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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1899)
Another Orvgonian Fnllacv, 1 i i Tbe Oregonian (abort with much mora acal than reason to ibow that there it legal difference la the character or nttrl butea of silver and those of told. , At tbe long itaodins habit of tbe Oregonian when driven to the wall by an opponen It will retort by calling inch opponen hard names, inch at "atopid" and "fool' and similar weapone 01 the van quitbed. Being driven by tbe tore of facta from Its position that tilver Is no more than a promissory note printed on metal Instead of paper it eeeke ihette nnder the plea that "eilver eorreney, tboogh not technically prorjooiUiory notea stamped on silver, it of the nature and has the quality of promissory notes It doesn't go on its own value, but on its exchaegeabitity with the etandard." Now toil la not true. It ie only another one of tbe Oregonian'a fallacies. Silve dollars are no more of the nature of promissory notes than ia gold. Lt n analyse : Silver dollars are a legal ten der in any amount, to ia gold, rromif eorv cotes mast be redeemed . Neither silver dollars nor gold need redemption. Bat here the Oregonian in iu idolatrous seal for the gold etandard. ia led into another fallacy. It eaye tilver dollar "do not circulate on their value but on their exchangeability with the atandard'' (gold.) What does that paper mean by exchangeability"? Dote it mean that if a man baa tilver dollars be may take The Dewey AC!-. Mr. Allan B. SUusoa of Washington irtnen lit W tJ Hon. R. A. Irvine of this city, gives the following account of the Dewey aensalion in the Seattle r. i: Wmamotoh, No. 20 Down upon the head of Admiral Dewey tonight is de. scending a ttorm of ctutcitm (or tram ferriug to hit new wife the property pur chased for bltn by a popular subscription At Amorintn bAonla. The members of the Dewey home committee do not heel tate to expreat their dissatitfaction. and pablic men are generally outspoken In their criticism. The indignation extendi to all classee and le greatest among thoie who were fontributore. In the Washington evening newtpa- nera man lettere to the editor are print- ad. all axnteaaive of Indication. It ia roH that tha contributor! to the Dew- ev home fund intended the residence to w,t remain in the Dewey family, and that the admiral should have held It during hit lite and left it by will to hit too, George Dewey, Jr. It It even agued here that if Dewey baa cherished political at pirations, this discourtesy to tbe people who made him a present of a home hat put him out of the race. The motive which impelled Dawey to transfer to his wife the residence le the cause of ehief speculation. At first it was thooght the infatuation of au elder Iv man for hit new wife offered a suffi cient explanation, especially when it wat Butt ( Application W. B. Lawn, ler for a laited etatee lae. APPLICATION NO. 4, 1 I'nlted Bute I.aiid Office, Oregon City, ur., Nov. 4, liiw. Notice la hereby a I veil that In pursu ance o( chapter six of title thirty-two of 18 Im-he in tne grouiiu witn mouna stones acrinea wo; wnw nr ... . . .... ... I........ Oil ...... fti nncv oi ctiapier i oi una miriy-iwo wt ucg. mm. v., vanauun v .n-a, ... Ui Kevlsed tllatuivs of tli United BUtes, 6TS.J feet eo corner No. 4, a hewed flr post V. B. Uiwter, whose postollk-e uduteea IS 4x4 Inches by 4 feet Ionic sm is menes ii; bUt, blusud uiid scribed 4-S2& UT. , bears tree su inches In diameter, biased and , ili'a. S!, lulu. a. 1 lel, m i"A ht hum H. M dvir. US mlii. oilier hemlock tree 1 lituiiea in dmuitiii-. K. lb fet, and a nr tree w menes in uinm eter. biased Biid scribed 8326 HT, bears deg, uiusihi aim svritiud -i ul, bvui o. li nun. W. u.s tvitt; tiimiuo is. w M mill. V.. Vuiiniloii 111 ili-it. Ad ..nil. 'U.. lib lift. Uuk-h ruiiiuua' aoumvi iutt lot to vornr Mo. 6, wit: Hfd liult, uold Hack, Uoid i4u, Uold Kliuh. Hid llalr. Doldvit Knal. uoldvu Crown, Uold Hill. Uold Uuk'Ii. and Uold Cunnon, euch with urUc around WO tevl In width. Mil lylna "lid belnw KliuuHd within tho (Juaiuvul uiliuna diistrlot, No. thrwu. rounty of i.iim. und stuto of Or Ron, has mudtt nppllcntton to tliif Untted Sihikii for a iwilint for tlitt said mliilnat claim, the said claims belnir known unit iUolKtiil tho l.uwU'r ConsolldnUHl Group of Lioilo Mining Clulms, and bi'ln mora uuy luw-nwu an to mur aim a lu'wi'ii ini.o iiimi Itllllf. Mill is lll.illnH Albany, ur., clnlnittm luuu llnar feet on 'the ground wllh mound of slonos si-ribvd " arouiiu, witu mound of utotivs ach of the foUowing-named -eln. lottos 4 whence a llr tree ltt Inches In "Jr bed im; wltwnva a pine tree I or mineral UepoHita, beai ina old, to diameter, bmaed ami scnoea i, Mm e in umiiieier, oiuscu uihi xvi iiu u bear N. 7 ue(r. li mm. . ieei, auu in, iktihi tw uv. , ia iuvi, a llr tree 10 tnehea lu diameter, lilitsnd and and a pine tree U liivhee In dluinelvr, aorlbed 413 UT, bears H. 44 ib'K. HS1 biased Mild Meiibed t-K-itld ill', b.-iiin N. mill. K. 10,1 feet; tlienee N. 3J deg. .114,44 dig. llo mill. 1-:. SI. H feel; llieiue N. 68 mln. W.. variation iM (leg. K TO feet. deg. M mlii, jj varlailon 111 deu, W mln, Sliver Creek 3 feet wide flow southerly K., Hitl.s feel. iJIscowry point of lode' attlafal tit HIlllllt'tillL im feet eomer No. 1 Uold Fine h lodo. on ridge running southwesterly ami f Hed llwlr rlnlm l "f reenrd In liiiaaui vey on imi aim n,ivi."i.. im. ,,viv, jr un.i iw lumur w, i, Ited llulr lode, this survey 140S.t feet to the plaeo of b-'uliinliig. corner No. I. the place of beginning. I UalA nlli tMav, Hold Mneh '' . , I Higlnnlng at corner No. I, Identical Meg-Inning at corner No. I, a nr post with vomer No. i of Hed llalr lode, tlim 4x4 Inchea by 4 feet long, set U luetic trj mnVey, on line 61 of Uold Finch lode, ,12 o( volume 4, of Mlntiitf Records of ld county 1W linear leel T , lUMijpt a h the vslii, which Is well ailnd..i M I'ff; sinned general course or direction of siihj vein Is parallel with the side Hn of '' claim, as shown upon the Pint piwled herewith, and l about iiorlhwc erly to aoutheaslerly. About M6 feel In claimed on ilia l, l.. aiuiilinuaierlv from the 1X1 lit Of dlacovery and about diiS feet noiih westerly from llie point of diecovery. Tho sold claim IS oounuen on uie m"i ! i,t,Miii.envuil tdveriimelil lulld. Oil the iouthWciit by the Uold Cannon IihIc cltilm: on the nnrthwrnt by the Hold Hill and Hed llulr hide clultns. and on me iii'nn east by the Hold Hug lode cliilm, "I llera are no conlllctlng claims to the K no Wi llie bounds by the olHclal plat herewith posU the uround. with mound of stones surlbed ti,U survey, U. 8. M. M. ed and by the Meld noles of survey there of. now tiled In the office of the register of the United Stales land office at t)re gon City, Oregon, which Held notes of sur vey describe the boundaries and extent of each of said claims on the surface. with magnetic variations at 18 dep. S3 m in. to so deg. iu nun. east, us follows, J 3S5, at luleraectlon of line 41 of Uold Huglode and line 1-J of lied Hair lode, no in feet. A r tree 18 Inches lit diameter. l.l... ...1 u,..l ai-rlhed 1324 1IT. bears dea. M mln. W. .4 feet, and a llr 9i deg, 44 mill. K. iKKi.H i,,Jiit,,,i,.. in' tlliimeler. blnied Mild so 1 1-826 11T. bear 8. 45 deg. II mill, nd Rail l.iul. I -wit r.,.,i Tim aiiMovry uolnt of Beginning at corner No. 1. Identical with bean. 8. 30 dig. W mill. K. uoiu itacg lone, tnia aurvcy, thence lode and line 1-S of lied Ihilr lode. W dig. .6 mln, V., variation 1 deg, bu her. wllh, of 'this suivey; ' hence V, , aM.JM. ' min, K 144,1 feet. Corners Nun. b and r.nilheaale 1 bears N. II m,"v"' JI;1,! respectively of tlold 1'lncli lode and lodn south! a id i annon lone, ii.iin ot iiiie survey, on r,M ''" overy point of lode on i,S tine feet 10 .oruer No. , Identical "'.'.I1 1 wllh corner No. S of Hold Cannon lode. nun. .v . i .... . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . u i.. H survey. this i .....i '"' W., vai oftli'it of the county clerK of said county of l.lnn, stale of t)rM" ' Pln i1-' viiltime 4, of Mining lleeord uf sld coimiy; Itm linear reel In claimed along l!ie vein, which Is well defined. The pre Himcd general coume or direction of said No. i, bears N. vein la parallel Willi llie sldo lines of feet; thence H. i 111 clntin, as shown upon the plat posted , nun is a nam nortnwenieriy in lerly; IfiOO feet Is claimed on the Hieimlerly from the point of dis covery. The said cliillii Is hotindeii on the niHithcitiit by (he tlold Hug and (told Finch lode claims; on Die eotithwesl hy I In, Uold Hill lode claim; on the norlh wpst liv the do lit Clulch and Ited Hull lode claim, and tin the nnrlhenat by lh cr or Un Hue t a of Oolden Crown Sill Ve : thence N. 4.1 ,lu- fill lullo.i iv dig. DO mln. K, 81 wiuie null lone ci.inii, UI3 Sfild corner iw, i, moio iiaca roue, , y" urjr, tnence b. era. ,j .... ..""i, "iieei. enimmii or mttlii rldgo running 'cmim la in connict wun tne vime nun V. 8. M. M. No. 1, bears 8. S deg. 4J mln. 19 deg, DO mln. K., Tfct feel. Silver t.reeK, l,iUthwterly and norllieterly IW feet l'le claim, the wild While Hull claim line E. 112T.4 feet. A corner of the location. 9 feet wide. Hows southerly lco fiwt to , eoruf No, g identical wllh corner No, ! In heretofore been patented and being which Is a cedar tree, S4 Inches In dlame- corner No. I. Identical wllh ror " 1. tlolden Crown lode, this survey; thence nw owned by npi'llcanl. Titer are no ter marKed thus tX) on two sides, bears ,4. Uold Hug lode, this s "rvei ) the nj p h . jj M , w v, ,,, ,eg, other conlllctlng claim to Ihe knowledge a W deg 5 mln K. 71. feet distant ; m deg. 25 mln. V.. varlalUm SO deg, K.. w mln m f ( u , h , , i,otlfi.1of applicant. thence S.jM dea. M mln. V.. variation 80 S-is feet. 8 lvcr Creek, i ft wide, llow rlv , ,., , -,,r. u j fl , , Tl, ii.,i,l.,i, Kuala rlnlm 1. e,t record n deg. 10 mln. K aal.fS feet to corner No. eoutherly 0 feet to corner No. 9. a heawi tf,n kkb 1mi, thUt urVey. a hewed the oftlce of the county clerk of said IS. Identical with corner No. of Uold llr post 4x4 Inches ly 4 feet long, set hemlock poat 4x4 Invitee by 4 feet long, leounty of IJnn. slate of Otegon. at Back loile. this survey, and corner No. 4 IX Inches In the ground, wllh mound Of . , ,m,m.i,. - n. ,. m. volume 4. of Mlnlnu- Iteords of eald them to the US treasury and exchange considered that the admiral is aid not to be particularly inenaiy who uis uiuou relatione. Later development", howevtr, indicaie that the transaction has a touch of sug gested scandal, which affects the admi ral, bat which does not affect hie wife. This it the story, although for obvious reasons the name of the woman in the esse cao cot be used: When Dewey was plain commodord and wat assigned to department duty in Washington be bad a fiiend employed in tha nae deisartment bureau. She them for told?. Or that any bank or any one, private citiun or public officer, it required to exchange gold for silver when some one demands it? ifBo inch position it not tuttained by any law or the temblance of law. The truth ie that eilver dollars go on their fact the same nt gold does and there ia no law of ex changeability touching either. Thus do we see the Oregonian driven in another hole from which it will be able to extri cate itself only by meant of some newly created fallacy. of V. 8. lot No. ST, White Hull lode; atones scribed wnenee ur tree. thence S. SI dear. El mln. . variation Inches In diameter, Mused ana ecrioeo. deg. 10 mln. K.. . feet to corner No. S afrss5 UT. bears N. ''. .,nl";XV and discovery point ot lone on summit or is.s feet, aim a ur nw V".i ,;;, , J. rldga running northwesterly and aouth- tee, biased nud serlned 3ISX6 lu, , easterly on line 4-8 of U. 8. lot No. 37. 8. W deg. 15 mln. K. 80 feet; thence N. White llull lode, a hewed fir post. 4 Inches jr. deg. W mln. V .. variation So tb'g. r. bv 4x4 feet long, set IS Inches In the 5 feet to corner No. 4. a ,f ground, with mound of stones scribed S poet 4x4 Inches by 4 feet long set U im ties ESS. The post stands agnlnet the south- n the ground, with mound of U es easterly side of a hemlock tree IS Inches orll.ed 4-X: whence a llr tree 12 luclng In diameter, which l a corner of the loca- in dltimcter. biased and at rllieil -" a- Hon llng marked thus (X) on the south- jit, lie.irs N. 0 deg. mln. K. i easterly side, and Is also S-325 and a tlr trr 10 Inches In diameter. Ulaseil HT. A llr tree IS Inches In diameter, 8na , rlcd 4-321 LIT, benrs N. M d"K. Klun.1 n,l tti.r!l,.-l 3 111 i. It. I neat'M M. la til w. lft.ft ieei: inlll-'W l.. " r w M mln.. v. 20.2 feet. The center of si mln. W.. variation 111 deg. 80 mln. the Red Hull shaft Dears N. 44 Uctf, a K.. ft.T feet to comer No. S a neweii nr p"i i.l l. lw. hv 4 feet long, set IS Inches it. th irroimri. with mound of Its Significance. M.ln W 7,1 7 r,wl (llMtttllt. Tht'HiH H. bti .!.-' mln v v.riininn ?0 .1,.. Ill mln i.. i. ..r.iinul with mound of stone l.. -iiiiij A ..r..r v.. i ...i llti.. si S .... r, i !'f", nn Una 13 of Uold Hill Ketl lUiir lode, this survey, a hewed hem- i,Kle, this survey; whence a pine tree 1st loi k poet 4x4 Inch by 4 feet long, set IS inPhes In dlnmeter, biased and scrlhed inches In the ground, with mound of 5 l HT. bear N. Ui deg. SO mln. v. stones. soribHt 4-1-K5. A tlr tree 4 feet tXi feet and a pine tree i '"- " in diameter, biased and ecrlbed 4-1-325 diameter, bliised and scrllted R-ll-J 11. rt wr K so ab. SO mln. K. 12 feet, and i,..., r. H M ileir. 20 mln. K. 21.8 feet; theme a fir tree 30 Inches In diameter, biased j. jji Ueg. 2 mln. K.. variation 1 d'f; and scrlb.-d 4-1-SS5 BT. bears 8. deg. W mn, B., 141.1 feet. .conora Nos. I ml 45 mln. W. 4.14 feet. A hemlock tree 24 reepectivety of tlold Hill lde and ltl Inches In diameter, marked on two sides Plllr ton, 0f this survey, on line feet thus (XXX.VI. which Is a corner of the . rurner N". t. he place of beginning. location, bears 8. SO deg. 10 mln K. 8.11 Hed llslr wee. .feet. Thence N. 88 deg. I mln. W. vart- Beginning at corner No. 1. a n'wrd wr atlon deg. 10 mln.. K. 14i.J feet, to 'poet 4x4 in. heg by 4 feet long, s. t 1 a Hanhine aami-blonde. a Vivacious. .y,ki. i .. n.,nrf wiih mound nf ...riu.l lait,: whence V. 8. M. M. earth no stones, ecrineo oi-a. a wri-iko, i neara I , 1 . A lnh In lam.t.r ,l,l ,wl Rllil ,...-.,. N. I. S III I. . lecribed B-4-325 BT. bears 8. t deg. ) mln. jwhl'te Bull lode bears 8. &S deg w. n.s ieei, The Cleveland flaindealer, a demo cratic paper which opposed McLean ye The president's own state bar, it is true, given a decided, plurality for the Republican candidate at tha head of tLe ticket, bnt for tha first time in years the party it In the minority by many thou sands. If tbe iatne in Ohio were limply McEinleyitm or anti-McKinleyism, then attractive voodb widow, from Indiaoa TJnon Dewev being transferred to duty at the Brooklvn navy yard it ie Itaid she wat alto transferred there. Liter he wat sent to tha Aaiatie atation, wnere fame awaited, and tbe acquaintance cease J . i When Dewey returned to thit twontry : the Iodiana widow wat Ignored. When , the admlrai'a intended marriage wat an. a ik.t.nat la hrina- breach ' vlJ ... j .1.: The enstenv comer oi a -enmi nr lode nw ieei n ". ui un'uins (fiwiwum-s- 1 beam 8. 3S mln. v. s5, s lot P.O. Si. ,M mln. and a hemlock tree Inches y 37,9 tt. The mouth l '" in diameter, biased and eiert le 6 JCSi running eouthenjteriy "-..'T "r BT. bear N. 63 lcg. JS mm. v. ij. teet. . min. W. reet. i "ifc hemlock tree 12 Inches t" Jameter. ' diameter, biased and wjtll 1-325 T marked on two sides thus (XXXI. which UeHr, N. 70 deg. 60 01 n. R. ""2 Is a comer of the location bears N. M , nr tree 10 Inches In lroet er. bU deg. M mln. W. 1SI feet. Thence N. M nd gcrllied 1-S2S BT, bnr 8. deg. M mln. E.. variation 19 deg. S mln. imln k. at feet: thence 8. M deg. mln. E.. S01.9S feet to corner No. S. A sawed yf variation 19 deg. M mln. .. fir poet x Inches by 4 feet long, set 1J intersect line 7S f V. 8. lot No. Inches In the ground, with mound of . white Hull lode, at N. . deg. U mm .yv. etones ecrlbed e S2S. A hemlock stump, j.t f-et from corner no. , im.i - which was Identified to me as the stump ,r No. 1 of Oold Finch lode, or a tree wnicn N. marked a location cor- 1S deg. 20 mln. W. 68 feet. damages. Confronted with the posesbil- thls survey on line and Intersect line 4- "' ' i1Mte thin survey M feet. IMscovery potnt . . - ........ HUB SHO I eel 10 CKiiier . ni.t inii.h IimIb. th s survey, a vt mln v. t: Ut The lnnn.i V.-. 1 har. R 19 A2 10 , . m . . . tl . L. A ...nnal . I 1. . Ha W-rnlintl. the condemnation of McEitilevism as I it that his nome might be attached to,N.0s bears 8. irfdeg. E. m.s feet. The .tones scribed t-i-ss. A pin".?'" presented in hi. Pbilippine policy wat secure the payment of poeeible duiei Wfl" W I? HgU ti'ur. TZ ' .. in.Mnumilii tha transfer. In diameter and 4 feet nign. oiaswi ami rt. ana a nr iw j -. - .v.- r . I acribeo S SS BS. Deam K. a neg. TL la fair tn sav that neither Dewey nor tw us ,, and a Ar iIurid 4 umini emphatic Tne Jones vote was a protest in bot! parties against boss ism ana boodiing. Bat for the stupendous blender of the democracy in accepting McLean at tbe head of their ticket, tbe issue would have been squarely defined and the prot of - the anti-boet and aoti boodle republi can! would have been by aiding the election of a democrat. At it wat, that became impracticable. The anti- boet(and anti-bocdie democrat! were similarly prevented from expressing their protest by voting for Naab, because he represented the tame vicious metbodt in politics. There wat nothing left, but to ttay away from the poll, or to rote for Jones. The verdict of Ohio was an unquali fied condemnation of bossism and politi cal corruption in both parliei. Beyond that there was nothing distinct in it! pronouncement. Nash wat elected by a plurality limply because there wat a more emphatic repudiation of bossism and boodiing in tbe democratic than in the republican party. With a better candidate at the head of the democratic ticket Jiash wonld bave been defeated by hit democratic competitor, and jonea would have cut no figure the Washington friende and legal repre- - "Ss'ba be'arV N. 74 deg. min. l4 feet." Summit of ridg. run O I HI wuiu " . hewed .nr. poet ; in , -- ,laed and TS feet, and a flr iree 10 Inche s In dlam- d ""a4? rnJn-'etr. blaaed and eerHa-l-a IJT. bears , Inches 8.-32 deg. mln, , W. Jl , to ' Oolden ,la.ed and dea.- mln. W.. wrtatlon '' hewed nr. thenticated, however, and is freely die- cussed here tonight. aentatives of the woman in tbe Case Will ; K. 11.7 feet. Thence a W deg. J mln. mg eonth westerly and ""rtheas teny ,l Zf 1 t- .tl .n variation deg. E.. 142S.J feet to cor- ,4341 fwt to corner No. I. on '"-! talk. Tbe story is seemingly well er No. l, the place of beginning. of Gold Clulch I.Kle. this survey. A heweii bom mra i.i. . nr pom x men ,.V . .... Beginning at corner No. 1 on lino 1-t jnches In the ground, with rnounil or Gold Bug lode, this survey. A hewed nr i,onM gCrllHl J 5 32S BT, a fir tree .20 post 4x4 Inches by 4 feet long set 18 Inches iche In diameter biased and In tlu. imiinil with mound of Stones. s HT. henl-e N. 41 deg. .06 mill. . ' scribed 1-JJS V. 8. M. M. No. 1, bears N. 17 fe,, and a fir tree 1 Inchja Hi illnm. 71 Av Kl mm V. S20.1 feet dletant. The .t l,l,l and scribed S ft 325 BT, Hear Plaetinff ritv officers ia not a matter of discovery shaft bears N. 8 deg. 7 mln. B. , g. & deg. W mln. K. 4 feet; thence electing City omcersia no. a matter oi tSfi . f A . lg ineh. i diameter. S. T k mln. ... variation 20 deg. K.. frl.nH.hin hnt hnsinraa. Now is the time . hiaxmi and acrlhed 1 225 B. T.. bears N. .: t tluli h running northwesterly . . , e deg. 40 mln. W. ).8 feet, and a Or tree tO put ill good men. . SO inohee In diameter, biased and arrlbed mmemmms 1 1325 B. T.. bears 8. 2S deg. 30 mln. W. Gt.l IfCi, iiieriives v. w ca. w s. -t , ft, newwi nr v - -, - iwj Ti I - .A- I-aIsw. . aa. aesawaa Ia 1 .u. 1t tUi snlit V. 90A fP Klimmlt u f t.Kai In thA ICTOUnfl. Oil IWU " Jl, . ... j , lha of main ridge running southwesterly and rocJt wlth mound of "ton" 'nS' Office. Theybave the good 01 tbe City , northeasterly 14T0.J feet to corner No. i, whence a flr tree SO Inches In diameter. Identical with comer NO. 4 or U. B. lot blazed and scnoeti J hi. ':" ',1 No. . White Bull loile. A hewed hem-, Aem, j mln. W. 15 feet and a flr tree" lock post 4x4 inches by 4 feet long set mhea In diameter biased and scrilwd 18 inches in the ground, with mound of .4325 rt. beam K. 8 deg. 20 m in. K . 14 stones, scribed 2325, whence a double fw(. Corner No. 6 of U. 8. lot No. st. hemlock tree 40 incnes in mamer, dibku White Bull lone, ui?' :f i" and acribed J32S li. T.. bears IS. oeg. K. M feet: tnence o. e oem. to B. E.7 feet, and a hemlock tree 14 Inchea variation 20 deg. 10 mln. sje.7 In diameter, biased and scribed i 825 Br, !interaet line 6 e of U. lot 111 mm. W. a.t ieei; , while Bull loae. at o. no. with mound of stones 4lt--&5; whence n 'county. IStio linear feet Is claimed along nr tree 4 Inches In diameter, biased and t Im vein, which Is Well defined The pre scribed 4 8 &fV HT, bears S. SH deg, V, Isunied general enuie or direction of enld i feet, and a hemlock tree 30 Inches In .vein Is parallel wllh Ihe side lines of diameter, biased and ecrlbed 4 -S-a UT, (said claim, as shown upon Ihe pint pool bears 8. Sit d g. 15 mln. II !, feet; thence ed herewlih, and l about norihweeinrly N. M deg, S tuln. K vaiialluu Sn d.'g. ' to aoutheaslerly. lftW feet le claim! on R, 6 feet. Oulch running northerly IW the Iwle northweeleily fioni the point of teet. mimmit of riiiao running north- liiaeoverv, llie siiki cntiin is imunuri on westerly and eotiihauaterly lw. feel to tho aoutheaat by the tlulnVn frown lodn corner No. 5. Iilcnilcal wllh corner No. .'claim; on Ihe southwest and on the norlh 3. Bed llalr lode, thla survey, and on Hue went by tineurvryed government land, ami 1 of tlold Mulch bale, Ibis survey: Ion lhn uorthenut by the tlold iluh h and thence S, 65 deg. 8K mln. K. variation SO, tlold HUI lode mining claims. There lire deg, K 18.70 feet, Huinmlt of rlilKe run-.ho conlllitliig claims lu the knowledge of iilug northeaHtnrly and southwesterly aiuitlcimt. 1431,1 feet to corner No, I. the place of I Th tlolden frown claim of record beginning. ,ln the oillce of llie eoiiuiy clerk of enld (told tloleh I, ode. Icouiilv uf l.lnn. ainte of Oregon, at w I Beginning at corner No. I, Identical with V,, volume 4 t,f Mining of sulil corner No. 4. Ited Itiill lode, tills survey, ! county. If linear feet I Helmed along on line 3-4 of Ited llalr lode, tliU gur-.lhe vein, which Is w.dl deflned. The pre. Vey, t'. H. M. M. No. 1. bears B, t deg. siimed general course or direction of said II mill. K. 1W& feel; Ihelice B, M dg. Vein Is parallel wllh the side line of said W5 mln. W.. variation 2 deg. lu mln, K.'eliilin, as ehowu upon the plat posted H!.S feet. Mulch running northerly 875 herewlih. snd Is about imrlhwesinrly to feel, I'U.overy point of lode In line 37X8 soulhenslerly. I.vw feel Is claimed on the f.t. t'orners Nos. $ and t respectively of lodn uibsterlv from the point of dia lled Hair nnd Mold Hill Imb-s, thla sur- overy. Th sld claim Is bounded on vey, on Hue feel, Hiiitinilt of ridge Ihe soiithenst and on the eoulhwest by running northwesterly and southeasterly unsurveycl government land: on tho M4 feet. Mulch running northerly ia reet , northwest by the Moldeii Kagle ble claim, to corner No, 3. Ideittltnl with corner No. and on the northeast by Ihe Mold till) 4 Mold Hill lode, and on line 4-1. Molden nd Mold Cannon IimIb claims. There are Kaglo lode, holh of this survey; thence no conflicting claims to the knowledge of N. 87 deg, BJ mln. W. BOI.7 feet to comer, the applicant. . ... No, 4, Molden Eagle lode, this survey, on I The Mold Hill claim Is of record In the line lima t-M in riinr No. a a hMl ,'ofllcn of the couiitv clerk of en I d county lmha k poet 4x4 Inches by 4 feet long. I of Msn, slate of Oregon, at nags ' W of s 't U Inches In the ground, with mound, volume 4. of Mining llwords of said coiin rf earth and stones scribed -.; whence jty. IW0 linear frt Is claimed along the n cellar tree 4 feet In diameter, biased .vein, which la well denned. The praumed nid ecrll-'d 8 UT. bcare N, M deg, general course or direction of said vein fo mln. W, 14 9 feet, ami a hemlock tree U parallel with the side lines of said 30 Inches In diameter, biased and scribed claim, as shown upon the plat posted S 328 BT. bears N, Sfl deg. SO mln. W. therewith, and l about northwesterly to 83.4 feet; I heme N. 54 deg. 85 mln. M., jsootheasirrly. ISrto feet le claimed on Ihe variation to deg. K SSS feet. Mulch running , l"de northwesterly from the point of northwesterly 534 feet to comer No. 4, (dlei-overy. The said claim Is lavuinled on Identical with corner No, 5. Hed Bull , Ihe southeast by the tlold Klnch nnd Mold lode, this survey; thence f4, SS deg, nl Cannon lode claims; on the southwest by mln. K. variation 1 deg. a mln. K . the Mulder Crown and Oolden Kagle lo1o I4KK.8 feet to corner No, I. Ihe place of claims; on the northwrat by tho Oold beginning. Mlulch lode claim, and on the northwest Onlit Canaoa l.ode. (by the Hed Hair hale claim. There are no ' Beginning at corner No. I. Identical with conflicting claims to Ihe knowledge of an corner No. 5 of tlold Klnch lode, this plleanl. , survey, and on line 18 of Mold lllllf The Mold Oulch claim Is of record in bale, this survey, If. B, M. M. No. I. the office of the county clerk of said bears N. 38 deg. 84 mln. K. 738.1 feeU The county of Linn. State of Oregon, at page discovery point of the lode bears . art 8X7. volume 4. of Mining Bm-ords of eald deg, 85 mitt. hi. K84 feet; thence B, U county. 1 linear feet Is claimed along i-sV d.g. 25 mln W variation It deg. 50 mln. ithe vein, which Is well denned. The pre- I" " 1 " .tuft ... .M m .. . K.' .. .... 1l n .. ..umI ...i r. a .1 1 rv I l..n n mmIa Crown tnis survey, a vein ia parallel witn tne sine lines or poet 4x4 Inches by 4 fet long, ld claim, as shown upon the plat posted is Inehee In the eround. with mound herewith, and ia about northwesterly In of atones scribed 8-325; whence a flr tree aoutheaaierly. l.' feet Is claimed on tha 13 Inches In diameter, biased nnd scribed bale norlhweslerly from the point of die S 825 BT. bears N. 67 deg. W. 80.4 feet, ! ravery. The said claim Is bounded on nnd a pine tree 80 Inches In diameter. 'the aooiheast by the Bed Balr and the biased and scribed 3l-'5 BT, bears 8. 14 Mold (till bale claims; on the soul h west deg, 35 mln. W. 85 feet distant; thence , by the Molden Kagle lode claim and un it. 43 dig. 59 mln. K., variation 18 dig. surveyed government land; on the north 50 mln. K., G2.4 feet to corner No. 8. a west by the Bed Itork placer claim, and ' hewed llr poet 4x4 Inches by 4 feel long. ' on the northeast by the Bed Bull bale set is Inch In the ground, with mound claim. There are no conlllctlng claims of stones scribed 88-311; whence a flr.lo ihe knowledge of applicant, tree T Inches In diameter, biased end 1 The Oold Cannon claim Is of record In scribed 88 323 BT, bears N. 3 deg. .04. the omce or the county clerk or said hAth of mln. K. 8.7 feet, and a llr trie IS lucli-s county of IJnn, slate of Oregon, at page imki linear rt le rlaimeo along at heart particularly. It hat been ta'd that Kid McCoy, the pngiliet, bat broken" down ' physically, and that he will mire from the ring. This is the general result of the life ofpoa- bears N. 4 deg. iliats. The fast Uvea they live ia bound to end in physical rain. Victory make a them bigbeaded, nnd they, become tbe servants of last men and women, living dissolutely and their muscles to. n loooe their strength and canning. 2.,r"V "" V; W.r"."I But lode and k" l oold I dulch lode, both, of ;. this survey, on line 600. feet to corner No. d. 44 deg. 20 mln. V. 85.4 feet: 'county. 4. a hewed flr post incnes ny s .n-nce B. 47 dig. 21 mln. E.. vurlntlon 19llhe vein, which la well drflned. The Pre deg. 50 mln. 1C, 7!i8.3 feet to corner No. ;sumed general course or direction of said 4, a hewed flr poet, 4x4 Inches by 4 feet vein (s parallel wllh the side lines of sold long, set 18 Inches In the ground, with 'claim, es shown upon the plat posted mound of stones scribed 4 32i; whence a herewith, and Is about northwesterly to llr tree 14 Inches In diameter, biased nnd aoutheastrly. About 810 feet Is claimed scribed 4325 BT, bears N, 15 dig. 80 on tha lode southeasterly from the point mln. w. 11,6 feet, nnd a nr tree so inches, or discovery snq snout rw reet norm In diameter, biased and scribed 4325 Ir, Wars N. 45 deg. 30 mln. K. 83.2 feet; thence N. M deg. 25 mln. K., variation 20 deg. E., 100 feet to corner No, 6. Identi cal with corner No, 8, Oold Finch lode, this survey; thence N, 15 deg, nun. w feet. No. 37, !7 mln. westerly from the point of discovery. Tb said claim Is bounded on the southeast by unpatented ground; on the eouthwest bv unsnrveyed government land, and by the Molden Crown lode claim: on the northwest by the Oold Hill lode claim. thence N. 53 deg. 5 mln. E., variation )E. 594 teet from comer r.o. variation 20 deg.K.. 9.5 feet to corner No. 'and on the nonhenst by the Oold finch deg. 1 mln. E.. mi feet to corner Ho. 3. ,ummit of main ridge, '""'''. , identical with corner No. 4, Mold Klnch. lode claim. There are no conflicting A hewed hemlock post 4x4 inches by 4 weBterly and nortbeasierly ret ,t, jn urvejr. thence N. 5s deg. 28 mln. W. 'claims to the knowledge of sppll.snt. feet long set 18 Inches In .the ground, with , tersect line 1-8, Oold ug " variation SO deg. K.( eud.7 feet to corner Any and all persons claiming adversely vey, ieei w v.. No j( lh, pimtim 0l beginning. tne mining ground, veins, loftre, premises I The Red Bull claim la of rucora in me or any tmrnon tnereor so i.s..rin,i, sur. i,iunii...,l ofllce of tbe county clerk of said county lyeyed. nlatleil and antilled for. are hei mound of stones, scribed 311325; whence a flr tree 3S incnes tn oiameter. oiasru mm aorihed X 1325 BT. bears N. 40 deg. 40 mln. W. feet, and a hemlock tree im,i.i in diameter, blazed and scribed 1325 BT. bears 8. 15 deg. W. 14.5 feet 84 Some one tefeie to it ae the thatterin of the idol, tbe scandal abort Dewey. In the.hearlt of everybody one day, tbe next day at tbe end of the tongue of tbe crit ics. After all it reveals the tact that Ad' zniral Dewey it simply human. The pub ic may go back on him and forget him, it ia tbe style of tbe public to create heroes aad pra'ee them for a few days, to be followed by some one else, bnt they cannot take away the glory of the splendid victory on May 1, 1898. T' e si fair will bring oat the extreme character of the American people. It ia not yet time to drop Dewey, just because be it down on tbe level with other hnman be ings. , . There waa a large attendance at tbe entertainment given last evening by the Ladies of Maccabee at their hall. The program aa pnbliibed waa -aplendidly carried oat, tbe eolot, recitations and tableaux being of a high order. The leading feature waa the drama "Coaiin Letty,r a pretty thing well presented. Besides the program a good time socially, was bad. Wonder if the new city council that ia elected will allow the city pound master lo receive eatb for dog taxes, keep it bim elf and pay for it by cleaning tbe side walks that should be attended to by the street enpedntendent. Tnii it not a very big matter bnt there it a principle to it. Oar city council matt look after tbeee little leaks. Everything eonnte, and it it going to take engineering to make things ran smoothly in Albany hereafter. .... . v- u K mln V. variation 20 ... .. IT U M. M. MO. 1. Dears c. deg. 10 mm. iw ieei. Mulch running northwesterly 330.8 feet to corner No. 4. A hewni hemlock nost 4x4 inches by 4 feet long set 18 Inches In the ground, with mound of stones, scribed 4325, whence a hemlock tree 10 Inches In diameter, blazed KPtTinniiiK tw vvi . . - J .. ... - -- , T47 8. W Col. Denby, member of the Alger meal instigation and of the Philippine com' mission, is about to receive another plum for hie subserviency to the adminis'ration Hit sen will soon leave hit lucrative po sition in tbe Chinese custom service to accept a fatter jb in the customs tervi ce at Manilla.; ;t JTbit mmmer no trimmer. No winter tor ten tammere." Tbe above en gram. matic statement is a croDnecv mids bv one of the aged Indiana on the Umatilla reservation hut spring. - His prediction has been realized thoe far, and Nature givee no indication that aha intends tn depart from tbe course laid down for ber in the old Indian's forecast. E. O. 20 YEARS IN BUSINESS. THOMAS BRINK It the Oldert Furniture Dealer in the city and he keeps a complete line of Furniture and Bedding and if yon want good goods cheap give him a call He doesn't intend to be nnder told. ae . i am u i i gt i erv i - x iiriii:n UVK. III 1 8 V, ase. ' - - ,. ,M deg. 68 mln. W., variation wit K. 302 2 feet. Discovery point of lode on line at summit of main ridge, running eteriy and westerly 677.7 feet to corner iJ.. i i,i,niienl with corner No. S, Mold- .iki a k rt tnrs N. 74 dea. W. '. n inH this survey: thence N..3S 4 feet, and a hemlock tree 18 inches in dtg. M mln. W., variation 19 deg. DO mln. diameter, biased and scribed 4-325 B. T., K m f,;ct. Bummlt of muln rhlge run bears S. 41 deg. 60 mln. W. U.1 feet dla-,, northwesterly and southeasterly tant; thence & 56 deg. 90 min E.. varla- feet lo comer No. 8, a hWf Df: tlon 20 deg. E., 258 feet. Bummlt of ridge ol). 4,4 inches by 4 feet Ion.. at running northwesterly and aoutneasieriy w mches In the ground, witn of LJnn. atate of Orcaon. St Page No. 149, of volume No. 8, of Mining Kecogds oi said county, ItM linear teet is claimed alone: the vein, which Is well defined. Tha nrntuKMil aeneral course or direction of said vein Is parullel with the side lines Oregon Oily. In Ihe state of Oregon, they of said claim, as shown upon the plot will he barred. In virtue of the provls- pouted herewith, and la aoout nortnwest-,10ns 01 sum 011-, I -. .. . 1 ., . ,...., Tf, f I, tv notiried that nnlesa their adverse claims are duly filed as according lo law end Ihe regulations thereunder, within 80 days from the dale hereof, with Ihe reg ister of tha I'nlted Btstes land office nl eriv to southeasterly. About 75 feet Is claimed on the lode southeasterly from the point of discovery and about 1428 feet northwesterly from the point of discov ery. Tbe said claim Is bounded 00 the outheast by the Mold Back, White Mult and Red Hulr lode claims; on the south weat by the Oold Mulch lode claims; on the northwest by the Hed Rock placer t uy tne licit Inline, There the knowledge toz ieei. ouicii running f.ann anu aiuiirs v . . - - t .,,.,, rlnlm and on the northeas Ridge running norther and southerly W hemlot.k tree 18 Inches in lmeter, biased cm un, anu " """neas feet. Gulch running northerly 'and scribed , 3-325 UT, oears 0, ronnicUng clilms to iain naif) running eawwjrijr Bnu wvew.. min. JV. -, . itfuilirnnf Sue feet to corne? No. 6.' A hewed flr , inofteis In diameter, biased "mflb'v-1 ofTh"' u,ld Hack claim Is 1 pout 4x4 inches by 4 feet long set W inches -225 BT, bears N. m S- the offlee of the county cl n the ground, with mound ot stones, 84 feet; thence N. w ueg. o "" " runly f Linn, state of .rlhrt -325. whence a fir tree 24 lnchea ,inn 20 deg. 10 min. K. 60U feet to ouniy 01 "' - ' in diameter, blazed and scrinea e sso earner No. 4, a neweu iwmi : ie 7" T., bears N. 6 deg. B. 3S.4 feet, ana an-. inebell by 4 feet long, set is incnes m other flr tree 24 Incjee In diameter, biased j the Kround, with mound of stones scr bed and scribed 6-325 BT, bears B. 79 deg-IJl On line 2-8 of Gold Oulch lode 16 mln. B. 109 Ti; tnence o.-s o-. this survey; wnenee a nnrow.- '"".rs mln. W., variation 1 deg. 50 min. ts., inche, diameter, masea ana "'' feet. Comer No. Z Oold uug loae. inia .j bt, bears . o oeg. survey, on line 6B.i ieei v corner 1, an(j another nemioca irre m the place oiOTginmng . diameter, masea ""u h" -a c.ri..i.. nnrnor No. 1. a hewed flr Sf!- ta mm v' variation 20 deg. 10 ... ... hv A feet lone aet 18 Inches i t nu 7 ret. Corners Nos. 4 and 2 in rna ffrmina. Willi scribed 1 825, whence of record In erk of said Oregon, at page UM,,,c!a fit tti.1,1 county; lSoO linear feet Is clnlmei along the vein, which Is well defined. The pre M,,m,,j .,.nrn 1 cuiirsA or direction of said vein ia narnlkd with the side lines of ai,l llm mm .hnsn untin the tilat nost. ed herewith, and Is about northwesterly tn southeasterly. About 260 feet Is clalnted nn ik. iiwla. anoiheasterlv from the point at discovery and about 12S0 feet north westerly from the point of discovery. The said claim Is bounded on the southeast by C1IARI.E8 n. MOOWKB. Register in diameter. Diazea ana e:rioeu beans 8. 78 deg. W. 28.8 feet distant, ana nr treAite incnes in ummeier, u,t " .Vn nr ..V.n lral"- ri.'"." 'rX-,AuYu .A tlold Gulch unmiryeyea govcrnmiuji ..r " " y . . . I respectively ui r ..i..h clold Bug Imle claim; on tne eouinwrm ? iLHT lofles, tnrn ee" No. by the White Bt Bull lode claim; on the and scribed 1-325 BT, bearg 8. 64 deg. V . . ... en Mtrnaa IaO. " essvw - - . . - . , runn.nfr nonneny if-v .-, r,r(hwi-iit bv th Red Hun ,oua c.aim 1, the place o !nl the Lawler plftcer claim, nnd on th h-?we4 pine ar, I MAe.Aas KIr 1 n hPWt l ur Ml a TTiA flllWOVt'rV TOHlV I AA nnhPI hV 4 I4t lUIIKi a. ' of this location bear. N.- 72 deg. 26 mln. E. 'fiShV jn the ground, with mound of 11S6.S ttA 1 Tha mAiith tit an Old tunnel running northwesterly pears n. at u. min. B 2S2 feet. V. B. M. M. No. 1 bears N. 10 deg. 23 mln. W. 22 feet. Comer No. 8 of U. B. lot No. 87, White Bull loae, as re-established rrom lta . oearing oojei:, bears N. 73 deg. 40 mln. B. 166.8 feet . . m j . mc mIm v. variannn 19 tnence r. iw oca. . .,,,, - , deg. 60 mln. E.. 13S.S feet, interseci line 7 or U. . lot o. 61, w lute nun at N. 69 deg. 24 mln. W. 49.15 feet from cor ner No. 8, 140.4 feet. Intersect line 41, Bed Bair lode, this survey, 251.8 feet. Intersect line 8-1 of U. 8. lot 87, White Bull loae, at N. 83 deg. 12 min. B. 102.1 feet from cor ner No. 8, 301.7 feet, comer No. 1 of Gold Back lode, this survey, in line too ie-i w comer No. 2 on line 1 or uoia om. lode, this surrey. A hewed flr post 4x4 Incnes oy ieei long sei i incnes in mo ground, with mound of stones, scribed 2 325,. whence a flr tree 24 inches In diam eter, blazed ana ecrmefl z aa dt. Dears N. 35 deg. 30 mm. in reel, ana a nr tree W inchea In diameter, piazea ana scribed 2325 BT, bears N. 88 deg. 6 min. B. 28.5 feet distant; thence S. 81 deg. B9 mln. H, variation 19 deg. 60 min. is.. i foot l.ilh runs anntherlv 403 feet. Sum mit of ridge running northeasterly and Bummlt of main noge, raunis terly and southwesterly 826 feet. Nos. 2, Gold Cannon and Gold thli survey, on line 978.4 feet southwesterly 710 feet. Gulch runs hewed flr post 4x4 Inches by 4 feet "th- ;Wth long I SOI westerly 1408.2 feet to corner No. 8. A whence a hemlock tree 16 incnes in oiam- scribed 1311325; whence feet; whence a pine ir K,Vr eter, blazed and scrlled 1-3-1-325 ", bears 8. 40 deg. 60 mln. W. 29 feet, and iflr tre" sTnches In tJlmeterblaae4 and scrllK-d J-J-l-S25, . J?:J?"a tid- deg. 30 mln. W. 29 feet; thence 8. 48 deg. 69 mln. B., variation w '",", ia 4fAt Hiimmir or nin.111 iwb,ji i north eafjti fornern Now win a Jmm. Vila atlit-VsftV 41 ft to corner No. 2, Identical with corner xjo. 3, Cild Cannon lode, thle survey; thencs H U deg. .03 min. W., variation ill df 50 mln. K., 294.5 feet, to comer No. 8 a hewed flr post 4x4 Inches by 4 feet long, set Tin Inches In the ground, with mound of stones scribed 8-826: whence a flr tree 10 Inches In diameter, blazed and ibd 8-325 BT, bears N. 43 deg. 15 mln. B. 21.2 feet, and a fir tree 12 inches In diameter, blazed and scribed 3325 BT, bears B. 3 fleg. 10 mln. B. 14 feet! thence 8. 68 deg. 58 mln. W., variation 19 deg. 60 min. B., 25 feet. Bummlt of ridge, running north erly and eoutherly, 20 feet to corner No. 4. a hewed hemlock post 4x4 Inches bv 4 feet long, set IS Inches In the ground. mound or stones scrioeo , northwest by unsurveyen government land. There are no conflicting claims to bntwl... a niknlW'flnt. The Oold Bug claim Is of record In the office of the county clerk of said county of I-Inn, slate of Oregon, at Page 321 of volume 4, or Mining necoros ui sv... twu,. ty; 1600 linear feet Is claimed along: the vein, which Is well defined. The pre Mimed general courae or direction of said vein is parallel with the aide lines of said claim, as snown upon me piai uu.ic,, herewith, and is about northwesterly to southeasterly. About 1400 feet la claimed on the lode southeasterly from the point of discovery and about 100 feet north westerly from the point of discovery. The said claim Is bounded on the north east and southwest by unsurveyed gov ernment lnnd; on the southwest by the; Gold Finch lode claim, and on the north h. ih. nA nalr. White Bull and I Gold Back lode mining claims; 0.028 aerj of said claim Is In conflict with the Red Balr claim, being Included In the appli cation for patent of which this l notice and 0.058 acre of enld claim w in connict ulk , 1. . Whl,. H,,, imifl ..(itim. lllfl H.IOJ White BU I loae cmim n,i i,,-;v.... , lr ,i ii i ri.n. ini. .i,. been patented, and being now owned by Mr. ar,u Mri. e . A. urotl leit on tbe appllchnt. There are none otner connict- ( ov risuu iraio vesierusy noon, ior nan Ing claims to ins nvmuBD , r iauu:suo sou win ue auseut irom ASn CThe Gold Finch claim Is of record In'lend tor several weeks at least. Mrs. the office of the county cieik of said Qroft' health it poor and the Hip tofjal county of Linn, state of Oregon, at page . ifornia it made with the hope of benefit . ting it. Ashland Tidings. Just from Caoe Nome. Tbomat E. Kuaeell, former Eugene carpenter aod architect, o( the Geary school houte, arrived here (hit alternoon direct from the Cape Nome mining dis trict, which he lft October 26th, to visit Int parents, children auJ rclativea and friends here. He tayt that country, be thlnki, it the riihtst mining field in the world. In lacl not one half of ite richness has been narrated Mr. Kutsell sayt miners make from $20 to 12000 per day ; that be has hlmscll taken out $100 per day for tome time, lie intends returning soon. The country is very sickly, hundreds dying from pneumonia. Tom bad a pocketful of nugrete Those gotten on the beach are oildlaed and therefore are quite black. In one day be took out 16 ounces of gold. Ouat J. Licenie to wed was iaaued by the clerk of Linn to Mr. Geo. Irvine acd Mitt Mae Cummingt, on Wednesday. That even ing the young people were married at tha home of tbe bride's parent! ntar II alser, in th pretence of their immedi ato relatives anJ friende, their being tome fifteen people present to witnett the ceremony, M r. Irvine ie foreman ot tbe Corvtllit Timee, and ia well known bere having resided In th't city for lev ers! yean. Mise Gumming! is the daughter of a well-to-do farmer of 111- tey. xiiey will begin boutekeeplng In Corvallis, in a few days when they will be at home to their friends. (Jtiette- Union.