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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1899)
1 laid Skirts Another lot just rmt on sale. Two numbers, 0110 at 18.00 andnothor atJS.OO are especially nat and good value. Mew Kid Gloves iV. .V i Vnai.ni0it con,P,ut6 I" tbia vicinity. Our $1.00, $1..5aml I.M) lines are very strong. 1 l .Vrf!"0 ano M,wrt'n tf now gloves at $1.76 and NOTK -Our $1.50 Oenlomerl, Foster and La Rome gloves art being closed out at $1.00. " SEE EAST BIIOWIWINIKJW. S. E. Younc&Son. THE BAZAAR. Flannellette Wrappers. Special Sale. 3, DAYS PLY, Thursday, Friday and Saturday PRICE gCj KACd LE.& H.J. HAMILTON. Lemon peel, Orange peel, intron, Raisins, Currants, Flge. . Date, Walnuts,) "" CPAImonda. I I have everything tlat goca to :ma.e to firit claaa fruit cake or any.othtr 1 kind at a cika. A. O. Beam. Can n Tit... mill ti Mnlftll hv tflS V.VW W www. www wg. ahJanigned until Thursday, November 10th. 1800 aud then opened by the Exeo- ativo committee, for cooping, feeding m caring lor me pouiwy, -w., nu iianlm tliaaliow mom at Ins annual imiblllon of the Oregon State Toultrf U'O.i w M 11 Ainu;, ni jury 22-29. 1900. .... , t,y be obtained by addreeaing the aco- I roruana, w. 1 . .. A . iv 1 1 . "...vr a- . '. ,' Try Parker Bros. 1 1 For the best Groceries. if . (Fresh Produce lust added to our SOCIAL ANDJERS0NAI, Mlfl M.rir.r.t ftiimlift I. ...1 i ... Mian Wlllliscame up from Salem tlili noon on a ttb Albany friends. ludira John rtlirnatt l I in . . . Id tba city tbia noon. " . VSllln 0rtr, Society will oiMt business. ' ior Itt III filtv th'a .1-1. .. lam from th. WosT SI... "7 W fcd McFarland. of Dall.i, one of tba bora bo t .'. . buiier of tba .i7.V"L"i:"T?rK! todty. ' ,"" e"7 ..b1m.',.iP: 8,,r,1 ' Preabytar. annlvaraar urmnn u" ?, "7 iJ b ' P"?" of th Aab. ., nun tu. soio 01 hi antr Into ua wlnUtry.-Aabland Tiding,. ' lilt ill lAte V1 n,ht noo leit lor Kiddle, Or., on a -rut. ku waaonaoftbt Llnncoonty boy. yaara AJoa tlroa wm b jMt , . . b . ' . " ni.u waa a anaii. 112 niatcn. arnn h. ui r . r Jft2lP ! Mr C! nl,": " OOODr Priaa. A da- ' --! WB tervau and a rood tima generally bai. 1 .JVukui01, ro,D,roy. of Albany, by rnbUaVgot" o" iwaiog uon atraam., lm Journal. " i?I-F2-a 8,J,,,n-". -B0n mlnw ..Mnpsggim oi ID UrBXM)lan In Bmii h k.. i"ay. Dr. " . ,0 fori Laua minim Th. vVcuthcr. Toblaht inil TkJ. t . - ri; ;v '" wi-T. liapavman Trv lha RnaarTtAal tm .H1 k.i .1... V.wwLU.. Loaa no tlma In ralllnv nn Will J. C...L for tba boat watch e guarantead tima Koepert, ana uk your lime In buying It la a pleaaur. to ibow their gooda. Fina boma-mada mince meat at Vier tca'a eogar uowl. AGATES tyWSiS 6ib and Tbnraton Hta., Albany. Leave ordera at Frencb'a Jewelry atore. Call on F.M. French The Jeweler, , . ... ii; OoId-BIIed and Solid Gold Watchee, that we boogbt for caib, and we are giving our cur tomera tbe benefit of the extra diecouot. ENGAGEMENT and WEDDING RINGS epeclaltr i . . .1... and Fruits. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Tueaday aveolov, Nov. U, 1899. Freaent Mayor, Recorder, cbief of pjlloe, atreet luperlntendent and 0on. cllraan Whitney. Dannafa, Itlcharde, Grabaia, Dawtoojand Ffeiffer. ..,T,i? fo,'olng bill were ordered paid ! Jf.iJ ma j J M Kalaton. w ',n. -M! Jobn Oatlln, f9 for one balf clotbai destroyed. Continued bill of P. Cohen fo? 5.35. Further time granted In matter of tightening bridge boita. Councilman Whitney reported the to gagement of Weatherlord 4 Wyatt to represent the city in the cate In tbe au preuie tourt. Mr. Weatberford itaud that na had argued tbe caw and tbotsgbt there waa a fair show of winning it. Superintendent Weaifall reported work done to tbe amount of 18! on tbe atreeta during two week. The mayor, veto of lha bicycle ordlo ansa waa read and the orJinance waa voted unon Whltn I l: bam voting yea; peifler and Kicbarde 00. DtIDB hunl declared lot. Petition of L. Gotlieb ahowed that be had bought certain nrom..i. a loe aatate at deliuquent i'e paying $76 -- auu wia. tie baa ainee paid $10 laaea oo It.which be aaked to have it paid back. ftWerrcri tn .- .mr..i.... on accouota and current expenae. &n amenament to an ordinance pro vlded that 50 gallon of giaollne u.ay be kr pt In a building luitead of 10 at heretoore, waa reai and pawed. Ordinance bill granting tbe right of way from present switch to warehouse of M. Renders 4 Co., across 7tb street, was read and discussed by Councilman W hitney, Graham and Kicherde. Itich arua objecting to a third readlog tbe bill was continued, and upou motion was referred to the committee on streets and public property. The request of David Froman for th privilege of building: acorrugr.ied Iron shed in tbe rear of bla block, waa lost, Dannyla, Ur..bam and Whitney voting: yes; Dawson, pfelfler, Riofaardand tbe mayor no. An ordinance waa ordered drawn plating the salary of the marshal at $00 beginning Jan. 1, 1.J0. The recorder waa instructed to give notice of city election for Dec. 4, when a mayor, recorder.cblef of police and tbrea councilmen will be elected. rne following judge nl clerka of election were appointed: First ward, u. w. Warren. F. M. Bedfleld u,rtm'r.e; c,rk, 8- Steele. U. F Merrill. Secood ward Jodse. A. B wopdin, S. M. Pennington, JTE. Bridge- loroiciera. adolpb Bandera, W. II. Warner; Third ward-Judgee, W. E. Kelley, A. B. Griggs, Jaa. Sbelton; clerka, Frank Haoainr, John Thomas. The voting will be done in tbe council cbambera,No. l'ahail and tbe Murpny build ng, 2nd St., betwsen Montgomery and Baker. The matter of a physician at tbe Moon hospital waa left to tbe committee on health and police, Coancllman Pfelffar aUted that tbe Electria IJhi rv - i.i - proposition for the lighting of First, Sec ond and Lyon atreet. No action. Tbe allev In tna raar nf II.. 9 n Klwb Waa ranAriauit in K A A.n.tA - ' I mrmm MIHVIIIUU, A U9 recorder aa IminNl , nn.. "w w iv n 1 1 . pivp vwnvra wj ciean aiiey within XUdaya. Christian Alliance Conven tion. A convention of tbe Christian .nd Missionary Al.iance will be held m thla city, In the Pearce Memorial church, be ginning rrioay et tbia week at 2:30 p. m. wuHuuiDg until onanay nignv,OT. lvtu. There will be service Friday evening at 7 :S0. and thraa aarviraa R.tnnt. .nl Sunday at 10 a.m . 2:30 and 7:S0n. m. r.u. w, lAiMChtvr, Field 8opt., Rev. A. E. Funk, Geo1. Seo'y. and Miaa F. Mason, at Naar York, vill ha hMittnt ... ' . ' " -T""" - OUDI. and Wlla. nf l.lilnml. m pecied. An invitation Is extended to all per oot to attend theee meetings. Tui C. 8. The larine ofthaataal rail baa began on the extension of tbe Col- am tiia Boutbern railroad, which rant eooiu irora Biggs, on ibeO.R.&N., through Sherman and Wew counties with Prlnevilla aa Ita ulilmain linn. A Inniy . ... . uiIa.iii,..nmu w w.ww niNviiviHifiwn; from VIoro, tbe present terminal of tbe '""i u vio-i nouow, a aisvance oi eo miles, lam cans nt man n at w... For IS miles of tbia distance the roadbed ia graaea and ready lor tba rails, which ara hainir 1.1,1. baainun.1 n. w.. w.wi re.i I .... arrived at Mora last Saturday and others hIII f.ll . . .... . win iuiiuw asiasiasposeioie. letegram. Ur tui C. ft E. W. A.Oox. aha came down from the front Monday, aays tbat on mat day Dra. DavU and Ellla, of Albanv. vara at Rarvw nil n.ii, i consultation with the' local physician, relative to the nature of the disease pre valent in iubi vicuiiy. nr. iavia told Mr. Cox tbat ten caeee bad been exam ined and that aaob of the patienta waa suffering with smallpox of a mild type; tbat tbe situation at present waa not ser ious, ooi mat who tne aavaace oi t old er araalhar. It mlirht kavim. ... . . atricl quarantine baa been established in L. .t..l.ti. iftl . iu Ti.iuiiy, ximca. lti a lingular taste that cannot b suited in tbe varied and large selection of jewelry at Will A Stark'a, The beat gooua ana reasonable prices. For home-made mincemeat try the Su Water Melons, sweet ard delicious on nana aatiy at C. E. BBOwxxix'a Call In and see our up-tvdate line of Airtignt ueatera. OnLiflo A ilciBVBir. Tin and Granite ware at Ohlino A Holbdst's. White Clover Honey, lucts. per lb. a 0. E.Brownell 1. COUNTY BUSINESS. In tbe clerka nice a complaint waa filed In tbe case of Tbe Plana Mfi rw agt T. Ackerman, for recovery of money. jjicensea were lamed i the marriage tl'a11? Mle, .Bd fifty, W. H. Bcbuller and Anna b. Cja. I' 2. Homi and O 111- l,..h.. t-M i and Anna W. Smith, fn tha rnr.l... Afii.. . ... .. --- tug louoaing Instruments weie Sled : Kobert Andrews to J K Pearl, 2 lot. Halmv W If Booth to P 8 LongV.'.'cVe:::' 876 v.c wu i nr.rcs. . 1000 Mortgage on 160 acre 226 Keluaaa of (nv i.ui - . 7 .'......., 1UVU Chatel mortgage lor 250 n.aieee 01 mortgage icr 700 " " 1600 College Notes. The Sonnomd a. ,1.. , 1- loarinsoflleari Ir..i.i.n, Vice-president, John Acheson; Secre tary and Treasurer, Francea French. .M:.m Ter'tune, of rallroan, and W C Wallace. Of Grand I ... . "-t vi- lege tbla week. Tbe Commercial students bave adopt ed tbe following at their yell : uii oat ooom.wbo which whom, ever late, always great, Commercials Miss N'lna nilna I... .i.,..i 1 ... www.. V.WVwU J1.II-' Birer of tbe bakat.lisll ti,. expect to play a game wltb tbe O. A. C A great manj good books are being received for n.a m..... ... i. 1 bom peon, of Brownsville, recently do- u-iwu nvvi Tviumrr. ' A punching bag has been put up and Otbar imDrovemanta ... around the evmnaamm. Mr Tait'a claasea are doing good work. As this week is observed as a week of prayer by all the Christian Colleges of the world, prarer-meetiogs are being held every morning f om S:40to 9:40. Kev T J Wilson, of Eugene, conducts these meetings. BxTOii Lavv-Tlie annual tax levy for collection cf funds for payment of urren t cotlnty evxenua, has been fixed. Toe work waa done by the commission era' court Thursday. Tbe levy for county pur posee 11 mills; far county school purposes, 6 mills; for ecaip bounty j4 mill : total. mills. The ivy ior county purposes last year waa IS mills. The levy lor school purposes was h milla. The increase to 6 milla la in ac cordance with the provisions of tne new school Laws. Tbe levy for ecaip Dountr ia in accordance with the provisions of the ecaip bounty law, passed by tbe last LegiaKture. There ia an additional tax of one mill on each head of sheep In the county. The state levy baa not yet been made. Tbe 11 mill levy lcr county expeusee Ik ia BSUIUBieU UT WW WIUiiiiWiWiw - court will pay off about I20 ol out standing inueoieunesa. time The aUte Land board at a meeting vestardav decided to foreclose all mort gagee In which tbe interest was due fori . periuu ui urv jem vi ww.. WKIU nr.4lclna at football last tVS nin. Tom Suvens. eon of W. B. Btav ena, bad collar bone broken. SEE HERE. -The party who borrow ed a steel crowbar irora the anop oi ai. Ludwlg will please be honest enough to return it at once. F0R8ALE. A No. 1 oat hay tor eale, $6.60 loose at tne barn of W . 8. Toole. F0R8ALE. A Hartford bicycle, io ' good condition. On account of going east wiHsel; for only $12. N ew Goods in All tines. I , i tf tl I Kk v etpa. V V an e? IJespectaDie Qothing is recognized in their exquisite workmanship their exclusive styles tteir Handsome pat ternstheir fashion able fit Character istics at once recog nized in our famous K., N. & Fe Coe's Fall and Winter line! lt. U. i ' I (a. a v J i vaJt a- a - At the BLAIN CXOTHING CIRCUIT COURT. op-wt no. 2 m. r. boibx, tvwi Martin V Yrw i ml ai. t- -...1.! " J . - viu7 irr o ai, Partition. Zmiamtnt a! J Frpman, B M Payne and T A Kigga ap- .it 1! Granted, plaintiff to Uke maiden name. v 11 B Moyr. to clear title. Tried ard submitted. Lizzie E fkmi're va John M Somera, divorce. Gaanted. II Trlworth and aubmitled. J V ftmith -t: Grantd7 ' " In tha can ef ItfTim.u -... . . . al.mandanrus, a motion to strike out - f me answer waa taken under ad- Tha naar nfRxmrm .1 a-.. cluoare: Preeident. Dr. W. T. Wll liamion; vice president, W.J. D'Arcy: aecretary. C. D. Gabriel wo; treasurer ClaUda (iateh Irnilu. Ul T ,x George P. Hughes, Obarlea 8. Moore.Dr. it f..t..:.i.i . . t ... . . ... mi .ng ur, n . 11. Kyrd, Dr. C. W. Barr of Lebanon, who baa managed several ancveaaful railroad ex cursions annonices tbat another will be given daring tbe bolidaya under the sue pices of '.be Woodmen of tbe World. Solid satisfaction piven awa with every purchase at Will & Stark'a, deal r a in good wares, silver, gold, glass an cute. fresh Cider at tba Alh.n. Trarlin. C.a'm atore. A delicious drink. MARRIED. ME8PELT SMITH. At the Baptist Dsrsonaee on Nov. Ifiih. K , a t Sturtevant, Fred W. Meapelt and Miie Anna v.Bontb, ol near Scio. MILLER -POMEROY. At the M. E- church, Albany, Oregon,Nov. 14, 1899. Mr. J. M. Miller.of Marion county and Miss Bertie Pomeroy, of Linn comty, Oregon. Dr. M. O. Wire officiating. A Woman Hung On the arm of ber hoaband and with teare ia ber eyea begged him to go into Bot khart A Lea's drag store and purchase a tottie of SYBUP of WHITE PISE with TAR. I know tbia rtmedy ia far ahead of any thing we bave ever tried, for Cougbe and Colds, and besides every bottle ia guaranteed by tbem to give perfect satisfaction or yon get yonr money back, which ia 25c. We can furnieb hundred of testim onies where it broncht immediate relief to those suffering with Coughs, Coida and LaGrippe. urkhart latisfiutFiH.Ccit or a Cook or a 8tovo or Utensils or Groceries or Dishea or Spoons " a Stove " Utensils Groceries " Dishes " Spoons " Knives and Fork a Let ni supply all except the Cook, any good Kcstlxx can get a co:k. F. E. Allen & Co. (I ' IJ jrfAR The orisihal r OUAR ANTKCD CLOTMINQ An ImportMnt IMflereneo. To make it apparent to thousands, who think themselves ill, tbat tbey are not af flicted wttb any disease, but that tbe sys tem simply needs cleansing, is to bring comfort borne to tbeir hearts, aa a costive condition is easily cured by uir.g Sjmp of Figs. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrnp Co. only, and told by all drug gist. Sugar Mr. Gralwobl inform ns tba t be fa selling 17 pounds of granulated au gar for $1.00. Now la tbe time to buy aa it ia liable to go op at any time. Tbia it ft net easb proposition. AU gooda delivered free of charge. QTflP WHl Bterk'e and D 1 Vy I tee their large and splendidly selected stock of rings. Any design you want. Ringa for all purpoeea rom a present to the baby to a w.c?ing. WANTED at once a good tinner or an all around man preferred .state wages want ed in your applicationr aa teady job for right man. Address W. E, CuAKotta Lebanon, Ore. MOST BE SOLD, My stock of goods must be sold at an early date and I will give greater bar gains man ever, at a aampie good wblta shirts for only 25 cents and boys over coats, worth $3 for only $1.25. Other tningi in proportion. OX. Our New Store Strictly Casi Pm All goods guaranteed strictly first class. Fresh and folicoont and full weight or money refunded. Fresh Sweet Potatoes today Call and examine our gooda. ALBANY TRADING CO. Vance Building, Second Street. Coriipany's