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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1899)
From 50c to $7.00 ii 11 rDn of ptlcei on our new Umbrella Hock. We have taken special rare In selecting (her Umbrella to get only reliable covers on paragon Iruid ami steel roil. The handlee are orvuieble and nest aid In the higher grades fin ished In silver Dresden or pearl. Dnr west alow window I tilled with neleillon from tit nlock. I mil Umbrella la plainly marked. S. E. Younf k Son. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Waller Davl. of Salem. Ii now break ing on a Noutheiu Facile freight (rain. (limy C. of i'uek' artists, passed through Albany lor Hn Ifrin- ciVCO. 0. K. Haley ami family recently of Hyracusu precinct Lave located at Farrn iugton, Wash. Sergeant Brady Burnett of Corvallis, wa III the rity today. Mr. Htocks. of Chlenio. la In the city hi a visit, the guest of her eiater Mr a. I. J llmitoii. Mirs Merrill and Eddie Merrill came up irom rortlHnd thia noon on a two week viiit, the guest of JI. F. Merrill. Asa Tunnlcllffe of Corvallis ha acce W uliM, Faigo & Western Union office at ted a permanent oition aa aaaiatant in A High Grade Coffee The Havor of which never changes. It is stimul ating and soothing. A trial will convince you of its merits. It is Jas Heckins& Co's Celebrated Koffeburir. Ife enlera urmn Ida new duties, November lot. MrK. M. K. KtU9 and aiater Mr. M. W. Muriay loft last nlihl for Oakland. Calif., where they will mend at leant the winter and itrobablv reaide. Their resi dence near tit Ijkmuciiat ofllco I for (nle. Among the nassontferauassina- thronab Albany thi noon ereei-mavor Btelmer auuwueot Hacramento oiu iricnus 01 Mr. and Mr W. 0. Tweedale. Mr Htelmer we particularly atracawllh the growth end prospect ol Seattle, Watt Monu-ith and a companion re turned from down the river yeaterday with 17 canvashack and a nood atrloit ol other duck. Mr. MoBtelth I a craca hunter, and alwav net bird if any one doe, anJ usually when other do not. lie think that the indication! no'ut to a i t goou uuck seaaon. Uregouian COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Tuesday evening, Oct. 24, 1809 Present Mayor, recorder, chief of police, atreet superintendent, chief en gineer and Couniilinen Whitney, Dan nala, Bleiffer, Kichard, Daw ton and Utabam. The following bill were ordered paid : 0 M Weibrook, 11.76; B P 1'urdon, $16.70; B M 11 in ton A Co, 9 00; I 0 Dickey, $1.00; 1' W Hr-ink, (M0- 8 Conn. $8 (X); Electrio Light. 9H5.05: B B Davldaon. 4.0O; M U Wetter, $8.68; M J Ifenton, $;.2J; Mr Keliey tax re dernption, $14.30. Iteport of chief enguiter ttaled the amount of water in the several .interna of the city, ahowing a good supply of we- Mr. The recorder read aeveral ordinance from c'tlet on the regulation of blcvcln riding, InjAshland, Corvaliia. Haletn and Boaeburg. Ihe amendment to the Alb- CIRCUIT COURT. The Hist case of Linn conntv But. P O. Morri et al wa completed yeaterday auernoon ana taken under advieenient, the other cane waa beaon when the plaintiff wa perm tied to amend the comp alnt and the cats waa continued to November 27. In.Melnert aet Cannon a new trial waa ssked for and the matter taken under advieement. 8 I Shore nut E J Daly et al. eject ment, fcetlled. O. W. Wright sat E Melvina Fletcher' Continued. Court adjoorned until next Saturday at 1 p. in., when the resolutions in re pect of the memory of tbe late Judge J. C. Powell wil be heard and acted upon. MARRIED. The light running "NEW IIOMK sewing machine at U. Will's Mode 8kirs prices ironi $40 to $0. The old reliable "DOMESTIC" sew ing machine at E. U. Will' Mutic Store price from f. 10 to 45. Tbe latest improved "WBI1E" w ioa machine at E. V. Will' Mmle Store I'rice 30 to $40. If they tell you It i not true, call and be convinced. The leading le wing machine for about "one ball" Ihe price irked by cinvaia ing agetita at E. U. Will'a Mneic Store, price $23.fi0 to $30 Ihe beet in th world for tbe money. The leading Higb Grade Fiacoe at K $50 to 75 cbearcr than (old in Portland' U. Will' Mualc Store at pricee from I lie; 1 1 Grade Cincinnati Roast. Hello, There. Tot Sato by . ft.t McFeron & Tomlinson We make a uptrialty of N COFFEE And Guarantee all we sell. At theBazaar bvelties... in Ladies Neckwear. Just the finish suitable for the up- to-date costumes. Full fronts for Tailor or Evening gowns, Stock Collars,! plain and fancy, velvet, corduroy, and silk Liberty, lndiand Surah silk, Chif fon and Net Scarfs. All in dainty and original designs from the cheap est to the best. NEW Mackintoshes, Umbrellas, Fur garments, Winter Footwear L. E. & H. J. HAMILTON. The following l a liat of aubacriber procured up to date for the new Tele phone ayttem l addition (o those al ready working on the old tyitem : F. I. Nutting, reeidence. J. W. lledrickt, barber thop. J. II. Howard. U. A. Sear, reiidence. Mr. W. Monteitb, residence. Drayman lleadouartera, cilice. Mr. K. M . Merrill, residence. Collin & Hodge, dentiiti. 8. A. Schllller, residence. K.O. Nra), residence. Mr Inea l'eUrson, residence. K. Veal A Bon, cbalr factory. Conrad Meyer, residence. M Scott, residence. Pr Wm. A. Trimble, residence. Fran a Sperger, residence. II. F. McIUaln, cash atore. lay 'I Irvine, res-dunce. K. F. Kenton, groceries and feed. U. E. Brawnell, grocerie. Father Loui Metayer, residence. Dr. M.I1. Ellis, odice. Mr. J. M. Irvine, residt r ;e. Kmil Elter, residence. J. K. Davl. fish, poultry, game. Smiley the printer. A. D. Hale, reeidence, A. II. Holt, residence. D. Uoasard, residence. Con Sullivan, reeidence. Cyrus Nible, saloon. Dr. Erkine. Conn & Hoaton. Combination Barber Sbop. S. 8. Train, reeidence. C. i. Bate, chicken ranch.. Albany Nursery Co. A. VY. Blackburn, residence. C. U. Kawlinj, reeidence. After Many Years. Mm m Call on F. M. French! The Jeweler, ll If von want a fir at elaia watch. We have a large tine of Nickle, Silver, Gold-filled and Solid Gold Watches, that we bought for cash, and we are giving our cub tomera tbe benefit of Ihe extra discount,; The fite bell le being taken down un der tbe aupervlalon of Peter Buetner, after being in ha position for about twenty-five year, and will be placed in the court house tower ready for Ihe tower clock, and where it will Lave an electric attachment for Ore alarme. Upon reaching the door of tbe tower tbe bell waa creeled bv an interested crowd of spectator, after having been in the air alnce 1872. Caat In tbe bell on one aido are tbe president of No. I'a np to mat time, to wit : u T Vinant, M V Hrown, J H Ilackleman, J K Herrin, M B Crane, N Baum end N B HnmDhrev. On the other aide: Joeepb Webber, Chief Engineer, Albany Engine Co No 1. Committee, CH Btewart, Geo Weller anaJaa McMsrrick. Of thoee named Mr Btewart waa present. N B Hcmoh- rey and Mr McMerrick are in tbe city, Joe Webber In Portland and tho other are read we believe. D. or II. All member of Greenleaf Lodge No. 23 are reqotsted to be present at tbe regu'ar meeting tonight, a it i tbe last meeting to be held In tbe old hall. A eocial time also bus oesa of im portance to come before tte lodge meet Unci. Billy IIxrk. Uncle Billy Wriffht arrived here todav with aome of that hot Bluff, hone radish, also freeh radiehee, lettuce and celery. He will call on you, and if you want ome- itnng gooa oe on nana. tou Can't Afford To bny aoap, bine, atarch and fuel to wash at borne. Ite our businiaa to wash and tbe reason It aon't coat aa much a it doe you 1 because we d) Iota of it beeT Mangle work tfio per doxen. Maunoua Stbam Lacnpbt. any ordinance prohibiting the riding on tiaewaiae enureiv waa taken nr. mi dim e.oened by Councilman Whitney in favor ol and ty Councilman Kichard raint It. it wa loat, Coancilmen WhUnev and Dannal voting for it and Council- men WeiRer. Dan son. Hichsrds and (iraham agsinst it. Tb amendment deflninaniitht time in the section prohibiting the riding of bi cycle night without light was adopted. pigm time unoer it ta I o Clock to sun- rlte Irom bept. 1 lo April 1, and 9 o'clock Irom Apr I 1 to Kept 1. lue amendment protuhiiinir riding on sidewalks entirely fitm May 15 t Oct. 1 of each year was adopted, otherwise tbe ordinaiine prevail. A communication waa read from the County Court accepting the hue 1200 pound bell Irom the city under the con ditions named, for ue in the court liouie tower for the tfwer cljck and lor flie purpose, and thanking tne citv for the tame. John Catlin addressed tbe council ask ing the renlaciiiir of the clothing; de ttroyed at the end ol the recent quaran tine at Lia tiome. Keferrecl to the com mittee on health and police with power to act . Ponodmaster Diviison asked for an attcrney to prosecute a recent cow case. The matter waa disctssed promiscu ous! . The recorder was directed to notify Mr. Mootanye to pay the t ound miter' fee of tl or (tend prosecution. Mr. Mason asked lor a suspension of the ordinance prohibiting the keeping ol more than 10 gallons each ol gasoline or benaioe at a lime. The committee on ordinance was Instructed to amend tbe ordinance permitting te keeping of 50 ga.looa instead ol 10. Councilman Dannala repoittd a kick on tbe part of two draymen abou. non pay ment ol licensee. The recorder reported all license paid except that of the suc cessor ol Mr. Long not paid on account of mieouderatanding. The matter of the salary of the mar shal waa diacoesed to view of the ap proaching election, without action. Quotation of ra'es of electric liable in other place were read aa lollowe : Salem Ave veara 35 1200 candle power, 13500 a ' year $5.95 per light per month; Koae btir 11 lishta 113 64 ner liabl tut won't make anv more contraele like it : Ash- land, 1700 candle power lights, 5 year contract, midnight and moonlight ached nte. 15.23 ner month: Baker City. 50 ess lamp 660 candle power, M a montb ; Eugene, 25 2000 candle power, 6 yare contract at $9 a montb. Tue'matter of the auit in the anpreme court agaioet the city treaaorer by D. 5. Monteith to etop the payment ol inter est on tb bridge warrsnts waa preeen ed by tbe mayor with a suggestion that tbe city 'a lntereste be protectea. i ue mjor and Councilman Whiiney were em powered to make arrangement with weetuerlord & wyau 10 rfprwunu. city. Councilman Kicharde atatel that for est Grove paid ell its expenses irom ua water work without any tax. BILY 1 COLE . At the Fleming. House, (n Albany, on Wednesday fore noon, October 25, 1899, by his Honor, Judge Barton, Mr. Perry Bilyeo and Mies Ellen Cole, of Jordan. BORN. or Ban Francisco. Hold on eaiy terms- organs taken a part pay. . Sugar Mr. GradwObl Inform o that be la selling 17 poonds of granolated su gar for f 1.00. Vow ia tbe time to buy ae it i liable to so op at any time, Thia 1 a net cash proposition. All good delivered free of charge. TOWNSEND.-In Albaoyon Wednea- day morning, Oct. 5, 1&99, to Mr. and Mr. E. B. Townaend, of the lied Crown Mill, a boy. We,gbt 9 pounds. Mother and child doing well. t at ber not beard from at press time. DIED Will & Stark' xcV their large and splendidly selected stock of ring. Any deeign-you want. Kings for all purpose rom a present to tbe baby to a weiring. HAYKE4.-In Albany on TueeJay eve ice. October 24. 1809, of consumption, lit-r a linserlnir illneta tbe daughter of Mr. W. A. llavne. at the aire of fifteen veara. The funeral will be conducted at tbe reeidence at th corner of Elm street to morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock bv Rev Holme, of the Christian church, to which all friend are Invited. FOB SALE OB RENT. I will sell my farm or rent it to a cash customer or trd for n rmall nlace near a town or villa. The farm ia near Liberty ehurcb ai: miunfrr.m Oahtree station. Call on Knp.k for narticulara. Will fell reasonable. STOP:: Our New Store StMj Casli Pnces., All good guaranteed strictly first clase. Freeh and full count and fall weitiht or money refunded. Fresh Sweet Potatoes today 17)b,fo41 weight, Gran. Sugar... i 00 18" " " uiiotce tiice.... i w 7" Rolled uats, good ones...... ' 8" Best White Beane ?5- 2 pkg. Arbuckle Coffee, ground to order 25- S pkg. Lion Coffee 25 Call and examine oar good. ALBANY TRADING 00; Vance Building, Second Street. You Run No Risk In purchasing a Raxora from a. Tbie ia the war we do it. fchonld jou ty one ol our "BLCE 6TEEL- raiore and it provta unsatisfactory yon limply return it and get another ycur money Tne manuiaciurer guniin"-r btbi j who i - - . eusranteeing tbem to you. It don't jav 10 boy cheap razor, fine line of Etrape, Brutbea and 8oap. Call and aee our line. We have a t, .1,. c,mrRnwl for taflies. hot choo olate, Dee I tea ana uourauo c ream a ENGAGEMENT and dpejlltf WEDDING RINGS a It mif'-"''-'.M i Summer Cooking It made a pleaiure by tbe use ol the Quick Meal blue flame oil tovo. It i the moat conven ient, almple, economical and easily managed of any cooking apparatua made, and will bake, boil, broil or roast, and ia sure to give thorough aatiafactlon, STEWART & SOX HDW. CO. riain Clothe 25c per doxen at the Magnolia Steam Lauudry. It is a lingular taste that cannot be suited in the varied and large selection of jewelry at Will 4 Stark's. The best goods and reasonable prices. Agates cut and pollened by D. 8 Young. 6th and Thurston St., Albaty Leave orders at French's jewelry store, Have your stoves polished by Ohlikg & HULBUBT. Water Melons, eweet ard delicioui on band daily at C. E. Bbowkiix's Cm louetlDation Fofv.SW ' Take CascareU Candy Cathartic. lOo oe M It & O. O. fall to cure, drugjitte refund money. Burkhart & Lee; Wlat s Hom3 Withoal a Coot or a Cook " Stove or a Stove " Utenaila or Utensil " Groceries or Grocerie " Dishes or Dishes " Spoons or Spoons ,! Knives and Forks Let ns supply all except Ihe Cook, any good Ki-STLCB can get a co-k. F. E. Allen & Co. N ew Goods in All Lines. Fall Styles in Overcoats and Suits arc now with us I We can write "best quality" and "lowest price" with a dear con science; and the facts and figures will hearts, out. You can't go astray with this label on your clothing. D v - 1 " I THI lABtk CrTMAeU aUARANTKED CkOTHIHtt At the BL AIN CLOTHING Company s UK -