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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1899)
What Is Shlloh? for Cough, Oold Alt naad through til hu cured ia iion tuaasB ni inciuicui vw I..:-. AAnmmii ii we win Minna vour moawj. K cts., 60 CU. end $L00. r... I he Foaaay A Mli 1. a V WW w J - - : " Ye?kly Dbmocrat KSb&nM.- i R nii I'linrft-a-weea journal 2.00 . 1 A rtrt MauyaLover . n turned with die from."n.l?r ite loviUe girl wita en oqenei bieth. K.ita action on the bowels, etc., mm own; tr.l'el ; AtfftT IVUUv Aw l"" . a 7 and 50 cU. M. if win euffer from tendernese or Ml eeee lryou euuat it" ,B. .hoalder- n the ngw aiu". F-. - WUDI w" ' . 1 . . AtiU ttA&VV IDU IKXLfl cue uc " r Xhit a'ks oood wua . Tt think voa can cure that eligW wiU cure iusii. tZn'' SSL aitt ?eor. Co health Foshay & Mason . - .- ' CAStORIA Us Kisd Yea Haw knj BosgM - Bean the Sign&twsof -SOUTH and EASTi SOUTHERN PACIFIC Overland-South Bound. 7-00 Learee Portland Arrives Albany io-SO Leaves Albany..... :,B Arrive San Francisco p m p m p m p m . Korth Boond. Leaves San Francieco Arrives Albany...: Leaves Albany.. n al ..rl . 8:05 6 38 S43 p m a m a m 9:15 m Arrive roru" n ... :.' v.nnaa-South BOUd. kuiui "-r e-30 a Leaves Portland 2;l0 . ArriveeAlbany "l2:40 p Leaves ioBDy 7 -41 b Arrive San Francieco P nrron Expreee-Xorth Bound. . o t7wnitnrn. . .e 7-00 : gjWSV D a-.w - a lkaia .... 2:57 p m m lav mm- - - - Leaves Albany... 3:25 pro 7:15 po Arrive Portland. ThanonBranch-DaUeytEt. Sunday) 8 :10 a m Arrive at Albany r mm Albany 10-JO a m . 4:40 p m . 7:05 pm Arrive Alt any.... Direct connections at ean Francisco Uh e.aT.hip line, for H.wt, Japan. China, Tb. Fbllippmes sna Aostie. c'B.nVw&rgo'&Co'.omce. Alba-y.Or. UMAEKHAM. t fi V and P. A.. AnORTHERn PACIFIGO. Uu .3 N Pullman Sleeping Oars, Elegant Diniag Oars, Tourist SleepingOarP . 0, . u. . llinneapoU Dulutb Rariro. rn Qrand Forks Crooketon Winnipeg Helena and Butte or.tioH TICKE. TO ,blcgo aasbingtou rhiladelpbia Nev York Roetonands. . Oo. an American line. raaosanc IckeU call on or write IIttor wriU 0 O Bnrkhart tgent, aiduj,v.. Aat Gtn Taie as a a ut-M"",-aotlnnd vr Your Uver Will be roused to it natural duties and your biliousness, headache and Constipation be cured if you take glood'o Pills Sold by all druggists. 25 cents. irro MC2 3.00peryen.,inadvance.30o Prnioath Sot U advance. By car r IOcpm wMk. 10 per cent added if allowed to toow Eonth. Single copies 6e 11.25 n . . ts. umhJ reari W tor T not Bwd I.T:n. Club of five new subscriber. t5.00. Yaung Mothers. n t. it.. nt thmiaand 01 IMOUR is uw - . , lOMiffhsnd Consumption Cur acta rolncMMOl Croup. It has t u -7, " l:W. new rsi. .. i i " i .. :i ti,o trnru cue I '" the cum of overworked quicklv end eurely cured by fc.Mli Liover Root tee, the greet blood Pri5eff "i tiMae baider. Money relundedif not UlUUIVVUtTt 4iivwwv- - . by Foah.T & M.eon ri i.. ea MAJkn skin . No I beauty without iU Lacarea,,anay vaiiiM ,jc cleall your wood and keen it clean, by I .tin-in. nn th kn lir and dnvina all lm 1.MWV1 auwaaw T .1 -m th. ij. iu;D to-day to aniah Dimnlea. boila. blotchea, blackheads. and that aicklv bilious complexion by Ukmg vaecarera, oeauiy lor hi rifc au gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, ZOc, owe Pneumonia, la grippe, coughs, colds, roao and wh woinst-cougb readily yield to One Minute Cough (Jure. U thu remedy a tims and s r& a d jo "r's bui or the u rtvkjr'. kMhiy4 JIuoa. Trniriirrs, .11 ira Kfllt VIA . Vfth-.rn RallwflT. For ratee. f Idera and lull information ealli oraddeee rl- 1. aiullLLi Agent Alban cniuiaad tobacco habit cure, mate weak men airoof, Oiooa pure. " " . . . .1 All JntHUU Albany Market. Wheat 43 vuU. OaU SS. Kutm 21 (vota. Butter li to 17 ccnU. Potatoes 60 cents- Hams 15 coats. Sides 10 cents. Shoulders 8 cent. SJuU Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. Itartlflel&!jdlgMt9ttiefoodinaldl VetrtM i it mt r-AnirfhAn in tw el n4 AAra .CW.ei?J f??!:-!6'": A.' VUI V AU ClnivUHVatvailUE. WUM A VWA ant and tonic Ho other preparation can approach It in efficiency. II In stantly relieve ana permanently caret lyspi'IKllB, JUUIKCSbluu, UHUUIUI Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Kauaea. ail other resTjlte of imperfect digest loa. mm -a a.. W f gVAlAla A "klHAA For sale by Foshay ft Mason. OREGON VIAVI COMPANY Cor. Morrison A Park Sta. ' LEWIS BUILDI5G. Fort land Oregou " our capacity i I'bequaled In the Valley. OUK WORK la Unaurpaaaoa In Oregon. We have the best stock it select from and our price 8to always the Inwest, quality considered SMILEY, Aii'iy. The Printer Torturing i Disfiguring Humors Itching, Burning, and 5caly Eruptions of the Skin and Scalp with Loss of Hair CURED BY CUTICURA. The treatment i simple, direct, agreeable, and economical, and la adapted to the yoang eet infant aa weU aa adulta of erery age. Bathe the affected part with Hot Watks and CtrncoBA Boar to cleanse the skin of cruat and scale, and (often the thickened eotlcle. tny, without hard rabbins;, and apply Cbticura Ointment freely, to allay itching, irritation, and Inflammation, anil soothe and heal, and lastly take the Cimovaa RraoLTKirr to cool and cleanse the blood. This treatment afford Instant relief, permits rest and sleep, and point to a speedy, perma nent, and economical core when all other rem dies and eren the beet physician fail. Sold '" Met, TasSrr, !.! r, Coneem or, 2M.i OrTT, H.i Huoltht (klt Sal, Km. fTTBB Diva abb Chbm. Coir., Horn Fnp Boaloa. S- "liv Cax, Human," Wff took, frM. K. O. T. M. rery Saturday evening at, K. O. T. b all. Visiting Koighu in viled. U W (r0FF0omuiander. HOXGWAIITOXG CO, Second 8t near Lyon street, Albany. Sella Chi ne se medicine, Chinese rice, Chinese tail nut nil. il(o YOOfl L1K It out of order It you hv th sympaMM enumerated om this ehart, You on b oorad witnout tue ua m caiomei. niu Mat er Quinine. They sr nilurl and r apt to poiioD th blood. Why not add your nam to th already Urr llat oi paopU eured by uvifinni nvuiAn lunum iu,wu eta an and it will cur yon. H I'D TAN U tha iraataat Yfetatle remedy el the century and arm relieve au me nutowing symptoms I HVDTaN eaa be had el all druiiltto lot B) anti pet package. POINTS OF WEAKNESS: 1. B1XIOTT8 MAS AOH1-BaUTd by HUDTAN. s-. jAxrirsxoaoy THR BTJSS. HUD YAN will eauie tha yel lowness to disappear and th normal, healthy color to return. . COATED T0N0UI, rOBTID BXtSATH. HUOYAMwUl dearth tonaue and make th breath pur and sweet. B. TENDERNESS AITS PAIlf IK THE STOMACH, TtXJM TO INDIOES TION. HUOYAN wtU clear th stomach ol th xeae ot bile, relieve the pain and earns th food to be perfectly digested. a. xNLASosmcirr or the utbb. HUOYAN will leaMB th eoncealloa sad re duce tha Urar to It normal alt. RUDTAN will cur all th aboT mnp- tomi and make yon well. Do not delay Iabm.. Aa tn rear dnurvut at anea and nm- mn a oackaaeot HTDYAN for 10 sent or I packages for tXSO. It yoar drugstit do not kp It, sand direct to th BttOYAlf REM ft mm am not AtlaftaA wfth tha Afftfa ... torn the empty Hl'DTAJf boa end w will return your money. Remember that yea eaa onault th HVOTAIt DOCTOR! rau. Call and th doctors. Too may all and tee them, er write, as yon dwlre addrea HUDYAN REMEDY COMPANY, Car. StotMea, Market aad till Sit, tea free ,1m, CL foshay k mm -Wholesale A Retail DRUBBIST3 AHDBOOKSEIUI ilbaNT. oaieooN. Pore Drug! and the finest and Large I Bines oi stationary anJ Books " toe Market. 2.00 s week .alary.toeither a man or woman torep- ia-llbl.-.IVlllMJ f Id.W wc (alary.toeither a man or woman to rep resent the Midland Monthly Magazine as a subscription solicitor. The Midland ia the same size is McClure or the Cob- f. T t . f ' ' t mopoiiuu. it now in its sixin year puuunueu ia luo Kreas ventral n en. V 1 ' 1 ! -1 rf-, . , . a nanuaome premmm given to eacn antuHrrthar. Knnrl 10 mnli fnr a mm of the Midland and nremium list to the TwBxniTH Ccvrcar PdBuenixo Co., St, Louis, Mo. L0AN8.I have a Olimited amount of monev toloaLon I ftntt-Haaa farm aaMirit or Imnroved I basines property tn Albany. Interest I tlx per cent lor particular call ou or addree. H. F. Mzbbiu., Democrat building. Albany, Oregon SOSIMONS Is tsb CiacrtT Court or ths 6tate or OBKOoa rou urh coustt. John lirndir and Mand radlev. bis wife, plainliffi vs. Adelia Moray and Mr w liar tinahand.wrhnaa oivaa name is unknown, William Bradley, Ann . tit : I . I i , WUSOnana iibob dct nuiuanu, whose given name is unknown, and Charles U. Bradley , defendants. To Adelia Mercey and Mercey, her husband (whose given name is ua knnwn , William Brad'.ev. Ann Wilson and Wilson, her husband, (whose given name unknown) and Charles E Bradley, tbe above named defendants IN THE NAME OK THE STATE OF Oregon. You are hereby notified and required to appear in said court in said J suit and answer the complaint or tbe plaintiff herein on lain day or Nov ember, 1S99; and you are hereby further notified that if yon fail to appear and ans .aM mmn.aint as aforesaid, for want tberjof, the plaintiff will take a d-cree againsi yon tor toe rii uoiumutu ,u ..l.;nt That Ihs rmt M tale belonging to plaintiffs and defendants and described a lot No- 6 ia Block No. 103 in Hsckleman's addition to me city oi Albany, Linn county, Oiegon. be old by a court and that tbe proceeds arising there from be paid into court and that tbe same be applied: First, to pay tbe costs and disbursements oi mis mw oewuu, w pay plaintiffs (be turn of $200.00 advanced by the plaintiff, Maud Bradley, to pay the county, School District Mo. 6 and city Uses of the city of Albany, aunty of Linn and state of Oregon, and that tbe re mainder be divided between the plaintiffs and defendant as their interests may ap- n'Ul. nmmnna Sa memeA nrjon VOU bv publication for six consecutive weeks prior to tbe 13tn day oi riovemoer, wm.iu tuo Ktati Rights Dkmocbat a weekly news paper of general circulation throughout said county ana state, pnuieu aim jiuuiuu . m a ts T 1 L ImmmAM lief the city oi aioany.tiinn count j order of the Hon. Geo. D. Barton, county judge for Linn county, Oregon, which or der bear date the 22nd day of September, 1899, and that the said order so m ado by tbe Hon, Geo. D. Barton prescribed tne 13th day of November, 1899. as the dsjv and time on or before which you shou d appear and answer said complaint in said suit. Tbe date of the first publication of this summons in said newspaper is Sep tember 29, 1899. , Wkathkbfobd k Wtatt, Attorneys for plaintiffs. f:1 ALBANY OFFERS A THOROUGH High-Grade College Education To every boy the auibiiion I lia nniiraa la nam LANGUAGES, SCIENCES, ENGLISH AND ELECTIVE8 The Normal Coune Uadt up to s BT&TE DU'LOMA, and the Commercial Courte hit now become a Business College Equal to anything to the State Now llltutrated catalogue. Hoard at the Student Club at actual cost price. For particulart write Albany, Oregon. N. W. H. COLLEGE !. If. PARTIJT, Mas, Sao., Pirectar- HE). J. M- BROWN Principal of Art Atsoolate Plan, Lttest MethoJs, Full Course given In th Principal Branch or Music and Art l Musici Plan), Organ, Vole, Italian Singing, Violin. Hand Instrument, I1l,mnli (Vnnl.rnitlnl k'noil. anil 111 if liar M ualoal tjOIUDOaitlon. Stfl. Uetbod ol N jroial Training in teaching aaaiit in obtaining s Jdutloal EJucatton. lm. SkjMi(M,alMt.hfailaaii i aaaesasTS pnaw 'SmmmS'mSmSml, MMatk A mm mt M ' aa Bt-t-e-A-wa souuoxs. v. ium rin-nit Ojurt of the state of Ore gon for Lina county, uepanmeat a. Thnmaa MorWkD. clatstlQ, J T. II U.. . afandant. To P. U. Marlay tbe above named de fendant. IN THE NAME ur in otaie, vt r v .p. harariw mninu ro appear in tbe above entitled coort and aav w to th complaint of tb above named plaintiff on fil therein on or oeiore tne L.4 a .s tk nariad of time oreacrihed ia ubj w - Y . . . . i KHLiiMtiAa a! uiia snmmona noon yon, wnich periid of f me U more than six weeks from tne caw n """'rv IIUU Vt - - i mr imo. and voa are fur- : . tkim ..immiuii. to-wit: tne taw uay vi , - e ther aotned ina'- it jou i v and answer said complaint and summons i u . 1 tha nlaintiff Will an- ply to the cenrt for the relief prayed lor ia bis complaint, to-win tne s dot eu"""" , ; ,. decreeing that the plaintiff be deemed to be the owner in lee now hwv, liens of the following deeenbed real prop- the Southwest X of BecUon 4 In Town ship 13, South Ot HUB nv. Willamette Meridian, in Linn county. Oregon, and containing 160 acres; and that the levy and tai sale as made by Linn county, Oregon, on the assessment roll for the rear 1894 be declared to be noil and void, and that said sale be set ajiaej ana held for nangbt and war tne sa u to mow .1 i. ih, Nhwiir n, i.inn cuuuit. Oregon, herein to Ibe defendant be et aside and that thU plainUff be decreed to be the owner of said real estate 10 ie sim ple aod that Iheclond resting on plaintiff : - -. , ; A ,.v AoaA ha rAiviavnd llie oy reason ui , , and that the defendant be decreed lohave no interest in said lands, and that the plain tiff have judgment againrttbe defendant . . , , I I a. I Vi , anil IOr tne CCSIS anu aisuureemeu.a v turn The date of the nrst puoucatioB oz iu - lm 1-. -Vrtrt laV AT ivnunnnflr. 1899, aid the dale of the lt publication November 13tn, law. fru:- .HMmAna im miriliahad iu InesTATa Kiobts Dbmocbat by order of Honorable Geo. D. Barton, County Judge of Linn county. Oregon, made and dated this tbe 15th day of September, l omw. VV KATBKHFOnD at nui H Attornevs for plaintiff . For Sale. ' in ..n tiv (Yl nap ara tnv farm A Will Kit v V t , , ' , . of 189 acres eituated four miles uorthwest of Haleey, 160 acres being under cultiva tion and balance pasture, timber and or chard. Good house and barn and every- nlota and flrat-claSS. AlBO. I V1..KK WM.j.vw - Will sell (1 acrcB m mii """" - - Sheridan, for $28 per acre, larm ie fenced and ha bouse and barn. Ad dree the undersigned at Ashland, Or. C. B. Sovebn. A wirlew sfsty-ehrht year old. lleln hs New Tart City, 14 beta Aasaw tar sjIm Mssst, ps wa eonaiantlr troubled wil h pala tm bar rht aide, wblrh iinan ta b 1 1 1 j i m tha lieer. Up to U Jam .1m kid hme mattat by a eiimb.r of rLr'"1'" tt -- it sfaliaTi ha had eanarrs) of th . to math j aoolWr staled that It was ordinary d wwrta. mm atil sothar proooaneed. It Ultery eali-uin, er (all t,maa, far whira ha trfd hi enamel noatha wtlhoot cwid raawlta, v- t m ttial hnn'im'1 tnmtwts of morphlo reaortad to. The paUeal welshed IS patmdaj was eoaasXMaly raa tm. and had eery little a (.pallia. Farty in Jooe a athbor ladaead bar la try Itlaaaai Twfalaa. After nates Um teeewkl the palaa aad bloatiacef tha slaw b 1 .--I fmumm eotirotr dtMfoaed. The pattnt bad araeUoaUy twwad by faar litaw irni k. -j r...a. t-u i gn-rt ttihrT.-a-iibnl tl ssswlsa. vistia COLLEGE and girl that has to attain on. nlale. and euibraoea the MATHEMATICS, HISTORY, WALLACE HOWE LEE, President OF MOSIG AMD ART. New I'iano. l ouog leaoner given work to OS m hi i . n wa Corrallii Bailroal. TIME CARD. SForTaqoioai Train leave Albany 12:50 p. m. , arriraa Yaauina 5:flO n. m. 1 Returning s Leave Yeqaina...., 7:00 a. tn. Arrives Albanv d. m. 8 For Detroit: leaves Albany 7:40 a. m. Arriraa Detroit 11:55 a. m. 4 Returning: Leaves Detroit ...J3:za p. m, Arrleaa Alhanr fiiSftn. ni. 6Lavva Albany 6:06 p. m. am uorvsui o.oo p. m. SLeave Corvalli.. 8:40 a. tn. Arrive Albany 7:zo a. in. Ona and two connect at Albanv and Corvalli with Southern Pacido train, giving direct service to and from New port and adjacent beecbe. No. run froit Albany to Corvalli on Mmdav. Wednesday and Friday only No. 5 ran from Corvalli to Albany on TuesdaysThursday and Saturday only. Trains f. tha mnrtntilni arriea at TVl. troit at noon, giving ample lima to reach . , . . i . , i. camping groucus on tne creiieuuusu and Santlam river the ame day. ,uwir cTwna, H. L. Waluim, Manager. T.F.AP.A. J. Tuaitui, Agent, Albany. NEW YORK WORLD Tlirlce-n-Wcek Ldillon 18 Pages a Week . . ... 158 I'apera a Veai For One Dollar blUbedevery i lteraatay eaeept aa d The Thrice-a- Week Edition of Th a Mn Yore Wohu li first among all "weekly' papers In siae, frequency of publication and tbe fresht.s, aceuracv and variety ol Its contents, ltb.sallthe meriu of trreat $6 daily at: h price of a dolla reekly. Its political news is promri, SODA WATER from Sodaville, fresh, lust received at uuriuiar. ucv a healthy drink. Also a fine thing frcm Marqtion III, bottled by John Burnett I of Sweet Home. P"? '."i v S a y a aar5 ' t raw aa mm$ ill laa?'a"Xtwf I nil r$ir iuJoiiuo alilq Fast Mall ni ijina. Denver. Ft Ft Worth, Omaha. Kan. Mall a City, 8 ixiul, i45p Chicago and EasU 8 p tn n,v..,a Walla Walla, Rpok Bpokan W" n. Mlnn.apoll. Ht rw 1:10 pm ro , Dututl. Mil- 8. n P, Chicago, A lisst. 8pm OCEAN BTEAM8HIPM For Ban Francieco Ball every flv day .... - a snsisa A km COLUMBIA RlVMl spn E.Sonday BTEAMEKb. .aisunia Eutnrday To Aetorla and Way lOpm uirunia". - . . Mawa m f A .4 ii Easun. Oregoc City, New berg, Ei tfun Balem & WyUnd am WILLAMKTTB AND 8:30 p edY YAMItllL KIV. Mond . and Wat. and Way-Land. and Mat a . WILLAMETTK IV, 4j30 p r as . WITT. - MUTlh ULV. V I (HI D T..-a.ia. rortlaod to uorvanis " Tbur., and Wey-Unding iiiur., and Baf and Bat, LvRiparla Lv Uwlsloa umiVK IlIVKK 12.00 r 1 :30am Daily Klparla to Uwlslon Daily W.H.H0RLBUBT, Un. Pas. Agent, UAWLINGS, Portland, Or. Agent AlUoy. iKD 800 PACIFIC LINE To AU Points East lld veatibule trslni. frmsUtlng of pal- ... .i...i-.r iuauious dining car. riVgant dsy cWW. mnincnt Jwrlbl caTind frcecolooi.1 slTr from lbs Pa. dflo to th Atlantic w lt.- ehantfe. IMPERIAL LIMITCU o-lnir he American oollnnt W.4 day. Finer and faer than aay coniwUtof coer Planer o cnMrasT aouta T Kootcnnyj Itltedlllt? IHNtrlct KAt)r, mmw us!a, locah err, nctaoa, BAl0, TkAIL, noanUAi'u " All point. U tl.a Okaaaifao Country. . -.mnlilal arleintf a lull Jeacrtpdot. nltbia wonderful country. Ak Ibe.ajrea for a copy of th mining lawso! Uriusr Columbia, Lowes rah bJ . , IDTJJlOI?liJ Atlantic ateanuhlp inee, Oauadlan PacEy. Co.'s Rovol Mail Steamship line to China and Japan na. Man Avsraai-IAM eraaMaa u" omoivLO, rui aosraauA. Tb shortest ilo to la Colonies. Theae steamers carry aa iperieaoMl medical man, sad a stewardo oa (very "cyhf. rovtim tables, pamphlet, or aay ia ormatloa, sail oa or adur. Sh ictv.t : 1 1 tii. vi J 03YLS, Ag't, 141 Ctlrl Vaaeavr LEGAL DIRECTOR Albany. W R Bllveo, Foehay A Mason block U Bryant, P O blwik. Anderson Cannon, P 0 block . J N Duncan, P O bloca T P Hackle man, Pearee b ock, Jndg U 11 Hewitt, P 0 block. N B liumphrev. Kelly A Curl, bank building L H Mounve, Pearce block J C Powell, P O block. 0 E Boi, P 0 block. L L bwaan, Bank building. H 0 Wauon, bank building. Weatherford A Wyatt, Bank bnilding Whitney A Newport, Cuelck block. Q W Wright, P O block, Lebanon, p. M Garland. Brownsville AATaislng. IwClO. T J llson rkmt Ninoni, BAHF, or AT-B ami , ommmom P. A Am l rio Prasldeot . see see a B.VOUMO .B. W. LAJIOPOM hahler TSABSACTS A 0 nTcBAf. hanMajiinalaaai 10 HT BIOHAHOB aadtelef raphie lr Bator, tol a HeVT-k Baa rraaleo,Ohlao aad rla LBOTIOMI daDEen taeenbl I Ttvrsi f w t.oo, f aOoeswrs' L. tU 0 I, ruaa. , BjeaK. Unliable prwn,oIm-.bnlcl or lnvaoili', solod dMlrinsatrlpioth, 1'arla KxpoilUon, with food I salt yTnAiwri YTmmm suf I jii y ii ssijsina-i; ffiMawira taTMUantlTrsfH KtrVtobtaliwfl and all Pat ontbulnMicoDaactodforModrrt F. ' Ddmol'-l,dnwlnorphoto. WeadtlM If 1 a ..t.i.d..aAi.l,na ii,m aA a n k 1 II A 41 1 1 ntratUBfurd. A Pamphlet "How toObJ iLi iA.a.s- ' (..It a f astna 1 hta C. sSLi , UUU arMisjM " w-w - "W .Jt ArMtfilataa aaal mbsa. A AArcmM- A tana avvAa wv"a..vw ---- - - - -, a a. enow & co. Ore. P-rtrt Ornt, WSMINOT, . O. C.J