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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1899)
No men should be pat In office wbo are in sympathy with tnist or trait maker., , , . . . ; An Ohio postmaster died th. other day and th pll bearer, wers selected from among the applicants for tb. cant job. In tbt matter of revenue tax the ex press companies appear to have the Joke on the banks, and Senator Piatt of the United Statei Express Co., loimt cp at tbe "Little Joker." There will be a Terr Interesting time when th. Civil Service Commissioner. call down Mark Henna for hia part In campaign fund soliciting circular. Whenever Xbrmai B. Reed baa leinr from bis law practice be gratifie. Me taste for fanny literature by reading Senator Oanna'a ipeechee on trnata. If the tiutt isaue can be fairly present ed aod iqaarely voted upon nest year tbe politician! of Mr. Hanna'a acbool will find that tba people will not elect monody breeder to pnt down monopo lie. Cool the Blood In all Casss of Itcfiing Burning Hoot CUTICURA RESOLVENT While Cleansing; the Skin and Scalp with hot baths of CUTI CURA SOAP and healing; the Raw, Inflamed Surface with CUTICURA OINTMENT. ; Completa Treatment, SI.25 klOHHMI, SOM nrnnn, . M ivnu Ce. Sotr.M wyviHn. tt. mm . C. Car., rrepe. Little Men and land. set IS Inches In the ground with mound , , , ,..",,..... of stones scribed 3 K; whence a Or tur, biased and stilbd 4-336 lit, brer tre SO Inches In dlameler, biased end a. uv. u nun. u,. tn.i Ivcl, unu un- acrlbed 3325 HT, bear. 8, 4 dug, 36 niln. ouivr nvmiuva. nee m Limea in iiiuii.cici, M m r.-.t nii.1 i 111- ties 111 Inchea In (Hum- OlaavU auu ailiuuil yttlia UT, Uvuis . 4 eter, biased and sorllwd 3m JUT. bears ' w mm. v,. .s twli menu. ... 44 8. S4 deg. 30 mm. V. . Iml: ihwiiue 8. w't. rum. W vmuiuuii lv u,g. iw mm. W dcg. so niln. W.. variation ) deg. K., l . Oulch i uniuiitf suun.n.y wmi 7 I.,-) m corner Nu. 4. a Iwnnl llr mwt tevi iu vomer n o, tt l,i,. post 4x4 Inches by 4 feet tuna- set 18 Inches In luoima by 4 leet Hum, act . inches th. mound wun mouiiu oi iionwi scnuou .mu.. nm, mwuuu m mmvi -3cir.! whence a llr tree 14 inches In swriuwu u wiienie tt utti. tir i a llr tree 20 tnrhv In Ulmtr. bla iid ?"1 h imm tr la lnvl- In OlHineirr, niln. K loTtw-t: them- N. 33 !.' .U4 1 ilvB. mill. K. S4.3 fwl: llu-nw N. W '" wmnMliiir iliilnn to Hie knowl mm. W.. variation SO dig. K.. 8 fwl. w mm. is., variation iw tiva. W niln. i'ii;ni. i' 1 r...t wl.l.. (Iowa aiiutiwrly w.. SiU.O leol. lia,'0Vry Hiint or Imlu I "" iwir vinun m oi riM-iiro in fott corner No. 1 Oold Finch loitw, on rldtiw runnln. aouihwtvrly ami !.om'' thx t'oimty t lrrk of aiild p''? thhi eitrvvy on Una and Una 1-J iiortlimtaterly 6.V.1 ! to vornvr No. 1, ,of I Jnn, atu of Oregon, nl un 7 of Hvd Hair -tod", ila Survi'y 1.T fwt to tho ptaco of bfalnnltiK. 'ivolumn 4 r MIiiHih Itmor-U ..f mild ....V?.f n I ilia mica of bvalimliia Uoia IUU Iiil. county t two llnvnr ti-fl l ilitlitir. along corner No.Jinua 5;",u,"' tlln.unir M V'"r No. t. ' v..n. which la w. dYfln-.l. Tl.a prr- t3i of voluma 4, of MlntiiK noon1 of laid county; It) (Invar ft la cli lalniiol alima" thu vln. which la wall di.nmul. Tha lire. aoiiivd gviiKral courau or Ulici ilnn of aiild vein la tarulll with the aid Hum of mild claim, aa ahown uiion tha plat poatna hvrvwlth, and la about norlhwoali'rly to aouthvuatorly. About (nil feel I claimed on tn limn uuiiwnaivriy rtom me iomi oi dlacovory and ahuiil IM fwt northwvalnrly rrom tna noini or micovary, rn miui ulalin la bounded nn the aoutlicaat by unatirvcvml aoveritincnt liind. on Ilia mm III wen! by ill Hold t'annon lnln cliilm; on tba iiorlhwpHt bV tba Hold Hill and Kcd Unit loda clnlma. and on th nrlh- raal by I he Hold Una ludtt clnlin, l hare Tbe Civil Sei vice Commiision talke of making tronble for tbe Ohio Repablicao poiiticiani who aent out the Bardell cir cultr levying vonlribatione on Feder office holdera, hat no word of condem nation haa come from Preeideot McKin ley. Tbe giaai indaetry baa bad IW per cent tariff protection lonicer than any other induitry, jet we now pay more per box fur window glass than oar fathers pid la I860. The industry ia in tbe handa'of troets, which mace more mon eyfrom working the people than by working ibeir mille. It ia pie'ty generally understood by this time that the truste grease the wbeelaof Senator Hanna'a republican machine, and that if bia party is sac- ceesful the truste will control republican legislation on this subject, as their con stituent manufacturers in tbe past have dictated republican tariff billa. Tbe adminietiation organ a tbat are taking aides with tbe English in the war to crush tbe South African republics are at least consistent, ller woald be i dicolooa to sympathize with the Bur while approving our on n expansion by armed force. Nattc of AppUo41o, ot W. B. Law l lav av ltl'4 Btatea I'ateat. United BtattM Land Offloa. OrcKon city. ur Nov, 4, lsn. Notice la licrvby ulvan that In nuiau- anca of cbiur alx of till thirty-two of tha RttVtaed titatulca of the UnUvd titatoa, W. it. Lawlcr. whoaa oontoltlca addioaa ta Aiimiiy. nr., cininuna; um linear im on each of tha followmii-uampd vulna, iodca or minora I aciHWlta, bcarlnc void, to wit: lied Hull, iiold Hack, Uoid Uu, Oold ritich, Keu uiiir, uoidcn iMtale, uolden Crown, Hill, Uold llulch, and Uold Cannon, each with aurfaca around SUD feel In wldin, all lying and being niluuled wtttiln tna uuaruvuia mining district, No. three, county of Linn, and atala of Ore iron, haa made aindlcntlon tu the- United ttiatva for m Mlent for the said mining claim, tha auld clatma bvliur known and dcsignnu-d na tna l.awier connolldutiM Uroup of Lah1 Mining Claims, and being mora runy aiwrioaa aa io meiea and bounda by tha o Ilk-la 1 nlat herewith noat- ed and by tha held notes of aurvay tfiei of, now tiled In the othca ot tha rvglnter of the I'nltcd States land office at Ore gon City, Uiegon, which Held notea of aur vcy deacrtbe the boundaries and extent of each of wild claims on tha surface, with magnetic variations at II dep. 35 niln. to 30 dcg. It) mln. east, aa follows, to wn; Red Rail l.ode. Beginning at corner No. 1. identical with corner No. 3, Gold Hack lode, this survey, V. S. M. M. No. I. bears & 3 deg. 43 mlu. K. 1137.4 feet. A corner of the location, which la a cellar tree, 34 Inchea In dlome- , n. i t ...1 h. ,V, AM tuaM lVnn,i.rt . tin V, V. 1 a r. .1 .... Mu V) Til , l(u t , . thence 8. S3 deg. W mln. V., variation 30 'deg. 10 mln. K.. 334.98 feet to corner No. 3. Identical with corner No. 3 of Oold """" Hack lode, this survey, and corner No. 4 With the 1900 volume, eaters upon Ha Whence I. a decitnwvaVlinn'so wentyfourth year. The best authors and, df,- '? mln- K - corner No. s .. ' . ... . , . ... and discovery point of lode on summit of artists continue their contribution to the rldga running northwesterly and south- delight of the little people for whe.e in. hutum? lilK tttZltir ?nchS 4x4 m bw, m Jii ,& a l"'.. -5X7 n. w ieg, 3& mln K,. vaTiati.m 'so deg ' id. norihwe-teriy from the of their best endeavor, are pat forth. Bom. 'ru. W a "V hs AiJ.lL &..S Ji u eH2",-!?.tf K'XUVVZ k tree IK Inches iaa x im nr. , ' 'V.V.", 1""1Z .....ri ...i r aim: on Hie aniilhwei.1 and nn ),. nnrih. the loca- in the grouim, wun muunu . ' .I ... '.f. ,.i hv un,..n.i ..,:..;,. l.JLnX'' whence H fir tree 12 lliciien ,-.' o, itieiuicni wnn ctirner no, - . .-...,,,,..,,.,...,.,, n.. ru-irlnnlng at comer No. 1, a nr noat wmt rornur ino. i oi iten imir lone, inia " r mrmi ,n ...... 4x4 Kea" y 4 feet long, eel IS luchii In survey, on Una 5-1 of Uold l-'lnuh lode, va rj la parallel wllh Ilia aliW lines of the ground, with mound of stoiu-a scribed thle aurvey. U. 8. M. M, No. 1, bears N. "i!m' m ' "J"'" ' l1'"' l';d 1-325 at interaectlun of line 4-1 ot Uold 3 deg. 44 mln. K, tkft. fuel; Iheiice W. i",,Vw,ln; ' "''oui nonhweaterly to ItuTiode "lid line: t-3 of itVlUalr lode. deg, 3t mln. W varlutlon ) dig, I fmHhtmatorly : 1WI feet la claimed on the b Zi oi M aurvey whence U. 8. M. M mln. .. 144.1 feel.' Corm-re Nps. 4 ami 0-.'"---,r' frjnn the point of 1la. No. 1 Wire N. 11 deg. .04 mln. W. SlU,i reai.ectlyly of Uold finch lode and r'" WJ ,''Vm. "'"'"'"i n'h" hiSV-.i aerilmt 1-3S& HT. bear 8. 1 Hue 3TH.4 feet, ll.acovery point of lode on 'l", !. I.".',,,..!'": n th aoulhweat by dei mln. W. 30.4 feet, ai d a fir tree Hn W3.4 feet to corner No. 3, Identical " "J ',!""' " T . ?' '" on. ,m'r'' f uTnchri "in diameter, biased and acrlbed with corner No. 3 of Uold Cannon lode. 'V '" ""L1 T. 1 S UT. hears B. a ueg. i nun. . urejr. v.n one i oi uowen rowu ;.-i,i,l ,,,,i7 i;;.il ' ii.V. a iiV ..:. .i. SS.J feet. The dha-overy point of the lm mm', ims survey; tnence N. Ueg, tm hv ,, ";,.',.,; Cie .M de-r. ha mln. K. DtW.I feel: mln. V on 111 deg. fx) mill. K 3W r"!l,n . nccinnii't with tha.. lilt a tlull thence 8 S3 deg. .M mln. K.. variation fet. Summit or main rldgo running mm cuum. nie aniii niie iinii claim nnv- m e.u.s ea.'iiae nnwa titii ntTiir i- l7-;,,.,r N 1 Identical with corner No. I. uoinen i rtiwn lode, thla aurvey: thence '"""r c'me io m anowicngo 4 Uold Hug lode, thla survey; thence 8. N. 37 deg. A3 mill. W variation ID deg. , Vr .1 P . . M deg 25 mln. V.. variation 30 deg. K.. W mln. r" feet, tlulch runiilng north-'Jhe Uoldeii Frigle claim la of record n feet. Silver Creek. 3 feel wide. Hows crlv mi.3 feel to corner No. 4. on fin- 4-1. ih.f1...,'m''? ,",f ,h". county cleric of anld southerly tiW feet to corner No, 3. a hewed Uol.lei, Kagle lode, ihla survey, a hewed ""'"'Y,. "',:",n', "'"' 'f """ .'" nr mt 4x4 inches by 4 feet long, set hemlock post 4x4 Inchea by 4 feet long. iUmiL ii- tl"--r.- ;.f aahl W Inchea In the ground, with mound of set nt the projecting base of llr tree. "n'y. '."JT1 ,' '"'".""S.! stones acrtbiHl 3--3a: whence ttr tree 43 wllh mound of atone S-XS; whence a ' vSln- which la well defined. The pre- Inchea In diameter, b ased and acrloeo nr tree 43 nicnea in iiiameter. Klused and J r"7L or im wn m earn 35-325 BT ' bwiri IN. 4 deg. 46 mln. V. acrlbed 43-aift HT. bears 8. SS deg. W. Vr la parallel with the aide lines of UsTeet ind a n"tree ) Inchea In dlam- 8 feet, and a hemlock tree 30 Inchea In "'"'".J" ",!"wn V1"1 f0"'- iter blaaedi "d acrlbtnl 3-&-3i6 HT. bears diameter, biased and scribed 4-8-S.H UT. ' hpTw"h; fmrthwealerly eier, om niiu vi"' - r- M ,- a b i tn ,. to aiiutheaater v. l.Wo feel la elulmml mi . i. . -u: i .k. . . leuaterlv aide of a hemloc oi cue WU luiiiga iu m. tew vuiuiue Hla;,r whlrh k, . corner of th loca Hon being marked thus (X) on the south- .aeriueu .'. ,.i.... i ...,itv..l iilt"1 3. lied Hair lode, ihu aurvev. ami ,ui Una n tile nonnrnal ny the llohl Uuli-h aim new eeri.1 storie....Alit,I.P,inc ltVftffi Xl Of Egypt! a Long Time-Ago !d' " Si"mln.? wTl MtZu Theater of I Snd aVVibW HT.. bear. N. M deg. deg K.. 13 TO feet. Summit of r.dge ru.i- , ,lm b, Oliver Harper. XS'AS 8'S SSL W.; &nZn."Z: iSSS ..rJS'K comer kST t, the iTlaoe iif ,jel ifcJ Adventuree of Spotly,"by Kate deg, SCmln. W. variation S-J deg. mln.. Wtscjnwtol a hewed nr; Pc . volume 4. VVf Mining IW.Vili nf 7"l articles: PlaylhingsThat Are EnVTX the"'. wM ' mSund' of ItoUe. IM. aurvT.: whenci a pine tree 1? on line f-4..f. lied .llalr lde. thla aur- ',Kh0'.WE2 " " 2 n eix p.rt,),b, Judith Soli. Coh- f'7tt biTJiiSs 'Vr.r.erN. TO TmT jjin: k, iWf' rWc? m St 'r.r ."JS'T." UTbear. N. V deg. U mln. R 13 feet, and at feet and pin. tree , 'h ,rr.Mlfli', .o.i.henaier.y, i.V fee,'' o n'lh. C.mnn. Animal.'!., fine. nr .J ",c" ".""""'r' .. " " a i T.. Vm iii i ii Hiern- feet. Ulacovrry Point of lode in line 31 3 a..utneaieriy I no H,u,l or dls. - i - -- ana wnnwi i i n xi. oer. n. i uck. o. v:- ,.... . .... .,..i coverv. Tha bum claim la ho in ni. w in x k..n.i..k i. u M. TtM der. 2j mm. variBiinn i oa. :"-.-..-"" e-i .;iI.r. -,.i.Zi -i.iJ. hi mm b'. 144.1 feel, corner. Noa. 1 ami Kl Hair and Uold Hill lodce Henry Wattereou, editor of the Louis ville Conrltr-Joornal, eaya tbat not many of tbe million democrat who vot ed for McKinley in 1896, solely on the fi nancial ieeoe, to eave the country from what they considered a great peril, will ever do ao again. Ail thrrugb tbe coarse of tbe Philip pine muddle President McKinley haa been careful to keep the conntry in the dark as much at possible. What were his instructions to General Otis? What direeticne did he give the Philippine commission t What were the conces sion, asked by Aqninaido before fighting began, and what term, did our army of ficer. offer? What i. the arrangement with thelSaltan of Sain? What were the contents of the dispatch eent by Ad miral Dewey last December? A 1 have been suppressed. Could an Emperor Lave kept more from tbe people than President McKinley has done? are t Two and Princeee Btory, The Upson Notable Allve"(i en. "Some Haviland Carver. Short number and are these An tbe low Premiums valn.nla arlielc. aa neamfnma ffie elnKa .a' . ' ...' ,a .i.. e .im n, teea 111 Inchea In diameter. , . r... v ,u.-. n nun. i.., ,.iihiiuii i, "rj. i - ... .. . -- -------- . ....... ... . m &n Qa . mmi ?rt k a uvm ana PCri"l I -l-o ,. . - -- - ... u.TO 7 lnr port txt Inche. by 4 feet ana gin, man and woman witn rennea taste.; and a. the getting of soberrip tion. at the low price of 60c is ao easy, every one wbo i. mbitiou. can and should obtain theee article without cost ontle.1 nn IliU aur- aoulheaat and on th uiulhweat by in,...., t.j ri .v,linieii, iianii; on IIM' .... -t .,..!.. ..4 .1..1.1 tun i,ui.. mnA ri vev. on line -n- reet. Mommit or riuue .toriea.More the. ne u.n.l ll lnW&,rffZ 1. Tt , mir.' boi n .'of hV -vey. on line m feet running "sa-.a."! TnTr of short stories written by menif-;r- T.h1,c? & m'3-.- : to cor,u,r "iJa l&tLSL" to corner No" i. ideniicai with ':?'".. " There are women bo'kOW how" and there .corner No"T A hewed hem,k poaV i TU-gmnlnga. "corner No. I. a hewed tjr IOjHHIU hule. and on , line 4!. ,..,.de - -" ;,mg claim. ,o knowledge ot very many picture, to 1" fc AJ ' (Lir: f ,5J?'??V S2"7 V. V e.D 41 mln. V"i te 147 f, No. 3." a heWed I , '.". .! of Oregon, at jiage VM of altogether charming M.g.sio.nd .wTki ScTTne Tihemlock frSTi. tnch if Corner -Nor. oi V, B, lot Ne,. trm.o,k , 4x1 inche. bv 4 feel ,.. ' ?,3M ,1." .ubecribtion prfc. . fc!. e,ij. ttWaf; taSSt ,, : The publisher, offer many la . corner of, the location br. N. n ""i';-, tl K."Sr3 VS? mJ Jo Inche, Tin di;me7er"blV;.dnnd rll'l h-rrwh. and I. ati.ut ..or.h'we.leHy. l kU.,l 71 T. li e ,.Ma M K .,M Mln V P.i,llm.lPnr. J .. H IIR lu Ul Ilia N. M deg. 35 mln. K. thence lonr aet li mln. K. li feet: thence 8. M deg. 35 mln. variation SO deg E., 8U feet. Oulch running f.-.i J w variation 1 deg. 60 mln. K.T 3.3 feet, northwesterly 134. S feet to corner N. 4, incnes in tne grouiia. wun muunu ,.,,... , J . it i l,,t XJn 17 .riK.., a k.n.i.u.w atiiinn Itnteraecl line T of IT. B. lot r0. jii, which was Identmeil to me as the stump . White Hull lode. St N. 6 dcg. 34 mln. W, of ner, 1 lie t-HBirny evmer , ff-.mui(i ii.ii, ,yM ...,v ----- r0.wlv.,u tuiln, hear. a. M de. SS mln, E. 45 feet. The lode, thla survey 300 feet. Dt.covery point mouth of tunnel No. 1 bears S. IS deg. 10 of lode f eel to corner No. 3 on lino errent a little time Bend for eamnla mln. E. 5S4.3 feet. The mouth of tunnel i 1 of Hold eincn ioa. tm L except a imie time, eena ior sample No , s n d R m5 fwt Tho nr jKt 4x4 Inches by 4 feet Jong. immhm liat i'fi. '. .1 ,nn.i v i un a m i aei IK Inchea In the ground, with mound , a -. . . . . . . . , i v r. w h.ahum m I' n I. 1,11.0 n r . 1 m in. r.. ,iai leei. a nr Riumu - nicnea "t ,iww. - - . ' . Identical lode, thla nh corner No. 3. aurvey; thence 8. men was ineniinen to me aa ine aiumpi I mln if vnrlailnti IS riae M r't'ls di:rk frineirTo cOT lodV p ft to corner 'no !.' ,h, etarl? 'rii ou'llne and Intersect line 4-1 of 1 W- p..11 ... a j. v i i-f a?a el,. it, In aurvev 300 feet. In'covery point . uaie. nf. lode northwesterly from the point of dlacovery. The said claim I. bounded on the aoutheaat by th. Uold Finch and tiokt Cannon lode claim.: on the aouihweel by 3a deg. nj uoiuen tTown ana umuen f-igie lou. mln. K- cininia: m in. nminai-n or in. t,ii? ih. iilai of v.uin imie claim, ano on in ttorinweai Red Hull f by the tied Hair lode claim, There are no cunnvtlng clitlms to the knowledge of an- -n . .... aw. I . i .,t.l Mh i olli-anl. XM-aiilliiiilK a 1 ." i ii ew. ,. nian.i. n, , 1 , , - . . . . . , . , , . . . , corner No? of Uold Pinch lode, thla I The Uold Oulch claim I. of record In mirvev and nn line 11 nf Hold Hill th. nltli-e nf the county clerk of .aid iTX ihir.urvSr t" 8 M M No. t. ' 'uniy of Unn, stst of Oregon, at pas. !??- L. i; i' v. 7. volume 4. of Mln no- Itetorda of aa Id r-r-sa i a-w. san t" t;. a- r a.. e - . it , g-j itiuMty. ii i ie ear i"i ia viwcmi iiei in. a. ii-n i-crsra. .r. na t v.. - y a. . a .J.i ai.ltuul crllauvavpw Baiin r9 I ha Isulsa Ha Mr el H wsa .s bihu nn (iiamptor and fMf niirn. dihsmi ana inenfw in umm-m-i, . . . . : .. . u the vnin. Tavhit-h im wnii Aitfinid Tha urea i . : 2 - - - . r nm vr m v hi. near. z nun. r tai. at inn : i iievni'e d. ibb ---- - . - - - - . . . Wom.-B.b,tadwithPr.on.(n.OO) on 1. tb. DCBt Of tbe dollar magazine., B n7 ft Thenc S. deg. I mln. U deg. mln. W.. variation g. M hew r W 4X4 lna Jy (f( southe.aterly. ir-Wfeel claimed on Tth. dd .hould b In every home. E.. variation deg. R. 2S3 feet to cor- mln. ft, -164 feet. 8umm t of run- set 18 l"cht?,nh,lf j";0," northwesterly from th point of dla- ioviuvuiii b.iu.i-7 u,e. ner No. 1. the place of beginning. nlng aouthweaterly and ""'".J'"''? 5 incr m dlTmn covery. Th. anld claim la bounded on 8ubeCrioe t once. Gold B-k lde. 1434. t feet to corner No. 3. on line 1-3 "r lnJ-"'"mN,"f;7 dJV 307.21 I h wutheal by th. H.d Hair and th. T . W. r Beginning at corner No. 1 on line 1-3 or Uold Oulch lle. this survey. A brewed l-3 T. bears N. "eg. w. jcm 1 feet ( rialms: on th. soulhWMt Lmx Men Ago WombM Co., Gold Uuglode. this aurvey. A hewed Hr fir poat 4x4 Inches by 4 feet long rt J inj a-rl llT tieanill 14 b h Uolden Kagte ode claim and un- Troy. N. f. P nchea by 4 feet long set 18 Inche. Inche. In the around with mound of biased and m rHHi.l d lit nt thenc. atirveyed sovrrnm. nt land: on Ih. north- j.roj, a. x. ground, with mound of stones, atones scribed 36326 . BT. a llr tree K "K j.m"Va J ...... 1. .1.- iwe.1 by the Hed Mock Placer claim, and fjcrmea 1 xs t. . a. rn. an. iso. i. oeara c. incnea u, ..t,..,.. . ---. ... ... , , . .--, . . . ; .. .. . Tne s-a-di, oer. . ,""v: .:r : ., i.i h, ni i..n. claim. Thar, are no connicllng claims jTl deg. 61 mln. W. ml feet distant t. V m . on th. northeast Ih. tied Hull IihI. Th. follnwin h. James Jeffries, the 'discovery shaft bears N. 8 deg. 7 mln. E. 17 feet, and a fir tree l Inche. In dlam; a - - . a.- . . o . w . i .11.. . 1.I...4 a n.l aerlhen a fa .Ka , . . . . , . 'z-x. iee(. a nr irce i meiiee 11, .-..,--,- , , nvi. --- - . - - cnampion prise nguirr, in m. n oria is m biased and scribed 1325 B. T., bears N, B BT. bears set W Inch'e. In th. ground; wllh uVV.. .J" In X?P- .fee'Tmcr.'" frtr "SlSSS '.SS'thl"" mci'Vf ZuWr Vr'hTaL 4 Hon Warren Cranston, a pioneer of 1851 died near Salem yesterday. Three case, of email pox are reported around Eola in Polk county. Perhaps and perhaps not. George C. Will and E. U. Will, co executor, of tha last will of John Will, deceased, filed their final account in the court, and Saturday, December 16th, at 10 a. m., was tbe time fixed for bearing the .aid report. Salem Statesman. Tbe general merchandise .tore of T. P. Fish, the stock ol millinery of Mrs. Fih and Waugh'a meat market at Toledo, were destroyed by fire. Seven hundred bushels of grain stored in the building was also destroyed. The total loss was $4,000. Ko insurance. B. 3S deg. E mm. r.. . ice. . ... .w . .1 Ctt .!.. At. mln W 1 B ImI atlrt . H, ITIUt fJA nC. ZW m H. . VUriUl,."! sample 01 tne stun sucn leuow. .re maa 7;?: .""-v. ..k" . r..u-h runnin. nr Of: aid.bowibimtobeebagof Winda. 1-32SB. T.. bears 8. 35 deg. 30 mln. W. 6U r. feet, corner; No. 4 Red Bull lode and SL,,h L "r ,"biijmi8a MrTV a--M '"unty. If linear fer la claimed along ',, , jfeet: thence N. 65 deg. 42 mln. W., varla- corner No. 1 Oold Oulh le, bot! h of in d"neter. ' ano -trii -- wh(rh wi.( -.nB(Mi Th. prr. Well M mu-c!.' tlon deg. &0 mln. &. 2S0 feet. Summit , this mirvey. on line feet to corner No. HT. bears H. 44 1 deg. w w,v ; of UUml general cour.. or direction of said T. !.,, .4 t.mat;iler.amr.!of main rWge running southwesterly and 4. a hewed nr post 4x4 Inches by 4 feet Ujnce B. 47 o.g. n mm. av"""onNo vein la parallel wllh th. aid. line, of aatd The fight 11 OVer, and I am still champ- lSor,he,terly 1470.3 feet to corner No. 3. long, set Inches In the . groun I. onW- deg. Jinr is shown upon he plat poated ion. 1 bave:beten tbe man wbo next to Identical with corner No. 4 of IT. 8. lot rock, with mound ' 'J0" rt, rnTufr' bin set IS Inches' In the ground, with herewith, and I. about northwesterly to , " , tt. u. t 'No. V. White Bull lode. A hewed hem- whence a flr tree 30lmhe In diameter, dM,f About I0 feet I. claimed myself I. th. greatest natural fighter in .lock pW 4x1 inches by 4 feet long set biased snd scribed 4-325 BT. bears 8. 35 mound I of tonej rl'),m;jlc;(), n lha Iml. southes.lerly from the point ... ,ij T ... ,!,,, iw.'w Inches In the ground, with mound of deg. 60 mln. W. 16 feet, and a fir tree 1 13 jr inj 4;5a mt beat. N 16 deg dlacovery and ahoui 6?o feet norih- the world. I won fairly, and from the lS iCm. whence a double Inchen In diameter, ,b'ftd ndln,,T.lb7j Sm W Vffeel T'and J nr iWeV tnr'hwiwwlerly from moment I entered the ring I knew I was hemlock tree 40 Inches In diameter, biased 4-326 BT. bears N. I deg 20 mm- fc. 4 '"j,,,""" claim I. bounded on th. soulhea.t th.ilor'.mMter. Thel..! Vu i,!T SS$A i&ftJTiXm 00. work thlOPgh which I in my biased and .r,hed 5BT E L l Mfee gT fc".t ' Triih' &lS&n1AJZ and the knowledge tbat I etand now the Shewed hem lk piit 4xi Inches by 4 E. 64 feet from comer So. I 1130 feet "' X.fwr to Ih. knowledg. of applicant. gmte.t fighter io tbe world and tb. nn- ? if JJS 1" S.K JeSJ-ihT'eS SSSHt 0.ndTo?the'aJ.B,.rH7fee,OU.,nh: rTe ii?s e raai n wiis aurvvi mvi dispnted Champion), well worth tbe pain gTnr traiVtel biased and terscctlne l-t OoU I Bug lode, this aur- variation J . aeg. r.. B , " or ,ny r-'rtlon thereof .0 dribed.ur. r ,1 ,ts k..ra v in rte in vev 14.14.1 feet to corner NO. i, loo piate r'"V" y " V " a .1.. I vev,! nlalted and annlled for. nr. here- .nd trouble and worry tbat it CO.t me. ? le7t, nd hemlock tree .34 of Winning. . . 'omcof th."coU.y' c.eVof Identical of Ilnn, tat of Oregon, at Mg. No. ... ..- .. 7 ".C" -", '""l,,Ki m TsPKIIIIllliM waee.. -" - . . I tfc.1 tt lll.,lnii Iia.iii.da infill aierr IHBUinilull. lll,en. ,i - ....... . A.It in my corner and looked at j thence Nj 68 deg. I B mln. ft, variation 3i, with comer. Nee u I and 8 .- v .-7. Ulmed f-r. "LA-SLl fc" nffJciTf. corner N oj 4. A U: 8. M. M. No. I. .bear. N. 2.' h- '"- Cil in Ih. slate , .1 Oregon ..hey dt, ph. r '"""..":. "IV :" ..i.i i. V,aeaiil wlih lha aide lines w'i ! ""' J". " F"""- lons or said .iniuta. CHAKLR8 B. MOOnFJI. Register, mnaeU. anil mmin ilnimih ihn. nn 1 hewed hemlock post 4X4 incnes ny reet Ueg. in .very lln.of.hi, form, U merely iZlA1 ftiWrvW'fig inu.J!SL .Pir.1 in me a desire to win from a man JicM eMy WSZ- AdA who looked as if ha might be fit to flint 4 feet, and a hemlock tree 18 Inches In No. 3. Identical w t h .comer No S. Oold- c hined on theioae sou, for hi. life. There wa. no terror there for me, how ever.fnr I had only to cast my eye cn my own chest, arms and legs and see evi dence, of ev?n greater strength and power. diameter, blazed and scribed 4-3Z5 B. T., en Crown loae, mis lurw,, bears S. 41 deg. 60 mln. W. 11.1 feet Ola- deg. 63 U .n ... a Aaa- 3ft mln V. V il H . L' tdl ion an d. E..'258 feet! Summit of ridge nina- northwesterly., and ennnlna- north westerly and southeasterly liVd 4 feet to corner No. 3, r?ln W variation 19 deg . 60 mlS: nofthweeterly from the point Of dlacov rmi?' BamofllolmWl " rV- The said claim la hounded on the 'Ju-,,mI?i .nd soutneusterly southeast by the Oold Back, While Bull a hewed hem- nd Hed Balr lol claim; on tn voutn ruiiiiiiiH iiwiniwcowiij Awww - . - . . a At,. . a.., suu.t K the f irii i .tiK-n UMic riflinui: un 673 feet. Oulch running northerly 765 feet, lock post, 4x4 inches or ' ;h" '"'d T northwest by the Hed Bock plncer ."."i"" .W'lcl'h' 'Sh: wnenc. i ti?lm-ndWpnl th. northeast by the. Hed iEFe-ne ETtt't'd ng-clatoX'k Trv (ha RnirarRnwl far taffie.. hot choc. late, beef tea and home-made Chocolate m diameter, maxea ana cnwa -. . ... reet; w e..v- " -'R m.4 feet to 128. volume 4( cream.. HEMP US OHE DOLLAR (M tu U. tt aa4 a U u attk Sl.M, aa. a. will Ma. ja UWb IS. rarawu raxoa tixa ossas, r iMaM c o. ... na imua. Ua Y a cm craaiiao It at rear arareet rr-lat eat. aa. If 7aa S.4 It exactly M rerrearateS, la I nhafaa ew aae aaa far trtla a .. cm afrnrrlM ahn at ar 117, pa. Ita rrale arat OUR PRICE S39.SO, ta. Sl. ar aa4 SatfttrnT TH! PARLOR CEM T tha at StlUBLS an. s.xxrxinT Tonus aanawa anr Prom the liluatnuto. ahoaa. -aaicli 1 eniiraTed direct from a photosrapk 70a eu form ome Idea of ita beautirui appearaooa. Mnd freaell eeartar u ask aa walaat aa dcalred. Jraua fcT tUr, faB aaa a47. CwaaUMI am ,a.lrf tain a,li aa4 aaaf atker kae4wM Mnta. aaTaeaaeaeU, aaUaTlt tha VIBI IUTKHT STIL1L THEPAHIiOK . EM Utfeet high, 41 Incksa lonf.a Inches vide and welicha tf pounda. Lxinutnt . OCieTaa, 11 aa kuuuw. 1 nanpi, IwMul tilnn Cakala. C11111 I, SaaCaaaler, Trrhla Caaafer, hi.. ru aaS Ta tiaaaaat S Oaara Caaalara, 1 Taaa SrU, 1 anad Onra. U, t Bala at Orahaaral Vaaal SMaaatarj ria. 0aHl7 Banfa, 1 MM al raea awan ena a una., . mi anlUaa, Mart, aaata, 1 Set tt Ho Brilaa SavN BlUUM BUM, I a a, rawMa .. 'r Ma THE PARLOR CfcM actio. ejn(.ta of the 4I.Mta l.w.a Santa, which are 00 1 7 uaed In tha high cot rrade loatnunaiitai fitted with Baauaaad Caayam aal VaiBaaaa,.lole Dolire felta, IrtUura, etc., bellowe of thabertrubbareloth, PlT b'1""J "ISf J"4 ? leather la valeex. THE PARLOR CEM tofumbhal nh a 10x14 Deveiea piata jreuc. r1-- Bd.l frames, and every attodern lmprorement. Wa raiak Iraa a haadaaaa, araaa etaal aad Cat heat aeaaB aatCeaa. ped'J f rarabkl . ua aii. GUARANTEED 25 YEaRS. Hi s5' fl r 11 I t 1 If 1 HI I 1 p"1 mi .- ; j i s . a - S - :i I T? ,r" ,;' - u ii. Thfr kfinwviiiflitTi -d ni rsMag in riirnpi- ru. a. a iirwcu ii i. anu twui i ucu w . ;A . post 4x4 Inches by 4 feet long set 18 inches 25 mln. fc.. 4.6 leei, anu .crlbed The tlold Back claim Is of record In In the ground, with mound of atones. inches In diameter, biased "a ""'Of? Ihrm"'f ,h county clerk of said scribed 5-325, whence a flr tree Z4 incnee s-32, bt, wars w. w ua- ,. Linn, .tat. of Oregon, at page -.v ..... .... . i'k .num. a ai Mininir tiecoro. in mini iu min. r".' " ::"-v;- "l, .." V. . - ii .... 1.I....H ir - a . hnvnl hemlock DOBl 4X cuuntr, unci., tm ...... otnernr . Hicie .,. u.o.i.r., -- 'y S. " 7. , w inchea In the vein, which la well denned. i n pre a nil acnriea o .koi x i . wear, . i uck. -a incne. u, a - - - -. - . ..... . .,.--i 13 mln. B. 109 feet; thence 8. 68 deg. 23 the ground min. Vf.. variation 19 dear. SO mln. E.. 298 4-335. On iuL.t mrnee No. 2 Uold Buar lode, this ihl. survey urvey. on line 5S8.3 feet to corner No. 1. Inches In diameter n. zea '""lr to soulhiaaterry: About 350 feet Is claimed me piace m ",""i-, K.T7;.i7 itn Inches In on th. lode southeaateriy rrom tno point uuib na. lioar. lano. anuiiiei .... - - - - ... .. .. h l '.ji r..t nurin. Beginning at corner No. 1. a hewed flr dlttmeter, blazed and scrlhed t-sa, "i-f.,"Vro'm"(,h lnt of dl-covery. The e".V-- !?!-SJ S'w'waeiatlon'ri deiT W said claim Is bounded on the southeast hy wlth mound of atones scribed sumed general course or dlrec Ion of said iinl VSf Gold Oulch lode, vein U parallel with tho side lines of whence a hemlot k tree' 30 said claim, as shown upon the plat post a'larrJpt?? bhiMd and acrtbed ed herewith, and la about nortfiwe.terly 6Lm,VeetE.NoS: 4"a'nd"3 n-,redovernm,t land, and the Wia, a7 rixxov mm ttaii w. iu a wrtttea uiuaii . twin."", j - -. term-Md eoadltfon. of which If nf pari oat we J it tnM. ef aharca. Try It one month and wa will V. redyooriTiTJe-il-aotplr C ef tbese onfavna) will p aom av. 94?9V . -. i.k ....k .,..n.ihhrW,UtUL Write I tiie pnbli.her of thla paper or getropolltaa National Bank, or Corn Nit. Bana-.of CblcaTO or t.rmu txchange Bank, hew York i or any I railroad or eipras company la Chicago, we S.nieaiaHalar aaar, oecupjr entlr. i nn, of tna larreet Dwmaaa ""i ' - and employ neariy t ooo people In our ow. IVllPinZL'ZAX 1 Vth'u.. la mu.lrl Inatremeat. a lowert wholeyl jp Wrtt, for ,te.rpelal PpiQ uualcai Inatrumant oataiuerua. Aooraaa, snn,, areaawaatftr nHtUa Ililar-I SEARS, ROEBUCK CO. 0ra?.),sltoa, DespUlBes sod Wirmxa t.. CHICAGO, ILL. neat 4x4 Inchea bv 4 feet lone Bet in the arround. with mound of stones, 37 Heg, scriDea 1 fB, , wncne nr tree "" " mm. r... iru.i i " . . v-"1 , " ,i 7rM cTulch Uold Bug lode claim; on the soutnwest in diameter, blazed and scribed 1-325 BT, respectively of Oold Hill and Oold uu tn ;",th"uKrh,te"' i,u 0,j. claim; on the hear. 7J Am. W. 2.3 feet dstant. and i,ie.. this survey, on line 612 feet gulch iiy ..u VAi. laim . ... , i , . , , .rjrfi . . A.,rnee CO. non wrni i.y Hi" - - .,... ........ - a nr tree iu incnes in oiameter, iic ann aeriheif lTif, BT. bears S. 64 deg. S mln. W. 42.6 feet. The discovery point r.t ihle lncatlon bears N. 72 dear. 28 mln. K. 309.7 feet. The mouth of an old tunnel runnlner northwesterly bears N. 69 deg. 15 Bug lode claim; on the southwest lodes, tnis survey, on line -rtLM, ,h. Red running northerly iw reel to corner w. ; - - , , .n(1 thB Ith mound of i . . a... . . . tt a ar aa urn . ... p. ....ii.. , . i w 1 1 .-1 1 1 - m n. N. 10 deg. 23 mln. W. 262 feet. Corner No. ;m. M. No. 1 bears N. 6t dcg. E. 1186.S 8 of U. S. lot No. 37, White Bull lode, as feet; whence a pine tree 8 Inches In dlam-re-establlshed from its bearing object., eter, blazed and acribed 13 136 Br, iia.x reel: 'T.a.a u in neir. iiu min. tv. ti.ii ic", nu 1, the W; ,,,,.. Inorthwest by unaurveved government T.e.tnn.rri'arne'r n" I n hewed pine land. There are .no conflicting claim, to "i.nlie. t.v 4 feet long, set IS tne. Know , . e , i-v"": Inche. In the ground, Dears . i. oeg. w nun. tu. .i thence N. 58 deg. 25 mln. E., variation 1 deg. 60 mln. E 136.5 feet. Intersect line 78 of U. 8. lot No. 37, WTilte Bull lode, at N. 59 deg. 24 mln. W. 49.13 feet from cor ner No. 8, 140.4 feet. Intersect line 41, Red Balr lode, this survey, 251.8 feet. Intersect line 8-1 of U. S. lot S7. White Bull lode, cmm riea- 1 mln. R. 102.1 feet from cor ner No. 8, 301.7 feet, corner No. 1 of Oold a nr tree incnes in unmnrr, and scrllied 1-3-1-325 BT, bears N. t deg. 30 mln. W. 2.9 feet; thence 8. 43 deg. 69 mln. K., variation 19 dcg. 60 mln. K, 10 feet. Summit of main ridge, running northeasterly and southwesterly 326 feet corner. Nos. 2. Gold Cannon and Oold Hill lodes, this survey, on line 978.4 feet to corner wo. z, meniicai wun corner . Back lode, this survey. In line 600 feet to, Gold Cannon lode this mirvey; thence 8. 38 deg. .03 mln. W., variation 19 deg. 60 mln. E.. 294.5 feet, to corner no. a hewed fir post 4x4 Inches by 4 feet long, set 18 Inches In the ground, with mound of stones scribed 3326: whence a flr tree 10 Inches In diameter, blazed and scribed corner No. 2 on line 61 of Oold Back lode, this survey. A hewed flr post 4x4 inches by 4 feet lonar set 18 Inches in the erround. with mound of stones, scribed 2 325, whence a nr tree Z4 incnes in amm eter, blazed and scribed 2325 BT, bears tj 55 Attr. 30 mln. E. 19 feet, and a flr i 325 BT. bears N. 43 deg. is mm. ta. zik tree 18 Inchea In diameter, blazed and ,feet, and a flr tree 12 Inches In i diameter. acrlbed 2325 BT, bears N. 88 deg. 6 mm. E. 28 5 feet distant: thence S. 31 deg. 59 mln. B., variation 19 deg. 50 mln. E.. 195 feet. Gulch runs southerly 403 feet. Sum mit of ridge running northeasterly "and southwesterly 710 feet. Gulch runs south westerly 1408.2 feet to corner No. 3. A blazed and scribed 3325 BT, bears B. 3 deg. 10 mln. E. 14 feet; thence B. 58 deg. 58 mln, W.. variation 19 deg. 60 mln. E., 25 feet. Summit of ridge, running north erly and southerly. 2S0 feet to corner No. 4, a hewed hemlock post 4x4 Inches bv 4 feet long, set 18 Inches in tne grounn, hewed flr post 4x4 Inches by 4 feet long wJ1m1 ffilcountAf Linn, state of'oregon. at pnge Tha iii.M Kin claim la of record In the pfflce of the county clerk of said county of Unn. state of Oregon, t miR 321 of volume 4, of Mining Records of said coun ty; 1500 linear feet Is claimed .along the vein, which Is well defined. The pre sumed general course or direction of said vein la parallel wun tne "'", said claim, as shown upon the pint posted herewith, and la about northwesterly to southeasterly. About 1400 feet Is claimed on the lode southeasterly from the point of discovery and tiboiit 100 feet north westerly from the point of dlacovery. The said claim Is bounded on tho north cast and southwest by unsurveyed gov ernment land: on the southwest by the Gold Finch lode claim, and on the north weat by the Red Hair, White Bull and Gold Hack lode mining clnlms; 0.028 acre of said claim Is In conflict with the Red Balr claim, being Included In the appli cation for patent of which this Is not ce and 0.058 acre of said claim I. In conflict with tho White Bull lode claim, the said White Bull lode claim having heretofore been patented, and being now owned by applicant. There are none other conflict ing claims to the knowledge of appli cant. .... . . The Oold Finch claim Is of record In lh office of the county clerg or snin Scio. Fiora Ibe Herman Green, of Albany, wa. a Scio visitor the first ol the week. Tb. material for Scio. telephone tyi tern baa arrival an-l next week tne workmen will be here to pat In lb. . teui. Mel Snellen returned from eastern O eirn Tuesday mornio.. He ha. been aU. ent for about a year and hi. many Irienili here are glad too see him home again. V. Oladck received two carloads of goats from Idaho Monday evening. rherewere aut oUU bead in all, and) they were a floe looking lot. Th. ferry across tb. Pantiem below (Jbelburo, known a. the Uolden Icr'v, ha. been at Ibe bottom ol tbe river I r aweral day. past, and travel from th . section to point, in Marion con Jiy na i been by way ol the ureen a terry bridge. On lait Saturday afternoon about 2 o'clock a large crowd from Solo and iur rounding country, met at the building of the Northwestern Hex A Fiber Mfg. Co. In this cltv to witness th. living of the corner itone of Solo', first manufacturing establishment. Charley Wesley met wllh quite a ser- ioue accident while at work on Mat Craft's new reaidence, a fow miles south of town Tuesday of this week, and one which came near ending fatally, tie was working on a scaffo!d which gave away with him, letting him down, and as be (ell be struck a window, shattering. the glass, and tbe sharp piecte cut sev eral ugly gashes in his lase.oue of which was eight inches in lengtn ana extended from his chin so deep that tbe main ar tery was laid bare. Had the gsb been -even an eighth of an inch deeper it wouU have severed the main artrry. as it was several small veins were fevered and the loss of blood rendered him very X betore ne cjuij . got 10 town. .