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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1899)
Lebanon. Jfrom th Criterion i KValed lildl will Im riwlmi.l until Vu. Henry Binlth, formerly ot'thl place, ft with the other boy of th 40th In "try last week (or Manila. W. II. Kmldlck. recently from Illlnoli. ha rented V. H. Yo-ing' large farm near . in.i uiii i.t. ,ki- b. M. W. Hiiidman cam over from Crook county last week fur short stay mil place, Th smallpox scare at Albany haw die ,til. In (Hot, there never waa but one liaoo, and It wa in a very Mill. I flirt. Juno ko i no fur recovered frOtll riliwrif lilt. A. atai Ia ......! ..... A""1 r nuw iioiuo io again u r' V --hs-V m I. a . - . . . . ewman,. II i ! r ' P"'""' " gowl Mhot whlla OUt IIIOOtlllK Uiuila iuat fcVirliiv a gooao through tlio nwck at a dlaUuca I m oi zuv yarda. with L a 30 au amkaiaa II L.,TJiom.aon died at Salem thla morn ff. llioniiaon formerly resided ' aoroaa the river from this nlace and was i hwiit ui iv in. l iioiiiua mil aim. Joe i ii. H . ... .... ... biiihii oi una place. I The ltoyal Neighbor, of America will ' I organise a lodge at I. O. 0. . ball thla ' :. ltm ' 11,0 ,,,"' MUiary to J the Modern Woodmen, and la one of the wi oi ma fraternal and beueflclary. Bert Van Clcvc. Among lh members of ihe KluctrUlan omitany p avlnn in Hurl Van tleve.who gotbit aUrt In Alhany.and re- Jdixl here for many yeara. After leav ig Portland bo wont to San Franclaco. id for awhile waa nearly blind. He Went oul with the Columbia i'linnn. graph Company, whern be waa about a fear, ami men returned to the coaat.i nd lathe atage. How, the Telegram aaya: t "Bloc hie return to the aiago he hat rtMn ao rapidly in hie profeaitloii that he 14 today one of the hluhetHmlarled com 4ine with Block Vomnanlea. In "Th Jloctriclan" Mr. Van Ulev apicra aa tlrney Martin, which, although a minor H".how that be la not miacait In light Mnody. Ilia apeclalty work with Mtea C!nch La Mar, who alnga the coon 0Btfk' ou Ain't One Two Three,' la one 4 the bile of the performance. l.j i",. ucv- "wompanle.! by S ilfe. Utile Van Clove, the com fa.w' ll" c"Pny. who eaaava the w of Mary Toir, and aVwund eon, fm bo pronounce the youngeet com iiko in the profeaalou." 8t.irraD.-J. B. Tlllottoo. the bilJte eai1dr,returned thlt mort-log from Cor ralliaon the bicycle path, wblch he found ,ba a allppery propoiitlon, on the way 'rftoelakln a tumble that lauded him tjth mud underneath bla bicycle. But I waa 001 much mora allnner than ll itclalon in hi caa there tried belore a jory yeeterday. lie bad aud rtiher. lit mUl aiao, forfmu on account at toe improvement made to the liaber iwonerty (net and recovered judgment w. rwv. wuuiu nare eeeurea me hole amount bat for one juryman who oovaaatn retail waeacompromiee. BaxTuii'a Coimt. Circuit court at irvallla adjnurnfd btat night after a tort acation. There wore only two jury rial, thoee in civil caeca, one being that '. Tiltoteon agt. Fiaher. The caae of the te aa-t. Taylor and I'eet, charged with eud in the aale ot aoma chittuu bark at thrown out of court, the attorneya wiuoueiemianie, mewra. wataon and Ichadden demurred to the comptalut tad lb tamo waa tutuined. The dl net attorney save notice that ha would Jppi! the caee. Wheat limn.-An Albany man aaya tbe rice ol wbeat la men eeota a poond 4tha rate of 11.20 a both!. Ilongmea in follow t: Ma bought a onanltv of ikkeni, big tevon eenta toad. Belore being brought to town J ol Ibera bad been slutted on wheat ad bedecUret there wat half a pound In b, for which with lb re it he had to 7 th price agreed npoo. ttloR Monky.J A Perdue baa return rom Dawaon and he patted through rvajlla on bla way to vitit hla parent Weat Tirglnla. II went to Alaaka the firtt trip of tho Elder, and thla la t first visit to clvillaatlon alnce that it. For a part of the time be tent 1 If way etation on the trail, but later A operated a boat on the Ynton. The jroKata of hla profit in tbe Alaaka an try 1 not knewn, but that bo baa Dirod la known by the fact that In 'orvallia he carried a certificate for duet JkKMitof more than 110,000 U. A. of 1 .v. Hi 111 City Marahal, of Salem, killed I - irteen dogt during October. All over the it ate people eoem to have t amau pox acare. At Nxiaviiie re. atly Dr. Jonea, of. Lebanon, vaccinal nineteen, on a trip there. Hie circuit court will have ten divorce tt to (I it note ot next week. Aa utual fat of them are brought by the Injured Zt, th nuaoana being piaintiti In ryiwo. lie i.atio county court tint week la mining the roaj dittricla of the coun- at l.ane to conlorm to the new law. t Linn county court will Attend to i in January, the time prescribed by law ior aoing ao. be remit of the annual cilv election JtfoMlnnvllle waiei lollowi: Mayor, JJdaloney j recorder, W. L. Llembree; ,mai, v. u. neai. lureecouncumea i bver and three eleoted yeaterday to titwo yart are, O. F.Daoielt, W. 4lcy aod J. E. Durham. bl contractora of the court home ex lip have the now building ready for ijmncy by the first of January, and mifll) things to that end. Already 'tt are In tome of the rooms drying walls. The general appearance of lis 'building is going to be all that can aired, an ornament to the go in county taiaie. a pecmar ming in ure 'ilstory Kill occur when the build 1 complotod. It will be entirely 1 yitn ute couniy out oi tiebt, in . . i ; ii i k.isi io Buverai uuiKiiuuia who are 1 . mg ig uuuia on account oi lueir buildings. COUNTY COURT. Will of A. 8. McDonald for afatlonarv nd priming of $40.U6, disallowed. ' ai oiiot o, w, 2, Wostern al to Alb 1 vuiiiiruieu. Illllf allowed; eouKTirorrnKiid, J.dg Barton. (Jounty (Jlerk Urabtra. i22 5 I ki...ii u .. 'r.r ,rM 00 Hherlff Mtmken VZL So HecordeNeal... 22 M Huperlntenden t M cDonald . '. '. '. '. '. '. Treaturer Jack,..,.. ;p.ity oierk MoBVau;::::::;:: J eputy Hherlff Uwalllng I. .... . Mr and MrePrummond JUTOUKTrooH Aid I Coleman ......... " Koker minora '.' " Jatlreu , " If Biewartand wife .'.fniiM 1"ard Will Merrill H V guard at Cat- lint, , , K Ji Allen, poor hrm. Foahayifc Maaon, " . . It M Garland. 17ft 00 60 00 ttS 83 60 00 60 00 25 00 4 4 00 00 4 00 5 00 8 00 83 AO 7 25 0 fll UK Crawford, A.,ii71;,',"'tU'-Cp(burlWrror It Iiavldaon.lnirU l, 10 10 14 00 SO 50 10 00 40 00 0 fl Burgraff, plana poor farm. '. '. nenry Hueteua, painting at ioor farm I' Cot en, euppliee for poor inn! I tonkin ltroe. 140 00 IV 77 Kred Kluol. labor ' 17 83 12 60 10 W Ktewart A o. noor farm ' Brandenburg 5t Wheeler, poor farm Ohllng A Hulburt, twor farro!;;. A Iv Ketchum, " UKProchnow, " " "" ... ' .... 10 81 20 23 8 10 2 25 m i.imwig, u tt( J F Conrad, aid rutfir 176 20 2 20 Alhany Preaaod Beef Co,"pVor farm 1 11 Ho Sugar Pino A Lumber Co. farm , ' Albany Furniture Co. .'. " ' 443 40 86 10 Kellef Indluentaoldiora I W V?uf! Pr frm 219 00 F 11 Hador, " .. .. . 40 w 15 00 Oil BurBgralT, acctCII loahay & Maaon, atationary . . . . Peter Huetner. acct fill 8 K Young A Son, acct C II '.'.' Ainany iron Work, " " .... Hopkins Bro. a " Eieo Light Co '"' Stephen blolta, acct Cll ! FK Allen. " " H 8 Train, atationary Frank Crahtree, autlonary isuuruiue (larneea tO.lncldenUII Kedfleld, incldeouls. ....... I) C ftwann, W II Worrell, acct launa. It B Stowarde, bounty Marlon Barton, deputy aheriff . . , . itiivre, " ... F L Holme, acct C II Ornroo agt Sarah Roe B I'urtlom, acct C II A 8 McDonald Oregon agt Mack Nichola O h Haley, road tuperviaor mot swelling, acct u u M C Munkera, acct heriff W It South. " A Leweltinir. I W Morrow, it nneiton, acct aherlfT I A Munkera. atatlonarv T J 8tphena. acct herlff tompton, thistle commia loner....... 0 Montague, aaacaiment roll.. u r uoyai & eon, Ureen'a Ferry unuge ., W H John, deputy eherifT F P Nutting, printing Welch B rot., C II H " Dr Trimble, acct Inaane". ". '. ". '. ' '. 1 American Novelist Crazy. During the paat several month sever al prominent men bave received soma very erratic letter from man algning nimaeii "Th American Novelist," ex tract irom one or two of them finding their way Into th paper on account of inoir non compo menu character. wow, tney will atop for awhile. Tbi forenoon, the man, who transpire to have been J. J. Hammer, of near Lebs non. upon corno a intof u. Hull t.w en before Judge Barton and Dr. Trimble, ucv.arru intaoe, ana mis aiternoon waa linen or Mierill Alunker to the asylum wnero me treatment will no douht take away in hallucination of hia mind Hammer wished it nublishea to dm n. tire world that he wa being imprisoned unjustly, etc. The asvlum thoush ia the irn:r piece ior mm at least ior awhile. iiammcrr a year or age, ba been married, but divorced, had homicidal lemionciea, brooded over trouble etc, Mr. William 1). niaoirnll at C. lorn yeeterday at tbe age of 45 year. Dr. W. Ii. Davla waa at hla n(1U ).!. aiiernoou alter an Illness with the grippe ivr TOycrai uaya. Tom Mitchell and Jollv Pennlkla n. vl of SanFrancisco, are registered at the Aware uouse. Mrs. Goorve Lurjer ami daimiii.n Mollle and Llrile left this nftrnr tnl l'endleton, where they will Join Mr. I.u- por, who nas oeen there several months and reside. C. F. Roval. thn Morinn -nnn k.l.ln builder, has been In the city to receive his par for buildimr the Lin aide of the improvements to the Green' Ferry bridge. Mrs. W. U. Huston and danuhWr Ml Arta.left this afternoon for l'endlton,to reside. Mr. Huston has been there sev eral weeks, havlns a cerroanent noahinn In the blacksmith shop of Mr. Sloan, a brother of Mr. Enoch Sloan for mint years a resident of Albany. if ra. Judge Magera and Mrs. Nilson Ives ot members of the law firm r4 Ulackhurn. Nelson A Msgera of Portland have been in the cltv viaitlntr Alhanv friends. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson will soon leave for their former home in Tennessee on a trip. It la reported that th firm of Blackburn, Nelon & Magera ha been disolved. Among the railri.nd rumnra la nn rVinf an Albany local will be put on the 8. P. running from Portland to this city, leav ing in the morning and returning at night, giving the through, trains an on. portunily to make faster time between I this city and Portland. A Great Maine of There are many superior brands of baking worth powders, but " Royal Baking Powder" is recognized at once as the brand of great name, the powder of highest favor and reputation. Everyone has absolute confi dence in the food where Royal is used. Pure and healthful food is a matter of vital importance to every individual. Royal Baking Powder assures the finest and most wholesome food. , There are many imitation baking powders, made from alum, mostly sold chtrap. Avoid them, as they make the food unwholesome. OVAt BAKIWO POWDER CO., NEW YORK. Peculiar Accident. Thla morning about 6 o'clock on of th drive pulley at the electric light work broke and new with terrific for anainat everything In the vicinity, breaking through the tide of the building etcetera. ruivuuawjiT mr. isicainaon, Ute Dlght man, waa Just outaide and noon waa uuru Frem tbe DUpatcb : By a little game of trickery, th cew pportbnmeut provide for the election of Joint eeoator for Lion and Marlon, ioienuea ao doubt to legislate Clem out of his teat. If Porter.who waa elected as Joint senator for Marion and Clackamas can be transferred to Multnomah, why ahould not Clem or Kelly be joined to MnrlonT It n a gam to get rid ot Clem, and the next seaate, if republican, will eat any one elerted la hi place, if he is a republican. Tbi act I a strong piece of political rascality. In caa tbe senate ahould seat thenewlv alactuf ma! I w shall hereafter elect 14 senators at on election and 18 at another, when tbe constitution require oue-balf each two years. Moas Gamb Bud. MrT 8baffesbrg, who ianow In Oopanbagen, writes that he ha secured ISO pair of patrldgea which will be shipped to Oregon. A aum of money wa raised among local apori men tor tbi purpose and entrusted to Mr. Bchaffenberg for expenditure as he was going to Europ. lie also ordered ten paira of black cock In Swedeo, which will be turned loote In the valley. The partridge ar atrictly Bald birds, and stick to open eonntry and cultivated lands. Tbe black ccck Is mora ot a brush bird. Gasetl of Corvellia. Foot Ball Gukssk. Three game of foot ball will be played in Oregon tomor row, two being Intercollegiate gave The Dsmoceat a guesses areas follows: in in contest at Portland. Multnomah ill defeat the U. at O. thnnoh onr wiah la th other wav aa it would a-ive rh ir ons, preetige m their gam with Berk ley.. rorest uro irove wiU defeat the Wil lameues. An U. A. u.. we ara sorr in . til .1 . f . . n n . . 7, win usiih AiDany vouege, out tney .in uavv iu wur ior ll. In the probate court sal confirmed in th estate of L. A. 8erfllng. In estate of a. A. Davia bond approved. Final ac count filed in estate ot Thomas Alderson also in estate of N.H. Allen ahowloga balance ot 88.071. First snml.annnsl -n. count filed in estate of Albe Utdiam. Kebort of sale of real estate In the ! of C. P. Knishten. In the recorders court a deed far R P. Calbertetal to Geo. and Jas. McGnrdv conveying 328 acres for $1800 on filed, al so deed VVm. Goin toChRS.A 8. H. Goln conveying 240 acres 10 w 2, consideration $10 Oharlea W. Brwcker. the 'lull hn." from Polk COUntv. la now emnlnvad aa one ot the lumber pi Her at the Capital unmooring vompany mill, xilsbeignt is o leei in, inches. One of tbe em ployes ol that manufactory suggests that Bricker oueht to be slven a rjoaition aa log tender a be could alwava keep bia head above water should he. accldentlv or otherwise, get into tbe river. states, man. Oonrad Essisof Hillsborodied suJiien. ly on the train yesterday as it was pass ing urcgoa vuy. Admiral Dewey was married to Mrs. Mildred Hazenat Washington vesterdav. It was done about aa quietly and w-omn. tly as the taking of Manila. The bride is a member of the Catholic church. is a guarantee 3eo. W. Iibam wa appointed justice oi in peace oi inn. o. Application of Mary E. Weaver for je bate of taxes ot 113 65. disallowed. Matter of cnttlng channel ia Calapooia siougo.conunoea. SO ADS AND B8UXJE8. Mrs Mary Vail, gravel 1 85 6eo Henshaw 7 75 O P Dannal 7 75 I O Dickey l 85 Stewart A Sox 1 10 J W Halrey 38 00 UydeATyier 6 45 J W Morgan. 40 00 Uartie Lumber Co 4 20 W E Fiaher 1 00 J C Morgan 28 48 Keiieraaerger A Moyer 1 05 r w epink S4 DLCurl 10 60 J B Tiil.,ton 565 00 G D Barton 4 35 DCallovaa 47 60 U V Kump 138 60 MUKILLAKCOCS. Glass k Prodhomme 21 40 Alexander A Kirkpalrick 10 60 (Untiam New 7 80 K C Watkina, deputy aheriff 26 00 U VV Morrow, acct inaane 7 00 lee Oregon agt Cox " " Wa Slaven.... Viewer Thypen road case 2 00 W W Bailey, pre ex 7 60 Smiley. the printer 30 85 E F f max, acct poor farm 43 00 F M Powell, acct aheriff 8 60 D C Swaan. Ca Com 6 00 Sugar Pine A Fix Co, poor farm . . 450 00 rrea vawaon, acct poor 29 25 " " paint, atationary.. 3180 " " CHaudiail B 60 Guy dwelling, acct C II 1 50 n Drummonti, poor larra z 25 V a Caldwell. " " 8 75 J W r ennell, acct poor 22 00 Stewart tt 8ox, hardware SO u u Swann, witnesa Morris case. 8 00 In th circuit court, Dept. 1, a soil ha been begun by 8. E. Young agt Albert Thoma. for recovery ot money, with at tachment. J. N. Duncan attorney for plaintiff. In tbe probate court, 6:h report of minor in estate oi ueo. warmoutb filed, In estate of Arthur Wilson, et al, minor, 4th report filed. In estate of Jaa. H. Blackburn, inventory filed. Value, $2, 30 .80. In th recorder office, deed of 8. M. Hansard and hnsband to K. K. Kriuns, tot t, diock i, Kaision a sra ad to Leb anon. Consideration, $500. Cbatel mortgage for $30. Keal estate mortgage ior f aw. Vnaiei mcrcgage tor stou. A county boundaiv board lor school districts nnder the new law was organ iaed tbia afternoon with tbe members of the court and superintendent as clerk A dispute over the Rock Hiil district waa conaidered. Mr. Bonar. merchant at Plain view, waa In the city this atternon on business. Mrs. Sednwich. of Indiana, ia in the city tbe guest of her brother Capt. Phillip. Mr. Will Fechter and family of Port land, are spending the winter with Mrs. Fechter'a father, A. M. Witham, iu this chy. Corrallis G. U. Mr. D. Buasard returned last niirhl from an extensive snipe hunt bevond Shedd. II is said to have got back without any ammunition left, which is all he got, not killing a bird. This beats John Robson's record by considerable. Charges Scott is ill at Tallmanwith a fever. There bave been all manner of rumors out there, and one Lebanon doc- tor who a called, waa actually afraid to enter tbe house. But it is jurt a plain case of fever.'and there is said to be nothing serious about it. He la at Mr. Smith's and is being well taken care of' Call in and see our e vil date line of Airtight Heaters. OlIU.TO A HuiBOHT. U Won't Work. Waminoto- Nov. 9-Afready a move, meet 1 on foot among Influential repub licans to rid the party of iia present lead er, .Mark Hanua, before the presidential eompain open. An effort ia being made to secure ur-ited artion on the part of a number of men of .sufficient prominence i.ti.'1,prtJr tf.Kiw Umir eigh with the pnsident. In Ohio. Catxunvu, Nov 9 A flurry wa creat ed in political circle today by the claim of the dernocratijaute committee that Patrick, dem. had been elected lieuten ant governor oy,r Caldwell, rep. Return show that Caldwell had been cut heavily as the result of tqe fight made againat him by the Anti-Baloon League. Beyirwd figure on th head of the ticket ahow that Naah'e plurality is 60,- K educed Plurality. Nf w Yona, Nov. 9 On the basis of th vote cast in 160 assembly districts, th republican carry tbe state by a plu rality ol 1 1,854 according to the Herald' figures. Boosevelt' plurality last year waal7,7a5. TheB .er War. Lojtoox. !ov. 10. The scanty and conflicting new from tbe seat of war and the fact that General White baa not yet said a word about the alleged fight ing arouna lAaysmuii ere again prouuo iig a feeling of gloom. General Buller'a forcea will soon arrive at Durban, and will Drobablv txwin the uvance io ine renei ol Lad ye I Ladysmith about Aovember 15. Slippery Aqufnaldo. WAaHixoTo. Nov. 9 The wardenart- rnent definitely located Aooinaldo today. aa on his way to Bamburg, 75 mi. north east of Tarlac. Tbe recent calculations have been that the insurgent leader was in the town of Bayambang, not far from Tarlac, in which caae the aeveral forces under Generals MacArtbnr. ILawton. Young and Wheaton would have had bim practically surrounded. But he wa not there. Carnegie's Plain Talk. N aw York. Nov. 9 Andrew Carneeie and Mrs. Carnegie were passengers on tn lute btar steamship Oceanic which arrived today fom Liverpool. speaking ot tbe present war between England sod fie Boers, Mr. .Carnegie raid: Tbe war against the Boers is moat in famous and unjust and it is brought about by Englands lust for domain and ia on a par with our attack onfthe poor Filipinos. These two attack ar a dis grace to branchea ot our race. Bombarding Ladysmith. Estcoirt, Natal, Nov. 6. Natal field artillery left camp today, escorted by tbe troop of tho Imperial light horse, carbi neers, aod Natal police. The destina tion of th force ia unknown. Firing waa heard this morning in the direction of Colenao from which it ia be lieved the Boer bave rammed the bom bardment of tbe Ladysmith. The Ohio Election. Colcmbos, Nov. 8. The statisticians at tbe republican headquarters have been buay all day and night," endeavor- iDg to secure some accurate figures on plurality of Judge Naab, the republican candidate for governor, and tonight an unofficial table ofpiuralities by counties w completed. This shows that in 57 coon ties Naah has 84,399 over McLean, and in 31 counties McLean haa 34,055 over JNash. This gives Nash over Mc Lean in thetate 50,364. Jone's vote is about 100,000. Democratic Land Slide. Balttmor. Nov. 8. Unofficial returns from Baltimore city and all .the counties of the state fahow that the democrats awept practically everything before them in yesterday 'a contest. John Walter Smith, Dr. Joshua Herring and Isidro Rayner, their candidatea for erovernor. controller and attorneveenerai. respect ively, were elected over Jhe republican candidates oy approximately 11,000 ma joruy. Kentucky for Taylor. Locsrviixa. Nov. 8. No matter what result tbe (ace of the returns of yester- aaya a election ahow, a contest is very likely to occur. Additional returns continue to show republican gains, and indicates plural ity of 6000 or 8000 for W. S. Taylor, for governor. I .j Iowa. Ds Moines. Nov. 8. Returns from 90 ol the H9 counties of the state, with esti' mates on the others, ahow that the re publican claim of 60,000 plurality for Governor liShaw ia easily maintained His majority over all tbe candidatea for governor ia estimated at 48,000, which ia the largest in the history of tbe state on tbe gubernatorial vote. Nebraska's Vote. Lincols, Nov. 8. Complete retur. a coming-in tonight do not materially change the early estimates of the rveu ts of yesterday's election. The fusionfct carry the state ty 12.000, perhaps more, on (he face of returns from nearly half the counties. They elected William Ne ville to congress 'over Moses P. Kincaid iu the sixth district. , sEf id no tYsongY IS&.ffHvrjiatHti HniHbft twma macNtNt "7 "M.vt-1'..-v-fi-k. Yon tjto ...rain. U it your uoret traiuht d.pot .od ilhMlj, Urk and T mm npiwwn, m mm kutiut auuun iov Snarlal Mlar Prica SIS K(l aad freiKht extract Vfcchtn witi.lttpouniJtM!trtfreiflrMv onr ' w v WTMcilriaiiM. mi it THREE MONTHS 1 toorowlBomus wa will lsurayour9l&.&u any d.yyoamr. not I BUM .UcanMukaiMrna.Kb.aiSattaU lt.M,,I, Sll-aa, Sia.aa u4 all ftuiydmcrltwdla onr rr a.-taalv. - .. . - tka . i'ii.UU v.l. rrr ar4 h a. r kna, BEWARE QF IMITATION 3 b,t tisMlIMOr&ottriAaT awks KlsalM under ttrtoua who THHnURDICK is nta aeaae n-ttmm m atstx aari wat, am has Twry Bitrika urn s.m ruuTOv BMH1SH w ansa. Ik. kaaa 8Kakra u aay. Sa.aa, and then If nnTrneed that yon are saTinx Ktt.iW to SM.OO, pay your rreUht knot the SIS. SO. a I rt Rr! ik. Tot a If .t hot tlm. within three month, you von ar. not aauafted, wajiaa Xv-aal. SOM'X r" T rsaan, Roebuek Co. are tboroucblT reliablfc Fjtitor.) Address, SEARS. ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.) Chicago, IU. city Isn't it about time these politician gave wheat a boost. Tbe farmer will be mighty glad to have the raise what ever tbe cause, Portland' first automobile arrived Tuesday, and is owned hy Mr. Wemm. It is now in order for Portland people to 2 b.ow t pronounce automobile, a word that ha been savagely murdered. Recently a New York man sued tha World for $75,000 damage's for injuries to In character. The value of a New York character was illustrated in the verdict of 0 cent rendered, and the man paid his own cost. Anybody can be a prophet, at least try to be one, but not many can hit the mark more than half the time in the lone run. Recently a New York man in the World made aeven muaaa if k.. j been right in three and wrong in three I and the other ia to come off. The Union Signal has taken (he thU n England against the Boers. But Fran ce Willard is dead. The same paper doesn't seem to know tbat the United etaies naa permitted the starting of over four hundred saloons in Manila within a little over a year. 8ome people don't know wLt it is to be consistent. It is an interesting fact that there were no administration men on hand to shake hands with General Miles, Ameri ca' greatest soldier. He is worth going miles i to see, a plain, brave man, who has tbe record to show for iu An Al bany man w ho saw much of him in Ari zona during the Indian wars there speaks in the highest language of hi orth as a man aa well aa a fighter. The average death rate in ibe United SUtea in a 3 ear ia 13.9. in Orrgcn only 8.2, a pointer or.h mention g to east- The tcmperatnre of Albany ia eleven degrees warmer than New York City In the winter, on an average, and eleven de grees cooler in the summer, a splendid recommendation for onr climate. The editor of tbe 8cio News evidently bad net read Governor Geer's Thanks giving proclamation when be wrote the following: "Most of tbe hops in tbia section bave been shipped to Albany, ar.d some have sold their crop, although the price at present ia not as good aa the hop grower had looked for. Tbia stale of affair xiat in all crops this season, however. " up man n not alone wheo it cornea to selling at low j rices." Th owing from a California paper ia more timely in Oregon : What is essential to a bountiful bar veslT "Behold, tbe husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, nntil he receive the early and latter rain." James 6:7. "The rain conieth down, and tbe anow from heaven, and retorneth not thither, but watereih tbe earth, and maketh it bring forth and bod. that it may give seed to the sower, and Lrtad to the eater." Ita.' 55:10. The output or tbe LaGrande sne.r fac tory this year will ne about 3.500,060 pounda. Last eveniee two men wen in tha ,11. selling good of a character to exci'e suspicion. They left suddenly, in just wnat uirection i not known for certain. It now transpires tbat tbey were proba bly tbe robber ot a store at Roteburjr, the (roods and tbe men anawarincr ih. description tent ont from that city. Ibe Santiam Newa say there are a number of cases of what Dernorta tn ha smallpox out in the vicinity of Oak View ecnooi nouse, soutn 01 N;io about five miles Mrs. Summers family have all been sick with the disease, but are now well, but others in tbat neighborhood are now taking it. I: naa many symp toms of smallpox, still tbe physicians in Albany who have attended aimilar cases declare that it is not the regulation smalipox. Mr. Moses MiUer. of this citv. one of Linn County's highly respected pioneer citizens, was tried before Juatice Henton yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock on tha cbarg ot hauling in the city without a license, ins aruuie l ames was some wood. Mr. Miller defended the iu himself, and made the defense that the wood was practical y his under an agree uientwithihe man who received it. Recorder Henion connected the matter over night and this morning found a verdict for thecitv. finiisir the letendant $5 and costs. - as eopy our diT awsrteareBai, im vtrtiaafeh. iJiPimf allT, t aiwii MAft. WITS f HI Had tl auaarlal la Aa.ri. There are indication of a fast lection, with numerous end runs. .fT3$M r J I'fl i'l rin f rSIAlla I SOLID QUARTER SAWED OAK , tHNrr,i..H. x r' lTlustratlio .bow. machlna eloard (bead dropping from latit) to b ased aa a nw takto, Hmm4 arMa, tba ataaroprawlth full lenrth labia and head In plaeafor ewlntf. A mmn araMra. HtMwt inrnm - ft.. mmm, .m- boasd and dMoratrd rabiact Sntaa, (InaM nickel drawar pal ia. real on tour cattera, adneabla tnadla, rename Smyth Iron atand. wtt lara HMrb Am Md. poalUra four motion feed. Kelt IhreadinR Tlbracln( .buttle, automatM bobbin winder, adJuMabla bearlnn, patant (enlloa liberator. improved looaa wheel, adjustable prei.ure foot, ImproTad abuule carrier, patent Media bar, patent dreet (oara. k... m lutaMh i,ral aad araaaMateA mm WaalHelly ataael Iriea. CUARANTEEO M Hakteat raaatea, enet a-rakl. aae aaweat aatoekaa waeklaa waa.. Inry kaawa attaakawat h raraaaeA and our Free In atruction Book talu ju.t bow an yon. ran run It and do eltbar plain or anv ktnd of tanoy work. ASO-Team'BiaalaaeaaimaleeiaaantwItbaTaryaiaraina. IT COSTS YOU NOTHING