The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, November 17, 1899, Image 2

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    Sneaking of beina on time.
Will & Stark hare a large
and fin selection of the th best watch'
ei to be secured, time keepers that keep
time. When you want a good watch call
on mem.
Entered at the PostOffloeat Albany
dragon, aa aeoond olasa wail mattr.
Senator Plait still bos of the Em
plre state. How long will thit most prom
inent state tolerate so mercenary a polit
ical botT v-;. - .--..
Of cnurie Pennsylvania gave the R-
niblicai ticket a lrte mi rity. Bat
some light la shed on method! thereby
the lodalna in iail of several alleged re-1
for the
,0s by
The fifty-cent size is Just
rkht for the baby. A little
of ft in the bottle three or
four times a day will supply
Erecisely the fat all thin ba
iesneed. If your baby does
not gain in weight as fast as
you would like, try
Scott's Emulsion
The result will please you. If
the baby nurses, the mother
should take the emulsion.
It makes the baby's food
richer and more abundant t
only buy the dollar size-it's
more economical.
Both mother and child will fed at
once its strengthening, upbuilding
and fat-producing properties.
and Si.
Teddf RooaevIt"thome town returned
democratic majority. Ejldentlv Teddy
townsmen do not accept him at hie own
There can be no doubt of the effect of
the Manlaod victory on the to tuuee of
Gorman. The triumph there meant hie
rehabilitation In tolitics and ultimate
restoration to hie former influence. '
Now that the election it over, there le
nothing to prevent the Civil Service
Oammisiion taking notice of the viola
tion! of law out In Ohio.
Those gentlemen who claim to have
viewed the death of Arthur Poe Gorman
of Maryland may now prtpare themsel
ves to witness hi reaurrectioo and hie
reappearance in the United States Sen
A Hot Fight.
Mnn.A. Nov. 14. 8 P. M. Th Thirty
third infantry, in one of the sharpest two
hours' eotcatfementa of the war. with an
equal force of insurgeuts, five mile from
Ave men killed, and one otlleer and 13
men wounded. The Americans captured '
19 r ilininoa ami 100 ritioe. ana louna 81
insurgent dead lying in tie trenches and
rice tielda, Many more Filipinos doubt
less, were killed or wounded.
A Complete Wreck.
Manila. Nov. 14. 8 P. M Further de
tails regarding the grounding of the U.
8. cruiser Charleston show that she aruok
an uncharted coral reef 10 miles tcaat of !
Oamisuln island Her stern was almost
submerged, and the bow was almost out
of water. A heavy sea waa on, and the
cruiser began rolling violently. The water-tight
doors were quickly closed, but
were stove in under the engine depart
ment, the largest of the ship.
One for Gocbel.
Lwibvilxk. Nov. 15. One vote is the
pluraliy credited toOoebelin the whole
state by the Courier-Journal in its table
of election returns corrected up to a late
WANTED. A competent woman for
general housework. Inquire of Mrs.
Nel'le Maston.
LIVERY STABLE lor tale at a bargain
. or will trade lor sheep or oiner sioca
or land. Inquire at the Democrat of
fice. t
era and winter blooming plants, vis:
Chinese Primroses. Oiuerarls, etc., for
ale at the residence of Mrs 0 Mount,
Cor. tUb and K R els.
BARGAINS. Will tell or trade good
nwnnd hand sewing machine, for
cash, wood or hay. Call on 8. L.
Wakofluld. at former residence of e.
Ehupe, 3rd ward, Albany.
WANTED. Several persons for district
OtU :e Managers in this itate to repre
sent me in their own and surrounding
mnntiea Willing to pay yearly 1600,
payable weekly. Desirable employment
with OMial opportunities. References
exchanged. Enclose self, addressed
stamped envelope, 8. A. Park, 300 Cax
ton Building, Chisago.
At .11 itniav4t
it New York.
Oae rf thecautee contributing to the
result of the Democratic victory in Mary
land was the persecution of Admiral
Schley by the Navy department. Being
Schley's native stale, itwas tut natural
that bis friends should lake special oot'ce
of the scandal.
hour tonight. This table includes a train
: of 133 votee in Harrison county, where WHO WILL BUYT ow la your
the county commissioners todav threw ' , .. ii-,. of no-
lout two Taylor precincts. TheOommer- " a twenty five eenis per
cial s figures show no change since yea- J"?, f, Li ii.ev come from the field,
temay, Taylor being given a plurality of i I fi..i u , want tham sorted
... - - . Ditf u uin", ,.
I . k.n., iu nm. or droD mt BQlt
i in r. U., lor luruirr nnwji"".
Special Sale; To thc Music
spectacfveyFglasses LovingPublic.
m, .... ..n.t.ttni tak'ng up Ml
'Ti It to their Inter
I onto InvVsUgate the "'"K
by Albany Colleire. Ibe following
branches are taughtt
'andlliSIWYOIf MUfelO.
Mr. Wlrts, Musical Director, to Md
....... .. iSi.i.Hun Conservatory of Mu
sic. and htts studied alth auoh artist at
i u,.rr ..! ihuUteDr. Karl Hers.
These men are masters in tlielr rep:t-
ive departments anu musicians v..
Call tnd get prices before buyieg els
Spectacles and Eye Gluts from (So op,
Goggles, 10c.
J. A. Cummings.
In Season
At J. K. Davis's
New Market, on First street, west of
terry, t resS fish, poultry and came for
the local market. Will also buy chick
ens and eggs for shipment. Everything
neat and clean. .
That Tooth
A Salem paper objects to every little
skin or filth eruption in thstcitr being
worked np into a case ot small-pox.
loungladirs who saw the meteors
Tn. .knnlJ lint hi liul .iolit nl tMrtv.fhro V 1
that the treaty.'with Spain was only raU-jf"1 "ur remarks after the showers
fia.t k. nm m.mrld mnA that Ihi. , "'a"''
ooly" secured by agreement to pass the
McEoeiy reeolutlon as was afterwards
done, dsclaring : "That by the ratification
ot the treaty with Spain it is not intend'
ed to incorporate the inhabitants of the
Philippine Islands into ciliseoenip ot the
United Sistw, nor is it the intention to
permanently annex'said islends as an in
tegral part of the territory of the United
FOlilbALE OR RENTT Faill sell my
I ... it to a CBSU L-UBIUIUV VI
trade tor a rmall place near a town or
vUlage. The lar.n is near LiVrty rhj.rch
3i miles trom vruir
Samuel Buck lor particulars,
Call on
Will tell
needs attention
lumemoeritcanDeniied time holding op a tin pan
At Second and Ferry.
Mr. McKinley says he has been work
ing for the laboringmentwenty years.
"Who pnt the tariff on this?" exclaims
he in a speech at Omaha, at the saras
I did," he
answers jubilantly. The American tin
p'ate company also responded by sbnt-
t ting down one hundred and six mil! grsphy.
out of the eighty nine plants controlled I
:by it, throwing oat of employment!
. . i j t ii
taoa;anas 01 voiibwd uu caumug wuor
A notice of a temperance meeting in a
Portland naner is marked in cans PAID
AD. Severs I whiskey ads though fail to '
aave tms mars. A suggestive fact.
The Salem Journal wants a quarsntio
against profanity, cigarettes, gambling
and other vices by ch'ldreo. We hav
quarantines now against some ot them.
The trouble is that the watchman at the
front gate allows them to get ont at the
back door and bovs seem to have no
trouble to get all the cirgaret'ei they
WANTED. Trustworthy pertons to Iske
orders for "War in South Atrica and
tha Dark Continent from (Savagery to
CiviliAtwn," by William Hardin, w
r.mans traveler, cablo editor, an au
thor. rr says "wonderlully coru.
pleie." "graphic descriptions, bril
liaotly written "sumptuouy Hlus
trted"i demand remarkable; sales on
precedenleUi prices low. We shall ots
Uibu e t00 000 in gold amongour sales
people; be first j don't iuim thit caance;
alto highest commission books on 30
days' credit: freight and duty paid;
sampb case free, addreas the Pomin
ion Company. Dept. V, Chicago.
IN the undorniiinrd Ailmlni.lrutor ot
the estate of of Gova 8. SUvton. deoeaoed.
has tiled in the county court of I.lun coun
ty, Oregon his final en-ount In said estate ,
and that Mond-y, Nov. 0. 1SU0, at 10 a.
m., na been set bv said couit as ti e lim t
for hearing objcions to said report, and
ior ino K'uiemwni miTwr.
IIkmhv Lvows, Adm'r.
J- J. WaiiNr At'ry Adm'r.
OMir S2.76
HriONdMONIY. cut in w
J, wuk, i,t tu uv tt
iHir ht J1 MM, kll ttum
Vr uf inoltw emtutttt W4 tt INhs)
St Mffc, d4 itlrit ttl
C t l . !. fa miiMtittt,
lau twit viHitM unit Uy n m
m.. wi'rts. Instriiftor in vocal I mus
Is a " pd o fr. William Nelson llurrltw
Uho'l.'knoa , to be one ol th. b Wot
tesc tiers In Amor ca Way. Mr, Hurrm
Swl elKht years In hut and vera.
yesrs In liouuon.
ilia iiitmwm
Albsn Cullega
Conservatory are the l'l f mosj ; ap
nroved. being the combined reun oi
wmkr Instrucllon receive.!, csjH.r ence.
anil the acquaintance m tue
ot our eastern conservatories. .
Tuition reasonable. Pupil may.entci
at any lime.
Fall term 0ma Sept . 10, 1M.
r or further information call on or ad
dree Piossldsnt Wallace Howe Lee.
0. HI l( fttUHtl MHtett,
ff III. ..t'fT..
ilt r.v. M in
l.m mUm. TMIS
CAfK 1$ LA-
tear stvli
torn rauLanti
trmtm -n .tit.
f M I Uiil.l
miMhe IwkMlmir, wn fun ia uun-t
rtfm, Mim run. I'm. - a i.m.
i "i " r inn)M wiiii mm
M. Senders & Co,
Hay and Oat Warehouses i
Beventii and Kallroad 11
HI. Ml
We are prepared to take on
t a a . ! as)M fUtli
Dtlta nri Will
tnniBmi nh tkm .. im tott, ,nh tr-..o ousnltv at top market pnee
SiHM.n mktt t.wi..l .ad nul !..! U..1 WIIM
uw.Uu.aanM.ih.vrt.-a, a.h Ht tt tutk Wilw
m .am,
oats in an
Yellow Crawford peaches can now be
louna at
1 . af is Long makes np-to-dato pictures
iu tue oigueai siyie oi tne art ol photo-
Mr. Julius Gradwohl will now be found
in his own store at the above location,
better prepared then ever before to serve
the public with a first clsss stock of
Letter List.
. lftuxs hv da or Blzbt.
- , -j . -
a lost in wsgea of three hundred and Following is tha list of letters rematnina ' leed.t, cor5.TenrJ2
ieveniy-one inoneana aoiinrs per . in tne rostomce at Albany, Una county,
month. Oregon,' Not. 15. 1899. Persons cailina-
TBY MORMON BISHOP'S PILL8 for all disease rising from
disipation, self -abuse, eicesres or elgsrett smoking. In use
over W years. Brings back your Manhood, cores depleted worn
nnt men. makes rich blood and tissee. Cures wasiing and all
naa m.b.a M lastltinelv stronv. care imootencv. lost power, missions,
os of memory, bad dreams, shrunken organs, despondency, sleepleeene,
varioceel and constipation, adds lustre to tha eye. Mop nervous twltchlnrs
1 1 th evelioe. Make lite worth living. A boon to young or old. MORMON
HTRRtPft pi 1.1 a atrenarthena and restores small weaa organs, oiope an
Oats bought.ln ear lots at sny ship
ping point.
Insuranc. Hay, Grain and Wocl.O
Don't delav. Price within the reach ot all. Unaran-
a box 0 for $2.50 by mall. Send for free circular.
Addrasa BISHOP H1U REMEDY CO., Ban Frawlsco.Oal.
For sale by Fos- MB3i hay A Mason, Albany. ,
crockery and glass ware, and standard
The ligheet place in Albany,
What constitutes the bulwark of oar
for these letters mast give the date on which '
' advertised I
liberty and independence? It la not onr Chessman, Mr CM
Everr- frowning battlemsnts, onr bristling
t rung in signs, uooa gooasat low pneea. 'coasts, onr army and onr navy.
square thing with his cusf mers and will ;
i Colley. Mr J A
Hughes, Frank R
Colhy, Mr G E
Moff, Mr H
1 ... nr
Mr. Gradwoht has always done the' u " I ST""'"" . Vw.raou..Mtt
SJ - i ... .. I " ' . HJWU , , 1
rontinna to do o. i Ait oi in ete may M turnea against u "i"iri miiiams ru
Also writes insurance in rst thus without making us weaker for the strug-
gle. Oar reliance is In the spirit ot lib
i erty which God has planted In ns. Onr
l!!iY.,7HEr defenee i ia the spirit which prises lib-
lama MANHOOD erty as the heritag of all men in all
r. r vuuwi., ! Ind. everywhere. Destroy this spirit
wastine disease aU effects of Beif- "d 7 bave planted the seeds of despo-
abuse, or excess and India- t"n at your own aoors. Aoraoam u
a. ?rJ
cretioa A nerve tonic and
i blood builder. Brings the
pink glow to pale cheeks and
restores the fire of youth.
I By mail BOe per box; 6 boxes
for ft&SO; with a written guaran
tee to core or refund the money.
CtlntOfl at Jackson Sta CHICAGO, ILL.
For sale by Fred Dawson, Druggist
Albany, Oregon.
Strata ith ytm wfc4fcr T. eoatioM tfc-
fomi ut. am looaaee. a
al aarvoa. divtraaa. anal, aloo--
uaa, swiim taa moos, i
to Hroas
ta. aar.a-1 U S vxseaaaa eani. Br
ro-BAC tnm
vaav awa dnufULVI.
1 Toaefc (araa. Tka It vita
Ul,atteatT, aatslnaatlj. Oaa
How's This ?
a. ar ill mjt- noitwm
V. 1 1 1 UaaUL
aaa.aacKatar.". iaJv;
aa 3 a a ' - a mj
L ttSeuUij CQTM; I tXZS, w9JV
a t trar, r we ritmmA noiwy,
the undersigned executor of the
last will and testament and estate of Henry
O McBride, deceased, has filed with the
clerk of the county court for Linn county,
Oregon, bis final account in taid estate
and the court has fired Saturday the Uth
ay of Noyember, 1899, at One o'clock p.
. to hear objections to said account and
r the settlement of said estate
This the 3rd day of October, 1899.
- E. Badger,
- Executor of last will and estate of Henry
E McBride, deceased. .
Wkathebfobd & Wtatt,
We offer One Hundred Dollar Reward
for any case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by Ball's Catarrh Cure.
F. J.CHENEY & CO., Prop.,
Toledo. O
We. the undersigned, hav known F,
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be
lieve him perfectly honorable in all bus
iness transactions and financially able to
carry ont any obligations made by their
arm -
Wjest dc Tneax, Wholesale Droggist.
loiedo. u.
I Waldixg, Kirkav & Mabaut, W hole-
as la Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hail's Catarrh Core is taken intern
ally, acting directly opon the blood and
mac ana surfaces of the system. Price
75c. per bottle. Bold by all Druggis s
Testimonials free.
Hall's Family Pill are the best.
Wallace, Macel
8. S Tbaih. P. M.
J. Joseph. Proprietor.
Strika QnfcUy.
"On the instant whew
a lion shows his tem
per " said a famous lion
tamer "cot him quickly
over the face. Don't
wait until he springs at
you." This is equally
good advice for treat-
the undersigned, administratrix of
the estate of Andiew Ralston, deceased,
has filed with the clerk of the county court
of lann county, Oregon, her final account
ia said estate and the court has fixed Mon
day, Dec. 4, at 1 p m, to bear objections
to said account and for the settlement of
said estate. . '
M. J. Ralstok,
J. I. WaiTirar Administratrix.
Attorney for.'Adminiatratrix.
J. G. Crawford, The Photographer
Has refitted his Btndio elseantly. with
many new back grounds especially
adapted ior children s photos, and sev
eral new accessories. His work always
takes the lesd. uall and look through
bis elegant rooms. His line of views ar
all new and fresh, the finest in the eity.
tie does more to advertise Oregon than
any one else through bis fin line of
To Cure a Cold In One Day
Take Laxativb Bboko Quranra Tab-
uts. Ail drcggista rerun l the money if
it fails to cure. E. W. Gaovs's signature
is on each box. ' 25c.
Y&iii EJwoi -;
Will ha ranged to Its natural duties
and your biliousness, headache and
constipation be cured it you take
iiasd'o PMq
Sold by all druggists. 25 cents.
Dr. v7. wixon, Italy Hill, N T, says,
"I heartily recommend One Minute Cough
Cure. It gave my wife immediate relief
in suffocating asthma." Pleasant to take.
Never fails to quickly cure all coughs,
colds, throat and lung troubles. For sale
by Foshay k Mason.
Heat Tskseee 8p tt saa 8aMk leer lit Ar.
To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag
netic, (nil of life, nerve and visor, take No-To-Bae,
tne wonder-worker, that makes weak men
strong. All druggists, 60c or SI. Cure snareo
teed. Booklet and sample free. Address
Sterling Bemedy Co., Chicago or New York,
Educate Tone Bowels With Uasearete.
Candy Cathartic, core eonitlpetioa forerer.
I0c,Sc. UC.O.C, fall, arotclau reload money.
tag the lion of disease. Many an attack of
dangerous illness would be beaded off if at
the first premonitory symptoms the victim
would strike quickly.
Those severe coughs, bronchial affections
and wasting diseases which merge into
consumption would never get their savage
teeth into the constitution if their early
signs were headed off by Dr. Pierce's Gold
en Medical Discorety. It provides such an
abundance of rich nourishing blood that
tuberculosis germs have no chance to get
any lodgment in the lungs. It clears the
skin and purges all the impurities from
every organ. It invigorates the liver to
expel all bilious peisons from the circula
tion. It creates healthy tissue, vitalized
nerve fiber and gives solid strength.
" I have thought for a long- time," writes Mrs.
Rose Petty, of Lockrille, Chatham Co., N. C,
that I would not do von Justice if I did not
write and teU yon how f was cured of that dread
ful disease called comb motion, by nsing Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. I bad meaa.
lea and fraeumoaia both at the same time, and
came near dying, and a soon as I was able to go
oat I was taken with grip, and then followed
consumption. My phyiieiaa did all he could for
' reuei nut 1 recetvea none, j tnea every
nr that I could hear of that was good for a
courn out grew worse, and would nave died soon
had I not commenced asinr the ' Golden Medi
cal Discovery.' I felt improved before the first
bottle was finished. I took six bottles, and after
that I felt better and stronger than In ten years
Deiore, xnat was six years sgo, ana to-r.y aa
not tett any symptoms of a return of the disease.
I remain cured, and I think I am the cause of a
friend being cured by using the same medicine.
Be was afflicted as I was, and after every thing
failed to cure him be took Dr. Pierce's Cetdca
Medical Discovery and was cured."
The Real Test
Of gaod flour is shown by th demand for
It and tner ia a aemana ior
Magnolia Floor
For twice the capacity of th mill, at
prices considerably above ordinary valley
flours. It is always made trom
No. 1 Old Wheat
Every Back Guaranteed
aicKlIloiv Burfchart, Proprietor-
Prtmpt mtals a' all boars. Freeh oys
ara in stvle desired. Berv lunches tor
anquets on short notio.
the nndersiamed as admlnistratsr of
the estate of Harriet Fuller, deceased, has
filed his final account ia said estate matter
with the Coantr Clerk of Linn couutv.
Oregon, and the county court has fixed
Monday, the 4th day of December, 1899,
at the hour of One o'clock p m of said day j
for hearing said account ind the final set
dement of said estate. Anv and all per
sons having objections to the same are
hereby notified to be oreser t at said time
and make the same. .
Dated this 27th day of Oct
8 Mat,
Administrate r.
, Ally's for Adm'r.
Three doors east of the DsxocaaT office
has money to loan on iarm security
low rate of interest. Also email loans
made n personal security . .
Oity, county and school warrants
Collections made.
Rents collected. . .Fire la
snrance written ia the following targe
.rwl nliahla eomnanies: HOME INE.
CO., of New York, PHOENIX 1N8.CO.,
Hartlord, Conn., LIVERPOOL, LON
Notice is hereby given that fond ar
on hand to pay city warrants Nos. 891 to
422 inclusive of the issue of 1898. Inter
est on ssid warrants will erase with th
date of this notice.
Albany, Or., Nov. 7, 18W.
E. A. Paujca, City Treanrr,
INSURANCE. J. V.Talt, agent for th
Queen Ins. Co., of Anibrica.a flrst-clas
company. Fire insurance promptly at
tended to. Office in tbe Pearce block.
The Best
In Albany by the
Long Photo Co.,
In Fromaa Brick.
The leading gallery of Albany.
. Tbe" onlT-up-to-date first das
studio In town.
AU work to please.
For Bargains
In Farm Lands. Umber Lands and
City Property, call on or write
Ot 0. Dlbuba a vw.
Albany, Oregon-
H. F. flerrill
1 Lollectlons promptly attended to, cor
respondence solicited. Office In Dbmo
at building.
Stanley Stewart,
' Q 1
In taa CiatDtr Covat er rar Statu o
Oaaooa roa U Cochtt.
Thomas Allison, plaintiff, vs. John U
Hall and Grace Mali, bis wife, defendants.
To John B Hall and Graot iisll, th
abovs named defendant.
rvM. nn ara ruwh not fled sad reauired
to be and appear ia th above eautted
court in said suit, wd anawer the com
plaint ol the above named plaintiff la said
cans now oo file tbetvia, on or before th
I7tb day of November, iwv. ana you are
hereby further notified that if yon fail lo
appesr and answer said complaint aa
aformid, for want therefor the ptainliff
will take a decree against you for th re
lief prayed for ia said cempUInt, towits
For a decree of said court foreclosing the
mortgage dwerttxd la said con plaint
herein, and forever barring yon and each
of you and ail persons claiming by.tbreugh
or under yon or either of yon, or said
Simpson I'eaison, since tbe date of said
AMaM At,riA ia said comntaint. of
all right, title, interest or equity of re
demption ia or to the said premises de
scribed ia said complaint and mortgage
tnerein described ; said premises being de
railed follows, to wit !
The North half of the goutceast quarter.
Southeast quarter of Southeast quarter of
Section seventeen .and tbe Northeast quar
ter of tbe Northeast quarter of beef ion
twentr In Township 10, Hooth of Range 6
East of tbe Willamette Meridian, contain
tea urn of land aocordiaa to the gov
ernment survey thereof i and olrecting that
said lands be sold by the sheriff of Linn
county, Oregon, and ike proceeds thereof
applied, first to the payment of tbe costs
and charge of makicg. such sal and tbe
costs ana disbursements of said suit, sec
ond, to the payment of $00.00 as reas
onable attorney's fee for instituting said
suit) third, to th payment to said plain
tiff of the sum ct f&O.OO ia U. 8. gold
coin, together with interest thereon in like
gold coin at th rate of ten per cent per
annum from tbe 1 0th day of March, 18iW,
UDilpsW, and for a judgmint against
yoo and each of you for the costs and dii
burtetnsDts herein and for cucb other tni
further relief ss may be m et to equity.
This summons Is served upon yon uy
publication for sis consecutive weeks prior
lo tbe 18th day of November, 1899, ta tbe
States Rights D hoc sat a weekly news
paper of general circulation throughout
said county and state, prinUd and pub
lished at tbe city of Albany in Linn coun
ty, Oregon, by order of lion Geo D Burton,
County Judge of Linn County, Or iron,
which order bears date Oct. 2nd, 1899,
and that tbe said Hon Geo D llurtnn,
judge of said county, in said order for lbs
publication of said summons opon you, I as
resorib'd the 17th dsy of Novsmlir,
1899, as tbe time on or before which you
shall appear and answer taid complaint in
said suit.
Th data of tha first publication of (his
summons ia said newspaper is October
6th, 1899.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Office! Sank of Oregon Building.
Only set of Abstracts of Linn County,
Complete set of maps and plats.
For Sale.
Four tracts of Isnd in Santiam br llv
Each has house, barn and orcliwrV la
utrof H.BataJr,
Are prepared from Na
ture's mild laxatives, and
while jfentle are reliable
and efficient They
Rqzsco thoLsucr
Cure Sick Headache, Bil
iousness, Sour Stomach,
. and Constipation. Sold
everywhere, 25c. per box.
Prepared by C.I. Hood Co,,towslLlIass.