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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1899)
SOCIAL AND PERSONAL appointed Vf, visiting T. M. Witlen has been F. agent rt Jefferson. MissNeeland, ol this city, ie Mill Lillian Bowen, of Salem. Mra. M. J. Morris and daughter Miaa Ada returned thia noon Iroiu a aeven week visit in Turner. . s : O. O. Nixon, a rieing young attorney of Kanier. Or . formerly o( thia city, baa been in the city. Mist Lola Ramer left last night for Lot Ansreles. Calif., to remain during tha winter for the benefit of her health. W. W. Crowder, of Scholia Ferryi Washington county, and hia aieter Mra. Porriah of Arlington, are in tha city on a viBlt. Capt. J. L. Cowan and wife, of Warm Springs, were passengera on the Flyer for Portland thia morning. The Da I lea T. M. K. L. Thomjwn.'wife and two Bona, -came up from Portland this noon on a visit and are the gueata of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Irvine. Grandmaster Went bet ford and Prof. Martindele. of tha I. O. O. I ., went to Brownsville today to attend a meeting of Calapooia lodge tonight. A, Ompbrey hai returned to Portland from Alaska where he located number of good claims, lie ditsolved partner ship with H. N. Crain and the last he heard of was heading for Dawson City. Timea. Mra. John A. Shaw an! son Angus, of Albany, are the gueata of Mra. Leah Caidwell and wilt remain in Ashland a week or ten dare. Mra. Shaw is the wife of the manager of the Curtis Lum bering Co. at Mill City, Ore, Aabland Tidings. TF.RMS. aitf Dr rat, lii osnts per month 15.00 per yea. , in advance, 30a per month not in advance. By carrier, lOo pet reek. 10 per cent added If allowed to run over niontna. ingieco,iiw. Wuiu, $1.25 In advance, fl..wi euo f rear j 11.74 for second yeart I'.OO tot ihird and proceeding years,, when not P10 in advance; Clubs of five sutvscriwws nt5.0O. Young Mother. 1 tha terror of tUouettuia oil nmno mothers because ita outbreak la to fiwinntlv fatal. Shiioh 'a Ooazh aud Consumption Cure acta like . . . . f ' I irt n.. a.a wv. seen Known to inn. no ui " -ieved immediately. Pricea S3 eta,, and 60 eta. and 11.00. . "' For aale by roshay Mason. S.Vk Headaches. I'll curse of overworked woiuanklnd.are quickly and surely cured by Karl's Clover Root Tea, the great blood puriner ana tissue builder. Money refunded it not satiafactorv. Price, S3 eta. and 60 eta. For aale by Foshay & Maaon. Dea( la Blood Deep. Clean blood means a clean akin. No beauty without it. Caecarets, Candy Cathar tic clean vour blood ami keeu it clean, by etimnjj un the luiv liver and driving all lm purities from the body, Begin to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilioua complexion by taking cascarets, beauty tor ten ceuts. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 23c, 50c. Geo Nolan, Rockland, O., says. My wife nad Biles tortv vears. Uewitt'a Witch Haial Salve cured ber. It is the beat salve in Ameiica " It hal every thing and cures all diseases. For sate by Fostuy & Mason. yODQ LIVER is out of order u yea nave tha symptoms snutneraieu on uu chart, you can bs euree without tha aid el Calomel, Blue lias or Quinine. Th- are minerals and are apt to poison tha blood. Why not add your uama j in already lsrra Hit of peopl ourd by BITOT AN RVDVAN has ourad 10,060 oth- , ara and it will cure yen. HUDTAN Is the iraatast vegetable ramady ol tha century and will reuava au the toUowlBg symptoms t t'DYAN sen be had ol all druggists lot cents per package. OF WEAKNESS: 1. BILIOUS HEAD. AOH1-MIit1 by HUDYAN. 8-8. JAtrNDIOXOV TH1 STBS. HUD YAN wlU cause ths yel lowness to disappear and tha normal, healthy color to return. . COATCO TONGUE, FOETID BBBATH. HUDYAN wUI dear the tongue and make the breath pure and sweet ALBANY COLLEGE 0FFER8 A THOROUGH High-Grade College Education To every boy and girl that has tha ambitlou to attain one. jfpaawaasaaafsjv atfH ' 9aV mL F ' ml' o) lyjolAioriixib rm " Ilia course it complete, and embraces the LANGUAGES, SCIENCES, MATHEMATICS, HISTORY, ENGLISH AND ELECTIVE8 Fast Mall p m Hpokan F'ya' POINTS f:1 The Normal Courts leads, up to STATE DIPLOMA, and the Commercial Courso baa now become ft Business College Equal to anything in the State. Now Illustrated catalogue. Board at tha Student Club at actual coat price. Far particulars write WALLACE HOWE LEE. President Albany, Oregon. BaU Uk, Denver, Ft aat Worth, Omaha. Kan- Mall taa City, Ht Louis, HI p Chicago and Eaat. 1 flunk an- Walla Walla. flnok- Kivar ana. Minneapolis, Ht 1:10 pro Paul, Dululh, Mil waukoe, Chicago, a Eaat. OCEAN BTEAMSHIP8 i For Ban Francisco Ball every Ave days 8na Ina KiBnndav BTKAMKUH. Eafionda lUatorday To Astoria and Way to pm 8pm 6am J D Biidwa. Eiitor "Democrat," Lan caster, N H, aaya, "Ona Minute Cagh Core is the beat remedy for croup 1 ever used." Immediately relieves and cares coughs, colds, croup, asthma, pneowania, bronchitis, arippe and all throat and lung troubles. It prevents consumption, lot salt by Foshay Maaon. "I had dyspepsia fifty-seven yeara anu -never found permanent relief till I nsed Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Now I am well and feel like a new man," writa S J Flamming, Murray, Neb. It it lh beei digest . I known. t;urp auiormauiiu digejtion. Physicians everywhere pre. scribe it. For aale by Foshay & Manorr- j LaGrippi with its alter effects, annua ly destroys tooueauds of people. It may be auicky cored by One Minute tough Core, j tneonlv remedy that pmdua immediate ' raeulu'in coughs, colds, crup, bronctitis, pneumouia and throat and lung troubles. . Ft will nrevent consumption, ror sa.e by Foenay ft Mason. Cloju-so Rates. Weekly Umocrat nd Examiner $2.50 andThrice-a-aek Vorld 2.00; and Republic 1.7o: and Oregonian $2.25: and San ir?"kU Weekly Call $2.00 ;and Salem Weekly Journal 2.00 Haa turned with disgust from an other wise lovable girl witn an offensive bj eath. Iwra Clover Koot Tea purifies the breath STtsIctwaon the bowela.etc., asnoth eCwilL Sold for year, on absolute Guarantee. Price 2o eta. and 50 eta. 8 Fo aale by Foshay A Maaon. if you suirer from tenderness or 'a 1 loess Vi.V-.k mini under shoulder- n"0"?"U':t;.,r hilooaness. aict- TICKETS To all oir ta Eaat via Gret-1 Northern Railway. For rates, fi (dera and full infottuation call or add -ess H. F. Mirull, Agent Albanv Ke-Te-Bu for Ttty ChH Guaraoteed tobaeeo habit cure, mokvj eak men atroog, blood pure. 6Qc. Si. AU druwiai Albany Alarkei. Wheat 42 JenU. Oa'a 27 Ggga 27vnts, Butter IS to 17 cent. Potatoes 30 cenU. Bams 15 cuU. Sidfi 10 cents. ShoaldersS centa. B. TENDERNESS AND PAIN IN THE BTOHAOH, DTJH TO INDIOES- TION. HUDYAN wtU elear the stomach ol the exceas ol bile, relieve tha pain and oaase the food to be perfectly dlfoated. . ENLARGEMENT Or THE LIVES, HUDYAN will leeaea the eoncostlon and re duce the Uvsr to its normal alas. nODYAN will care all tha abors symp toms and make yon well. Do not delay longer, oo to yoor amgtut at onoa and pro cars a paekags of HtXDTAN tot easts or I packages for flM. If your druggist does not keep It, send direct ta tha aTODYAN KEjg- EOT COHPANT, 8aa rraaelsoe, CaUforoia. If yon are not satUSed with tha sSesta, re turn the empty Ht'DYAN bos and we will return your moaer. Remsmbsr that yoa eao eoosnlt ths HVDTAN DOCTORS! VREK. Call and sea ths doctors. Ton may sail and see tbsm, or write, as yoa dselrs aaarsas HUDYAN REMEDY COMPANY, Car. a)teMea, Market sad Ellis tta, as frsailtea, CeL N. W. N. COLLEGE OF MUSIC AND ART. 1 21. PARVIN. Mas. Dae. Piroctor- Ml J. N BROWN PrlnclDil of Art Aitoolata Plan. Litest Muthols. Full Course glveo In tha Principal flranohea of Music and Art InMihio: Plan). Unran. Voice. Italian Slnalng. Violin. Hand lostrumenta. w. i . ia . . a a i tt . t I if . . uaruiony, uounierpotni, r ugue anu nigner Aiuaicai uomposuion, ate. Music lagans In tlarmouy and Counterpoint given by Correspondence. New Method ol ?oriusl Traiolng In teaching t'Uno, oung Teachers gtven work: to assislin obtaining a Musical hJuoatlon. A(al nr Witt'a fi dull. neaTT anu aicnui eaacuo, ---- - . . ,w. lira " 7 . Little Karif tiiaers wm v. j-- DromptU, pleasantly ana P8"-"."-'' Kv,-; the congestion and eaoat-f to tile du5 to open - - Tht b cood poja. I wou-dn't be without DeWilt a Wrich Haael Salve for any en'idmtiM. wntea Thoa B Rhodes. Ceaterfieia. O . for piles, cuts, burns and tin Ji-ea. 5ewar of counterfeits. For tale by bayJaon. CASTOR I A Var Xniasstt and Childrea. Its m Yea Hats Mwajs BwgW Bean the dgnatareof SOlTHaDd EAST Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what yoa eat. IcartlflcIaIlydlgsUthefoodanAJda Nature in strengthening and recon structing tha exhausted digestive or gans. ItisthelatestdisoovereddigesV; antanatoms jo otner preparauoa can approach it in efficiency. It Id- Btantly relierei and permanently caret Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence. Sour Stomach. Nausea. SickHeadache,GatialgiaCiramp8,and allother resultsof Imperfect dl(restloa. -aVeporsd b e. c Dsi; Co Cbtcopo. For sale by Foshay & Mason. FOSHAY 4 MASON Wholesale A Retail DRU33ISTS AHDBOOmiUt tLBAlTT. OBJtOON. Pure Drugs and the finest and Largest Stock ol Stationary and Books the Market. SIX PER CENT LOAN8.-I have a limited amount ot money toloauon nrst-clase farm security or improved boainesa property in Albany. Interest aix per cent for particulars call ou or addreaa. tl. F. Mkbril'., Democrat building. Albany, Oregon -vu- SOUTHERN PACIFIC Overland -South Bound Xea,e. Portland - JgPJ Amvea Aio.nj '"'i0-M P m OREGON VIAYI COMPANY Cer. Morriaon 4 Park Sta. LEWIS BUILDING. Portland -. - Oregon OUR CAPACITY . I'netiualed In the Valley. OUR WORK la Unsurpasu In Oregon. to have the best stock u ;8!ecl from and our prices 8ro always the lowest, quality C'npilered SMILEY, A". . The Pr..tter ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT the undersigned baa been dulv ac- oointed by the County Court of Lion I county, Oregon, aa the administrator of I the estate ot II A Davie, deceased. Any iand all persons having claims aaaiost said .state are berebv notified to creaent the I same, duly verified aa by taw required, to line uaaersijrnea as narrisourg, urejron, witbia six months from the date bereft. Dated this 8th day of Novemoar, WJ9. EE Davis, Gaacs Aaa Davia, Administrators. WKATBErFOBD A WtaTT, Atty's for Admr's. antly in.utilt-1 wlib tntnmuv b rht lls whV-b nmd is ' S i aTiTf Jht Juia. - It hi id ! iimImI K & nnmhM. nt ..K u . . L " J 4 sua Larxllnge. W1LL)IETTHBIV. 4tb0p Orciioi Cllv. Newherf , Es Hun Balem A Wiy lmndV am WILLAMETTF. AND SiilOp .'aeadav. YAMHILL K1V. Alonda i'liura.. Oregon City, Dayton, Wed. aud Oat. and WayLanda. and Hat am WII.r.AMKII K 1UV. :.W P B Tuesday I'ortland to Corvallla Tuea-lay lhur., and Way-Undinga. Thur , and Bat. Lv Utparla . .M .',,0 8:30am KNAKK BIVKK izw r Daily lliparia to L.aiston uauy W. II. HUKLttURT, ueo. rats. niui UAWLIN03. Agent Albany. I'ortland, Or. AND S00 PACIFIC LINE. Direct rrmto to d fru a'l r.iern nnmlaand Europe thrown llietKA?IU tT M:i;M:RY in Ami-rica. ThrouHh Bwt data leplia loirlst cars (rem roast to ST PA 1 1 1 i TO HON TO . MONT HKAIj iBOSTOK Without Change. Royal Mall Sisal! Lis Rae was mania liter. UdI.iI aa. ua c-utarro or ifi stnmarb; aaHlr Mbt thai It wa. oriUoar arvolht-r it MiUrjr twlrulita, nr sail aUxMa, for wblfb a I , . . . . i .vu, wriiuni mrpaawwi i TW'T tune i.mii. rarir la Jane a ttelxhljur I Alter uln tl.o.n lU palna ao4 bkwllncor M' eotirl)f dto.fVMrt. Tb. Mlhiai had fnwUrallf a, IwitaSMI.ln tort tor i M af Ml InnUl iiwr uaui inal II was oriUoary arttt. aj . r sail auioM. for wblfb a. InaM bv i ilw pains "! m savsrs U1 bnwtmlt toil poaattei u nmplfOlr rna sWvaw Inrtoexf twe la ur Hiuaas Takvfcaa, to. ttunuMna ajM aulla mmi tM.ll.ttt hmA hrll..ll .i.h.i ii ii i W m.. V. . . t i aaiitwl alavsa (wuiuU, a4 ca!d oat baAwl aeaas, asMBS siasa itttii IU ma TiT i mv "I'.Mi. .ii I., irill.aMia.H.i "a .11 In. vil mm4r mwmltm m a a - - CHISI JAP1H and AU3TALI& ralaa i art r a Sm.T RAILWAY NOTICE. Toe motor on the Albany Street Kal. will connect prompty with all trainatou from the depot, day and jicbt. r. i . Ti. t t opeciai rnpe win oe naoe ai seci R. Mocbi,. ( rarvit v : AS? ii 1 HAIR SWITCH 65 CENTS. UflmlK rates. awntJ. or u mm niM. ud Mil mim mi tbt room mm Mbto,laeiuw n. hi nil fim mix I t4 s mm num to tT owus. and wU mmmm um im m mmfk tr ! m, aad mwn4 to yott b auii, aonpakl.aiul U Ton ar mot pmrtriif auai'ltd. hiaw yoor monmr, tatHrilMiMmi lea. rwllra avia. lout, lona mim. SSoi mhori ii'ia. I ! X, mhorl imnm, SI.2SI Sl-la. Iom. akort tnmmm. ai.aoi 1 t-ta.loas.MuirtMmi.aa.asiH o avin. lou, abort .mov aastaatJiTaa et a eaa tiw itmt ml oa ta. . OHmt at km. mm H M Mt.l I Mr Mwf ,.lj.,4 If fmm mrm m Writ tnr Wrmm Cmfmumu at Ma. Addrm, tl. aoeauca a caniM.t mik.m. Qlataisaaace.sriainiiisltiatMi sisatif If 1 t AibanT. ArriveeSan Franctoco North Bound. Leaves San Francisco. Arrivee Albany Leaves Albany.- Arrivea Portland - California ExpreeSouth Bound. Leaves roruau 7:45 pm 8K)5 p m 6 36 a m 5:43 a m 9:15 a m ..12:10 a m ;.12:40pu .. 7:4i pm Arrives Albany Leaves -lbn7"".'v: Arrives Ban Francisco Oregon EipreeNorth Bound. n Leaves San Francisco ; sdHT p m Arrivea Albany 3:25 m Leaves Albany 7 :15 p m Arrives ' V -TXncpDileyTE. Sunday) rave Albany for Lebanon. iWaat Albauy Arrive a . 8 :10 a m 10:30 am . 4:40 p m . 7:05 pm Torturing Disfiguring Humors Itching, Burning,' and Scaly 'Eruptions of the Skin and Scalp with Loss of Hair CURED BY CUTICURA. The treatment la simple, direct, acreeabla, and ecoDomical, and la adapted to toe roaDg- et iniADt as wen as adults or .Terr Batba the affected parts with Hart Watks ae. and Cctiocba Soar to cleanse the ski of . crusts and scales, and sof uo the thickened cuticle. Iry, without bard robbing, and ajiplr Coticuka Ointment freeljr, to allaf ltcning, imtation, ana innammation, ana sooth, and beal, and lastlr take the Cutiocba Rnaoiivnrr to cool and cleanse the blood. This treatment afford. Instant relief, permits rest and sleep, and point to a speedr, perma nent, and economical care when all other rem edies and eren the beat physicians fail. J SeMoTwTWhm. rMem, Tmm rrr, SI or, Cirncmm Momr,tSe.i Oi.t.bvt. tat.t Hmoltbvt (huf iImi. JUa rorri. .D O.K. Cor, Smj rropL, Bmm. SW "itew w Car. Uuho," St-ya( awk, trmm. rTTrmnecUons at 6.n "snciaco K" .I..hio lines for iiawsn, -f-u, with steaBatnp itn AMtr, lt. Cbioa. Tba w ViVkets and rates call on U For tbrongh tickeu an A of l ml ?ii Fgo & Co', office, Alba'iy, Or. CHMABKHAM, K. O. T. M. very StturKy evening aw K. O. T. U all. Visitin f" KnighU inviied. ti W UOFJrCommar.der. HON'ti WAH TUXG CO, Second St near Lyon street, Albany. Sells Chi nese medicine, Chinese rice, Chinese ill BIGGIE BOOKS A Farm Library of unequalled value Practical, Up-to-date, Concise and Comprehensive Hand somely Primed aud beautifully Illustrated. By JACO BIGOLB N(t. 1-BlGOLE f.OUSE DO0K r , All about Home a Ci nimon Srnt Irealiae. with over - 74 illustration ; a staudurd rk rrne yCtuu No. 3 BIQOLE BERKV BOOK All alwut growing SniHll V t titi4rrd und leem how; contain, ts colored hie-like trpioiiiu.'ticn-nlnUlei dies; varieties and loc otl.rt llluMiatiou. J i lur, ju CcuU. NO. 3 BIOQLB POULTRY COOK All about I'iMiltie ; the bei.1 I oultiv tun U In exlntencei tell.evetyiiinr ; with.j culoird I'll ..k' u iirodiictloiis of all the irmci.a! brd.:with tij bluer Uluatraiioiui. Price, y Ccuu. No. 4 BiaOLE COW BOOK , j All about Cows and the Dnny Hiiklnr a havms; a sreet sale, contain. Scolcrrd litt-likerrproiltictioaiiorraclt ' breed, with I3 otuer illurtiatioaa. 1 rnt, ju Ccuta. No. 5 DIOQLB SWINE BOOK Just out. All about Ho Breeding, FrnHnir. Hutch, cry, Lhaeajea, etc. Contains over Bo tir.utilul half . tones a ad other engravings, fries, 511 Ct nr.. TheBIOOLE BOOKS ere unique rl(,'inI.urerul you never . .aw.nylhing like them ixji.railiiBl.ron-nrMile They are having n enormous aale Karl Wot, North and Bouth Every one who keep, a ilorar Cow, Hog or Chicken, or grow. Km. II Frmia, ontht to send right away for the BIOtiLC BOOKS. The FARM JOURNAL Is your paper, made for yon and not a II la veers old; it lathe great boiled-down hit-the-noll-ou-the-hend,-quit-after-Tou-bave-Mid-it, l-'arm and HotiKhold pafier in the world the bluirett on net oliu.ize in the United Klnits v of America having over s million and s-hall rcgulur reader. Any ONE of the BIGGLE BOOKS, and the FAIU1 JOURNAL fl YEARS (remainder of 1890, toon toot, 190s and rooj) will be scut by mail o any addreM for A DOLLAR BILL. Sample of FARM JOURNAL and circular describing BIQOLE BOOKS free. Address. FARM & Eastern Eaitafl. TIMECARD. .jz:mi p. ta. . 6 :W p. tu . 7 too a. m. .12:2i p. di 7 HO a. .;...U;M a. WII.MKB ATKmsoir, chas. r. jKHKina. yOt'RISAI. IiULlitLrHia 2 For Tsqntna : Train leaves Albany... arrivea Yaqnloa. 1 Retaroinct , Leaves Yaqnloa....... Arrives Albany S For Detroit: leaves Albany... Arrivea Detroit., 4 Keturolnu: Leaver Dotroit . 12 :26 p. in Arrives Albany 6:56 p. n. uLeaves Aioany o:t p. m. Arrives Corvallla 6.65 p. m SLeaves Uorvallia.. ....... 8:40 a. m. Arrives Albany 7:26 a. m One and two connect at Albany and Corvallla with Southern I'acluc trains, giving direct service to and Irorn New port and adjacent btacbes. No. rnos Iro n Albany to Corvaltis on Mandays, Wednesdays and Fridays only No. 5 runs (rom Corvallla to Albany on Tueadays,Ttiitrsdaysand Saturdays only. Trains for the mountains arrive at Do troit at noon, giving ample time to reach camping grounds on the lirel ten husb and banliam rivers tbe aams day. Edwih (?tonb, II. L. Waldkm, Manager. T.F. A P. A. J. Tcbnkr, Agent, Albany. NEW YORK WORLD Thrice-a-Week Ldllion 18 Pagea a Week , . .'. . . . 156 Papera a Yeai For One Dollar ll.he4everv iltensleBsrszeeplSss Tbe Tbrice-a' Week Edition o(TaiM York Wobld Is first among all "weekly' papers in size, frequency of publication and tbe freshLas, accuracy and variety ol its contents. It has all the merits of a rreat $6 daily at : he price of a dolla weekly. Its political news is prompt, com SODA WATER from Sodaville, fresh, just received at Burkhart & Lee's a healthy drink. Also a fine thing from Marquon III, bottled by John Burnett of Sweet Home. For fa I iaforwatlon regarding etc. apply to c II, II. .BBCTF, Albany, Ore. A spot I'orllaad.Ore. E. J.OOYLE, . A. U. r. A, Vancouver, a. w. LEGAL DIRECTOR Albany. W R Bilveo. Foshay A Mason block U Bryant, P O block. Anderson Cannon PO block. J N Duncan, P O bloca T P Uackleman, Pearee block. Judge II II Hewitt, P O block, N B Uumphrev. Kelly A Curl, bank building. L II Moitanva, 1'earca blocty J C Powell, P U block. O E 801, PO block. L L rweno, Bank building. II 0 Watson, bank building. Weatberford A Wyatt, Bank bnildliig Whitney A Newport, Ouelck block, Q W Wright, PO block. Lebanon. f M Garland. Brownsville A A Tossing. TJ Wilson sclo. MISHIT NavrioaAi. Bair, ow AI-aAHT, OIMOI PnslilMt... nsarrssUsal. ahlsrn R, W ....LfHNr S B.TOUKO LAMOUOB TBAMSaCTS 4 OaVaaTl.baaklajbi AOOOUNia KBn ralHaetts.beiit. IOIITB1CDANOB a.dt.leratible it ssfer, s Mas' To-k Sas rrsaelsoo.Ghleefe 1 LSOTIORS SADKne la.orable ataaofoael I Tosas a w Uses', P 4 Ooeswts b. fusel 0 . Finis. ,t safer, vol lead fellas arais IfrnltAbtti eeriHini of ft mcrhantr.kl or Invontira gulDd drtirinff ft trip to th Fntift KnpotiltloBe Wil6fui4 ftftlarr ftnd i pniff palrl. ah mi Id wrlta , n.lHHalll(B-) lOarcaUandTrails M.rk. obtained and all rt 'eut bunfu.ouniloriea for Moderets Pecs. Bendmodri.arawinaorriboto, WssiItIm Iff ntenl. tile f ree o f cb.rpn. on r f aotdiiellllf n.UntieMTMrei. A Pamphlet "How toOb-1 tale Patents," with eoat of It thsB.1 mua luruQ ouuulriM nt rroa, iMrmt, a a. 8nov & co. ' Oe. w.t.wt Orn&v W.SMINSTTN. O. C.l