The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, December 01, 1899, Image 1

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    VOI, XXXV.
NO 13
health. w
mljjhl Id It cling.
But It It cough. One cold
no eoomr passes off before
mother comes. Bu It'i
tame old cough ill tl. rime.
And It's the Mme old story,
too. Therj Is first the cold,
then the cough, then ,?"
monla or consumption with the
long elcsncsti, end life tremb
ling In tho bthncc.
loosens tha gratp of your cough.
Tho congestion of tho throat
and lunge la removed ; all In
flammation la subdued; the
pane are put perfectly at re
and the cough drope away. It
baa no diseased lieeuce on
which to bang. v
Dr. Aycr's
Cherry Pectoral
draws out Inflammation of tha
w. ba4 t V MlraJ ITr.
I aSrlr
r.r e4 4mm the 4I
rit U
Lew.ll, M
rbj elciaa and 6SJ9 n,
Hilt Block - - - - AHiaBy,;Or.
littler Miltler
Brotttlalblit St.,
AlbAiiy, Or.
tJo. Colli na D D 8
A. Jack I!odge DD8
Odd Kel.o's Temple, Albany, O.-.
Oliver Plows-ssip
jliOS., Asvota,
Ai May, irrgon
"Oliver give tba worU Urn chilled pbw
And it ha saved more mane)
to the frmr of America
ktyo'nr tin il'iainl evnr produjel.
uinn U'.lver jh.lled are tba best on
h. The O Iver Is a promoter of hsppi
s on th farm, and the daalor who Mils
knows he is handling tba bett. Look
for ImmH-fttions and touch nothing but
genuto gioiU. mtde only by UlUer
llei plow work. South Bend, Ind..
W carry s
tack al food.
Valu.d .1
I'u ! rt'1 1 ' .iii!
11 If li n m
W own and occupy tho tllwt merenntlte biiltitlne In the
over"ooo,o. cu.tom.r.. Uiitteen hundred clerk, nr.
rn nPNesAL CATALOQUE it tho book of tho rs0Ple u l"pt,-
0R.efoNPl5cR..Ato", TybA.d-yh..ov.r ,r deaerlptlona ofarlleles with 1mlll
'k-.,u w.w.nt vou ta hovo one. SEND FIFTEEN
your nood Ulth. and we'll .na you
Soma Fighting.
IIki.m ,st, Nov. 24. The entire wett rn
divlMi n moved on OratiKo rlrer Tuesday
ami uimped at Whlttft'iits. Two com
imnios of mounted infantry and a detach
in ut ofilancera wero sent to hold Thorn
a.' farm. Tho Hoots and ifroiiadltirs ad
vanced to within 60 yards Jot the base,
when the Hotirs poured lo a scathing lire
etaftKorlnKl the guards momentarily.
Hut, bulcsiy recovering. Jthey returned
Ihedoadly hail to the Hour. The duel
waa continued for a half hour.
A lirotteii ConKrea.
Manila, Nov, 2L llautlsta, president
of tho Filipino congress, prevented him
self to OnuralMucAithiir tolay and for
mally reiimi need all further connection
w ith the Insurrection. He was one of
tlielntluenlial rilljiinoe who hesitated
ei mo ovR-.nning u tho wsr as with
which Side to cut hie lot. If a avaa nfTr.
i d a Judgeship of the supreme court, but
iieciineu, 110 now announces that lie
dusirea to accept the position, and aaya
the Filipino comtresa and cabinet, are
Scattered, nrvor to rcassnuble.
Now Mr Krtrger.
Waniiimotom. Nov. 24. V. ?S. r,.na.i.
Macrum, atl'roUiria, has been Instructed
by cable to iumruss uoon PrMliiant Km.
Kir that it lathe view of this government
that the usage lot all Jdvllaed nationa
sanctions the minlatrailon ol a neutral
representative In the Interest ol citiaena
and captives of one of the partes to tba
war- auu us innei lurtiier is st upon
.yerfortnitik the sacred dutv IhiumbimI iv
all the coueitionsof humanity.
About the Sams)
Pt'ldiAX. N'av. 24 An nffl.-lat mtuil
rom uenurei w una. st ijuivam -i. dat
ed November 22, aaya:
situation uncliang'td. T.oopa well and
cheerful. - '
The Natal Advertiser C-nllrmi ihel re
port of flhting near Willow Urange.
A Complete Loa.
aWAsniNtrTOit, Nov. 24 The navy ), do-
priuirui rwciTUH Uie loilOWItlg mIjIv
gram Irom Captain l en to, comiiian'llng
1110 naTm pmiion ai waAite, dated at Ma'
nlla today :3
1 lie uuiguet reports that the Ch tries
ton lias disanieared.
The Cuigoa was the rolief hip sent out
ruin iiuk fonf.
ACooJ IJoat.
Iloami, Nov. 2t .Vcttinut tide, wind
and a heavy head aea, for at U-est Half
ber .course, tho battle-ship Kenincky
made a record of 10.877 know an hour
today on her ollic al speed t- iaU
Acts gently on the
Kidneys. Liver
and Bowels
v- . w
res au ar su swis fm4 N Hnu.
W rtnlra
Irom 10,000 10
Ea.OUO kinra
very Uy
- ..0 G2
orlil. XV hiv
re comtn uly
copy -1 -
Michigan Avs. and Madiion Street
The I. W. Veterans.
At the meeting of Camp No. 17, In
dlsn War Wteans yesterday afternoon
referred to yesterday, the following of
Ulcers wore reelected to serve for tba en
suing jesrs
Jason Wheeler, laptaln
J. H. McKarland, 1st Men'ensn'.
Sylvester Cannon, 2nd lieutenant.
V. li. Walker, ordnrly sergeant.
W.J. Hmittj, commlsslonary aergtanf.
Ir, H. A. Hmitb, mn.lcisn.
A. II Morris, corporal guard.
F. M. Westfall, mfasenaer. .
It was voted that a committee of four
be aprolnted to Jraft a set of resolutions
lor tisnsmitlal to membera ol eongrees
regarding tha matter of pensions for In
dian war veterans. Committee, A. Blev-
ine. T. A. Kiggs, A. B. Morris aod 0. 11.
A vote of tnaosa waa tendered Mc-
Pherion l'o.t No. 6, 0. A. K. for use of
tSpeeches were mrde to iha affect that
if the present member of congress did
not secure favorable action in the matter
of pensions tba Indian War Veterans to
iha number of about 1400 and several
thousand other votera In aympatby wi b
them, propose to unite to put man In
congress ibst push tha pension to a
successful result.
User twenty veteraoa were ia attend
anee, seveiel of them prominent citiaena
if iirovnsville.
New List.
Hickory Nut.s
Home made Mince West,
Klerk Flar.
White Figs, , I -
Maple Syrup,
Saeel I'u-kles.
Bulk Olives,
Hiiver Prunes,
Freib Homioy.
Bluer Kraut, ; .
At C E Bbowxcli '.
This anJ That.
Smiley's Ciean Printing.
In novoltlca Will k Stark lead.
Open till 12 o'clock p. m. at Stetter'e.
Fiesh fruit at Viereck's Sugar Bowl par
lors. t?r. J. II. hrskine is now in the Foster
Block, 2nd story.
Oysters cock! any way you wish at
Iava your order for Fresh Oyatera
at Stellar a. -.- .J
Oysters opened esb every day fet the
Leading Restaurant.
French the Jeweler makes a specialty
of engagement and wedding rings,
Fresh Sodaville soda-water a healthful
summer drink, at Kurkhart & Lee's. .
A laige and fine stock of cigars and to
bacco at Conn A Huston's. So the die
'orHte, god esrpetinir, 33 c-n'a per
rard, by r. 8. Alexander, east tnu vt 8th
atreet. -
Whi-n you want a choice steak a nice
roaator meat of any kind, call on Henry
'Jrodera. He kv the best.
Go to Verick'e ahaving and hair cnt
ting parlors for first class work. Hot
and cell bathe. Clean towels to every
. me..
Il makes no difference how bail tba
wound if you use Ue Witt's Witch Basel
Salve- it will quickly beat and leare no
scar. Foshay it Mason.
Ibe beat meata of all kinds and good
treat men l at the Albany Dressed Beef
Company's market, just djwn Second
treat. Gtod weight and prompt attend
Dr. W. wixn, lUly Hill, N Y. says,
"1 heartily recommend 0oa Minute Cough
Cure. It gavo mv wife immediate relief
in suff letting aithma." Pleasant to take
Never fail to qiickly cure all couirba.
cold, throat and Iuj troubles For sale
bv Fcahay A alasoa
COVORNSBD MILK la a twrfaet
tc.-.r- vj'
EAULB BRAND. Stun roa Booc on "Babies."
OUR $38.50 y
Have ronr atoves ttoliohed be Dhuk
k Hdlbdbt.
Good groceries and produce'atlE. F.
Fenton'a, First tit. Hill Block.
The best hay, oata and mill feed in tne
clvy at E, F. Fenton'a tliil block.
Old papera ten cents a hundred at tha
Dsmocmat office.
There will be a "Hot Cake" aoclal
given by the Degree of Honor at their
hall. Tuesday evening, Nov. 28. Ad
mission 10 cents.
Souvenir naner euttera. cream ami
tooth powder jars, ink stands, spoons,
oeauuiuuy engraved and very cheap at
French' jewelry store.
arab Brown, a pioneer of 1814, died at
Fall City, Thnrsday.
Steamer liuth for Portland and war-
landings on Mondays, Wednesdays and
rnuay at, a. m,.
Almonds, walnuts, pecans, filberts,
Brazilian nuts, pine not, hickory nuts
anJ cbe.nots at Viereck's Sugar Bowl.
Wood boxes have arrived. The Sugar
Bowl has batter, nes'. or soiree, lemons.
bananas, soidee. fiira. dates, cocoa nu la
and homemade mince meat.
The Oregon City Woolen Mille have
bought 65,000 pounds of wool of F. .
Dunne, of Eugene.
Fonndmaater Ed Davidson baa chanir-
ed his pound to the livervstablea of
Davia A Oalavao on Second atreet.
Mo one can affo-d to miaa tha "Hot
Cke Kfxrlil" at tha Degree of Honor ball
next luesdsy evening. Uoiy 10 cents
admissioo. -
Wel ington Sbenefield. of Albany co.-,
J.iTL .LV.V V ' . " m m
vallie, epent Sunday a ttb their mother.
Dallas Ilemlzer.
Tha Cbemawa foot ball team. asCeen.
tlemanly a crowd of young men aa ever
bandied a pisskin tassed throuzh Alb '
anymia noon lor uorvaiiis, wnere tne
icurw-tt a lan m the ll & a 1 1 riAiham "
up ttiis afternoon
-'-. ivn ss v aV V Hill fcajvua
Football enthusiasm at Corvallia and
Albany is so atrooc over tba O. A. C.-U.
of O. game Thanksgiving day, tbat It is
said not less than three carloads of ex-1
eursionisis wll. arrive from thoaa pointa
lo witness the game. Guard.
There are liable not to be enough tur-'
keye to go around on Thanksgiving.
Therefore it will be a good idea if yon1
don't wish to get left to order early.
The Albany Dressed Beef Co.. will have
a fine assortment. Place your
Don't fail lo attend the Poverty Social'
to be given b the Hathbone Sisters next
Friday evening, Dec. 1. While tbe coel-,
omes of the company may indicate pov- j
erty, the welcome given the guests and '
tbe entertainment offered them will
abow that there'll an abundance of good
ill and enjoyment among tne He to bone
Geo. C. Davis, of tba Tennessee aettle j
ment, telle os tbai tba potato crop of his
neighborhood a Kdion about two miles J
square amounts to about 35,000 buabelr. j
a Kooo portion oi inecrop oaa men eoio.
at prices tanging trout 20 to SO cents per
bushel. Lebanon E. A. !
A. J. Fox while attending to his bone j
laai eveuing waa kicked a severe blow,
bieakiog hia light leg above tbe ankle. I
Dr. Hit! attended bim, celling ihe bone. I
Mr. Fox is well along in yeara and the I
. . . . i . . ; " - i I. f I
, , . ... . , ' tograpba, and do not Jorget to take along
Til. M.IMl linn Pln1iHlslv.a.ltnAl'..B
on the 29th of November lor turkeys
Blue locka wa ill be need. Wben the
DkMcraAr man waa a boy they had tur
key ahouta a;rosa a wide field at tbe
turkeya themselves. They went placed
in a box, with their heads out of a U le,
the beads bring snot at with nfllee. The
new way ia much more human.
- - .. . w -... ft" -
J... Cr..wford,The Phtto(kkr..lia
Haa refliteJ hla Studio elegantly, with
many new back arrounds especially
adapted for children's photos, and sev
eral new accessaries. ri:e work always
takes the lead. U.U and lo -k through
his elegant rooms. His Hoe of views are
all new nnd fresh, the finest in the city.
He does ii'ore to advertise Oregon tban
any oneelie thiough bia fins lines of
-Tempered Babies, j
MM.WhmMt, natttrariv orodnca fiVtemorr.
Oaard asalnat frvtfulneaa ia childna by tolling nutri
tluua and dlgwUblo iood. .
Infant food. Take no substitute, tor tua
nrrim a.
$30.60 gTQPK
V Crotek. C O. U. aakjvea t ,lUaw
arfcaOj aUiorj, atlr aa Riranua,
An Extra Fine High Crade Saddle
andth.aqnal of "ddla aold y''JZ"'?'! frlm
PXiti OUR PRICE, $38.50.
M tl i.eralt, r, aad tighj
This Saddle Is made on a 1 5 or
ie-incn Genuine tacssmo or
Nelson Heavy steoi r-orx....
rwCTrixr ixECTKn kawhivb coveked
T k ni bou id or roll cao tlfc rtaal laat hr corred lmi
" ?r i : uZi Toalww brau bound, aadwlred. WIU mmt kwa
lUllll .ll.M ,tll '1 . .
Had. liKkileUw.Uri'uplaulun, l lni h tte.trap.
ailra Ion oa ue&r (iJo, t-luoh to buck! on offside, heavy
cotton twisted Mexican a-lnch front vitich, heavy cotton
twlting Saul' clnrh, eoosaeUini .trap. l.oop teat, b aud
jockej all oaa place.
CaT4L0GUE, shewing a lull line ol CowlwyanJ Rancher
OutHta al ths loaiaal pricea vr quoted. Address,
(Smi, aartaat Ca an Ikwaafkh wSto.-li.l
. , ! ' i ' .
One of tba most startling things of tha
past week baa been tha so called come
doan of Admiral Dewey on account of
bia disposal of hla property to bia wife,
property that bad Just bean presented to
to him by a grateful people. All man
ner of talk baa followed on account of it,
introducing acaodal for aeandal-mongers
end aometblng for all kinds of people,
no doubt based oo tome kind of facta.
Tba result ia undoubtedly ,the lowering
of Admiral Dawey In the eyes of the
public. It ia probable that an elephant
has been made out of a mole, a piece of
Indiscretion enlarged nntll it ia a sen
aatlon. A man who baa dona bia
country great aerviee ahonld not be
dropped until there are aerioaa grounds
for It, mora than a breach of promise
case for Instance. Bat tba great public
blowa hot and cold and a man baa to
take what cornea. It Is about the same
socially and politically.
In Albany tbera eontinnee to be a live
a.acusaion over tha approaching city
election. Tba universal opinion aa
neara on ma etraet and in the papers la
a a , . . 1
icei only good man should be elected to
office. So wa are assured of tha election
of soma good men to office, are we?
Well, it will be a verr health r thine to
, on band at tha primaries nevertbeleee
I.. . ... .
i a tba tb7 r nominated In both
P""- A matter ol tact tbara ia no
polilice in tba matter of who shall fll
tha eitv offices. It ia a, aarions bnalneea
prooosition and tba tima ia rina formak-
iog selections according to worth. That
la wbat.
Never help circulate a report about
any one nnleaa yon know wbat yon ara
ta'king about. There ara plenty of pec
pie who jamp at conclusions (and assist
in tba apreading of goaslp who ought to
goontof sigbt somewhere and baog
their beads in abama. Tbera ought to
, be anti-gossip societies to set down on
the spreading; of loose ttoriea tbat affect
character, tbe most valuable of all pea
' ,
Strictlv buaines
French the jeweler.
Crescent Bicycle,
Hopkins Brothers, agent.
, Best .Bicycle for toe money
Will A 3tark, jewe'era.
Crescent bicycles at Hopkins Brothers
(or only gzo, $30, 3o and sou.
C B Winn, citv ticket agent.
to all pointa in tne east.
Be sure and aee the anti mat tinware at
Bopkin Bios, will las' a lifetime.
Go to Mies Longs for high priced nho
inn monev.
By allowiPaT tbe accumulationa in tbe
bowels to remain. the entire s-stem Is pois
oned . DeWitt's Little Farly Risers regul
ate tbe bowel. Try them and ou will
always nse them. Poabay t Mason.
Kxw Goods. P. Coben'a large and
well aelerted stock of new gocds baa ar
rived. It embrace late up-to-dat
goods, which will be sold at price in
reach of all. Give him a call before buy
ing. .
r Car Coi.attpi.tU Coravaib
Take CuKarets CujidT Caihartlc. lOe ornL
II G C. C IaU to cure, druggists refund (none.
rw unhh. pi n.pnr all kldnev Hla. 6am
(,1a f ro. Add. fewrUuc Kemcd y Ctv. Cbicaco or ii. X
Our Offer in
In CARPETS and other kindred
goods are of the latest patterns and
colorings, our rug and art qsuare
'ines are very strong this season.
JVhKWSW liiUBMaaiuur, a-
r siutt. NAMES TH
rery tiling
n in
'TtlrawioKua '7'JrJramaiMj t'hloairo Koworth Herald.
m rJTh. uio this
"A law Hbouia no inuwmi chii"' .
Tba TltMocHXt man has been struck
witb tba Interesting fact In tba religion a
world Ibat wban ft man thinks ha hat
got a little mora religion tban any oca
elsa be begins seeing how veiy weak alt
other professing Christians who do not
believe and act Just tha way be doss,
are, and instead of putting bia nllgioa
into practical nsa la tba bslplog of man
kind aa tba gmolne Christian at ware
will, ha is kept busy telling people of
tba abortcomloga of these other Chris
tians, abd wbat a great seed tbara la for
tbtm to get fast the kind he has In or
der to live right, ate. He apends bia
tima splitting hairs on doctrinal points,
about which there ia bound to be a dif
ference of opinion, and makes blmself
mlierable, when be ought to bo happy,
complaining because otbar people can't
see things as plain aa tba nose oa fight
er'a face, on which ha aod bia fellow be
lievers ara authority. What tba world
neada to-day la less contention over
pointa witb a difference and tba 'settling
down to bard work for : tha betterment
of mankind, tbos glorifying Qod, ft
strorg, steady poll for thoaa around na,
In lova and not bate, mora unselfishness
socially, more bom sty in business,
straightforward, upright conduct politi-
cally, pure livea personally aod ia
snch a life tbat you will not need to be
labeled in order tbat tha world may
know tbat yon ara a follower of tba bam-
bia Kanrlne whose Ufa waa spent In do
ing goodnd not in contention over doe
trinal toattera.
Mr. Lee Payne of tbe Forest Grova
College came borne this noon on visit.
Judge Wolverton aod Miaa Edna Price
came np tbia noon from Salem on a vis
it witb their Albany friends.
Mlse Oecile Stevens came down from
Albany Tuesday for a visit with relatives,
H. W. Stevens and family aod Mra. L.S.
Webber and family.- Medford Mail.
Clojuvq Bates. Weekly Democrat
nd Examiner $2.60 and Thrice-a-week
World $2.00; and Republic $1.75: and
Oregonian 12.25; and San Francisco
Weekly Call $2.00 ;and Salem Weekly
Journal 2.00
Solid satisfaction riven awa. with
every purchaee at Will A Stark'a, deal
era in good wares, silver, gold, glass and
Jio ure. No Pay.
Tbat ia tbe way all the druggists!! sell
Orove'aTastelew Chili Tonic for Ctaills,
malaria snd BilHouws..,lM as ptvair
ent take as lemoaX"-, "&3e. -
UrH H f-
tbink KodtA.
medicine. 1.
am.-it.ala. st-, "I
iuu I'nra a mxt' Jta
ibe it, an tsy conff-l J
ence in it grows
rliees's wb-it too.
It covin! use. It
4- tiWuiiekly core
dvspeps'a and indijtet.tlt n.
ror rale tj
Fosbay & Maon
Mcbic. Mia KiMirea Btirmeater
eacher of pianr or on?an. , System the
Uaeontoitcb MHitecnnione. Keeiaence
FifttrSrt rj xieite 0 P chaieh.
Miee Joyce Bioernell wi:i take op her
piano clase dnring vacation through the
winter. Tbe beat German and Eastern
methods. Leave word witb VV. F. Bead
Oyeteia by tbe pint or
Leading Restaurant. ,.
quart at the
Yon never kaew what form ol b'oM poi
ton wi'l follow conKtipatioa. Ktf "he
liver clt-an by ooinir DeWitt'a Litn. Eariy
Ricers and yon will avoid troub'ea. The
we fauiooe pills for constipation and liver
and bowel (rouble. For:'e by Foshsy
at Mason. .
BIdga, Albany, Or.
icav U
: in sis, saontaains ovor lw.Ou nnotnttonA,
llM larnal fjaeet awpUM avaa) paeS telitl0
iBcilinjf erj thing In ir-Mri, aHH-ns
tasW, AMfearaJ latsaiaiiA, rratanras lt
raMt, ksMt.
UatM, tsry , srf
PtAMt ataMlsml IsaatjtSBsit
sks TasHitas H4eyi, nMaarrA(.lj
ellS jus wussa iwur
our torvB6s9perai nom uu (my iur
lt boyt aula WUi prTn mm i run. gTBreiiamfuijr juu -m
y flsaa wu
y ; expUaitU
II ha na I
TOO DUY ; expUUD JUS now w Wll"'" """s
sbaII will be oa anywiin i jour iwn. a
i - si Ua tha avion) Is 34 cental,
rBce nrrm amdtoM
r li L L. yrr - witn la eata In UMmv !
halo ij U. Si w.u poae. 7" '
k, -.Ui.lMil.nd If youdon'tthink it Uwortliltlmith. leem
you nrnd, a a key to tha lowi wh..leI pdcaa ol ov.rjrlUins, tf
lo and w.lll tamrfUl.lT rlr yar tsl.
"It Is a moaiuncat ol buMinas. lttlunuatlon." MlnnaapulU liilaa-J
Aonderfnl piece of irorV. Wahlnirton National Tribua.
"Tha Catlru. I. a wonder. ManheerN. H.tDlon.
'Seara, Koahuck A Co. I. ona of Ul. largest bouaaa of Ita relad ts
ChlcuKO. Chlcaffo InterOtan.
-The bia- catalogue forma ona of the Snaat chopping- onedlnuu that
oatalojo In all uublic vboo.."-Tlie Hoa. O. A. SoathtAttn.