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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 1, 1899)
, Washington Letter i , (tam Our IU gvSw Oamipoadwit.) ' WAsnwoTOH,NoT.20tb, 1S89. " Representative Richardson, of Tenn. " tbe first one of the four candidate lor cbe democratic nomination for Speaker of (be House, which carries with it the 4enucratie floor leadership daring th,, r iftT-elxth congress, to reach Washlng- Can and oon headquarters. Mr. Rich ardson says he bai rccivd more pledg es of support than any one of the other three candidates Bankhead of Ale , De . Armond. of Mo., and Sulser of N. Y. end expresses confidence in his success, bat the friends of the other candidates elao express confidence of the success of their man in tbie good natured eonteet for the democratic leaderehip la the -House. Mr. Bailey, of fexas, bet not -ret reached Washington, bat he stated daring the last session that be would not - again be candidate, but would support Mi . Bankhead for the honor. Some ere , predicting that there will he e deadlock - Ia the caucus end that the friends of a!j candidates will compromise by nominat- ni Mr. Balleyagaiu. It there were aey doubts about Re presentative Ueadersoa having been the - administration s choice tor speaker. It -would have been dissipated by what has -occurred since bis arrival in Washington Almost before ne bad removed the dust of travel from his clothes, he had called st the White House to know whether Mr. McKinley had any orders to eive as to the committee assignments aside from - the packing of the committee on bank,, log and currency in favor of the eingS- gold standard bill, which was ordered laet summer. Mr. Henderson is going to be a McKinley speaker, and this house - instead of regutericg the will of Ciar Beed as tha last on did, will register he will of Mr. McKinley. In order to get control of the senate -nance committee of which e majority toave for years been silver men, ever eince the committee was controlled by the republicans, the gold worshippers ere going to reorganize the senate com' -mittee, giving the republicans tt'.ne ; members in those consisting of thirteen and seven in those consisting of eleven . Even then the gold men will only have a majority of one in the finance committee as Jones, of Nevada, classed as a silver repab ican and Wolcott, of Colorado, who calls himself a republicans bimetal- list, can be counted upon to act with the tilver n.en on the question o! repotting a hill to enact the single sold standaid . Nothing could more clearly show the close relations existing between Sereta rr Gage and the Wail street speculator?, and the absolute control of the adminis tration by the money kiegs, than the manner in which Secretary Gage went to tie fi? cue of the Wall street crowd, fcy ltA""t $25,000,000 worth of gov ernment o iwu uuurs LNrivro the order 7 vTtY0'11? issued to buy eJpecreUry Gage assured -men that no bobds would be A tanning mate Is being secured for Sir 'McKinlev. Don't mention it, bet the mat will be whoever la named by Mr. Hanna i -; ' It looks as if something ia wrong when Wall street has to be continually bob stered op by the government to save a panic. There is evidently a screw loose. Misfit. Primaries, basket ball, hot cskea tonight. With all the water around there wil be no swimming Into office thts rear. Aquinaldo is sufficiently a dodger to roaks a first class toot ball player. As a half back hs would be a star. Just now thongh he is playing full back. Chicago Is trying to make a ten stroke by standing in with Admiral Dewey. Put a Din in the fact that the people are not going back on Mr. Dewey. Euglaod baa two wars on her hand, in South Africa and In Egypt. It la a rare day that imperialistic England, always expanding, Isn't after eome poor savige a good deal smaller tban abe ia in ordeT to get bie gold or Ivory. There will boa blooming time at the basket ball game at the armory tonight, i Don't miss It. It hss been sited up like this : Hols kissed. Roosevelt talked. Dewey married and idols were shattered. .tie ueopner Qasette nominates Mr. tune judge of the sixth district. Why 7 -uwio .iiib a rest. Isn't he tirod. TELEGRAPHIC. To .Utah Matter. Bkklin, Nov. 28. The; Deutsche Zot tuns publishes the L Mowing dispatch t rreaideut Kruirar and President Bteyn have instructed iGenerala Joubart and Cronle not to split their forces Into small detachments but to strike vigorous blows. General Joubert has three corns one holdiug Lady smith, the second com- manumit the mireia. ana tne mini east of Etcourt, in order to cut off the British retreat. A Tub of a Vcaael. Makila, Nov, 28 The transport Man auense with Lieutenant Colonel WebbO Haves and three companies of tlte;Tliir- ty-nrst intantry on ooaru nas arriveu here. She narrowly escaped .dl-asler. The ofllcera and soldiers were for 12 days TUESDAY. LINN CO. VS. MORRIS. The motion ol the doteudant in the second ease of 1.1 on county agt. P, O. Morris and his bondsmen, for a continu ance of the case, was denied by Judge nurnou line aiternoon unon me convert ingoi court at 1 o'clock. Una of grounda in the application was that Obituary. -ne present bavseed cit council r oslem has saved the city 13,000 in a wagia year, xcat lea good kind of council to re-elect. bailing with unckots. The steamer was '0 ' case was proceedirg uusoaworthr. undermanned and short ol I P,e" ,IU8t provisions. Her engines broke down, and she ro'led three days In a typhoon. Miss Katie Bray died at her horns ia Albany at p. m., Sunday Nov, 80, 1800. 6he waa born Oct. 3, 1845 at Lsport, Ind At the age ol 12 yeara she moved win har mother, slater and brother to Probp eUlown, 111., where aha lived until 188 when sha csina to Oregon, She has euf rmi ail these vests never murmuring thelhut alwava raeifv and willlnit lo do all In thtlk.. ..... nnl,.it ami intra Inr tier testimony of the principal defendant was aaadmother. !SJrai?-S! hffiiibill 1 .P'wn M"s Isaves a lister, (a Iowa, a brother, would criminate himself, but tha emirtlw. i. - . .. . i held that the facta which' the dilendani "2s. TiTil ZMh whatever Apparent shortage there wss Li fria.i, mo,,;B her death. haVai rffizSl f lVr Tllwo,cn The funeral was held at the homo of hae already taken place In the civil case, bar hu thia afi.rnoou at 2 o'clock. ti e rV7IWef fcWU copy.) Ill, papers pWsie Guerrillas Now. Ka-ii.a, Nov. 2tt, II P. M.The 'us Filipino council of war was held bv the retrettting leaders at Itayombong Novem ,! lorria, in me .nouee now occupieu oy '"'llkn M.nirll.,1. T. .tu...l.,l ... Great BriUin has just formally done " Proclamation he used the AaUinakir iM0 dl 1' lar. Garcia Aleian- the red tapeipart ol notifying her broth- W0M 1 once, Theodore Roosevelt twice, drinoand eomemembeis of the so-called Great is Theodoie Uoosevelt. In Thanksgiving proclamation he used European countries that eba nas a war on her bands in South Africa. This is refreshing, Perhaps sbs desires some sympathy, " governor of the state ot New York ana uoa not at all. t The Filipino Insurrection ie on its last lege. It is to be hoped Aquinaldo Is se cared end the trouble ended. Tb ie United Statee should do justice to the Filipinos aa a people and give them the independence.aa apeople they are enti tled to nnleea they give op ,tbeir i Ighta by their own free will. Albany lias a city attorney and Shakespeare readings, but no electric liRbta. Salem Journal. Aibanv I... n city attorney and is full of electric lights one of the best systems in the state, but they are not on the atreet.s once I cabinet. Information has frwaditxl Uen. MacArthur from several sources to the effect that the council recognised the fu tiiity of attempting further reelstonce to the Americans with united forces, and agreed that the Filipinos troops should scatter and ehouid hereafter follow guer riila methoda. Good Horse Story. From the Journal: When District-Attorney 8. L, llaydsn was a boy 5 years of age, ovsrlu Polk oornty, he became the proud owner of a oayuee pony. That was 27 years sgo. The pony was Sam's ssddls horse for many veare, and carried him over a good yester There is a big demand for money, and it is not all for lbs purpose of taking op loans at a smaller rate of interest either The records ebow that the new mort gages are more than the cancellations. Boers UnUcrcatlmnteJ. London 'Nov. 2t. Despite the brhrht- Tn SootHo t.. r.n. , . i ' . I er outlook today, the Timee, in its re in beattle the Portland celinnuent tax I vU. rj ,. .:i,,.ti., ti,. n.i.. list ia hung op in public places as a I felt and says : warning to new comers against locating I The activity the Iloers display at In Port'and. The idea may be some I Points senarat"! by haodreus of miles, wnat novel, but It is not particularly I u,wr t,"'ty ' rve- several towns, cute, for nowadays.during these Drosoer I lhr reauinete i it-r battle at Belmont ous seasons Uie delinquent tax rolls are I nd sin at f"1!''"- their widespread mucn ioo large. John O. Booth tiled at Halem day at tha aga ol Otf years. Thanksgiving turkeys, 1st and saucy at the Albany Dressed Heel Co's. The Statetinan say the small pox bust ness In Halom cost nerly.1500. Ten coops of turkeys weighing about 3oO poamis each, were shipped to Port laud Irom Albany Ibis morning, The prloclpal suit In tha Douglas clr- part of the State of Orenon. The wantlJ I. ma-i..!... .i ii,. u i ii f .r.i... -. : i, it:. "-- -a w-., ... . .. vniur wnvu n. i. fio,uw dausges, count ' vrW The OmitU claim asainst the steamer a ilni ii ..... ... .. Eugeoe was settled In full and the boat m;;v rw;:"".o: ." !": ' n0ing sain. n has had a bant uu iuat iiaca 01 mm. rriday evening when a Journal A good thing to talk about nowadays is aa opera house in wnich the people of This band doesn't point in the right Albany can meet, sewe'l as for the pu- i" mlUj uiuereni sinus ol enter tainments, local and otherwise. It is the crying need of the day in Albany. Is there somebody with the push to secure one for the city. Push it along. way. It ts to be regretted tnat prices are not such as to help tha farme r in getting out of debt and staying oat. operations south of lia-e river, and their bold and offensive a- in in Natal seem to Indicate numbers i.r in exceea of our estimates. It ia clear i-it the military requirements were at lint j,-reat ly undereetima'ed. Silver Republicans.. Chicago. Nov. 20. Senator Pettiarew. of South Dakota, and ex-Congreaman Towne, of Minnesota, members of the national executive committee of the sil ver republican uartv are in Chicago. A conference ot the executive committee ol The Uinlth claim against tbi Eugene was settled In full aud the is running svaln. It has had a struggle aud deervee to weather the nsneial storms besetting It. The ladles of the Obrlstlsn church will serve dinner on Thanksgiving day from 13 until 3 o'clock. Price 39 cent, child ren under 12, 10 cents. A tetegrsra from Nstches. Mls an nounces tiiat on last Ka'.urdav, Jfov, 25, Ueorue W. ttavnard. lather ol Mrs. L. 11. Mr. liayden lost no tints In redeeming I Monlanye, of this city, died at the age of old "Prince" from bondage, and sent j about M years. himowr to'jthorsoch.'' Democratic primaries will be held at Here the old horse will anand hla d-li.. ....) ..i.l-. ... ',.u . . . cllnlng years amid ihe scenes, where be There are nomoreimnortsut oflle.. councllmea, snd hence there shcnld be a good attendance of electors to see that good men are nominated. lbs ladies of the liaptlst church will In .. . . : -. . .-. . " -1 Mason uisuop, roue by on hla rounds de livering this agent of civilization. Mr. Uaydeo noticed that the pony the boy was riding had a familiar look about him. lie accordlaalv hailed tha bo. and Investigation proved tbat It was the ssma oio sorrel pony. and Ham were beon companions when both were colts, so many years ago. Coilepc Notes. give a social at the reeirfence of Mrs. J, A game of football will be played Dec. , ml . . Kl1' 9 Utween the High school team and ti I "!Ii,'.?-?.i.H-a''Jn lt''' th" second team of the college. team constate ol Stewart, The second Ashby, 11. W. D. Bynom ol Indiana, has got what he baa been banting, one of the appraisers of customs in New York at (7,000 a year. Mr. Bynom was in Ore gon several years sgo, and the republi can papers remarked what he was. gold trust be is all right. Albany men are kept busy nowadays Ptv will be held here Tuesday, at n.Z.It,. t m,,,', nT,' Cool,yJ telling candidates for office that they h plans.for the coming presidtl.1 g-05"10'-1. Dickinson and win oe at uie conventions to vote for them. Every voter woald do well to go into tie convention without any promis ee, aa he has a risotto. Aa mmit . . . .1 nmmiut. aa maAa .1 . i a blowbard I yn-t l '. ''r,Z i6" "u wl mva ,ney ... . ... . . I ' u.. M,U V WBV. out now taxing siaes who ine those bod newapapeil - bought.' Later he received his orders from Wall street, and promptly obeyed by ordering a purchase of bonds. Whsn .the Wall street gang squeezes toe pab lie, the government never goes to the re lief ol the public, but let the screws be turned a few times on the big specuia- . tore, and tbe treasury damps a big wad of public money into Wall street to ease tbepinch One of the trnst magnates who lately testified before the Industrial Commis sion stated tbat wages to err ploy ee ia the branches of industry controlled by his company had been advanced 40 per cent, la another part ot bie testimony he admitted that it had become necessary for the trust of which be was a director to close down a number of factories which it had purchased because it" was not to financial interest of tbe trnst to keep them In operation . This is an example of the way in which frosts ara helping labor. CIRCUIT COURT. Department No. 1 of the Circuit court convened in the W. O. T. U. hall this af ternoon pursuant to adjournment, with Judge Burnett in charge. In Pope Anderson & Co., agt 8. R. Templeton for recovery of money, judg ment waa rendered for tbe plaintiff. In John Memert agt Keber, for recov ery of personal property, tbe defendant gave oral notice of appeal. In the case of Linn conntv art P. G. Morris for the hearing of whicn the court was adjourned until amend ed complaint had been filed and a de murrer to tbe same was disposed of, when the defendant by his attorney moved to continue the case on the campaign will be discussed. Alliance with the democratic party in the comiotr j campaign win be tne uppermost topic of ' uwuussion. A Wreck. Pobtlakd. Nov. 20. The Union Pacif ic passenger train which left Portland at 8:30 lasteveninghnet with an accident ; 40 minutes later, one mile west of Roost er Ro!k, on the Columbia river , where by Fireman Mtlor lost his life, and Engi neer Kooert uunter was badly injured. A rock slide obstructed tee track and was not seen until too late to avoid the collision. Surrendered. Wasuwotos, Nov. 26V The secretary ot thenavy today received a telegram irom Admiral wateoo, stating that the enure province of Zsmboaoga, island of Mindanao, surrendered to Commander very, o! the Castine, unconditionally, November.10. Delivery of all guns was promised. Ltxni chiefs declared them selves loyal. Big .Capture, Cairo, Nov. 26. Sir Francis Wlngate in uie oatue witn tbe khalifa's force. near ueato, captarea wuu men. roans, neonie eeneciauv A ttloa nra grain bas been arranged and a good time is anticipated. Aainitsiii, io ne. Avery enthusiaille meeting of those intereeted In prohibition was held last An Indoor baseball team is beln or I .... ' r .' "." gsnlied with Lyle Soeer as msn.gsr. W- A,b.n7l riuh V h bsvs msterial for a one team. J ' 5?..' . I.,n. 1"? f. . The November number of the College ffi' ,,. Vdloo Sed Student hss been issued. It finest (',1.1.3. ...uJ.. IfZZ, T: sMllan sR.l t ..11 . m . . " w ..- wvtiiii P f ..v U r.';i- ...1.7.7. :.lj -7.jz'" p. .hiui i num "B DOUiawetl- ern Oregon," giving the experience of one of tbe studeats daring his summer vacation. If. K. Saltmarah and Jos Torbel of the senior class, J. U. 8wsa of ine juniors, Geo. Pratt, Frank Stel.macberand John Acheson of tbe sophomores and Geo. Byere of the treebmsn will enter tha or- atoricai eonteet this year. From the Dubuque Herald: Tbe American people will jtt affirm the doc trine of tbe declaration of Independence and of Washington's farewell address when the paesiens of the hour snail havs . snbsided and the sober second thought asserts iteeelf. All questions of a net ionat character mast be adjieted to the standard ol liberty and tbe right of tbe people to govern themselves. "A Yard ot Roees'' and "A Yard o Xttens"pale into insignificance when ompared with "A mile of poster, "which did acontinaous performance for some . thing over ths allotted 5,280 feet between the tracks of street railroad line in Battle Creek, Mich, not many weeks ago. Peo ple passing through the business section o? tbe city one morning could not see eith - er end of the mammoth poster, so far.did it extend toward tbe vanishing point io -either direction. The huge advertise ment, which was probably .the largest ""single sheet stand" ever produced, was printed on a continuous roll of paper con' talning 2,264 000 square inches in a strip 35 inches wide. A repetition of the form was made every 24 incbe. Tbe work was what might be termed a by-product of a new macnine which is not yet per fected. The strange result was obtained by diverting the printed web fro4i its regular course through ths folder end of the machine, and attaching it to a re winding device on an offset web. The novelty excited mnch comment among -tbe people who aaw the posters streached along between tbe rails of ths street car racks The printing of this big poste' was done by the Duplex Printing Pres Company of Battle Cieek, Micu. Boston "(Mass.) Morning Journal. There is soma fan poked at appendi citis oy some of tbe papers. Tbe Ore onian note and comment man aa three physicians in Portland have had the disease and tbat tbey did not take their own medicine and have an opera tion performed. The fact ia jost this: Most surgeons will not advise an opera tion unlets tbey think it necessary. And tbat it is neceeeary in many cases is a fact. An appendix was taken oat in Al bany this week with two formations in it, one of which had become so large aa to burst through tbe appendix. Several attacks and all kinds of treatment bad been had with only temporary results. Another attack might have been fatal. It is not a fanny business. There are cases tbat need operations' and eases tbat do not, depending on whether the accumulations in tbe appendix have be come too large to be gotten oat of the aystem without one. ground tbat the criminal cases against the defendant should cm heard first. There being no authorities presented on I and children. Osman uua point toe court aaiournea antu to-1 cipsi general ot ins Knaii. morrow aiternoon at l o clock to give I urge. time tor investigating authorities, Judge Burnett going to Salem on tbe afternoon train, promising to go to the bottom of the matter in the state library. Thanksgiving Program. Following is tbe program for tbs Thanksgiving Union service at the M. E. church south, Nov. 30, at 10 a. to. Ser vices In charge of Rv. Fenton i Masie. Invocation Rev. Looit bottom. HOME AND ABROAD. Have VOUr atOva IwtlUhiltl ti Ctanun A tlCLtliaT, ood grot-cries and produce'at E. F, rentoo's, First et. Hill Block, The beat ha, aata and mill r.t In in. leity at E. F. Fenton ' Hill block. OhJ papere ten cents a hundred at the UXMOCMAT Offlet, .Slesmer Ruih f,r Portland and way ndings on Mondays, Wednesdays aud riday at7.e,tn.. u Almonds, walnnts, pecans, filberts, Brssillsn nuts, nine nuts, hickory nuts an J cbesnots at Vlereck's Bugs- Bowl. Souvenir paper cutters, cream and loom powaer jars, Jink elands, spoons, 000 men. women I Reading ol the flret Thanksgiving SeoiftSll? eVved LaWII Digna,tbe prin- Proclamation by President Wssbington r3X! alia. is atili at ia 1789-Uev. Stevenson. r renc-us jewelry store. The Oiegon Sunday School Tidings -has been reeeiveJ with an extended ac count of tbe proceedings of the recent etate convention beld in this city. Tbe entertainment received in Albany is spoken very highly of, the delegates re marking as tbey left: ' A great place tbat Albany." Mr. Haona's Mr. Dick, who "figure hesdativeiy" directed tha Republican end of tbe Ohio campaign, has been de clared by th.t eminent jarist, ex'Ssnalor Edmunds, to be a violator of the c'vil service law and amenable to prosecution and punishment. Mr. Dick ia tbe architect and builder, aa well aa one of the chief circulators, of tbat famous circular sent oat several weeka before the election, demanding campaign cootrlbntiona from all the postmasters in tha country to asve Mc Kiniey'a second-term boom from co'lapee and to vindicate tbe incomparable Han na. Mr. Dick, in addition to being Mr. Henna's understudy, is also the Repub lican member of Congre.a from tbe Ninth Ohio District. Tha elvU service law declsrea tbat no Representative in Congress shall "direct y or indirectly solicit or receive, or be in any manner concerned in soliciting or re ceiving, any assessment, subscription or contribution for any political purpess whatever, from any officer, cierx or em ploye of the United States." Tbe circular from Mr. Dick's committee was sent to every postmaster in the Unit ed States. Tbe Republic has nameron s letters on file from solicited nontm..!.,. I Tbe A. C. L. 8. will crlve a sosial Fri- inmsoySUtes justifying this conclusion 'y evening, uec. 8 Tbey are prepsr- i jug . frugi.uj, wnica will iuuiuuv uj.uj .u morons selections. Saturday Foot Ball. The gamo in this city between the Central school and High School elevens, properly the high school with the tenth grade left out, resulted in a victory for the Central 21to0. Two goals were made in the first half and two goals in the second. One of the latter was the sensation of the game. The high school boys had the bail within a few feet of the central goal when they lost the ball. Tbe Centrals took it, gave it to half-back Francis, who ran aroand the goal posts and across the field with tbe high school boys after him, bat be was too fast for them and made a touch down. Two more games will be played. At Portland tbe U.ofO, and Malt nomabs played to a tie. in Uorvaliis the U. A. U. defeated tbe Indians alter difficult work 18 to 17. The Indianemade two touch downs in the first nine minutes, Tualitin defeated Forest Grove 17 to 5. The most sensational game of tbe sea son was plaved in the east between Yale and Princeton. With the score 10 to 6 in favor of Yale and one minute to go. Poo, of Princeton, kicked a field goal winning tbe game for rrinceton . One of Yale's goals was 1 from the field kicked by Sharpe on the 45 yard line. Other games were : At Providence, R.I. Brown,16; Dart mouth, 6. - At Cambridge Harvard freshmen,54; Yale freshmen, 0. At Carlisle Carlisle, 81 ; Oberlin 0. At Pittsburg Duquesne O and A C, 64; state college, 6. At Evans ton, 111., Northwestern 29; reraue, u. A Canard. Havaxa, Nov. 27. Nothing is known at headquarters id thia division or in Urneral Lee's division to justify the re port paoiisoea in tne united states and cabled back here, that 1000 armed insur gentejbave taken to ,tbe wooda In th province of Pioar del Rio, and that general uprising bad been planned f Tbaukegiviagday .against tbe American Cannon's Position. - Washikotox, Nov. 27. A rathir stranirs story is afloat to the effect that Representative Cannoo, o! Illinois, a vet eran member of tbe houee and republi can party, is opposed to gold-standard legislation at this session, of congress. Uis argumetu is that we are now on the gold standard una it is useltss to put it in the statute uuoks. Six New Cruiser Wasihxotox, Nov. 27. Contracts for six new 8600- ton cruisers were awarded today at tbe navy department, in accord ance with the recommendations of the ociara oi construction, ine cruisers are to be constructed in accordance with tha department's designs. Our War. Manila, Nov. 27. Steamer from San Fabian yesterday brought 115 Spsnisli prisoners, $75,000 insurgent government mony, and other property captured by Lawton'e troops near Yayud, the 25th. Wheaton's trrops and Fowler's com pany of the Thirty-third drove the ene my westward from Mangalare, a few miles southwest of Dagupan. and cap tured five S inch muzzle-loading guns, 12 rifles, 20,000 rounds ol Maxim cartridges 1000 shrapnel, 800 pounds of powder and other property; also 94 Spanish and 7 American prisoners. A Successful Attack. London, Nov. 27. Tbe war depart ment baa received the following dispatch from General Bailor: Hildyard, going from Estcourt, made a successful attack November 23 with S battalions, one field battery, a naval gun Music. Resdim of President's Proclamat'on Rev. Reed. Scripture readinK-Rsv. Holme. Prayer Rev. Wire. Music Sermon Rev. Stortevaot. Prayer Rev. SlreyftMer. Offering. Doxology, Benediction Rsv. Hartmao. 42 Years in Eugene. Wood boxes have arrived. Tha finvar Bowl bas batter, pears, oranges, lemons, bananas, apples, figs, dstes, cocoa outs and homemade mince meat. Solid satisfaction riven awa. with every purchase at Will & Stark's, deal ers in good wares, silver, gold, glass and bones. Ssveral Albany people will see orange and lemon mixed at Eugene tomorrow. According to custom tba Daily Dbmo caaT will not appear tomorrow evening. We will celebrate. Ji-lr Mill. k. mM kl. ...I.t.n. . . Speaking ol the life of Joseph O. Ursy Third and Washintton uresis, to Mr. Kd who died la this city Sunday olgbt Ihe 0on. who will reside there. Guard aaya: An admission fee of ten cents will be Io 1857 be located in Eugene, lie waa (,rea lU ,0 " s tomorrow appointed United Statee aorveyor'and ttwo,on the Central and Mad InctmpanywithWm. H.Odell made . &B, rilti i'k'I1 ft Zrtl? lt? survey in Esstbern Oregon. He next en "i'Tol'l'V,", h bhh "bo?1 gaged in tbe harness and ssddlery bus- ST5" ."V P with the Centrals, ad mass In Eagene, aftr which he became to Ui .. part owner of the flooring mills in this Al coming election It is well to re piece, lie was elected county treasurer ber that all the officers will be elect in 1874. re-elected in 1876 and naiii Jul, ed for a term of two yeara. Na mora 1884; was elected again in 1891, serving u men' This (sunder tbecberter two years. Ho was the first president ol as amended by the last legislature, dona the city e uncil and waa a inemberof tne board for several years. ieceased ass a member of Rinnn. Lodge No. 11, A. F. & A. M R. A. M. No. 10, and the Eastern Star. For tbe last years Mr. Uray bat devoted his time to tbe fruit Industry, bsying a large or chard north of tbe city. Letter Liat. Durton, H B uaus, w u Samuel Hart Hill.. ... r C!I --.1 mi . J .. ... 7 . v . ...... Ullltc,, oil V Hzuwi inurswn vuen cauin, oat patuiions, one field battery, a naval gun Swensen, Eertxn j 6 i . .u V- r A na o mounted troops on toe enemy. Turner, Mr Bert Saturday night with Miss Margaret Cos- occupying Beacon hifl, whlcn dominated Williams. Mrs B K ti" -"", I miiowurange, ana uauiinierrupieu .nis rs. Nellie Reily Pearce; second vice communication. As a result of operation president, Mrs. Ella Chadwick Gray; the enemy iiCretMng. third iiMnniMMt Mn. AHiti. llatih I " " ooers iic.irinR. to avoid the axoeose of sn annual l-t tion. The Olympic foot ball team of San Francisco will pass through Albany to morrow morning for Portland, where they will play the Hultnomshs In tbe afternoon. The DaxcraAr forecasts that tbe Olympics will win fiflsea or twenty to 6. Capt. rbilllps and Jack llammlll want hunting yesterdsy out by Knox's Butte. Following is th. list of letter. remaJuina sd that ha was hnn tl n KJ!'B; In tbe Postoffice at Albany, Linn county, shot at tbe birds from behind the trees Oregon, Not. 20, 1899, Persons calling nd bJK'.pd was continually remind for these lettersmw-tgivethedateonwhicb tVSSV&f A Al ITT f . T ... . . " AsuarsuD, ionie DOomoo. UISS A VSl Last week Craft Broa. anbt Ia V. ni. Davis, Mr Usorge L dek seventy hsad of cows (part of which Harnett, Evelyn are two year-old heifers) and one Here Johnson, Mrs John ford ball, for which thsy received $1,600. Msber, Kern Mr. Clsdek Is a Bohemian who came out Synlder, Mr Peter from Nebraska last fall. He lives nesr Wlililsms, Charley Larwood and ij preparing to go into the dairy bnainaaa on a lama !. r .1.. B. 8 T.Apr. P. M. 'non E.A. ' Bad rarrar; recording secretary, Mrs. Mary Wood worth Patterson : financial secre- ttry,EmilieGiesy Hendricks; treasurer, Mrs. Esther Hall McNary; marshal, Miss Edna Price; Inside sentinel, Miss Eveline Royal; outside sentinel, Mrs. Amanda Richardson Judson ; priest ess, wise juusaueer. boNooK, Nov. 27. The colonial office baa received the following disptch from the goverbor of Natai : Tbe Beers are retiring on Weenon. Our troops are occupying a ritlge three miles north of the Mooi river, lt appears that the Boers have found Tour, position J jOo strng. Tin snd Qrsnite wsre at Ohuso A Hci.bdht's. H 111 -Tempered Babies. Jll Inaufllol-ntBoaHahm-nttwttirallrproduMsfll-UmDvr. Guard gainst fretfulnoM la chUdr.a by tmdiat nutrt tloua ana digestible tood. QAIL BORDEN EAGLE BRAND S?ST1SJ!RJ?IL? Vtt. Infant food. Take so aubsUtate for. tbe r.VGLB BRAND. StMO ro boox on "bASiES." i OROCN'S CONOCNetO MILK CO., NEW YORK