The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, November 03, 1899, Image 4

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    As Seen by an Easwern Man.
It will require the exercise of all o
Speaker Henderson's well known talmt
or ma sic to preserve, harmony in th
nest congress.
Secretary Long will be able to keep
oat of trouble Jutl to Ion; as he confines
his remarks to "the flag' and does 4ot
attempt to affix the seal of "official hero
ism" on Sampson.
Senator JIanna ts trying to coerce the
1.000 smolovee ol the Ashtabula dock
which he owns. At the dinner boor the
other day he made them a speech and
threatened them that nnless they voted
the Republican ticket they might find a
lack ol work. They are mostly of foreign
birth, fries, Finns, Swedes and Italians
Ererj victory of the Filipinos over the
Spanish was joyfully hailed by as as
victory of patriots fighting for liberty.
The Filipino claim to the right of self
government is just as strong and valid
now as when we recognised it then.
Every American Interest would have
been satisfied by the gaining of a naval
atation in tbe Philippines and the open
ing of Manila to our trade. It was Pres
ident McKinley that insisted on contin
uing the war with Spain unless she sold
us ber vanished title to the whole of trie
It is not a sudden friendship for Eng
land, 11 is a snameiaced contusion over
our own appeal to brute force to main
tain our title, which silences so maay
repulicans who would otherwise de
nounce that they would have formerly
regarded as a display of British greed
and hatred of republican inatilutloui.
president McKinley in his vote beg
ging toilr failed tJ iif anjthing about
"openiag the mills" in towns where the
mills have been closed by the trusts dur
ing his administration.
The Pennsylvania League f republi
can clubs baj declared against the
civil service reform aw, though the
way the law is administered under
tbJaadminietraticn it hardly amounts to
enough to bo worth denouncing.
Members of the cabinet already speak
of our "empire" in their speeches, and
it looks as though imperialism would
soon bring "lese majestic" in its train.
A man who tried to ask a question at
one of the President's Michigan meetings
was clubbed by the police, just as he
wonld have been in Germany .
fretilent McKinley says that the
shedding of blocd is "augnish to my
soul'' but it is likely to be indefinitely
prolonged by hie maintaining, in
command for fear of the popularity that
Miles would get by ending the war.
Three hundred mules were loit ain
typhoon while on their wsy to Gen. Otis
Dot le still has plenty of obstinacy.
Senator ria.ina, through the firm of
M. A. Haooa&Co ,of which he is the
head, figures ss a prominent directing
membr of tbs mammoth soft coal trust
recently organoid in Pennsylvania.
The senator's sun, Daniel B . Hanna,
was one of the most active orcanizers of
Col. liaac Hill, who has been an offio
al of ttie House for maay vesrs, says of
ihaOhia rawrsisn. which he has
been participating. "The democrats have
the best chance they have had in years
to carr.v this fall's eleotlon in the buckeye
state. Tdey will poll tue tun strengtu
of the party and capture many votes be
sides, whils the disaffection among the
republicans will keep sever! thousand
of them from the polls. The McLean
forces are thoroughly united, and are
making the greatest canvass ever con
ducted by ths democrats in Ohio. I am
going back in a few dayatj agate takea
hand ir the campaign."
Opinions of Oregon Fdltora.
From the Scio Press.
The dispatches indicate that President
Kruger is about ready to surrender. If
he iesince:e iu bia belief that Providerce
guides ftha Boer bullets, perhaps he
thinks that two successive crushing de
feats is sufficient evidence that it is not
the will of the Almighty that the Boers
continue fighttng.
From the People's Pass.
In 1896 ths men who controlled the
republican party did not dare to come
out and openly advocate the gold stand
ard, but sprinkled the path with "inter
national agreement ' salt, and the peo
ple like a flock of sheep fohowed the
bell-wether into the gold-standard fold.
Now sines they have them salely astbey
think) in the fold, they openly advocate
putting this country more firmly on the
gold standard." In 1900 the leaders of
the party will not dare to advocate im
perialism, but this time they will strew
the pathway with expansion salt; and if
they succeed in again corralling the
From the Statesman :
Kit is true, that ths Nicaragua canal
project is to be held back a ysar or to
looser, waiting for the report of one of
ths commissioners, it Is nothing lsss than
a natloual outrage. This Is ths nsws con
veyed a few days ago by telegraph.
There Is a powerful lobby, made up by
some of the American railroads, working
against the canal, in ths corridors of tiia
capitol at Wat hiugton. And son's of the
loubylats have had seats In the two hour
e. and probably have yet. itow long
win this insincerity and general trickery
last But for the opposition of Speaser
Reed, ths bill.for the construction of lbs
canal would have passed the lat cou
sheep, tbey will boIJIj declare a tMr
pll'.C:mioriroper!;Uto, and you will
hear the doctriue of the "divine right of
kings to rule," heralded from every
ammo. We repeat It, whither are we
drifting T
From the Herald.
The city council may now fiad time to
consider several important matters.
The poundmaeterand bicycles have been
their hobbies during the past fe years.
From the Pendleton E, O.
Funston of Kansas it now a brigadier
general. Doubtless this promotion ie
due more to the Kansas politicians than
to recognition on the part of the war de
partmentof Funs tan's services. Fon
ston, returning tj Kansas with the glo
ries of war about him, threatened the
political machine and its business in the
state. The people were in the humor to
make him United States senator, gov
ernor, or anything be might desire.
The politicians cocld not possibly stem
the Funston tide, to they brought pres
sors to bear and influenced the war de
partment to dan.te the bobble of briga
dier general before the gallant Kansas
hero, and back he goes to the Philippines.
The political fences in Kansas are,
therefore, safe, for a tlmi at least. Tbs
profetsiosal politicians aod machine
workers were taught a lesson by Roose
velt's entrance, fresh fiorn the wars, in
to the political arena in New York,
From ths Salem Independent.
Every honest man must admit that ths
Stats Fair, as a Fair, was a gigantic fail
ure. As a yearly exhibition of good
howe-racluslt would probably pats tuus
ter, but beyond that it really amounted
to little. And yet the blame did not lie
with the management entirely. We be
lieve the Board worked bard and faith
fully, but not always with discretion to
to make It a success. The president, Mr
Wehrung, did all that man could do, and
the same can be said of the Seoretay, to
make the Fair a credit to the sta'e. But
their efforts were nnavailng.
The Walla Walla Statesman.
Judging from the Inaccuracy of theit
shooting on the occasion of their (list
battle with the English, had the Boers
undertaken the capture of Manila on the
day Diwey did thy would have been
hinging away at tie Spaniards over tbsre
yet; with neither side hurt.
Admiral Schley's responds to a Ov&mit
tee from the woman's National Industrial
League, which called on him toprejent a
copy of a resolution adopted by the Leap,
lie, asking contributions from Industrial
workeia to purchase a boms tor him, was
worthy of the man and bis record. Us
saidi " Vbile I fsel deeply touched by
the desire of vour committee, which the
resolution brie as to my attsntion, and
sincerely appreciate the purpose and
wishes you so kindly suggest to me, I
feel that I ought to ak yon to defer this
matter nntil the wants and nasds of a
cold winter now coming on, have passed,
and ita dsmands in the threshold! of some
of the trtat army of Industrial workers
have first been met before aay prevision
la made for me. With expressions of
deep gratitude to you lbs matter it left
to your consideration.
Soft Vhito Hands
Luxuriant Hair
Produce1 bv
The moat effective akin purifying and brand,
tying snap lit the world, as well u uureat ami
awtwlmt for toilet, lialh, and uurmrv. The
oiilyprerantiTeot pluipk, lilackneai'lt, red.
rouirb.aud oily akin, red, roup with
Itching painis and shapolmia nalla, dry, thin,
and full In hair, and tlni)il twhy kleinUhe
Im'auM Hid only preventive of the raiuw, vU.,
inflammation and clogging or the Vnnm,
SoM.wrywli.ffc ISnraa rTaC.rn.. Pma. a,.
. Uw i LWf. IWun.1 Ua. J. eadluw, "at
" II
I. .... . t. . .
uiHjr nut ue surprising u there are
not wheels In the coining clly election.
An anxious dtixen If lies to know
what the city council will do row tbtt
the bicycle has betn dispotsil of.
The college football teams had a good
practice last sventmr. alma-l net tltnlp tow.
cellent training. The Willamettes will
nave to be rapid to beat them.
Scuth Africa also has a press censi r-
shlp, and Bosr victories sre made British
victories by the time they reach London.
This censorship is an outrage for an en
lightened age, when people are entitled
to the truth whether it suits or not.
where ha even menaces the president's
JSII gre, monopoly, aod .'resident Mcm n nomination and election, aod Fun-
ton 'a entrance in Kansas would have
bal like effect, aod might have resulted
in the making of Roosevelt and Funston-
as candidates for president and vice-
president respectively. "Colonel F red'
a "a eafer man" in the Philippines than
be would be in Kansas, by far.
The New Yoik Verdict makes this as
tounding declaration. The Verdict will
stake name and fame.and wear cap and
bells aa a fool confessed, if Cap'ain Carter
who was convicted of robbing tbegsvern
ment of several millions, isn't at liberty
tree at air-within six months. Tbs Ver
dict ftrther asserts that action recently
taken in bia case was dee to the need
of it on the Ohio election result. Delay
in the Carter cass serioatly thteatened
repubheaa success In the president's
stale aod the United States attorney
general was instructed to report upon
bis case at once aod President McK'nley
promptly approved bia findioss. If the
Verdict's prophecy comet true the ad-
Some one says that one of the olavaia
in the Willamette football slevsn Is a
down town dentist. Perhaps they think
they will need him to pull them through
tomorrow. The Albanl aa am all m..l.
tubals. And there is second eleven
that are co mails
Jack OllpliAiit, formorly
It. & N Co. was in the city i
with the O.
city today.
Mrs. Frank 8ryrha rsttirii'd from
a visit with friends In 1'oitland rod He
lorn, Mr. Geo. Cramer has moved his fami
ly over Irom Albany, they residing in
t ne iu
artln houe. -ltronvlllo Times.
Hurry Pollock returned tt.U morning
from Cu'ifornlii where he hits been Sev
ern! months tit Napa and San Francisco
Geo. IT, Piper, Managing' editor o( the
P. I.pasaod through Aluany yesterday
on his way homi from San Frni lat-o,
where he had been to meet tho returning
EJA. M, Cannon returned livt eventim
from n trip to Sweet Home, where lie had
been in the in tore t of Portland creditors
of J. P. llalin HoP-poiUl Albort
Weddleas gradually fulling with pros
poets against his recovery. Mr. Ilnhn
declares that ho acted in solf-defeiuw .
He will employ Hon, (loo, K. Chamber
lain of Portland to defend, him when the
case conies up for trial.
Since the brave but foolish British
officer who shot himself through chanrlu
at being obliged to evscuate Vrvbur
wanted to die. why did ha waata I. la in.
aod his bullet? If he had run amuck
against the enemy bis sacrifice might
have counted for something. Ks.
Hello, there, when everybody rota
telephone in their residence it mill ha
great convenience in Albany.
At Manila.
Manila, Oct. 17, 9:10 A. M.-A1i1
upnsaies, mayor ol Kan laldro, who lied
w hen the Americans took possusxion of
the town, returned yesterday, General
i-awton has established a civil gover
One of Low's scouts and two privates
'"'"' corps are. missing, it is
supposed they have been captured.
This morning at daybreak, General
TtoiiRg a command with rations fur anv.
en days, loft in tho direction of Santa
In South Africa.
i i-ofum. lieu sr. The official an
nouncement of the kilning of General
White and General Vulo lias come us a
great relief, and all.tlie more so in view
ol the fact that later dispatches have
snown that only the incaaclty of the in
telligence depaitmont of the Hoers saved
I!.. I V". .l . ...
wiivrni mu coiuinu irotu a groat ui
From the News, t
Wlills In I'ottlsnd a couple of weeks
ago Attorney T J. W IUoii was admitted
to practice Iu the U S. dUtiict rourt.
Hecafltr llros,, u( Uswryo, have tested
ths Houston building and are this week
putting in a well eleciml stoek nl gro
osrirs. 0. 8, HarnUh was over fmm Albany
from Saturday until M nidav, and was
kept tjulet litisy nt his plmto (fullery.
i ii.. rti...i.... i.,. ii...... ...n...
on In of Helo, will Ii'mvu ti lt tvn k with
his family .r , l.lueo'n cmintv Wetli.,
wlter he wlH try farming nil. I stock
raining. The change l location is made
in the hope rl I entitling his health
w.ileli Is very noor. tie Mill maku the
trip by team.;
Mr. and Mrs. N. Rilyeu.Mr. S. Under
and little son, Mike Ullyeu, James "Mil
ieu, t twitter kihiwn aa Hpeeseti Chat.
Itlilu-ilstin ami Charley Nual, led Mon
dny rveiiiiiit for I'hoenls, Arasnua.wiiere
ths Hrtt lour will reutaludtirlng the win
ter, and J.N. Hllu a 111 teach M'liool,
while the others will go on esstsud visit
In different nates and allies They went
by way of the Honthern I'aclllo.
Mr. Wood, of Oram Valley, and Miss
Jannle Coiupton aerema fled Hun Jay,
October V'3, 1MUI, at the home of the
brides parents, Mr. and Mr. J. A,
Coiiiplou. a lew mile south ol He to, Itev.
Klniore oilLlatlng. The hsppy ecu pie
left Monday lor their new haute In Katt
ern Oregon, carrying wllli thrin (lie btst
w i"hs oi a host ol trivnds.
The whlit club met at the houieof Mr.
and Mrs. C. V. Johnson Tuesday evening
and perfected reorganisation. K. K.
l.ariiuore was elected president. Ira A,
Phelps, secretary and Mrs. C. V. John
son, treasurer. Mrs. PriH, Mrs. MseGlil
and Mrs. A. J. Johns in were chosen as
a board ol managers. A smiles of very
pleatsnt games were played during the
evening, and a vrry enjoyable time was
What is the matter of the citv council
raising the debt of the by holdln
pub io meetings and charging an ad-
mission fee.
Every paper in the state has now men.
Uoned the fact that Albany lain dark
ness, ihisisnot strictly correct, or
mat coon HOllte Cllt liluminata
at oiocks in nne style.
At the recent term of circuit court
were was ices titan one case for each
lawyer in the city. A fter all our lawyera
area very peaceable lot of men and settle
many dilbculties out of court that could
easily be engineered into a suit.
Tortland Telegram : W. E. Burke, as
administrator of the estate of James
Abraham, objects to Martin L. Tipes'
claim of $4100 attorney fees, to secure
which Mrs. Abraham deeded him a
large amount of property. No wonder.
Jubley's cousin. Frank M. Osborn, is to
be president of this combine.
If the people of Luzon are iocapible of
self government, the President might
get bis vassal Saltan of Sulo to give
tbem a few lessons. " McKinley bas made
a treaty with the Sultan allowing him to
manage affairs in bis own way, and
agreeiog to pay bim from tbe U. S.
Treasury for doing it.
Spanish StaUsmea must rmiie when
they think that tbe United States paid
them $20.0CO,000 for tbe privilege o
trying to crush whst tley had for year
tried to erueh, and failing as they bad
Even republican papers find it hard to
reconcile President McKinley' ata'e
ment that tbe Philippines came to ns
without our setklog, with the pnblished
proceedings of our Spanish treaty com
mission, which show that they insisted
on Spain cding ut tbe whole of the is
lands, nnder a threat of our continuing
tbe war.
From Tbe Dulles Cbroo ele .
It is to be h ped that the dispatch announces that the price of whis
key bas been put np by tbe United
Slates Spirits Association, will have the
effect of inducing fewer people to put it
down their throats.
From the Brownsville Timet.
Thelnest move Albaoy will make will
be to induce ths county court to pur
chase and fix dp the vacant block in
front of tbe eon rt house for a public
park. Albany bas no public park yon
Educate Tour Uowu Wild titaeareta.
Candy Cathartic, enra eoiMtlpatlon forever.
IDe.SSe. If CC.C. fall. arug(,lsta rotund money.
tSAifssse saswiT ststici sceisssutHiwi rke.. u
Joa Mil .uuxitfte it at your mrat 2 inhi dpo and It .1-11 1
aa r9rauatad , m aacfcla. wit
puimi aaOtfMtvr.axaetiv
atUaka. eaa.aa.aod IMS
aru Huuar. a., ga-cial Offer Price tlS.SO
1 eauTawr aaatuui tee
wmm fntefei tarn on
boo Eraiirn.
avaraaa 7ft c
your o a bom.
eharfaa,eHacbliia al(bilMliaid8aainfreirMfn I
lanufor aaehMomllaa. SIVI ft mtt iaisr TSIAl la I
ama,and w. will ratara yoortll M nr ihim ik kiI I
joartll.M.oj davroa are not 1
t McaiaM
llrdeaerihad la nur
MfclaaCatahcafc battlLM forthla aoe a CaaUKT Btaaaahi !W
a. Mined. WcmM aimM mmd friluaf Inkt
raaaennad in onr ha IWwlw ., all., (ll.ea.-4 ... all tuit
laM Cal.toaa.. battlLM fortbla
tba oatca vataa a'araakv hi imh.
i af
flonrenr mArtr
SUaSier TSanaMUafaWteuaa, mrtth
mmmmmmmii li is,
l-a l-VIITirti.l
tiurir 1.1 1
tm a
IllVllisVi if li
sis n a B t I
star ' aai a m. k mm
jus x?r
. 1.111 .e - s a
SSI,. a1-ir:l n
mmmntmrn Haj. TNI
.u.a. Madaartaa.
. Mac aiakcra la l..rW
w tm aaatariai mwmvT
I Sar.
SOLID OUARTEB filWPn fllk SSSSSttl fillSfT.ataaa
' . . " J . ' Qua llluatratiua lho.l macalaa
cluaad (bead dropping from sight) to ba DMd aa a ,i.u, i,ti, .taad
, r4-,ua MbaropcBvith fall lunirth talla aad kad la placafor
' aewui2. a fcacr ar.a.ra. 1.1m. laaa - .wmt
kOMd aad decorated cabiaataaUi.aiiartnlefcal drawar DaluCrasU oa (oa
wiju.uuiwinuMhrwiin,,inrainma4nd. r.m Ihm hi krm
. aaaf tire four atocloa feed, aaif UuMiUn. .mimiii.
bobbin winder, adjaatabla baartaira, patent tenloa Ilberator4mpro.edlouaa
uMuru.oa -OQ.U. earner. patent naaoia oar.
patent dreaacuard, kd M kn4.aBir i aad imainlil aad bnaUfallT'
alrt.ll.1 CUABANTEaO ua Mat 1 .!.. ... art aaa5
ariMhai mVmtmu. Snrr iaaaa aHMfcanat to fartetod and our Vrae la.
Btructloo Book taUtJaetnowanfoaaeaaraDltaaddoeltberplalaoraav
kind or tmacy work. A ao-faaia' Steeled 8 ..- 1. aeat wltb rrarr aaaeblaa.
theaa yow atorai
aamnaia It with
Fkaaper aalis at ata.M to
reiffnv I
Uaiit aceot the Sis. BO.
aaa.aa. -nit tbas If euarluaaS that to are aarlns tii.oo : to $MM. aa. voar t
to arrrai TOCB Sia-M 1 fat any Una within three montba joa aaj yoa an aot
ivitrT r.Kf.AT. 48aaM. Roebuck A Co. ar thorouahlr rrltablaKdltor.l
. 1 1 AvawA aa A a-w m. . . .
Aaarexs, ocmiij, iiwk.u.R k vu. tine.; vnlCagOa III.
will appear in a vsry bad
At tbe adjonrned session of tbe circuit
court th's afternoon Judges Burnett and
Bolts of tbe circuit court and Chief Jus
tice Wolverton of tbe Supreme Court
were on the bench.
Tbe court was called as a memorial
service for tbe late Judge Powell. The
Albany bar were all present, and during
toe ression nearly all tbe members spoke
with much feeling; in memory of their
late fellow member, paying credit to bis
learning and great integrity of character.
me loiiowtog resolutions were adopted
May it please the court and gentlemen
of the bar:
Yonr committee appointed by the Linn
uounty Bar to prepare a auitaoie testi
monial in favor of one who but a few
days since wss a prominent member of
oar profession, aod whose sudden death
has caused deep sorrow, Hon. J. 0. Pow
-.11 i .ni.
mi, ivepwuuiij luuuiit ... w ivuvmun
Joseph O. Powell, bv force of his native
ability and enerer. was enabled to
achieve success and reach a position of
honor. Ue was a man of Intregity, bon
eat in bis convictions, an Intelligent and
respected citizen, a kind and cenial
friend, and has left a bright eianule for
immitauon by tbose who attempt to fol
low in the pathway he baa trod en.
At the time ol bis Ooatn tie nan been
a resident of this state for about 39 years,
be gained tne eonndence oi its people,
Ailed various noaitiona of Dublic trust
and faithfully discharged the dalles im
posed upon him.
i. . l..... h l..l f:.l.r..l
A m M.JCI UO ffV ICiUnj, LlkUiUt
and honest, wae fair, respectful and can
did with the courts and courteous to tbe
members of tbe professioo. As a judge
be wss impartial, upright and lusr. Aa
a District Attorney for this district and
state he wss thorough and successful.
He deeply loved and honored bis pro
fession and strove to elevate tbe stand
ard of ita character. He bad practiced
his profession for about 45 years, and, at
tbe age of 78 wss summoned, from
amongst ns, leaving affectionate relatives,
kind friends, a generoua community and
agreatful profession to mourn his de
Dartrraand to extend to his bereaved
fsniilv our kindest sympathies.
We recomend that a cony of the oro-
eeedings of this court and bar be record
ed in tbe journal of this court, and that
a copy be furnished to tbe family of the
L. Flikic,
J. J. Wbitmbt,
W. K. Bilvu,
Men who were hcie during tbe post
-d ta a m a.
omce roooery ana before and have since
left the city, are boinf auspected. That
is hardly circumstantial evidence in this
fast moving world. Men come and go
auu always win.
Mei should learn to hold tbelr tem
pers. Just lose tbe thing once, and per
haps you will be tbe defendant in. a
murder rase. Then also it la a good
thing to be reasonable. Never try to
make people pay other people's debts.
Most men have their hands full with
their own.
The bicycle is like the animal that
Uvea on both land and in tbe water. It
lives on the sidewalk and in the road.
aod you can't make anything else oat of
the critter, it is not like tbe wagon and
yet it is entitled to the road Just as
much. It is not like tbe pedestrian and
yet it has certain rights on tbe sidewalk.
If always ridden by reasonable Deoole
there would never be any trouble,
noggisn peepie create trouble.
8. Clay pool left at thia office yesterday
monster squash that weighed 74
pounds. If any one knows of a larger
aquaab, we wish they wooid lot us know
as we believe that Mr. Clay pool is en
titled to first premium. J. A. Powell
brought to this oflice last week a sum
mer squash that measured 30 inches in
length and 21 Inches in circumference.
This we consider the largest squash of
its kind grown in Linn county. Snould
you have a larger one, let ns know.
Lebanon (Jnterion. Weight is what
counts. A squash at C. A. Currans
weighs 150 pounds, much more than tbe
I'mpliatic Mason.
Cil!C,uio.!Oct. 25. William K. Mason
junior senator from I'llnoU, declared to
day that he would resign if the republi
can national convention of HHW did not
neclare against "criminal aggression" in
I he Philippines. Mr. Mason went so far
as to say ho would reeiun If the con von
Hon favored offering to the Filipinos
canned ireodotu," as he thought li
might do.
Gen. Henry Den J.
htm York, Oct. 27. Brigadlor-Gener
al Guy V. Henry, United States Army
late military eoveraor of Puerto ltl.-n
died a few minutes before 4 o.rlock this
morning at his home, lXCMadlson ave
nue, of pnuemonia, aged 00 years. He
nad been unconscious for several hours,
ana ins enu was peaceiui. At Ills bed
side were all the members of hia familv
I - . LI.. . ; .
ir . wnswjn nn wn, va piain uuy
. jr., who is in the Philippines.
What He Warts.
w i-oaK. Oct, 23. A special lo tho
Herald Irom Washington says.
Prompt declaration yf by congress in
ssserting and maintaining complete sov
eignity over the Philippines at whatever
cost, ana in iavor oi I no: most liberal
kind oi ion government when the Insur
rection ends, is what the president
wsnt. It is also what Hie Philippine
commissioners want. There is a great
ovai oi wora ior ina president to do on
bis message.
Beat In the World.
AALnvnxa, Tenn., Oct. 26. J. A. R.
Elliott, rf Kansaa Citv. killed BU out of
100 birds today at the tournament of the
Bellemeade Uun Club, ily doing so
lie retains the caat-lron medal and
championship of wing shots.
Peace Ovcrtursa.
Nrw York, Oct. Oct. 23. A special to
me woriuirom wnshingion says:
Senor Amino Kegldor, who is. now In
London, will ssil for the United States
within three weeks, and, as a fully ac
credited representative of Aquinaldo will
Srtsent to President McKinley new
irms tor ending bostiliticg and recon
structing tbe government of tbe islands.
Tho coming of the representative Is kept
close secret by the administration.
At Manila.
Mahila, Oct 25. The Twenty sixth
infantry arrived here on the transport
Grant yesterday and sailed for Ilo llo to
Insurgents have returned to the vicin
ity ofJCaiamba. They bave increased in
numbers and are surrounding the town
on the land side.
At San Isidro, 30 hours of raio bas
rawed the river and supoi'ts are ar
riving the there in caswts ft ttre aa-
Transports Moving.
8.t Francisco, Oct. 25. Today was a
busy one at I lie government transport
dock. Five transports, three for Manila
and two;for;i'ortland, were dispatched
for their destinations. The Tartar, Man
uense and Newport sailed for Manila and
tbe Olymhla and Pennsylvania for Port
land. The Manila-bound carded three
companies of the Thirty. first infantry
and entire Twenty-eight infantry,
The famous C'sra IUrln will le at
the Oregon Chautauqua nest yrsr.
The Yukon river Is now closed for tlo
Apples are a ppUs this year, F. M.
Oomlra, ol Itow land, sold 123 bushels in
Albany st an average pries of 65 cents.
Some KnglWh psrlrltlges are lo be
turned loose in the valley, lbey are a
nne bird and should be prelected until
lbey get a stsrt In life.
Ths chalk talk will La for tha hnnAi
of the athletic society of the col loir.
Itemember that and heln I, out. bealJea
you will get more than lbs worth of your
At the Congregational couventlon In
Kuaens vesterdav Mrs. VraA vm,i i
Portland, formerly of Albanv. a lam.
ed president of tha Woman'a I'nma mi..
sionary Society .
There have Lorn thn atiai.n.ant
suits against J. P. Hahn of Sweet Home.
The ilrat one of It. L. Kal.ln inr tws ...
settled. Thore are now two more, one by
Melor.rrank A Co(or 1130 and another
oy air. cabin lor 3&0.
A man at Moons broueht rrnn.
the front bas the chicken pos or smsll
pox, it has not beau neeidad i.ut. .
M,VJJo In soy event the greatest prt
caotioo will be siercised.
There are now 103 bova at tha,a
school. The total number alm-a mm la
381. The 279 are scattered ), r.
Two were with Dew, m l, an Ka annb t.
Spanish fleet and are now in the east
ready to start for Oregon.
.J'L'"' Wattle Is now paying about
0 000. annually lur ita airt h.hii..
Tbrre are ninety are lights ol t.000 can
dle power; HOO Incandescent llghts.varr.
a feiween uiieen and thirty rsndle
power each, and HOgse li.hts.
W. L. Maple, of Toledo, this sute. tha
man who took premiums at tbe Portland
Imposition this year tor buttermaking,
wants to establish and o Derate a praam-
ery at Stayton.U the larmers want to en
tcruia a proKition to bnlld the aamo
on the stock company plan, Stay ton
F. L. Calkins ami Ha.Mla K.
brouuhtuofrom Albanv a .arlna.l nl Oh.
Jersey cows. This lmnnriation nl rina
sUiek is very commendable on tbe part
?! "i0! tc"tlemen, indicating that in
tiieoairy business they propose to keep
fully abreast of the times Koseburg
Iteview. .
BobBordetta wrota if n,...-.. .
., v , , " .,vi.u,,
"I am clad I was nraaant at mm ri..!i..
Talk laat night. You certainly base tbe
right idea of what Is meant by a gcod
entertain lucnt and your work with tha
crayon surpasses anything I bave evsr
seen" At tbe College tomorrow avanlnv.
Admission only 20 cents,
East Oregonlan : A Portland wriman
who is suing her husband lor a divorce
alleges in her complaint "that aha
married when very vouna and Ismrant
of men, aod that ber husband has evsr
since been Insansly and cruelty jejlous
of her without csuse." The Inference is
tbst she is no longer "Uup" )" if the
noblest work of God.
TJaroBTDNATS. James Buchanan,
wall known citizen of Pleasant Hill is the
victim of unfortunate circumstances
About three weeks ago be left Creswell
with two teams loaded with tbe boute-
bold effects of W. L. Bnstow who was
moving to Sodaville, Befors returning
home be visited with ft lends in Knedd
where be wss taken violently ill, and
wnere be still remains. One norning
his best team was missing from tbe past
ure, and has not vet been found. Some
one heard a band of horses being driven
at a rapid rate along tbe highway during
tbe nlgbt and it is thought the horses
msy bave been run off. Eugene Gurd.
Tbe team of Mr. Atwood, of Spicer.
ran away this afternoon, showing off
alonz First street for several blocks and
J then taking to tbe alleys between f irst
and tne river, wnere they were stopped,
without serious dam ape.
Hop Men Organizing. .
Woodbuhn, Or., Oct. 25 Two hundred
representative hopg rowers met here this
afternoon and organized the Oreeon Hod
growers' Association, for mutual pro lit
and protection. Articles oi incorpora
tion were drawn, and tbe greater part of
tbe capital stock ol fSUOU was subscribed
on the spot. There wss considerable
proD table and entertaining discussion,
and a better general understanding be
tween the growers was arrived at.
General Miles In Montana.
Billings. Oct. 25 General Miles, who
is here as tbe guest of Colonel W t Cody
was given a reception at the Billing
Club this evening. A large crowd which
met the Burlington special train, which
carried Coionel Cody and party, gave the
General an enthusiastic reception.
Sampson's Friends.
Tbkntok. Oct. 25. Admiral Sampson
and wife arrived Bhere today. The ad
miral was presented with a sword by
Governor Voorhees on behalf of tne peo
ple of New Jersey as a mark of apprecia
tion of his services during the Spanish
n. CrwtorU, Tha Photo, ..rhe
Has refitted bis Studio elegantly, ih
msoy new bsck grounds rsncriallv
adapted for children's photos, snd ter
ersl new accessories. His work always
takes the lead, fall and lock tluoiigh
his elegant rooms. Ills line of view r are
II new and fresh, tbe finest In the .If v.
tie does more to sdvertlte Oregon than
sny one elie through bis fine lines of
Lose no time in calling on Will & Stark
for the best watches, guaranteed time
keepers, and take your time in buying.
It is a pleasure to show their goods.
TRUSSES, 65o, $1.25 AHD UP
a. " miii-c Ik. m aaaa Timiu aide
w, .wee titan one-third
I prlne eharuftd hy oth.ra. and Wl
tfASTCf 16 III tOJI SfSKlTLI. fir
aUi.r you our Sat rra-.K Trete or c
VAi.Tuai rauaa.
the prlne eharuiid by oth.n
ai-Ui.r roll.
Vein S.frilee aMalle Traai. alio--, out thi.
ad. out and eend to n.wllbuta amiAI. rKIIVaaa-a,
lata your Hrtatl, Walakt, lee. haw lone; yon hare been
ruptured, whether rupture la lanre or (mailt alanaute
number Inobaa around the body on a Una with the
rupture, ear whether rupture la on rlirht or left aide,
and wa will lend either truai to voa with th- and.iv
tandlnir. If a Uaela pMM at mm4 ee.l te Itaaa, U.I
mall ettkreatlaieaaar Hre,yoo. oan return It aad we
will return your money.
eriraMM.lneludlii(t)ie - tlO.lMl Ua Treat A fr
tkateen. .Il .ay mm, ut akl.ha.wll tar A,l3