The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, November 03, 1899, Image 7

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    A Live Letter.
A letter writl en by "Church Mem
bur" of Albany nil published lo yetter
day's Oregonlati, 1in csussd an Immense
sight of talk In Albany, ll li red hot
turning of ttnter evidence by tint writer.
According to the correspondent bis
church li full of hyuMrltss mid cut
throats, of which bo admits bl I out
but It Id and cau't get out.. Tbe writer
gees (o cxtromet. There are undoubt
edly hypocrites In his church the same
I In others aod at la every thing else
that amounts to any thing and offers any
tiling worth copy 1 11 k alter, but not nil of
luein, and there are some fashionable
women who are not above washing
dishes at church roclals with tbe poor
members, though H Is too ti lie that as a
rule they want to lm the decorations. If
tbl Isttersel pimple to thinking and
turning from their hypocrisy, If they
Lav any, and drop, in their inabblen
ways If they have ai.y, it wilt be a good
thing. As a whole though It It rattier
unreasonable. The Uo't man by
the way, can mm o a r ty etraight
guess ss to who wru J, after aome
astl i .
Dikd. Mr. Perkins, tho limn who
was brought down from the front eev
era! daye ago, wl;h a crushed leg, lol
lowel by tho dUcov r that he bad the
smallpox, died yetti t .lay evening. Ill
death waa principal! from the crushed
leg aggravated by it i dlseaso. The de
cenemi man waa at ut forty years of age,
A couple of weeks before beginning work
In the logging t-amti where lie met with
the accidtmt.he bou been In Salem. The
Moon rraUlence, where he died will be
quarantined for the full time In such
Haluiwk'kk Social. The mom hereof
JSeulah Rebekab Lodge No. 35, 1. 0. 0.
F. are arranging for a Hallowe'en Social
at the D id l-eloa Hall at the cloee of
the meeting of Albany lodge No. 4 neat
Wednesday evening, A program of
more than ordinary Internet (e promised
accompanied by refreshment peculiarly
suitable for such a holiday. All Odd
Fellows and their families, including so
journing brothers and their families, are
cordially invited to ho present.
Foot Ball.
The game of foot ball at Albany lent
Saturday between the Willamette of
Salem and the Albany college eleven re
sulted In victory for Willamette by 15 to
0, Willamette making three touchdowns
and Albany one. The game was alow1
with hardly any distinctive features,
Tho Albaiilcs got a move on towards the
but that showed what they could do.
Captain ilmmm dislocsted his arm in the
first part of the game and bad to with
draw. Snyder knew the signals poorly
and the result was entirely different
playing from that soon in practice.
In the east some games were played
that, tvould have made tho hair ol all the
pl vers In Albany but lavage's stand on
end. Following wore played elsewhere:
At Chicago Chicago and Pennsylvania
tied 6 to 6, though the former outplayed
the member of tiie lilg 4.
At New York Columbia defeated Yale
5 to 0 and besides mode two touch downs
that were not allowed.
At Boston Harvard defeated Carlisle
22 to 10, Hudson kicking his customary
goal from the Held.
At Ithica Cornell lowered the colors of
another Big 4 defeating Princeton 5 to 0.
At Hen Francisco the Stanford fresh
men ucfeated tho California freshmen 0
to u.
Forest drove the home club defeated
Portland high school .10 to 0.
At Portland the Muhrioiiiaha dfntd
the Chemawa H toO.
At Uuhwburit. III. Knox. 35: Eureka.
At Cber In. O. Ohm atatn v.
j Oberlin, 0.
At Madison. Wia.Uulvertltr of Wia-
consio, 1C: Hush medical college. 0.
At Lafayette, Ind. l'erdue, 40: Pe-
W. C. T. i:.-The Central W. C. T. U
will meet tomorrow aftrrnoon at the
usual time in the hall. We expect re
ports from the Slate and National Con
vention. Will not the members give
Urge attendance and begin tbe new
year's work with neat.
Maa. Dm. EasKi.ts, Sec.
Tliere is usl one cast in Albany now
and that i varioloid In a light form, the
co ol At Hcott, son ol hs-slieritt Bcoit
Ho recently wnt with bis father
E tslcrn Oregon, uat before be left being
exposed to a severe rate of chicken pox
fti uy a aister, on returning lie was
. taken down and hia case pronounced
varioloid. He is tilting up and ia doing
wen. 1 ber are no other rates 01 any
thing of the small pox nature notwith
standing wild exaggerations.
Tomorrow night will be Hallowe'en
la Eugene a special police force has been
engaged and the mayor has issued
proclamatlon-warning lawbreakerr. 6a
perintenuent aieuonaid ana others are
warned to hide their wheelbarrows and
wagons. Tbe Hallowe'ener who makes
himself obnoxious by going to extremes
-ehould be -stopped.
It Is a simular taste that cannot
suited in the varied rnd large selection
o! Jewelry at Will & Stark's. Tbe beat
goods and reasonable prices.
Mr. Harold Jackson Is la the city.
Lawyer W. E. Yates and E. K. Dry
son, oi uorvaiiis, are in the city.
Superintendent Fields, of the 8.1",
woe in too-city this noon.
Mrs. if. v.uatee. or lililaboro. pres
ident of the W. K. C. has been in the
U'tkiuire Maine, oi Newport, can
over this noon one. visit with Albany
Mrs. Waliis Nash waa in the city to
day on her way home from attending the
national W. C. T. U. in Seattle.
Hon. J. Clem left this noon on a tiip
to Indiana ami unto on several week
visit with relatives and former neigl
'BUIIo" Dunn Mt Wednesday even
ing for the home of hlslparents, in Alb
any, Oregon, tie is In very poor healtQ
ana recovery seems impossible Aieaior
Hallowe'en, Tuesday evening. Every
one ought to go somewhere so come to
the Bisters Hoclal at the K. of
1". Hall. Ten cents admission. A short
program, funny games and lots of fun.
A Hallowe'en social will be given by the
iKpworlh league at the parsonage Oct.
31st, to which all members and thir
.friends are cordially invited. Refresh
ments will served and a free will offering
taken. .
3. N. Brandeberrv, who bat said hit
doterests ia the lumber yard, expects, in
a tbort time, to remove with his family
tto Albany, where he Is joint owner
with Nets Wbreler in an extensive lum
'derysr. His two sons are to be sent
.at once to Portland for a coarse in a bust
.nest college. Corvallit Times.
Statement by Mrs. Moon.
The following was dictated across the
street by Mrs. 8. 0. Moon, nurse of tbe
tat Mr, 1'erkins. and Hken dowa by a
In juttice to myself end to the young
en, Mr. r ranch and Mr. i.n,i .i.
j'" nu nneeiusijiy sstlst
ed me during (bis awful uw r.r.i
"""" 7 "'at everything thatconld
e done bos been done, nninniv ti.
comfort of the atllicted man, but for the
piuw. wo oi uie outside community,
fcvery simile nrwim
ed by the physician or by the authorities
as well as that our own judgment sug
gested nae been faithfully carried cut.
the rumor that nnia fmn m tmu
have been on the street ainN. n .r
quarantined is absolutely false. There
iiavinif betnna!thr ...i. ,.i
" won in KVIIIK Wi
;ny prrton, except the doctor since be-
ioro uie p4troi was put on.
I feel that it is unnecessary for me
say uus to any one who knows me, but
lor the benefit of thoso who do not Know
my principles, and especially for those
wuu MiiuM.ives nave so nine eense o
honor that they are always ready to Im
iuw uouunureuio tnings ol oUicrs,
make this statement of rim pie fact.
lino. u. C. Moo
At the Col ei-o laatfUtiinlav wwli.u
Mr. Knetcrans, tbe cbalk-talker, . (or an
hour and a halt, delighted a fair slsed
audience, not only with Lie rsnidi
drawn pictures splendidly executed, but
mm ni uu ma umb siven in m verv
pleasing manner that makes one on good
terms with him at once. The audience
woe very appreciative. Accompanying
miv urawmg 01 a coup'e oi scenes were i
song, Longfellow's Bridge by Mrs, Nut
mm ana mo ouanee mver uy Messrs
ACIitSOO and Achieon. Irvine. Kbtarart
ana uornsna. Hie entertainment
cioeea wun the auctioning off of the
pictures, a spirted affair, fnlcularly
when tbe football aketch and Mimi, nf
others were disposed of.
Mr. Klmariun fimlth. of Halser. was
visiting friends here latt Friday. ,
The China pheasants are scarce this
yer. Borne of our hunters get 6 or 6
where thev got 14 last year. The tres
pass law will have the effectof keenine
so many of tbem from being killed, I
Mr. Thomas McWiillams. ofHalsev.
was among us last Thursday.
Mr. James Monan Is jaw drivlns tnam
for II. V, Fircber, at Corvallit.
We BltlsteJ the road boaa In ranalrlnir
the bridge at Shearers. The bridge
needs new lumber on both approaches.
Died, at her residence near Oakville
on Friday morning Oct, 27tb, Mrs Msr-
ma r.. i-aiuson, aged 73 years. 0 months
no -3 days, Mrs. I'sttison was born
n West Virginia on Feb. 8. 1820. where
she resided with her psrents during her
youth. Bbe went to Jowa with her par
ents at the age of 14 whore she resided
until Wi when she came with her but
hand to this county, flbe leaves a fami
ly of nine children, two danahtert and
one son in lows and five daughters and
one son in this county. She lived a
OhrktUn life.
Linxie RoiiE Ben,
Moviko. Ad important moving has
been tsklng place in the city today, that
of tbe A. O. U. W. to their new rooms
ia the Crawford Block, built especially
for them. Their apartments are ireoer
ally recognized to be the most commodi
ous of any In tbe city, splendidly arrang-
sa ior uxige entertainment and work
Tbe ball is an immense one having the
advautsge of being w'de as well as long,
ut ior too most varied and etuctent de
grew wor. rarttcuiarly will tbe new
apartments be suitable for tbe entertain
meat oi members and the public. The
hall will be formally ded cated next Fn
day night, when ihe grand lodge will
convene with tbe members and there
will be guests from msny of tbe neigh
boring Cit'cs. Tbe event Dromiaea ta ha
IT... . '
a reu letter one
A Boo CiTr. Ed Wiogate returned
yeeterdsy irom a visit le Sampler, aud
says it is one of tbe liveliest towns be bas
ever visited. Heal etate there is as bmb
ss li is in rorusnd. and la ee ne evrrv
day, while butinees la the mercantile
line Is greater there tbsn tbe stores are
capable of handling. Mr. Wiogate wat
la sampler last Wednesday night when
two mm held in a saloon and robbed it
ol about 250. lie says tbe next morn
ing was out witb a gun hunt
ing for tie robbers but ibey bad made
gooti tueir escape. the Dalles T. M.
Farmers In this Dart of tl
very busy patting In their fall crops, and
the ground Is now in fine condition for
A'l kinds of work haa ln ,t,i.,i
sccoant of the UtlUIIJaf Mill All tl t Wai M
since Argust 1st.
The potato eropU turning nt t
mebsely. one man rnnrta b..i
7 bills and another Msaeksor 1139 bush
els from less than of aa acre.
The nurserymen are receiving- large
order lor trees of which they have a fine
L. Knlabten haa IrmAatt htm f.-.- a
J,ArchJ.b,d,'or P'tw near Crawforde
vine. nr. ft. and lam I will hm miauul
by their many friends at this place
where they bave resided for mnra t..n
iorty years.
John Anderson, wlm i.n
foreman for tbe H. I'. Co. fur ti. t..t
or eight years Las sold his property here
sna wni move to Uorebarg, where he
,u lug repair gaog lor tbe . f.
Mr. Dooley, who purchased tbe Ander-
won propel ty. will tniwn .n,l i.w.'
charge of the . P. section.
W. 0. Hadsoa bss about comnleted a
new barn on his place In east Tangent.
Richard lonea llta tyttiat 4 Vaalaen
HwB nuv iv jiaovvi aa
Oregon lo take charge ol a large farm in
K. L, Bryan has rnnrn.t In I.I. I.nm.
near Milton, Umatilla county.
A team belonging to W. W. Powell,
wtiicn was beins- driven k Ans t.i.
boys, becsme frightened by tbe arjeet-
ting ol the barrow and ran away. One of
the animals fell on the barrow badly
lacerating it in many places.
i. v. flewcomb bas his frnit dryer in
iiiiud. ne win dry all the ap-
JO Tryon bas been annnintiul nnaL'
master to sneceed O. Bcott who I el used
io accept tne responsible position.
ioeu.r.Knighten farm bat lately
-V" w m jenxs nrotners.
ey. r . a. Hoses hasqait preaching
aid moved back to Tangent and will go
Into the business of raising rabbits.
One of the Albsoy wood saws bss been
sa wing wood here ior tbe last week an J
sun uas pienty ol work in sight.
inerearetw or three vacent booses
in Tangent which is something anasaal
ior mis inrivmg little bars.
Tryoo & Mosei are eull ranning their
-vm uctiTsriDg gooas to their many
vuetvuisia iu iuv county.
An excellent sermon was preached
nere Sunday by Bev. guangte on the
uvjcciui - toe xrue uiiurcu.
Hon. J. K. Weatherford returned thla
noon from a business trip to Portland.
R. I) Cooper, the Independence bank
er, was in tbe city yesterday on butioetf.
Heniy Hayes, of Corvallit. a former
resident of Albany, waa in the city to
License was Issued today for the mar
riage of W. 0. Haverland and Mrs. Etta
Uber of Brownsville.
Dr. W. II. Davie was called In Harrla
burg last night by tbe dsngerout illness
oi uit orotner, it, a. Davit.
Mr, uenm urey Aiiee ana son ol ce-
attie, watu.,areinthe city the guests
oiur.ureyanu ismiiy, arriving this
noon. - j .
Key, Edward Ecc'eston, returned this
noon from Portland where be baa been
for some time in the interest of Albany
Mrs. L. E. Dlain reiarnsd last night
from Seattle, where the bad been to at-
t.-ud the national convention of the W,
U. T U.
Mr Frank Hastings will leave tonight
lor Boaibern Oregon on a prospecting
inp among tue many rica mining
The Kind Yoa Have Always Bonght, and which lia hem
In mo for over 30 years, has borne the signature or
and has been made nnaer m pcr
f sonal uicrvlIon nlnce it Infancy.
wvwir., Allow no one to occctvej yu
All Counterfeits, Imitation and Snbstltntes are bnt Ex-!
pcrfmcnt that trifle with and endanger tne oeaiui wi
Infant and Children-Experience against Expertoent.J
Caatoria I a nhtltnte for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drop'
and Booth In? Syraps. It 1 Harmless and Pleasant. It
contain neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
Mibstance. It age 1 it guarantee. It destroy Worm
and allays Fevcrlshness. It cure Diarrhcca and "Wind ,
CoUc It reUevea Teething Trouble, cure Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulate the
Stomach and Bowel, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children' Panacea The Mother Friend. '
1 Bears the Signature of
jr muMiaai
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
The dedication of the A. 0. U. V. hall
nest Friday nljbt will not be open to tbe
general public on account of tbe larfi
memberebipof the two lodges, but will
be for tbe members of the A.O. U. vy,
and Degree of Honor and their familiea,
and Invited guests, otherwise many
would bave to be turned away. 'Pickets
can be obtained at the store of Julius
Joseph by those entitled toattend.
. Prof. Washburn of the state uuiversity
came to Albany this morning and met
' ten barrels of eastern oysters wnlch he
accompanied to the Bay this noon. Ue
will plant them in the Bay there with ex
cellent prospects of their development
into eaters. Thoso heretofore planted
have done pretty well, Mid there is little
doubt thht eventually Yaquina wi'i be a
great oyster raiser.
Members of tbe K. of P. are requested
to be present at the regular meeting to
night. Business of importance.
An Astoria man lias a big band bell
with a date on it of 1781. It waa one
need as a dinner bell, and then in early
days as Aatoria's first fire bell. j
Recent Benton coaoty sales: J, H.
"Hi 10 y?,m' Bclt 10 crM n" Albany ;
1300. Ellas Keeney et al to Homer
Keeney, 22 acres near Albany; tl.
The remains of Roy Custer, who died
at Oregon City yesterday were taken
through Albany this noon Ior Corva'lis
for burial. He was ten years of age.
The New Yorit auction store of San
Francisco, which recently purchased tbe
goods of W R. Biain will dispose of the
fame in Albany.
, 8pokaoe parties say that they have it
from Inside authority that the 1 I nf
.Seattle, bas been sold to Mark llanna
ami nenry l'atne, while the 1 I, people
say it is absolutely untrue.
Tbe ropes have been attached to the
bell in tbe tower ol tbe court house and
in case of lire the alarm will be made
wun ims boil. The ropes are at the
right of the entrance near the elevator.
in 1 w a . .
uanuon Hcoraer: jt now. appears
that Coleman Gillesole. confined in the
county jail at Ooquilie City on tbe charge
oi muruenog wrs Kiisoa at Uold Beacn
some time since, denies a portion of lbs
contention that he made at Roteburg,
and bat written a statement which im
piioatt-s ethers in the horrible crime.
He now rays he did not murder the old
lady nut when ebe waa being reordered
he was in another rart of tbe bouse eat-
lot a lunch. His written statement bas
not ) st hesn made public.
J. E. VanderpoolTiaceived tbe sad in
telligence yesterday that his brother,
Jams W. Vanderpool, had enccumbed
to pneumonia , at tbe home of hie daugh
ter, in Klamath, California, a few days
ago. Deceased was tor msny years a
resident of Prineviile, which place be left
aoout a year ago to make bis home with
his children in Gsmornia, He was ill
but a short time prhrto bis demise.
talem Statesman.
g'dos there. -
Lose no time In making on ronr mind
lo go to tbe K, of P. Hall this evening as
the Raibboae Bisters will entertain yon.
Only ten cents. Ever) one made wel
come. Mr. and t,s. Peter Sohlosecr returned
last night from Portland, where they
have been visiting for some time gnettt
of their daugbter.Mrs. O. . Pisb.
Mrs. StaaOammino' and Mini Mamie
Montgomery returned last nivht from
Tbe Dalies where Ibey had been on a
visit who airs. u;ive Jackson btevens.
Tbe new president of the state Snndav
School Association is contracting freight
agent ot Uie O. R. & N. Co., ot Portland,
ana is gooa Business man aa well as a
live Sunday school superintendent and
woraer. -
Capl. McGregor and Lieut. Ma vol tba
Salvation Army left this afternooo for
roruaod. where they will await ordere
for an advance upon a new fie.d. They
are worthy young ladii-s and made maoy
friends In Albany by their upright con
duct and pare lives.
P. F. Uardman, one of the clerks in
the office of the state land board, who
went to nis nome at Albany on Satur
day night for an over-Sundav visit with
lil family, did not return yesterday, for
the reason that his son. who was rerjort-
ed as recovering from a severe stuck ot
appendicitis, had suffered a relapse, and
was in a terioas condition. Mr. Hard
man will probably renain at borne un
til tbe patient is out oi danger. Salem
Mrs. Sarah Clevenger, president of
the Kehskah Assembly ot Oregon, ar
rived here last evening fom an official
tour oi tbe eastern Dart of the state.
During the month she visited lodges at
Springfield, Coburjf, Brownsville, Scii,
Silverton, Scotts Mills, Portland, Hood
River, The Dalles. Henoner. Hardman.
lone, l a Grande, Cove, Uaion, Baker
viiy, renuioton, ischo, Wetton and
Athena, She also visited the Odd Fel
lows, borne of tbe -state ot Washington
at Walla Walla, tt which institution
Mrs. E. J. Colvin, sister of Mrs, Ob as.
Olesenv of this city, a matron. Mrs.
Cltvenger reports the order of Rebekah
as prospering in Oregon, and an enthu
siastic membership is pressing steadily
forward with their good work.
LANGFORD. In Albany, on Saturday
ucioner zs, lssw, tne fourteen year,
old ion ot 0. P. Langford.
Funeral seruices were held at 0 o.clock
Sunday and wero couducted ,by Rev,
Holmes ofthe Christian church.
A Rich State.
From the Telegism :
Vioceot Harper, of Scaib Bend. Ind,
who has spent tbe greater part ol he
patt five months here, is ooe of tbe most
entbnsiastic men having visited Oregon
this year. He is a wealthy man and bat
Inspected almost every part of tbe state
witb a view to Investing tome oi bis dis
engaged money. ..... .
.U U' I t . - ,
"j. jwu tiioaiu cave a population
of million instead of hundreds ot thous
and," said Mr. Uarner veatordav after.
noon. "Your resources are superior to
" osoer tiate. i oey are great
er than those Which aannort In enmlmt
an Laropeao principality of at least 6 000
000 people. Your wheat interests alone
ccoid engage double Oregon's popa!at!on,
were tbe proper enterprising ipirits en
listed for tbe foreign handling of tbe pro
duct. It Is the same with your frnit cat
tare. My observation imnresaea ma
that insufficient practical interest is dis
played in marketing it. While Oregon
tans i possess many admirable quilities,
yet I mutt say they lack the trade-baild-ing
hustle of the Eastern people. Were
alt your advantages transplanted to my
state, I vow that Indiana would in a
short t'me be the richeit and generally
most prosperous state in the Union, ig
noring altogether the obstacle of trans
portation order which yoa claim to la-
"I have Visited the mininv timm ia
Eastern and Southern Oregon, and witb
what I bave seen I can't appreciate the
necessity of expert mining men leaving
tbe confines of this state to gain com
petencies if not fortunes. ,
A party was given Friday evening Oct
20, 1899, at Shead to Crame aod Davie
ball by Misses Zel'a Davis and Peirl Al-
cabtm. Tbe young people eojoyet
themselves at playing games until a boo I
11 o'clock when refreshments were
served. Those present were: Mr. Dots .
ford. Mrs. Davis. Zella Davis, Ms Al
iingbam. Pearl. Claude. Ralnb. and Jes
sie Ailinghsm, Ralph Cooper, Fred Wal
lace and Mabel Sprenger, John, May an-
Kate Sutherland. Blanche. Mart. uete
and Vera Wilson, Robert Fither, Ena
Clement. Martha and Anna Halvereon
Amos Wilm4. Anna Wricbard, Uiue and
Lolu Wright. E gie Morgan John Tbomp
son, Ethel Branson, Lillian Hsmmeli,
Frank and Charley Welsh, Charley Da
vis. Lois Smith. Edith Pagb. John aod
PhiiiD Duncan. Myrtle and Lnla Mar-
gaaon, W liter Davis, Geo. Cmme, Fau-
oie Rooker, Linns Roberts, James and
Clifford Gray, and Park Rolerta.
John Duncao. Jr. returned home the
other day from Eastern Oregon. The
vallev ia good enoogh for him.
Amos Wilmot will leave soon for bis
Old home.
A new divorce suit brought in the cir
cuit court of Linn County is that of
I-aura Felger agt . Benjamin Felgr, of
Philomith, Benton County, by E. R.
Bryson attorney. The couple were mar
ried in 1896 and according io the com
plaint the wife got just the kind of a man
it ia a good thing to find out before mar
riage. She alleges cruel and inhuman
treatment, lohdelity etc. They nave
one child whom the mother desires to
k eep.
The O. A. 0. and WiUamettes will
meet on tbe gr.diron nest Saturday.
iast eaiutaay uorvailis cheered for S
'"'" cexi Mcuraay they will have
ctneient tune to play.
The Journal comntaina nf lha nnnrfii.
forcemeat of the anti-spit ordinance in
Salem. Albany needs to try one from
the appearance of someot our cement
A motor has bten introduced in tbe
telephone office, and the grind stone act
has been done a may with being followed
by merely touching i he button and the
motor d its tbe ringing.
Mr. Julius Cradwhl has placed his
order for a large and fine stock ot holiday
goods, the best display to be found in
tbe city, and be wilt have some Largains
in prices. They will arrive soon and it
wiil pty to buy early.
While working with a wood saw at
Scio George Bilyeu was unfortunate in
meeting with an accident that resulted
in the loss of two of his fingers. Oneoi
his hands caught in the saw and tins was
the result. Drs. Prill and 'Hill drecsed!
the hand, saving one or two of the other ;
fingers bv good work. "
TbeU.of 0. and the Ghomawos will
play .oot ball in Eugene next Saturday.
Notwithstanding tbe defeat of the In
dians by ilultnomfch Eugene will bave
to bustle. Tbe Democrat though ex
pects to see the state university win. It
will be necessary to give tbem reatige
with Califomians. The U. of O. will
play tbe Muitnomabs on Nov. 11. A
week later tbey will tackle the hardest
jib of their lives, the Berkeleys.
Mrs. M: M. McKay, the World's only
wumsn mining txpert,' arrived fioa
Spokane, this morning She was form
erly a resident of CorvaUie, but it now a
heavy stockholder in some of tbe be;t
paying propositions in the famous min
ing districts in Washington. She owia
an interest in the famous "Fortune"
mine. She will try, while In Salem to
dispose of her interests to her friends
here, Salem Journal.
A Comxa Tbkat. Mitt Catherine Oli
ver, the noted elocutionist in Scotch dia
lect, will be in Albany f om Saturday,
November 4,to the To aday following. Os
Monday evening, November 6, Miss Oli
ver will give one of her matchless Scotch
recitals, which bave liven her tbe repu
tation ol beine probably tbe best in tbe
world in thie line. . A friend in Spokane
writei tbe Dcxocbat man that she de
serves all that can be said in ber praise
tbatber recitals are of a very high order
and she is as we I a charming woman.
Tb entertainment will be given in tbe
United Presbyterian cburcb, and tha
all, poor and rich alike may bear this
woaderiai woman, tne aamianon mm ne
tree, but there will be a collection, and
those who can afford it will be expected
to give in horor as the entertainment
will deserve.
At MeMinnviile the republicans and
democrats each placed a ticket in the
field. On the republican ticket are tbe
following: Mayor, H. M. Dan elss re
corder, ti. 0. L. Savder; marshal, C. H
Neal; onncilmea, J. E. Dorl am, F. E.
Rogers and C. F. Daniels. Democratic
ticket : M a or, II. !e. Mai inev; record
er, W. L. Hembiee; marshal, J. W.
Hayee; conncilroen, Alex Milier, M. E.
Hendrick, John Bennett. The election
occurs next Monday.
Sheriff Withers, ol Eugene, paid the
amonnt of the defalcation of hi deputy
U. J. Day. 2,1 10.49, in lull, doing so
ntlv. Thia is a very pleasing ex
ample in these day when men generally
try to get rid o' paying out money for
other men's rascality though responsible
Letter LI-.t
Fo'lowioy a tL iit of letter rnii!ui)g
in the Postoffice t Albany, Linn county,
Oregon, Nov. 1, 1899, Persons calling
Ior thete letters m vt gi ve the date on which
advertised :
Carey, James T
Uutwerier, Mrs J
Eoglebardt, J J
Maxwell, Otio
Smitb, UK
Wbitter. Dr J Y
Burrcb, Mr Julius
(iritbam, O .
Caufield, S F-3
Dutton, U B
Hood, Rev Mra
McDooonge, Jas
Nance, Miss Haiti
Wataon, Mr Calvin
Welkins, Harry
S. S Tsaim. P M
David Myers and lamily left todav lor
Klond ke.foar miles from Wasco, where
thev will reside. They makethi move
on account of Mr. Myers having the as
thma. Mi - Myers has already been there
to prepare a home tor them.
... i
Small Annoyances
fret and worry 1
one. Sour milk1
overnight; no
milkman In the
morning : no ,
cream for the ,
coffee; no milk i
for the baby.
V?. v a ww.ii J w
zl'vc's available.
V-zl lot forty years.
C : : J '. :r r x i c " TUb-Ict."
lit ths CwcviT Cjcar cr ruw Stat on
Orkoos Foa Lisa Coi htt
Department No .2.
Thomas Allison, lainliff. vs. John B
Hall and Grace Hail, hit wife, defendants.
To John B Hail and Grace Hall. tha
abovf named defendants.
Oregon, you are berby notified and r quired
ic no anu sprear in i "e aoove eDUtled
court in said suit, ad answer tbe com
plaint ol tbe above named plaintiff ia said
cause now on file therein, on or before tho
I7tn day of Noveitter, le9, and you are
hereby further notified Ibat if yoa fail to
appear and answer said complaint as
alortsaid, for ant teref ore the plaintiff
will tase a decree against yon for th.e n
ief prayed for ia taid ermpj'unt. towit:
Foi a decree of said court foxecioeing tbe
mortgage described i a said a;liDt
herein, and forever barring yon st o . a h
of you and all persons claiming by.ti.,. ujih
or under you or either of you, tr -aid
Simpson Feat son, aince the date of said
mortgage described ia said complaint, of
all right, t tie, interest or equity of rc
demptiop in or lo the said premises de
scribed ia said conap aint and mortgage
therein described: said premises being de
scribed as follows, towit:
The North half of the Southeast quarter.
Southeast quarter of Southeast quarter of
Section teventeeo.and the Northeast quar
ter of the Northeast quarter of Section
twentr in Township 10, booth of Ranve 6
East of tbe Willamette Meridim, contain
ing 160 acres of land according to the gov
ernment survey thereof ; and airrcting that
said lands bj told by the i her iff of Lion
county. Oregon, and te proceeds thereof
applied, first to tbe payment of the ccsts
aod chargee of makug such sale and tbe
costs ana disbursfments ot said tnit, sec
ond, to the payment of f SO CO as a reas
caable attorney's fee for instituting said
suit; third, to th l af merit o said plain
tiff of the sum of f (ioo.OO in U. S golc
coin, together ith In'ereet thereon in like
gold co n at the rate of ten pr cent per
annum from tbe loth dav of March, 1896,
until paid, and for a judm-nt against
you aud each of oq for the costs and di
burremeDta heiein and for cucb other ana
further relief aa may be m et to equity.
This summons is served upon you ly
publication for tix consecutive weeks prior
to the 18tb day of November, 1899, in the
States Rights Democrat a weekly news -paper
of genetai circulation throrgbont
said county and state, printed ai d pub
lished at the city of Albany in Linn coun
ts, Oregrn. by or er of Hon U o D Barton,
-County Jndite of Linn 0 nnt , Ongon,
which ordr bears dab- Cct 2nd. 1899,
nd fl at the said Hob Gf D Rrton,
j'idge of tid county, ia rd order for the
pcMioaiinn of said summon npn yon haa
p eicrib d the 17th ri.y oINivember,
l-iyj. as tne time on or be'ore wl ich ou
thall appear and answer said ccn plaint in
said sun
The date cf the first p iblica'ion of this
snram r in said uenspaptr is October
Cth, 1899.
W. B, Brirw.
AUoiaey for Plaintiff.