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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1899)
to moaat. Washington Lejtttr. (Trvm Our Rgnl r Corrsqiondsnt.) Washington, Oct. I3tb, 1899. Senator Jonri, chairman of t tie demo cratic national committee returned to WiiBUugloa tlii week entirely restored to health. Since hia anival lie bai fa miliarised himself with the political out look, and aaya the litaalion in Kentucky While somewhat invol.ed, la not terloui nd that be ia confident Goebel will win. Ex-Senator Blackburn, who waa in Washington eeveral days thia week, says he wai never more certain of anything in LU life than that Goebel will be the next governor of Kentucky. Senator Jones aaya tbat all tbe information he baa Lad from Ohio baa been decidedly favorable to democratic success in the atate. Speaking of tbe proposed removal of headquarter of tbe national committee from Chicago to Washington. Senator Jonea (aid it waa a matter of fact that would be left largely to the judgment of vice chairman Johnson, who baa bad charge of the committee affair for aome month. Of the general outlook Senator jonea (aid : "Nationally the democratic party is In th best of shape. We have the beat of it on alt issues. We are op posed to trusts, and we eball put our selves on record aa being againat them The anti-expansion sentiment ia growing every day, and the people know that the democratic party is consistent in its oo position to imperialism . I can only re affirm the position which was taken be i . rare i. went away, x cannot see now a man can believe in tbe Declaration of Independence and at the eame time cla mor for tbe subjugatios tf a people who are fighting for freedom." Wall Street operators always know tbat when a republican apminietration is in power they can count upon assist ance whenever their manipulations create a stringency in the money mar set. Consequently tbey never heeitate to create a stringency if thereby thev can aecure a profit. Itiatbe old. old atory and nobody was surprised at the official announcement made this week, that the U. S. treasury bad once more lent ita aid to Ue ruony sberpera of Wall street by deciding to anticipate the payment of the interest upon tbe entire public debt for tbe remaioder of the fis cal year ending June 40, 1900. Otis haan't any admirers to apare out- aide of tbe war department, but there ia a generft .it-ntion to object to hia be- ins made 'jjacie a scapegoat because of nia inability, Ircm natural causes, to carry oat orders which never would have been issued but ior Hanoi's report tbat something must be done to aroase some administration enthusiasm io Ohio. Amttm-Ge-BrHin and the lransvaal republic seema likely to result in giving tbe commander of the south Atlantic squadron a prominence that wag not not thought of when Admi ral Schley was assigned to that position . One of the the sbipa of that sqaad-on tbe Montgomery baa already been or dered to Sjuth African waters to look out for American interests, and it is said at tbe navy department that the Cbica go, which will be Admiral Schley's flag ship, will follow aa soon as she can be got ready to irake tbe trip, which will Dfl in about two weeks. When Schley starts on tbat trip be will carry the good wishes of thousands, who would ;like to lee him win new honor, and wbo know that he will do so if the opportunity offers. Io the ycLt race the Yankee was too mucb for the Eogllihmua at erery tack both In the construction of tbe boat and tH manner of sail'ng It. The recent totall campaign of Otis waa evidently purely tor political effect in connection !th the Ohio election. At the proper time there should te a cam paign for business regardles of politics andtbewartnded. It is not a pleasant thing for everything to be done simply tor political effect. England ia pushing her expansion pol in a'.inanner to let the world know that Great Britain is ea empire of magnitude and continue in the race. The south African war is empatically an imperialism tic one. The SaoPranciaco Examiner should stop ita fight against the Southern Paciflo railroad long enough to thank tbat road tor the splendid terviceit is giving in presenting the people of Oregon with cop ies of tbe Examiner of the day previous, msver before'doneantil the recent ebangfe j The Watertown Times ftari that the spectacle of a horse gracing in a trout yard w jile a gjoee kept bim from straying by holding tbe halter, did not attract so much attention aa It would if tbe goose had not bseu a "tailor's gooee,'' weigh ing about twenty pouuds. Christian Nation. (From the Boston 'j'ransorlpt.) Look ye forth, ye Christina nations, o'e' the old earth's lands afar; From the south sky to the north iky, one ablaie with Bethlehem's star, Frjiu the east eea to the west sea war and threateuings of war, Ana the Cross high oyer all 1 Do ye think the lengthening centuries have made null Love's grave com mauds? Do ye thitis the tramp of armies drowns tbe voice of His commands? Or your cannons' crash the weeping tbat is rising trout the lands, With the Grots high over ell! Ye wbo prate ot truth and freedom, fori whose life your fathers died ; Ye, the prophets oi tbat freedom, which today bang crucified la those far Paciflo islands, lapped In empire'a blood-red tide. And tbe Cross high over all I Toward ilia judgment aeat eternal tread ye all life's sacrtd way; Wbo tbecooqueroia, wbo tbe conquered He alone can truly say; By the love ye bear your brothers ahall He judge ye all, one day,' With the Cross high over all I MISFITS. FOR GOLF RASH Hnat ttatli, Inllaimnatlon, Itching, Irritations anil dialing, umtue or offeuilre perspiration, aiut many other sanative ium, nothing so cooling, pttrirylng, and refraining a a bath with CtTioiA Soap, followed In the severer forma by ganile anolntluga with CinrioeaU, the great akin cure anil purest of emollient. fctrtim friar h imrm all nH las moat ttf Ilia aurir. In anil aavlinrla u aall u Ih. puna, ni ivmimI v MM. aalh, Mil aanwrr. ll Ihrou.a. iit IK. amla). tVrraa Dat'u l roar.. aula alaa.BuaMa. - llaa a liar. BaaaUnai aala," tn. That opera company had a big name, but big names like big kettles may bs empty. . A box factory is to be started in Salem without a bonus being ark tor. Remarkable. Sir Thomas Liptoo, owner of the Shamrock, is a gentleman, regardless of the result of tbe race. Here's to ye. A backwoods preacher discoursed on tbe parabteof the prodigal aon, aoJ in alluding to the fatted caif, which was killed when the prodigal returned, Le aaid: "Brothers and sister, you must remember that this was no ordinary call bnt on the contrary it was a extraardi nary calf, selected because fo neither spot nor blemish, and had been the pet of the household tor many yeais." SATURDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS. A weeks review is not con pie te with out some mention to the wars that are transpiring in far different parts of the world. Just now tbe Boer war is having the big bead line, while the Philippine war has to be satisfied with minor heads but tbey are.liabl to be expand at any time. England and the United States are about neck and neck, so far as pres- eot war matters go, a republic racing a lb an empire for expansion. Talking ot war, what is tlio matter ot the Stayton bridge war. Get In gentle man and make the tlr My. The Ingenuity of man will never be able to have a yacht race without wind. One might aa well think of windless pontics. Contrary to the prevalent opinion, cor poial punishment is not allowed In Ktia siu except in the case of unruly peasants. In schools the rod is quite unknown, and the use of it would create a riot. A trunt examiner Is being troro'd lie would be the gtealrst jok of tbe an, W. A. Storey, of Portland, 'has'nainvd his promising colt Joe Slmou became Mlmon Iik won every otllt-e I ever tried for. Bet the colt will never win a race. not names but blood tells. A tutor who tooted the llulo Tried to tench to young tootera to loot. Said the two to the tutor, "It is harder to toot, or Te tutor two looters to toot?" Some ot Salem's advertisers should to pleased to know that certain newspaper I in the nelchnortnii towns winch cany the advertisement of Salem bnalnrss houses are Industriously engaged In spreading "the smallpox Stare," In I depend! t. In l.lnn county they are busy spreading the iowu clook scare. John Burnett, otCorvalll, has come out strong in favor ot tit Boers, lie oloes a live article in Ike Times with "Uod love a brave man- All honor to Oom raul." The Waterloo correspondent ot the E A. Is a live number. He writ- up the roads around that place aa follows : " We are In favor of having some man with short lower brunches appointed as road overseer next time. The present In cumbent only steps on the high places, and consequently does not know that lite road rom the junction ot PoriavHIe, Waterloo and 8wet Home oeda to Mr. Vale's look line an old Mixouri bog wallow. An Inverted fence worm would be level compared with thia section ol the road A fellow on a bicycle a f-w nights since tried to ford Harrison' slough. When found he said lie thought lie was O. k as the slough wis beuer 1'ian tne road. f bat is a very sensational report from she Philippines about Gitneral Pillar of the insurgents' army offering to still out for $509,000. If trus it is very mucb in keeping with the apparent character of tbe r inpinor. mere has always been things to indicate tbat Acquinaldo was a hireling of some foreign nation. It is goiog to be a very unfortunate .thing icr tbe United State to bave aa a part of it body politic any such kind ot a people . All Sorts. The sandwich was named for lb Earl ef Sandwich. a. negro wearing a monocle n the streets of Baltimore tbe other day, ex cited an interest among tbe pasaersby. the American ears : Many eolored peo ple wear spectacles, but they cannot wear eye glasses, owing to the flatness ol toe nose. Tbe Minnesota Valley Historical so ciety has decided to build a granite shaft 52 feet high to tbe memory of Indians wbo befriended white settlers during tt Sioux rebellion of 1862. It will be loca ted on state land near tbe village of Morton. Mexieo sold the United Slatea2,OO0,- 000 worth ot nide last year. Japan bought over $1,000,000 worth ot sugar last year from Germany. All thai emery in the world cornea from the little island of Naxos, near Greece. Switzerland btf at preient 328 co-op erative associationa for buj lug food, with 104,920. member. Tbe Nargansett Indian bad adiab caU. ed m'eickquatasb, which we have bor rowed and named soecot aib . Tbe screw of an Attaotic liner revol yes something like 630,000 times between Liverpool and New York. Charlotte corns from the old Eoglisb i word cbarly t meaning a dish ot costard and charlotte ruste is simDlr Russian enstard- There are 1,640 cc-operative societies in Great Britain, with more than 1,500,000 members doing a business of $323,000,000 ayear. At present Australasia i the largest producer of wool in the world. With Rus ia second tbe Argentine republic third and the United State fonrtb. Whea potatoes were first introduced in Germany they were for a longtime like tomatces, cultivated raerelv as a curiosity Nj one ate them even pigs relusing them. Something entirely new in China is tbat tbe Red Croj float over a fully eat I- ped hospital, where from 60 to 100 or more patient are treated daily. The hosoit is in charge of four native physicians. A great yacht ra.e ha been run dur ing the week, or rather finished, tor it was begun sometime ago, and tbe public ia In a position to breath freely aain, for the enp is ours for eeveral years more until England aball be able to get another millionaire to put up tbe pound for another boat and the equipment ot the earn. To result again demon strates the Uct that Uocle Sam is tbe moat iogeniu man living, and that when it come ta sharp point John Ball is not in thesameclass. Building yacht is a science and the making of one that I can outsail anything in the world is a learner in tne cap ot auybotiy. iry ajaia, John Boll, and the ne?t time may the winds blow from the start and tbe race be finished without so mucb aggra vating waiting. Vals Shamrock. Tbe foot ball season is now on with a vaogeaoce, and the pig akia i tbe cen ter of the spot tiog world ot amateurs, being kicked from goal to goal and set npon at every down. It may be rough, bat there is no game playei tbat takes the generalship and tact for suocees that foot ball doe when properly played. A Newton, Mass., youog lady saw a peculiar feature In a church inaMalusJ town which she visited this sommir Hearing the cooing of a dove, she looked around and saw while dove perched on tbe organ and listening t- tbe music with -great appreciation. She learned aferward tbat tbe dovs bad been a regu lar attendant at church for eigbt or teo yeais, being attracted by the music, of which it was very fond. It waa twelve year ofd, and was the pet at a lady who lived near. Alter church tbe dove was taken to bi Sunday-ecbool class by a boy, and seemed to enjoy the proceed log. Uolike many cburcb goer, tbe weather made no difference to tbe dove but every Sunday, lummer or winter, h was at bis post on the organ. Inferring to the Boor war the S!cm Journal say: The Albanv DKMOcnarU edited by a Christian gentleman who ex presees 111 a nut shell what should be the attitude of all Christian 'people. According to some people' ideas now- days, just before election, to lie a pa- irioi, u man muni do in lavor 01 annex ing alt the pagans of the seas, regard lev ol the fact that we have been passin; taws riK'iu aiong against admitting as desirable a people. An exchange sav that one-third of the fools in this country think they can beat the lawyer expounding tlio law- one-half of them think thev can beat the doctor heal inn the sick: two-thinia ot them Ih ink they can beat the preach er preach:ng the gospel ami all of them know they can beat the editor running the newspaper. The new time table offer a splendid opportunity for the people of Salem and town th ride to como to Albany and secure the advantage of our tiperlor ! iotto ior trailing, from jznuio 3:3.) will give at least three hours fur the purpose. Albany Dkmtcrat. More people aie coming to Salem to trado from town like Cooper' Hollow, Slabtown, Pumpkin ville and Hoonville than ever before. Bye-and-Bye Albany will catch on. Journal. Shake, now we are even. IS'estnitl), ol Oregon, bad never bron at the capital until after tils election at senator, and of cntirse he was much i in pressed bv hi new ur rounding, lie wa sworn In alone, being ccor ted to tbe vice preeiden's dvk by a senator from Pennsylvania, and the scene tlllrd him a uh awe. Some month later, when be had grown familiar with iellow senator site? autroundtuiis, and been discovers 1 t j be the tutst companionable ol a as atked aa to his feelings when he nrst entered the senaiechamoer. lie replied tbat when he waited down the aile to take the oath, and viewed the white and venerable bead on either side of him. bis heart lumped to his throst ind lie could haidly refrain from saying aloi iemttl), bow la the devil did yon get nere J' "Well, taid a colleague, "now tbat you have been with u six month and are no longer a stranger, what ars roar feelings as you look over the augoil 00077 "Well." retlid Neemlth. "now that I've bad a rhance to meet you all and take the meatnre of each. 1 look on the old bald pate by which I am'hedged In. and involuii'arv ak tnyetlf, 'Nrmlth, now the devil did tbey eter get ber7 ' N.Y Bud. Blow 11 Up. LtiNboK, Oct. SO. It I rumored th the Btntr attnoktul Matching In force, but were repulsed. The deluiulers, to ing the enemy retreating, pursued thorn for some .Untune. Then feint wai m ml nnd they comment'ed to retire on the town, allowing themselves to be driv en by fb Boors, who, enger to tetrlvo their position, again ndvuiicod to the at tack and were drawn ovor lyddite ml no 'aid lor the tlefenae td the town. It Is rumor, d tlmt lftOO lUnr were kllU'd by the explosion. Grunt Northern Hti Ik. St. Paul. Oct. lit. A ueneral strike 011 the Great Northern will 1 nimbly ocrur within few days. It will Include con- Junior, engineer, firemen, brnkeinun ind switchmen, ami tl,e men expect lo 1I0 tip the roul Iroin end and end. In tlio great strike of flv year ago, the con diit'tora held aloof, but they nave been brought Into the present trouble by a re- eon order reoulr nit them to nay bond covering daiiingea to trains uutler tliolr charge. 'I rnln Cnpturcd. LoNixiN, Ot. 20. The l.adyamllh cor- rrsxiident of the lailylTet'Krhl under dute of October lit, say! The lioers raptured train which loll Idtdymith at 12:30, near Eland' I. ag io, . It contained several otllccr and a few men. bcithle civilian, all going lo (llcncoe or iHindee. Fortunately, to 10:30 up-traln. whlcl. contained one ot your correspondents, got through. Pltlllpplno War. Manila, Oct 19 General Lawtoti ami General Young aro at Ararat with n force of nearly ;HXKJ men. J he gunboat I'loiliU and Oot0nru nreiiwrlng to move tilting the river to Snn liidro, which will be held a a base tor operations In' the north. Extensive preparation have been progrcMiitii (or several day, and the expedition whotie objective oint I TarUc, I expected to start today. In Olil.. GitKKNvit..,. Oct 10. Today at Green- will.. II..L., ........... t. II. .l..llu... oil In drat addree In A Uiio. There was an iiiitnenii.' crowd. Tbe vi'itiug party wns eftcorted to the courthouse quare, John U. Mclean, the democratic t amli. ilulo for governor introduced 5.r. Bryan At lltnnq Wasiiimuton, On. la. President Mt Kinley and party rea. bf.l WaHhinuton at II :L'." today, nearly an hour lwliiml sclnsl- u le time. Mr. McKinlvy'a health has been Improved by the trip. RELIGIOUS. I-ato cv In Short Form. X'b river itcamari aalll tiaa. Knotn 'heir lall runs, the river being at a good a uuuing BUIge. ' -j fTy J We own and occupy the talleet mercantile fcullditie in the world. We have Ljt' liHi I over 1,000,000 cuatomera. Sixteen hundred clerks are constantly I fj I engsged rillinc out-of-town orders. 7f I OUR GENERAL CATALOGUE ia the book of th people it quotes i "t." LJ Wholesale Prices to Everybody, baa ever 1,000 pages, t6,ooo illustrations, and ll; A Th' I ea'ooa descriptions of articles with prices. It cosu 71 cents to print and mail (XeJ each copy. We want you te have one. SEND FIFTEEN CENTS to show fflj l your food faith, and we'll send you a copy FREE, with aU charges prepaid. I ;T( w " The people ol tbe United State are a onit in their loyalty to tbe flag of oar country. Tber is no more patriotic people on the face of tbe globe than tbe citixsns of the United State as was evi denced by tbs manner . in - which tbey rushed forward from one end to tbe other regardless of politics, when sol diers were wanted to meet tbe Spaniards Bat people have different ways of going at thing, and what rot it Ji to .try to make political capita! out of such things, Th Salem Independent ran a divorce into politic as follows: Mr. Lizzie Sorner hss applied to the Marion County Court for a divorce from ber husband John M. Somer. Mr. 8omers was one of Mitchell' clacquer in th legislature of 1807. The lady doe wen. From tbe Salem Independent : Attorney General Blackburn is talked of for tbe nsxt governor of Oregon. We sue pose Mr. Blackburn has never thought ot such a thing, but we should like to see a man of hi nerve and hon esty there all the same. And far stran ger things bave happened. . From tbe LaGrande Chronicle : It is stated that tbe year 1809, tbe closing of tbe century, will go down in Northwest history a having the warm eat January, the coldest February , tbe coldest August and tbe hottest Septem tern ber, tbe latest spring and tbe earliest snow of any year in tbe memory of the wbite man and there are two more months to hear from. Some men growl at .he strictures ct Oregon game laws, but let them cast their optic on a Vvirconiin deer law "Every person desiring to bant for veni son must ootain a llcenre, and nooreat playing on . the: feeling c!; tbe- sily dents bave to pay mora for tbe privilege moved populace. . It is raid that tbe president, io b messsg will recommend legislation that will provide for aom control 'of . tbe trust. ' Ye ? Well, what is tbe matter of tbe presen law if tbe government bad official wbo would enforce them, and what i tbe as of any nch; legisla tion 11 me truer win tin tbemseires a than the native. Last year 48 license were granted to nonresident and the state received $1188. Tbe number of licences iisoed to resident wa 11,005, tbe state gaining $2806.2J). Even though supplied with a legal permit, banters cannot kill more than two deer in a sea son, or but oae doe or one fawn." It is StfiiMntlonl Offer. tMamii-a, Oct. 18 General Olie he ra ce! ved message purporting to come Irom the insurgent general Pio del Pilar, of fering to sell out and deliver hi army In to the hands ol tho American. Although hr is not aatislied that this offer Is au thentic, It ia not intrinsically Improba ble, i ne policy ottioneraiUil 1 Urmly a. anHiiim uoytng any surrender. 1'llar ogers for the attm of 150,000 to refrain from attacking Manila with hi army, for the sum of f 250,100 to surren der his army after a sham battle, both sides firing in tbe air, and tor 1500,000 he says he will procure the overthrow of tne insurrection and capture ol Atiuinal- uo, 1 ateroo ana otuer leaders. A Fight Imminent. Lakysmitii, Oct. 18. It la stated that the enemy's scouts are almost in touch with the outpost at Gloucoc. The Bo ers are working around both sides. At Ulencoe th British patrol cover a wide area, in order to prevent outllanking and wa subjected to a hot fire in persistent skirmishing. General Sir Georite Stew art White is quite prepared to offor bnt- 11a, ana camp 1 quite pieaei at the prospect ol striking a doUnile Mow. President's Message. WANuixoTOK, Oct, 18. President Mc Kinley 's message to tbe no.v congress is expected to be the most imj irmnt trten- mem 01 ine mnu since ttie civil war. At tcr president's western trip, there can no longer be any doubt as to his Inten tions regarding tbe Philippines, for it has been amply demonstrated that he will recommend that the islands become the permanent property ol the United States. At Marking Londow, Oct. 18. A special dispatch dated at Pretoria at noon yesterday y; , . After a few shots were fired st Mate king a white flag was hoisted. A Boer party bearing a flag of truce was sent to nq uire whether the town surrendered. io definite reply United Presbyterian s Morning wor ship at I0:;k), subject of sermon, "The ro-tolil issues of a Preached OoswjI." ebbath School at 11 :5, Junior Endeav or at 3:30, anion meeting of th Senior r.mleavor at 0:00, evening worship, at 7 '30, sublect of sermon. "Th Braen Serpent aud Ita Antl trpe." All are invited lo attend thee ervlce. Presbyterian church: !Uornlnz wor- bipat 10:30. evenln worsbio at 7:3d. Sabbath school at II Jnnlor Endeav or at 3 'SO, Senior, a meeting of the local U. fe. , union at the United Presbyterian church at 0 o'clock. Subject ol morning ermon, "Hinners sha'l berooteried Uo- rnee." evening. "The Brsaatn lata of Klabteomnr." A cordial invitation to all th aervice Is extendeJ to all. V. F. church : Preaching bv the nas- tor at 10:;) a. m.. sublect. "Old A." Sacrament at close of morning cervic. Suctlay school at 11:45, Junior League t 3:30, Intermediate and F.pworlh League at S:M). preafhin bv Dr. Ford etltfO. Congregational cl.nrch : Preachlo at Ita. m .lul-Je t,"My Defrnae." hV4 been severely critlciied for what Is called my "non-Ohrtsllaa ideas" concerning the taloon and tht brothel. In this ser mon 1 bor to set myself strslgbt so that ( mar not be misunderstood. Sunday school at 12:15. nrercbins at 7:30 n. tn . ubj-ct. "Ii a man oi will b live Again." All are welcome to tha i ar- vice. IntercatliiK Fact. waa received. The said tbat Justice of the Peace "T meM6ner V uet,ned .nB tr .!... ..-j . . "wieu ruicaeu. uuon hick 01 caoay ana a year's subscription to tb Daily Dimo Governor Geer says, or if tber really are ceat to the first couple married by him' only a bugaboo as tbe pictorial paper of tb republican party are trying to lllus- trat thnu a I HAIR SWITCH 65 CENTS. wa sau. Htaa tuia saiTtaui Sar Wc Mfraa 5o u SS.2S. a i "taa. U mail M (S. "u si'T ftaatatek aamalaf OUR OFFER: CsttOlsad oat aa send aaniM or Uia aaaa. ataaa n.M, asd rat It ; " r "" aa poaaidia, ineloas aw asaaw arte. ate. aTaVrta aatra to tT poauaa, wd - Mil ani. u. awHak ta "','-" ", and aand to 70a by aT'aVll- rTMt.a-aaiir Shit it w .. . . ' 2 i - A routed, Mara llualwa vll! lnirLLii.t.1. f wi. yourmonar. -77 J'iT'rtsMlaa, t-oa. swlteh m W t t ul woa ;.ti!2,i?'.'?m' o . . tt-la. lone, abort Man, SI.SOlVos! la.or.rtortatTB,sa.a9V" Ud, short atara. S3.2S. a ei'ABAITt vu. a aaraaa. Wrarat laar vaat arada oa tb I aaa. aaa t. ataaa vaalal I . tr . . I tVrlla for 'm r.t.; . I Oooda. addnaM. . SEARS, ROEBUCK CO.ffne.f Chlcaaa. it reminds as of that nioneer luetic George Humphrey, whose regular fee for performing the ceremony wa a backet of blackberries. Friend Matting, no doubt, has visions of high life, berries sod cream, plucked from tbe bnih and pailed Irom tb cow by the flowers of youtnana peauty when ble matrimonial bureau get ia motion, and a Brother malting understands tb value of adver tising be will oon have tb field and "be monarch of all b survey" in tbe knot tying business. Finch' Random Shot in the Herald . The purchasing of a house and lot in tbe 3rd ward by th Herald reporter and tbe manner in which it ia being fixed np makes it look a if tbe subscription and candy would go to him. Tbe ceremony is ready. Hot drinks at Veirck's Sugar Bowl. Fijht With Bandits. Nooalks, Aria.. Oct. 18 Deputy Sher iff Llewelling and nosse returned todav (rom Harahaw. where thev went vestar. aay aner tneir encounter with bandits In th Patagonia mountains. The posse struck tb camp ot th bandit in Box canyon. . On command of th sheriff to surrender, tbe bandits, who were sitting around a campfire, sprang for their win- cneater ana openeu,nre. Tbe posse re turneda'the fire, over 800 shot belntr ex changed in all. The bandit retreated, leaving one dead. A Big Reception. Loviivilli, Oct. 18 Twenty thousand people greeted W. J. Bryan and tbe can didate on th democratic ssat ticket at Uliurchill JJowns this afternoon, th oc casion being tbe first demonstration by local democrats in the state campaign now in progress. The crowd wat filled with enthusiasm. Envelope wer first cd in 1830. Tb firct air-pomp wa mad In I0M, Tb first tl pen was made In 1M0 Anaesthettn was first dlcuvrd In 1844. lb first balloon aictnt was mad in 1783. Tb first Inciter natch wa mad In 1829. , Tb entire Hebrew Bible was printed ia 1488. Tbs first lion ilramibip was built la 1830. Coacbes first wrr ts.d in Eoglsnd in . 1569. Tiia flrt ho:e railroad wa built la 1820. Gold was first dlicoverej In California 0 1848. Tb firtt steamboat piled th IIudon in 1807. lbs tint watches wer mad at NaicinT burg In 1477. Omulbuie wer introduced in New York in 1839. Th first newspaper dvertliemeoUsp- peered in 1652. Th first eoppsroent was coined in Nw Haven in 1687, Kercasn wa first used for lighting purposes in 1820. , Tn first telescope was probab'y used in England in 1008. Th first nse of a locomotlvs in this country was In 182V, Th first almanac was printed by Geo. Von Parack. Tb first chimneys wsre introduced In to Bom from Padua in 1308, Tb first steam eoglne on thlb contin ent was brougbtfrom England la 1753. Tbe first complete S9lng-mschio w .patented by Ellas Howe, Jr., 4J - ntaraagai ,,!, lallaa)