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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1899)
f lic eroorat - .... - P P. NUTTING. Ed and Prop. Prominent People. A Mixture). Tli Coates, thread manufacturers, are datin lin euros to restoring Old C thedrate for the Church of England. Dr. Sumey Spalding, of Niagara coon Ik aiue ea rootua of the DubTic v. N. Y.. 1 tbe oout sheriff la to schools were giving thankegiving pro roaotrv, be Is uodsr tweniy-eix Teri It i iui tun wisiawai i ug isswui j KnMrel : tit FaHOfiu Albany cor, a MWKin't PlaM aoall mattr. oknorWjfei invitations to attend 'hose j of ag. in tba reams Elklns. o( Miss HuIn Bud Mies Particular! Are you particular about your laundry work? If to we want your patronage, we liko to work for particular people becase we believe they appreciate our efforts to do first claa work. . We are alava wiliins to rolaunder free of charge any article which may be aent bom onealiafactorv. We run our laundry on a system. 11 we promise vou your bundle on a certain time you'.l get it. Bend in a tried order and be convinced that e are tnrninc out laundry work tbat will pleare. Telephone SI. AlAONOUA bTCAM LACSDRT, Albany. Oregon. It i a singular taste that cannot b suited in the varied rnd large selection of jeaeiry at V ill & Stark's. The best goods and reasonable prices. For home-made mince meat try (he Sugar Bowl. rong ones In speaking about Scott's emulsion lor children, you should not forget that it con tains lime and soda, just what the child must have to form strong bones and good teeth. It's this forming time you want to look after. Growing bodies must have an easily digested faL Just think how much of it there is in twit, as cream. SCOlTS Ecdslon b even more easily digested than cream. If surprising how chil dren thrive when given it Don't keep the children living on the edge of sickness all the time. Make them strom and ruftfL Plump and hearty. Scott's Emul. skm of Cod-liver Oil and the Hypo phosphites of Lime and Soda will do this for them. At .11 SCOTT & bOW sts; aadfi KewYork. i AdAiina rant na iaeo uu u ' Ibiroio, and plays her own ecoowpenl- , ment Irtausntly when sinning before htr intimate Meads. The king ol Servie, Alexander I., Is the nooreat nolentate in Europe. His father, Milan, Inherited $4,000,000 from his trandlather, Milosch, who was a hog niter before he hecame king, but Milau squandered It alt P. A. Collins, a candidate for the dsm ocratio nomination for mayor of Hoston, landed In New York at the age of twelve fifty years ago, a penniless Irish orphan Be is now a well known and well to-do Boston lawyer. Ex-Mayor F. C. Lai robe of Baltimore ' served two terms thirty years ago in tba house of delegates of the Maryland leai latnre, and ha was again elected a mem ber of that bo iv on the 7th inst. He was speaker in the last of bis former two terms. Sot long before Charles K . Moody of Bath. Me., died he asked the city coun cil to aet up a street lamp in front of his boose. The request was refuseo, ana thn Mr Moodv's will was read it was found be bad revoked an intended be quest of $75,000 for a new city ball for the town. Governor Stanley of Kansas announces that he noettively will nor pardon house bnrglara and looipads, as theirs are crimes of deliberation, but a great many homicides, be insists, are committed io a moment of argcr.eo that he is not pre pared to lay down any hard-acd-fast ruie in regaid to the pardon of murder- In Boston speei acted policemen are fre quently seen on the streets. A gas angina estimate J at rate of 1 .80 nerss power is now in coons of construc tion. It Is probable that soutbern California will ship out 13,000 car loads of oraoirea this season, The navy yard at Charleston Mass.. Is to have an immense water basin where ablpa can coonec' with with the Fitch- burg railway. Freight train crew on the Northern Pa cific recsnty tied op a division la Mon tana (or five hours while they obtained needed sleep. Ufficers on United states warship In American harbors eompla'n tbat visitors ara ao numerous as to Interfere with reg ular duties n shipboard. One of the rules of the new Biological pars Miaouauea in New xort is (hat no vial tors are permitted to take photo graphic cameras into the grounds. Ptnots afford the highest nerve or brain food, supply beat and waste, bnt are not muscle feeding. They should be avoided by those who suffer from the 11 v- er. Several EDghah companies engnsed in building aototuobles have refused to ac cept any further order, unless a nine months' delivery claase is inserted in the contract, ' At night the Boers proper say, the London Times correspondent, chat in terminable psalms in Dutch, while the la wvers and shop keepere of Pretoria sing comic or sentimental English songs. VEW ADVERTISEMENTS FOUND. A Masonic charm. Call on J. W. White at the stUbariea. tsev.).JmssitawM WANTKl). Anente. Steady employ ment, salary or com mission, a i ar ticle, sells at sight. Suitable for X mas present. Sample by mall. Wo. Okkoon Aciknct Go. Bos 000. Portland, Ore. FOR SALE. A No. 1 oat hay for aale, IO.MJ IOOM ft. ill vmrn ui o, wi. Special Sale. (To the Music SPECTACFS, EYE GLASSES LovillgPllbliC Goggles FOR SALE. A Hartford bicycle. Io good coudition. un account oi going east will set. for only lis. MAGNIFYING GLASSES aiidOOMrAU'ES- EYE8TK8TEO FREE. Call od set piloea before buvlni else where. Spectacles and Eye Glass from loo op, (Joggles, 10c. - Those contemplating tak'ng . up LIVERY STABLE lor aale at a bargain or will trade lor aiieep or ouier nwi or land. Inquire at the Dkmockat of fice. J. A. Cummings. BIRDS AND FLOWERS.-Oholoe ang ere and winter blooming plants, vis: Chinese Primroses, Cineraria, eta., for sale at the residence of Mri O Blount, Cor, 6th and RRSts. pointed by Ike County, Oregon. tate of WANTED. Several persons for district Ortk-a Managers tn this a'ete to repre sent ma in their own and aurroum ling counties Willing to pay jBar.j iw, payable weekly. Desirable employment with oual opportunities. Rttferences exchanued. Kodote self-addressed "uiuM envelope. 8. A . Park, 300 Ca ton Huildtog, Cuioago. ADMiNISI ilATOR'S NOTICE. KTOnCE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I y lbs undM-igned has been duly sp- uouniy uourt or i.inn I'lminittrHtion of the es ovell, deceawd. hereby nafiHeil to resent III m. dul tr itied as by law required, Io the under signed at lhny, Op-mop, within sis months lrm Hie date hereof . Uated tins 18th day of October, 1S99. I.J. M-mir, Adiuinittnitor U study of music will find It to their inter est to Investitive the advantages otioreu bv Albany uoiieife. sue i""i brmivheaaretaughtt VOICE, PIANO, ORGAN,! , VIOLIN. (iUn All. WAyVlJ COR N KT, 1 1 A h MON Y, IXJUNTRKIIHW I, wwi-veiuv and HISTORY OF MUBIC.J 3 Mr.Wlrti, Musical Director, Is agreed unto of tho Chicago Conservatory oi wu sic, and has studied alth such artists at K-ehcHH-k. Klegfvldt, KoeUlng, Kalk, Gar wood, Ruff, and the late Dr. Karl Mers. These men are masters lit their respect ive departments and musicians of world aide fame. Mrs. Wlrts, Instructor In vocal muslt, Is a pupil ol Mr. William Nelson KurritW who is knoau to 1 one of the beat voice teachers in America today. Mr. unrnit Chtnga of Time. ere. Capt. Henry Kelley ol Milan, O., is re ported to be the oldeet living captain of the great lake. He began In 1S8I on tbe steamer Superior, which was tie jger Uain, leaving Dayloo at 9 p. m. and Beginning Dec. 1st, the O. R. A N. will run their SPOKANE FLYER via Wallula and the S. R. V. R. R. Tin No. 4. will leave Portland at 3:45 p. m , arriving at Spokane at 7 :ll a.m. Train No. 3, will leave Spokane at 4 :30 p. m., and arrrre at Portland at 8 :00 a. ru. In connection with the above trains, the O. R. & N. will out on a nassen. FOR SALE OR RENT. I will sell my return r.nt it to a cash customer or trade lor a rnmlt place near a town or ..TtlZ Ti,a farm is near Liberty rtuircli o V .;i.i.m ivabtroe station. Call on Samuel Buck lor particular-. ..... -v.. reasonable. ,, , . aii rr.i. ".""" ,v" rr r...i.. : ".; having claim, agnnst said Wale are "11. ir.U. " ' ' Tl, ninllmila uaecl In AlliStIV' CollCB Conservatory ara the latest and most ap Droved. Mini the coiiibtiied result of superior Instruction received .experience, and the acquaintance with the methods of our eastern conservatories. Tuition reasonable. Pupils may.ctuei at any time. Kail term opena eepi. iv, mv. ror further information call on or ad dress) Our New Store SWyCanVta All goods guaranteed strictly first class, cretb and fnll connt and foil weiiibt or money refunded. second bnilt on tba lakes, having bfen set afloat in 1S27. Ha it eighty-three years of age, and, though retired from active doty la etill Indirectly associated with the late service. Charles T. Bowf, a Beaton man of means.fbears a atriring resemblance to Admiral Dewey and just at present is not particularly grateful therefor. To make matters worse, Mrs. Rowo is not nolike the admlralVwife. The Boston coupi were in New York tba other day and were much embarrassed by the entbu iutie cheers which erected them while walking on Broadway. Walla Walla at 10:30 n. ni.connactlnirat Wallula with No. 4. from Portland at liizo p. m., and with No. 3, from Spok ane at 12:05 a. m.; leavine Wallula at 12:10 a. m., and arriving at Walla Walla at 1:20 a. m.and Dayton 3:00 a. m. To Cure a Cold In One Day Take Laxanva Baowo Qtrtmira Taa trr. All dreggtsta refun I the m ney if it fails to cure. E. W. Oaova's signature u du eica ojx. zoo. WANTED. Trustworthy persons to lake n.,l.i.fnr "War in South Africa knd lh Hark Continent from Savagery to Civilixttion," by William Urd!g. the famous traveler, cabia eonor. ana au thor, frfsi says "wonderluliv com ' "jninhin diMcriotions bril- finntlv written." "sumptuouniy lllus- trtcd,,i demand remarkable) ,n precedenteJ! rrices low. We shall oie tribu'e $100,000 in sold among our salt s people; oetlrsts don't rulMthiecnanee: rUo hightwt commission; books on 50 days' credit; freight and doty paid; saiupl i case free. Address The Pom in -Ion Company. Dept. V, Chicago. ONLY S2.75 a-kWDNOMONai V. ruitht. l. put, ami ia t u. it tmr wiss) iiu.ti tr of int'tiww rtMtt t tsa warn asvi, siimi as vii( Irtia IIH HTIISSUHHIl CAM t, lUU i. lira ir .u.hI pnlbttlf MIMulm, ..Mil. .. ... .... w Im.m -r, I T in. Mil r .trrl.l llrrr.lS.S, 1.4 HHWIkHMi, I. iprvM tfhmtmm III M la ir .N..-I, v ttulw. THIS in Li. ITTLI ro rud rrnM MM ,! ... S., .11 J UMw IthMr ....I.. U u .11 k. s IwhM tttat, wrr fmi "b. I at.r hm, ,un full. InnaMialliiaiMak . U.u. - ! " i w" miw mi m mppt np .!. kraMi Mb Imlhw nmaMU. VM mm It taWMHIHtiMM 4 MiMl tM.N II..I MIlM O WSJ. KOISUCK CO.. CHI . 1 f t f , . flf if jarrjbfsfv cai-t rsar Pi cssident Wallace Howe Leo. Positively the Last Chance to Save Costs. Owing to the uigent need ol funds, tho county court has extended tba date of dellmjuencr of the tax roll ftrlM8. not. I Novtmlrr 25' h. The original roll will positively ha closrd on the foil), and eois will futlow thereafter, as by law provided and directed. I. A. Mi'SKitta, PUitn. 5 M. Senders & Co. TRY MORMON BISHOP'S PILLS for all diseases arising from rfi.iMiinn. aalf. abuse, exeeavea or elsarette smoking. In usa Hay and Oat Wareboii8BS-" rtevenia ana itaiiroea Mieets. " . . I SSI BIB I Over w jrmrm. onnsn hki jwmw nuwW.. -f --r;" btld tjar, ton jour out io u uiwu ihu Ye" rZZ 'L1 lQUnllf l 1 to ' Deal Tsbacta SU uut haHts Toir Ur Amy. ! To quit tobacco easily sod forsrer. bm naf . aetlc. full ol Ufa, nerre and vigor, take NoTo- . wonuer-worker, that mike weak roea atroDg. All erugirIita.oorSI. Curafuiras teed. Booklet end sample tree. Addreea England . Sterling Kemed r Co., Chleao or :itw York. 6 large bare Jnmbo Savon Hoap t 7 lbe. Beet Rolled Oata 1 lb. good Gnn Powder Tea 1 " " 8pider Leg " 1 " Can Gold Leaf Baking Powder. 3 lbe. Plain Mixed Candy Nice Soger Cored Bacon lb. , " - " P. N. Hama 11 o lb. Paila Lard, Beat 66 Special Coffee Sale Our Best Mocha and Java, call for free sam ple 25 This coffee is eqnal to any 40c grade. Other grades from 12c to 25c a pound. Wo have just added the best line of Coffe in Albany. Best Vinegar per gallon, try this . Ttr :n : hae createdmore comment and wilder j speculation than the war in Booth Afri- Sngar Mr. Gralwohl informs na tbat Tnoae who were claiming mat tue . "? . -nu aiea en- m awe VAiVW. M IIIBI tlHlH UI imtT Bel it is liable to vn cp at anv time. Tnia ! 1 ca. emperor 'a visit was to cement an alli ance between Great Britain and Germa ny say this baa been done to placato tba Germane. Tba Germans, on the other band 'say it is merely visit of Glial af fection, the emperor'a conscience smit ing him for remaining away from his grandmother for so maoy years. Tba formerfconjectnra la mora apt to be right than the latter. Baltimore American. lit men. makes rtc r sea. makes vott lastitingiy strong, cores impuiencj, h-'i n.. At mamorr. bad dreama, abrunken organs, desponaency, sieepiessnesw, variowelo and constipation, adds lustra to the eys. stops nervoua imwninn .1 the evelios. MakVe life worth living. A boon to young or old. MORMON Kl SHOP'S PILLS atreogthena and restores smsll weak organa. Slope all br day or ntgbt. Doo't delay. Prica within tba reach ol all. Uuaran dto core. Price -ma bog 6 lor W.W by mail. Send for lr circular. AddraM BISIiOP HD REMEDY CO.. San Francisco. Cel. ' For sale by roe- aiun bay w astro, We ara prepared to lake nn storsgt I oay, wii onj juur lly al top market prica. SACKS FURNIfZXlO. Oata bonifbt In cif lots at anv ship ping point. M. SENDERS & CO. Insurance, l!sy, Grain and Wocl.C vinegar it cannot be beat. Try oar Oder for mince pies. Fresh bread daily. Chickens wanted. 15 Call and examine onr goods. ALBANY TRADING CO. Vance Building, Second Street. That Tooth needs attention Remember it can be filled or extracted without pain DR. ADAMS. The Holland torpedo boat is nasr pro nounced a success. There was a splendid chance dorina tba war with Spain ta make a practical test of it. The Inventor wanted to take it down to Santiago and try its merit oo the Spanish fleet In the babor. but through jealousy of naval ol Antra, it ia said, ha was not permitted t do so. It is hoped now that oar govern ment will aea the necessity of possessing this new engine of warfare, and not per mit this same iealoosr to give over the boat to aome foreign nation. Iidianap olisNees. a net cash proposition. All goods delivered free of charge Freeh cider at the Albany Tradior Co'i store, a aeucious arink. ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J.Joseph. Proprietor. Wo-To-Baa foe Fifty Cent Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makue weak, bhwh pwe. cue. u. a.'1 drug aisl At Second and Ferry. Mr. Julias Gradwohl will now be found in his own store at the above location, better prepared then ever before to serve the public with a firat clsaa stock of rockery and glass ware, and standard groceries. The ligheet place In Albany. Every thing in sight. Good goods at low prices. Mr. Gradwoht has always done the square thing with his cast mere and will continue to do so. Also voites ' insurance in ret class ompanies g How's This ? HERVITA S VITALITY, LOST VIGOR AND MANHOOD Cures Im potency, Night Emissions and wasting diseases, all effects of self ""'j abuse, or excess and India- cretion. A nerre tonic and J fyjf; Wood builder. Brings the K vfi pink glow to pale cheeks and Y r-fl restores the fire of youth. I. Jif By mall BOc per box; 6 boxes for $&50; with a written gruaran Cee to core or refund the money. NCR VITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton A Jackson fits CHICAGO, IU. For sale by Fred Dawson, Praggis Albany, Oregon. We offer One Hundred Dollars Be ward for anv ease of Catarrh tbat cannot be cored by Ball's Catarrh Core. F. J- CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 16 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all bas in m tranaactiona and financially able to carry ont any obligations made by tneir 'wictATkcax, Wholesale Druggists, Tnlwin. O. Waixijtq. KiuhaJT 4 Mabain, Whole sale Draggiatr, Toledo, O. Hall's Gatarh Core ia taken intern ally, acting directly opon the blood and mucins surfaces of the system. Price 75c. oer bottle. Bold by all Druggists. Testimonials tree. Hall's Fsmi'y Pills are the best. Souvcniors ot Albany. ' bterling silver Book Marks of all the meh mli and chnrches in Albany, with name and Dictnre of the building en graved on each one at French's Jewelry Store. Mies Lone-makes nn-to-dale Die to res in tbe higbeet style of the art of photo graphy. Call in and see onr t!) date line of Airtight Heaters. UHUaO Ct li CIBTJBT. Bdneste Tour Bowels With Cue rata. Cindy Cathartic, car eonmlpatloa (orever. He, 28c. II C. C. C. (all. arBcklsu relimd moaer- Napoleon, at St. Helena, said to Antono tnarcbi. bis pfajsjeian, "Be--,lieve me. we had better leave off all these remedies: life is a fortress which neither you nor I know n vthind, .hnnt Why throw obstacles in the way of ita de fence? Ita own means are auperior to all the apparatn of your laboratories. Medi cine is a collection of uncertain prescrip tions, the result of which, taken collect ively, nave been harmful t mankind, water, air and cleanliness are my chief medicine.' At the time when Napoleon said this he was largely right Physicians io those days dealt out obnoxious and drastic drugs that did violence to every 6ber in the body. Since that date medical science has made wonderful atrides. Dr. Pierce 'a Golden Medical Discovery ia a medicine composed of native medicinal roots that do no vio lence to nature. Its action is gentle and natural. It simply promotes the natural processes of secretion and excretion. It restores tbe lost appetite, correcta all dis orders of the digestion, makes the assimi lation, of the food perfect, invigorates the liver, purifies and enriches the blood, builds new and bealthv flesh lii.ti tone the nerves snd srives sweet and refresbin sleep. It is the great blood-maker and nesn-DUllder. It cures on oer cent of all cases of all diseases of tbe air passages that 1 leaa up to consumption. It la a wonderful medicine for all diseases due to insufficient or improper nourishment of body or nerves. Do not deal with nnscrunulous dealers who nrge yon to take worthless substitutes for toe sake of a few pennies added profit "I h been tultif Dr. Pierce's Golden Med ical Diseovenr and ' Plraimnt Pellrta for th past uree years ana tney nave saved my lire." Thus write Mrs. Sophia Frazer. of Oakdale, Rockbridre Co., V. I now keep tbe Pellets la my house all the time and use them every time I feel the need of a laxative. I am fifty three year old and wa troubled with liver com plaint until i used your medicine. Now I i Every sick man or woman should send n otic-cent stamps to Dr. K. v. Fierce. Buffalo, N. Y., to pay the cost of mailing only for a free copy of Dr. Pierce's great looo-pag e common sense Medical Adviser: r n stamps tor a neavy Cioin-oouna copy, The Real Test O' Kood flour is shown by tbe demand for It ftfta lDr il uvoiaau m Magnolia Floor ... . ..(.a tha caoacitv ol tbe mil), at prices considerably above ordinary valley floura. It ia always made from Flo. 1 Old Wheat Every Sack Guaranteed The Best Photographs In Albany by the Long Photo Co., In Fromat Brick. r, iiutf inv eallerv of Albany. Tha onlvno-UMUte first class etadio in town. All work to pleaao. MARIE LONG Irop For Bargains AlBM LMCH CODNTEB, McKtlloi burlthtvrt, Proprietors o ' Prrmnt mials a'sll boors, Preahoye. ... in stvlee desired. BerTO mncbes lor anqnets on snort nouoa. In Farm Lands. Timber Lands and City Property, call on or write O. 11,01 n vv, Albany, Oregon WASffcD. a girl to do general house work in family of two. Call at Demo- cbat onice. """IX.'." Srtk yoa eoatlna tttt Brv-klllln( tobaoeo habit. WtKIOBAtlS lor lobun, wiih-. boc rr i e-srifS" J , M I WU lk.altl paclut- cMaaetirwd. Bur rOIaAfrm own 4ruxgl$, who si wusscn lorn. -'M HWltD OX. 61. UCnaVllv sniratai- 1 hnias st adl. LrutMd to our. or mm rmtund monsv. JM RALSTON, Three doors east of tbe Dsnocsut office has money to loan on iarm swcuniy m rate of interest. Aleo small loans made n personal aecoritr. iCity, county and acbool warrant! bought. Collections made. d mii.h. Fir In- ftrSJSUlrSW VVSSWWVW .... a anrance written in the following, large .-A .il.riU Mtmnanlea: HOMIS 1NB, CO! 'ol New. York.-PHOENIX 1N8.00 DON AND GLOBE 1N8. CO. of Eng CIH TREASURERS NOTICE Notice is hereby given that funds are on hand to w city warrants i Hps. 423 U 470 inclusive oi tne ibbuo est on aaid warrants will cease with the date of this notice. Albany, Or., Nov. za, w. . A. Pabksb, City Treasurer. He F. Herrill INSURANCE AND LOAN AGENT. 1 Collections promplly attended to, cor- reenondence solicited, umce in usmo laibuuaing. Stanley Stewart, BICYCLE REPAIRING FOEGDiUAUB MACHINE WflEK ALL WORK GUARANTEED. LINN CO- ABSTRACUOMPANY Albany '.Oregon. Office! Bank of Oregon Building. Only set ot Abstracts of linn County. Complete set of maps and plats. NOTICE CF IIKAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE 13 UEREBY GIVEN THAT the ondersliined as srtminitratr of he estate of Harriet Fuller, decessed, has Sled bis fin al account la said estate matter with tbe Coaatv Clerk of Lisa county, Orrgm, and the coonlr court has Iliad Monday, tbe 4tb day of December, iHUO, at the hour of One o'clock p m of said day for bearing said afcouat ind the Bnal set tlement of said tsta'e. Any and ail per sons bavine ol jections to the satna are hereby notified to be presort at said time and make the same. Dated this 27ib day if Ctl 8 Mat, Administrator. WursKarono Wf att, At'y's for Adm'r. Your Liver Will be rou4 to Its natural dutlre ana consupatlon your btllmiaiifss, hsdarlM ami im cured U you Hood9 PHis Bold by all drueglsis. 3i cents. take NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT tha undersigned, admiaittra'rii of tba estate ot Andiew Ralston, deseased, has Bled with tbe clerk of tbe county court of Idna county, Oregon, ber final scnoaat la said estate and tbeconrt baa died Mon day, Deo. 4, at I p m, to hear objections to said account and for tha settlement of said estate. M, J, Ralston. J. . Whitnbt, Administratrix. Attorney lor Administratrix, This Paper One Year. Farm Journal B Years. N8URAN0E. J. V. Talt, agent for the Queen Ins. Co., of Amtnca,a tirst-ciass company. Fire insurance promptly at 1 1 ded to. Office in the Pearce block. For Sale. Four tracts of land in Santiam ",., Each has house, barn and orcha 'a aire of H. Bar-nr. Pay up and gel both papers at price of one. We want mors new subscribers to our Weekly; we therefore continue our ar rangement with the farm Jour n. I by wbicn we can sen! tbe Da mock at snd the Farm Journal 5 years, both for fl ,2o And we make the same offer to all old subsr pe ers who will pay all arrearages and i ce year in advance. You know what ours is snd the Farm Journal it a gempractical, nroaressive olsan, honest, useful nseer full of gumption, full of sunshine, with sn Im. mense circulation amomr the heat- ruumi everywhere. You ought to take it. Dally subscribers paying in advance an also secure ii. fJood'o Piiio Are prepared from Na. tures mild laxatives, and while penile are reliable and efficient. They fioucQ tho Liver Cure Sick Headache, Bil iousness, Sour Stomach, and Constipation. Sold everywhere, 25c. per box. rreparslbyC.I.HoodCo,,towelI,Uss.