The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, November 24, 1899, Image 2

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    A Needed Protection. j
-: ,, v.::
From tbe Northwest Herald, -It
matter! not what count otbare oiay
. imreue. The Herald formally declaree
Itwlt for Protection Protection o! the
' farmera and the laboring men against
the Iofant Ioduatrlea that bate grown
. t rf.iUnt ffiinte who extort exorbitant
revenues from their victim, the unpre--tec
The farmer geta lett and lee for the
product! of bit toil, white the cott of
ever article that ho ooutumet bat
' -doubled, trtbltd and toh quadrupled
in many instances. We cannot say that
we pity the 'agrariant" a great deai.
for the have ttuck political fealbert
in their bate, cap-a-pie, and ehouted
themselves boartt for "McKinley and
Prosperity," when they were warned of
the siren that tung to tbem by the reeft
. and rocke of Scilla and Cherybdis.
Tbere bat been prosperity under Mc
Xinley'a reign. Hit Excellency bat un
doubtedly madt it very proaperout for
the embalmed beef truete and other
ear relation! of the Baron robber, Free
Bootert and Buccaneert. .
The Herald it not a pessimist. It it a
aearchtr after truth and light. Ifthown
to be in error. The Herald will back
- track like a crawfitb portued.
We ask that any, doxea corporation!
that told their men, or intimated to
their men, or permitted it to percolate
the windowe of their aonle, that if Bry-
an were elected thoir plante won'.d cloee,
and remain operative, with increased
rate of wage to the workmen, if McKln-
. ley were choeen, we reiterate we atk any
doxen inch corpoiatione to tend to thit
paper, for publication, a eworn ttate
ment of tbe moneyt raid to their em
ploye! then and now, and if we do not
abow that the wagea are far lest now
than tbey were (our ycara ago, we will
eat our tombrero withonr pepper or talt
and claim it for a delicacy.
A man prominent in labor circle! told
tbe writer, yesterday, that be wae re
ceiving a fair recompense during CUve
land'a administration and that he ie now
receiving exactly one-balf tbe aum foi
merlypaid. Trusts are tbe qnieloe of
tbe workingman'e ambition. And yet
he hae voted with,' and contributed to,
tbe party in power, the party that ia of
'he trusts, for the trutta and ia tbe
The gold atandard papert haven't
I been having much to tay about the rela
Itlve prloea o( ailver and wheat lata
lly; Whte the Lleter gamble Wat on
and wheat ai forced , op tbe' papert
were, full of winkt. .
The political foreoaatera' are already
at work figuring out just how muoh m
Jority will be given for president. Toe
old earing that figurea do not lie does
not apply to these kind of Ogurea ,
Distance lendt enchantment, to the
view It well illustrated by the man who
aaw auch a beautiful and dealrable coun
try in Texaa, a long distance off and who
after telng it waa glad to return to Ore
gon aa fiat at tne care would bring him.
Tbirty thousand r people wltneaaed a
game of foot ball last Saturday back eaat,
that between .Yale and Harvard. No
other game can draw auob a crowd. It
ia not a rough element either, but aohol
are, ministers and buaineta man who
want to tee a game of generalahip.
Misfit. ,
Pattkrson, N, J, Nov.. 20, 189$ .Yloa,
PrvshUntMobact died al l hit home in
thiaVty tbia morning. He had been ill
for aeveral months. Favorable eat.dt
tiona yesterday were followed thl.
tog oy ranld failure, reju linn in hi.
death. .
Mud la oa top now,
In ite greed for gain the truata have
advanced the price of even eo universal
a neceaaitv aa aalt 45 per cent. The
humblest home in all the country ie
made to pay tribute to tha insatiate
greed of aggregate wealth.
In the Philippines.!
Manila. Nov. 2?. 13:50 P. M.Aou n-
aldo hta escaped . between Gene at"
Young and Wheaton. Ueneral Younu ia
pUBhing toward Bay om bong.
The whereabouta of Lawtun and Youna
are becoming aa myatunoua aa Aquinal
do'a. The belief ia growing at Manila
that Law ton has atruck the trail, of the
insurgent "government" and ia pursu
ing the ministers into the llyquia nioun-
South African War.
London, Nov. 22. 5 A. M. ThaT an-
nouncement from Durban that commun
ication with Kxicourl ia interrupted
teems to confirm the belief that a Boer
commando haa eatabliahed itaolt at Wil
low Garage, or near the Moot riverand
There la a continued demand tor bout
ea to rent without enough desirable ones
to meet me aemana.
Notwtthstaodinglbe number ot kicks
the city officiate eat there are nlentv
willing to be tacrldced.
Albany la a unique city. The pound
matter oleant the eldewtlte and takea
hla pay ia dog tax, whloh ia just aa good
aa any tax.
Portland ia to have a new athletic
club to be known aa the Willamette.
tii tbere be webs ou their, feat.
Ari Up.lo-Dale Farmer. A Pleasant Home Wedding;.
BrowntvllltTlmtti , Oa Thursday, Nov. 10, 1809, at tha
A reont vlnit to tha large and woll ap- raaldonoa ot tha hrlda'a parents, Mr. tod
pointed farm of 8. Z. Taylor, about five j Mrt. John Huitoo, ten mllaa aouth of
mllea weat of Brownsville, convinced us I Albany, Mle Addle iluttou waa nnlttd
that at leaat one farmer waa koeplng In I in marriage to Mr. (Irani Klohola by
touch with the more modern and aolen- Rev. Holmet, of Albany, officiating.
title prlnolploa of farming. Mr. Taylor,
with the co-onerattou of bit ion. haa thia
mil erected ami oiled two urge aiioa with
the enallaite corn, cutting about 100 tone !
ana having enough corn loitior luty tone
more on fifteen aorea of land. The ailoa
are cylindrical in form, about twenty.
Tbe ceremony took nlace at twelve o'
clock and waa witnessed by only a few
Immediate relatival and frlenda.
The parlor waa handaomely decorated
with cbryaanthemutna. After the cere
mony, congratulations were extended
and everyone aat down to a oelloloua
wedding, dinner, which oontlitod of i
our icut niim anu very ingeniously wu," 1
ranged. The estimated coat of ralalng variety of dellcaclea.
During our Revolutionary war, tbe
Britiah put gum and scalping knivea in
tbe hands of the aavage Indiana to ex
terminate the American rebels. The
English agents are now inciting the aav
age tribet af Afric to combine againit
amall republics of South Africa, thus
peating history.
haa cut the telezrtnh wires. v
Colonel Kovston'a dif natch from Lad v.
emith finally dianoeea of all renorta of
another great British victory there laat
Rushing Forward.
Manila. Nov. 20. Only fraementarv
reports reach Manila of oeratlona in tbo
north which, when Uio atory (it known,
will prove to have bran the moat remark
able campaign the Philippine war haa
Lawton'a division ia spread thlnlvover
tne territory beyond San Joae. where the
telegraph ends.
loung e wo regtmenta ot cavalry are
continuing their rapid aweep into the new
country and tha infantry ia being ahoved
forward to bold the towna tbe cavalry
It la said that Admiral Dewey's Unt
won! a during the ceremony were :
"When you are ready, you na tire
away, Corrigan."
It li reported that throe hundred
houaot are being erected in Sumpter,
eastern Oreiron'a boom mln'ns- town. It
taxes a ladcer to reach the top of rente.
and cutting the enatlage la about $1 tier
ton. Tint venture on tne Meters. lay
lor't part It not wholly experimental at
they have tried it before, and tucwia-fully,
on a smaller eeale.and lulend to dom
onatrata their faith In tha belief that this
ia the bet, and cheapest food for cattle
by tha erection of two or three moredur
lloth vounirneoDla era well and favor.
ably known In Llun county and atari orl
on tha voyage ot married life with what
may ba regarded aa a good tort una, aa
they each posttta a good character, eo
rgv, resolution and tha well merited
oontldence of manv trlendi. with man
other desirable pofteeetooe, thus be-
im. m.. .in Ti ii .n in I apeaklng for them a Iisdi-v and nroaner
u iu.uiv, wmuu mii in neve tueu
Among the weJdlng preeenlt were: A
beautiful pitcher, parlor lamp, ailver
knivea and forka, water aet, table llneo,
toilet aet and etc.
Those, present were ! Mr and Mrt John
Huston, air anu aira norm uustou, Mr
The assortment ot property In Umatil
la county la over two million dollars leaa
than it waa in 1893 and ia tbe amalleat
thit year that it haa been since 1H90 r.
gardleea of Governor Oeer'a prosperity
proven the fact that red clover can be
tuoccttfully raised in the Willamette
valley, for they have about twenty-live
orea ot aa tine a aland ot clover at oan
be found In this or aov other atate and aa
a mixed ailage ot corn and green clover
ia known to bo one ot the beat milk and
fat producing fooda in existence. Thme
gentleman will undoubtedly be richly re
warded lor their enterprise along thia
line by the increased product ot their al
ready urge aairr.
Saturday's Foot Ball.
A Mitaour editor, In an account of tha
wedding ot a couple In hla town aald :
"Tbey were married at the home of
the bride'a parents, where they will re
main nutil tne groom geta a Job."
Tha field operationa In tha Phiipl-
pinea haa been taaeo away from Otis,
and tbe result ia that tha war ia beinn
pnabed. While Oiia eontiauea thtlhead
Tha aaieaimeui tl 'Ituoroah county
ahowa eleven million 1 t let taxable
property than lakt yeai, a u ot Ucer
nor Ueer't prosperity ev.v. .. e bavin
uce. An
Channed f ha Plana
London. Nov. 20The SUndard r.nb- ,t.,',ck lh.t city wlih a venge.
lisheathe following from Lad,a.ith . proclamation U in order.
dated Sunday, November 19: -
me arrival ot the relief column at Ktt-
of afTaire in tbe islands tbe general. coUrt h8 complexly modified the IPplans
u uv . iivwk; v i v. iu. .uriujt .uu jrr uc. i tfuuuvri line
cording to their own plans without ask-
fog Otis if they can proceed. Thia ia al
ready proving a big advantage.
TLereare indications of trouble in
Kentucky over the election ot governor.
moved south in an effort to d re rent the
jueclion ot tha two Britiah forces .J
The Ohio Vote
CoLrxDrs. Nov. 20. Tbe canvass of
the official vote in Ohio waa completed
this afternoon. It ahowa Judge Naah'a
plurality u 49.012. The total vote- east
cat now tbe republicans are threaten-1 waa 908,105, divided aa followa among tbe
log io take tbe law in their own hands I canaiuaiee lor governor
The public is now Io bealDlcted with a
prospective fight between Jeffries and
Corbet t. A Kan aaa cyclone will not be
in the aame claaa when it cornea to blow.
TbeM ngbta have become mere h rw
dromes to make money. Even the loeer
will make a fortune, and it ia probable
that Corbett ia now about "busted" financially.'
The C'ncinnatiEnquiier verv iruth.ully
aaya tLat the imperialistic movement of
tbe present national administration waa
birtbed by the greed of tbe country, of
which Mr. Hnoa ia the moat prominent
representative. Tbe peculatora in Iran-
cbiaea, in monapoliira, iu subsidies, are
at tbe bottom of tbe imperialistic move
meat. It ie backed by men who hate
liberty, who bate commert !' honesty,
who hate the people. It ia backed by men
-who love power who worship mammon,
wboee ebief aim in life is to gratify their
' insatiate greed, whoarecorroncn by ava
rice, who are pitiless in the face of suffer
ing humanity.
and keep Qoebel out even if declared
elected by the legislature. Thie kind of
conduct wca't do in tbia age, regardless
of tbe right in the matter. A good many
different men have been counted out in
the past, and the matter waa aetiled
without any retorting to force. Men
who go into politica, rotten to the core
anyway, should aubmit to the inevitable.
Somebody baa to he beaten .
A man recently died at Echo, Umatilla
county, Orvgon, leaving an estate ot
11000. Thia estatM Is to be divided
among 21 heirs. The deceased seems to
have been mora fortunate in acoumula-
George K. Naab, republican..... 417.199
John R. McLean, democrat 3tia.l76
Seth H. Ellis, union reform 7,779
Geonre M. Hammel. rrobibition. fi.825
Robert Candlow. socialist labor. . 9.400
Samuel M. Jonea. nonpartisan: .' 100.721 1 ting heirs than he waa in hoarding won
. - ' T I - 11.' t ll-lt- .-..-. I r
Have to UO Somctflfnc. eannt can hut thia. An . I.til.
Wahkkjton, Nov. 2a Gold-atafidard larger, now io the circuit court on a
men are puaniug a aciieme to secure lev-1 oeiiilun for nartition hu two hun.inui
ialation before the committees are ap- j heirs.
pointed, antf belore the holiday recess.
From the National Watchman: The
gold combination have perfected their
plans to force tbeir measures through
'the incoming congreet. If they succeed
. all other trnrts will be amall affaire in
- comparison with tba banking trust that
will follow. Tliy are counting npon tbe
vote of all the Republican members and a
few Democrats from N v York city to
pate tbeir bill. The people moat be pre
pared to write personal letlera to tbeir
representativee in congress, notifying
them of tba fate that awaits tbem If tbey
aid the passage of tbia in'qnitona meaa-
The administration jingoes will be
crying "treason" at tbe Women's Chris
tian Temperance Union lor paaaiog tha
following resclutiou:
"We deeply deplore the attitude tak
en bv onr nation with respect to tbe
Philippine islands, and ainca govern
ments can derive their juat powers only
from tbe content of tba governed, we
protest againat tbe policy which would
compel a foreign people to anbmit to tbe
rule of the United States, and againat the
war through which tbe administration ia
striving to force ita policy."
Hare ia another object lesson for the
- American farmer :
Barbed wire in 1898, 1.99.. .
Barbed wire in 1899, $4.23.
Increase in cost of production, 10
Increase in trutt profit, 102)
Increase in cost to coctomer?, 112)
per cent. -
From tbe Omaba World-Herald;
Tbe Boers are fighting a foe that it
urged on by greed; are waging a war
forced upon tbem by avaricious men
who pnt gold and gain above human
blood and,bumiu rights. Ameiicana
have pity for tbe dead and - wonnded
British soldiers, but In greater measure
tbey have sympathy for tbe dead and
wonnded Boers who are fib ting for tbe
God-given right of self-government .
Glaas bra increased forty par cent-
u.Ber articiee oi general use abow a
hke increase in coat to the consumer. In
every instance tbe trust has added enor
mous profits, every eent of which "must
come out of tba people who have heard
eo much and seen to little of the boasted
'McKinley prosperity." .
President McKinley 'a "full dinner
pails'' bave been emptied to tba extent
of f 300,000 worth of pie every month by
tbe tinplate combine. This faying i n
pie ought to relieve the workiegman of
the nightmare of prosperity. ' '
Paying for Prosperity.
While tbe trusts have here and tbere
slightly increaaed tbe wagea of tbeir em
ployee, tbey bava in every instance add
ed several times as much to their own
profit, and made tbe people foot tba en
tire bill. Tha Emporia Timea baa taken
the trouble to obtain from tbe merchants
of tbat city tbe increase in price ot
necessities as compared with tbe selling
price cf one year ago.
Stoves bave increased 30 per cent.
Wagons bave increased from four to
five dollars.
Copper baa doubled in p. ice.
Fourteen-incb plow tbat sold for $1q
now aell for $14.
Ropee that told for 5 cents a pound
now aell for 12 cents.
A common stove pipe aold for 10 cent'
now it a-oea at 20 cents.
Ii" na increased trom $1,50 to $2 a
Cultivators have increased from three
to four iollais-
Hcea, fork?, raker, shovels, spades aod
all inch articles bave gone np tojtbe con
turner 43 per cent.
. Nai't per keg from $2.20 to $4.10.
Barned wire, galvanized, from $2 40 a
hundred pounds to $4.00.
Binder twine, which euet 7 centa a
pound, now costa from 11 cents to 12
' Statesman : Mi t T Myra Raymond,
daughter of P. H. Raymond, deputy
postmaster of tbia city, recently accepted
a position aa stenographer with Allen &
Lewie, tba wholesale grocers of Portland.
Accompanying Miaa Kay mood's promo
tion ia an inereaaa in remuneration, a
circumstance that affords her many
friends ;8alem f rienda occasion for con
veying hearty congratulationa. Charlie
Helienbrand. the restaurateur, left Yes
terday afternoon (or Spokane for tbe
puipoae of making an extended viatt with
his eon. Cbarlea Jr.. who ia now in tha
tobacco and cigar basinets in that city.
General Henderson and the nraaldent. It
ia said, have reached an agreement tbat
such a move would t beat, and U it can
secure the favorable indorsement ot the
republican caucus. it is to ' t tint
The Kentucky Election.
aL onsvrxLK. Nov. 20. The county
coard of canvassers adjourned late thia
iternoon until Wednesday, alter having
om pleted the officia count of tbe bat-
ota cast November 7.
Democratic newspaper figures now
give Taylor a plurality of nearly 2000 .on
tbe atate. Tbey show that 2589 votes
are in contest, and 3bat Ooebel baa
Gervgia ia probably the most fortunate
town in the state. A recent report of the
municipal authorities ahowed that no ar
rests were made during tha year The
treasurer reported $810 oa hand, and no
bil'a unpaid. It baa been six years aince
an aJMeesment haa been levied by the
city authorities. The city derivea $1200
a jear from saloon licentea, which baa
neen ample to support the city govern
ment and to provide a city . hall, water
tower and ditching the a treats and im
proving them with 30 carload of gravel.
The past year ahowa a gain of $300 in the
treasury over the preceding year. Ex.
At Corvallla a very faat game was
played betwoea the Multnomalis and O.
A. C. witnessed by a good slxed excur
sion pary ot Albany people. Tha first
half ended in a tie. In tha aeoond half
the Multnomaha put on a little extra
steam aod mado a touchdown. Tbey
claimed that but for the absence of three
ot their Ibett men the acore would have
been larger. Purhapa. The game of the
O. A. C ahowed them to be una of tbe
beetlevnt oa tbe coaat,and meane that
the Thankagivlng game with tha U. of O.
will be one ot the beat aver played ia
the atate.
At San Francisco the U. of C. defeated
tbe Oregon boys of Eugene by tba small
acore of 12 1 0, tbe llerkley boya making
one touchdown In each half. The game
of the Oregonlana waa iuataa skillful and
faat aa that of California, but the Orrgon
men lacked the same weight by ten or
fifteen pounds. With tha addod weight
they would have reversed the acore.
The greatest game in the east waa tLat
between Yale and Harvard, resulting in
0 io 0, one of the greatest gridiron battles
ever fought.
The New System.
Guy Mlclientr, of Portland, arrived Io
town latt night with a gang of llnemta
to inttall tha new telephone syttein l.era
Dearly all of tha material with tha ex
ception of tba saw switch board baa ar
rived and I ha whole equipment will be
modern In every respect.. About thiee
weeks ago he company started a canvas,
and met with uch eucceta ia procuring
new subecrtbert tbat tbey etopped the
canvaia on account oi lack of fachltisa to
accommodate the large increase in sub-
ten bert. At toon at the facilitlnt are
temporarily enlarged which will be la a
week or eo all tha aubacribera who bave
etgned ior service win ne connected up,
i.wkwhi a aw wm awaeaa wi w iiuenri. VkK
A N labels, Mr and Mra James Nichols,
MraNE Olin, Mr and Mra W KOIIn,
Mrs I' oo Maxwell aod daughter, Mr E ft
Huston and son. Mr and Mra M a Wood
and Mleaea Maud and Fannie Ifutton.
Mr. and Mra. Nichols will take up
their reeidence la Tangent, where they
will be pleased to receive their frlenda.
All join in wiehlnglhem a hannv iour.
Bey through life.
College Notes.
A football team, wblru la composed ot
students who did not play with the regu
lar learn, haa been organised to play a
genie with tbe llleh H.hool. Harry
Crawford la captain and Kauo Richards
Several of the students attended the
Multnomah-O A.C. football game at
Corvailie Uaturday.
Tbe A. O. L. S. met Saturdav
Nev. IS. Alter an eaaay by Kdwln New
ell and aa impromptu by John Acbeeon,
the debate "lleeolved that Congressmen
Roberta, of Utah, should not be permit
ted lo retain b la teat ia Congress" waa
lively coalteted with R. I. Hiulck and
I.yle 8 peer for the alllrmaiiva and Owen
Beam and C. A. Mulkey lor tbe nega
tive. 'J ha Judaea decided la favor of the
aiurmauvt. rred itargravea waa re.
eel vrd Into the society.
Mitt Wilson, of Dallas, entered college
last week. The enrollment la now I'.'o.
T.W.Zimmerman, of JefTrraoa, haa
returned and will oorunlete ihacamm.r.
clal course which be began laat year.
Pre. Lee haa Introduced a new song
book lor uie In chapel services. It hsa
been pobltehed recently and ia designed tor uae In chapel.
John Smith la a'owly recovering from
hie tumble.
Tbe yehow flag waa displayed In tooia
prominent place la our town laat week?'
It wae coaaidertd a Joke.
Five tnipe at one anot ia bard lo beat,
but anlpe are more abundant than China
Two roan passed through here laat Pat
nriav at a lata hour. Ti. war nin
Aa soon aa the new awiteh boards arrive McKinley and teveral other thinga.
and the cables are ia place another can I Aa now we want a dnw io tbe new
vaaa will be atarled and tbere ia every bridge eo tbat ateam boat a can naea n.
I he next congressmen from tbia district
re in contest, ana :wat uoebel baa a TW r.,,1. Vn . Tr.!.. Vk- T..Vh. .7. be in use ia Alba
lurality of 937 on the uncontested vote. ere98e, ,nd ToV"te in ita Imnrove- completed. Tbe adaptability
D.l.i ."nenta must have taxes, and moat of
" ' Ithem have debta. whether they should
Manila, Nov. 20, 10 A. M Tbe Anier-1 or not.
ican occupation oi the country between
Manila and Dagupan ia proceeding with
a rush. .
Captain Leonhanaer accompanied one
of the best coups of tba war. Reaching
O'Donnell by a night march from Capaa
on November 16, he eurprised tbe insur
gent force, numbering 200, and captured
them, with their guns, 10,000 rounds ot
ammunition and 4 tons of subsistence.
One Filipino waa kiiled, but tbere were
no American casualties.
Ho-Io-Bm for rifty Cent
Gaannteed tobacco habit enm. mutant ... V
men strong, blood purs. He. U. AVI drugglata
No Coange.
London, Nov. 20, 6 A. M. TLia morn
ing's news gives; little that alters the
complexion of the situation. Since the
fight of November 9 matters, so far as
Known, nave rjeen uiriy quiet at Lady
am'th. It ia not unlikely that the Boera
badly informed aa to the nature and ex
tent of Britiah prcparationa to advance
to the relief of tha town, may be hesi
tating regarding the next movement.
Tbe situation in Natal is very complicat
ed. Big Expectation..,
Washikotox, Nov. 19. The re port of
tbe CDginee'ra in favor of an inprovemen'
ot the mouth of the Columbia river to se
cure w leet ot water over the Lar, will
ue sent to congress witn tne approval or
the chief of engineers. It is exoected
that favorable action by congress looking
to the -KMootjhannel will be- followed
immediately with another proposition for
a channel oi 90 leet from the mouth of
tbe uolumbia to Portland.
Lawless Kcotucklans
Locisvuli. Nov. 19. The following
communication ia from Harlan county :
We. together with 1000 other able bod.
led citizens of thia county have tendered
our services to (Governor JBkadley nd
ueneral W. S. Talor to iuaumirate Gen.
laylor and maintain him in the office to
which be was elected, however any atate
election uosra or ;anv leeisiature mav
. m. ' -
Bad Bojs.
Salem. Nov. !19. Harrv Brown and
Walter Bradley, two bova about 16
old who escaped from the reform ecbool
weoneeaay, were captured by tiheriff
Durbin and Denut v Sheriff Colbath ahout
three milea from Saiem. Pthia morning'.
They had established a camp in some
beavy timber and were carrying on theiv
ingperations in the neighborhood, en
tering houses at night and sleeping in
the day. Tbey bad stolen a hor. and
large number of articles of small value.
At Asband vesterdav tha TT nf n Aa.
feated the Ashlands 35 to 0 in 35 minutes
plsy, one point a minute.
An Oregon young lady whi'e In En
lopemetalady who said: "I under
atand the aalmon in your rivers there
are eo thick that it ia impoeatble for the
steamboats to get through them. Ia that
eo?" . -
"Yea," remarked the young lady,
"but the ealmon have been trained un
til ihay climb oa the banks and allow
tbem to go by. The farmers have plant- Baker
ed apple trees along tbe banka and tbe Benton...
nsh ait and - at the apples until the boats Clatsop... .
bave passed Coos ......
"Well, wei;," ejaculated the credulous Crook... .
old lady. Curry
The Ukmocsat man heard this told to- Oiliiam ...
day by the mother of the young lady tor Jaoktfon
reason to believe that from two hundred
to two hundred and fifty telephones a t'.
be in use ia Albany when the system ia
oi tbe
telepbooeas a convenience and time
saver io every line of buslneaa la becom
ing more manifest every day and with
tbe low rates now ia effect the time will
sjoo be bar when telephones will be
almost as common and necessary la
h coses aa kitchen atowa.
1899 Assessments.
Following are tbe to tale of the taxable
property for 1H99, reported by the re-1
apectlve counties !
will remember lUle.
The meteors didn't come aerordlnw to
echedile and now lilcke aava looa for
tbem "oa or about Nov. 27th." about 8
p. ra. -
While lo Taoteot laat week wa vi.lled
the Pacific Nursery and found tbe pro
prletra very entertalalog (Pare at til.)
They have a large amount of trees . end
ornamental shrubbery. Mr A. I). Hud
son can alwaya be found at tbe office of
me company and la alwaya ready to give
Limn Roaa Ben.
A Jefferson Death.
Stranger Where doea tbat new
tiat bave bis office?
Policemen You mean tbe one
pu'Ja teetn without pain?
"Go riabt around the corner. You
will bave no trouble finding bis office.
You can Lear hla patients yell ball a
block a way ."Ohio State Journal.
The Albany College learn ia tbe only,
league team, outaida of Willamette Uni
versity tbat baa not given evidence ot
cowardice, besides exhibiting a Juvenile
spirit that is certainly not becoming
either of tbe schools enumerated. Such
childish tactics are disgusting in tbe ex-'
trems and are not realty deserving tne
notice they are receiving. It ia nothing
but rank cowardice on tbe part of tbe
teama that have withdrawn from the
league. Statesman. Instead ot being
cowardice the O. A. O , U. ofO, and
Foreat Grove bave aet a good example in
favor of clean amateur sport, a protest
aga'nat making college football teama ap
oi practicing deotista, draymen, etc.
D. A. Paine, superintendent of the aa
vlum at Salem, baa ourchascd tbe three
eigbtha Interest of J. O. Church io the
fcugene Electric Light Co., and hs been
elected president of tne company. Jaa.
F. Robinson la superintendent of tbe
Dr. and Mr. Chapman, of Monroe,
Benton county, bave been arreatad. Tbe
doctor, it ia reported, haa another wife
living back east, from whom there has
never been a divorce. Aa tbe doctor bat
aold aeveral piecea of land since going to
Monroe, the matter ia tome what com ol.-
Malheur ....
Wallowa ...
Waso ......
The Christian Alliance convention
which waa begun in thia city at the
Pearce Memorial church laat Friday
afternoon waa closed last evening. The
convention waa conducted by Rev. D.
W. LeLacheur, field superintendent,
assisted by Rev. Funk and Miaa Maaon.
superintendent of literature. Mr. Le-
hacheur was tbe Drat missionary to pen
etrate into Thibet, probably the tough
est country a mlaaionary avtr entered,
and liev. r uuk recently returned from a
trip around the world in which he visit
ed many of the three hundred mission
aries of the Alliance through Asia, most
ly in Uhina. Home instructive talks
were given. The A lliance conatruea the
Bible according to Ita word without any
garbling of terma.
A ExcuasioM, Dr. 0. W. Barr, of
Lebanon, la making arrangement for
another big excursion to Ban Francitco,
a midwinter affair. Whether it will go
from aa far north aa Albany will depend
on whether there are sufficient tickets
aold here to justify tbe extra expense.
The rate will be $i7, and those desiring
to go should notify Dr. Barr or Mr. C. B.
Winn of tbia city at once. Deo. 26 will
be the data of the atart, reaching 8nn
Krancisco at a time when tbe entire atate
ia in ita holiday attire, witb the best mu
sic and fluest plays of the rear.
.$2,778,790 Mra. W. F. Hogg died at ber home ia
km im itaonon' Nov. 18, ai 7 p. m.
2 659 171 M.a. Hogg waa a daughter of M. 0.
l)71o789 Caldwell and was bora ia Jackson coun-
, 562,413 ty, Oregon, August 13, 1880, coming with
1,005,364 her parents to Jefferson in 1882, reelding
3,371,766 there aince that time. - .
1,149,303 - She waa married to W. F. Hogg, Da-
1,477,978 cember 28, 1898, at tbe residence ot the
6,726,100 groom's sister Mr. F. 8. abater, at 8a
1,188,273 lem, Oregon. i
l,3K8,mi5 Mra. Hogg was greatly beloved by the
1,060,663 people of Jeftereon and her c"eaih baa
0,889,038 cast a glosm over the entire community,
1,060,663 The funeral services were conducted
8,143,462 bv Esther Hine Lodge No 4, K.O. T.
fti., oi wbicb the deceased waa a mam-
uer. hot. Aiseofc oi vregon vi ty, a a
old friend of Mra. fiogg'e parents atrial
ad in conducting the services. Htlem
Journal. Several attended irora Albany,
- A pension of $6 a month hag been '
granted Wm. A. Smith of Albany.
Tbe county recorder will be able to be
gin business In the new court boute on
toe nr. i oi iwemoer. iu otticea sis
nearly ready.
Tbe Juvenilea are making big prepara
tions for a game of foot ball next Satur
day afternoon between the Central
school boys and tbe eleven ot tbe Mad
ison street tchooi. Tbe centrala are be
ing coached by Reddy Rupert and the
Madisons by Oaot. Beeaon. Tha boa
will preaent a scientific game.
Health officer Dr. E. A. P'erce today
diet barged from quarantine the Bauer
child ia Sou, hr-alem,Mra. 1'attersby and
baby and M ra Perkina and baby, who were
quarantined aa patienta and tutpecti of
amall pox. There now remalna no case
in tbe city. Tbe Mutser house on Front
street where these people have been con
fined, hat been closed, and will witbln a
week be fumigated bv tbe ute of forma
line gat generator, when the latt vestige
and germ of the dl tease will have been
removed from our city, Journal.
The publication of the Dally Morning
Register will begin In Eugene oa Deci 1
by the Giistrap Brothers, editors ot th '
Weekly Register ,