The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, November 17, 1899, Image 1

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- :VOLXX ALBANY, llltfcGON FIUMAI. NOVEMBER 17 man "vn"i?
ran . TELEfiRAPiiir ! " ".;:rT""T": tl-zt"' -
11 f. If v "v""" ( HUmt AN AKKllAn 1 SATURDAY
mm 1
.We know
or nothing bettor to tear the
lining cf your throat and
lung. It li bettor than wet
feet to cr. ise bronchitis and
pneumonl.1. Only keep It
up long enough and you
will soccce i In reducing your
weight, lu;:ig your appetite,
bringing on a alow fever and
making everything exactly
riiilit fur tbo terms of con
aumptlon. Stop coupling and you
will get well.
curca coughs of every kind.
An ordinary cough disap
pear In a single night. Tha
racking cougha of bronchltia
are aoon completely mas
tered. And, if not coo far
along, the cougha of con
aumptlon are completely
Atk your druggist for ona
Dr. Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral
, Plaster.
It will aid tho action of tha
Cherry I'ccioral.
If pm hv an r1tnt (.
r ami 4. Uie l.l tttttel
torn ftm rt ImMlhlff tibtollt,
(e it, tret, V' wmrwi. a
nipt reply !! be s iiral
fell J. V.
AtUl, U.w.11, Vim,
rbjilclao ami Surgeon,
HiMUUk - - - -' Albany, Or.
LiiUer& Lililer
Drosdalbln St.,
Albany, Or.
iix. Collins DDB
A. Jack IIxlgea DDK
OdJ Fel.o's Temple, Albany, Or.
Oliver Plows Hew p
. n .any, drrgon
"Oliver irave tha worl l th chilled
And It ba savid more monej
to the farmer of A merle
bait tnyotnnr nn.ili'nionl ever prodjrrl,
Uenuine Oliver ch.llwl are the httet en
earth. The O.lver Is a promoter of happi
ness on the farm, and the dealer wliyt ,lla
It knows he is i.andling the beat. Lnok
out f'r iniaiittiorn and touch nnthmirbut
be genuine frood, made only by Oliver
billed plow works. South liend, led .
111 sti? - - it
1 .
; , "SaVf 1 WI- at '3
Wi own nd occupy tho tllft mercsntlla buildln; In tho world. Wo hvo
ovtr 1,000,000 cuotomera. Sixteen hundred clrku aro constantly
engaged fllllng out-of-town ordera,
OUR OHNERAL CATALOGUE Is the book of the p.ople-it quotes
Wholeaula Prices to Everybody, has over 1,000 ra(a, 16,000 llluatrationa, and
( descriptions of articles with prices. It coats ? cents to print and mail
each copy. We want you to have ona. BEND FIFTEEN CENTS to low
your good faith, and we'll send you a copy FREE, with all chargca prepaid.
.MONTGOMERY WARD & C0."ichlMc'HodAMe,r",,rw,
I-nte Ncwe in .Short f orm.
I h Boer War,
Lomkin, Nov. JO. Tho ltritisli war of
flea ha received from Uen. Duller tlio
fu'lowliitf diepntuh :
Uam Town. Thursday eveiiiti Have
received by pigeon from lieneral
White today tlio ifollowlng!
The bombardment at long range by
heavy guns continues daily. A few can
unities areoccurlng but no serious barm
la bring dona. The Hoers sent in today
imuwr 01 Jingoes irom me J ransveal
umier a nag 01 truce.
Daring I-ondliM.
Manila, Nov. 10 The landing of the
American troop at Ban Fabian Tuesday
waa tbe mot a; ectaculnr affair of Ha kind
ainco Ueticrul Hhafter'a disombsrkrtion
til l'uiiiilrt. The co-oH)iatlou of tho
troops and the navy was complete. The
gunboats maintained a terrillc bombard
nient for an hour while the troops rusb-
cu wnisieocp inroiiKti me surl under a
heavy but badly aimed rifle (Ire from the
insurgent trendies ana charge.! rlgl
nun ieii, inuring vouey alter volley a
uie iieciug reMH. forty Filipinos were
captured and aeveral killed.
No Honda Now
WAaniNOTOif. Nov. 10. The cablnc
meeting today peted almost three hours,
lift, question of the purchase of United
n la tea bonds by the government waa un
Jir clisi iiMion tor nearly an hour. Sec
retary Oage explained the situation fully
uu H now apiH'ar io be settiea mat no
purchases wi I be made, for the present
at leant.
flic Kentucky ICKction.
Ixil iNviLLB Nov. 10 The ofliclal eoum
ol die baltolacaat Tuesday was In gun to
day throughout ebo atate. In this cltv.
t large crowd gathered at the courthouse
to witness the count.
The democrats sasert that GoeU'l will
nave a plurality of 6U00, while the noiu
Inee biinwlf tiatxa it at 7000. The re
publicans claim that Tavlor la ul.-i-n-.l in
piurauiy oi ww,
Another Record
Cmc Aoii. Xov. 10. Maktr Tavlor. the
colored riUi-r, broke another birycle rec
oi o today at Oarlleld Park, by following
bi motor cycle (or bail a mi.o in 41 aeo-
onusnat. i no previous reror.1 waa 41
second, held by Kddie Mclullle. A
tiff breeae waa blowing at the tine Tay
ivr umiie un trial.
Acts gentlv on the
Kidneys, Liver
and Bowels
Cleanses the ystem
OVIRCOMtS kfrfiS '
Hlarma. C0NST.PATI0N
euy THg fttnwiNi-mnt o ey
ess ami si u sas4T rau M ms mho.
"1.1 " , 4.
- H
Tliii Report.
N'hw Vault 1A fl . - '
iv a ue cotton mar
ket was In a turmoil of excitement today
with speculation the heaviest In yara
and fluctuations violent. Though enter
talninK vague ideas of trouble before the
ffwnlng , Hie bull element remained
faithful at the start, despite weak cables
frsui Liverpool, predictions of increasing
receipts and a report thai the tcovermetit
crop estimate would be a big one. ,
Tennessee (lathering.
Ku mors of a weduiog. A b 1
'o, Davia baa Uen 111 this wtek.
3. . Wallace was in Albany one day
W n u...i .i . . ,..
Few hope, ara entertained for bis reVv -
J V-J!cKnW nd Ed' Wy
iotarat ofHy. iltWriint ,u
toT?nn .h i'd ,'B,,,,y bvf moved
-r , i w r a hi t lUii 1 ill ! in iim wnrv ill.
.i m . ' Proro"i amoolb'.y under
IheemcieotmanaKementof Annie Black-
law, who has been teaching here for tbe
pan lour years.
Mr. ii..i.i ,..
ul renoieton, trrrgon
state oraanlaerof tbe Koyal Neighbor" ol
Au'frica. the popular auxiliary of the
lorsl h i' i 'c,dU''
The mammoth potato crop has lust
beoj harvested, which is larger by one
th rd of any one season's production in
Ibis nelehborhond li.-.- un ...... .1
grornu wnicli has bean dug un to date
.... . w.v. w V Ul
esoccuMed tbe attention of 75 men lor'
ten day.. or iBorj. making th. enormou.j
yield of over 30,000 bushels.besidea there
remains at Irast 1-5 of th. crop
f yet to
oe narvetted. The immense yield this
fains lhouLb,,.n. ,t0 1,16 The Statesman says there are two new'
riJXE?J?n la 1 ' I CMM ' nall-pox io that city, oeing th.
U ihi reta r.erJ?ri!OTBj,fbM 8,,old d.uVblerof WillUm Bauer
wM aowra i M iihte?"!? ;i'rom Albany, by th. way a party who
tart ..."rTeVac're? "
iMil.ii.t..A.(.,i ii' .i ' -
time, wi;b th. exception of a few cases,
a dry rot has been discovered, but which
does nl materially affect tbe product.
Two sties have already been made at SO
cents per b'sbel, and should the present
kood prices continue favorable many a
man will have been made glad; while
the tempest of life would be braved with
a renewed vigor aud a etout heart.
From the E. A, !
C. if. Yehri will .gain start uV
?" i creamery in a week or t wo.- He le t
or ronianu last evening where be goes
lor the purpose oi purchasing an engine
and eeparator for tb. creamery.
9: !Mol,t ,nJ M- Maimer this wee
'"M l aiieep ana four lar-ej
bulls to M. II. Morphy, ol Uervaia. Mr.1
. "P''' driving tn. sbeep to Oervais, I
'and will shin tb.m from there i.i ti.a n...
on stock yards In Portland.
L. Ibomae, wboueed to live serosa the
river from this plac.diedatSal.m Wed-ne-sday
morniog, egid 78 year, laeklttg
two days. The remafnss wer. biougbt
heie from Salem yeaterday, ani will lie
buried at 2 o'clock tbia .fternoon In the
Providence cemetery. Deceased lesvia
seven children, two ol whom VVm.
Thomas and Mrs. Joe. Smithreside in
ibis community. Mr. Thomas came to
Oregon Iroui Indiana in 182.
Indian War Veterans Atten
A a congress la aoon to assemble, and
more vigorous steps need to be taken to
bring before tbe same tbe claims of In
dian War Vetetana for pensioi.e, there
fore there will be a meetingof Gamp No.
17 I. V7. V. beld in tba G. A. li. hall in
Albaoy, on Fiidav, Nov. t4, 18y9, .at
i :ov p.m. lei mere De a roneine meot.
tog. All I. W. V'a are Invited to be
preoent. Jasom Wiikblir.
. u. Walkib, Captain.
Orderly Sergeant.
Plain Clothes 25o per doxen at the
Magnolia Steam Laundry.
Dr. W. wixin. Halv IliH. N Y. aara
"I heartily recommend One Minute Cough
Cure. Ituavemv wife immpdialn rwlisf
in suffjcating asthma." Pleasant to take.
Never faila to aukklv cure ill rnucrha.
eolda. throat and luajr troubles. For
ov rosnay & Mason.
MII.LARD.On Friday even inn. Nov.
iv, 18U, at her Home, in the eouthern
suburbs of the city, Mis. Melissa Van
lis, wife of Jobn A. Millard, at tbe age
of 2 yeas, and after a ahort illness
terminstinr In a anoDlexr.
1 he deceased was a pioneer resident of
Linn county, tbe daughter rf William
Me Bride. She waa tint married to Mr.
Yaolie, by whom ahe had three children,
now living Ralph, Miss Annie, and Mr.
Nevin McCormick, and several years af
ter the death of Mr Yantis, about sev
enteen years ago to Mr. MiWard, by
whom aha baa had two children, John
Jr., and fiarah. The deceased was a
member of tbe United Presbyterian
cbuich for many years and Lved a life in
keeping wiib her profusions. She was
a woman esteemed and beloved by all
knowing her. Mrs. Millard was also an
earnest memper ol tbe W. C. T.Ui latr
ine an active part in tbe workiugs of Uie
lociety. '
Arrangements for the funeral service)
have not yet been completed.
Have your stoves polished by Ohlino
ItlM Tomatofes, Pears and Appha a
0. K. lirownell's.
Good Krorerks and produce at E. F.
Fenton'e. First fct. Hill Block.
The best bar, oals and mill feed In tna
cl-y at h. V. Fenton'a Hill block.
It is a Singular taste that rmnni
I iiileu in the vHel r nd large selection
i jcieirj nin Burk'i, The best
goods and reasonable prices.
w beat Is 42 eeots, oals 27 cmta.
An evangelist on the street corner this
alt noon spoke for over an bour without
.fJaln i threatened with an Increase!
1 menui iroyed. ' " Wpm-
t.oJnor'' o? fhffc :riH i.'pKtic
, nn1 in hi charaXiatic style! P
; vices "Never borrow your neigbbrir's
ill rtiHann ,. . t.. .
penurious to aubsnribe and pay for your,
own paper, read the Bible. You ougbt
Senator Fifer, of Illinois, has been giv -
i...," ,,'"v '.r,','"v,,MW,m"1''
" me piece on me interstate commerce
, board soogbt by Billy Dogan'e friend of
,an Francisco. A Pacific coast roan was
e,,llHJl But an Illinois man wae,"'' cotaithatanding tba rrpabliean
needed on account of tbe election of next
y"!Z' ..',
mo iinire 01 ira r iceoer, a young man
bodied rear Crahir. n ii.. .a f
October, have been paid $1,000 carried
i vv
by him in the
Modern woodmen ot
nitmiint (ar m mAt
America. The
twenty on. d.yi 'aftei ' tba lDol"f!f!l.!f .' Kentncsylt waa
Young Fleener bad paid Into Crabtree de"tof Ptyd "Tided agawatttielf.
i lodge ol of which be was a member Js
than f 10.
auwMi euowea to remain nere.
Tre is or., other case there, three la
all. The Stateeroan a ivs there sre seven'
cares at xlerry, which Detroit has quar-
antined against, and to.t tbe CAE.)
conductors bsve been ordered not tore-?
ceive any passengers at that place.
The following appear, in tb. circuit:
court proceedings of Marlon c junty : 8.
E. V0Urj8 vs. Jobn Hughes, a.lmr.,
equity. Decree for plaintiff. This suit
arote from tbe affairs of tbe Gold Moon-
tain and Dry Uu'cb Consolidated Gold ,
and bilver Mining company with whoee
. H"! l.ha ,.b!!U "' U4
iiuucuwuo, id. siocaiioiaers auegea
J that aome fHOO of the aeets ol th. u7n-
.mereeute. of which Jobn Hughes lead -
mlniist.atar, belonged to tbe ii. M. A D.
O. U. U. A 8. M
Oo. and ihey win their
suit to recover
Tl.e county court adjourned yesterday
afternoon after transacting the following
additional busioees: Time for closing
tax roll extended to Nov. 25. Bills al
lowed: J. W. Ilammeil, 22; Ladies
Ai4 Society, $10; D. C. Swaun. 15: D.
L. Curl, tlJ 40; G. V.Gump, $5.
Report bled with county clerk by State
Superintendent Paine of the inaane aay
lum oi tbe death of Leonard Tnomss
In the recorders ollice there wcrefiled:
Deed, Tsnoery O". to W. K. U'Ren.
41,000 sq. ft., Brownsville: $00.
Deed, K. A. Goodrich to H . K, Arnold.
2 acres. 12 w S: 1375.
DceJ, David McEachern to Curtis
Lumber Co., 160 acres, 10 E 7; $640.
W. R. U'Ren to Jot. Rigns, lot 4, bl 2,
Kirk's ad Brownsville; $3o0.
Real estate mortgage lor $1800.
Clia-el mortgage for $101.
" 190.
Subject for rooming sermon at the
Christian church: "Ho Croee, No
Crown." Evening sermon: "Three Vi
tal Questions " Begiring tomorrow
evsngelistic services will b held each
evening duriog November. Investiga
tion of the acnpiuree is invited. All am
cordially ioviied to attend.
J. B. Uouies.
United Pieahvterian rhurch : Morn.
ing worship at 10:30, subject of sermon,
"Disciples Apostles." Sabbath School
at 1 1 :45, Junior Endeavor at 3 :30, Sen
ior Endeavor at 6:30, evening worship
at 7 :30.aubiect of sermon. "AatnH in
Character Peter." All are invited to
attend tbeee services.
Presbyterian church : Morning wor
ahip at 10:S0, evening worship at 7:30,
Sabbath school at 11 :45, Junior Kudeav
or at H-JSa, Kenior endeavor 6:30. Sub'
ject of morning sermon, "The Menace '
of Mormoniim." even ne. ''The Shield
of Faith " A cordial invitation to at
tend all tbt services is extended to all. j
Congregational church: Breachineat
11 a. m , subject ot aermon, "Our Benev- j
meut Ducieture." feuuday school at
12:15. I'rerching in the evening at 7:30
p. m. Toe evening sern.on is for men
only, and e hope a goodly number may)
be present. Tbe theme will te such as!
all men will be interested in.
Rev. Cope! and, of Salem, will deliver
an addrees in tiie reaice Memorial
church tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock, ,
on "Wbat Unitarians and UniversaUsla
Believe". Everybody Invited. . I
Rev. Murphy, of Coivallia, will preach
in tbe Jb.picopai cnuicn next Sunday
attercooo at 3 o'clock instead tf at the
uaual hjur. .
Solid satisfaction piven awa, with
every purchaee at Will & Stark's, tleaV
re in goou wares, snvcr, goiu, gia a and
ones. -.
At the end of last week tbe Boer war
was tbe main topic, and tbe Doers were
on top, Tbie week ends with tbe Eo.
Inn prospects In tbe ascendancy. The
outlook from the atari waa that tbers
could be only oca result, victory for tbe
Engliab. Tbelr liberty will be taken
from tba Boers and England will get
what aba Is after, tba Kim bar ly diamond
and tbe rich gold mines of tbe regiop.
Her greed wiil be latl.fled. And there
ara Americans who will endor.e ber
greed. Tbe Dehocbat man is not ooe
of tbetn. Ha will tot admit that t.. i...
loo ' one of these
armies of
which are seek log to role the
Sttall wa let greed run tbe world.
There Las been an ele Hon In several
places in the United States during the
week. This was an off year In politics,
tbe elections as a role being for minor
omcr, i
account of
tion. the U
i et it waa of great interest on
the coming presidential elec
tion. tbe lodeafona that ffravawai 1 1
: pilltical. Regardless of all claim, the
, anK .1. .
L . n'lri11' cbn things.
i 8om8 'soln tbongb are peculiar. In
' victory there trai majority of at least
fi,t tbourand agaiust expaoiioo. the
I t.. , .
Jones vole nnrely anti-expansion and
, t,Jt 01 MeLaao'e being that much more
tMoflsth i, In Maryland there was a
4an wnere tbe administration can get
any crumbs of comfort out of
take a geolus to fignr. out.
Strictlv buflinesa
French th !ai
Crescent Sicvd
S DroteTrs
SS "SUfjMiEt J2
-,i T1 J - , J'
r! ' i f,
. Cre"' blcy!lIe at Hopkins Brothers
fw nlr 820, 130, f35 and 150.
0 B Winn, citv ticket agent. Tickets
to all points in the east,
Be sore and see the anti rust tinware at
Bopkin B.os. will las. a lifetime.
ini. . .) j i . . ,
KfnSan do not Jorei to ke onS
1' I " . , '
' By aIlowie lb9 Mcnmulations in the
, - . ... U,
DOwelS In remain. tha entire, inlam ii
cned . De Witt's Little Farly Risers regnl
nte the bowel. Try them .nd you will
always use tbem. foabay A Masoa.
New Goods. p. Cohen'a hm .n.
rTve'eceJ WSS
goods, which will be aold at Sricee in
reach of all.
Give him a call before buy
Car Cobatlpatlun Tomn.
Owcareu Candy Cathartic. 10c or So.
"C.C.C. fall to cure, druggists refund mooer.
nw Are T..r kmhti t
Dr Bobba' Snanurot PlHi rare all kldner Ilia. Saia
Sl tnm. Add. swrUna Hgrnwli Co.. Clueax or Si. f
Our Offerings-.
goods are of the latest patterns and
colorings, our rug and art qsuare
fines are very strdng this season.
masonic Temple B!dg., Albany, Or.
Is tbe Oldest Furniture Dealer in tbe city and he keepa a complete
lice of Furnit ore and Beddina and if you want good goods cheap give
hima cai He doeen't intend to be undersold.
, iiiustnuiuue. ssbbj esq
w u usruawir
Tyie, mr
Finls&kaskv 41
aUT UtinaT Ton
spareaM or sjaeU
maid povnbir b mm into (tistnct.
BoTOea Monthtr.
Tfamlrofttaloaroe ! a Tat denartmenl store boiled down." Atlanta CVmirHtntlon.
"The eatalofrue la eertalnly a RiercbarKllee eneyclopwdla.n Chlcaero Kpwortb HereTtl
"A lew uhould be paifHl compaUtn tlieuiseof this catalorae In all public choots. "The Hon. G. A. Bonthtonn,
We could quote thousands of tmllr ex tracts, tV It eveiueteaee awel yea wilt reeelv the 4-ewt4 keek by rsrtsara
: - A recent small -pes icar. here at 4
elsewhere show bow easily people get a
paoie and as well bow things grow ; like
a mosbroom as they ar. allpptd fro-n
tongue to'tongu.. 8om. of the exaggsr
ation was right In out own city, and waa
not all from neighboring towns and th.
country, A Strang, woman waa in th
postofflce, and there were soma sores on
ber face and eeck, not a strrnga thing at
any time. They J attracted attention
and tb. people began jetting out of the
way for fear of getting tb. amall-pox.
Everything waa a tign of tb. measly
diseasj. Aa a matter of fact tb. ity bi I
not bad a pronoonctd cat. on. sufficient"
l!y severe to bring tb. marks out on tb.
bottoms of tbe feet and tbe palms of th.
bands, on. cas. of varioloid and a pecu
liar case about wbicb tb. doctor, ar.
known to have disagreed as to ita cbar
acter. Anyway it paye to keep cool and
people who do ar. always appreciated.
Tbe Portland amall-pox peet
nas now been eloaed for want of a pa
tient and people from tbe valley town,
can now go to that city whboot fear of
this obnoxious disease 1
Under our city charter th. nam. of Al
bany's bead police officer ischief of police.
A. ther. is on'y one policeman,and b. la
a nigbtwatebman nnder tb. charter, lost
plain marshal Is certainly bifiutia
ooogb for tbe office, though chief of po
lice sounds a little mora citified.
On tieir return from California, tb.
U. of 0. will play a gam. ot football with
Ashland, that Is what is left, of them.
The Democrat tbongh predicts that tb.
wj'l in about tbe reverse order
of lb. California gam. io favor of Eu
gene. .
o Cure. No Pay.
Tb.t - ,be WV a" tbe drnggiets sell
drove s Tasteless Chili Tonic for. Cb if Is,
malaria and BilliouAmaa. It i as pleas
ant to bike as lemon syrup, 60a.
HH Haden, Bumjiit, Ala. savs, "I
tnink Kodol Djspepua Cure splendid
medicine. 1 prescribe it, and my confid
ence In it grows with continued use." It
nigesta wbat yon eat and quickly eures
dyfpeps'u and indiwstirn. For rale by
Foshay A Maon.
Mcbic. Misa seiiarca Burmeeter
I r- " ojreujui ine
Mercc tORch w d technique. Residence
Fiftl cfr-? gite U PcbuKh,
Mies Joyce B:owoell wiil take np her
piano clave during vacation through tbe
winter. The beet German and Eastern
methods. Leave word with W. f. Bead
Otteis by tbe piutor
Leading Restaurant.
quart at tbe
You never knew form of blood poi
ton wiU follow const ipat'iOD. Keep the
liver cl-aa by usine De Witt's Little Early
Risers and you will avoid troubles. They
are famous pills for constipation and liver
and bowel I rouble. For ;a'e by Fosbay
A Msoo. .
and other kindred
CATALOGUE ' uiuiiim;iii
ik. contAltt orvr idO.tM aaotoClottJ.
kte UnrsMt, MHt csbb4m aavel hswvert paHetet etalffae
tluiin7vsMChiDaBfcii lFtra, lerytliaii. Urn
tsnfeea, vlemeiry, ssiaia
8tyt, AffrisMHajral tmpirtmwmtm Farttltsuv, HarsMee, fcaaWe,
aesMSk, ure ae, sMitei
hevr, rUkU t , atlyeie, rbitani sait
'. riiaei B
IM, Ml
ho boyi and will prevent btm from oTerchartrinir too o
Teus uh wnti your anoreatecuoraai nome mow pmj ivr
bUT : tiXDlsUOS iMnt t
will b on Anything to your town. TM aofc
jtiat bow vo oruer, now mn a iia irwaeja.
swM.t ttm nawairly a1.9, th rttr aion liMMnti,
niiD rorr rirrrD cm thi a. out and d to na
JUrt rRtt Urrtnt with io ex-.i in iujud to
bvlp pay the M ctfiit iXke.tak'W, aa Ike Biff aUsjk will k te4 U rMsVKsXkl
hj swell wtpe.leLDd If too don't think H is worth lflottmejtitho Jftoonta
you end, mm a key to tbe lowest whole.) prictM ot ToryUtintx, My
90 and we will IsaaaeetlaJ tiy rwlstrw rtw Ift
Mt i a mouuorciit uf btteluoMi iialuriaaation.'' Mlnnaapoita tMiaa.)
"A wonderful piece of work." Wathlnirton National Tribune.
The Catalofrue la a wonder. Manchester ( N. H. talon.
8ara. Roebuck & Co. Is one ot the laryeet hokUM ol lta kind U
ChlaKo.M Chicajro I nter Ocean. .
'The big catalogue forma ona of tha nnert ahoppliig attadlama that