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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1899)
lie jStownot WliatUShlloli? mi If for Cough, Cold on; used through th jon'.ury, has cured la eiMtt ot incipient consumo Staffs S ,youtlUoney. Price ... McU. and U-- For sals ? Fortay 1 t Vud Republic 1.1 5: and World 2.00. ana d Vmncitco ?ia?t'ooTnd Salem Weekly Jouni w , .h'uaUrom an other- J i r invr Root Tea purines uio Karl e cl.over howela. etc, as noth byiuacp onthe bo.eon, abao.ut6 reVhayAM.. if ' suser from tendere or ruljnes. 4L aianr mud : or lifer is t rpid ? cure ,oa mpuyth coomlwn and causing we IStE? nd 8ow. naturally. Thbt abb poop rm- Don't think yoa ca can that slight; Uck of f'Vy'DU Cure will re K.U nat rou eat" edeorgan.6hMlth Fosbay nv Ba Kind Yen H.AliajsBsssM Bears the Signature of SOUTH and EAST VIA SOUTHERN PACIFIC Overland-South Bound. , j 7:00 p m Leave Portlani J0.45 m Arrives Albany 10;50 p m Leaves Albany....". - 5 pm Arrives San Francisco v North Bound. Leaves San Francisco J ffl Arrives Albany 6:43 a m Leaves Albany 0.15am Arrives Portland.. California Expiess-South Bound. Leaves Portland... l2;l0 a m Arrives Albany ,2:40 p m i1xiv.rFVanci:::::::: i. Oregon Express-North Bound Leave. Ban Francisco pm Arrives Albany 3.5 pm Leaves Albany.. 7:l5pn .-i,A Portland -la p- fvealb.n7forIban....8:W.m -"iva LAi. ...... 4 .40 p ' i ;uo p m ; alranv THrect connections at Ban cisco Alb...y,ur. CH.MAEKHAM, nenRTHERH Pullman Sleeping Oara. Elegant Dining Oars, Tourist Sleeping Oaw Minneapolis Dnlutb ?., w rr grand Fork Crookston Winnipeg Helena and Butte TxaOUGH TlCKE's TO hlcago rVashingtou fhiladelphia Heviork lostonandaV 0 2 PoinUlWis auu . . . no .an American line. Ickets call on or vnw yrJaSs. 6c r. - .otfand Yous LivQi Will be roused to Us natural duties ilaod'G PHlo Bold by aU druggists. 25 cents. WW. Mia Jailt Dsjt bat, 35 cents per won b. 3.0 per yea. .in advance, Spo per month not in advance. By, carrier, IOopm rok. 10 per cent added It aUowed to run over months. V? d . a 1 7S rtr anooad veart Ul iH Sird and preceeding year, when not paid attS.00. Yaung Mother n . ... . nt ilmnunJl ot yoang mothers because It; outbreak : Is so UOOgU aU wwrai-w t T, nwr masio In cases of Croup. It has never "" . . f..:i ti nnit cftsaa re- T.,i immediately. Prices 25 cts,. ana knnn known ioiii. " , 50eU.andl.OO.i For sale by eosnay K3 ... ' 1 --n -.. 1 ! ml Are rne curse 01 oww -- ;;,' QUicklvana.urecreupyr KOOS lea, iu (to, uiwv i - -.-. , tissue builder. Money refunded 111 not satisfactorv. Price, 2j eta. ana ou v. For sale by Foshay & aiason. Deaaty la Blood Deep. 1 vi. -.1 . .ln akin Kft beauty without it. Cascareta, t andy lather tie clean your blootl and keep it clean, by stirrina up the Uty liver and driving all im banish pimple boil, blotche. bUckheada, ana liia, hi-.i; umuuv vntpi. . 1 . u , . All WriiiV. gists, atifaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c p.mnnii. U crrinOB. couah. cold., roup and wdwping-cwgh readily yield lo Una miduw vuuu w w j ntinjao I nt) a uwr . oin r .ni on rtikir .. miy ion. TICKETS To all poir ts East via , GraC Northern Railway. For rates, ft Iders and full informaUon sail i or address Agent Albanv irt-Tc-BM for Fifty Cna . .... k.wi .m mk ea men suotx. blood pure. Wo. AL All drug!" Albany AlnrKet. Wheat 43 enU. OaU26. Egga 21 cent". Butter l&lo 17 cent. Potatoes 60 cent. Hams 15 caU. Sides 10 cents. Shonlder8 cunt. Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. Ii,artlflclallydl?eststhefoodaDAt.idi Fature in strengthening and recon ltrnctine the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovered digresV ant and tonls K o other preparation can approach it lo efficiency. It la stantlT relieved and permaDently cares Dyspepsia, maigesuon, ueaixDarn, Flatulence. Sour Stomacri. Kauaea, Sick Head ache.Gastialglk, Cramps, and au other results oi lmpenect aigesuox prepared b C- C. DeWiV. Caw Cfclcapo. For sale by Foshay k Mason. OREGON VUVI COMPANY Cer. Morrison & Park Sts. LEWIS BUILDING. Portland . - Oregou OUR CAPACITY ia. I'ncqualed In the Valley. DBR WORK -la UBaurT In Oregon. o have the best stock u. select from and our price sro alwavs the lowest, quality cnRiierea e 1 SMILEY, A 1 The Priater Torturing i Disfiguring Humors Itching:, Burning, and Scaly Eruptions of the Skin and Scalp with Loss of Hair CURED BY CUTICURA. The treatment I. simple, direct, agTMablet and economical, and is adapted to tb yonng eet intuit aa well as adaiu of orenr ace. Batne the affected pan with Ho with -and CCTicoaA Boar to eleanae tb (kin of enwta and acalea, and aoftan the thickened cuticle. Dry, without hard robbing;, and apply CuncusA Ointment freely, to allay itching, irritation, and inflammation, and soothe and heal, and laatty take the t'imotiii Kbsolvkxt to cool and eleanae the blood. Tbi treatment afford instant relief, permits rest and aleep, and points to a speedy, perma nent, and econorn leal cure when all other renv edie and even th beat physician fail. Sold mrrvtMi. PHe, Tai . 1 i r, Cmemu Soap, SSe.t Oirtmbvt. u.t KuuLnn (htll , 1Mb POTTRB Daoo Awn Chm. Coar., Soto Ftoim., howtoa, SaT-'BsvlaCara HaaMia,' U-ff bwk, tn. K. O. T. M. verr 3 ttur lay evening at K. 0. T. t all Vl.itinr Km?bU inviied. ' U W UWi ,,uommanoet. HONd WAII TOXG CO, Second 8f Lvon street. Albany. Sells Chi nese medicine, Chinese rice, Chinese a and mt oil. LA GRIPPE I. now reaping a rich barren. Medical .tali. Uc complied by th beat pay.lcl.n ( th world show thai vr Hity per cent el th tmm el acquired CONSUMPTION ar due to LAORIPP8. Thenar alio other point ot weakness, Refer to th number oa th ohart. Study each on care- ... 11 u . 111 I -1 14 5 6 vrttbuiein. If yon hare at ) attack ol LA QHirPKbKla I th at ot HVliVAK a. 7 toon tk acuta lymptom. ear aubaldad. 1II.UYAN wiU brlug aboul th reatoraUou to psrfeot health. The Parts Affected Are: I. THB ntKOUS nertBRANB LININd TH8 BACK PORTION OP THB NOSB.-lt be eomes lullamed and thickened, and a Cbronlo Catarrh It the reault Ill'D Y AN 1U reduce lb Inflammation, and tear th macout mem bran ta perfectly healthy condition. . (THB EAR DRUM) TMB MUCOUS MEMBRANB OP THB EAR. It become lu gamed aud thickened, firing rla to almost total deafness. lltl'YAX will prevent lh spread of th Inflammation. Th drum will not be affected aud hearing will be unimpaired. 8. CHRONIC TONSIUTIS. OR CHRONIC SORB THROAT. From the asm cU at th two preceding. ni'OYAX will prerent it eomlng on. 4. WEAKNESS IN THB HEART. II t'D VAN will ireugihen th heart nerve, equalla th clrcalaUon of blood, and case th heart, beats to become strong and regular. S-e. A WEAKENED CONDITION OP THB LOWER LODES el THB LUNIIS HIJDVAN will caua th lung tissue lo become strong and healthy. T. LUMBAQO, OR WEAK BACK. lltTD VAN wlU ttrang than It almost Immediately. IICDYAN wlU ear all of th a bore symp toms and le re your wool ay item ta a perfect condition of health. Oo to your drntf 1st t nc and proear packag ol HVUVAN for SO cents, or l package lor 12.(0, If your dninlit does not keep It, send direct to th MVVVAN BK9KUY VOMPAMY', Ban Fran claco, Cat Remember that yon can eonrall tb Hl'DVAX UOCTOBM t'RKK. Call and e th doctor. Too may call and see then or write, yoa dealr. Addrvu HudjaD Rtrocdy (ornpauy Cornv Stockton, Markrt and tun Strts, SAN FRANCISCO, CAI- FOSHAY 4 MASON Wholesale V Retail DRUG0IST3 AKD EOOKSRUFU 4LBANT. ORKOON. Pore Drugs and the finest and Largest Stock of Stationary and Books n the Market. WASTED. We will pay 12.00 a week salary to either a man or woman to rep resent the Midland Monthly Mnfrasine as a subscription solicitor. The Midland Is the same size as McClures or the Cos mopolitan. It Is now in its sixth rear and is the only Majsnzine of this kind published in the great Central West. A handsome premium given to each subscriber. Send 10 cents tor a copy of the Midland and premium list to the TwiNnrrn Cmtvrt FJBLisniso Co., St. Louis, Mo. SIX PER CENT LOANB. I have a limited amount of money to lost, on nrst-clase farm security or improved business property In Albany. Interest six per cent for particulars call ou or address. rJ. F. Mebbilj., Democrat building. Albany, Oregon SUMMONS In thb Ciaccir Court op tbi State op Oaxoos ron LihrCotjbtt. John Uradlt-y and Hand Bradley, his wile, plaintiff vs. Adelia Mercey and - Mercy, ber boeband, whose given name is unknown, William Bradley, Ann Wliaon and - Wilton ber buibaod. whose siren name is unknown, ana Charles & . Bradley , defendants. To Adelia Mercey and Mercsy, her (whose given name is un known) William Bradley. Ann Wilson and Wilson, her bosband, Obose given name s unknown) and Charles E Bradley, tbe above named defendants IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF Oregon. You sre hereby notified and required to appear in said court in said i suit and answer the complaint of tbe plaintiff herein on tbe 13ib day of Nov ember, 1S99; and vou are hereby further notified that if you fail to appear and anv wer said compisint aa aforesaid, for want tbercof, tbe plaintiff will take a decree against you for 4be relief demarded in said complaint, towit: That tbe real es tate belonging: to plaintiff and defendants and detenbed a lot No- 6 in Block No. 103 in Hsckleman's addition to tbe city of Albany, Lion county, Oiegon. Iks sld by a Referee appointed by tbe above entitled court and that tbe proceeds arising there from be paid Into court and that tbe same be applied: First, lo pay the costs and disbursements of this .nit. Second, to oar plaintiffs tbe sum of $200.00 advanced by the plaintiff, Maud Bradley, to pay tbe county. School District No. 6 and city taxes ot tnecuyoi aimuy, .ui, i iuu .(.i. nmmn. and that the re turn BWLV v" . . , , , . mainder be divided between tbe plaintiffs and defenaanii u law iuwm ma Pn'- f .MIAll ., nA, MM IkV publication for six consecutive weeks prior 10 tne loin uay w ' rjTATX KIOHTS tfBaiotnax at wjijt mow. pacer oi neneraiciruuiaiviiu iui,.. . i .tA nvinf.l and nnblished IB the city of Albany.Linn county .Oregon, tjy Order oi lue uivu. . - judge for Linn county, Oregon, which or der bears oate we unu uj w 1.., 1899, and that tbe aid order so made by the Hon. Geo. P. Barton prescribed tne 13th day of November, 1899. as tbe dav and time on or before which you should appear and an.a-er said complaint in said uit. Tbe date of tbe first publication of this summons in said newspaper is Sep tember 29, 1899. Wbathebkord b Wtatt, Attorneys for plaintiff. ALBANY COLLEGE OFFERS A THOROUGH High-Grade College Education To every boy the ambition lbs course It complete, and embrace! the LANGUAGES, SCIENCES, MATHEMATICS, HISTORY ENGLI8H AND ELECTIVE8 The Normal Oours leads up to a'SIATE DIPLOMA, and tbe Commercial Course has now become a Business College E ual lo anything In the State. Now Illustrated catalogue. Bosrd at tbe Students Club at actual cost price. For particular write Albany, Oregon. H. W, H. COLLEGE I. M. PARTIS, Mai. Doo., Pirector- MR3. J. H- BROWN Principal of Art Associate Plan, Litest MethoJs, Full Course given In the Prinolp.1 Branches of MlNMua,c1rtrien, Organ. Voice. Italian Singing, Violin, Hand Instrumenls, Harmony, Counterpoint, Fugue and higher Muaijial Composition, etc. Music lessen, tn llarmouy and Counterpoint g yen by Correspondence. New M.thmi nf vernal Training in teachlns Piau. Vouog Teao'iers given work to assist in obtaining a Musical Education. .FS ft U JUL A eUai alTtT-alrfil eaar old. llvine ta Stat was constantly troubled wlib natlasoa bf ll w. lln lo Ual J aaa .be had bean traalad hs I 4. UIjr ah had cularra of lb tomawtii aiMithor stated that It was ordinary dystwpla. aatd uU imamawl It Mltai eali nlna. or sail stoaeB. tor which be Inaud bss' mm nonta wlinoot o"d remits. At Saw lh f BMphln were reaortsd lo. Tb patirnl ereicnen le aouayaaj was oesnpiewy roa mam, and had ry littl appetite. Party In Jane a Beichbur Isdaced bar t try lUuaa Takwla. slur nasna thmm asro week th) aain and bfewklina mt th eiamach aasf aolM iiiS ana MiaawUrlrdaiapwd. TnepaUent had S d gamtil iIi-iii rr H ' '"""f Ha, ) H. Wrnm to. Im a) mmfm mmi iff SUMUOXS. In the Circuit Cjurt ol tbe state of Ore gon for Unn county, Department f . Thomas Morgan, plaintiff, v P. H. Marlay, defendant. To P. II. Marlay the abrre aamed de fendant. mnm u-p TC ntr 1 N THE NAME, ur j " I v . kamh rrnnired lo appearin the above entitled court and ant. werto tbe complaint of tbe above named f a ntia on nte xnreiB - ...... . ait day of tbe period of time preecrid lor tne puoiiii - -r-- vou, wnU peri-d of more thas , six ' ! 7 .. . Al tka Brat nnlillra ..717 The lilh lion or mi ""- - - , - day of Novrmler, 18tr9, and yon are for ther aotfied tnat if you fail b WMr and anwer , , id complaint and sumaions . . l .v.. nl.l.iifr will atv- ply to the court for tbe relief prayed lor la .' . , . i. Vnr a ibnai of bis compiamt, mw,. " .. , tbe shove entitled court adjudging and uecreeing that the plaintiff be deemed to be tbe owner In fee simple free of any lien of the following described real prop- ertj" f0-w,t! . . , u'n.. a i T.. Tbe 8outbwe yi " DCV" Vi ih. ship 13. South of Range 3 West ot the .t-il In Linn COUntr. Willamette juoi,v.--j ,,i Oreiron, and containing 160 acres ; and ' . . ..I. n . murla he I. Inn (bat tne levy ana is .. ---- ik. uxassmint roil for the ye 1894 be declared to be nn l and roil and that said sale be set wide and held for naught and that the ea'd I Ux deed at. maaa oy o.-" v. : i aside and tna mi p- .-"r, be the owner of .aid real e.Ute in fee im ple aid that Ibeclond resting onfMjMtt Sitle by reawn of raid te jdeedb inamd and that the defendant be decreed I ohave no interest in .aid lands, and that the plain tiff have judgment against the defendant for tbe costs and dwbursements of tbli suit The date or tne nrsi puoi v. snmmons is tbe 22nd day of BwlmbMr, 1809. aid tbe date of the last publication is November 18tb, 1899.. This summon, i pnolwbed lu the Statb Kiobts Dbmocbat by order ol Honorable Geo. D. Barton, County Judge of Linn county. Oregon, made and dated this tne 15th day of September. 1899. WBATHKJtrORD ik WTATT, Attorney for plaintiff. For Sale. I will sell for ,32.00 per acre my farm of 189 acres situated four miles northwest of Halsey, 10 ecres being under cultiva tion and balance pasture, timber and or chard. Good house and barn and every- ' l. -rwl ilratlnsa. AlBO. I llll UK cum uit i.w , , , will sell 71 acres two miles southwest of Sheridan, for 28 per ;- arm. i fenced and has bouse and barn. Ad dress the undersigned at Ashland, vr. 0. B. Sovxass, and tjlrl that hai to attain one. WALLACE HOWE LEE, President OF MUSIC AUD ART. WW New T Git, had I Htht sMo, wbirh mam M he i a namuet of tyairiaasv aa as palna were a sew that hrylaeius ! ! pctfcevlcaair rMmrwrm by SiHintie UOw Bk Y i sj l- " IiiuHiiii irMlllel kkae at art r WW a terra! & Mm RailM TIME CARD. S For Taqninai . . tit a n . ? Xrata leave aiceny p. m. srrlvee Yaqulna..,. 6:00 p. tn. 1 Returning i Leaves Ysqulna 7:00 a. m. Arrives Albany 12:26 p. m. 3 For Detroit l leaves Albany 7:40 a. m. Arrives Detroit 115 a. tn. 4 Returning i Leaves Detroit 12:20 p. m. Arrives Albany 6tSSn. m. 6Leevea Albany 6:05 p. m. Arrivss Corvallls 6.65 p. m. BLeavee Corvallls 6:40 a. m. Arrives Albany 7:zo a. tn. Una ami twA ennnact at Albanv and Corvallls with Soothers Paelflo trains, giving direct service to aud from Mew port and adjacent beacbe. No. runs Iroji Albsny to Oorvalhs on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays only No. 5 runs from Corvallls to Albany oo Toesdsys.Thnrsdayiand Saturdays only. Trains for the mountains arrive at De troit at noon, giving ample time to reach camping grounds on the Breltenbusb and Santlam rivers tbe .am day. jbDwiw erona, H. L. Walusm, Manager. T. F. A P. A. J. Tiwbb, Agent, Albany. T'-Oiiy HEW YORK WORLD Thricr-a-Week Edillon ' 18 Pages a Week ... 186 Paoera a Yeai For One Dollar llsfcedvry.leratayaeeplBan Tbe Thrice-a-Week Edition of Thb w York World 1 nrst among- an w-iy papers lu a,j, ..o-j- r ; and tbe freshts, accuracy and variety ol Itscontenrs. it ns i mo trreat $6 daily at he price of a dolla weeaiy. It poumsai iw p"""! SODA WATER from Sodaville, fresh, jUDl fCtvniYOl V vsa 'w - i.AeUKw,Mnb- AUa a fin thin it irom 2... a baha itA.I a Mm v-lr n art tv. ljfH XA llvnl HIT m i nm . - - r Marquon 111, bottled by John Burnett of Bweet uome. r 21 tVsvss1sJ)sftsis9 iJttBJgMHaSV PoUoHjMo Vail Mall v0f " inls.6:4P 8pm ... ... .if.ll. Uink Ppokan. Spokaue ." .ijiTaj Ht Kiver ane, MInneaiioiis, r o m lau , ' Mli 1:10 pm y,ukM, Chicago, A F'ye B.wO n M t . 8D,o OCEAN STEAMSHIPS 8P For Hsu Francisco- ... si... 1W- Cltlll ' . nnr TTMHIA RIVF-R. Jp ? sa as a W W II w u ussjisv . W1LLAMKTTEAND 8 P ; VAMHILLHIV. ,nmvumj, ..... 1 lav ton. weu. .andW' am WlWnyKui.4 Tuesdav Portland to Uorvam . Rw andW.y-Und.ngs. Uy and Sat. iv mm v LV tipt" M . vv HlVKtt li.W a:30am ,"r.lon Dally Dally IMP- W H.HURLBURT, W'"uin.l'e-. Agent, ji AW LINOS, Portland. Or Agent Aioauy. AND 800 PACIFIC LINE. All Bast a Solid sralibule iw , J-;T InV t: ace sleeping cars. u 'C"D, our o.h; IMI'FRIAl. l-i .. Finer American """ ".'i; ' ooST OIHBCT ABO CBBAPWt BOOTH KOOlCIUyV UllidlltpT District BAKl'sr, i.a!aa. uhh cnr. 4 a !. I TSAILc atHWLAUP Y .m. V,iJrfut country. Ak tbe a. o tl i wining oi tm OolumUai . .... f Atlantic Bteanwblp les. n....ln "Pact RV C Mail Steamsl line to China andJapr 0AB.01AB AOirraAUAB STBAaaa I .bib. tlil A0 ACtTBAUA. I The .borteat Hoe to tne Cclonie. T ,tawers carry an sxperieaced mj Tj . .,..lne oa every voyajr Uiau, ww - i i i. ..mnhlela. or aarl rot time . . oroattoa, call oa or addrses. . J ...a. a .... t I 11 inrtYLK. Ar't. U Curl and,0?: . - . , p A 4 LEGAL DIREGjj Albany i VT R Bllyeo, Fosbar e Masxia Wo" H uryans. i- vv-n ,,, A odereon Can non . P O jlock . J N Duncan, P O bloc T P Uackleman, Peame c oca. Judge I1U Hewitt, PO block. N B Humphrey. . Kelly A Curt, bank buUdlnt L II Motanye, Pearce block J C Powell, P O block. 0 E Sox, P O block. t LLbwann, Bank building. II Watson, nana uumuiub. . Weathertord'A, Bank I bnlU, Whitney A Newport, Ouelck block t w vrngnt, r v " I ahannn.' a-"" -i F M Garland. J Urownsville A A Tossing. T J llson FIRST ailiau ' ot Ai.BAit,oaBao, I a v aialT' a1Jat ...m. bbWIM(MiIbiI. . B-.-arliT-nt ... s m9 , i"Z- " w. fc TBABSAOTS AOMBBALota " ACOOUHTS BBPT eubjeotte - IOHT BXCHAWUB andtlsrapbl It M i K.w T-k Baa r-aUee.0hleaf e MW0BI ADEeii&jrbl r Tone ,Msli LsBs P4O0irr' b. Fsaiat I o i. run. , l ftinBiE.I li-ilaUl peraom of a nrchanlnal or ln Selrtaatrlptolha i-bti kipmiuuu TOJaaWBHi- m m ilTpftfla -Tftrltfi Obtained ilartedfor Alndcrr Bnndmoari.arawinuorpnoio, m. ntentablefrnecf cUar-a, Our foe not paUntUnennre'l. A famnlllet "How tain I'atmiU," with coi ot aame I Mii fortiu oountrie snt froo, au & SNOW & f Oee. PaTSHTOrna. . WMIe