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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1899)
' Wool Blankets. 6 Jb 5 ? fl " 6 " White., 10 00 Wblt. 00 Koarlet 0 00 rey 8 7ft Orey 3 85 Gray y 00 Virlntii wslgbta and qualUtea of Or- niaruuo inu vicuna Uianieil at equally ciosa prirtt. Cotton Comforts. Full list, 72i78, and (alt weight. 5. gitalin cover.. ,1 M 6W " Ballot cover, . . . . a 10 . illk ruflle j 25 Thtie anode liava maia.lalt. 1 .... i and m cinnot p.nli ,.... . ...i .. I i , 'r'"v' Mwnt v jii i labove prices. Sec East Show Window. S. E. Younc k Son. WEDNESDAY. At the Bazaar, Mllinery Our entlra remaining stock of Ladles Trimmed Haia at substantially reduced plcet. Cloaks If yen hart not yat pur chased a wrap, you wilt tind va.uet and stylet to Interest jou Id tha Cloak dttpart ntea LE.& II. J. HAMILTON. Played Basket Ball. Baikal bat! hat bacon, t ilit moat pop olar Indoor contest among tbt college! of the United (State, and it particularly mooting III favor among tbt lady stu dents, having proven a bea.thy, athletic game buimdio lor them. A ban was given an opportunity last night to see an you us Standing the severe etorm Ik... lerettlntr inti. Int aUlfl ter ladies of Albany College, coiwlth- teamt of a. i - - - wv m tawwrtj veins a good attendance at tbt armory. Two balveaof (want n.ln.n. ... 1. . . Ur0, consisting of M iaiet i v""i Morrison, rrencb, Lewie and tbt Black consisting of Mist Mc L'.'.1"' tf'"' WrP'y. Clem and me urti uau em lavoroi ttiauran Nuttln I tha Orfinirev irom tbt field and a goal ended 3 to 2 In being a goal apiece Lemon pool Orange peel Citron, Halting.' ' CurranU' , Detot," Walnuts, I haye everything that' got to make Tin a A. .1.... i" .. v. a vaaa. A, 0, Buii? e. . . a a omweu una win bt received by tnt nbdtralgned until Thortday, November OA I. IAaa Ah . jvw, low aua wen openod by the Kxeo otlv. commlttto, for cooping, feeding tod caring for tbe poultry, eto., and 'fL'lP lhVh,?wn)om at the annual exhibition of tbt Oregon KUtt PoultrT Ata'oM to be held at Albany, Ore, Jan. uary 22-20, li'O). Full particular! and Monk propoealt reury by 'ddrM"ln ' :"o" ?. FlSWICT, Portlaa la It..., eccoont of a' taTlT Jo" U.o half ui'.l. orruo? w,f uobl P'T. Tbe 7. .? . ""'a f euperlor work at tbe goal of Mlaeea Clem and Murpbr who threw all bajkttt. one wat t7rown for tbe Oransa. Ti.i . " orevioua aonounea team and tha The ttlaeln.: . I. . .!".' '. en the ii ha.-- .. ,u,y.uvlPl tbe college "u oioer couegrt. Morris Case Submitted. 1. a I aueiriaioi ctae naabrr 2 cf Lion county agt. Egtrra.nrr p n n i. end bondimtn waa tomploted latt Dlgbt rBnVl . 0U MO't. Which will render Ha decielon la tbe two caat at a uneia will be Dreaenia.1 h-i it.. I. ,i ; . fw. o. a6Dd?b,.,2'kf,kih; b.d feWtt ."J V" "oner b. :,j LZZ rrr.T V" Z "oa 01 100 aM term nd bow aacb be turned over to blmtelf 7"'arr beginnlog ol the .ec' ond term of office, lie refuted to antwer h?,!A'r0.l!n1' u criminate -, ...cviing uii inieteita la tbe crltn Inal catet to Be tried htieafter. IIoudat Oooet.- Saota Claua It c pen B op uia oeadqoarten tblt year at iuh' 3V?Tr Sl0f " hU "iay ana baturday. Yoo are all lnli-H in .u . ' . , .. , -u rvovw u it ao- IuMA Bit lltn- In ..lit.. ., il-" ."tr" ".' sura wf. natviiva. iruaranz 1 1 1 r... f. 1' '. "u yourume in buying H ii a pleasure to abow their goode. mh . Ilia BltivA onnm miu9nt . 4 .m . nn-1 1 1 -01 1 4i flot;attend C. E. COLLINS At Second and Ferr tl.. L ' ... uuiuKrapa gauery, aoet Upholstering, Repairing of Furniture, Picture Framing. Uivt him a trial. Chrlatmns 1K05) Try you A SOCIAL A1WPERS0NAI, -I.(i-.ri A'1P C'.ren(lcr' Erownivllle Theft ndJUon of M Biodret tblt aft ernoon considered to ha .1. nPJ:JL,A,: 0l""lof'er and wife of the kVVao." ,be flm 0 tb MUi ICdlth Tl.nn..- . n .n. uiwiir -IlVIIUBe n a . . i-rt t.i.i.I . mf uuaintit and A.wVo'dfid.v,; 4 ,r,,m,,'t ,b Uolll tlia TkimA,...ll. T, . ., . - .-'w.-.wiw.iu auu iieDUDiican convention 1 .i.i r, . . . . " " vii rnuav niunu 10 the Baliimore bin-k.ii.. attar at tlia a.,. UJWIJ, Mm. J lm 1 u. . . r. ari l . . T '""J win non call d lieie by Ibedageroua illneaaoi her brother Mr. JEdBlS.iitt ,"neM01 -,1':": W,.'?2J flJ '". t Oorvallit. T."r. "rrrtt0 V""''f ?r t'e benefit of lUVir LI1IIII H Ilaaal Iff. a. . . . a reiurnea to remain permai.entiy. iue iioine foraaj bai paid to Mre. Mary Gray, one thoua.n.r .inii.X. .1 . ftPn'S?'.?' V,e !e,'lou, ,Ilne" ' Mr. M B odgctt the book aocial announced th..pftCe rt lU U'F hh to night bat been poeiwncdtoa date here ftcr to be named. ' b 1 flnt trip at traveling conductor. Tha ..Mw 00e ,n Intereet.ofa nlnitl. ani .f I ...""5 Of the people and the rai.'ioad. Mr. Tynan la a good man for tbe place. nlfa.rLJ.F Wa,.,Mt Kft Tbunday eve- !if.itJ ,0.i'' ,n,er", M. K. cuurca South . hh. -m . .. ,' i , departmentt In church 0'fn;' Klon tocloliei. While near Albany. -Aehland Tldmge. nTirw0tC,na, nt"f'fno'eot the A. U. U. W. hall l..i n . - i i. 'it 7 V. "'"' a very en- T,n!il!Di,?.0u' bo' ol M veral rr,- J...T w nnytiiing dot I red on iw E .t.!i? 'L1"." ,ti?t t0ok PerUcuIar- " wany mtvii UUDgCrT lor iitJl?0 ' K,n'M cyclone The affair wat an tvent that a Hi W be re- Biemotreu. Tbe Old da.a nf . u.. vaiiia .nd v.'r;: ::". irr.vf- mind Saturday, by tbe pamge through towo of J. 0. wood, who wat en route 7th nr,'1" ,0.E,k Ci7' AJ bi,1!,;Bb,.er' Mrt- Ki"rd Abbey. Away back in tbe eeveoliee, even befoie he-e wat talk of a railroad between tbe two poiota. air. W,, . j.,. ... on the route Utwten Newport and Cor- vaiut. lit began tbe eervice nearly SO J ear i aco. anrl mni.nn. I. i. . i Uine.-CorvelliaTlmM. f Comedians Coming. To tbe cltiaent of Albany and vlolnlty we Invite to call and feaat your eyet on tbe many ucauiuu, uunga we have on die nl for tli- irK..,. F.M.French jhe, nwy Jeweler io Our line of DUmonda, Witcbea, Kinfct.Obalnt, Jewelry, Silverware and Stiver noveltiei it larger than at any tlma during the 20 yean nf our butineat In Albany. Parker Bros. For the best Groceries, Baked Goods, and Fresh Produce and Fruits. Mr. Henri Stuart, manamr iii,. Stuart & Bird 'a Comic nlavera la ln"iha city arranging for tbe tonaranea ni .1,- eompaoy here Monday evening Dec. 4. i jvoeiana paper layi : Btuart ft Bird't comic playeia preaenU ed tbe farce rowed ra pa" at KoMlaod yjmta uuua. ihi eveniow to crowded bouae. Tha Ky,.n.. i - oatioot and the company brought each nf I ntaaal ltlt alfauaail Va. .. """hvbij. 109 anaience tmlled, tnictered and laughed from the rlie to the fall of curtain. Tbe fun a a lati ana luriooi. The aneeialt. Mni. . . i. . mark, t rank Ba t vntina nrn.-n We In high daaa baaao eelectioat. Dot ruitoa marla lrin,l. ! i. i... . .. MWTCVU u.t iua couple are excelleut delioeatera of Mon golian eccentrictiet. Nellie Uoodwin'a uuga bdu toit tnoe danclog wat pleat log. . .... V . , 1 n . . wr rfwun Dy ueorgt A. Bird, wat a ;ooa enaction of an ecceotrto character, . u. aiuert. or "i'-.n"ni w h p.ii. Una Waa Oft lo tha tnmrk T.I. . k' - ileal character and Mr.' Ballvntina ac nnitl-jl a. t la w- - .... uimeeii wtll in It. Mr. Kalpb - . awi.. u. uvu &wt;aw butband, proved bimtelf an artiatof ouneiuerauie ability. Dot Fulton Marie, bad a aonbralta rnl- an1 nU.-4 u I. .i. wa v.m.v au. I. it wat worth, adding brr full quota of un to tht play, JTbe balanea of tha i.t amniti-1 th-m eelvri well. Tbe eompaoy leit a good impreaaion anj will De welcomed warm i. i . .i . wuea inej piay a remra eogtgemeni. Admltelnn hO ivnt. U.uui Without extra chirm at Rnrhhart Ue't. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Frtitnt, all offleert and councllmen. Upon report of tbt committee on ac count! and current txptntet tbt follow ing billt were ordered paid : ..'aAA1,1,? Co 2. BrJ CMan $1.60, W U O 78o, 8am Uodu i, Llec i.r,0.LlLhtC 78-wjl N I" ' w, Parker Broe, M 63, P 0..ben 12.78. Alb talP'V.', B"f 2-78. w '" IWlk 8 W Hmq9 e 25. Mra Itocellt $27 AO. Tbe committee on Ureeti and public property reported In favor of tbe pro poeed S. V. tide tract on 7th atreet. Tha ordlnan. M.ln .1.. ..i.... . .... chief of police at $00 a month wat pasted nnaoimoualy, after a live ditcunton on the eonmlidatlA- f ii.. .n... chief of police or marshal and atreet tuperintondent Pfeiffer, Richards and Graham being In favor of tbe tarns. The B, P. tide tratk ordinance wat naaaad. . It rwrrall. th. . ... .1. on Kailroad ttreet at 7th. Licensee were granted II. L. Cranor and P. L. Kelt. 1 be matter of clothing for tbe two men at the MOOn hltanilal oaa ..f... 1 1,. wuiuiunvg nean.1 ana txiuce with power to act. ana mattar m numh 11.. a.. .1. . W, U. 111. U.. artment in ! i...i. essly. Till mlll.r nl It.. 1.111 .1 IV TT T 1 or Duuame a ei.i-rn at it ... . U. gomery ttreett wat contin otd. COUNTY BUSINESS. acrt In tbe recordtrt court tht following1 inatramtnu wtrtOIed: Deedt: Geo Button lo J D Irvl na. 1 Crawfordevllle HOO J M,J'!r.b' ,hwifl ,0 F P Allen.Iot 4 and 5 blk 2 A and U' td Albaoy 110 a i.muioi morigagt ntui bj tne American Mortgage Co., ol Edinburgh A J Miller toKd -oin. property at Third and va.hlnsir.n aih.n. aiiwi Ed Ooin to A J Miller, Scio property 6001 Mottgage for.. ,, eoo In Probata court: In aetata of T M Umtl... t nonatri allowed la full. inventory filed in estate of Alia Up. bam. iD 'ocelpte Bled la guardianship of r "va Final lTnnnl. A 1.4 I ...... . I A berUing and estate of Otto Sej fling. Tbe ladiea ol tbe Christian cboreb will serve dinner at tbe W. C. T. U. ball rbankssivine da hum I9w'iwir 3. Everv one it invlt-H. fnr tk- i.v,i.. An Important Dlflcrcnae. To maka II atlavant Ia k.M..-J. L tbk tbemeeTes ill, that they art not at Hicted with aay dlseate, but that tbt ys- Item simply needs cleansing, is to bring; comfort horaa to ihair hauna a .f l-i condition Ij easily cured by imrjr Syrna ' aiaauiariiDrea oy me tulircrnie Fig bvrnD Co. onlv. and mid l all dmo.. STOP" Will A Stark's and mum thalp lara ma . isplendidly teltcted stock of ringt. Any eatffn tnn arant 1jina In all .nnv... rom a present to tbe baby to a wet ring. Vjr 1 ILO by D 8 Vonng, 6tb and Tburaton eHt., Albany. Leav ordert at French 't jr weiry ttore. MISFITS. It it about time to turn the water or the sidewalk! will become boats. off A Eaxene man edvertites for a Icat Umbrella. Mhrht a. trail .orl'i.. (,r a needle lost la a hay mow. f hat is one uiog primers ma crnnot do, return a inal" Tbe Chinese pheasant will be able to take a rest beginning day af :er tomor row, l be weather is propitious for him even nOW. In fart altwalhnr I,- haa liail a pretty restful time this year. A Lebanon man gives as a recammen. da' ion for tb. office of marshal of that clt that ha an I f . Till.nla -J aw wv U..1 .11.1 v. mtM .lllUl. town four years and a Denver policeman mu foiri, iie win noimaaeit. some one eiae will get tbe office. Attkxtiox. The Press Sunt, of tbe W. C. T. U. desiret that tbe petitioni which have been In circulation aiking for tbe expulsion of B. 11 . Roberta from f!An. vaaa h ratitrn A t afra lilifni tblt evening or tomorrow morning. Tbey should be mailed lo Washington Ttiors day afternoon. The reDUbllcin nrimariea will be held tonight. On Friday acd Saturday wretpecially in nie every one to call ana toe our line ot MOST BE SOLD, My stock of goods mutt be told at an .. . .. . . 4 T Ml ....... . i r. . v av, i" UWI.I HMI uat. auu a win Kivti BTeaier Dar wiil aroan atilh wrAm ..... ri.i or t ' . . T - . .... iv t.i, i rra, i)num iubu ever, at a sample good Walt. eeota; children under twelve, 10 cents, shirts lor coly 25 cents and boysover KomaihW .,i .u,: r.J6?"' worth $3 for only $1.26. Other - opal plate and easel pboWaph.; wbching, ,a ,roPOTti'n- v- uu go. a iuint uoag a sinuio. THE FAIR. , Our new line of Art Mad allions have arrived and are being very favorably commented on both as to subject and price. Respectfully, J. A. WEAVER. A Woman Hung On tbe arm of ber husband and with teara in ber eyea begged him to go into Barkbart A Lea's dreg store and purchase a bottle cf SYRUP ol WHITE P1XE with TAR. I know tbit remedy it far ahead of any thing we bave ever tried, for Coogba and Colds, and beeidea every bottle it guaranteed by them to give perfect satisfaction or yon get yonr money back, wbicb ia 25c. We can furnish hundreds of testim onies where it brought immediate relief to those suffering witb Coughs, Colds and LaGrippe. liolliday Goods. V IT .F. M. Faaxch, Tbe Jeweler. New List. Democratic Primaries. Primaries were held In the aeveial wards laat night with the following remit: Flret ward For councilman J. J. Whitney, member of central committee P.J.Bmiley. Second ward For councilman J. M. Kale ton, antral committeeman T. J. SUtea. Third ward K. J. Seeley for council man and E. A. Bloom for central com mltteeman. The nominations are all goodonea. men who will Ijok after tht intereaU of tha city. Don't mitt our holiday display. Come in and tee bow satisfactory Christmas shopping caa be made, how well we Jan fill i your wants, and bow iar we can make your money go. F. M. French, The Jeweler. Excursion to Eugene. Thanksgiving day. Tbe trail wll leave Albany about,'10 a. m.,and arrive Albany by 12 at night. Round trip fram Albany $1.75 and possibly $1.60, accord ing to tht number going. Corvallli ex pect! to send 180 excursionists. Albany, although not having the team that the O. A. 0. has, still bat quite as much en thusiasm. A large crowd will be addet to.tbe excursion at tbit polnkl Hickory Nut.t Home made Minct Meat, Black Fis, White Figs, Popcorn, Maple Syrup, Sweet Pickles, Bulk Olivet, Silver Prunes, Fresh Hominy, 8osr Kraut, Uelery. At 0, E Browkkll's. Speaking of being on time. Will A Stark hare a large and On. .election ol tbe the best watch es to be secured, time keepers that keep time. When you want a good watch call on them. natisEonisfloiilaCoot or a Cook, or a Stove or Utensils or Groceries or Die bet or Spoons a Stove Utensils Groceries Disbet Spoons Knives and Forkt Let nt iupdIv all except tbe Cook, any good Rraruw can get a co.k. F. E. Allen & Co. N All xp y afMaAarAMfir'-avir j)0Ul)IfUl Careful clothing buyer? never consider quality alone, .or price alone. Its the happy union so fully met with right here that strikes home to our consciousness like a bullet from a rifle. You know this make 1 .1 aWARANTIKB CLOTHIHtt At the BLAIN CLOTHING Company's,