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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1899)
r THURSDAV. Scio. i rfoai lh Newu IU. L. R. M,.f1i.l .1 u ... . .' IT l 1 ando, a new benanular 1 0op to be .bio to iDtltutVloUKe w, A. 1). Hopper, of Spokane, and ... ....u.u.n, oi nan vraoulsco, two Ilia hrllmlnal itni.i.. ii ... . esr maniiiam... .... , . M ye.t,rd.7. ' mmW rr,u 4 new time labia fin. 1 iniin . lulu .f. Un ,, """"""""airnn nranch ol . railroad. whin lir nm tl. auan. s train Into West Silo .1 8:0!, o'clock ' "rooon inHie ol 6:40 as her. Married, it tli Commercial Hoi..) Mm! n'y' 1, .urf.dV( November liitlio hmnl, ft, Wlielton, J !., -olllcl.t- Bolo now lui a full i 2S m bl' C0"DMl,J" l West Holo 4 Munkers station, ,11 , with Hit 571. V1!"' "Uahllahment til ilia ...... i ... "iMii uioM men ana cll- Thara la . l . ,. ..... . .1. I , i a .mail eiisr nr. f!'.M1,?'!,0 "O'wont ball In this t Inn I j hi mm. I.. .... . id. ii - .i . . ; . ""a'.meut 01 St Bnio Athletic club. 'I d. contestant. ni uyus Mmlion and Herbert H.nlth, 4H'lilioionim w ill i. n.. i. limit admission ol 10 n-nts wi,i J IllrgVil and tliu nrMui.l m l- ....... . - . . . ............ irv uomi in Ittlng up lull lor tht use ol the cltb, A sneclal 111 M n i ,f ii, . fliiu -. it wa hld n Thursday vnlu of Imt jT V .i n,rP" " "ninu un to ,.v.,. , iiuruuillTiiou Ml lUikllpox In tip lt. An -.1 1 .. - . . 1 . ..... u luuianiD wif paiifa tan lllril morning .! . . , .. . ...... ..ig iBMuneu t tl.o Drlnclnal rna. la a... I .1. .1.. r KfVllral liltranna I .......I I...LT ...I (rr not lowail m . n.. . 1 til ft H,t ttivy cam from tUm Mcker Neck country, wlir itnallpox ikoown to cxiit In wild f,om. Card of Thanks. Ii f AlHAXY. V .... ; : J. ... ...v iuwiil (lit) UAH Mcl'licr WO To. No. S. td tha rillaa .( II.. II 1 . . ..... v ...v v sm B ud to tbo friend who o kindly WUt-a when our loved one wm hurt to mke bl it hour oMr u powibl Sf.n.b!!!,V', IV1 10 "WmIio ll II klltlclnatlntr ..... ..-..I. !i ... r " " aiiu snow MWm wnueb klndne. w.h l0,w 011 ' "rtltt thank. i. m inn ig your tot may you find much iympalhy and kindnvM a vnn h.v. .i - !.' ,i .... Incer prayrr. ' (Moioi)Bows, fiiSfy?'"11 J,"nrr I,h- ,p,,r Prohibition Meetinir. There wl'l be a meetinir tA tha Pr..i.l. r ilooiit of the city of Allny and rlclo- iit on aionuay, ftor. S7th Itm, at 7:30 'clock p. m. at W. C. T. U. hall to or tanlw lur the ensuing ttate and national jcampelo. All troo Interested in the cauM are cordially invited to attend, lly order of committee. I In tbo orohat court 5 Application made for gurdl.n for J. $- "ammor rocent'y cotumitUd to the Y Mylum. ik In eatate of ( Vr. . in m...i 4 petition for probate ol it. P n lle of John Vox, Mr. 8ul- .uiaicq Ruaruian oi minor I lr. Horn! of ld.000 MI.hI. AnnraiMra -. I C. Hoi Wan, If. L. Walden and II. Wull. II In the recorder odlco not an loatru- went wa filed. Iscacii Paid Mr. A. J. Carron. of Portland, ag-out for the Taclflc Mutual Insurance Co., I In the city, and thi af ternoon paid to Mr. Utile administrator of the estate of the late Judue l'owell, 11,000 on account of the policy carried by him in that company. Judge l'owell bad carried the policy a lraiaht life risk, for over twenty years. About thirty young men of this city have rented the armory and will use it this winter for athUtlo club purpose. They will play Indoor base ball, hand ball, baalcat hall. tiv mil nmnr.m. l... j the young men ol the city bulongimr a I nlnatant ami nrnfttalila IH i.i.iT.. spend their evenings. Hon. I Bilyeu, of Hugene, ha been in the city. i Mr. Sam May, of Ha'risburg.has boon In the city today attending to business ', Mr. J. A. Finch Is home from a trip through the county in the intcrett of the Ileeald) new year edition. Farmer Ream Tl. I'lnln . ",vi ul UVUIIU Oorvallls, came over thl noon on a visit with Albany friend and on buiimua. , with Albai Ex-sherl sheriff J. K. Charlton arrived horn irom a trip to Uenver, where With Ilia inn ami In I.U , I nuM .v wia IUI- ernomein aiusouii, . V D' P Lov Mt today 'or id home In Tonnesieeo after a visit of several week with old friend here and hi mother and brother m Kiddles. Mrs. Wethered, president of the Nat ive Daughters of Oregon arrived in Alb. any this noon from Oorvalli aud ia the gu. oi iion. j. iv. weatheriord. On the evening of Deo. 1 there will be an opportunity to display your novertv at a social to be given by the Kathbohe r. 18 ... 11 " 10 De " poverty affair and who win stay away r I W. 0. Petenon hasieceived a letter irons wm. itaicb, wno was a vouns man bf this place about lourteen rears aoo. yxu. naicu dow mauager oi a large J syndicate in Pennsylvania. K. A. i. t . i i. . - . . w ' A.D.Bftrker,C0Hogne.C.8.Harnlsh and '."Jack" Warner went to Yoncalla this Kiternoon to conduct the initiation of twenty-live new member. Mr. Barker organized me lodge ot A, u. U. W. ..a anil linnna talrAa a narttnnlar In. lrestin It welfarj. Praqrance- from aliot Royal Baking Powder biscuit whets Hie appetite. The taste of such a biscuit sweet, creamy, delicate and crispy is a joy to the most fastidious. ROVAL BAKING POWOliB CO .NIW VORK. Lebanon. From the Criterion : Alma Morris leturned last week from eastern Oregon, lie came via Fish Lake, bilnging a band of horses over the mountain. W. T. Nichols ha again gone to Dusty, Benton county, where he will resume hi position of Instructor of the band at that p'ace. The Modern Woodmen will Initiate 45 candidate at their nest meeting Wed needay, ov. 20. All Woodman are in vited to come and bring their families. An elegant aupper will be served. J. 8. Iloghe. manager of the electric light plant ot till place, ha evidently been on the move of late, a new are light have been put in the stores of Dal gleish A Everett and C. K. I'ugh, Prof. Cundiff ha had hi inuilc room lighted. Kabin, the bicycle man, ha his place lighted by .electricity. New electric light have also been put In at Contain A Co', O. K. Hardy', Dr. Lamberson'a ollice and the Masonic hall, while G. 0. Parker ha discarded his eaa liehta. not considering them afe,and now uses elec tric light. New Superintendents. Mr. and Mrs. Drummond have retired from the management ot the poor farm and infirmary, and last evening A. O. Bhepard and wife were appointed and a contract entered into for the term of one year. They are to receive f$00 per annum ana board, payable monthly, so long as they give satisfaction, with a provision that t'te contract mar be an nulled for good cause on ten day notice. Mr. and Mrs. Shepard take hold of this dillicu.t work with the confidence of those in authority that they will be able to attend to it satisfactory, A Distinguished Visitor. Rev. A. 8. Worrell, ot Louisville, Ky. editor of the Gospel Witness, is visiting the Psclflo coast, and will be In Alb any, Nov. 28th, remaining until Dec. Stb, during which time he will hold a series of meetings in the Evangel ical church, to which all persons are cor dlallylnvited.especlally ''hungry Christ- There will be three services each day at the hour of 10 a. m., 2 :30 and 7:30 t iDr. Worrell will be the guost of J. W. senit wtuie in our city. Many will recall the visit of this broth er two ami a half years ago, ana will want to near mm again. A Biu Eaui.i. Mr. Jack Smith, ot Tallman, brother of Mr. Geo. Btimpaon, ot thi city, came to Albany today with a grey eagle, which be killed near hi plGe yesterday. The eagle was flying close to tne ground wnen ne took a euot at it with No. 6, making it tirel and it lighted one hundred yard ahead. lie followed it firing five time before he se cured the bird. It is 6 foet ft inches from tip to tip. The grey eagle are pretty scarce in tne vaiiey. E. E. McOlannahan, the football man, passed through Albany yesterday from Ban Francisco to see tb big game in Portland today. BORN. , WAKEFIELD. In Albany, on Nov. 24, 1899. to Mr. and Mrs. 8. L. Waiefield, a girl. . MARRIED. STAFFORD-0ARROW. On Wednes day evening Nov. 23, 1809, at the Rubs Rev. Holmes, Mr. J. W. Stafford, a prosperous fruit rais er of Acampo, Calif., and Mias Fmma L. Carrow of Albany. They have the bett wishes of many. , . Mr. and Mrs. Stafford left on the.noon tr " . ... - ,r on orange tree of the groom, fine place - f ROYAL liaking Powder improves the flavor and adds to the healthful Mess of all risen flour foods. It renders the biscuit, bread and cake more digestible and nutritious. Royal Baking Pow der makes hot breads wholesome. Food raiscrl with Royal will not distress persons of delicate or enfeebled digestion, though eaten warm and frebb. Imitation liakiiij; pcmdcrH nlniost invnriahly con tain iiliim. Alum makes the ! unwlKilwHiie. ed A large numler'of geese are rrport In the country, coming down upon the farm waiting to be shot. Will Gevhrow. of Silvertnn. hss been arrested for several holuups in Portland and Oregon City. A republican league has been oruan- iced at 8hedd with Ex-coroner Jayne as president. The city council of Balem after a lively time ordered the fact published in sev eral papers that the city of Salem was free from smallpox. In a civil service examintion inPortland yesterday, without a vacancy in sight there were thirty lour applicants lor positions who took tbereguiar examina tion Mm. Mayer write from Sumpter. Or egon, that he is going into the cigar bus- id eaa. no ua renieu a room ieei. for which he pay 50 per montb.-Guard A. D. Barker' dog Boy, died yesterday evening alter short illness. Mr. Xisrker had a toelhole examination made reveal ing tne lac l mat the clog bad been a Heel ed Willi a genuine case ol appendicitis. The ladles'of the Christian churchill serve dinner at the w. V. T. U. ball Thanksgiving from 12 o'clock until S. bveryone la invited lor the table will groan with good .things to eat. Price, 23 cts, children under twelve 10 cU. It is understood thst II. 0. Watson while not desiring the position of Mayor will not refuse to act if elected, but that his name will oe presented to'the demo cratic convention Dec 1st At Corvallis, next Saturday afternoon. theO. A. C. and Chemawaa will plar foot ball, the last game of Uie season on the O. A. C. campus. It promise to be one of the best games of tbe season, with chance in favor of Corvallis winning. Farmer-Attorney Logger ' Woodcock yesterday sold 20 head of fat hogs to John Henry, ot Seattle, Wash., at 2 cent per pour a on loot. lie says ns made nia damsged thi mean, brine him tl per bushel. Guard. It is a cold day Farmer Woodcock .1 not heard from. j J. W. Ifeadrlck. the barber, who! has been running a shop opposite the Dbmo- crat ollice several month, and his wife, left on last night' overland for the south an today our merchants have been busy removing lurntture irom weir rooms on second street in lieu ol tbe pur chase price thereof. The meetings at the Christian church are to continue through next wees:. Last night tbe bouse was crowded to lis ut most and all seemed greatly interested in the sermon which was the fifth of a aer ie on the church in history. The aer ie will be concluded this evening by a sermon on "Christian union." consid erable interest ia manifested In the offer of Mr. Holmes to name parties who will pay $1500 for a single passage of script ure teaching prnkling a christian baptism. He alar;make a pe-sonsl offer ot loo lor sucli passage. Bio Time at LsnAxu-,, fue Modern Woodmen bl America, at Lebanon, on next Wednesday evening will initiate forty-five new member, and promise one of the best time Id tbe history of the order there. Besides the initiation a fine midnigLt sapper will be served with turkeys and pigs as tbe main feat ures. Outside members will be welcome during the night. Tbe Woodmen of America are very strong In Lebanon as well ss elsewhere, being one of the best orders In the United States, offering ad vantages that speak tor themselves upon investigation. Brownsville. From the limes. J. D. Isoin is quite ill at his home nesrtown. Qhas. McGee has ret ui nod to his home in this city after an absence ot several days. Mr. Hugh Fields, who has been in the hospital at Portland some, time, return ed home Monday evening. r. VI. H. Charjlin and the firm of Ca m dr A Brown have purchased the job pilntl g plant ot tbe Rainer fruiting t'o, oi Re .ale. Wash., and Messrs. Chsplin rni Brown, wbo went to that city last Bak jrday, took possession 'ft ,8d,y morning. oi me same FRIDAY. An Answer. Kiutoi Democrat: Plense allow me a little space to rply to what 1 consider a contemptibie f ffer of Rev. Mr, Holmes of the arrgsr t'y so called Christian church. If A!r Holmes baa com her to pick aqasnel he can get It if he persUtf, Dce he think it is smart to offer 60, tor a paswge of scripture teaching sptlnkllng s. Christ ian baptism? I will lve him $100 for a king e passsge t(scling immersion as Cbtistisn baptism. Ol course he will be the judge of the pssrsge brought to him and I will be the Judieol the passsge he would bring to me, and this shows thecootemptihility ci such an offer. Tbe Mormonn could in tha aama a Afr.. . . f . i imAvif. . . . poligamy, or aama fnr a psseage teaching the falibity of tbe rope. And every man could defend his own narrow creed with tbe same liberal tffer, and be as ssfo in It a. Mr. iinl mAsa la The fact 1 the offer of Mr. Holme is nothing else then an offer to bet, and an offer to bet is always tbe argument of a bluffer and no attention is to be pair to it until It becomes an inrult The question of baptism is one over which great and good men have disagreed and it is ssie to predict that they will continue to do so. But no man who has he leset regard for the opinion and sin cerity of another will ever fauntingly as tall him as willfully Ignorant, It would be a pity indeed if Mr. Holmes wss the only minister in town win could read hi bibls or if his people were the only ones who lead chrUtisn lives, and tj live a christian is the one thing neediul. Mr. Holmus need not think that he is the whole ocean because hie hair Is wavy or that because he wears spectacles tbst he rsn see anv ftutnur than mi.m .mi ph. -lii T Tu ft "at no chrisisn in the uviiuea OHBTIOUCI Ri leset a hile he is to be the jndge. F. W. Passe. Death of Richard Farwell. Mr. Richard Farwell died at bis home t Boston Mills, near Shedd last even ing, at nesrly eighty year of ge, leav ing a large family of grown children and friends all through tbe connty to mourn tbe loss of an excellent citizen. Farwell cam to Linn connty in 182 from New Hampshire, residing on his original D. G. I... tbe remainder of bis life, building np a rood reprtation as a farmer and citisen. He wae a member of the Linn Connty Pioneer' Association. Indian War Veterans. Tb Linn County Aatociation of Indian War Veteran met in the 3.A.R.ball thi. afternoon with a gooi attendance, with Capt. V) heeler in the chair and Secre tary walker bold of the pen. Live re mark were made on the subject of the rifebt of tb veteran to receive a pen sion, and action ordered in reference to getting our congressmen to do something in bubalf of tneee veterae who did so moch lor tbe early settlement of this mstchlets part ot the United Stats. Mr. Peacock, an employee ot the S.P. at Brownsville died last evening afier a abort illness, at the age of about forty yeaia. He leaves a wife and one son. Mr. Charles Davidson, and Jnlia Htck er two of Wells popular young people were united in marriage this week. Yes terday tney were visitiog Albany friend. Michael McGrath ditd suddenly at Kings alley recently leaving $5,000 to certificates of deposit on hia person. He was considerable of a hermit and sup posed to be poor. Mr. J. Hutcbic 'etvrned yesterday from trip to Grand Fork N. Dak., where he aoent several weeks en joyably. Tbe prospects were excellent tor gooa crop next year. Mr. Arkinalnaer. arrived in Albanv to- aay irom u set log, Minn., joining bis family who came about three weeks ago. He is a brother in jaw of Mr. Royal Uutchins of Oak Creek. Sheriff Monker notlfie Linn county taxpaycit that costs will positively be added after Nov. 25 b. Linn county, by the way, has a first c'.as sheriff. Rose- burg Review. On Wednesday evening in Portland, Mr. George E. Waggoner and Mis Mar garet Perham were united in marriage. Mr. Waggoner is a former Corvalli youog man and I well-known in Albany where he ha many friend who wal ex tend congratulations. Tbe Albany MniioalClnb yesterday af ternoon entertained the associate mem bers at the reeldence ot Mr. P. A. Youcg in a very happy manner. Tbe club sang two choruses. Mis. Laoadou and Mrs. Winnard were heard in vocal solos and Mis Brownell and Miss Hopkins in piano solos, all of a very choice character A delicious lunch wa served. Capt. W. H. Keating, of the Iowa regiment, who recently returned from Manila, ha armed in Albany from 0 kalooaa, Iowa, his borne, jeiaing hi wife here. He will look over tbe Northwest with a view to locating, but baa not yet decided, hi friend in Oskaloosa desir ing him to remain there. Rail bo ad Gbadiko. James Eberts In- , forma ua that Contractor Bay ia still grabing on tbe Mohawk railroad, just this lie's ot the McKenile river, with a small force. He say it ia the muddiest job he ever saw. It is no unusual thing for one team to pull the other ont oi tne mnd. Mr. Ebbert thinks in tbe Mohawk bottom it will be evea worse. Uuard In th j recorder' office : Deed, Frank Sparger to Icy Plum- mer, 1 lot, bl 67, Albany Mortgage tor Assignment ot a mortgage for.... Release of a mortgage for Chatel Mortgage for Mortgage for.. 950 500 350 25 200 Giant Nickareon arrived here Tuesday from Texas to pay a visit to hia parent i and otner relative., mr. nwii . . . i . . : ' r. v .v.,mh superintendent of a railroad in tne ixne Star state. Lebanon E. A. Freeh cider at the Albany Trading Co'e store. A delicious drink. ggMjuj oris pollaRa f.4 ihle V eel ! h) let m U a) I. Ms, asmI m syUI seel iMsi JU jT4kJ f X 0 nrWTlt rM4rt Wtal NAl, aVf V4sM & 0. K. 1 avfjssiH sr.. ie wmmmmmm' j r mmrmt Vlajt 4mmm4f mm4 Iff texly pililyil fBhtt fmm ewe mm v mm m . M fmm tWIarW f HMs IMIMItaMItHMMP vm s mammtw mm wmm mmm tor fr tm arnsM Ms4 ivy mm ouu FsTIV W w9t9Qf mr mm - Hi pA&La CM. toiW"uw gWIirf KIT? TO Iie4ejas-M vvwe- mw from Uf llluHmtlos MMMsaW is MMsiifni 0s-wrjs. Mmmm Vrmm IU eJ Ml tv VMMt M IM-Mt NrNrMN f , nsi Art eVswfl mam amm mmmf sawslsessn sstefctM it Am fftstr J-a7MT f L. THE 4rMti4f4 tilvh, 2l IneibM Um,U Inrhma wi1n. CmtHim, (nuiitf)fMVM, nmvtm, awinisowtif away ihtomm, Be, CefHls, Crmmm. Wmmtmmmtor, TreMe) tmpr, iee fort Mf Twi Nmsi I Q Umptmn, t Immm ayawll, t4rMs4 Orm $ MM t OrsfcUnIT 4 lnwiir tf SftlHf aVe.1, I aVrt II rewv 9m Ma, I ftf if rantf IMIrfrrfee aTMl, MefM RMb MHImmmmmMk TMyaMsM WMi I m riiff wwsswi ri iseipy 4s THI FAHLOft Cf M avtlon y,n.l-t of the) Ciisisnini ! sWate, wt,trH mm on if ttrnd in hm high ft vrswl inBtmmanU-, ttf4 with mmw4 mptmn mwt fans Miwmi, mtm bMe tit. lUr, IUe Of ihm torn rnbbmt cloth, tv httinw itorkt nrt flMst lMt.rie.rlB !. TNI wAWLQw QIM wfuniui.. .kl with mi omrmo pintm rrtttwa rorrror, ntrmmt Mm mmtm mMW1m4U CUAflAwTEEP 25 YEARS. J WJinTm Lmu wriUa lirsdibtf &- imt mmrmxttmm. br flu mrm mnd tondllUrti of wtilrb Q mow pari giwrna oat w rvrnir u Drew mf , Tr omm anontk mma wo Will fom re) ttotp-rrml itiis4. mW .'if mm mm JBB0 WH Hfcll'mill f 19 rSTHBLISHEII JJ thm aabll.lMf of Uit. miw of Mfttripolltaa Satlonal awik.arCnM. Rank.of CbMaaoi ft U.nDM sebanaa bank. S.w Toil. ; or an mmm m ul mt owv tmm,mm.m omtfry emtlro no of Ikm imrwmt mwinrnwrn Morko to i iemmo. raiiroaa or oiotom empBf is t.kMao. mr4 rnmpUtf nMir t MO pmntAm la out awn IttilMln. WI mUlX MlAw .Mb f Man T r tM. mm mmt mrmmmt yiswwwni swswwsBsrae swusnufxaej. mmmiwmm, EARS, ROEBUCK at CO. One). Fartaa. Tbe man who believes all be heers needs at least two stories to Ins head to hold it. Some one wants the office of city at torney cut off. Well it hss been cut off several years. The attorney gets paid fr.r what he does. Some one has been reporting that Ed Davidson snd Comrade John Catlin wili be run against each other on independ ent tickets for chief of Police of Albany. This item belongs to the misSt column. Ayers new style of almunac just out ha forecast of nearly everything under tbe sun but the coming city election. It would take a real live prophet to hit half of the winning tickets at the present time, Recently at a theatrical performance in San Francisco tbe atage manager by request went to the foot light, and stat ed that Dr. Brown wa wanted at the box office. Forty or fifty men arose and swrtea lor tne oiuce. I. J. Mums', manager of the TJ. C. team said : "The U. of 0. team is cer tainly a credit to it state. They would be able to beat Stanford easily and Ne vada would lie a "snap." I regret that games cannot be arranged with these teams." A twelve-year Sedalla (Mo.) boy has suffered nineteen fracture of tbe bone of hi legs, arms and fingers since be was old enougn to walk, lie bag a diseate which renders his bones as brittle as glass and liable to break on tbe sMgbteet provocation. ihinne, tbe weather prophet, of Mont g ornery, Ala., predict, upon meteorlogi cal observation, for the entire 20th cen tury, and that 1900 will be a cold year. He include 1900 in the twentieth century a very proper thing to do. Mr. Uunne baa done a big thing, and it is fortunate for him tLat be will not live to see how many mistake be ha made. The following from the Baker City Democrat indicate that that city ha also bad some small-pox experience : The Baker City school will continue n session despite the small-pox scare, r what some well informed persons pro ounce to be a chlckenpox scare. It is ot nnadvisable to have all pupil vac nated , thus insuring protection from e "re al thing" for at least 6 or 7 years. i Even Admiral George Dewey I being talked about, and tbe papers re coming pretty close to working np a scandal. Give them a little time and they wil hatch something. It is started on ac count of the admiral transferring the fine residence presented bim in Wash ington to ba wife. - The papers jumped upon him red hot., Now they have transferred tbe property to hi eon George and declare that it shall remain in the family. One version u that a widow somewhere wa about to proceed against him for breacn ot promise. ruD lie men could be more independent and happy if they would buy their own prop erty. The Roeeburg Plaindealer has the fol lowing enconrsging word for the gout business : "Goat are bofn metiers, are never sick, live on tin cans, oak grubs and most any old thing; are eaeily fattened, weigh more than sheep, and their wool is worth twice aa much. Tbe people wbo are going into tbe goat business in Western Oregon will all be plutocrat in a few years." It is an interesting fact that with all the reported smallpox in different parts of the state In nearly every Instance the disease waa confined to the borne in which it started, speaking for Oregon climate, and ehowing that there is no occasion for people to get alarmed and stay away from a town on account of tbe disease. Th following from tbe Scio paper is probably a canard : Rumor ha it that the U. 8. grand jury ha found indictment against about twenty persona wno dbtq locaiea Home steads in the timber belt on upper Crab- tree creek. Just what the charge is no one seems to know, but the chance are that there will be om vacant land np there now pretty soon. During tbe past summer there has been a man locating claims np there, and he haa gone to a good dealoi expense in constructing a rood trail in to the best timber localities. and in all about fifty claims have been lo cated, principally by Albany people, and theindictmen'a are prooaoiy mo growth of tese locations. ( riAMo, IH. mmd mm law mrmrjtbing la aea! IfiotrVMnt t to wot wtkAtMoio prirm. Wrfto tm ttm opclli it !! mmmwm pmtm mmmf, iPMimii fAHtJH f mtmmwm mmmn lltanri f Dstelaioes sa Wsyawa tts.. CHICACO. ILL After Aquinaldo Makila.Nov. 23, 10:50 P. M-A Span ish corporaUtp:ured by the Filipino has arrived from Tar ao. He says he saw Aquinaldo, accompanied by a prom inent leader and, arrive at Day am ban tne night ol November 13, "hat less, his clothes torn and spattered with mnd, and bis horsje exhaust-Hi. Aquin aldo, it appears, rested a short time seemed anxious, consulted with his com panions and the villagers "as to the na ture, of the reads, secured fresh ' h.-ms-and procvided immediately toward Mn glaren.J ABhiiBaMe. Loxdox, Nov. 24, 5 A. M. Before sn xiety as to the situation in Natal had been relieved there comes newe of a. great battle at Eelmont. This bas hap pened sooner than was expected. Only the official account is yet to hand, but so far as can be gathered the fighting ap pears .to have been almost a repetition of the battle of Eland'a Laagto. Good for CaVcag Chicago, Nov. 23. The Chicago Dew ey committee owing to the recent criti cism of Admiral Dewey in connection with the transfer of bis ' home, decided today to nrge an.'early acceptance of Chi cago's invitation to the admiral to visit this city. The date of the vieit is nuned as May I of next year, and in tbe com mittee's communication to the admiral be is sssurred that Chicago citizens do not!approve of the storm of -criticism re cently raised. A rough Job. Likcolx, Neb., Nov. 23. Proceedings were begun today in the supreme court by Attorney-General Smytbe against the Standard Oil Co. The court is asked to deny the company gibe right of doing business in Nebraska, on the ground that it ia a trust, and is erg aged in a conspiracy against trade and business. Some Fighting. Kasila. Sior. 24. Severe fightim? north Jo! lioilo began ' Nov. 21. Four American were killed and 25 1 wounded, including three officers. The insurgents . .-... ti i. . . . . i. fighting continues J Colonel Carpenter. Nov 18. advanced to Santa Barbara, straight l north from Jaro, taking trench after trench, the en emy fighting and retreating. General Hughes' column has steadily f been ad vancing north to gain a position wtet ot Santa Barbara. After Aquinaldo. Manila, Nov. 22. General Youn g re port that Aquinaldo, with a party of 200 inc'uding some women and a tew carts, passed Aringay, en the coast between San Fabian and San Fernando, in the ?rovince of Union, Friday, November 17. be general adds that Aquinaldo (proba bly intended to strike inland through tbe Binqua mountain towards Bayom bong in the province ot Nueva Yizcava. . Pushing Ahead. Durbax, Nov. 22, 10 A. M. Owing to the proximity of the Boers to Pietermar -itxburg, it has been necessary to alter the defenses of Durban. Estcourt ia still si lent. All accounts point conclusively to a de termined rush of the Boer toward Piet ermaritxonrg with a very large force. Seven thousand men with guns are re ported 25 miles from Howkk. They are aid Ia ha titular tha nerannal mm mantf Of General Joubert. . Prohibition In Georgia. . Atlanta, Nov. 22. The Willingham -bill, providing for state prohibition was passed by the house of representatives of the general assembly of this state today,, after the most existing debate the bous es hi known in years. . Ii the bill pass es the senate and becomes a law, it means the annihilation of the saloons. Everp plant for the brewing of beer or the manufacture of whiskey must be closed. It will not interfere with ban quets or private entertainments, but the keep tor the use of members intoxicating liquors of any kind. The Robert 'a Case. Pkobia, 111., Nov. 22 Congressman J. V. Graft os the 14th district, says: I shall vote to unseat Roberts and use every effort Jn that direction. Tbe puri--ity of the home ia the foundation of the state, and therefore no question which is likely to come before congress goes deep er into our welfare than this, I believe it will not be a partisan question, and the necessary two thirds will be found voting in favor of his expulsion. . . Elder's Fast Time. San Fsakcibco, Nov. 22. The recorp for a round trip to Manila is held by the United States transport Geo. W. Elder, which arrived today, having made ithe round trip in 61 days. Smnll Mortality. Pretoria, Nov. 21. The official , re turns of Transvaal casualties i-ince tbe outbreak oi the war shows that 90 men W. C. Bailie is filling the position ot conductor on the Lebanon train in an ef- 7f tl Cup. o- .., f F 11 00-'ficient manned daring the absence of Conductor Gummiogs in Portland. g 1