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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1899)
" ApmUm mt II. le for m Lultss) Slalee I'aleat. Unlled Statea Lund ume, OrvM'm City, Or., Nov. 4, kw. Notion la given that In uurau 111' III IlllUllltir a uf fill. M. nf I ho Ifnvluid HUtuies of ilia United Btals, W. 1). Lawlar. whose pnsiulllce address t Al bany, l.lnn iiHiiity, ureson, dulmliitf tMW IIW Of I'lui'IT ground, OOlltllllllM Kohl, lylnif aiul Imliiic situated within tli UuartsvlUa mliiliiw dlstili'l. No, I, county uf l.lnn and stats u( Oregon, haa minis llii'alluii to lli lllltnd Hiatus fur a liMinnt (or tha littwler Consolidated I'litcer MlnliiK Claim, (.'oiialatliiy ut His Unit llw k tilarwr rlaliri, cumiirlsliia IIB WW Hn, Ilia Lawlnr iilucurrliiliii. coiiiurlHliiK 11 ; m r.., Mini Cuarsu sull iilurar olulm, cuuiprlMliiK l"l mil acrrs. wlilili snlil claim ar mora full described a tu ml and liuumls ly III oltli'lnl tilut herewith liosteil, uwl ly llio flclil nntta uf survey thereof, now Mini hi Ilia tillli n of n,n rKllnr of Ilia United Htstes land office at Oruuiiii City. which flold notes of survey ilvacrlha Ilia hotiiiilarUis and extent of ntd eliilms on I Im urfniD with mnmietlt) variation at i to a di-K. iniii. ts as follow, to wit: Its 4 Ruek. I'lacer. arth and atones scribed 1 a2; whence a tlr tree IW Ini h In dlamutar, biased aii'l serluel ;izh UT, bears M. ti Ut. tu mill. tt. 13.6 feet, and a hemlork. true I 'ivi?J miter, blnsed and scribed l-3dH UT, bears kt, V) !.. w. IX faat; marine m, w n.-a. mm. jfi variation dff, M 306 feet; auloh runa north. westerly bM.n foot, to turner No. . ilen tuiul Ivllh iiiipni.ii Hf,. A . ............ kt.. .- ., ...... ' 'J m wi I.UI TWJ 4Ti,, Uold (Juli li loda, and corner No. t of ftvd nun lone, sums survey, a liewml hemlock Post 4l Inches by 4 net lonif, t JH Inohea In tli sround, with mound of stones si rlliml ja(; whence a hemlork iroe n melius in diameter. bli:. and rllwd Vh-Sia UT, bnra N. W deK. 10 mln. u, bi ri'i'i, ana litiniloi'lt trim 42 II ullininta.r. tilfiail anil mitIIu.,! 'JH'a Uii'iicn N, M di'a". Ml mln. K,, variation li iik. iu tnin. "J rout, to corner No. HI, Id' iilh a! with iiorimr No. of urvy, no. :va It ml Hull lull, a awd fir uml ) Ini'lma by 4 favt lonir. m t IK Ini'liiw In in i KrouiKj, wun moutiu or aiona m riiwa ii-jiyii win-net tha uvular or a atinft 4x7 ii i iii oy rtv rert nue i nnura N. t3 ili-n, 'H mln. W. (1 foot. Tha wnatnrlv iur- r of tha oftlca bulldlna of I.wit Until Ki'itlnnliiir al curnnr No, I, a liwvd hi iiiliu k in m t It I IiicIiik by i faat lonaMn-t IK Imlieii In tlin MKiunil, with tiiouml of aion.a mTllmil 32, whumo U. H, M M. No, 1 Iwuri. M. 17 d. U mln. W. J MO ) fitt, A li mlw k tria blnaitil and h rlliil l-XPi m , nlKiut 18 Incite In Hum ter, licitr N. W i' a. li mln. W. 30.1 foal. and a hemlix-k tra IS lining In dlnmlr liluand ami ai rlhi i 1-32K UT. bear H. 11 ilea-. IC.7 f.i-l, tlimn-e N. 16 d. 11 mln. w varutitin III dev. w mln. K. W feal lo rorniT No. Z. a Viewed hemlock iioat 4x4 Inclie by 4 feet Ion, aet II , Ini'he in the arnuiiil, with a niotimi of' eiiinn nrlbed i jtifa; whenra a lieuiloek trw. t Inehea in diameter, biased and arrllied UT. Iienr M 7 dev. HI mill. W, 13.4 feet, and n heinloi k trna 20 Inclie In diameter, hinged and m rllied tXSH UT, beara N. !f7 ibii, 40 mill. W. IH.7 feet; thence N, 74 V,. mln. K., variation I dea. W mln. K,, Bj I fuel lo norner No. I. A hewed hemlock iiO'il 4x4 llll'hea by 4 feet lima. vl 1 luetic in Ilia uround, with mound of atnnea rllted V-aai; wlienca a heinlie k tree ,"i Inchea In dlnnn ler. biased and acrll c -x UT. near N. 94 ile. ) niln. W. V I feet, and a hemlock lre 11 Inchea I.; illmnrter. blnsed and scribed S-aat IIT, bear M. til de. & mln. W, 1 I feel. Ihn re N. ill dea. XI mln. W., variation II de. 0 mln. K 244 feet la corner No, 4. A hemlock trea rut off 9 feet above the itr.iund. hewed I Inclie iimr, with mound of alone scrlbml 4 wheiire a hemlock tree 1 Inches In diameter, biased and scribed 4 !Ol UT. bear N. II de. lu mln. W. 4 fuel, and a fir tree M Inches In diameter, blnsed and scribed 4-3SW I IT, beais 8. 44 d'-ft. V. ft 4 feet: Ihenca N. 4H de. U, mln. K, varlatlmi l tlra. Do mln. K., IMt feel. wacon rnnd runiilnir aasterly and west erly o feet; dry aulch runnlnK westerly 4W.4 feel to corner No. ft, hewed rednr litMt 4x4 Inches by 4 feet lulls, set IK inches In the aruimil. with mound of stone scrllMtd whence a II r tree 4 fet In diameter, biased snd scribed ft 37 IIT, twars H 2ft d . J mln. W, 17 4 feel, and a hemtok tree 14 Inclxa In diameter, biased and scrlbad UT. bears N, SO dev. 21 mln. K. lO.t feet; thence H t dev. ,M mln. V., vsrlntlon 1 del. GO mln K . 674 feetlororner No. ft, a hewed hem. liH-k iit. Set U Inches in I ha around, with mound of stones si-rlbed aXth; whence a hemlock trea 14 Inches In di ameter, lilasi-d and sen lied s S UT. bears M ss de. ) mln. W. Ut feet, and a fir tree 3i Inchea In diameter, biased and crlld 4V-SJI UT, bears N. M il-K. K 1J feet: theme fl li der a min. K. variation 1 firs'. M mln. ft , 44 fret to corner No. T. a hewed hemlock post 4s4 Inches by 4 feet lona", set Is Inches In the around, with mound of stones scribed 7 x; whence a fir irea M Inches In diam eter, biased snd crlted "X UT. twins H S3 ). fd mln. V, 17 4 feel, and a hemlock tree u Inches In diameter, blnxi-4 and ocrtlied 1 am UT. bears 8, hi dc II mln. K. feet; thence N. 0 dr t mln. W varlntlnn I de. Ml mln. K., 7 I feet, lo corner No. , a hewed pine poet 4s4 Inches by 4 feel Ion;, wet l Inches In the around, with mound of stones acrlbed wheru-a a hemlock rtf 10 liirhss lit diameter, biased and scribed S--S3I HT. beats N. 40 dea. 4ft min. W. 71 feet, and a fir tree 24 Inches In diameter, blnsed and acrili4 -. HT. bears N. 1 dcf. 2U mln W. 7 feet; I hence 8. 7 de. 24 mln. W., variation 20 den. 10 mln. K.. M l feet to corner No. . a hewed hem- l.ii k Mwt 4x4 Inches by 4 feet lona, set H Inchea in lha anmiid, with mound of nine scrllied 32J: whenea a hemlock tree 42 Inchea In diameter, biased and scribed 2 UT. bears N. M dr(. 40 mln. W, u fi, and a hemlock tree 12 Inchea In dismeter. biased and scribed lXM UT. beara 8. dev. 40 mln. K. 13.1 feet; thence N. 12 lira, do mln. W., vsrla lion i ilr. io mln. K . 2ix fct. Uuich runs southwesterly 14W feet lo corner No. 10, a hewed hemlock tioat 4x4 Inches by I feel lona. set IS Inches In the around, with mound of alonea scribed ltt 3: whenra a yew trea 7 Inches In diameter. hlaxed and acrlbed 10S3I UT. boars B, M ilea. 10 mln. W. lot feel, and a hem lock tree IS Inches In diameter, biased and scrllied lu-431 UT, bears N. 17 d-e, W. 23 ft feel: I hence 8. Tf dec OS mln. W.. variation 10 des;. 10 mln. K.. 6T feet. Qulrh runs southerly 297 feet to oornar No. 11, a hewed hemlock post 4x4 Inches by 4 feet Ions?, aet is Inches In tha around, with mound of stones scribed it S3 : whence a fir trea H Inchea In diameter, hissed Snd scribed II IM UT. beer. 8. 14 dev. K. I7, feet, and a fir tree 12 Indies In diam eter, biased and scribed 11331 UT. bears 8.' 74 flea. 10 mln. W. 41 feet; thence 8, 31 dear. 4S mln. W.. variation 20 dra. K 7uS feet: summit of rids running northerly ana aoutneriy mi reet to corner no. 13, a hewed fir post 4x4 Inches by 4 feet Ions;, set U Inches In tha around, with mound of atones scribed 12 whence a fir tree 14 inches In diameter, biased and scribed I2-WI UT. bears 8. TS des;. 2S mill. K, 11,2 reel, and a hemlock trea St inches In niumetrr, ninsed and scribed 12-32 IIT, heara 8. 43 de. 15 mln. W. Ill feel thence 8. 75 dra. 22 mln. V variation 20 dec hi. 1U feet; Hprlna: uuich runs soutneriy reel to i-orner No. 13. hewed hemlock post 4x4 Inches by 4 feet inn, set is inches in lha round, w th mound of stones acrltied 12 32s: whence nemiocK tree 41 Inchea In diameter, biased and scribed lJ-MI UT. Iienr 8. l ilea-. 10 min. W. 10.4 feet, and a tlr tree s runt in diameter, hissed u.n,l ei-iii,.-.; T, bears N. 4 des;. Jo mln. W, 10 feel; thence 8. 13 dec 1 mln. K vnrln ,11cm 20 dec K.. m feet to corner No. 14. A hewed hemlock post 4x4 Inches bv 4 feet lone set Is Inches In the round. with mound of stones scribed 14 28 whenra a fir Irea 44 feet In diameter, blnsed and scribed 14-328 BT. bears N. 4 dec 2S mln. R 10.2 feet, and a hemlock hemlock treo 20 Inches In diameter, hissed and scribed IIW-pl UT, beara 8. M dec M mln. V. 131 feet, and a hemlock tree . ,nh??Jn."nm,'i'r- bluaed and acrlbed IV3? .nTi JM,ftr iM Inches K. X4 feet: thence N. 13 dec 22 mln. WV. variation JO dec B.. m cat. to corner hJj1' ,"" hfrnlorlc post 4x4 Inches by 4 feet Ions;, set 18 Inches In the around, with mound of stones scribed 10-S2S: whenra a fir tees 4H feet In diameter. ''Injed nd scribed 1S-322 BT. bears 8. JJ dec 20 mln K. 4. feet, and a fir tree ":' nJlrnrter. biased snd scribed C-.W UT, bears 8. 10 dec 10 mln W 14.T fast: thence 8. W dec 47 min. -W.. voriniion vi acg. K.. 14M.8 feet lo corner No, 17. a hewed hemlock post 4x4 Inehee iiv j irei ionc set is inches In the around with mound of stones scrlhed 17 whence a hemlock tree 12 Inches In dlml hit. nisrea anil scrined 17 2 32R TtT henra 8. 3d dec w. IR S feet, and a hen lock tree 10 Inchea In dlnmelee. hissed "'" eiTlueo l( ht, licilrs N. 17 dec . mln. W. 20 feet: thence 8. 11 dec i mm. H, , vsrlndnn Id derr. R.. S)J feef wnrnn rnsd runnlna esalerlv anil w.i-' lv Win feet: drv eiilrh rune westerly 110.1 S i 7"T"P 7". hewed hemlock JThhJa ilH0, in """'. blow snd .erlhej IMa BT, hears 8, 27 dec 40 tnln. : mln. W. XT- , 1 Z "rr-. e;.. hik 3 feet fo corner v.. J w,,n . .' orK "oat 4x4 Inch" ' .i.u " . '" """ m h r-ound .i.S ..,,.4 of , w. eerlhed IR-rH A -?rrr. '".JV .rT""1 w'lh mound of : ... 1 ij. whence a hemlock , ' ' hears TV. S d OA .... ... r., prn a fir fee ? nm V. e.leeit nnd eerlhed 19 1 - jr- "lln W. velnnn 1 Anf Rn .t, reel n rornee Nn 10 tn. ll .lh i.n-,1, J nf )n rifwT 4r inenes nf fer lnr s inches in the ground, with mound of Mine. I.lmlluil. bear N. tu l mln I'J. 11,1 fret; a hemlock sttibiii 24 Inches In diameter snd 11 font liliih, biased and scribed 21 a UT, Iienrs N. 7 dca. lo mill. W. 31,4 feel, and ii hemlock lre 10 liiuhrM in clliimeli-r, blnsed and s-rllei idISH UT, bear 8. 21 S . 30 mln. K. 27.2 ieii: iticiica r), m dec Mi mln. K.. varln- lion Hi dsr. 19., 132.1 feet lo corner No, 22, on lino ft 1 of survey No. v&. lu-i Dun loiin, a hewed fir poet 4x4 Inches b 4 feet Ions;, Set IS Inches In the Klnuni with mound of stones scribed 222 3, A Hemlock tree ao inches in illn muter. niaseii anil sirllinl is-z-azx HT. bears a iIik V mln. W, 11.6 feet dlstHiit, and a heuilock stump 20 Inches In diameter and 3 fret hlsh. blnxed and acrllwd 22 2-3Z8 UT. bears 8. 4S dec 40 mln. 13. 12 feell theneo N. 70 da. mill, K.. varla lion 20 dea. K,, 014.4 feel, to corner No, 1. Irfiwler I'lacer. this survey on Hue 740 feet: wiik'hi road runnlnn easterly and Westerly HJ1 feet: suhh runs northwester ly 1110 feet: waaon rosd runs northeari- erly and southwesterly 1242 feet; mouth of r.iK lunni i. runiiins soutneasieriy u inn, left at rlsbt analea inn 1.1 feet, to corner No. 23, a hewed hemlock post 4x4 Inchea by 4 feet lone set 13 Inches In tha around, with mound of stones scribed 2 32; whence a hemlock tree 22 Inches In dlam- ter. hissed and "rlbed 22 37H UT, btiara H. S3 dec K. H I feel, snd a hsmlork trea is Inches In diameter, blnsed and scribed 23--32H UT. beara N. 24 dec. 40 mln. VT, It. 4 feet; theme 8. IK dec 3 mln. K., variation 12 dec W mln. K., tit feel, lo corner No, 24. a hewed hemlock post 4x4 Inches by 4 feel lone set 111 Inchea In lha around, with mound of stones scribed 24 aits. The mouth of Bullion tunnel, run ning south westerly, bears N. 70 dec m mln. K, nil s reet; a nemiocK irea s incne In diameter, tilased snd scribed 2412)1 UT, besrs 8. 76 de. 10 mln. E. It feet, snd a hemlock tree 24 Inches In dism eter. biased and scribed 24-331 UT, bears M, tt di, 30 mln. W. 12.2 feel; thence 8. oo dev. as min. 13.. variation ! dec 0 mln. K,. 40 fet: Oseey gulch, a stream S feet wide, flows northerly fjBS feel, lo corner No. 1 of pi aco of beclnnlna. variation 29 dec 1ft mln. H.. 7&6.1 fast, lo corner No. 11, a hewed hemlock post 4x4 Inches by 4 feet lona, sat 111 Inches In tha (round, with mound of atones scribed 1132)1: whenra a fir trea 42 Inches In diameter, biased and scribed 11 31 BT, boars 8. 40 dec IS mln, K. 31.6 feat, and II r tres IK Inchea In diameter, biased and scribed II-IZM UT, bears N. 34 dec bv mln. W. 20.2 feet: thnnca 8. 4x dec U min, K., vsrlntlon 20 dec K.. 664 feet; sunn runuiUaT norineriy iiid.i mm (o corner No. 12, a hewed hemlock post 4x4 inches by 4 feet lone sail 18 inches In lha around, with mound of stones acrlbed iim; whencs a fir trea M Inches In diameter, blazed and scrllwd 12 H2H UT, bears N. 77 dec It mln. W. 21.6 feet. and a hemlock trea 24 Inches In dlttmuier. biased and acrlbed 12 32 UT, beara N. 7 dee U mln, W. 31.7 feet; thenco 8, t dee 41 mln. K.. variation 20 die .. 7H4 feet; snlch runnlnc northerly vim feet io corner no. l, tna pints or viginnine Area. Total area of Hod Kock placer, 119 4 acres. Tolsl area of Iiwler plnrcr. 11.279 acre Total urea of Coarse Uold pluoer, lifl.tbl acres. Total area of claim, seres. Ths Ilcd Hock nliiccr claim Is of record In tha ollke of um county clerk of mild county of l.lnn. suits of Orcaou. at puk 323 of volume A. nt Vllnlnu Kerords of nn Id county. It Is bounded on lha south west ly tha I'ontno Uold placer claim; on tha southeiutt by lha lawlrr ulucrr clnlm lha Hvd Hull loda claim and lha Uold Uuich loiin clnlm. and otherwlss by un aurveyed irovernment land. There aro no con II let lux; claims to the knowlcdgs of ap plicant. Tim 1nwlcr nlsrer clnlm I of record In the ofllce of the county clerk of snld county of IJnn. ststa of Ore-son, at paxe i0 of volume 4, of Mlnlna Itecords of said county. It Is bounded nn the south east by the Uold Uiick loda claim; on tha southwest by the Hed Hull lode clnlm; on the northwest by the Hed Hock placer claim, and on the northern by unsur veyed Government land. There are no r.inflli-llns- claims to the knowledge of ap plicant. . , Tho Coarse Oold placer la of record In the office of the county clerk of snld county of l.lnn, stale of Oregon, at putce 324 of volume 4. of Mining Hecords of said rounly. It Is bounded on the north- esst by the Hed Itock placer cini otherwise by unsurveywl aovernme land. There are no conflicting: claims to Ihe knowledx of applicant. Any and all persons claimlnir adversely Ihe minlns s round and premises r any ; portion thereof ao descrllwd, surveyed, ulKtied and amilled for. are hereby noti fied thai unless tneir-aoverse claims sre duly filed .1 according; to lew nd the revolutions thereunder, within SO days from the dine hereor, wun tna reRiaicr of the United Slates land office at Ore- on i lly, or., they will tie uarrea in vir tue of the provisions or said statute. tllXHlU! U. wounrji, IlKlstr, The second deportment of tb circuit court fur Lion count wag convened in the W. C. T. U. ball this afternoon at o'clock, Judge It. P, Boise In charge. The docket of 48 caief wag run through end the following diipoeed of : J Elder vi John 0 Elder, partition. Continued. AsslKnment of Clark Broa, Continued. Agelenmcnt of Albertina Krelsgel. Continued. Aeslgnnient of A F Ilsrnilton. Contin ued. W T Cochran ti John Coibmap. fore -t r.! I i ' Closure, iiniuiiseu. Jamea Nanney vg Louisa D So ttlemlre. partition. uoniinueU. Laura Caldwell vg Ella C Caldwell, partition. uMiunueti. Florence Allen ve W Allen, divorce. Beuieu. John H Arnoe va Mar E A met, auit for land. Continued. rWlDa E WbiUker et al vi C M Kurk- bart rt al, partition. Settled. J L Chapman va 0 N Iiithopet al. Set tled. The Board of School fund Com vg T M IXiwnin" et a', foreclosure of nort- gage. JUiamled. Uel'le the alwve cases several were pasted for difforetit reasons, dates were set lor hearing the testimony in the di vorce cases anu one or two cases lor trial by the court. The mandamus case of Superintendent McDonald agt.Ceo. liarton et al.will be watched with considerable loterest. A. J. Miller was appointed bailiff. Anions attorneys attending court this m and afternoon from neighboring towns are: ims"'to Jut,?e Wm Kaiser, of Balem, 8 M Oar- anu and W m Urown, ol Lebanon ami A X Tussing, of Brownsville. II METEORIC VISITORS. The papers have been full about some meteors that are to visit the earth ii showers this week. Prof. E, II. MeAl I later nf tha Ktftte University, a former Get the bwt stamp pictures in the city Ab man has issued a pamph at Miss Long's. .... ' ' Lanier riacrr. Uuslunlruf at corner No. 1, Identical with corner 'No. I. survey No. Kb, Hed Hull lode, snd corner No. 2. survey No, XS, l in Id- Huck loda. a hewed hemlock poet 4k4 Inches by 4 feet long, set IS liu'two In he around, with mound or stones srrioed U. 8. M. M. No. 1. beats H. W dig. J min. K. 1127.4 feet distant; a fir trre 34 Inches In diameter, biased snd scribed HT, Uars N. 4 dee w mln. W. U 4 teet. and a fir Ireg 20 inches In dlnm- ter. biased and acrlhed II r, bears I, l dig. 2U mln. K. tlt.1 feel distant; hence N. 2 dec .02 mln. V.. variation 2o ibc 10 mln. K., IM1 feet to cor ner No. 2. Idetttlral with corner No. 22 of Hed Rock placer, this mirvey, and on line Sl or survey No, S. lied Hull lodo; thence N. dec Zt mln. K.. variation i dec K.. LIS 4 feel, lo corner No. 2, on linn a-n or tiro iiock piairr, tnis pur vey, a hewed hemlock post 4x4 Inches i- reel long, set is incnes in iim grounn, with mound of stones scribed -; whence a II r stump 14 Inches In diameter and 34 feet high, blnsed and scribed 2 US Hri. bears U. K dee 2& mln. W. 27 feet dletanl, and a fir stump 24 Inches In diameter and 2 feet hlh. biased and scribed S-32S UT. bear 8. 63 dec 40 mln. NV. 3 feet distant; thence H. dee fid mln. K.. variation 20 dee K.. 1IS.4 feet lo corner No. 4. Identical with corner No. 4 of survey No. 3k Uold Hack lode, a hewed hemlock post 4x4 Inchea by 4 feet lone set IS Inches In Ihe ground, : with mound of stones scribed 4328; whence a fir tree 22 Inches In diameter, biased and scribed 4-231 HT. bears N. 16 dee K. 14.8 feel, and lie 'Ires ru Int-hr In diameter. blaaed and acrlbed 4 22 HT. bears 8. 12 leg. 10 mln. K. fret distant: thence 8. M dev. B mln. W.. variation 9) dec k.. U feel: gulch running northwesterly 23o.g feet lo . corner No, i, the place of be- glnnlne Coarse Gold placer. s . Di-glniilng at corner No. 1, Identical with corner No. Is of Ued link i'lacer, this survey, IT, 8 M. M. No. 1. bears 8. dee 20 mln. EL 3Tt. feet distant; thence ,n. m org. 47 min. w., venation is org to mln. K.. UNI feet, lo corner No. 2. Identical with corner No. 17 of: Hed Itock placer, this survey; thence N. 61 dcg. 42 min. W variation If dee. K. lOiw feet, to corner No. i. a hewed hemlock post 4x4 Inches by 4 feet lone set Is Inchea In the ground, with mound of stones scribed J Sat; whence a hemlock tree 24 Inches In diameter, biased and acrlbed 2 32K HT. beara N. TS dcg. 20 mln. W. 14.4 feet dis tant, ana a nr tree Z4 inches in diameter, biased and scribed 2 2m UT. beurs B. 22 h e 20 mln. K. 17 feet distant ; I hence n. s are a mm. vt., variuuon is avg, M mln. K.. 1US feet to corner No. 4. a hewed hemlock post 4x4 Inches by 4 feet long, aet is Inchea In the ground, with ntuuud of stones scribed 4 Sat; whence a nr tree 21 Inches In dismeter, biased and scribed 4 3Si UT, bears N. 68 dee 2t mln. W. 4 7 feet, and a hemlock true g Inches In diameter, biased and scribed 4 32S UT. bears H. dec & mln. V. 2.2 feet; thence N. 6 dec 4 mln. W ,. variation IS dcg. &0 min. K.. 77 feet; gulch running south, westerly i- feet: auloh runnlnK south westerly Ml feel, to corner No. &, a hewed coilnr posl 4x4 Inchea by 4 feet long, set 12 Inches In the ground, with mound of earth scribed 6 Sit; whence a cedar tree i Inches In diameter, biased and scribed 5 828 UT, besrs N. 14 dcg. IS mln. W. 13 feel, and a fir tree 24 Inches In diameter. Mated and acrlbed & aat UT, beara 8. 83 dec 25 mln. V. 2.4 feet: thence 8. U ice U mln. W., variation 20 dcg. K., SK3 ft to corner No. . a hewed hemlock post 4x4 Inches by 4 feet long, aet 18 inrhes In the ground, with mound of atones scrlbml S 328: whence a nr tree 20 Inches In dlumcter. biased and scribed S XX HT. benrs N. ti dee 2& mln. B. 17,8 feet, ami a hemlock tree 24 Inchea In diameter. biased and acrlbed 8-32X BT. bears 8. 21 leg. 20 mln. V. 6 1 reel: thence N. 2V dec W'.. variation 20 dee E.. W8.S feet to cor ner No. 7. a hewed melock post 4x4 Inches by 4 feet long, set IS Inches In the ground, with mnunu or esrtn scrtoen 7 JUS: whence tlr tree 26 Inches In diam eter, hissed and scribed 7 BT. beara 8. 10 dec 80 mln. W. 17 feet, snd a Itr tree 43 inrhes In diameter, biased and scribed TS28 UT, hears N. 61 dec 30 min. W. 4.K feet; llmnce N. SI dee 61 mln.-W.: vsrlntlon 20 deg. E..- 19H feet: dry gulch 4 feet wide flows northwesterly 241 fed: wagon road running northwest erly and southeasterly 647 feet to corner No. 8. a hewed hemlock post 4x4 Inches by 4 feet long, set 18 Inches In the ground, with mound of stone scribed 8228. The southeasterly corner of a log building known as the Bryan City hotel, bears N. i dec 67 mln. K. .139 feet distant; a hem lock tree - 24 Inches In diameter, biased snd scrllwd 8328 BT. bears N.. 40 dec :I5 mln. V. 19.5 feet, and a nr tree S8 Inches In diameter, blnsed and scribed R 328 UT. bears 8. 73 dcg. IB mln.- W. 18.8 feet; thence 8. 28 dcg. .01 mln, E.. varia tion 22 dog. 20 mln. IC, 1.136.6 feet, to corner No. 9, a hewed hemlock post 4x4 Inches by 4 feet long, set 18 Inches In the ground, with mound of stones scribed 328: whence a hemlock tree 24 Inches In diameter, biased and scribed 9328 BT. bears 8. 87 dcg. 46 mln. E. 18.4 feet, anil a hemlock treo 26 Inches In diameter, hinted Rnd acrlbed 9228 HT, besrs N. 85 dcg. 40 mln. W. 6.8 feet: thence 8. 62 dcg. 18 mln. W variation 20 deg. 15 mln. E.. 149 feet, to corner No. 10, a hewed hem lock post 4x4 Inches by 4 feet long, set 18 Inrhes In the ground, with mound of Mones scribed 10328: whence a hemlock tree 24 Inches In diameter, hinged and crlhed in srg BT, bears 8. 63 deg. 60 mln. W. 80.8 feet, and another hemlock tree H tnchs to dlnmeter. b'nsed and scribed 10-328 BT, bears N. 42 deg. 20 mln. K. 'J Uin SO' 8r -8 eauain c3"J 2 1? Mrs. Anderson and son returned this noon from a trip to Portland. MbsBarah Neoly returned today from a visit with Baieiu menus. A. II. F'eerksen is announced as a can- tlldate for nomination for recorder. Mrs. lien. Kirk returned last night from a mouths visit with relatives in The from Oal(es. Mr. Tom Kav. who tins been seriously come at Intervals ol 3d years, so ill lor several months, came up to Albany I only one or two can be seen in the let in reference to the visitors, which we extract the following : The meteoric shower predicted for November 15, 1899, is of especial interest for two reasons. In the first place, the previous from this source are by far the most magnificent on record. ana a somewhat similar decree ol mag nificence is anticipated on this occasion ; in the second place, the main displays that life- lb is noon. V.U. Caldwell left this noon for M' otiri on a visit with relatives arid old neighbors. Mr. McCullv.of Hrownsville. a brother of one of the pioneer pilots on the Wil lamette, has been in the city. , There will be a social and entertain- time of the a vera ire individual. 1 be shower is expected to reacn its maximum at 10 o'clock on the nieht of November 15tb, Pacific Coast time. The point from which tbe meteors appear to come wilt be below the horizon for all parts of Oregon at this hour, and will not rise until nearly 11 o'clock. Hereto fore, nowiiver, the shower uas lasted lor meut at L. O. T. M. halllFriday evening 1 several hours, so that, if it comes at the Va. I I 1.. : . i . j i . i . i, . . . . 'n ' .tsituuut inviwu. ' aasiip ixracwu utntii s iuouiu gee toe isiver pari oi we aispiay at leaei, provming tbe weather is c.ear. The meteors will SlOn 1UC. : . ,. '. .: TlUA Rev. T. J. Wilson, of Eugene, is in the city i n is wees conuurting the Uoiiefre prayer meeting. Ironm8:40 to 9:40 well morning, Mrs. Sedgwick, of Chics eo. who haa been visiting wittr her mother near this appear to come from within tbe "sickle- Wade," x bis part or tbe constellation will come into view shortly before 11 o' clock, at a point of tbe horizon about one-third the distance from tbe north elt. M w V itiiii. I.,. .,;.. I east point to tue east point. ' nla,.miiii I, 1 I : .1 I t itpuvuiu im.uviug ,u iinuu ujas , I , , , , . I s-aiiu Wl IUVWUI . ta UUI Ol wuuiie UUU J , .u . .1 " . . u n,Tcrp lika a planet, and consequently the date e? Lm. !'f E 1! " S VK.1,"1! oJ Ppearance of a shower cannot be ei church at Koaeviile. Ca if.: and left last .i. .iAnt.Awi i.. .1 1.1. .!! .... l ..l"V v-.v-M.. auwouu,.,. " ( T " "" F'" others particularly interested will tbere- - I lore begin watching as early as tbe 12th Rev. ii. II. McCullsirh will Breach his I or 13th and continue their visile each farewell sermon at the Preabvterian nhzht until ths shower anneara. It is church next Sunday. He leaves next hiifhlv probable, however, that the sdhc- ?--. A I 1 a fwx I - . . . . ... tor ins iuure udta oi laoor at iteu i tacie, it seen at an npon this coast, will Bluff. Cal. Dallas Observer, - ' be seen between the hours of 11 p. m Gov. (Jeer, who recentlv nroclaimed I November 15ih and daylight on the 16th mat our larmers are getting a better compensation for thier products than in in lormer rears, passed throne-h the city t day southward bound. Price at wheat 49 rente Married, at the residence ol the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Roberts, at Oak Grove, on Wednesday, November 8, 18W, at noon, F. A. Williamson and Nettie C. Roberts, Rev. Wm. Short, of LaCreole Baptist church, officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Williamson will make their home in Albany. Dallas Observer, Jrefiebb!cIcparalbnlbrAs- s tcm-'u-tis nniiDtnreia a. j lieasiBXoiitalns ndthfT Opmnr.Morpiimfl voi wwou. Not Naiic otic. AUJrmt tttl ttnm AtxrfertRetinedy for Cons 0p- C r....ClAm.rh rtierrhripa Wonnsotmilsions.revsrishe gas and LOSS Or Toe Simile Signature" of TTEW "YDHK. 4 EXACT COPY OF VRAPPES. ill t 1 UU u Ukiiau i n o mm Por Infant! and Children. The' Kind You Havo Always Bought Bears tho K t. Signature Kw of AM in Usg For Over Thirty Years SBMBat MbV bVMMM iNb VM'Mlav 99 sVV 1 m ewersva Sarah E Murphy vs W P Murphy, di vorce. U ranted. The Board of School Fund Com vs La- vina Clingbam.etal, foreclose of mort gage. Judgment for plaintiff. 1 Antinett C Banker vs James Banker, divorce. Continued. I Sale. First N Bank act Emma Harder, confirmed. Isaac Elder sgt W J Turnidge. confirmed. C W Rogers agt Jane Woody et al. Sale conormed In tbe recorder's office tbe fol'.owiog insti omenta were filed for record : Deed from E R. Case to David Froman, 51x100 feet. bl541bany 1500 W B Donsra lo P M Scrovgan, 2610.40-4000.00 of 22xl&9 let. bl 'i, Lebanon . Or. & Calif. R. R. Co. to R. E. and I WE Warner, 158 acres SW Site Mortgage on 40 acres for , . 6S0 I Moriffsne on 420 acres for 2400 10 W Vanderpool to Bamnei Gar i land, power of sttorjey.,......" Deed H F A D Mcll wain to O Voes. lot 7. bl 118 H's ad to Albany... 630 John A Smith v Marv Claypool et al. suit in eotiitv. Jadement for plaintiff. I in the clerks Lffice licenses were ismed Earl B York vs Ida M York, divorce, lor tbe marriage oi u. u. vnsmceiiam Granted. ' of Waico Uo. and i-ucie israoaon,oaogc- MayZa-hnv, Agustus Zahn. ..u. l divorce. Granted. . - , . .BC" .".. , .. Addie M Willis vs Frank 8 Willis, di-r . . vorce. Granted. . John Meinert agt Emma Harder et al. Motion to modify decree overruled. 1 be case of Superintendent McDonald set Judne Barton et al. a mandamus pro ceeding Ococ-pel tbe making of bound ary maps ol the districts, was set lor Thursday. Instead of refusing to make tbe maps as bas been ciaimea, tne court, which bad already begun making them upended ork upon tbe beginnins? of improveuiente on tbe court house, and bas nev refuse1 to o the work. Ooe rf tbe members of tbe Astoria foot ball team is Cassell. Can that be Ma it Casaell, a former resident of Albany, wbo moved to Astoria irom Albanv teveial years ago! Several boys and yonns; men were climbing around tbe scsffold on tbe tow er of the court house yesterday afternoon in a somewhat reckless manner, at least from appearances from tie ground. The Council at its last meeting voted to purchase 750 feet ol hse and a bote cart 1 also ordered the first payment of NXX) to be made to the water company Dallas Itemiser: "Cost of coort Loose nicb has already expended 115,000 in further announcements. as ascertained to date: Architect's com- labor and material. Wi liamsjn anil Mr. Marvin Turner requests the Dkmo mission, $1,450, contract price tor base nl were appointed a committee with chat to state that th re is no truth in tne ment, $S,860; extra for basement, f 484; fa11 power to act in renrd to protecting report that he U a candidate for record contract price tor superstructure. t4,. the banks ol the Ovhoco Prinevills Re-1 sr on the demooatic ticket. 032; heating apparatus, $2,323; electrie, view, O. Ho'.man and twilve cr thirteen BVirinv si nil n vinrM nnisiifiai saAtavakP i !kAnrh a -a, maj a..-. a a a ----a v-eavHs w -f-viw v f v tiwsuw rv V I a from two-co! seat ol rar, is announced bv the New I ""77-1 iv. t ir.nnlev nnmme tecre- York World Almanac. Tbe larva demand ' , 'f ,h Fr.iernal Uuion. is in the for Ihe 1898 World Almanac Spanish-1.:., anrl touisM at the armory will di American War Snoplement has nromnt-1 nn tha benefit ol the or- ed tbe present inierprise. The 1899 j.. .11 are invited. World Almana., a substanlUliy bound 1 ' v.t Pp4Mhvterian chnroh of this A very pleasant birthday party wsa given st the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Felzer, Ssturdsy evening Nov. lttb, in honor of tbeir son Charles., Mnsie and games were the enjoyable paat-iime un til eleven o'clock when sn elegant trnch was served after which the guests de parted all wishiog Cbarles many more happy birthde-s as the one inst passed. Those r resent were Mr and Mis H Leib ner, Mr snd Mrs D Weeilake, Mr snd Mrs Wm Felzer, Mr and Mrs R E War lord. Mr and Mrs J Vosr. the Misses Maxie and Anna Kamph, Alice Leibner, T. Z. Drais, of G-e, has bieuin the j Elaine Westlske, Anna and Lixiie Fel city today. I ,er Messrs Fred and Leonard o tt. tt ; iiaWaaa. k.. Kamph. Herman Schre'. Elbert War- r-TeTr, ritr ' I Frank, John and Charles Felier. Mr. C. A. Winkler, of near this city, left last night for Rutbvllle, Ohio, on a three months visit at bis old borne. M. F. Hays of Albany, came down on the morning overland and went via steamer to Dundee on business Salem Journal. Frank Baker snperentendent of the of theOregonian route in Salem is in the city the guest of Mr. Wra-i Ross. There will be a Shakes perian Reading . ihafViii n on Fridav. and Saturday nveninon tf next week. Look out fcr. The game next Saturday between Ihe O. A. 0. and Wtllameitts wLI be playtd at Salem. . t This eveuing the theme of tbe sermon in the evangelistic services at the Chris tian church will be "f tie Skeptic among (lie Apostle-." You are cordially Invit ed to attend.- Tn Wardner, Idabo strikers, sent np foi 22 months each, pr ssed thioukrh Al ban v Sunday afternoon .bound f v the Quentin California penitent) iy. in charge of a number ol guards. Tury had a special car. - The 8u pre roe court has refused to give W. G. Slagers, convicted of murder in the first decree a new trial, and he mast now fang, which is undoubtedly the 1826.25; in' ide sewer and basement floor, t4U2; superintendent employed by coun-l ty. v.o, water tank, sau; lanor pot include in conrracts, etc.- $100. , Totd, South African Warbupplement, just Others arr?ved Albany today from In-1 proper thing, as there is Utile doubt of a the press, and a revised to date dian Territory, and thia alternooti Mt bsguut. . i-colored map of the South African', for Yaqnina where they will 1 -cate. , Vrs. Brown Lee, a lormer resident of Salmaoi'nui Entkktainm-nt. The O. T. M. will give an entertainment their hall, Friday evening Kov Lome and ecioy yourself. Admissoa lOcts. 24. raM oi over ow pages, the Booth African I i, A llrn j.i a call to Kev. Mr. Cle- tvarBupniementandtbeW.rMap will r'lerSh Columbia, to serw as list asaW r T nvtna ralaaaB e-. Sa VI ..Sa ' . . . . ' 7 i i i Will Rinq. Wben those nteteors jbei gin falling as announced the fire bell will Us rung gi ving aM an opportunity lo see British, and the Boers is awakening an iiv uesvcuiv urewurss. paid, on receipt of 25 cents in silver or ' E" 'aV"17. r.leiand stamps. , noqiii",- Th war'in South Africa between Scio died at Monmouth yesterday eve -ning.and her remains were taken to Scio today for burial. The Messrs Brown, of The Dalles, two sons arrived in Albany on taet bight's overland. Mre. Julius Gradwobl, wife of Ex Counciln an Gradwobl', was- buried at Ibis citv a rear aito today, on much the same kind of e day as today. Her mem ory temaina freh iu the minds of many I ""TmILI ti,2 Preabvterian church in ' of our cilixens, by whom she was greatly the Alhsnvtvo or three years seo. . beloved. Garfield Sutton, sen ol Mr. Uharies The address of Mrs. Sarah " Pearson Adams in the G. P. church last evening set the audience to thinking by manv pointed statements. With the aid of charts drawn from actual cases she detn onstrsted the severe effects ol alcohol upon tbe etc niach. A lona list of patent medicine were condemned aa containing a lar.s per cent of alcohol. Al. Goddsrd and William Hand are building a twenty foot boat Tor naviga tion on the Wl luuiette, which will be an interesting affair. The boat is to be run by blcvile power, and it ia anticipated that it will be a success. . Jack Pattop, of Marleay, shot a largo grey eagle Sunday. The brd was silt in a tree on his farm, but flew at Mr. Pat ten came near. At a distance of fully 200 feet one buckshot roke oue wine which let him down to the ground. Mr. Patton tried to take tne eagle alive but was un able as it s' owed fight Salem Journal uwuniDwreiii in me aara comment, 7- . ,K!. .-- nnnf Davav's hiave the land toward which the world's im- 8o.",,t1"8 b?ol M? inigrstion of coming year, will be direct- J&nt&l& Sttea ed. Most opportunely comes the an- i,:Wn?.mr,ia hsa arrived in Portland, nouncement that William Harding. New on ' PjfiVin IfbinTin i lew da York cable editnr nt tha Arit.i nd is expecieil in Albany in a lew aays. Dr. Loae comes Monday.) Dr. Lowe 3 days, no longer. Dr. Lowe for glasses. Good gits es. Miss Ling's photographs give tatisiac- Press.has a book on Africa nearly ready. entitled "War in Sooth Africa: The Dark Continent from Savagery to Civili sation," to be published this month by The Dominion Company of Ch;cago. rar. naming snouia be eminently quail Me. riennls H. Stoveall. tbe rising nf (Virvallis. who bas ob tained quite a reputation on account of his book, "Tbe Heart of ihe Vsl'ey, nasiurl throuirh Albany this forenoon on his srav home froin a trip to Southern fled to piepare a comprehensive and val- Oregon. He has another book in eon liable work on this subject. The lorth- templalion. coming voiume win contain a lull ac count of Africa from the ear i st ages to the pesent day, including a detailed ac count of the causes and events . of the British-Boer war. - ThaLslieii of the G. A. R. last eve- nuiii?sve a pleasant enteriainment si their hall. An interesting feature were thaw sTllsslftlal of the number of beans in a hnal. Six Dertons wbo cuesred UC0 I sre'e the nearest, the number boin B1ERS SUMMERS. On Nov. 11. at 1470. Upon drawin J. R Chambtrlam the Baptist parsonage, by Rev. A. J. Kot t'e rose bowl. The following p-o- Sturtevant, A. J. Biers and Mies (tram wss Tendered: Address bv rmi HlftmiA SnmmpM. IvitliAf l.lnnmnntv. Ta.W niann snln hv Prof. iHS. VCCr I laiions'ty A-aoie Cameron, Emma Newell t..t ' nv . X. e and Jennie Freerksen, a farce tomedy USisuu oi,ixu.-onftioDu.T evr- ... i.i-iriestone and Gao.ber, 1.11.K, Nov. 13. 1899, at 10 p m., in Ah f nv M7 Torbet tnd Livingr han., by Justice A. H. rreerksen, Mr. '-.,,. tlMeanx and sunn by Miss H. M. Osborn and Miss Lt ma Bland, of Wa erloo. Thev have the best wisLfiot their many friends. Livingstone, "Columbia.1 Pr. Lowe with Dr. Littler Monday Tuesday and Wednesday, Make No ; ; Mistake in buying Con- densed Milk. Take no sub stitute for the Gail Borden Eagle Brand years. CONDENSED MILX . There are cheaper and In ferior brands to the Eagle, but none that equal It. lt has stood first for forty Sead lor Becips Book. S tOfiCCrS CONODiStD MBa C0 N. Y. t im.