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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1899)
Expansion va Imperlaliam Tbsdttermiait r. t t y 1 majority of our profound thinker whelb r statesmen, nublic men or scholars U -against imperialism and not inuul ex pansion. Eg-Gov. Altgeld iu hit speech at Blair, Neb., last October, sounded the keynote to tbe whola situation . "Th question la not ona of sxpansion. It la eot a question wbatbcr wa shall add territory to the republic and Increase tba population tbat ahall ba subject to tba constitution and lava of United State, it k a question of tabliahing a despotic system of government. It it a question of following In tba wake of Englaad and holding eubject colonic whoee people aball ba governed, not according to tba principle of our cooetitution and lair, bat in violation of them, and whoee peo pie, instead of becoming American citl lena, are to occupy .tba relation to ua tbat they fcrmerly occupied toward Spain. It ia because thia mast result in tba ultimate destruction of oar own liberties and tba overthrow of our own institution that tba alarm I raised." It la a deliberate and willul perversion ol tbe principle always advocated bv tbe Democratic party, to ear tbat It fails to puceivs tbe difference between expan sion and imperialism. That tbe party ba alwayt been one of p regress and nat tonal expaorion ia evidenced by t1 fact that it was tbe Democratic party that added whatever new possession tbe orig inal thirteen colonies had. Cut it alwayt insisted tbat each expansion should be in conformity with oar cenetitut'on and lewe. There i a vast difference betwetn adding territory under our constitntion and law, and creating a tovereignty in dependent of tbem, to be governed by tbe federal authorities exclusively, a mere colonies. TowaatU Imperialism. Ml fit Foot Bail. A the city election approaches candi dates iaorease, until there i almost a eonfution aa to who are after the oHIoer Judge Boise ia slow but sure. Ilia legal bead it Just ae good a it wa In hit palmy days, with tbe ad led e.tprr euce Will you ait up to ae the meteor, ex pected to pay tbe earth a vlait tonight or tomorrow night, probably tomorro night, perhapa neither. The Chinese birds are not being v ry eeriously disturbed thia year. The Dbmocbat man haa no personal proof tbat any have been killed at all. The claaeic-featorert dummies which grace tbe window of the rlotbing store, are about tbe worst that ever happened. The things which stare at yon from tbe big windows, with fixed eyea and atony glare, are a libel upon mankind, a alander npoa humanity. Xuw, the wax figures upon which tbe dry goods man buckles a corset or npoa which the hairdresser ar ranges a bloudtne wig, are usually good enough to eat, but the mala dummies in variably look aa if they were posing for a before-taking pictures. Can't something be done for them? Agricultural adver tising, Chicago, m. Mr. McKlnley's progress toward im perialism haa bean attady and undevia- ... .. a. ii- ting. A lew citations irom ma puoue and official utterances will mark the steps, aays tba New York World t l. In hi meaaaae to ooagrots on April 18, 1803, he said : 'l apk not ol forcible annexation, for that, under our code of moralt, would be criminal ag gression " 2. After Dewey had deatroyed tbe Spanish fleet the presidsnt. ou May 19, 1898, directing the secretary of war to end a military force to Manila, under Qsn.Merritt, "for tbe twofold purpose of completing tbs redaction of Spanish power in that quarter and of giving or der and security to the Islands while in tbe poeteaalon of the United State. 3. In communicating to congrese the result of Dewey's victory, the president said that "tbe great heart of our nation throbs, not with boasting or with greed of conquest, but with deep gratitude that thia triumph has come In a just cause ." 4, In the protocol of peace, dictated by the pieaident when Spain was entire I-.. . 1 ; J it 1 I I Tha mamlul. l Prt T liMaa aIi.I.a 1S93, it was stipulated that while Porto . . " Rico was "c.ded," "the UniUd Statet . " ,,,"k . X ' , , . ., m. ,iLi.t.i...i. h.. . .fai of football neither aide to practice. n...P;..yUv..v.;, otmw i toe mere tuggeation ol tucb a same oaruor o wanna penning meiuug uiiuu maaee a luuny item lor tl0 lulsut cot of the treat v of neace. which aball deter- amn of tbe Dkmooat At Portland yesterday one taker whip ped another because he gave more loaves of bread for a dollar thr-n the other bak er. It doesn't take much to raise a dia tarbauce in Portland. This cruel game of golf should be stop ped. At Bridgeport, Conn., recently iiariyC. Ivea was hit In the head by one of the bullet like balls, breaking his nose anu tnocKiog mm senseless. Here ia an object lesson which will not fail to Interest a very considerable num ber of American people : , r Nails in 1898 1 50. " . Kails in 1899 $4.35. Increase in wages 10 per cent. - Increase in trust profits ISO per cent. "Increase in cost to consumer 190 peri cent. From ibs Kansas City Star (for Mc Kinley in 1896): Tbe renomination of McKinley would be dlstaststul to republicans who have become weary of bis time-serving me thods. Hs has no opinion wbicb are not dictated by Self-interest. Be lacks decision of character and visor in carry log oo t even what he believes to be for tbe welfare of his party. To republicans ei tbe higher elasa he lacks all of tbe qualities wbicb go to pake op aa ideal president. Some people refuse to read certain books for fear of corrupting tbeir morale and tbere are many people in tbe United States calling themselves Americans wbs are afraid to read tbe Declaration of Independence and tbe constitution of the United States, for fear of contaminating their patriotism.'-. Take away from Mark HaonatLe pow ar given him by tbe trusts and he could not be elected to any office In the gift of the peor-le. ' Yet Hanna has more influ ance with tbe MeKinley . administration than all otbar Republican . leaders com bined- - . "I spesk not cf forcible annexation. for tbat etnnot be thongbt of. That by oar code of morality, would be criminal aggression."- Preaident McKinley's mes sage, Dec.6, 1897. mine the control, dispostion (and govern ment of the Philippines.'' 15. Tbe next outgiving of the preu dent's policy waa tbat wa were to aeep only Luion" the rfcbeit, most popu lous and most civilised ialand of the group. 6. It waa asserted by Senator Gor man, and never denied, tbat Day, Giay and Davis, ot tbe peace commission, were against claiming or taking tbe en tire group, and only mads the "pur chase," as Judge Day describe it, under instruction from the president. 7. On October 21, 1898, before tbe rat ification of the treaty, President MeKin ley caused proclamation to be made to tbe Filipinos that Dewey's victory and the surrender of Manila had ''practical ly effected the conquett of the Philip pines," and announced tbat "in fulfill ment of tbe rights of sovereignity' ac quired, nnder tbe treaty a military gov ernment had been inatituted to wbicb all tbe natives were called npon to sub mit under penalty ot aubjogatioo. 8. But tbe president had not yet as sumed tbe right to decide tbe future pol icy of'thie nation toward tho islands. In his speech at Boston on Feb. 16 ho aid: "Tbe whole subject it now .With congress, and congress if the voice, tbe conscience and ibe judgment of the American people. 9. In bis speeches during his recen stumping tour tbe preaident grew more positive and more bombastic every day. 'We will not withdraw that flail" "We have already expanded." "We bare got to carry tbe burden." These are ssm ples of his talk at the last 'atsge of bis ourney to imperialism. According to tbs president, nothing is left for congress ''the yoise. the con science and the iudgrrent of tho Ameri can people" except to Say bow this Ma lay pandemonnm 10,000 miles away shall be assimilated and ruled by ns, And this despite tbs resolution adopted by tbs senate ins only, worn eposen ay congress on tba subject tbat "ia ratify ing the treaty of peace it is not tbe in' tentiou of tbe United State to perma nently annex said .islands." Is it pot possible tbat congress may ibava some thing to say on this subject if not this congress tbe next one? eaiem ptopie are aireu or a rate war that will Uke holiday shoppers to Port Isnd. Albany merchant would like one that will bring holiday ahopiers to Ibiacity. Our merchants have the good ney are not airaid to present in com etition with other citirs. Poundmaster Davidson, beslJet at tending to tbe duties ot taking op cattle and dogs also cleans tbe sidewalks of the city, and takes his psy when be collects dog taxes. Tbat is, all tbe doe? tsx col lected goes for cleaning sidewalks. For merly this work was done by tbe street superintendent. But nowsdaya tbe so patintendent superintends. Albsny is becoming citified. As the dog tax Is the city' money as much as any other tax tnis is nnsnciertng or a very peculiar or der. Because tbe tower in tbe county ccurt bouse is to bave a tower clock in keeping with the fine building erected at tbe least expense of any like structure in the state, tbe Brownsville Times wants a clock for that city. The trouble In a nut shell is tbat the Times wants the wholq court bouse, clock and all. The following important games were played in different parts ot the United States last Saturday t At Cor vail Ia, Or., the O. A. C. defeated Albany Cottage 47 to 0, ol 33 or six goals wore umdo the fttat halt and IX the sec ond half. Albany lacked strength ana experience. Some excellent Individual playing was done by Morrison, McOlan nahah, Stullmacher and Hartsook ot the Alhanv team. Coach Btlckney ol the U. A. C. pronounced Monlson the making ot the beet halt back in tho state. The playing ot the O. A. C. was ot a charac ter to indicate that when they meet the U. ot O. after the game with tbe Wil lamette the Eugene men will have their nana inn. The Albany boys spoaa in praise of tho splendid treatment aocorded them by the Corvalli team and of their clean playing. At Salem tho Witlamottca defeated the Forest Grows 24 to 0 in a game showing great improvement on the part of the caiem men, inUiiatinga very last con test with tho O. A. C. next Saturday. At Portland the Multnomabs defeated the U.of O. on a muddy field 6 toO. The game showed the Kugone men to t the equals ot the Portland aten. On Eugeue field the U. ol O. would win. Ihe Bishop Scotts defeated the Client awa second team 24 to 10. A few min utes before the end oi tho gamo Fred We-tberford. ot this cltv. save the Ore- gonian, was knocKcl out and was taken from the Held. Portland high school II, Astoria 0. Princeton 13, Carlisle 0. Columbia IS, West Point 0. Yale 42, Pennsylvania College 0. Pennsylvania, 11, Michigan 10. Harvard 11. PannouthJO. Lafayette 6. Cornell 5. Chicago 70, Northwest University 0. Wisconsin 23, Illinois 0. Killed by a Live Wire. At Salem last e. .in Archie, the youngest son of Hov. McK lop, recently a resident ot Albany, met death In a manner not to be couned. ll. Imbed ona of the electric light poles, auU hen at the top touched a live wire, th .. ck of which killed him instantly. The boy was a member of the Bantist church and of excellent character. His death will be generally rent ret ted by tiianv frleada oi uie lamny in atuany. The Statesman gives the following particulars: Yesterday afternoon be was playing with Fredl e Lamport. After perform ing numerous leais at climbing, archie made tbe surprising announcement to Plunaer'a Death. Onwmn City, Nov. 13 Mm. Ellsatth Jane Story, a pioneer ot 1853, died at 12:08 this morning, aged 73. Tho de ceased waa born in Illinois, land was married to John It. Storv in 1848. Her maidia name was lllrclillold. They came to Oregon in 1893, and settled in oaiem, A:ter living in JJougln county 17 years, Mr. and Mrs. Slory located hero uuui xv years ago. The) Boar War Lonuom, Nov. 13, 4:80 A. M. This mornlnii's news from the seat of war In South Africa continues fairly aatlafaotorv The vlllcial cable are not very detailed witn regain to the uoimont Incident, which, except for the loa of Colonel jveiiii-i'aiooner, was not a vsry serious affair.! .horeiare signs tot greatly increased uoer activity In Natal -and along the western frontier. All tho dlaimtebes tend to show that the British are holding ou auiy,; A Terrible) Until. Pi'khtoCauki.i.0. Vvneauula. Nov. 12 Ueueral Parades, a former commander oi the army of ox-t'renlItnt ; Andrado, who bad refused the demand made unon him by Ueneral Castro and the de facto authorities to surrender the town, even when this was re nforouJ bv tho rmivioMt of the British, vitieriean. trench, tier man and Dutch commanders, surrender ea tins morning at to o'clock, after a tor riuie name. Saved Nino Lives, MtLWAttkxi, Nov. 12. William Fram er, inotoriiian, todnv saved tho lives of 0 passengers by sticking to his IpoNt, and received injuries whiuh may result in hU death. A train of trochlears moved out from behind some buildings just as r miner s car was rearing uie croaaing. The motorman reversed the current, but not soon enough as the vestibule of the car wa hit by the train and ground to pieces. Frsmsr was seriously injured wiernaiiy. TarlaeTakaa. Manila, Nov. 12, 10 A. M. Generals MaoArthur and Lawlon areclotdug in ou Tarlao, Communication with distant point ia luiponaiule except by means ol the government wire, which ia crowded wiiii omciai business, sit playmate that he intended to climb to the top ol Ua electric light pole in tht This Paper One Year. Farm Journal 5 Years. I am here to hear, to receive informa tion and to adopt any method tbat any body can p opote tbat look to the anni hilation of the trusts." W. J. Bryan at Chicago Trast Conference. If, as th protectionists say, tbe con sumer doe not pay tbe tariff due, bow will tbe German government raise nine ty million marks for defraying tbe cost of its new warship by doubling tariff on wheat. ' Positively the Last Chance to Save Costs, Owing to the urgent need of funds, the eoanty court has extended tbe date of delinquency of the tax roll for 1898, until November 25th. The original roll will positively be closed on tba 25tb, and costs will follow thereafter, as by law provided and directed. , L A. MrjKKiBS, Sheriff. Pay up and pel both papers at price of one. We want more new subscribers to our Weekly; we therefore continue our ar rangement with tbe Farm Journal by whicn we can sen! tbe Dsmocbat and tbe Farm Journal o years, both for f 1 .25. And we make tbe same offer to ail old subscrib ers who will pay all arrearages and one year tn advance. Toa know what ours is snd tbe Farm Joorsal ii a gem practical, progressive a clean, bonest, useful paper full of gumption, full of sunshine, with an im mence circulation smong tbe best peopl everyv. h.-re. You ought to take it. Daily subscrioers piyiog in advance can a I ao tecure u. Bab a Pips Organ. The M. E. cbnrcb of this city will socn have a pipe organ, arrangements having been made to pur chase a fine instrument ftotn tbe Kim ball Company, Chicago. Tbe amount needed by tbe church has nearly all b en voluntarily subscribed. Tbe organ is one made to order for tbe Portland ex position, but was not completed in time for acceptance, and ia purchased by tbe cbnrcb at tbe very reasonable price of $1100. Tbe organ has a height of 11 feet, width of 8 feet, and a doptb of 6 feet and 8 inches. It has 393 pipes. Tbe bellows will be operated by a water mo tor. This is the first instrument of its kind to be located in Eugene Eugene Guard. Albany has bad a $2,000 pipe organ for tome time, tbat in tbe Cath olic church. The net earnings of the Southern Pa cific for July, August and September were $6,465,906, at the rata of over $25, 000,000 a year, which is not a bad income for even a railroad, h G. C. Johnson, a Linn county farmer, ha filed a petition in bankruptcy in tbe United State court. Bis liabilities amount to $1,230 aud bis assets to $310, wbicb is respectfully claimed as exempt. Ilerman Mclntire is suing the city of Binghamton, N. Y., for damages. Some time ago, under city authority, tbe number 13 was tacked on tbe door of his residence, Since then, on January 13 his wife died and on May 13 his house burned down. He is sore tbat the un lucky number which tbe city tacked on bis door haa hoodooed him. Players of America wia taxe warning. In a small-pox editorial th Salem Journal ssys: A' a matter of fact, sporadic or isolat ed cases of so-called small-nox. which la often nothing but a skin or filth disease. are to be found at all times of the year in cities like Seattle and rortland. Dur ing a stay of nearly a month recently in Cbicaeo, we saw small-pox flags out a number of times. Beyond an officer stationed at tbe door ol the housi no at tention was paid. Speaking ot the Salem game tba Statesman says: "Tho Albany Demo crat will now sea bow good a prophet it is. It predicted tbe defeat of tba Wil lamettes by tbe Forest Groves. Of course, it will now ssy that tha Univer sity ot Oregon team will win the champ- lonanip. it w u nave to neage some way. Forty-seven to nothing is a very bitter pill to swaHow." Two games guessed out of three is good prophesying. Cer tainly the U. of O. will win the champ ionship unless stopped by the O. A. C., who wi'l make it lively for them. But this is not hedging against tbe dental team. Oakville, Dr. J. C. 8mitb and family, ol Adamn made this plsee a hurried viitlaat wees- Mr. Oscar Dilley returned from Gates the fore pert of last week. He bad ein bis son at a distance and . wa sure thst be bad tbe smallpox. Oscar 'ba had it but in order to give ' no ;a!rtu to tbe neigbors, be cbsnged his'eidthes and thoroughly fumigated those be hsd worn wbicb were disinteciad with carbolic acid before be went to Gates sod yet some are afrsid of him. Mr. Will Shearer Vsd arunasav last Friday evening, caused by the net k yoke coming off the end of tbe tongue; he was driving tba mail hscx snd bad a lively team, tbey dragged him out of tba back and got away from him leav ing him badly bruised snd tbs back will need some repairs. Accident No. 1. I Mr, Join Smith wss at Smith's store Saturday evening and bought some shot gun shells; ss be wss starting borne Will bbearer came alone sad wssitellintr about bis scciOnt but as be was going tbe same way they rode off together, as tbey waa erossing the new bridge John's horse slipped and fell and rolled partly over, John struck on his bead and was bsddly bruised. He was taken in at Mr. Diileys snd wss well cared for till doctor came. He will probably re cover. Accident No. 2. The farmnre in la-lnir aarav farming tools on account of too rain. Miss Far Banks is Y.sitlne friends here. Alden Hulbert almost caught soms ycung men who bsd shot some tsme alley, rreddie thoughtfully admonished rin iriena not Arcbis.koow ing no fear in tbat directloo, Intlstid tbat be would fulfill his sanouncemeot, whereupon tba former went home. Securing an eight-toot ladder, which wa afterwards found leaning against tbe pole, it Is supposed be mounts J the pole to a point where tbe iron foot steps be gin snd It wss then not tba (lightest dif ficulty for him to a'.uin the. top ot th pole. ' The boy bsd been wsrned ol tbs danger Irom electric wires sod it is not tbougbl be voluntarily seised the wire in bis bands Being ot an adventurous frsme of mind, however, it is highly probable thst be was determined to reach the topmoet round oltbe Improvis ed Isddsr of iron steps, sod, upon attain ing that position, lost hi balance and In order to intercept Ihe fail, thoughtlessly seised tbs desdly wire and suffered o staot death. Ueneral Mac Arthur took Dim ban . terday and Tarlao today. Wojdcrful Shooting. Dsxvaa, Nov. 12. A record at rifle hooting, which it is believed, slnnds un euusled, was made at the regular meet ing of tbe Den ver.ltille Club this Jailer noon. C. O. Ford, the eecrtUry of the ciub. scored I TO out of a possible 200 on a 6O0-yard range, with the regulation target for that (distance. Itlg I'x plosion. TirriN, O., Nov. 13. A uiagaxluo used by the Bradford Nitroglycerin Company to store the productof their lactory, Io cs tod 2U miles ea-t of Uitwonbnrg, ex ploded this afternoon at 1 ::K).l'ho shock .ii tiMPft .I'lnvm vflthln All hiIIa.. atiift the effect of the explosion in the iuiuie- t bbornood was lorriue. Chnrltiaton WrackaJ" ' Manila, Nov. 14, 1 :2S P. M. Tha U fl. cruiser Chart uton ran aground Juer Vlgan, on a hidden real, with So fatlionit of water on both sides. She worked her machinery for 'wort-v aa(i nluhts ia trying to " afloat, bill a typhoon ris ing, the crtWWM C(UU.Hii:od to take to tho boats an 4 mum, reiuue on a small Is laud live miles awav. Tha nativaa ats friendly. . j Around Manila. ' M AU.l . K'.a 11 l1......l .V,...-- I.. ... Mil ... n. ,iuT. AU. JIVIIUIHI 7JUIJII1C IU aumuilufel tit Iiavm fHa..liA.I Man N'i.tlttaa about 30 miles east of Dagupan. but his wagons ar tar far behind. Col. itayes has captured Afiulnntdo's secretary, and Mai. Coleman is in CarranuUn with not ssuort ot 175 bolomen. on ills wsv to tha province of Nueva Vlxcaya. A son of Gen. Llanerss and his family are prison crs. Tho general barely escaped. Aquln uu wuoreeuouis are unxuown.'j . . . . . iws i rps Arrive Londom, Nov. 13. A dispatch taWY' Ca lown to the war ollloe announces me arr vai mors today ol the troopship Armenian, with three batteries of artil lajyand an ammunition column.and the troonelllD Nubia, with tha Kent. oiir.l and hall a battalion of the Northampton shire regiment, This brings the total nuiuuoroi reitiiorceiiieuts to 12,802, of which about 0000 are alread on tha to Durban. ' Kentucky l.lcciluu. f f 11 !. . . M 1 1. I I ... .....j.n, nvii 1 11V VUllllDCri'iai tomorrow will say it has received olliclal returns front four more counties, making 113 out of lbs lltf. These four counties, Itowens, Knox. Johnaon. Kiuvd. iham a lift gain ol XI for Taylor over the Com morel's unollicial lllguroa. This, added to tha previous figures. 8111, gives Tay lor a plurality o 3I3 In tha stale. The Courier-Journal laiiuirniiv vclll pubtmh returns from tha oilinial im of 113 of ihe lit) counties In the state. They give Ooebel a plurality of 3359. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTICE 18 IIKKEUY GIVEN THAT tbe undersiimiKl hs been duly so- p.nntcd by lbs Curtly Court of Una County, Oregon, administration of the es tate of J O tWeil, deoeawd. All ptrsoaa having ctain against aaid estate ait hereby iiotifi.d to present tin ui. duly ver lt)d aa by law required, lo the noder titfurd at Albany. Ormoe. within tlx months fniu Ui date hrr.f . Dated thia ltkb da; of October, 1889, I.J. Htitss, Administrator SUMMONS or i. i .i... I T ir.. . . was luwvini ... . v.v. ...uimri , the American Novelist, bsd committed suicius st tbe asylum Istt night, but it proved lo ba Action. Yaquina Improvement. Tha hoard of United 8tals engineers, consisting ol Colonel Mansfield, Captain T.ylor and Captain Hart, appointed by conn res i to report on the advisability ol deepening the channel at the entrance to Yaquina bay, met yesterday at the office ol Captain Hsns to formulste their con clusions snd decide ss to srhst recom mendation to make in tbe matter. Tbe channel was surveyed Isst summer, and tbe msp ot the survey lor tbe informs lion of 'he board bavs been completed, snd ' Isid before tbem for their con sideration. Their report bss been out lined, snd' it only rsmsins to decide what shall le recommended ss the result ot their invetigtini,a. Oregonlan. In Ine recorder's ollice tba following documents u ere filed: Deeds. Francis E KnigVen to O II Jenks, et al. 305.5b acres. $ 450 Francis E Knighten radmr to O U Jenks et si. 303.08 seres P II Marlay to Thos Johns, 20 acres 11 w 3.... Judge DeCew to Marcio V DeCew 160 acres 10 E4 L VV Pomeroy to LouiclPomeroy, 30 10 W2..... L W Pomeroy to Amanda Sheiton, 10 acres Mortgage for Assignment mortgage for Satisfaction " 4100 1 150 300 100 300 200 1325 400 Deserved Success. their much placed in the office at Portland. Mr. Tobieaon recently graduated in civil en gineering from Stanford University. His standing in mathematics hod been so high tbat no examination was necessary. In his field be is said to be a genius with few equals. Tobieson's rite to a posi tion of such importance is very com mendable. He secured the money for Getting his education by fishing in the Columbia, and rose above all obstacles. He is one of those men who deserve tbe success they bave attained,. Tbe U. of 0. football team, of Eugene, will leave tomorrow 'or esn Francisco, whereon Saturday tbey will play tbe U, nt O Tha Drairnn hnvi orlll hava f ha du-.ks, he thinks they were Oskvillisns. J best wishes cf tbe entire state, but tbey ThAW SBWamtaam 1 1 I ai as a a. I t al.kt Thaa. A"i-L. 9 . . Mr. Ola Tobieeon, a former student in Albany college and resident of this city for several years, has been aorjointed first assistant in the civil engineer's de- due upon said note mentioned In aaid M tt,. Rnntharn P.Miln ami morigage, SOUS lunner aecrw SUMMONS. H TIIX CtaCL'IT Co'JST OF TBS STAtB Or Obsoom fob tub Co. or Limm, Db- r ABTMXRT No 2. L. D. Iltimioa, plaintiff vs. James U. StimsonanJ Lida Slimson, bU wtfe.Fraok ti. Slimaoa, Aenie Morgaa and William Morgan, berbusbaad, L-Uie Kaiitb and A. . Smilb, her batbaod. Martaa Healy and K. K. Healy, her busbaad, G. W. Stimson and Martha E Stmsoa, Die wife, and L. Stimson, deteadaeta. To James B. Htimtoa and Lida Bllm soa. bis wife, and L. Sllmaon, three of tbe defendant above named: 1 N THE NAME Or TOE STATE OF JL Oregon, you and each of yon are here by notified and raqutrea to appear ia toe above tntttied court in tue a owe eaiuiea uit and answer tbe cooiplalot ot tbe plain- ii u nervin, on iuv av-ji ut vi 1Uhiuoti. 1899, and you are hereby further aotiBed that if you fal! to appear and answer said oomclaint aa aforesaid for want thereof tbe plaintiff will take a decree against you for tbs relief demsaded ia Said complaint, towit: For tbe foreclosure of the mortgsge given by J ana-A Stimson and George W . Stimson, aa trustee for said Jane A; Htlm- aou. ezeouted tbs 31st day of August. 18U5, 'o secure tbe payment of tbe sum of 1800.00 with interest tbereon at the rate ot 10 per cent per annum from tbe 31st day of August, 1895, and such further sum as Ibe court might adjudge reasonable as at torneys fees. Which sail mortgage waa upon tba following described real estate, towit: Commencing at a point on tbe K line of Block No. 104 ia llackleman's addition to the city ol Albany, Lion county, Oregon, 66 U ft N of the 8 E corner of (aid block and running thence N on aaid line Wi ft, thence W 132 ft. thence S 55j ft, thence i A Hi It to the place OI beginning anq m na and beino- in sale block No. 104 lo Hackleman'a sddition lo tbe city ot Alb any, Linn county, Oregon; tbs laod here by conveyed being ins n J or me " r. corner of said block 104 tn said llackle man's addition lo said city of Alban . And for a decree directing tbe property hereinabove described to be sold ss by law directed cn execution, and tbe proceeds arising from socb sale be applied, first to tbe payment of tba oosts and disbursements of this suit, to tbe attorney's fee in tbe ssm of 175 00, to tbs principle and inter X TUB ClSCI'IT Cot'MT OS TUB KtaIS Oasooa roa I.iaa Couktt. Deeartment No, 9, John Minert plaintiff, vs. ArcLls O WUbard sad Alice Wiabard, bts wife Barton 8 Wuhard and Martha YYItbard bis wife. Warren W WUberd, Katie D Forge aud w ilium A Forgey, her bus band, aa Uriee asd Harry (Irice, bar haihand. Ixesa WUbard.Ueotge WUhard, Ulll Witnerand Allert H vir. her botbaad, kicbard Witbard. Miaul Max im and Fera Maiirn, her buUaod, Bert WJ.bard. Louisa Fraieaa ABdertoa sad Cerlev Anderlon ber buebasa, Wllllajn Van Vaclot, Kova rarabell sad Limoa I'ar.bel'. brr busWad. AaiaJobasoaaad ('las B Johnson, ber hnabaad, Kawuel V sb Vacloe atd M-rt Vaa Vector, his wile. Dollie Dunbar aadiiria Dunbar, bar butband, Frances Van Vector aad Floyd V as Vector, defendants, . To Archie O Wi.k.rd aad AIU Wia bard. Ilartoa S Wt.bsrd aed Martha v ta bard. Wairen W Wubard.kstis D Forgey and William A Fotgey. Jasais tiric and Harry Urice. Waa Wubard.Osorse Wia bard, Lillia Wisner and Albert 8 Wisaer, Iticbard Wisbarl, Minnie Maiias sad Fera Maxim, Bert Wiabard, Louisa Frances Andrrtoa aad Curley Aaderloa, William Vaa Vactor, Itova Partbsii and . Limoa Pambeil, Dot lie Hunbar and Oris : Dunbar, France Van Vactor and Floyd J Van Vactor, tbs aoovs named deleadaeta. 1 Tbey were villians all right, but Osk yille has no villisns. Littlk Ross Bud. ro Care Cauatlmtlan Forever. Tske Cascarets Caodr Cathartic. lOe or Ota. IX a C. C. tall to cure, drugglsta refund moaet. will havs to do some fast plsying to keep the scoie down to 20 toO against tbem. Dow An Taar Kldnays I Vt. Hobb'8parairaPlllireallkltnerllU. Sam ple (rs. Add. susrlluc iUuied; Co., Cblcaiio or M. t tbat the defendants and all persons holding by, through or under tbem be barred and fort closed of any right or title of redemption of ssid property except tbat provided by law. Thlssjtrmons is served upon yon by publication once a week for six consecutive weeks in tne Stats Rights Dsmocrat. a weekly newspaper of general circulation in said county and slate, printed and pub lished tn the city of Albany, Oregon. Persuant of the order of tbe Hon. Geo. D. Barton, county judge for Linn county, Oregon, which order bears date of Sept ember 29 b, 1899, and that aaid order pre scribes that tbe first publication be made on tbe 6tb day of October, 1899, and tbe 20tb day o November, 1899, as the day on which you sbou'd appear and answer said complaint in said suit. Dated at Albany, Oregon, this 29th day of September, 1899. Wbatbbrfobo 3t Wtatt. Attorneys (or plaintiff. TN THE NAMt OF TmK STATE OF i JL Oregon, you are hereby notified tad required to appear ia tbe above entitled court in said suit, and answer Ibe com- plaint of tbs plaintiff filed therein on or ; before tbe 20tb day of Aovembar, 1899, ? that bting tbe date prescribed in tbe order ot publication ot this summons, aad oo f wbicb you ore required to appear and aat- f war tbe complaint herein; and you are farther notified tbat if you fail to appear 1 and saiwer saia complaint, as berela re quired, for Ihe wsut thereof, tbs plaintiff will taks a decree and judgment against you'.for tbs relief demanded in said com plaint, towit; for a decree declaring tbat tbe plaintiff herein bedec'ared aad de creed to be tbe owner in fee simple of aad ' to tbe whole of said premises bereinsllerf described, free and clesr of say lien, claim ! or Interest ol any kind tbat tbs defendants shore mantd o- any of them or any person ;r tenons holding by. through or under them or any of tbem may nave or claim to ? nave in or to tne saia premises or any part . thereof, and that tba cloud now upon plaintiff's title be removed and tbat tba defendants be forever barred from asserting 1 any claim to or right In aaid premises or any part thereof, wbicb said premises are reacnoea as ioiiows, towit ti Beginning at a point on ins west bound- arr line of tbe Donation Laoa Claim ot John W Oil more and wife. Notification i1 lo. 2615, Claim No. 85, ia Township 12. I South of Bangs 2 West of Ihe Willamette h Meridian, Oregon, wbicb la 31.10 cbsa South of tbs Northwest corner of said? donation land claim and running thence a West, 88.61 chains more er less to the East I line ol lb Donation Land Claim of Ueo F f. Crawford and wife, Claim No. 69. in '! Township 12, South of KangaS West of the Willamettet Meridian, Oregon, thence souin Dd.xs cnaina more cr iris to Ibe South line of tbe North of the North watt M of Section 13, in said last named township, thence East 38.61 chains more or less lo the Soutbweot corner of said Claim No. 85. thence Nr rth to th ni feutlnnisg. containing 204.80 acre, mora oris, suuaiea mtitnn county, Oregon,; ado ior ids corns anu uisuurseuianls in. curred in said suit Thia summons it terved, upon you by publication in Ihe State Rio RTB Dili A cuat by order of the Hon Geo D Rnrmn hi A county judge of Linn countj, Oregon,' ' made and done at Albsny, Oregon, tbe il' 30th day of September, 1899. The date of ' 1 !'" tbe first publication of tbis sum moos In said newspaper is Friday, Otolir 6, 1899. VT BATHERKORD WTATT. AU'ysforrUlotiffTJ- 11 S '