri,l riuiiilnK aaalnrlv and Wrt orly Xi foeti dry uh running wairly iyll l fttninr Nil. ft. a hewd C'ffdur iitwt 4x4 IiiiIip by 4 fwl long. ( IJ fmhva In tb ground, with mound of ton a. rllod bX; w linn a a nr trm 4 fnt In allamclvr, blad and aprltwd a UT. bnra H ta dig. So mln. W. 17 4 fot. ti,l a himlok trra 14 Ini'lwa In Oliilm-tir bin and ai rlbwl ai UT. brara N. W iLm. 2& mill. H 10 4 (rat; (lirii. r M. 74 il.-g. ,i mln, V., variation It drg. to mln v fx a r,i i,i,.,,rtivr No. a. a hrwiMl hrltl' ItH-'k I"1. aat II I or hi- In lha ground, with mimnd of alonca arrliwfl aas hMPa n hritiltu'k trra II Inrhr In dl nmrtar. blad and arrllxsl -3l I IT. brar u u at mln. tv. I&4 (kpi. and a flr tr M Inrhm In diamftrr. blaaod and ai rlbr.l s: UT, brara N. 4 dig. K, 1(1 fret: thrill H 11 ill 2 mill. K variation 1 drg. M mln. K. 4 frrt 10 orntr N. 1. a hawml hrmloi'k iot 4x1 iiftoa l.v 4 fori lima, ant U Inrbra In til ground, with mound of alonra acrllwd 7 aji- ahrnro a nr Irvn n inrnea in omul rir. blnrl and acrllird 7-."C3l HT, l"l H a dra. In mln. W. 17 4 f-t. and brmlnrk trra 24 Inrhr In dlnmplrr. blnxr and arrlhrd 7-83 UT. brara H. fc& drg U mln K II frrt; tbrnra N. W dig, mln. variation l drg to mln. K., !. frat. to fornrr No. i. a hrwrd plnr Kt 44 Im-hra by 4 frrt long, art H lni-hra In th ground, with mound of atonra riird S?. whanra a liMnlork trra 10 Imhra In dlamrtxr. blaxml and n-rllwd a M UT. briti N. 4 drg. 45 mln. W. 71 frat and a nr lr SI liuhr. In dlnmrlr, blaxrd anil ai ril-rd -? UT, lrar N. I drg. 9 mln W. fm-; thrn.a . 76 dog. M into. V vurtgilou So drg. I anln. B.. 4M 7 frrt to iwrnrr No. . a brwad bm lin k oal 4x4 Ini'hra by 4 frrt long, art II im-hm In th ground, with mound of amnra ai rlbril M"i whrma a hambn-k irra 42 Inrhr In illamrtrr. blaard and arrllH-rt UT. brara N. U drg. 40 mln. VY. n ft. and a hamlork traa II Inrhra In dlamrtrr. blaanl and ai-riltrd UT. brar H M drg. 40 mln. K. Il l tct iiirm-r N. 13 dra. la) mln. V.. varia- llun 9 org. 10 mm. r... sw umrn run aouthwralerly 14M faat to romr No. I, a hawod hrmlm-k lan 4x4 Invtiv by 4 frrt long, art U Inrhra In the ground, with muund of atonra acrlbml lo jh, whrnra a )rw traa 7 Inrhr In dlamrtrr. blaxrd and rrll-d 10-ttx UT. Iwar H. 34 drg. 10 mln. W. lot frrt. and a hanv lock trra ID Inrbra In illamrtrr. blnard and a. rlbrd 10-331 UT, brar N. 17 drg. W. frrt: thriir . 7 drg, .eft mln. w.. variation 10 drg. 10 mln. K 67 feat. Oulrh run aouthrrly J7 fart to cornar No. II, a hrwr.1 hrmliM-k noat 4x4 Inrhr by 4 ft long, eel 1 Inrhr In l ha ground, wlih muund of atonra ai-nbad 1132: whrnra a fir trra M Inrhr In dlmtrr. blnxrd and rrlbwl II fta I IT. b'ni 8. 14 drg. K. 17, fart, and fir trra 11 Inrhr In dlam atrr. blaxxl and acrtlwd I1-3SH UT. Iirar R 74 drg. 10 mln. W. 4 frrt: tllrnc H. drg. 4 mln, V., variation dig. K.. 7i frrt; ummlt of ridge running northerly and outhrly Ml frrt to rornar No. 11 a hrwrd nr at 4x4 Inrhr by 4 frat long, art 1 Inrhr In the ground, with mound of atonra acrllied H-iUH; whrnra a nr trra II Inrhr In diameter, blaxrd and arrlbrd 13-KM UT, bear 8, 79 drg, mln. K. 11! feet, and a hrmtork Irro tX Inrhr In diameter, blord and arrlbrd 13 !tst IIT. I.nira H. 41 drg. Ii mln, W. 12 fart: thrnca 8. 7! dig. SH mln. W variation ID dig. R.. IM fret: Bprlng gulrh run aoutherly ZM feet to rorner No. 13, a hawad homlork lt 44 Inrhe by 4 feet lonir. art IX Inrhra In th around, with mound of atone arrlbad ! SOI: whenre a hemlock tree 43 Inche) In dlamrtrr, hlttxed and crlled IS 32X UT, brar 8. til drg. 10 mln. W. 10.4 fert. and a flr tree 4 frrt In diameter, blnxrd and acrlloil IS 32 UT. bear N. 4 drg. 30 mln. W. II) fart: thnnrn 8. 13 drg, 1 mill. K.. vnrtn Hon 20 drg. K.. "H fret to corner No. 14. a hewed hemlork poat 4x4 Inrhr by 4 feet Inn, art IN Inche In tha ground. with mound of atom xciibrd 14 .US; i whenco a Hr trra 4'4 fret In diameter, blnxrd and acrltnil 14Sa UT. beara N. 4 drg. 26 mln. K, to t feet, and a hemlork hemlock tree. 30 Inrhra In diameter, blaxrd and xerlbed 1S-SM UT. bear B. SO drg. M mln. W. HI fret, and a hemlock tree 14 Inrhr In diameter, blnard and crlbed lt-3ai UT. bear ft. M drg. 20 )nrhra K. 3.4 frrt: thtnre N. 1.1 drg. 32 mln. V., vnrlntlon 20 drr, K.. 2M fa'., to corner No, 1. hewed hrmlm-k poat 4x4 Incho by 4 frrt long, art 13 Inche In the ground, with mound of atone arrlbrd Id XM: whenr a fir tree 4'4 fret In diameter, hlnxed nnd crlbed 1 323 UT, bear 8. SI drg. SO mln. K. 4.8 feet, and a nr tree 24 Inrhra In diameter, biased and arrlbrd 10323 UT. bear 8. 10 deg. 10 mln. W. 14.7 feet; thenca 8. 70 drg. 47 mln. W.. vnrlntlon 20 drg. K.. 1404.6 feet to corner No. 17, a hewed hemlock poat 4x4 Inche by 4 feet long. et 13 Inche In the ground, with mound of atone rrlbed 173323; whence a hemlork trea 12 Inche In dinm. eter, blaxed and acrllied 17-2328 BT, heara 8. 30 deg. W. 13.3 feet, and a hem lock trea 10 inche In diameter, blnxrd and acrlbed 17-2-S2S DT. bear N. 17 drg. ttt mix V. Ml feet: thence 8. 13 drg. At mln M .. variation 11 deg. E.. 313 feet: wagon road running eaatrriy and wealer ly BIW feet; dry gulch run wexterly 1193.0 feat to corner No. 13, a hewed hemlock tree 12 Inche In diameter, blaxrd and crlbed 14-32 UT. bear 8. 17 deg. 40 mln W. 24 3 feet: thence 70 deg. 1 mln. V, variation 20 deg. H., OOS.S feet to corner No. 15, a hewed hemlock pot 4x4 Inche bv 4 feet long, aet 13 Inche In tha ground. n.,nrf nf alnnea acrlbed IK 323. A Awl Inrhra hv 4 feet long, art 13 l....hea in the ground, with mound of atone acrlbed 13-323: whence a hemlock a ai In itlnmnter. blaxen and acrlbed 13-1-323 IIT. bear. N. ,. mln. W. 23 feet, and a Hr tree 8J "ch" in lameler. b rd and acrlbed 131 SiS .Vm t . a a rinv ts (3 fret: thence N n mln K . varlntlon 18 dog. 60 :. n 1ufi fa.l In rnrnrr No. 13. lllro T. "i "i.h romer No. 3 of .nrvev No cs nnld Oulch lodo. a hewed nJ 4i4 lnrhe by 4 fert Inche In the ground earth and atona crlbd 1112; whanc n r traa W lin h In diameter, blaaad and crllxd 10-821 UT, baara U. 4 dg. 31 mln. ifl. 12.6 feet, and a hamlork traa I Inulta In dlamter, blaxrd and i-rlbd lU2H IIT. bear 8. 10 dva. W. 11 feat: iheiKM N. W dug. 20 mln. E., variation dg, VS., 166 net; guloh run north- waalarly 634.1 fnat, to uurtiar No. 30. Iilan. tlm I with cornrr No. 4 of aurvey No. 126, Wold tluloh lod. and corner No. 6 of Hid Hull IoiIb, amn aurvoy, a hewed hemlock poHi xt ini'iir uy runt mug, ant la iirlira In Ilia ground, with mound of atonra irlbrd 20-12H; whence a hemlock irua in incur in dlnmnter, blaxed and ai-rlbrd 20- aai UT, Imur N. U deg. 10 mln. m. v.a irai, ami a nrmioi'M iron 42 umbra III diameter. , hluxad and wrlbed 20 223 UT, hour N. k!, ll.ic. 4d mln. W. 22.7 feat! thanca U. W drg. m mln. IS., variation 1 dig. : mln, n; m fat. to corner No. 21, lilrntlrul with eoriwr No. ut aurvey. No. Itiil Hull Imln. a auwril flr nnai tlxil lui lica by 4 feet long, art IX Inchtw In inr Kroiinu, wun mound oi alonca arrioail 2I:,.H; wlirnce the center of aim ft 4x7 liu nr by 120 faiit dim ti bear N. M drg, if mm, w, oi rct. 'j n weateriy iwir in I' of the ofTIre building of l.nwlrr Uold Minn, Llmllod, brur N. tl drg, 23 mln. M. 113.0 fi'l; a hnnlork atiimp 24 Inclm In illamrtrr and 3 feet high, blnxrd and arrllwd 2I-32N UT, bear N, 7 drg. 10 mln, W. 31,4 frrt, end a hrmlurk trrn io Inrhra In diameter, blnxrd and acrlbed 21-323 UT, l, M. 21 drg. 30 mln. K. 27.1 fuel; thence H. iW drg. .02 mln. K varlit tloil 20 drg, IO., 132.1 frrt to cornrr No. 22, oil line 11 of aurvey No. 32fi, Hrd Hull lialn, a hewed nr poat 4x4 Inrhr by I fret long, art N Inrhv III the ground, with mound of atonra arrlbrd ZitSXH. A brmlork trro 20 Inrbra lu illnmrlrr, blaxrd und rrlbrd 22-2 32 UT, bear 8. 22 d"g. 26 mln. W, 14.5 fret dlalant, and n brmlork at ump 30 Inchra In dlnmelnr and 1 frrt high, hlnxi'd and arrlbrd 22 2 -.1311 IIT, bear H, in dig. 40 mln. K. 13 Death of John G. Grey. " 4ihi ta Mr.Johna.Orey.ofEageng, died at wV4TVd.ul6lnr ., ?A the bom. of I.I. daoghur, Mfg. F J. :ndV,r7KVnn ?W'JL MUlcr,lnthlcItr night, Nor. 28- w mm w. , ft; theric; S.' S dig'. 1 1890, at the ge of 75 ran and 2 dayi. fuffi"' ?.VnnV,,!.r',,,,,.'.n. A ;-J.t; H waatorn in Ohio, moving in T. r?i,'J"'n.Br 1' JJ hemlock po dlana, while yooog and from Indiana to wrlbad U-mi Whohca a flr' r.-M I Z'ylZ iMrwarog midtM, paiiuing n diameter, bluuui mnd Vi m I UP an excellent raotitatlon aa a Imaina I nucitien. 110 nati teven child-1 who with hla tMtimablo wife, aor hi in. and of whr.m all a. Kiel 7X4 aili-4L.n- K- variation 20 drg. ' death ld except one aon, JEOrey, of area ot uea itock tlaccr. 11S.M0 1 wiinam uarracn, oi Kuirene. J WOrev. I oi tiuntinKion. mm u v Alley, of Iiaker . ; 10 mln' , 31.1 feet, luian hbTa ui t""ni k " inch In dlnmelerj ren, i ST Ml'1 "''"?' ia 3i HT, bara H. ,ia 7 arir. uti tnt u m i i....' ,i u I Vive ttcraa, t,.i?.i t, of,''," Plur-er, 11.27J acrea. J Otlll ttruil Of CliUIu tl, .1,1 ,7 H.i iter-. " ", i., tha lied Itork n ucrp rluim la ,.t ..a In tha City and Mr Millar and linirh Ore-, of UiU city. prominent and worthy citizen. Mr Grey for many yeara took a promi-1 nont part in politic, beinft a leading re- AfcCelaWePreiralioni3fAa SlSSaUng rJfcflridKu r.iumy or i,inn. auitr ,r drrunn. at r,,.. I publican in lila county, and beannir an aM coumymH4- 'il.,n S"'."" i" . ot excellent rrpuUtlon a man, through ,"".y' bounditd on tlin aouth-1 ll.a at.t ' " I r.lh S"m"Y V I"'"' Htr claim, ma urn jiuii i,iM , ,, j mini, ami oinerwiao by un auryryed government land. There era no p""uni : eUim 10 ,h anowltdg of ap- in'.il"7.r,r "V"' P''m la of record J i"i ".'"'"y lrk of nld S"".' ,ln, atata of Oregon, at page 306 of Volume 4. of uininu. .iL .7 rt; thence N. 7 drg, 2f mln. i: . vurla. Ion 20 drg. H.. 614 4 fert. to corner No. Ijiwlrr IMii.rr, thla aurvi.y on line 740 ret; wagon road runnlue aualrrlv ml wralerly Wi't frrt: gulch run northwrater- Illll frl.t: wuicoii mail rum nurlhrMMl. rly and aoulhwealerly M1 fert; mouth of ... m. ..',. aiiinriimoriir u lem, rft at riulit analra am 1 f.i in No, 23, a hrwrd brmlork poat 4x4 Inrhra y 4 fret long, art 13 Inrhra In thn arminit with mound of atonra acrlbed 23-331; Wbrnrn a hemliM'k tree 22 Inrhr In dlain- trr. blnxrd and arrlbrd 23331 UT. brar 13 dee. M. X.I fret, anil a hcmhirk lr.a Indira III lUtatn,.l..r t.lnM ...t M..ll. UT. Iwar N. 24 deg. 40 mln. W. 14 fert: lllrlire H. 1.1 drir. 3 mln !- variation drg. CO mln, K,. f4 fret, to corner No. 24. a hrwrd hrmlm-k uoat 4x4 Inch by 4 feel long, art in Inr hi In th ground, with mound of atone Krrlbed 24 32, Tha mouth of llulllon tunnrl. run ning aouthwmatarly, bear N. 70 drg. W mln. K. KM 6 fort; a hemlock tree 1 Inche In illnmrlrr, Maxrd and arrlbrd 21-32 HT, beara 8. 75 dig. 10 mln. K. IS fe-t. nd a hemlock tree 24 Inrhra In it lam. eter. blaxrd and arrlluul 91 lrM tiT u.M 8. U drg, 30 mln. W. 131 frrt: fhrnra H nra. as mm. k variation 10 drg. u mln. r... 4M frrt: rill Her V aillrli a ilr.nM t rt wide, flow northerly MS frrt, to corner no. i or tiiare of beginning. l4fn rr I'lacrr. Urglnnlng at romer No. I. Idrtitlral with coiner No. I. aurvey No. 3. Hrd Hull Imlw, and cornrr No. 3. eurvrv No. xji. uni'K iwio. a hewed brmlork noat auld county. It I boundwl on th aouth K''0 "nek Undo claim; on in. yminwrai oy ine Had Hull lode claim; on i the north wet by ihe Ued Hock plater claim, and on the norihrnot by unaur veye.1 government land. There are no pllcant c,tt'ra" w knowledge of ap- iilh.m0". 2M P'""' l f record In tha office of the county clerk of laid ,iU",.,,,,',n'VU,i 01 0"-'n. at page 324 of Volume 4. Of Mlnlnr ll.l. ,.r auld county. It I boundrd on the north- eaat i,y the Ued Hock placer claim and ottwrwla by unauryeyed government VL'l hf.f "r. no nl"'llng claim to tha knowledge of applicant. Anv nnil all ,u.ra.. , .iiMi.a . .. Lhl,.mln'"i"r aroiind and premier or any portion thereof ao decrlb, (urveyeif, tilutted and applied for, are hereby notl- l,n'!,.u'"e,, th,,r dvera claim are duly n ltd a awoniing to law end the regulation thereunder, within 0 day from the. date hereof, with the reglaier of the United ff'alr land office at Ore. fon ."Tl r' ,h" wl barred In vir tue ot the provlafon of d etatute. CHAKLKa 11. UOOKKH. Keguiter. the etate. The remalna were taken to Eugene on the noon train for burial, acconi'anied uy me ovreaveu family. Up Stream Work. From the Guard : The financial stream hai not proven aol easy for the ateamer City of Eugene to I lurmount aa the Lara and riffles of tbe Willamette river. During the paat eleven month, ao we are informed, her ledjcer account howi a loaa of $2000 in the ordinary couree of freighting and carrier buaioeai. Tbe continual loteea have resulted in placing the ttcamer once again in tbe aberiff'tl uanua. mefcugene la tied up at liar-1 riihurg on the auit of . G. Smith for claim aggregating 33o. Mr. Smith waa formerly agent for tbe ateamer. and once before attached ber.but time waa given in hope that ahe might earn money witb which to pay the claim. Itaeema that! the earning capacity of the Eugene could not meet me uemanua, uence ine attacn- meni. TWnh?8sir6ftXM- Tss aM EestXon Wns itKlttirT OpjumTMorpainfl vm rwuax. JJOT- NAKC OTIC. IAfMfrSMmJZBia JitdtfW frT . . ginaraanaaawar hint, t7nvi MaM A perfect Patfcdy f ofCoMGp- Worms jCorMils-onsJevwiin OE35 and LOSS OT MJZB Tat Sunk Signature of TTEW "YOHK. mm --.! it nil all For Infanta and Children. The Kind You llavo Alvays Bought Bears the Signature of AW WW A -0 Hit f In USB For Over Thirty Years W , .rim 1 EXACT C0PV Of VHAPPrB. MONDAY. Indian War Veterans. - i no 4x4 Im lira by 4 frrt tuna-, art la Im lim in ;iie gruunn. wun mi'uml uf alunra a. rll-J l-3. I . H. M M. No. 1. bra l a M. ai ,li OAavatt, Nov. 27, 1899. While in Albany laat Friday we ac cepteJ ao inviutlon to attend the meet ing of the Indian War Veterana. Nine- m ill i ii. r., ii:,4 rort dlalant; a nr tree 1 . . , . :4 imiira in iitamrtrr, tiiaxxi and acribrii I n 01 tuoae aged veterana were preaent ttJuJmfirX I? "in. ha R"Sla ,,,d ih2 CM '1 peclM citi Joe Simon iaou hi way bai k to Wa4t gton. Lawyer J. It. Wyalt left thii afternoon lor rnneviuie on legal buiineaa. Mr. A. Wheelfr, the expert account ant, oi i airmouDt.Lane county, u in tbe city. Capt. Lanning ia home from the mine where be hai oeen working eeveral month. Crook County. ly witb thoee who went forth to battle in 1?. w.",r wu" ' and the war of the Rebellion and why not recompense thoee who riaaed their Uvea to open op the farm landa of thie weatern country, ue aend men to comra who will a candidate before election. LrrTLK Bon Ben. hemlork long, art 13 with mound of eter, biuarl anil acrlbeil lxm IIT. Ier H, CI Urg. tu mln. 1C Ut.1 fevt dlaiant; Iheiu-e N. Sn drg, .02 mln, V viirlutlou Ug. io mln. K.. ii.t fret to cor ner No. 1, Ideiillral with cornrr No. a of Ilrd Kuril plarrr, thin aurvey, and ort III -l iif .urv.y Ko. 124. itrd Hull lode; llirma N. t drg, zo mm. K.. variation sw drg, K,. ill 4 frrt, t( corner No. a, on one a a ot iir.i icnog liicrr. tin aur vey. a hrwrd hemlock Imj.i 4x4 Inrhr ny 4 nwt long, t in Incite In the ground, with mound of atone arrtord 3 Sai: whrnre a nr atunip 14 Inrhra In dlnmrtrr and 34 fert high, biased and ecrllird -t k flM tu.MM. a f- .1 ... , ... . - . ma . H . V 1 1 1 1 1 . m . 2.1 . " V - - - . ....... , v. fret dlwtant. and a flr atiinin ill Ini'hn In I litem are IMtat 70 veara a It. la tha iruina. .iiamrirr inn m irri iiiaii. ntaaril II4 Ml I U. Uur nimpnmMi I... Ju"i ai rlhrd 3 IIT. hear H. U dra. 40 .i.lh. " ... i.v W. W feet dlalant: Jhrnce 8. So drg. 0 mln. K.. variation deg. H. liat.4 frrt lo Hirnrr No, 4. Identical with cornrr No. 4 of aurvey No. 121, Uold I Un a lodo, a hewed hemlork Poat 4x4 Inche by 4 feet long, art 11 Incfir In the ground, with mound of atone arrilwd 4331; whence a flr tree a Inrhr In diameter, biased and arrlttrd 4 HT. beara N. IS drg. K. 14.1 feet, and nr tree 20 Inchra) In diameter, blaxed and n-rlhe.1 4-X UT. bear 8. 13 leg. 10 milt. K. It frrl dlalant! It,. tin. H M drg. a mln. V varlullnn M dra. K.. IM frrt: aulch runnlna north weaterlv 330.3 fret in corner No. 1. tha nluce of be. ginning. t'earae tlold I'lacrr. Urglnnlng at corner No. 1, Idrnllcal with corner No. I ot Hrd itock I'lacrr, thl aurvey. V. 8. 14. M. No. I. brara 8. S3 drg. IV mln. K. 17IM.3 feet diatant; thence N. 13 dog. 4? mln. VV.. variation IS ikg w uiih. r.. , iiM,. iih!, io corner iio. z. Identical with corner No. 17 of Bed Hock placer, thl aurvey; thenc N. U dag. 42 nun. w.. variation ia da. K. loai fert. to corner No. 3. a hewed hemlock poat 4x4 inrhra by 4 feet lone, aet 1 Inches In tha ground, with mound of atone acrlbed J whenc a hemlock tree 14 Inchee in diameter, biased and acrlbed 1338 UT, beara N. 71 drg. 30 mln. W. 14.4 feet dla lant. and a nr tree 14 Inches in diameter, blaaed and rlbrd 3-38 HT. bear 8. 38 d-g. 30 mln. K. 17 feet distant; thenca N. 4H drg. 33 mln. W.. variation 19 deg. M mln. K., 143 feet to corner No. 4. a hewed hemlock post 4x4 Inche by 4 feet long, art 13 Inche In the ground, with mound of atonra acrlbed 4 &&; whence a fir tree 31 Inches In diameter, biased and rllM-,1 4-XS UT, -bears N. M drg. 36 mln. W. 4.7 feet, and a hemlock tree 8 Inche In diameter, biased and rrlbrd 4 3SH BT, bear 8. 1 drg. 36 mill. AV. 3.3 feet; thenc N. to drg. 4H mln. V., variation 19 drg. M mln. K,, 77 frrt; gulch running aouth weateriy .131 fert; gulch running aouth. Wealorly Hal feet, to corner No. 5, a. hewed cedar Hat 4x4 Inches by 4 feet long, set 11 Inches In the ground, with mound of earth scribed S 328; whence a cedar tree i Inchra In diameter, biased and scribed J-aia HT. beara N. 14 drg. IS mln. V. 13 feet, and a flr tree 24 Inche In diameter, biased and acrlbed -. UT. bear 8. M drg. Si mln. V. 3.4 foet: thence 8. 63 I... Kit Mln W v..l.ll..n a .... l. 9ut reel to corner No. . a hewed hemlock noat 4x4 Incite by 4 feet long, aet IS Inche ut ine grouna. wun mnuna or atone acrlbed 4 3at; whence a nr tree 30 Inchra In diameter, biased and scribed t328 HT. bear N. 1 drg. Sfi mln. K. 17.1 fi-et, and hemlock trea 14 Inche In diameter. blusrd and Rcrllied 632N BT. bears 8. 21 leg, 80 mln. V, S.l feet: thence N. 20 deg. VV.. variation SO drg. E.. W.S feet to cor nrr No. 7, a hewed mclock poat 4x4 Inches by 4 feet long, aet 11 Inche In the (trounn. wun mouno ot eartn arriorn i tat: whence a flr tree 31 Inche In diam eter, biased and acrlbed 7 32X BT. bear 8. 10 drg. 30 mln. w. 18.7 feet, nnd a nr tree 42 Inches In diameter, biased and acrlbed 7-&1 BT, bear N. 61 deg. 30 mln. W. 4.1 feet; thence N. 11 drg. 61 mln. w., variation 20 deg. E.. 198 feet; dry gulch 4 feet wide flow northwesterly 241 feet; wngon road running northwest erly nnd (outheaaterly 647 feet to corner No. b. a newea nemiocx post x incne by 4 feet long, let 11 Inche In the ground, with mound of tonoe acrlbed 8328. The outheaaterly corner of a ' log building known a tha Bryan city hotel, bear N. S dea. 67 mln. K. 3!!9 feet diatant: a hem lock tree 24 Inches In diameter, biased and scribed S 321 BT, bear N. 40 deg. 35 mln. W. 19.5 feet, and a flr tree 36 Inche in diameter, biased ana aenned 328 BT. bear 8. TS dig. 15 mln. W. 18 3 feet; thence 8. 26 deg-. .04 mln. E.. varia tion 23 deg. 20 mln. K.. 1335.6 feet, to corner No. 9. a hewed hemlork poat 4x4 Inches by 4 feet long, art 18 Inche In the ground, with mound of stone scribed 32S; whence a hemlock tree 24 Inches In diameter, biased and scribed 9 S2S BT. beers 8. 87 deg. 46 mln. K. 18.4 feet, and a hemlock trea 36 Inches In diameter, hissed nnd scribed 9328 BT. bear N. 85 deg. 40 mln. W. 6.3 feel; thence 8. 52 deg. 18 mln. W.. varlntlon 20 deg. 15 mln. K.. 149 feet, to corner No. 10. a hewed hem lock poat 4x4 Inches by 4 feet long. et 18 Inche In the ground, with mound of atonea crlhed 10-32S; whence a hemlock tree 24 Inche In diameter, blaxed and acrlbed 10 31'8 BT. bear 8. 63 deg. 60 mln. V. 20.8 feet, and Rnother hemlock tree 21 Inche In diameter, biased nnd scribed 1ftS9lt TT. berra V. 4'! rtrB1. fO mln. Y). "a 'U11U SO" "P 9 In the recorder's office the following inntramenta bave been filed : i Deeda: 1 .nra (inmnlnr tn Katlisn Kridirj- Prinevdle ii experiencing an egg fam- ... 24 w CreB, 11 w 2 $ ine. Forty cent a dozen and none to do job Driniard to W H Mclla- had at that price. Keview. hgo, 2 lota, Ualsey Sheepmen in tbe Jobnpay country a e a A Davie to K B lMvi, trnetee, Mr. Ki.hea ftr.i..i t inr. wumi.'i I retuamg 3.W, aimng w wi . wik. "" ti.-".' ' A, V their heeD I W A Uleaeon 10 U B spencer, it oldeit citizen, now 97 yeara of age, ia re- lne,r ,I,eeP . ... .... ..i in .s.t. ' t i .i it.. nn mi cf In term ! ecree n"' V ll Pro"w OI "T,n VI" ""I ; Trr ; i r V.k7t T I Andenon to Mary Anderion, wu aw avw uai JUBv TfCHI I UK UUt UUUI I v a y -w..a-- - rf m - j old age. Uolman became abniive and disorderly Mrs. D.W. Wakefield left thla after- w" Bl ?T2ZL noon for her home in Portland after a A,ler Doal .'v; " , r""?."u ,'l W U Crr-a toll V Koooia. build- 'Zi "ramrir,- id tog withfoiler and engine io visit of Heveral wevkt with Albany fela- uves a do irionua. zena. l'liene men croased the plain about lily yean ago with ox team. In thoaedaya life and properly were con ilantly endangered from the crowing of the Mitttouri to the Pacific Octan and many ileeplesa nighU were pawed on the plain by these veterana and the vigil iiun t end when they arrived in urtTjon. n line tuey were their borne the iwmitJ run nff . .1 till .1 : . . , InZ::: ' ." counter there as soon as the flrturea can 7i: "1 "T5""' "r. " be introdnced. Phil Metcban Jr. and Miss Velena Kusil, of Jackconville, were married in Pottland last Saturday night. Tbey will reside in Portland, where the groom ia employed in tbe Weill Fargo Company's nana. Ao operation waa performed upon Ed. 100 acree. Lewi Cos to Ira Cox, 15.63 aerei. Bill of aale: 930 60 10 SOOO 10 400 -l.iK lufnri IIIT dim- I lOg aaairiiii. w . , i ti.u.. .waarlnn. He was Uken before the Haliey.... Mr' Arch Moeier "tl th va- Xrder and fined 125 on tbe charge of Mongage for rfndan. ff.r00n,i?,lba VT-.V1 Pril dTwtMerlycldSct At the eolicitftion ; Mortage for. ck The" tl,1,tev"oMiw'tfrtalunch onil, mother. I waa allowed to leave! ........ ca. inetw counter there aa aoon as the fixturea can .: t l th. uincinx. I .town under aur pension w iu. Mortgage for. Journal.'.. Frank McUaniel for the In tbe county court 900 2000 250 2500 950 17 .'..' ' 125 n me ihactyer 1 Tka fetal nt ,j i'i.,. Viirh waa to besrin in nd ease 180 damaee ware allowed Mr. Portland today. . Hannah Boamer, wbere fSOO were aaked. m, . mj: j r .w.s.l License waa ieoed by tbe county ID oiuiuiug .au u - m.i..l raster (JoBMr and Ivy Meeker. public J. O. Card, a prominent young man, of Solent, died in that city la Saturday af ternoon at tbe age of thirty-nine yars, will aell allot its real property at aale on Dec. V. promise any and everything to get votea I Blodgett this forenoon by Bra. Wallace, During yeeterdsy andtoday the rain baa , sou we nave a rcrentat ve at Wash-1 vavia and till", for aDDendicitia. Tbe comedown in "tmcaetiuua, ana tue Ington who baa secured an appropriation I appendix waa found in rather of a bad river ia railing fast w open up a email a ream lor the navl-1 nonunion ana waa taken on. The patient I The enrollment of the Eugene schools gatton of iteamboata, this aame man, to ia doing well, with excelent prosf ccta. I . 347 w,th ao average attendance of 764, aocure hla election, promised the Indian It will Uke a big appetite at the cake the enro'lment being 47 to each teacher. :., x ,'" aociai at ine a. o. u. w ball tomorrow each a pension and the payment of their night, the event cf the aeaeon. All Claim! lor lo Of propertr. They now kinds of rtabea ami an-tl.innn them eon e that It will n-t do to Uke the word ot Piwe. Don't mies it. But tha eating m not all. There will be a good pro gram and sociability. At the meeting of the Knighta of Pyth iaa tonight there are several reasons why all nr em here ahould be present. There will be work in tbe second and third de li r. Edia, ot Albany, waa in ot city Saturday, twiDgcelM hee profcei. 11- ally. Major Ellia waa chief aurgeon) of I greet with a Lebanon man, several via- t he 2nd Oregon Volunteers, and made an jnviaoie record sa a gallant officer. A beautiful sword, handsomely engraved, provea tbe esteem in which Dr. ia held by the people ot A lbs ny. Honors do not change him a little bit, and be ia the tame genial physician, companion and gentleman aa of yore. The Review ia ii always glad to note the success of lucb men. -Jeff ortou Review. Mr. John llutchlns. wbo arrived here two weeks ago from Albany, Oregon, left for biaold borne over tbe U real N 011 hern Monday evening, after having dis posed of $8,000 worth of real eatate, on this and est side ot the river. A host of old time friend regret 10 know that Mr. Hutchini bat no mote intetetti erne eg them, but wib him abundant 1 ucceis in bis future borne in Oregon. He sold a quarter toction, his former home stead for $1,200 10 Robert Anderson, 80 acres nortneasi 01 hit homestead lor $!, uuu. co alio sola two carloads of itors will be present and it is the night for nominations. By order of the C. C. I. R. Borum. Wallace Nash arrived yesterday frtm the Rock Creek farm. liW son Percivai, who baa been in Alaaka for nearly three years, has just completed a big logging contract on Stewart river, for the Daw son sawmills. He expects to return to Oregon in the near future, for a visit. Dee Nash is at Dawson, where he has various interests. Corvaliia Timea. - O. C. Hogue, Grand Overseer, accomp anied by V. S. Uarmali, A. v. Barker and W. II. Warner have retunrned from Yoocalla where they initiated a large class of new members into the A. O. U W. They report the candidates were from the best class ot people and moetly young men, and that both Ihe A. O. U. W. and Degree of Honor lodges are wide awake and full of enthusiasm. They had a fine time and made many mends, The Paystrcak, published at Sandon, is V., under date of Nov. la, lbira, says Thanksgiving day ia talked of, but nut yet arranged, good many wonid go. CsdL Ii. H. Lea bo. of company K. Or egon Kational Guard, of Salem waa Sat nrdav elected major of tbe 3rd battalion, Third regiment. bis command are gene. U 01 uranta rasa ana n 01 estem The onarantine b ockade in front 01 the Moon residence has been raised, as well aa the quarantine at tbe residence oats. wbeat and barley to parlies in tbeeitv Teller mh eMu' Mr. Cleland has finally decided to accept the call to Kugene, Oregi.n, by the frea- bvterihn church of that cit. and win The ladles of the Christian church wll I leave in a week or two for bis new field bold a Bsnar in tho buildinfc foroerly j Sandon loses not only a goal preacher occupied by Peacock & Co , beginning I but a genial and popular citizen by Mr. uee. i continuing lliree days, xhey Uleiand'a departure, rreacning ine goe- wui mil many luiniri useiui aa wsu at I Dei in a mining camp nas irom ume nu of M r. Scou. The smallpox tcare is all' name has been 1 insulated, securing a le over. It has been more scare than most a cmatuies. Mr. Peter McKinney, of Albanv.csme over from Oakland Saturday 1 veiling and went to Looking Gists where he will vif it ihe family of bis son in-law, J. E. Williams. Rosebnrg Review. A atateu commnnicat on of Birzilai Chapter 16 O. E, S. wi 1 be held in the Mafoiiic Hall, Tuesday edeuing, Nov. 28, 1SV9, at 7 :30 o'clock. A 1 members hav ing Rituals will please bring them. The coadition of Ed Blodgett, upon whom ait operation for appendicitis was piMtoinied efterdsy morn ng, waa such that auother incision was necessary, and waj made this afternoon . I he appendix and surroundings were in a Dad condi- ornamental. Ewjtliing Xmas 1 resents. MARRIED. tuiiable for I memorial b- en recarued as a difficult task, but Mr. Cleland has tucceidod in gaining the respect and esteem of the many with whom bis calling has brought him in contact. UMPHREY BALTIMORE. On Not. 26, 1899, at the resilience of John B, Baltimore, by Rev. Fred Lark, Mr, K. L. Umphrey and U'ia Linnie Balti more To-Night. The to lowing program will be render- The happy couple are anions Linn d at the "Hot Cake" aociai given by the county's best young people and turt out Degree of Honor at their new hall this with the best withes of many friend. DIED BRAY. In Albany, on Sunday, Nov. 26, Mils Katie Bray at the age 54 of years. DICKINSON.-In Clarksville, Mo., on Nov. 20, 1899, at the home of her mother Mrs. J. W, Givns. Miss Inn June Sbaw Dickinaou, at the age of 22 veara. The deceased was a resident of Albany for several years, where there are many who will niou'n the death of this eslim- 8 aouom :. s k ftble yrung lndy. evening. Instiumental tolo Mrs. Kelchum Reading Mrs Kelly. Vocal duet Misses Karrell. Recitation Isaso Butler. Vucal Solo John Graham. Instrumental music C. Meyer.' Recitation Mre. Craw. Instrumental tolo Mitt Anna Hoock Vocal 80I0- Mus ira Stewart. Recitation Mr. Ntai vUrray. Solo Mrs. Lee. Instrumental Solo Mits Hudson Recitation Mitt LUlie Crawfor d o Cart Cousttpatfton TTorevet. Take nuacareta Candv Catltartio. lOo or tbe. It 0. C. C. full to cure, druggiM refund money. Hon. G. E. Chamberiian, of Portland, went to Rosebnrg to attend cocrt. Jndge J.N. Duncan returned this noon from a business trip to Portland. Mr. Harry Schlosaer. book-keeper in . Faner & Neu' Salem bop office, came op this noon on a ys-attion visit. Geo. Waddle, who wat (tabbed by J. A special ovcursion train to Eogene on P. Hahn teveral week ago at Sweet tianksgiving day to ran from Corvaliia, ' Home, it laid to be gradually failirg. C. J. Corcoran, superintendent of con- etroction for the Northwest of tbe tele phone company, eme op from Portland this noon. Manuel Robes, who was brought home The companies under the Second Oregon boys from tha Phil B of Ashland, C of Ec. ippines, is now a student cf the Indian training school near Salem. Mr. Graham 'a name will probably be presented for mayor on tbe republican ticket. A petition ataing the ue of his anytaing, though existing in a miia torm at tne two places. One vear ago last February, Jamea Morrow, of Foasil, mortgaged hia ranch and went lo the Klondike. After vari ous hard experience s, he got back to Oregon, bringing with him scurvy aud dropsy, and when at Condon, cn h:s way home, aiea. e was 00 year oiu bum bad no family. n a. Tark. the attorn v. is enioving a visit from Mr. and Mrs. George Wolaver, of Petroit, Michigan. Mr. Woiaver 11 fnml of- hunting, and having heard a great deal of the elusive pheas ant, which is so plentiful in tbia valley, was very anxious to hunt for the game . Uou during ins Vim uere. aiy rumgi 1 ark arrangeu to lurnisu ut eaoirm i itorthe desired eport. An employe .f the Water Company, who is a splendid marksman, was invited to accompany thahunteisand the invitation waa ac cepted. W hen the trio returned, they ' . . .. . . ..U. ...... watt. brougut a nne string 01 iummuh Mr. Stephen C. Wbitmore it in the city, after having been at Anidem look ing after bis mining Interests. Mr. Wnitmo e is now a resident of Pennsyl vania. - About twenty year ago Mr. Wbitmore run a farm in tbit county for Rev. R. L. Steven , pat tor of tbe Eplsco- -r . . 1 .1 .KnMh wK.ii.a hinmn,rn them. Mr. Park, when questioned aa to . T ""--i -.'.7 8 r !.. ....tiit hnnirr in ine narcv. ..o.i"". Ul. Ul BMW.WW. - . ' evaded a direct repl by remarking that tbe t roper man behind tne gun waa a wonderful factor in tbe bagging pheas ant. Tbe reader can draw hia own in ference. Salem Statesman. ti -.r. . t. loot bail at E iven to morrow promises to be one of the best of the year. Wi.ile the cfance are in ta vor of the U. of O judging from games played there is no certainty in the reeu.t indthe Eugene men will nnionbtedly bave their bandsjust aoou tun . tbe Multnomah game. P. A. Young of thia city will act as referee and tetn iio- Allister o! tugene umpire. It was reported thia afternoon to 'e very donbtful whether Mf. Anelia Fisner.Albanv's ol-le.t otiaeo.wonW lie over ihe cmin night She has n par taken foou f r ten dsye. and all h-r tenses are gradually t-iUng. s,h re marked a few da- ajo that ah. would not see anotl er thanksgiving. On tha ikfttiviog ol last year she efendeo set vices at the Baptist church. In lair SLMaar t Dr. Hobba' Sparara PUla eare all k'jwjl 8m. ai trSTadil. aterUag Hemear C. Cluoago or K. R. K. Montgomery, who for several year held tbe poaitiou of 1 ight operator at tbe depot here, cam np from Glen dale tbe first ot the week to lecupt-rate for a few days. Ha expects to return here "with bit family in a short time to assume tbe position of assistant agent. tirani'a Patt Observer. Mr. MiDtsom- ery was at one time n ght operator a. Al- Biny. Within the next few days there will be itru:k at the United aitt aimi in Phuadelphia the most unique ana tig nincsnt coin issued in mocern timet. It a the Lsfajeite Dollar authorized by Congress iu sidof the Lafsyett Monu ment. This coin, which is a legal ten iter dollar, tears upon ita face in bas-relief a double mi dallion of the beads of vvssli'ngton and Lataje lt and upon Its reverse a tuln'alure reproduction ot tbe equestritn statue of L-fayeU used for the Monument. Th in ei i) tion on tbe dollar explains its ptrpore (struck in t-ommemoration ot Monnmei erected by -hocl vuuib of United Slates to Gen eral Lttsyette, Pari', ranee, 19CC.