The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, October 27, 1899, Image 5

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ji Commendable Thing.
Any ono having tnnguxlnus, novels,
I Imuiorous papers and turlodiu(tl that
ey nro willing to contribute to good
Bsc, kindly lusve them at J, A. Cutn"
jmg't or KneuhtA; Melter's. I wlH
lip them to tint 14th U.S. Infunliv.
fanila. I'. I.. a In mo nor cent of which
7rgt Oregon iiiun, mid were among the
'r Second Oregon'a boot friends. While
this li of small Importance to tin it Ii
highly appreciated by those no fur away.
Audi a little net of kindness shows lo
.I..X. ll..tu nra iini If Ihnv ILIA
regulars, and they are lighting under tho
( host Hun that any man over laid down
t his life (or. 1 wish to ihlp the reading
matter '.iy November Ut.
.., ......
M. I'. I Illl.l.II'i,
Late Ciipt, Co. 1, 3d Oregon.
A Bridge War.
The Marlon county court yesterday
nmnml two hlda for rttnalrlmr the Stay-
ton brldgo, one from if F, Koyel at $2,
'.AX) fend the other from J. IS. TllloUon at
$3,221. The I. Inn county court was not
present, and tho bid wire rejected and
tho bridge ordered closed iy mat court
H it now Linn county's turn.
The court passed lonit resolutions and
ordered tho following unit to Supervisor
Henry Kecne, of Dist. 60, at Btoytoii :
"You are licruby directed to close up
effectually the bridge over the Santlniii
river near Naylon so that the public
i mov be unable to una the itatiio, Iwi-auae
tho auld bridge la unsafe and dangtrous,
(dud Linn county haa stubbornly refuaetl
I In in ltn uroiiort utin'e hare ol the cx-
ptiiie of repairing in Id bridge."
The Dkmoiiut for several daya hai
fboit announcing the coming ol tha Met
jyopolllon 0er Co., ta take place today.
jTho company have not arrived, and tho
tliKMot'MAt In informed will not. It la re
1 obUmI tiv a womuiercial ui'iuU'iimn who
arrived thia noon that tho company
fwenl to pieces at HUlsuoro and did not
ome any lurthur man ionium cuunn.
n.l I.h Int m atitJ that thi'V were want
ing buck lo Portland. J'hu company la
ivtdenlly a picked up aiiair
I line HAi.K.-Corvsllls Tunes, October
!: "The hop crop of John Wbileaker
lias Uen marketed. The product of the
yard aggregated 30,000 pound, or I4K
tales. 11 brought li oeuU per pound,
f,r total nl 13.1100. It woa tmrchasod by
labor ft Neli. of Albany, lo whom the
civp waa delivered Haturday."
,' All memberi of I Oo.,and tho hom.tul
I corpe, are rcm-ated to meet at the rea-
Ment'O ol I., vieroca tomorrow oven'
lug at "::) o clock to uiako arrange
monia Ur attending tho reception to be
tendered by tho Orange at their hall in
th country on Saturday evening.
The Woodmen of America entertain
n.rnt annnoutiwd for next Hmturday
night hti ten potitHjned.
Tha MnunollA Ijtun try bortw ran away
thia aftcriKKin. iwing caught after going
two or three lilocka. fco damage.
W. If. ItaJwanX, Uio inauranco man,
ii in the city.
Ir. Albright, of Balem.haa been In tho
city a day or two.
V. L. Iavla and CSuy llufortl, of Tol
edo, have been in tho city.
. Joaeph H. Wilwn, tho Oorvellio law-
ver. ha moved to Hon r ranciaco to ro-
Mrt. J. W. Cuolcfc naa returned from
tho tprlngt in Una county, greatly im
proved in health.
Mine. Kliie Martin left this noon tor
Woodland, Calif., where alio will epend
tho winter ou o vlnit with her couiio
Mr. K. L l'eacock.
Manager Koehler of tho 8. P. apent
f lait night In Albany with liia opecinl car
and Una morning auried over the Ore
l gonian road on a tour of inapeclion.
Mr. Nicholla, haa returned from Atlio
na, where he haa been to attend bit
daughter, a teacher thoro who baa been
lick and whom he left conalderably Im
proved. I Pr. Itcardsley, who haa been tending
the pait year in and near Albany left
thla noon for tiun Antonio. Tex. He
tonteunplated stopping on the way. at
, liryon liot Hprlnga, lit California.
I Mr. Isnatx Fox, resident of Albany
for many years, haa sold bio pleasant
iresldento at the corner of Xroadalbin
and Fifth street to l'r. W. II. Davis, and
will close out his business in It is city
and about tho first of tho year wove to
Seattle to reside.
Mr. (Charlexl Robinson, (traveling for
the San Francisco Biscuit Co., was in the
city today on his regular tour oi uregon.
Mr. Ilobinson has the advantage of hav
ing come from the same part of the Un
ited States that the Dkmocbat man came
from. An exchange of courtesies re-
I vealed many common acquaintances.
Tho IUptist Convention at Portland
i elected tho following olllcers for the en
suing year: President, Kev. A. J. Hun
saker, of McMinnvillo; vice-president,
I E. Pcntland, Helix, Or. : correspond-
-jrfi eecrltary, Rev. Oilman Parker, of
a t Portland; recording oecritary, W. W.
Brooks; treasurer, W. B. Hall.
Mra. Captain W. II. Keating and
daughter left this noon for San Fran-
I clsoo, to meet Captain Keating of the
I Iowa regiment who la expected to arrive
i on the transport tomorrow from Manila.
Mrs. Keating would have gone earlier
J but for tho serious illneis of her daugh
t ter. Capt. Keating was ill when he left
Manila, but it is hoped that the ocean
voyage strengthened Him, as tt has
Tbomis Eglin, a leading citizen of
CorvaHls, died at bio home in ttiat city
st 8:30 Wednesday night, after an illneis
. of 10 days. He wss aged 71 years, and
for nearly a quarter of century bad
, copduo'cd a livery table In that city.
Lose no time la calling oa Will A
Stark for the best watches, guaranteed
i time keepers, and take your time in buy-
i inir. It is a pleasure to enow men
Imparts that peculiar lightness, sweetness,
and flavor noticed in the finest cake, short
cake, biscuit, rolls, crusts, etc., which ex
pert pastry cooks declare is unobtainable
by the use of any other leavening agent.
Made from pure, grape cream of tartan
wovai sakino eowoto
That Chalk Talk.
The date for 1'rof. Ilosecrons't chalk
Ulk at fie college baa been tet for Sat
urday evening Oct. 28. Tito admlaaion
will be 25 rente. The following la one of
many good testimonials that are up-to
il lo :
BAuru.Or., Oct. 11, 1MW.
Mr. 0. E. ltosecranx entertained ui
very highly by ii.achalktalk. Theplclur-
e were effectively put on the at and
ttiarunning lire ol comment made dur
ing their execution wai Instructive and
lie la an excellent entertainer bout in
original work and In adaptation and we
ehall welcome him whenever he cornea
to Salem again.
Pres. Willamette University.
From the Criterion :
Will Harris, one of Albany's bakers,
was in the city baturday.
Charlie Smith and Franc Pfeiffur wont
op to the A. T. ranch the lastot the
week and brought out their cattle lor
L, A. Wiley returned today
from i
rrineviiie, where tie went lo
Misses Anna and Sadie Marks,
take the I
who will
spend tho winter at that place with thuir
I ...... , .!. I
uruiuor, n ui, jiiaras, ir.
Dr. Cauthorn, formerly of Corvallis,
has opened an otTlco In this city (or the
practice of dentistry. Dr. Cauthorn
omos highly recommended both as a
man and a dentist.
The lecture on Woodcraft given by
Hon. Ralph K. Johnson last Friday
night was well attended. The lecture
was much better than that usually given
on such o-easions. The music rendered
by Miso Flkins, Miss llrownell and Prof.
Cundiff was all excellent and well op
The chitons of Tullman are circulating
a petition to the county court asking for
the opening of a county road along the
railroad track from Tollman to Uoitra.
It wlU not bo many jears befors there
will boa road direct irom Albany to this
place alongside the railroad.
Up the Santiam.
From the Statesman:
The Curtis Lumber Company are mov
ing their logging camp from near here to
one of their timber claims just below
berry. Their mills at Berry and Mill
City are being run to their fullest cap
acity, but the company It experincing
the usual trouble at this season in get
ting cars for their Kastero trade,
The bpoulding Loggirg Company have
a large camp in operation near Berry and
are putting out mge for the Curtiss comp
any as w ell as for the pulp mills at Ore
gon Cltv.tthe loiter being hemlock.
O'.Ncil Bros., from Lebanon, have a
force of nun id work at Magara putting
In adarr and otherwise preparing for the
erection of a pulp mill at that place.
Thia is one of tho best natural water
powers in tho country.
W. B. Lawler has returned to bis mines
In the Quartsville district from a tiip to
Salt Lake City. Mr. Belcher, who has
bonded the Albany mine in tho same
district came up from Beattlo recently
and is personally superintending the
wok being done on that property.
W. A. Currie, of Portland, ie working
a torse of men In the tunnel of his mine
at Mineral cut, and is taking out soni
tine-looklna aamolee. Thia uilne la loa
ated so near tho railroad that the tunnel
now being driven goes under the Uack.
Telegraph to Dawson.
A telegraph line has been completed
tA Dawson by the Postal Telegraph Co.
and the fol'owlng rates have been estab
From Rksgway to Glacier 75c tor 10
words; Summit, 80c; Middle Lake, 00c;
Lake Bennett, tl : Cariboo Crossing, $1 :
Tagish, $1.36; Miles Canyon, $l.&0;
White Horse, $1.00: Lower Lebarge,
$1.73; Hootalioqua, $2; Five Fingers,
$2.75: Fort Selkirk. $3.25: Dawson,
lo the abeve should be added the reg
ular rate to Vancouver, B. C. from
which point messages are forwarded by
stoamer to Skagway, end 26c expressage
on each from Vancouver to Skagway.
Total cost of a ten word message from
Albany to Dawson is $4.60 and 1 tent
evenue stamp.
Tnat Joyful Feelliij VST.
With the exhilarating senso o renewed
health and strength and internal clsanll
nets, which follows the nse ot Stiud o'
lias, is unknown to tbo few who have not
progressed beyond the ola-time medicine
and tne cheap ubst.i tutes sometime ottered
but never accepted by tne weir-mtormed
Bar the genuine. Manufactured by the
Oalitornia lg Syrup Lo.
To Cora Couatlpatlon 7orer
Take Cuararota Cunilv Cathartic lOoortta
If C. C. C, tail to sura, drugglats refund money.
CO., new voax.
The Junction Bulletin's writeupof the
Harnilton-Mosler episode in that city,
resulting In the arrest of Miss Mosier, at
Hamilton a Instance, la quite splcey.
Alter her discharge Hamilton and Miss
Mosier left Junction for Salem on the
same train, anting together, and me
Bulletin says tho citisens there are clsd
he got out ol town, and that be would
have been arrested hiinoc!! If he had not.
That tie has wife and daughter near
Sneaking of the death of Mrs. Henrv
Hewitt, mother of Judge lk-wiit, of this
city, tho McMinnvillo T. R.snvs: It Is
claimed that Vtr. and Mrs. Hewitt came
through with the first wngin train, and
that Mr. Hewitt drove the first wagon
down the western sIojh-s of the Blue
mountains, and the second into The
Dalles. He would have driven the first
wagon into The Dalles but another man
happened to get ahead of him. Bufore
this train of emigrants came w itlt wag
ons It Is claimed that the running (rears
of a wagon were brought ocrocs the
Rocky mountains but that wss all.
'A. T, Drnls is making arrangements to
oj ei a new store at Gales.
A new divorce suit is that of Antinctte
C. Banker agt. Joseph Banker.
Tho summary of Benton county's 1899
assesmuent roll shows the total taxable
property is valued at I2,f25.272. Total
taxable property last year was 2,581,035.
Tno Columbia and tho Shamrock 'got
eight miles on the course of their race to
day, when they struck calm, ore calm
struck them and tbey quit the race.
Will the agony evrr end.
Work la being pushed on the new side
track at the depot, mode necessary by
the large amount of business done at this
city, which has greatly increased the past
lew years.
Snltm men who have heretofore been
taken occasionally for double of ex-city
recorder Kd N. Ivdes wilt be interested
to know that be has accepted a position
as assistant operator at the CorvalliaJA
Eattrrn railroad ticket outre at Albany.
Aitorney-uenerai iiiackburn has ren
dered an opinion in which ho holds that
the county euperintendent of
county cannot withhold money from a
district in wutch there to now onlv one
pupil, both parents of the pupil being di
rectors and employing a member of the
family as teacher. The district there
fore draws $50 per annum, the same as a
district having several hundred students,
FM DAY .. ,
Who Is Ahead."
While the Marlon county court were
blowing and puffing like bippopotlmus
os about that Stayton bridge, ordering
it dosed etc., the Line county court wore
on tho move Tboy sent a man op there
and had tne Dridge oxea at a email ex
pense, so that it Is safe and io being
used. The people there won't have it
closed yet. and set down on the Marion
county toad supervisor who tried to take
up- o planks so it conldn't be used.
JWrge Tertell hod better take oome
ginger lor hie nerree.
Won the Cup.
The great international yacht race was
ended today oy the Columbia winning
the third and last race, from the Sham
rock, after many 'delays and numerous
windless days, me cup thus remains in
the united states, where it lias been so
long, regsrdleos nf the desperate effort
to get a boat that could take it arcoes
tn ocean.;
The Telephone System.
lue following is a list oi new names
procured so fsr for the new Telephono
system to be installed hero soon:
Collins & Hodges dentists. C. E
Brownell store, F. 1. Nutting, residence.
E. F. Fsntoc grower, itoro. Emit Etter
residence, J. H. Howard, Father Louis
Metayer, It. r Mcllwain, Loyd Irvine
resiurnre, a. u. aeai, res dence, 8 A.
Sobllttlerresid nee, Mis, E. II. Merrill,
residence, Smiley the printer, Mrs. W.
Monteith, Mre. i. M. Irvine, R. Veal A
Sons, Co i, rod Meyer residence, Hen
dricks Barber 6bop, J. K. Davio Fish
and Poultry, Mre. Inas Peterson, Dray
mans neauquariers.ur. tvm. a. Trimble
resilience, Frank Sperger residence.
Knrsko HorneM Oil Is ths best
prfwerratlTe or sew leather
and ths baat renovator ol old
leather. It olla, aoftena, black
ens and protect. Use . . ..
Harnoss Oil
oa your beat hameaa, your old bar.
neaa, and your oarrtac top, and they
will not only look better but wear
lonaar. Bold every whore la oam all
alaaa from half plnta to Ave gallona, '
Harnlsh, the Albany photogrspher,
will be a his Hclo gallery, Saturday
morning, Oct. 21,snd remsln three days
Cell on Saturday and avoid tho rush.
Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Peery enjoyed a
eoupl-of days visit with Mr. sn Mrs
Orson Coffee, st their homo in Kala.n.
Wash., after the close of ths K. P. grand
lodge, at Porllsnd last week, to winch
Mark was a delegate.
pr and Mrs II K. Palmer, arrived in
Help Tuesday, and art the gut-sto of Dr.
and Mrs. A. ii PH. I. Dr. Falmer ones
resided in Scio and hss a hott of friends
here who are pleased lo know that ho is
enjoy. ug quits lurat!vo practice lo
A. P. Reynolds is sueerlnteadlna the
building of the large warehouse for the
Flax kiber cotnpaay. The foundation is
about completed, and tho builJii.g,wblcb
is 60x100 leet in size and 20 feet hlah.
will be rushed to completion ss fast ss
men can do the work. '
Deputy Game Warden "Jack" Miller
was over frcrn Albany Monday night.
Ho woo accompanied by R. D. Clavsn,
but no amount of iolerrigatioos couldpo
dure them to say what licenia tht. had
to be here, although they were alone bat
come over In a double carriage. Riley
Calavan bad on a new bat. It was quite
an expensive besdgesr; be said it cost I
him I0 in Albsoy, and we sre satisfied
that it cost blin about $7 while here.
There ws a iollv eood tim mt rvti
Fellows hall in this city last IWnrilav
evening the occasion being the confering
of two degrees upon seven csndldstes
fiomOroen Mountain lodge at Gates.
There wore stxut 60 visiting Odd Fellows
prevent to witness the lesm wo k, cow
ing from Albany. Stsyton. Mill City and
Gates. A splendid midiiigbt lunch was
served at the Scio hotel. Ode ol the
mos'. plrssant fuatmes of the night
work was an address by Grand Matter
J. K. WestherlorJ, whose remarks have
since been Hie source of msov words of
II. C. Watson, the lawyer, Us been in
V. Uuse, of Marrifburg, hss been in
the city todsy.
Fisnk DuDiie.Poriland's popular paint
uiau, uaa imn 10 ioe cny.
Judge M . C. Gei.rtfH. oi tha fnrtlanrl
circuit couit, is conhiiei to bit borne by
License lias been issued tar tho mar.
riage ot Juhn W oods and Martha J.
0. B. Winn, cenaua mnarvlanr. ralnrrt.
ed yesierJay from a busiuet trin to
II. E. Lounsbury. cf the freight de
partment of the Southern Pacitic, has
been in the city.
Charles Kingler. ru.ller for the Port-
lend Telegram, has been in tbo city in
tbo inteiest of that paper.
Kev. A.J. Sturtevsnt returned this
noon from Portland, where he bad been
to attend the state Baptist convention.
The marriage of Edwin lones, of Port
land, and Lula Purdy.of Corvsiiis, is an-
nouncedlo take place oext Wednesday.
II. B. Draper, who has been laying
brick on the asylum wing, and wife, re
turned to Albany today Salem Jour
M'so F.ora Marks left todsy lor Sao
Fraocisco. where aha will enter a arhnol
for nurses, wita the purpose of making
it uuBincae.
Ex-Sheriff Jackson waa in the city vea
terday. Mr. Jackson's thresher this
year msde an average of over 2000 bush
els a day.
Kev. W. E. Copeland, the Unitarian
preacher of Salem will bold services in
the Pearce Memorial church next Son
day morning at 11 c'clock. Subject,
"God is Love."
Albai yieole registered at the Port
land hotels yes'erdoy were Edwin Stone
ami wife . E. W. Lsngdoo, H. O. Wat
son, C. II. Stewart and A. W. Foshay.
Mr. Lair Thompson, a student in Mc
Minoville college, came up this noon to
work on tho Herald while Miss Mont
gomery takes a week's vacation on a trip
to the exposition and other places.
Frank Simpson, the TJ. of O's coscb,
was to arrive this afternoon from Cal
ifornia. Great tbiugo are to be expect!
from him. Will Albaoy be able to win
enough games to plav Eugene. Stranger
things nave happened.
William Teutsch.a well-known cltisen
of Creswell precinct, died Wednesday at
bis borne one mile south of tbst place
aged about 70 years. He bad been an
invalid for tome time. Deceased leaves
a wife, daughter, Mrs B F Scott, of Cres
well; sons, LeeToutscb, of Pendleton.
W A Teutsch, ot Ssn Francisco, Jake
Teutsch, of Dallas, Texas, end one other
ton and daughter. Guard.
The famous Miss Oliver, ot nstional
reputation, who delineates Scoich char
actor in such a rsmarkable manner, gave
on entertainment in Portland last night.
Ian McOlaren said of her: "I never
thocht there could be tic a wommao in
the war!." Miss Oliver will beta Al
bsny two or three daye in November and
will give an entertainment on the even
ing oi Nov. 6th, which no doubt many
Albany people will wish to hear.
The ladies ot . the Congregational
church yesterdsy afternoon- tendered
Mrs. Rev. J. W. Harris a reception at
the residence of Mr. Martin Payne,' a
very pleassnt affair, enjoyed by old and
new friends of this popular lad. Among
the features of the aftenoon were a ocal
sol) by Miss Ellis and a piano solo by
Miss Brownell, both greatly appreciated.
Refreshments were served. . Airs. Har
ris's visit here has recalled many mem
ories of her res.dencs hero many years
ago. i
16, 1899, at the Dunkard M.U., by
Jacob Roth, a minister ot the gospel
- ordained by Atnib, Mr. Martin E.
Roth and Miss Rosa Nouscbwander,
twoestimable young people, who have
tbe best wishes of all knowing them.
on Wednesday evening, October 18,
1899, at the Evangelical parsonage,
by the brother" of tbe bride, Rev.
Loula Anderson, Mr. Fred Walter
of Jefferson, and Miss Trine Ander
son, of Albany.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter have the best,
hes'of many friends. The happy cvu-
eft'this afternoon for Portland on a
t trip.
At fAimai rauca.
(haa otm-iMrtl
SUAlASrtl to lit ton
atfrn, and W
iieTiv a&
lmr Imnaa MMM Im. lll'iMratwl tbrrrm, ratthla
trM. or oar al.M torn
ul. out a4 anwl vBiUiMa annul, ran 1.
Mat jroar RVteiii. W.if M. if, turm lon yim b hm
mptnwL wtwibar ruptara IslarvaornnaHt alitf. Plata
atlmbar Inflhea arrrtind th w&y on a Una with tha
ruptara, nay vhatlwr rnfMnra t oa nnt or Mf no,
ana wa will wn4 .itbar tnim torn with tha aiuter-
Undlnff. If tt to aM a nul ft mm ....! la Inw laa
Mall M taraa Natian rrlrt,roa eaa ntata It aa4 w
win return your monsy. .
white fob fnnmm csTsiociie STJaiSS L
ml Xrmnn. I .... I ...II l.g lh S ll'.W Urn TnM 01) 1C
tk.l mmrm llw.1 mmf n, mm whl.ka.wll tor W It I J
SEARS, ROEBUCK ve vnivseu
The Stayton Bridge.
Editob Dxmockat :
I noti in last eveuing't Dxmocsat on
item ot news, botded, 4 Bridge War.
Now this last sentence is a misnomer,for
to successfully engsge in wsr, requires
st least the psiticipstion of taw parties
who are irilatod and lost their heeds,
while in this Stsyton brido matter the
Linn County Ourt is. and bas at all
times, been perfectly docile, gentle and
dove like in its demeanor, pursuing the
even tenor oi its pesceiai way, with per
fect equanimity, without a ruffled feath
er, and good wilt to all, yea, even to our
erring brethren of the Moron County
Our court after a very carelnl and crit
ical examination ol the bridge in contro
versy, assisted by Mr. Frana Mill.r. a
civil engineer and a specially skillful and
expert bridge builder, are ol the onani-
oiousopiniontbat ssid bridge is absolute'
ly safe for public use, especially so since
the defective end brace to toe main span
has been replaced by a new one, which
repair woo completed by order of the
Liun County Coart on the 10'. u ol this
ol tho present month.
uor court bas not been convinced bv
bluff and bluster that large sums of pub
lic money suouni be uselessly extended
in replacing good sound timbers of this
bridge wmt atw ooef.and the court bav
ing entered such an crder will maintain
the same until such time as it becomes
spparent that wo were in rror. We will
not contend with the Marion County
court in i:s tearing up or otherwise de
stroying the north tall of the Stayton
bridge, bat we will prosecute to the full
extent ol tbe law any person or persons,
tearing op or barcading or otherwise in
terfering with that portion of said
bridge situated in Linn County, Oregon
Foot Ball
Tbe Cbemowas and Multoomaha will
play foot ball at Portland on tbe 28th.
Cbemawa will play with tbe TJ. ot O- on
Nov. 4. St cxney ot the Multnomah,
an old Yale man, is coaching the O. A. C.
Tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock there
will be a game at tbe college compos be
tween tbe first and second teams, with
sixteen men on the sccend le-m, and tho
regular number on tbe Oral. Admission
One week from tomorrow Albaoy and
Salem will play at this city. It will be
Albany's first regular some and will
show what metal tbe team is made of.
George Pratt baa resigned as manager
oi tbe Aibameo and uwen Beam naa
been elected to the poailioo.
A gold watch and $29.60 in money were
recently stolen from a room in tbe
Franklin bouse.
Tbe Salem Journal is after a recent ad
vertising solicitor wbo pa seed through
tbe valley, red hot.
W. W. Rowellond party killed two
deer, or rather Mr. Rowell did, near bis
Calapooia homestead.
Capt. Wells will deliver his Philippine
lecture In Albany on October 27 under
tbe auspices of the A. O. U. W.
A Lebanon man who traded bis farm
for a Sherman county farm wants to get
back to tbe valley and badly.
When yon come to Albany to trade.
and this it tbe bargain city of the valley,
consult the columns of the Democrat,
and call where yoa ere you are invited.
ratrouixe enterprising men.
The Corvallis-Union soya Wallace
is ssn nas rouea np nis sleeves end is
making one of the prettiest and finest
farms anywhere at jSashville.. i
Tbe Monmouth correspondent of the
Independence Enterprise esys: Mrs.
Sallie Eddleman, of Albany, who io 66
years ot age, averaged four boxes of hope
per aay in Nr. waitison yard.
The Corvallis-Union tells of a dove
which lived two weeks and then died,
when it was ascertained that it did not
have a single bone in its body. Tne case
it a remarsable one.
Two train losds ol Montana soldiers.
about three hundred fifty in all, will ar
rive at Albany at 4:40 this alter noon, re
maining about an hour for dinner. Mod-
tana sent out a one regiment and tbe
boys are entitled to first-class treatment.
A gentleman who saw the Metropoli
tan opera company says they were a
tough looking crowd as a whole. It is
said they were considerably intoxicated
at Hillsooro. The next nigbt they bad
an audience of sixteen at McMinnvillo.
Tbe Telephone company's solicitors
are adding eight or ten subeciiberaa day
to their list. The company are making
arrangements' t spend six or seven
thousand dollars oa (he improvement of
their exchange here and a big list will be
necessary to keep it up. . , ; .
Nearly all ot the republican weeklies
tn Oregon are running a 12-inch adver
tisement for the New Yoik Tribune, ed
ited by Whitelaw Reid. " Tboy do tbla in
order to have the Tribune "exchange"
with teem. This, la the face of the fact
that Wblteiaw Reid it bitterly opposed
toimperlalism snd tbe war in the Phii
ippinee. Ex., , . ,
A dispatch from Yaquina says' that a
gale hao blown for tbe cost 24 hours, be
ing accompanied by nsavy rain and
thunder and lightning. The heavy sea
yesterday carried away about 700 feel of
tbe north ietty. Tbe total length of that
jetty was about 8300 feet, and it was ptit
of improvements that cost about $7lK-
000. By tbe time ths government goto
ready to aot there wont be much jetty
leit. -
H, M. Stone, of Oakville, recently
built a $107 bridge in Benton county.
Mrs. Ed McCarty,of Balem, io in tbe
city on a visit the gueot of Mrs. E. 0.
Quartermaster flergeant George liar
came up from Vancouver this noon on a
two days furlough.
A boot twenty members of I Co will
go to Grsngo No. 10 tonight to attenJ ft
reception to be tendered them there.
Ex-sheriff J. K. Charlton fs now at
Ballard, Mo., on a vioit after having re
cently been with hit son in Denver.
1.1 Tfinnfi.i:eTtt aI rinltla ft.a
uouiT....', v, wi fain., mimm
obargo of the W. U. daring tbe absence
oi Mr. Beooera in fortlsnd.
Charles Farrell returns d on last night's
overland from Pendleton, where be baa
been working n tbe woolen mill.
Union Y P 8 C E services will be bold
in the UP church at 6 o'clock. Tbe
young people of tbe city generally are
invited to be present.
Peter Sluisel, a cspitalist of Albany, in
company witn bio family, is vtoiting hie
nu-iiri.,, urm lull. WII1I0 MBing IO
tne exposition. uregonien.
Miss Mamie Donahoe will b in frnm
Munkers today to meet Leo and Etta
Egan, of Albany, who will be her guests
over Sunday . J effurron Review.
Rev. T. L. Elliot. the Unitarian min
is. er of Portland for many years, wao in
tbe city this week. He hss been at
Lebanon to condoct a funeral.
J. A. Hafges and George Bemia are
jurymen from Fairmonnt precinct acrosa
mo iitw w ,uo neat circuit court to con
vene in CorvslMs on November 8.
Mrs. J. p. McErlane. who has been
visiting at the home of A. Bidcliff for
tbrte weeks past, left for her home at
Albany last evening. Ashland Tidings-
There is a new and onlv asm ar il hr
in tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. VanWinkle
at Weston .Oregon. Mrs. Van Winkle, in
Corvallif, was Miss Kafe Carlile. Tim
Mr. Matt Scott returned yesterday
from a trip across tbe mountains, bring
ing borne about twenty head of cattle
for tbe volley xnarset. Tbe demand it
great without much in eight ahead.
A very enjoyable social was aiven by
the ladies of tbe Baptist church at tbe
residence ot J. A. McFeron Isst evening.
Tbe time wot passed in listening to a
good program, plsyiog gomes and par
taking of on excellent lunch.
James Gatena and Newt Hnilliama nf
Beaver creek were in town last Sat
urday as witnesses for Prof. George
Bruce of Albany, wbo made proof on his
homestesd before County Clerk Lutz.
To'.cdj Leader.
The Masonic lodge, of this city, bad
one ot their wayup times Saturdar
night. Am ng visiting brethren were
D P Mason, I O Dickey and N B Wash
burn, of Albany, and Jos Lynch, of Ore
gon City. Festivities concluded with a
supper. Jefferson Review.
Mrs. William Mac key, who is now lo
cated in Spoksne, it in Corvallio for a
few days. While in tbe British Colum
bia mining regions she hemma intn.ata
in'mining property, out of which she
waa fortunate enough to make handeomw
pro tits. Corvallis Times.
In speaking about goberoatorial tim
ber for tbe next beat oome one bas said
tbat Hon. H. H. Hewitt was built about
riahr Inifam Ifawit, i. T .VI.
man, and would be a credit to the state
as either governor or congressman from
the first district. Salem Sentinel.
Mrs. Frsnk vvood snd son Boy will
leave tonight for Oroville, Calif., where
tbey will join Mr. Wood, wbo left for
there several weeks ago. They may lo
cate there. Albany will thus lose some
of her best citizens. Tbey have the best
wishes in their new borne of Albany
people generaby. , . v
The Woodmen are to have an annual
hunt on Oct. 28, at and around Browne
ville. Gome io to count all tbe way from
3 for kildees and squirrels to 1,000 for
brffalos.prscttcally 100 for dee.-. Chinese
pheasants will be 10, natives 12, quail
16, geese 25, mallard ducks 20. coyotes 7 J
etc. R.U.Chaplin and F. M. Brown
are leaders of tbe respective sides. ;
An exchange states that W. S. Van
derberg. tbe popoliet who once repre
rented the extreme South-wesiern Ore
gon in the stale senate and later csme
near getting elected to coogrest,snd wbo
has recently been a hook agent in Curry
county, has accepted a position with a
San Francisco commission house and de
parted from Oregon.
The Leisure Hour Sook Club hat been
organized with Mrs. H. O. Watson aa
rresident snd Mrs. W. O. Tweedalo aa
secretary and treasurer. The club is on
excellent thing.. Tbe plan is about this.
Each member pays annually $3. With
the fund up to-date looks ore purchaser
and passed from member to member,
each one keeping a book two weeks, thus
having the opportunity, at a nom
inal tost, of reading all the latest books.
At the end ol tbe year the books are div
ided among tbe members. Once a month
a social meeting i held at tbe home of
oome member. Tbe club met with afro.
Fortmiller yesterday. It haa made a
flourehing start.
Mrs. G. A. Dyson and family went to
Eugene today wbeie they will take up
their future residence. Tbe Dysons will
be greatly mimed, tbey having been
identified with tbe npbnilingof this city
almost from its infancy. Mr. Dyson
published the first paper printed in the
city a very crude offair.but etilt a news
paper tbe one given the credit for se
curing the bniiding oi tbe old Oregonisn
narrow-gauge railway through tnio sec
tion. Their many friends greatly regret
their departure and wish them tbe best
things of life in their, new borne.
Brownsville Timet. . . .
The first national bank in tbo Unittd
States was incorporated by Congress, De
cember 81, 1783. .,,"..
The firat compass was nsed in France
in 1150, tboqgh-tbe Chinese are said to
bavemployfd the lodectone earlier.
Ik you have a job of printlns to a
la a hurry icr taae it to
Smilky, Tbe Printer.
Fresh Oysters
at Stetter'e, Albany's LudiogR'staur-