The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, October 27, 1899, Image 2

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    lie attat
The Boers.
After being driven from place to piece
' the Boeri finally settled in a new place
place beyond the Vaal river, ssys the
World, where they gradually built op a
wactful and prosperous republic, with
their eavage Zulu neighbor! in check.
But in 1867 diamonds were discovered in
their territorial and soon afterward vas
. cold fields. At once Great Britain be
gan to stir up trouble directly with them
and irdirectly between them and the
Zulus. Taking advantage ol the wretch
en conditions for which the herself was
- reaponiible, she seiifd the Transvaal
v and annexed it to her empire.
60 inexcusable was the act ot aggres
sion, so manifest was it that greed and
reed only had caused it, that when the
Boers revolted the majority ot the Brit-
- lab people sympathised with them. The
' Buers revolted because they could not
"move on." Urita.n and British iofla-
once inclosed them on three sides, and
to the north there was no place where
white men could live, Mr. Gladstone
made the Boer infamy a campaign issue,
- won on it, and after they had defeated
the British in several small engagements
In each of which, however, the British
outnumbered the Boers, a treaty of peace
- was signed on March 21, 1SS1.
The independence of the Boers was re-
- cognized, Dot Britain became tseir su
strain lord, controlling their foreign af
faire. This treaty was modified by the
"convention of 1SS4,'' under which the
Bor became absolutely independent as
to their internal affairs and "suzerainty
eras redeced to a mere shadow .
Or eat Britain never woold have at
. tempud to conjure this shadow into sub
" t e but fo. the enormous developmen
- of the gold and diamond mines through
fre:h discoveries in 1856 two years after
the convention, "nder the direction 0
- v Cecil Rhodes a plot for the destruction 0
he republic was concocted about ten
years ago. That the franchise com
plaints were only a pretext ia evident
from the tact the Boers have never been
unwilling to grant the franchise to any
foreigner who will renounce allegiance to
' thv country whence be comes and will
ehows that he intends to make the
".Transvaal his country and borne.
Tb franchise pretext, however, is not
worth considering now, as Mr. Cham
berlain has boldly cast it aside an 1 has
com oat for the overthrow of both the
" Transvaal Republic and the Orange
. Free State, and the incorporat ou of
tbir territories in the British empire.
. Mr. Chamberlain and bis fellow plotters,
- of whom Rhodes and the London Times
re the mot conspicuous, intended to
-effect this seizure a few years ago when
Jameson's premature move' upset their
plan. The plans were reconstructed
ud :ke world is sow watching their
For at least one day war and inmoia Viih the amount of buiineis In the
at wars were entirely set aside for H ,lrcult court now one man could do the
Laid New in Short Komi.
dlrcusslon of a postofflca rot.bery. business easily and have time to
The principal business ot a good many
neirsnspers nowadays is lying about
Bryan. But the Amercaa people have
learned not to believe more than half
what they read anyway.
The boy who aaid that I R on interna)
rs venue stamps stood for Infernal Rob
bery may not be so badly oft after all If
the war tax ia to become a fixed policy of
the republican parly. Cottage Greve
The Northwest Herald, Portland's new
illustrated paper Is proving a very lively
affair. It la ashoihler striker, and hits
the mark from the first Una to the last
Besides it ia the most artUtio production
in Oregon.
Ono of ti e soldi rbo)S expressed
good deal when talking about the out
niOovot banquets given the soldiers that' Dundee, but Uluncoo also, and, so fur as
They Weaken d.
Losdos, Oct. 24. The war olllce die.
patch stHMiis to realise to worst (oars
General Yule has abandoned not only
wuatue wanted wis som of his mothers
cooking, without any lub'Uute
The recent big train robbery near Ch i
cago. was to a plaoa ss thickly settled as
Albany. A resident of this city who has
been on the spot a good maoy times
looks upon it as a remarkable thing in
the field ot train robbery.
Governor Goer is said to bo booked f.r
U.S. Senator to succeed Senator Mo-
Brido. Bui there mav be others.
The corns of the newspapers have
been stepped on by the trust raising the
iii;vui wiiua paper zu percent. And
the paper has to stand it. A few deliu-j
ouent suoecriuers might help them out
pregout nows would tiidu'slo,
neither joined Gen. White nor
An exchange accuses the OregonUu or
baing aQ aUy of the hop buyers stating
that it is Irvine to set farmer in a.,11
their hopa in the interest of the buyers.
iw ynyvr kuio urcusou oi nearly every
thing and certainly it has to be in nL
nop aoinewncre.
The U. S. engineers have recommend
- 1 A ! AAA . . . .
Mr. Linton ..v. he will trv wain. Re t.w ior owmnoniun slough, some-
wi!l never win but it it wa. . r.aa ',e? "J in .w"?ingt?n. among aevoral
e i utuer biuubiib ami miiii nmi.ii.ta ..blr..
TT-l.-l C-.. .l .,.".. .
u uu ib. vui tiio vuiiov oiaave wo
would like to .see him come out ahead,
for he is a gentleman at every point of
the compass.
ho lis
l.advsuiitli. Genera! White's "success
ful action," announced in parliament by
vir. wynuiiam, souius to resoivo Itsuii
into a mere engaging of Hie Free State
troops while General Vulo Is slipping
souinwara 5
(rent rxpcctatlon.
Manila, Cot. 21. Hollo Is a:irred by
tho expectation ,ol important lighting.
uenerai rumon began "uuro:iing the
bloody scroll," as he promlsod his follow
ers in a recent speech, bv flrimr vollevs
nt me American outpoms ;nigiuiy. This
activity is designed to divert the Visyans
from their dissatisfaction against the Ta-gals.
navigation ontne Willamette mean
lower rates for the transportation 0
freight. It is strange that the railroad
cannot carry freight as cheaply as river
mended, besides Long Tom ia this vat
ley ; but when it comes to Yaouina IUv
the terminous of a railroad and a harlmr
that has some prospects the nrm! ..-.
are dumb. It looks as if there m-n a
screw loose somewhere.
Oom Paul is sharp enough to see the
point ot a baronet and the result will be
that he will surreuder to the Ineviiahla
weep of the imperialistic broom,
Governor Geer has returned to Ore
gon from the esst, where he went to
assiet in laying the corner stone of a new
post orace at the cross roads at the bead
of Lake Michigan.
President McKinley told Col. Sum
mers that he was keeping in touch with
the Tan ho coast state. Certainly;
election is approaching and the President
is keeping in touch with the whole coun I here is only one brass cannon lobe
try just as much as possible. Well, that secored for Governor Geer, so tbtt the
a politics.
Eogland's coarse in going to war shows
that she is willing to pay for the richest
gold mines in the world, with the blood
of a few thousands of her red coats and
widowing and orphaning of numbers of
women and children. Republic.
prosj ects of a war cannon for Oregon are
pwi. tu cecreiary 01 war though
has sent the Governor word that he will
have a cinnon tcr Ormnn if t k
buy it himself. We guess nit.
Marion bounty Murder,, Oct. 21. Ted Perry 'was shot
and killed today on a farm (our miles
south of Salem, by J. A. Willard. The
latter had rented the (arm for a year and
the controversy existed between them as
to the time the lease expired. Wiilard
lormeriy kept a store and post oft Ice at
Liberty, a mils north ot where the trag
edy occurred.
Oiia'a Vr.
Manila. Oct. 2X 5 :50 P. M.-The in
surgents around Calamba and Angeles
neve ooinerea 1110 Americans lately with
their re pes tod attacks, which, like moat
of the Filipino attack, consist ol shoot
ing a lot of ammunition into their oppo
nent' camp from Ion 11 range.
Maj. Chentam's battalion of the Thlr.
tyseveoth Infantry, three eompanivs of
the Twentv-tlrst infantry, a battery of
the Fifth artillery and a Galling gun sal
lied out this morning from Oslamba,
drove the Filipi 10a from their trenches
and pursued the.n for three miles, in-
niciimi ft'avy loss on iliem.
A Feeble Alt
Caps Thw.v. Oct. 23. Attn oo-.i Nea
has boon received from Dundee o the
efTVct that the Boer disaster at Ll.ind'e
Laagto staggered tho Boers complui. Iv.
rendering the attack upon Dundee fev
hie. Therefore, there is no cause for
Attacking Gicncoo.
Lonoos. Oct. 24 -.The Daily Teletrraph
Will Interfere.
Niw Yoiix, Oct. 24. A dispatch to the
Ileruld Iroin Berlin sayst
lelegrams Ironi iiriissois announce
that iu Transvasi legation circle it Is
stated that France and Russia will not
permit the annexation of the Transvasi
ud the Orange Free State to Knglaud,
In tiikCiscuitCo-jht or ma static or
Okkuon roa tiih Co. or Linn, Ds-
L. D. rttiimon. nlaintiff vs. James U.
istuinon and Llda Stimion, hi wlft,Kruk
Cubaisnotyet ready (or seif-govern
ment say the imperialists. Translated
thia means that the imperialists are not
yet equal to the strain of relinquishing
their grasp on Cuba for honor's sake.
The Saleiu Journal has some, fun as
follows : The Marion county government '
has sent its ultimatum to Linn county
in regard to the Stayton bridge and
closed the discussion. The Boors of Linn
county are up in rebellion and have
uwnea me Dndge to the farmers of both
6ldeB' T,nere hv been no hostilities on
either side, but in case of overt acts the
neriii and posse may be called out. In
has receivml the following from Ladv
The Boers, reported to b 0000 strong,
under the command of Commandant
General Joubertand President Kruger in
person, are again today attacking Glen
coo, General Yule, commanding our
troops, has moved his camp back into a
better defensive position.
Will Sail Saturdav.
VAScorvea. Wash.. Oct. 23 Cuntain
Povey, quartermaster on the transport
Lennox, visited the post today and said
he thonght .the Thirty-ninth infantry
would be able to sail from Portland
G. Htluison. Annie Momau aud Willia
Morgan, burbusUanu, i.utie nunin ami a.
J. Smith, tier huaband. Marttia llealy
md It. K, lleaiy, nr uuiuanu, vi. w,
SUmnon and Marina 10 Btuuion, bis wife.
and L. SUumoo, detendants. .
To James U. Hlimson and Lida Slim
on his wire, aud L. Btimsoo.iuree oi tns
defendants above named :
1 Oreiron. vou and each of jou are here
by notified and required to smear in the
above Intitlod court in the above eotuniii
suit and answer the complaint ol the p'xin
. . 1 i Ad 1 1. k. . 1 .. f V ...t....
I HUD, aud you are hereby further notiued
that if you fal! to appear and answer said
doinplalnt as alorenaid lor want thereof
the plaintiff will take a decree against you
for the relief detosnded Id said complaiut,
For the foreclosure ol the mortgsge
given hy Jane A. timon and ueorge W.
Stimson. as trustee (or said Jsne A. Slim-
son, exeouted the 31st day of Augut,ly5,
o secure the payment ot the sum ol
fXOO.UO with iutereat thereon at the rate of
10 ir cent pr annum from the 81it day
of August, 1893, and such further sum as
the court might adjudge reasonshle as at
torneys fees. Which Mil mortgage was
upon tue following described real eetate,
Commencing at a point on tho R line of
Block No. 104 in iiackleman s addition to
the city of Albany, Linn county, Oreiron.
W' ft N of the U K corner of said block
and running thence N on said line MS ft.
thence W 132 ft. thence 8 55' It, thence
W 132 It to the place ol beginning and ly
ing and being in sail? block Mo. 104 ia
tlackleman's addition to the city of Alb
any, Line county, Oregon; the land here
by cooveyed being the H ol the 8 K
corner of said block 104 in aaid Uacklc
tnau's addition to said city ol Albany .
And for a docree direalimr the nronertv
nnreiaaoore uetcnueu to ue toiu ss iy law
the undersigned etecutor of the
lait will ami lestauisntand rstaUol Henry
O Mollrids, decranr-d, has tiled with the
clerk of the county court for Linn county,
Oregon, his final account in laid tmtale
and the court has fixed Saturday tho I Kb
ay of Noyomber, l!W0, at Ouo o'ulouk p.
, to hear ohjeeiions to said account and
r the ottlniiient of said nutate
This the 3rd day of Ocloitsr, 1 810 .
K, 0 alio Kit.
Kipcnlor of l,ut will sflil saUteof Ifeary
K Mollrlde, deceased.
WATUlrol w f ATT,
Ally's for kt.
the uiidirignnd has been duly op-
nlnted bv the County Court ( i iun K
County, Oregon, admlniatration ef Ihr es- ejf
tate of J V 1 owull, (lwod. All ptrms
having ilalins aguinat said ea'ate are
hereby notillrd to prcwut tUnn, duly vr-
llled as by law required, to the under
signed at Albany, Oregon, within six
month trm Hie data uer.r. . ,
Dated this 16th dy of October, lW.
T.J, Ktitss,
the event of hostilities betw thi. ! f u.1 fc"'urU,,.y noltt- According to the
county and Linn, nf th. If lel 0ur.. ' companies of the
eio ', cruel, infamous unfolding.
At the great mining exhibit recently
held at Spokane the ores from Or. mines
were awarded the first premium. There
were great displays of ores snd minerels
from Eritiib Columbia, Washington, Ida
ho and Montana, but Orsgon beat all
-competitors for richness and other ad-
Tsntages Kassland with its 4OO mines ;
' Se-un. famous the world oer; Eepub
" lie i'e wonder of modern times; the
- or" d' Alenes, noted for its immense
led of gold, silver, lead and corner;
Boi.i'o Hamp mines, the great new st
trac on all had innumerable samples of
tb richest ores but were all surpassed
--fcy rbe ores from Sumpterand other min
- -ea 'o Eastern Oregon. , We have confid
n;" tba the mines of Bohemia and Blue
Eiver, in Lane County, Oregon, will prove
s rich if not richer than any now known
in Eastern Oregon, Idaho, Washington
or Britihh Columbia. Stock in some of
these mines is now being sold for almost
oothiog-a fiw cents a share to raise moo
ey to open the mioes-wbich In a few
years or less tims will almost certainly be
xvery valuable. ?regon State Journa'.
It looks very much as if Liou county
is to have another murder trial on its
bands. It ia over a year aince wa have
bad one of these extravagant loxuries
and it was to be hoped that it would be'
maoy year before tnere would be anoth -
er. idis seems to nave arisen over a
matter ot $4, a small matter to cause
murder, but then a majority of murders
are over small matters.
guard may be sent up there under com-
manuoi vol. b Hits the only repreicnta
tive at Salem of the famous Gordon
Nov. 1.
taxes will be delinquent on
Forty-fifty infantry which have been re
cruited here, will sail with .tho Thirty,
ninth. '
directed rn execution, and the proceed
arising from tw.h sale be applied, hrst to
the payment of the costs and disbpraement
of this uit. to the attorney's fee in thj
scm of 176 00, to the principle and inter-
eat due upon said note mentioned In said
mortgage, and a further decree that the
drlendante and all peraoos holding by,
tbrouBb or under tbeai b barred and fore
closed of any right or title of redemption
of said property em-pt that provided by
Tl:is sjtrmous is served upon yon by
publication once a week for six consecutive
week in tbe Htat kiohts Dsmocrat. a
ifltly newspaper of general circulation in
aaid county and slate, printed and pub-
ikiiru ia tne city 01 Aihany. uroa.
j-erauani 01 tne order or tne lion. iin
D. Usrton, county judge for Linn county,
Oregon, wnicn order uean daleoiKent'
ember 29 b. 190. and that said order ore-
scribes that tbo first publication be made
on the Olb day ol October, IdW, and the
JO. n day 0 November, IMS), as the day 00
wo ico you suou d appear and aoawer said
The Columbia-Southern
President McKioley ii, seeking to cre
ate sn impression thst he is simply fol
ding tbe flag and defending it wher
ever it goes. Will Mr. McKinley ans
- wer, who sent General Bates with ten
thousand dollars that belonged to tbe
Cnited States treasury to bribe the Sul
tan of Sulu to permit the flag to be hoist
ed over his harem and his polygsmous
band of pirates, and then entered into
an agreement that, the Sultan's local
government should not be interfered
with; that tbe United StaUs would pro- agamet all fireign powers? In
An Ohio paper has nominated Dewey
for Governor of Vermont. Hanna will
bar Jly feel called on to characterize this
cs sn "insult." It is so much smaller
-than tbe one which Mark tbinxa was of
ferrd the Admiral by those impertinent
persons who wanted him nominated for
iVsident that it is hardly worth notic
g Republic.
The Boer war as anticira'ed from the
Si'-arf, csn only end in tbe subjugation of
the people of the Transvaal. That is
tbe imperialistic plan of Sreat Britain
that has nearly always succeeded, the
United States being an exception.
From the Prineihe Journal.
''Keep your eye on Shaniko," said Ar
chie Mason, tbe railroad contractor, on
bis return from Sherman county yester
day. He has the contract for building
43 miles of line from Moro. for the Col
ombia Southern railroad, from the new
town ot Shaniko, on the open prairies at
Cross Hollows, and baa already about
100 teams and scrapers at work. The
extensions, be says, is projected through
a well-settled farming country, which
has its headquarters at Moro, and tbe
wheat crop of 1898 ia filling tbe ware
houses to overflowing, and will tax tbe
utmost resources of tba company to
move before tbe new crop makes its ap
pearance. Shaniko at present is a larga piece, br
ing 160 acras in extent, and every acre is
platted into lota. Tbe population, bow
ever has not begun to appear to any ex
tent, as tbe railroad is still 43 miles away
but by the time tbe locomotive bell rings
in Boanixo, Mr. Mason expects to see a
number of busioess bouses and dwellings
scattered about the quarter section
The proposed town is so situated as to
command tbe trade of a large Mope 0
country in Croox, Grant and Wheeler
counties, where large amount of grain
can be railed and great herds of sheeP
and cattle bring money to their owners
the year rouud. 'be newly developed
uiiuea 01 iue joun uay win also have a
convenient outlet at Shaniko, which is
so situaied that trade naturally gravi
tates towardr it. Even should the line
bs extended GO miles further to Prine
ill-, Shaniko, be thinks, will always be
a good town.
The Colombia-Southern is putting on
all the men and teams available, and tbs
force will be increased so that work may
oe prosecuted all.winter without loss of
time. Tbe grade follows rolling prairies
where the light alluvial soil is to be
shaped into light cuts and fills, the mild
snow storms of that portion of Eastern
Oregon being no obstacle to work. Very
little rockwork will be necessary, and
tbe grade ia devoid ot steep inclioes.
He hopes to have tbs road finished by
the first ol Jane, and be thinks rails
will be laid in tims to nme tbs wheal
crop of 1900.
Hot October Weather.
Omaha. Oct. 23. Alt existing hot
weather records for Octcber the past IK)
Tears hava been broken in Khnab
duriue the iMUt three Java KatnnUv
.1 . ' 1 . .T-'.r
1 -.j- ..1 !... . ( mercury reached BUdeir. in the shade I complaint to said suit.
Argentine will be tlO OOO "year "'Bwr fM.j.on Sunday it stood at 8 lor Dated at Albany, Oregon, this 20tb dy
ti. ... k." ' , 1 ou Kxiay me maximum WSS ' epiemoer, law.
pJit.A -A?!".0: WM ? '"I",. ith a higher degree ol humidity, W.ATUgaroaw Wtatt.
.iiin--iJ T . ' J iiDg. n wnicn made the heat very hard J to bear.
rni l .I. ?V0, ' complete, The beat baa been accompanied by a
ran to that city. . gale from tl.e aonth.
No clue yet to tbe P. O. robW. ! .. .
LnXnOM- fW Oft A aniwial tnl.
from Cape Town dated Sunday, says that I SU MMONS
Three eases of scarlet fever are reoort-. S!"rr '.0'veu "?ra Pretoria report
ed in the third ..rd. Thi i.. ;rriiue itivrogerasrjeinginiavorot an
.... t . llfliVlrlillTlrtnel an
Attorneys (or plaintiff.
There is litUe doubt that the head man
in it was an expert of considerable
I i n A I I - 1 I . . .
, iouio iuv una do aouDt axippea out.
i." w.j:"' unconditionsl surrender. It is added
l.rZ.Sr'.'S.!" eu-ivo council wi'l meet
ing special attention
well ventilateJand th. 1. ond.y Tuesday to discuss the ad
. l - jr . YiniimiiLV ni anrn a mimn
InTnsCrRctir Coubt o ru a sratg or
vMKtioa roa unn Lolrtt.
In tnaCiucttiT Count orrna
OaaooN roa I.wm Coumt.
Uriiiartuintlt No. 9.
John Mlnerl plalntilT, vs. Archie O
Wlabard and Alice Wisliard, hi wire,
llarton B Wiahardand Msrtlia wjaiiaru,
his wife, Warren W Wl.hsrd, Katie i
rorgeaod Vrilliam A Forgey, her bus
C.rioe and Harry tirlre, her
huaband, U4 Wlaliard.Uwoige Wlahard,
i itii. ui.n.r and All ert H Mrianer. hrr
huaband, Ulcb.rd Wishard. Minnie Max
im and rem Maxim, onr nuauanu. um
Wiahard, Lauiaa r raice aniiorinn ana
IVrley Anderlon her huli.uoo, wiiuam
Van Vaeloi, Kova I arsneii ami i.inw
Psmhel' her huaband, Ansa Joiinon and
Ota R Johno. her i.usbanu, pamuoi
Van Vaclor ar.d Mrt Van Vector, his
wife, lMli Dunbsr and Orln Dunbar, her
huaband. Trance Vn V actor and noyo
Van Vector, defrndauls.
To Arche O wi.nard anu auce i-
bard, lUrtou 8 Wiahard and Martha WU
hard. Wairen W Wiahard, Katie ! Korgev
and William A r'ois-v. J" Orice and
Harry Orice, l.ots Wulurd.Uwmre W ta
bard. Ltllie Wuner and Albert S W laner,
Kiehard Wuharl, Minnie Maxim and
Kern Msxim. Bert Wiahard, Uuiaa
Frances Andertoa and CarM Aaderton,
William Vaj Vector, Hove rarabed and
Limon I'arabeil, Doilie Imnbar and una
liunhur. S'rancea Van Vaxtor and Klord
Van Vector, tbe aoove named deleodaiita.
1 Oregon, you are hereby notiflmi and
r.iiuired to appear in the above enti'led
oourl in aaid suit, and anawer the cooi
plsiotof the plaintiff tiled therein on or
before the SMltb day ol November. INUit,
that being the dale preacribed in the order
ot publication of thia summons, and on
which jou are ruin I red to appear aad ana
wer the complaint heieini and you are
further notified that it you tail to appear
and aetwersaia complaint, as herein re
quired, for tbe want therecf. the plaintiff
will take a decree and iode-roent again
you'for tbe relief demanded in said com
plaint, towlt: for a decree declaring that
the plaint id herein bedec'ared and de
creed to be (he owner in fee simple of and
to ttm whole ol aaid tremiss hereinafter
deacnUd, free and clear of any lien, claim
or interest of any kind that the defendants
above mantd o- any of them or any person
or senone boldios? by. through or under
them or any ot them may nave or claim to
bave in or to tbe said premises or an part
thereof, and that the cloud now noon
plaintiff's title be removed and tbal tbe
defendants be forever oarred from asserting
the disease spreading.
Those who attended tbe reception to
the volunteers given at Grand Prairie
Orange Saturday night report one of tbe
pleasantest receptions of tbe year. Tbe
young men were treated royally and ap
preciate the (act. .
To Cnarles Augustus ZUis. the above ibed.M follows, towil:
llieittnnrt. It 1 lo Ijnarl.a Antr.i.l.i. 7.I.. ik. ..I
is stated must be acceptod with reserve. I named dxfBdant : ' beginning at a point oo the wrst bound-
Th- n..-IN THE NAME OF THE RraTf or I hoe of the Donation Land Claim of
P. I lit9 jUlt trr,iJod nno'"n8 yon in ths atHTve eSed cL'ui Jl ' '.( of the Willamette
!H'r,ehelhn l).uJe ?' kieridian, Ore'goa. which is 81.10 chain.
i"""ri"'u"uiii uui mas ineir i... j ' 1 . .
Ti, i... ,. nre is ineuecttve. I r" " M"7 "me
vuo ururr oi puoucauoa or 0a sum'
urauripto Aiosnyior tbe season and" .'""jWi- According to a Bie- monai and if f oufail to ao ar.r.n,l i.L
rstnrne.1 in fnnl.nrf i.t. :.u ciaUrom OUnxna on,n ti. i'.:,i.i. " '. . , 10 so aprjearand ans-
- - v uaaw uivitllU V J k LI f W ua y f SUV 1 ISJ VSBT
3310 sacks of wheat for Bafonr. (inthna airy, while oursuimr ilia defeated Itnerai
A Co., shipped from the Farmers ware- were egagol by a strong force ol the
house of tbis city. Tbe Elmore has fnemy on tho north road. Firing is now
been running during the entire season progras.
from Salem. I I aal Il'lzzird
Albert Poole, once convicted but sub- MivsxAPOLm KVl 9-i 4 .ni.i
equentlyreletsed lor the Cow creek "'J.ct'. ?TK. Pcial to
canyon train robbery lain tail ith . " '' reai ran, wont., says:
Vuv!?&l& w.h n?" Perished in the recent biix
for boldl7. a?merforV he' ll itf.. "Ye. recovered,
of robbery; and shooting John B.mmil ?n&l?"t?
woo cam. to the aid ol the farmer. j rald, a .-ho,, Tbi sheip had I .
f orty-four years ago this month sev- en off his beard, clothing and part of his
eral companies were mustered into ser- boots,
vice in Oregon to fight tbe Indisns. Sev- I ,
eral of tbe veterans are residents of AN aJor Howard Killcj.
bany, among others Capt, Wheeler. The ! Omaha, Oct. 22. X social cable was
Eugene Guard Bvea an intereatin rn. received here tolav ennniinfTittcr t lm Anal I.
view of the company that went out irom ! in tl,e Pliilippinea on Saturday of ft.ajor
that city and vicinity by order of tiover
nor uurry.
Following is a list of the jewelry stolen
from the P. O. : Two gold bracelets set
wunruDiea; two jet bracelets set with
gold ; one gold bsnd ring, with 25c gotd
angle attached by small chain: gold
ring with moonstone setting; I,
gold ring with two hesrts in gold ;child's
I lain gold ring made of coin; Masonic
pin; gold breast pin closed without set
ting; gold pen end pencil combined.
People through Oreson eeoerallv ahnnM
keep a lookout for these things.
There are three classes of neonle at
tending a football game the curious,
the rooters and the enthusiasts. Now
ths game with Salem next Saturday will
be an occasion lor all three of tbe above
to be in their glory. In fact tbe game
will be tbe best ever seen in the city and
without a doubt the lamest attenriad
Tbe University boys hsve been working
uaiu uooer tueir coaco ana so siso have
tbe College boys. Coach McClanaban
is showing bis worth and tbe eleven is
lastcoming into condition for the same
next Saturday.
It will COSt VOn onlv 25a tnr a. dnun
flat pieces such as sheets, table clothaerr
at the Magnolia Steam Laundry.
By order of the cltv council It ;u ha
dark at 7 o'clock so far as lighting your
bicycles are concerned nntil (he 1st of
April '
Guy Howard. Son Ol General i n lift US a.
ard. The cablegram, dated " Saturday,
was received by Judge J. M. Woolworth,
father-in-law of Mai. llnwarrl an.l
aa lOIIOWS :
"Guy Howard killed in action today."
The Dynamiters.
Moscow, Idaho, ;Oct. 22. There are
scenes of activity around the U.S. court
rooms in preparations for the term ol
federal court which will begin tomorrow
under Judge Bcatty. The principal in
terests centers in the trial of the alleged
dynamiters from the Coeur d'Alene min
nig uieinci. Their cases come first on
the docket." The grand Jury has its sit
ings Monday, Tuesday snd Wednesday.
Daring Robbery.
ATcniso.v, Kan., Oct. 22-Two robbers
last night shot and killed ore man and
wounded another in a store at Doniphan j
which they later robbed, and today am
bushed and shot and killed a policeman
and wounded another man, both mem-
uers oi a popse pursuing them. Tonight
the robbers are surrounded six miles
north of Atchison, and an attem pt to ar
rest them will be madeaj, daylight.
At Manila.
Manila, Oct. 23 8:50 A. M An Amer
ican oll'icir was killed and two men
wounded bv the Filininna In an attselr nn
a launch with General Lawion'g expedi-
in jjio niquiia, near fcau tmdro.
Tie reVs fi red vo'loys from the shore.
wer sani complaint, tbe plaintiff will an-
v j w toe aobae emiueu court tor lbs re
lief prayed tor in said eoma'ainr.. t..mnt
Kor a decree dissolving the bonds of ma
Uimon) now existing between plaintiff
anu ueinauama or piaintlH S COataandaif
buraement herein ant for the care and
odstody of tbe child meo'.ioned in tre
complaint nereio.
Thia summons is published once a week
for six cooaecutivs weeks in Tun Srsit
iwoa-ri usmocrat, a newspaper publi.hed
ia Linn Oounty.Oregon.and of general cir
culationin saidf county, puraoaot to sn or
der of Hen. Gel. D. Harton.Coiintv Judgs
of Linn county.Oregon. niwle and dated by
him on the Uib d iy of Meptember, IHU.
riieiULeot the tlrat public' ion oflhia
summona i Krtuay toe 15th day of Sep
tember, 1S99. .
Dated Albany, Or), on, 8epr.t 15, 18tr,
W. R. Bif.rKf.
Attorney for Plaintiff. '
South of the Norlhweat corner of said
nation land claim and runnlua thence
West. 34.61 chains more er leu to ths Kaat
liaeol ths Donation Land Claim of Oeo V
Crawford and wife, Claim No. off, in
TownahiDl2. South ol Kanire 3 West of
the Willamette Meridian, Oregon, thence
onth 63 24 chains more cr fvss to tho
South line of Ibe North H ol ihe North
wel i ol Section 13. in said hut named
townaulp, thenos Eaat 38.0 1 thain more
or lens to the Soulbwatt corner of said
Claim No, Hi. thence N'rth to ths place of
beginning, containing 204.88 acre, more
or h-sa, situated in Lino County, Oregon.
And for tbe cot and duhuraeuient in
curred in s tid suit
Tbis aumnior, if served uoon von bv
publication in the Statu Kiohts Dsmo-
chat by order of the Hon Geo D Harton.
county judge of Linn count), Oregon,
made and done at-Alhnnv. Oreiron. i he
80th day of 8e pl. ii.ber. 1HW. The date of
the Aral bublioaiion of this suinmnna in
said newapHPer i Friday. October 0, 181)9.
, , Att'ys for Plaintiff.
SEnp no honey ara
tiASLSsss CAsisir suisiei siwins macmisi -kc"o
OwjJYoa ) .uunlii. ti .t your o..r..t fj.ijhi a. J i"Z.lT '
m ti. a., am mk aauTairr nrtinitivTJTZ" '
m lose III Oder Priea eiK an "V-
an fraiichl abarra.'.'w.inii. iu i
rr owafcma,aS wwlll "turn JurVll M V.'i
: J?,l-.0' h ' ' "uy daacm
w.iwpsaar, DUtlt,W fOf fflll PI
ssej sjre)ssvua yr mwrrm V
..w-.-.. w.. ...H mmmwmm waawwsssssa)
stweesMOiU. WHUftaeaa rVtassa laflirenM
SS a J ' aal aapwawwa ier a -vaasBBnaaaa
indttiarrrtjrlitwlll I
ha l4lu. m . ,o, J i ii - i f, J
who ouvr oar ad.r. fll'.EJat it S
"awaarlMwiMmaa.vllk.aflMak.. f ' 1 - SB N M ' I
!.vr.J,,""",, i-''aT, . I IVi wo ,.aL, f
sains attHiaa muhl wrra tui I I If"'" :sC.T If i
aIC :N3 '!
awuia or soas. Maa br Ik.
aaakava In Im-hm.'
a tka SaaiaUrlaiBiaaar
-itA Ja oth.rop.awuh full lith uSS ud bsTt
Wi DaSaODlfl
r tasaaa. eiaasl
WWlnar. 4 Ikavew sl..... i.;ZaV-a.fJ" na P' W
SSS.S0, ant then fr emrliiesd th.t .,u aro ..!,. m u, to "io ..I HS?D;r "" . to
Address, SEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.) Chicago, III.
- i