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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1899)
ALBANY, CWfaQON'FltlDAT, NOVEMBER 24. 1899 ; jaw k Wears f Vhr let vour nelthbors M know UP . . And ny itivs mem a chance lo usss you ars svea Ave or ten years more r Better Rive mem guou reasons for Messing us other wsy. It la vary easy; for nothing tolls of ago to quickly at r7 nair. WW aT W II , kaV HUP fx ) 11 Maa. C an a . with tie ThlrtH(B,ry7. oatulton of ,)y" t'o e. i SilwS: lo Ad'aTe .he Beventeenth Infantry, a troop of the sLt t'endletoo, where Mr. "undart Fourth eavalrv. several mt nit. and a , ha. ' ... - " . . - wvu ai atuiDU a imruiia. ii ? ii-!!i?L:M 'Mch' '!' nY charge of lis Baptist Kuurvii mat puna sou si lienx. Mr. Frank Harrison returned from Albany l.t eveninf ercompaoled by Mr. rreoa Stimpsoo.a ntclss barber, and a barber's outfit, and ie busy today in errraoglng to open a barber ahop in the tiutb room of the Sander's biildin. , Atty. J. B Wystt, of Albany, was lo the city this forenoon as attorney lot Mrs. Gertrude 0o, of Gates, who was rriu resieraav ll a youtu-renewer. It bidet the age under a luxuriant growtb of balrtho color of youth. It never falle to restore color to tray hair. It will stop the nair from coming out aiao. It feeds the hair bulbe. Tbln hair becomes thick balr, and abort hair becomea long half. It cleanses the tcatp; re moves all dandruff, and prevents its formation. We have a book on the Hair which ws will gladly tf Zai n tfc tone. J i, to Um ib '" mar. win the "' a4. Ail". lU. Mm, S.h V aaatl ! fc. Afar. DR.J.L.H1LL ?bj s'clan aed SaT9to, Hill Wk - -"- A'banr, Or. CuW Littler & Little Droadalblit St., Albany, Or. TELEGRAPHIC. , Nothing Naur. NoNwrn. Nov. 18. 6 A. M. The ab teiiiw ol news ol any serious movement son list juauyamittieemt to ahow that nu iojrs ars repealing Hie strategy loplwl by them at Dumioe, when they l'teard In fiont and amleavorud to el. lect a surrounding '. movement. This teems to have boon ihulr object regard ing Kstcourt, and since it Is impossible that relief should reach there lor some days to come, it is not unlikely that a further retlrelmr iiiuvameuttan Mol rlv er will be made. Ail vanclng North war J. Manila. Nov, 18. General MacArthur JNO il SATURDAY. Brownsville. Fou the Times; i Mr. W. O. Cooler snant Mm, Am Tueaday in Albany, being accompanied home by Clyde Hnyder. , Mrs. It B Montague, cf Albany, was the enest of Broamsville reUti vat sev eral days, returning home Wedneaday. miss Minnie Blaodard has gone to Alb any where she will spend the winter and continue the stndy of made. gun his northward advance from Tarlac, which will be continued to Uarombong, province of Neuva Viu:aya. ;iixd for Sprocket. Ciiicaoo, Nov. 17., J. 1). Hurevkels. of Ban r rancUco. a member of the republi can natioual committee, paused through viiivivu vii mm war "I am an antl-expaualonlst," said be, "and, es 1 came through the great prai nee oi me west on tins trip, 1 coum not help but think of the great good that might have been done in our country w lib the money thai we are now attend ing to maintain ue army in tbe rump pines." Din Project. . Wahuinotox. Nov. 17. The nrolect and plans for deepening the channdl at the mouth of the Columbia river to 40 feet have been received by the chief of mglneere, but will not be made public until sent to congress. This project will probably u Inclu.ied iu any river and uaruor im tnaiis prepared in ths com ing aeetion. NcxtJNovember. , New Yokk. Nov. 17. A special dis patch to ths Joinnal and Ad vert leer from Watrhinuton sat s: V 1 he shower ol leonuis will not occur this season. The brilliant specUde has been announced a year too soon." This announcement' ha lust been made by Lr. T. J. i, See, one of the most advanced aatronomera in the eromeur service. Moody Sick. Kaunas Cmr. Mo.. Nov. 19. Dwlght L. Moody, the evangelist, who has been orcachinit here to Uiousands niithtlv in Coovention ha I. is broken in health and is suffering; from an affection ofthe heart. HOME AND ABROAD. 'tve your stoves pollnhed by Ohiiko 11 01. BUST, Good groceries and produce at E. F. Fenton's. First fet. Hill Block, The beet hay, oat and mill feed In tne chy at K. F. teuton's Hill block. Old pspers ten cents a hundred at the DaxocKAT olflce. H. til. 2dr, of the bicycle repair firm of Kduar & Itotierts. went to Albany to look np an opening for butoes In the same Hoe He is an euterorisins- and competent man in his line. 8alm Jour nal. There are already four shone hate. At II iilsboro yesterday C. F. Miller a dniziat was fined $76 for selling liquor by the glass without a license. It was said that he had beeo doing it for year. The court there has set a g'Kxl exami le. The county court today was asked to have the residence of Mr. 8aithat Tali man, where Charles 8oott has beeo stop ping, quarantined, staling that he has me variiom like that his brother sev eral weeks sg) in this etty. It was not admitted to be of this character on til re cently. The Multnomah football eleven arriv ed in Albany on the noon train and left CIRCUIT COURT. RELIGIOUS. on a warrant nrn oat in Justice Bailey's court on the charge . itr delegation of Albany football ol petit larcen. When the case came thuslasis, who expected to see the O. op lur trial It. was dismissed on the Doyeai tne u end of the game. Three 5 rouna ot msuMicient evidence and the efendant dicbargd. Mrs. Cox came jiere lueedav night, Hipping at the Ar lington hotel, od during ner stay the rooms of a couple of young ladies were eotered and $7.76 stolen. DKPiBTMMT MO, 2 I. f. BOISX, iCl0S. In tt e case of B. II, Dennis s John Weiss t al, a salt brought to set aside a deed on the ground that It was given fraudulently to defeat the rights of cred it rs, the court rendered infomnt tnr the plaintiff. The plaintiff in this cue ii resioentoi uot Angolas, Calif The cate was warmly contested with Watson A Swaon for the nl.lmiff vu...i ... , ford & Wyatt for tne defendants. It will re ppcBiea m toe supreme court. t Thomas Allison vs John B Uall et al, foreclosure. Jndgment for the plaintiff. The mandamus case of A.. Mc Donald, county school superintendent agt. the county court was tried this fore noon and at 1:30 o'clock Judge Boise de cided the case la favor of the defendant, declaring that so lone as th .Mint. court bad nsed doe diligence in furnlsb- iog me maps ana puts requested, it was not the province of the circuit court to say bow fast the work sboald be done. : The plaintiff gave motion of appeal to tbe supreme eoort. Other eases were passed or continued or wirve-iia at JZ:50 accompanied by a nB,u n. 7 . nnrV"" -TT. - i m . i.aiwia SWlaS Will vu- , aaj ne 10 in nMe austrawpsil matfaea A Just from South Africa gov- 'lm. Collins D I) 8 ' A. Jack Ilodgtts D D H 0OLLINS& HODGES Dentists. vd l Fsl.os's Temple, Albany, 0.. From tbe Telegram: "The mar tbst England Is making in South Africa on tbe Boera it an nnjuat one," a id David J. Hadlev. at the Es mond last evening. Mr. 1 1 ad ley Is just back from Booth Africa, bare be speot four years. Ills people reside in Tilla mook, where he formerly lived. -iiie ngoi." tie aata. "la beioe wseed In the interest of great companies that wisn 10 pot uieir compound system in force In tbe mints of tne South African republic Tbe mlnee controlled by the big companies In British territory are now being worked In this way. Under tbecompoDod system, all the laborers lo a mine are surrounded by a fence, out side ol which tbev are not alloweJ to so, insme me company has great 1 at tbeee tbe nativea are oblieed lo buy everything that tbey need, op lo the amount ot the salsry due them. One comrtany bas 6000 Kanrs working for it In this way. and there are many othera "In the Iransvaal thecompaoiei tried lo force this way of doing businrat. but Oom rsol, said Io, The workers in the mines of the Trsosvsal ars free to so and ai d cone at tbey please, and tbey can apend their money as they piesse.' to tne war. The Boer is a now man to sneer, out when he dons set to fighting he i. gooJ and mad. The Boera are the but shot in the world. Wbeo one koe burning he never carries toorw than two cartridges with him, and ne shouts; ha alwaya returns-with game. "t suppose the British sill win event ually, but many Tommy Atainsoa will be dead end buried before the war ends. n bon a Boer draws a bead, bis mark is certain to be bit. "No race Is more re'igiona than tbe iioere. Tbey live np to tbetr religion strictly, and will fight for their church. of tbe leaJing members of tbe eleven Protracted meetings at the Evang. thong n were unable to go which made Church. Beginning Mondav night Nov. the game more oncertaln. Among the I J9 tb- continuing indefinatly. Kev. N. members are eeven member of li Co.. ; happ of Salem will assist tbe vaator O. I J . r . . . M k. . f 1 .a. vu miHi sen jverr ran. 111a rarine , -. sm-Ticuer au are weicoma win soignesi jnmper. Tbe Brownsville Tim- con Jnna ita feverisboes over a towerclock a follows. Presbyterian church : Morning wor ship at 10 80, evening worship at 7 :30, Sabbath school at 11:45, Junior Endeav-i or at 8:30, (Senior Endeavor at 6:30. Bnbject of morning sermon, "The Seer's' View ol a Great People;" evening, "The, Helmet of Salvation." A cordial invita-f lion is extended to ail the services. I Baptist church: Services st the atoa!. hours. Morning subject.' "Bethel" ; ev ening subject, "Zacbsos Chance," United Presbyterian church i Morn ing worship at 10:30, subject of sermon, "Ibe Limit of Christ's Power." Sab-J uaiu acnuoi at 11 .to, junior cnueavur v 3 :30, Senior Endeavor al 6:30, evening worship at 7:30, subject of set mon, "Tht Surdej of Paul'e Life." A cordial invi l tation is extended to all to attend the services. Congregational ebntcb : Freachinrc 11 a. m.,snbjectof sermon "A liar J Bay ing." Sunday school at 12: 15, preach ins at 7 :3U p. m., subject ol sermons "Tbe Iicarnation of Jesus." All not at tending eleewbere are cordially invite , to tbe above services. I The regular services of tho Chistia cborcb for tomorrow will be as follow! Sunday scbool at 10 a. m., prerebing a 11 by the pastor, subject "f he Keys c tbe Kingdooi." Tooog People's mee ing at 60, preaching immediately foi low'ng, subject "The Establishment of tbe Kingdom." The evangelistic meet ings will continue tbroogb next wee there being no services this evening. Archbishop Aiextuier Cbriitie is I tbe city and will officiate at tbe servicl in ine uainone caoten tomorrow. it is expected tbst tne members of tha connty court will visit tbe city soon to inspect mo canai cot tDrougb a beod in ths classic CslaiHMia to ehanira Ita .1 . ( in , , 10 vnat iv win not nereaiter be a rimiim to property and the big county bridge. We mention this intended visit so that Ihecltisens maj prepare to greet tbe court with a strong petition for tbe por cbsse of a suitab!e towo dock which He city will Uke great plea ore in placing in nisiuwrroi me csiaoooee. united ac tion and a bold front will be the only 1 way e can secure this needed sppro-1 priation from tbe county June's. Strictly business, Lebanon. , French the jeweler. Crescent Bicycle, .Hopkins Brothers, ajreaU. Beat BicyUe for toe money. Wilt & 3tark, jeweW Crescent bicycles at Hopkins Brother for only 120, $30, 135 and 130. O B Winn, citv ticket agent. Tickets to all points in the east. Be sure and see the anti rat tiaware at . Bopkin Bios, win las, a lifetime. Go to Miss Longs for high priced pho t tographs, and do not lorget to take along , tbe money.' i By allowing- tbe accumulations in the bowels t remain. ibe entire svtfem i pois oned. DeWitt's Little Farly Riser regul ate the bowel. Try them and you will always use them. Poahay k Mason. No ure. No Pay. That is the way all the droggittis" Urove s Tasteless Lhilt fonie lor Cdi!) malaria and BiliiotuatM. Itisas pleas ant to taae a lemon syrap, ouc From the E. A t Mr. Bowersox, of Aloany, gisod chief patriarch of tbe grand encampment, I. U. O. F., visited tbe Lebaaon encamp meat on Taeiday evening. BIrt. A. R Cyrus, who dieJ at Astoria - ?Tlll?LV'7' mb.rot, Goooa.-P. Cohen's large and tbeL.O.T. M.and United Artisan. ' : !L f ne," gocd" J1", T w..p..i.Jti.....k .1 , 'rived. , It embraces late ap-toniate .uWA5I!.,er"tb-KA-goods, wbich will be sold at prices in iuUu.1(iil,SrD0i ing o.r.vo.. will reachrJall. r,i..hin..nllk.inW remain in charra of tha u.iim, t.;. . . v. place. He received notici to that effect on Wednesday. t Div'elon o. 2 of tbe Linn Ccontr Or H H Hades, Bum .ait, t la. sars, ' think odol Dyspepsia Core a splend medicine. 1 oresenbe it. and my conH.i ence in it grows with continued ." digea s wbat you eat and quickly car dvstepia and indigestion. For sale it Fothay A Mafon - I Music Mise Sffimrea Burmeet eacher of piaoc or organ. System tt; Mason Udtechniqae. Kesiden s"Ut ctrfet.r j:eiu U P chaieh. j Oliver Plows het p BOfKlNS jito.. Agimt" A. Juiiy, Ore if on "Oliver save the world th chilled p'.iw And i' ba aavtd mtre monej to the frmer of America t Ui omr im.ilemenl ev.'r pr.d i nuinx Ullvpr ch.lied are tne Iml cn rtrt. The U Iver i a promoter of huppl a on the farm, and ibe danfr who -til know he is i.andllng tha Iwul. 1 -ok for imaiitttinm and touch nothina ' ut genuine cood. made only by uii er il'al plow work. Sou'n Hend, led . ACTS GENTLY ON THE Kidneys, Liver and Bowels r.fANSES the System c EFFECTUALLY rwtorntJiVK ' f .eT "ilUMW w trrjkaAKirKmv r innrunKiH EffEcT& ICIAL (luivRNIA ffG 5YRVP(S ro ut m au Maaii u m wi rat l,OW,UWW ' I iqii lanoo is or-Cjir k tb.VOO leiiet BL. " ,-'..-. :ja!fir'V. J,' r Id. Wo hsva . . t . 1 1 . . H,..tiiM nuiTcin. in ihv WI OWII ana Occupy ,n. ....... ---""- -j;, . 7.,u. .r. f , over 1.000,000 ouitomem. oixicon -; ' . eng.gfd ftlllm out-of-town ordor. oub GENERAL CATALOOUE ii tho book oftha people-it quotce WhoR.f. PhcA.o Kvtybody. b.. over ..000 P.g... .S.000 ';', 60,000 detcrlptloni or article, with price.. It co.t. 7. nt. to Pn " ch copy. W. want you to hav. one. SEND FIFTEEN CENTS to .how vou" aood faith, and we ll .end you a copy FREE, with all char., MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. Michigan and M.di.on Street Mr. William Ryalsof. UenUn connty left this noon for Oakland, Calif., on a visit. 1th rvlativesfand friends. Hale Raekensto tbe old lime barb r is now emplovml with J. C. Mills at 209 Commercial street. Salem Journal. Jobm M. Whitney, of Eueene. is in the "ily the guest of his brother, J. K. o! tbe Herald. License was iaued today for tbe marriage ef J. W. Patterscn snd ltss Etta Hutchios. , Thla and That. Smiley's Clean Printms. In novelties Will A Bttrk lead. Open till 12 o'clock p.m.atStetter's. Fresh fruit st Vhrock'n Sugar Bowl par lors. . Ur. J. II. Krskine is now in the Foster Block, 2nd story. , Oysters cooktC any way you wish at Stetter's. ' Lesvo your orders for Fresh Oysters at Stetter's. , Oysters opened eh every dsy at tbe Leading Restaurant. French the Jeweler makes a specialty of engagement and wedding rings. Fresh Sodaville soda-water a healthful summer drink, at Burkhart ALee's. , A laitre and fine stock of cigars and to bacco at Conn & Huston's. See the dis play. ''; ' ; KorKale, Bd c.rpetiu)n 83 eenfs per 1 1.- u i. i. nl KlK atrrot. When you want a choice steak anus roast or meat of nny kind, call on Henry 3roders. He koep tbe best. Go to Verlck's shaving and hair cut ting parlors for first class work. Hot and coi l baths. Clean towels to every mer. Solid satisfaction piven awa with every purchase at Will & Stark'a, deal era in gooSl wares, silver, gold, gUs and bones. It wake no differtnee how 1-aC the wound if vou use Hewitt's Witch Hatd SaWf . it will auickiv heal and Ibhto no' scar, Foshoy k Maon. The best meaU of all kind and good treatment at the Albany Dressed beef O.upnnv' market, Just djwn Second treat GyJ weight and prompt attend ion. Trachera' Association will mett at tbe public scbool building 00 Saturday, Nov. 25, 1S99, at 10 a. ., (or tbe purpose of permanent oganiaation. W, A. Calcer, formerly of thie place, but now of Brownsville, ia in Lebanon securiuR busioess for the history of Linn county wbich he is writing and will soon have published. W. A. Gleason l as sold bis isrge farm tear Water toi to Mr. Spencer, of Salem. Cnnaideation, 13,000. Mr! Gleasoo re ceive ae part payment a small fruit farm oearoaleai, and will move on to the same in the ne.r future. D. C. Herrin. grand master workmen of the A. O. U W . and Mits Alaieie Barkt-r. crand chief of Honor ot tha I). of H will attend the ba&auet to be sir en by th Workmen in this city neat Monday evening. A great time ia es pected. The banquet will be eivm n the Odd Fellows' hall. Another Dewey Admiral. Mr. William Hicke-, a brother of Oliver llickey, ol Latourelle Falls, a stu dent at Albany college, pateed through Albany tlii a Iter noon for San Francisco. He wai one of Dewe 's lour ordnriies for srferl years, and was on the Ohmpia under tbe famous Admiral fo' over four ysrs, and hrncn knew him thoronghlv, x as orderly bt in ia close ft-llow hip 'with him in Ins daily Me Like everybody e!ehe is an a.lmir-r of America' groV t-st hero and tuke in liiith lerms 01 him personally. , , A Naw SciiiDi l.t for the Southern Fa- ' ci8c pr.ieit several slilii changes, as ml' bo n hy referonre olhetiiri table on the fourth page Under it tbe af'ernoon xprecs arrives at 2:47 p. m aud leave land fifteen ly, being at will arrive The Lebanon heretofo'e in the forenoon, but io theaff terroon will leave for lbanoii at 3: '! and ieuro at 6:05 p. di. . Ve Car Covetlpatiun Fmrnn Take Otscareu Candy Catbartie. 100 or So. IX C C. C lail to cure, druggigta retuna moaey. II Are 1 war KMeeyi t Dr. Raern' 8 pa ran PI lit re all a Idney nia. Sara, pie tnm. Add Sterlios Bemedr Co..Ctucacooc H. X Miss Joyce Biowoell will take np t! piano ctae during vacation through tl winter. The best German and Eaete methods. Leave word with W. F. Be Oysteis by the piutor quart at t' Leading Kestaurant. You never knew what form of Wood eon wif follow eoontipwliin. Keep t liver clean by oin DeWi t'a Littia K Riser aad you will aviid Iroubte. 1; are fatuou pill for onn.tiration and Ii and bowel trouble". ror:a e by to A Mason. .Our Of&rin gs.. In CARPETS and other kindre goods are of the latest patterns an colorings, our rug ana an qsuai lines' are very strong this season. ALBANY FURNITURE CO. .masonic Temple Bldg., Albany, 0 20 YEARS IN BUSINESS. W A 0MA8BRINK I theOlde-t Furnlfire Dealer in the city and he keeps s compu te lire of Furniture and l?eddina and if you want good good cheap give bimacal lie doesn't intend to be undersold. atS JOn.m .tearhine Fort- T?VJT Pin nnrilTV a'.'SaKSaK. V I'tS P a I minute esrlier than former- OUlli-isv "lv"M . n?JLStiaioii J sSZT" itt I ( 7 p. m. The south bound f"VW,i Z I at 12:10 and leave at VJ-.M ijH,MctiTa.repiy;owi.M"ii acv' -j,rTL . . . k.awM mi im i r' uuu,hi CnM-ial nffae Pnea SI 5. 50 . wwiwir r . . .. ....... I l Mkchtu walffhs ixo pound. anrt tn rrelff nt wtu I ah iB,aid w will mora your U SO nj djr yoa ara so. I 11., l..Muaal rullr dmenbad la oar Fr. a.tog " ;..ZZLZ kut.ia.M7orthu Bor tsa uiun BLKSua k, t FORSAKE. A Hartfo-d l.uycV, . io good ooi.dition. . On account of g ins; east will tel foronly$12. Post Tabacca Suit aaU tiaaak Toar I ! It Ana j. To qul tubacoo euaily una torevvr. I mat : netlo. full ot li la, nervo and vU'or, tuke No To-1 Buo. tlie wonilor-worker, that makes weak men , btrong. All druggists, Wo or SI. Cur guaran teed Booklet nnd aampls frea. Aiklreaa Sterline Remedy Co. . Chicago or Sea Yora. BfSB mMrU aad (ralirat ararma od row aautnetd. a B FWARE OF IMITATIONS ,MnMaia.or?rina aakaawa MMkiaM anuer Tarioua aamea, with nriM. f immM. VHumymt tntm aail ttwm waaarar.Ui 1 .er nuntainv aaa aTrr aoutai iirimut 1 M Si llUnUlwn. 1 1 km kuob ruurrov nui an. auaCTa v aosa. Mad. artfcajl. aca. aaafcara la aiartca.. ' .A IVwatliakca4aatarlalKaaar - M K) PATEfiTS RKS aaaawwwaaaaa nESIGNS TRIHE. MARKS ANO COPYRIGHTS B OHIAINtU f ADVICE S TO PSTENTABILITy Notice In " Inyenuva Age Book "How to obtain Patenta aharoem mooVral. Ko Am till patent is aocured. Letter, rtrictly con fidenUal. Addreaa, J 6. 6. SOGERS. PaUnt Lawrw, ajaahlngioa, P. C. j mm 3 mi i i " 1 . i 111. i Jncwi i ... k.T. J SOLID OUaRTEB SWED OAK fWMbr ei.MMHi (hel dropUK frvm sirfht tobvt4 ma ft SHief tmte, sr stsak th thssr open with fiiil Ic-narth tahl and het In pf. sywtDsT. 4 tau7 siravsna Utawt iniM Urte-tM fna, panotfe fxMMd w4 dsxwnttl rhint flnitab, Ont alcksyl drwr pal t. rent -csutcra, djatabJe trestdl, trnuin8myth Iron stand. ri Urr H kssl, noBittve four motioBtesMl, Mit threswttnsj Tbrtirtf ihuttle, ftav. botbia wlrrder, adjuiitkble bearicm, fwtnt stiloa hbertor,imirove whc) adjutmb.prtarefooK, Ira pro vex! ihtittlf carrier, otnt Mteat dnsi ,;url to mmomj sm-m4 asssl iymsmsiM a1 sea tHsswea. GUARANTEED lh Hrtls-M rtsslif, -a br- SMie!s BfteBM mt. savory kswem sjStSsimmv t ftnliksd ai4 OUT fcx. Ttructioo Book tail Just howanTonaranrunitacd do sjither p;m kind of tauacy work, a COTan BisssUsat isaus it Mnt with sri j m- IT COSTS YOU NOTHING 1:".'";'..' aaaaa. and than If ermrlnmd that you ara aaylng aii.M to ., rayyoui (rthi laimi t yst TO BKTVa.1 YOIB I.M U at any lima within thrra bmiim yoa r jou I nara nmpnr. mm mpvui, . . . . . . . . Address, yoa itay you ara Dot aausttal. 0ia& 1 la. Kntor. SEARS. ROEBUCK & CQ, (IncJ Chlca-O, I