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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1899)
" 1 "' ' 1 i" WhatU Shlloh? " ra medy for Cough, Oold motion: uied through th 7f a centurv, h cured in of incipient coaramp j TuveA many in adduced M1S V&aakflsrfwtththa tctfc.60ctt.and$1.00- V joortal 2.00 - - ' . rgum an other! - Has trofiJinonenaiTa breath. i Karl's C ortrKop j m noth. . Jlt. Price 25 cts. and 60 eta. ye-byFhayAM- .-j f adachs. ana fl . MT d. D- . or liver n torpid ana to n promptly, p'e8"".- .1 causing the 4BTp wd "o -aturally. tile ducts to PfIou .y TBBY AR gOOPPt"' . Wtthinkyo,ea.ihat tWTof Dy.2 5 ortyweia Care , itt oire iwell. Koloi j t SAdigeor,a..tohea1th -oahay A Mason" -J. CASTORIA JL. children. rtta M Yen Han Alwajs BosgM Bears the South and Eas Route OF TH6- -a Paiac 03 7.0Cr. a. ! pjrxua 4x gui Frnclc . t m - .I 1 tr&nt ,t0p av . - - !oi' - 7 . -7.r'.nl Shea". . ""Tu'u-t and . U PWruTntoand i. rrVebarg cding Ani. atlra Ll lt.W' t-1 T Sf li rra on Ogdsn EoutsJ Sf" Van. lrar ... .nti Earopc :.ilSa7rOWWS nRTHERll n PftCIFIBBJt Faiimaa Sleeping Oars, E'ssant Dtog Cars, Minneapolis Dulutb Grand Forks TO Orookston ffinnDea Helena and Butte TXROUGHTICKEN 'V.lcacO T TVashington hiladelpbla "iork Joeton and al. -TaSandbKrn W sf iw . line orintormation.timecard, naps anC Br.rkbart tickets eu.o -"" A.t Gen Pass as'- M tUMi . ' 8:18 a . i lOtM ,., a - r " " -..rcct nrrPFBik S.00 per yearn advance. 300 par m not in advance. 4Bffie0wlto w in nr cent added ii ,,"V w inadvancICluUoiBv nw subscribers at $5.00. Young Mother. . ..' x t thnnunil ol CiO'ip tae wow w "k.v u ho aaaaiaina ana irequoiinj uv oiagio w caawi V , re- Men known toiau. ""'"j : . fISlHmmediateiy. Prices 25 cU,. and Wets, and 11.00. Foraale by onay nio. . ... 1 lb, curse of overworked wo..nkmd re ouickiv and. surety cur Boot Tea,. tu greet i tiaaue builder. Money reiuuu satiafactorv. Price, eta. and 50 eta. For sale by Foahay Mason. Beantr I Bloo Deep. Clean Diooa mean j VL.wV beauty without it. Ca-ereU, Candy Oat bar- "nVour Wood and keep it clean, by th laav liver and di Irivins all in) puntiea trom in mxur. trom trie oomr. t-rr'". ,'":TJ,; iimplea, boil, bloUhe blarkheada, and that aitkly biiioua complexion by "king Caacareta. beauty for tencenta. Auarug. giata, aatiafaction guaranteed. 10c, xx. ouc Pnftamonlai la grippe, eonaht, coldi, roup aad wh wpinroujh readil; Je'dto One Minute Cough Cure. Une thu remedy timi aa I s tra a dw'Vi bul-K ths un rtikir'a. Fihiy A tttoa. TICKETS ' . Toallpoirta Eastria Gre t Northern Railway.. For rates, f Klers and full informaUon all i or add "ess H.F.MKRBILL, gent Albany Ko-T-Bae for Fifty Caota GuaraatMd lohacco cure ten turns. Wood pura. WcSL AUaruggu Albany Market. Wheal 43 Mrnts. OaU26 Egg 17rwot. Butter 11 to 17 ccntt. Potatoes 60 cenU. flams 15 caU. Sidn 10 cnt. Sbooders8 cents. n7 -iT riojiujiuj Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you cax. IiartlflclallydigwtsthefoodanAJd ytura in atrengthentrip: and raoon itructing the exhausted digestive or. ni itistheiatcsiaiacovereuuiKcoj- int and tonio Io other preparaUon can approacuii in emcieutj. Bl atantly relieves and pennanently cures Dyspepsia, iBuigwuuu, v""" Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Kauaea. SickHeadache,Gaitialg1 a. Cramps, and all other results of imperfect dieestloa. frapor4 b'K-C. DaWI; A Co- CbMapaw For sale by Foahay & Mason. 0REG0N YIAVI C0MPASY Car. Morrison A Park 8ta. LEWIS BUILDING. Portland Oregou OUR CAPACITY In the Valley. OUKWORK -Is Uosurpaieu In Oregon. e have the best stock u. L..i.i fm-m and our Dncet to alwavs the lowest, quality consitlered SMILEY, Aii.a.itr. me rr.aier ma vr m ' r - Toriuring Disfiguring Humors Itching-, Burning, ana scaiiy Eruptions ol Mie smn snu Scalp with Loss ol Hair CURED BY CUTICURA. The treatment Is simple, direct, sreeble. est iniant as wi pe """"Z ii.Vio Btne ina anecif a l'-' - , --.ul Ji7 ,J erV. andsssyt-n M CDTH-aiBA Ointment freely, to allay iii-h nr irritation, ana ''"'' IShfandbeal, lastly tfj-thsCy thr pbyciau. tall. anVtmrrvlKR. Prk.T. Ssv. SI. w"- c,. .. fr., .o. f., BOW rrwisfc, nM- H-tT fcwk, frwsj. g. Low toCa Un" K. O. T. M. very Saturday evening al K. 0. T. 3 all Visitin; Knighia inviied. O W GOFI'Coirjuiar.der. nrvl WA ITTilVf: ftOSecond St near Lyon street, Albany, fjells Clii- netta medicine. Chinese rice, Chinese a and nut oil. HYSTERIA t parely a asrvout dtaoruar and all the ymptoius ara ot narvoos origin. Hysteria an U perfectly sad Mrmanantly cured. BVOTAN will sura byaterla. BVDYAN will relleva Svsry symptom. m'DTAN wUl reators the waak. nad narvas to a neat, thy condition and tba symptoms wtU dlnp paar. HVDTAN la s vagetabla remedy aad b as no bad affect on ths system. Siutly your symptoms care fully. When you hare done to, net ths HDD VAN and Ibea tell . re your friends what It has dona tor you. HERE ARE YODR SYMPTOMS: 1-1. LTJTTBIWO Ol TH XTU UDS, HUOYAN wlU relieve this almost Immediately. t i ipnawnMita or thu lips. VDTAN wtU re tore ths nerves to a heal thy condition, and ths trembling WlU dlaap- a T.fTlfP IH "TWIJ TTTHOAT. The feeling la as though thwrs waa a ball in the throat. BVOTAN will eauas it to disappear. 4. PALPITATION OT TSS BXA&T. HUOYAN will strengthen the heart muecte and cause ths beau to become strong and regular. 8. SINKINO riELIirO IN THB PIT Or THB STOMACH. It 1 due to the action of the weakened nerves of ths tomach. BCDTAN will strengthen ths crves, and ths sinking feeling will not recur. ..n thla la for von. Hamember that VDTAN cores men and women. It will relieve you of all ths anovs symptoms ana von can be cured. BVOTAN will off act s permanent cure. Take BVOTAN now. Yon ran get BVOTAN ot your druggist for S sots per packsge or S packages for S3M. II year druggist does not keep It, send direct to tba BVDTAn UBSasJVW vvarmna, eea rrsnclsco, California. Yon can consult the doctors ot tba BVOTAN BBMKDT COM. PANT FRESL Call on the doctors. It you cannot call, yon may writs andedvtcs wUl be given free. Address RUDYAN REMEDY COMPANY, Cer. tseHea, Msrket sad Cilia Ste sa Freaeisee, Cal. FOSHAY S MASfiH Wholesale Retail DRU3QISTS AHD BOOXSEILFI albant. oaeoos Pn re Drugs and the finest and Largest Stock ot Stationary snd Books n the Market. WASTED We will pay $12.00 a week salary to euner n man or wuiunu resent the Midland Monthly Magasine as a subeeription solicitor. The Midland is the same sie ss McClnres or the Cos mopolitan. It Is now in its sixth year and Is the only Msjfrzine of this kind published in the great Central West. handsome premium given to each K Konrl 10 cents for a CODY of the Midland and premium list to the TwasirrH Cektubt Panusaiso Co., BU Louis, Mo. CIXPERCENT iiinh.- have it I n( mAflta tA IOAU OH IimiKM SBH, " . , flnt-elaat farm security of Imp fovea business property in AiDany. i sixner cent for particulari eaU on or address. ' . ,l.hi:.. 3. F. MsaaiU., iemocra, (uu., Albany, Oregon SUUUQKS la Tan CiacriT Coort or tbs Biatb or Oaaooa ron iiianvoTi. V .it.. ..A U.nrt rfrad av. hit jnnn urauif, . i.;..i(r. . Ada ia Mercey ana wiic, I""-""- " fc. k.H -hoe riven B,me U unknown. W.i. B-dlej. A Wilson and " '"UB whose given name U unknown, an t Danes n. ru.w , w- T.i AJntia Mercey and Mercey, her butband (whose given name is un . "v.v:ui. Rn4 . Ann Wilson and M0WD' "T" hnsbani. (.how . i , t,,i.. given name nnsnown; .u- T N THE NAME OF THfc 8TATL OF 1 Oregoa. loairese-"; .- v 5 . . in rnrt in said olaint'S herein on ire u7 v, -v.- ember. 1S99; and you are nereoy uri. . rt A iU.t Iff tFvn fail tn annp&r ana ant- notinfa uw :-". . rher'of. the plaintiff will take a d-cree .AMiiiiinE as aiurwniu. iu airaint: yon for tbe reiiei oemaroeu iu again.. I Th.l IhA rn M- teis belonffing to plaintiffs and defeodants tats oeKrnB'it I T . . B k g ana aesvnuc rv' . :r; . r. 103 in Esckleman's addition to tbe city of Albany, Una county, wic8un. . . ? . ' :-t. t thn nhova entitled tMteree ppu" , . court and fiat the proceed. . arw. th- from be paw mm coui. - -- Kt. nar the costs and r ?P?"e"' ,: .rth,. suit. Second, to P"..P "S? Mnd BracUev. to pay the county. School Putrtci o. o ana y ijuuj itw. f Linn taxes ot we ciy m Tur Jl . .... i nMn. and that the re- Bainder be divided between tbe plaintiffs and defendants as muir iuiwotm -i- ...mmnn. In sprved noon vou by publication for six consecutive weeks pr or to tbe 13tb day of November, 1899, in tbe w iuo ' ,-..,. wKAkle news XUl m 1 n ... " " carer of generaicircniauon iaruuBuu,.-.- rv . T "j .:i..l mil null ished in cpnnty anasis. .- bv nrrfpr of the Bon. Geo. P. Barton, county judcefor Linn county, Oregon, which or der bears date the 22nd day of September, 1899, and that tbe taid oidcr so mado by tbe Hon. Geo. P. Barton prescribed the 13th day of November, 1899. i as the dav ncd time on or before which JOU-bouM appear and answer said complaint in said Buit. Tbe date of tbe first publication of this summons in aid newspaper is p- tember 29. 1899. Weathebfcbd & Wtatt, Attorneys for plaintiff. ALBANY COLLEGE 0FFEK9 A THOROUGH High-Qrade College Education To every boy and the aniDitiou to lb, course Is coniplsls, and ..nbraccs the LANGUAGES, SCIENCES, MATHEMATICS, HISTORY, ENGLISH AND ELECTIVE8 Tbt Normal Courts Tto a BUTE mttAXk. aad lb. Commercial Course has now become a Business College Albany, Oregon. a w n r,nu.F.r,R fiF All 11 f all. VVUMM mm w I a. PARTIH, Mas. Dos., Wreotor- A-iat. Plsn. Litest MsthoJs. Full Course given In the Principal o. Music and Art Is Uuitoi Plani. organ, voice, uauen Diuiuii . """-j., ,r Ils?mont Cunwrpolnt, Fugue and higher Musloal Composition, sic. UtImJ?DT:"n..T..n-.B.t naantarnoint alven by Oorrespondeoca. 5as assist in obtaining a aiuiioai r.uuoau. "ViTV. ' - Wi . ' e-T--w P i ffm m rLrz '?sji-iLx r A wtdow -rtylsit years old. living h Hew Yeet Oly had as dssaej tsrM phewaseonstalv troubled with paloeoo bar right sMe, wUVh aeesned Sa SeinijSI IfMBW. LID U LSVBB, J Usasw Caw IMS sjsbsjrbj Bj-waaa Wf m a -s jr f - ' - 1 Sh7km4curr of the stomach! another alaMd that llesi smllnary 4r?syU.aarfsa meJWIriMlu. At M.tbe at morphlDe were reaorteil to, Tba neueal aad had very lltua apoeuia. rany '"TrT.T.T ?JjrZJ. UuiHd alarea awuaas, aad cuaid sat baaed i sseS mViN'lhlvSl all iaw.a whs m w tm in, ai sysiiiSris. t il. r.u r.mrt olthe state of Ore- Q SJ gg VVIV - rmw - - - gon for Linn county, Department . Tbomas Morgan, plalntlfl, P. H. Mariay, defaiioant. To P. H.Mattay the above named Je- L..i.n ni ear oTsTP nr N 1UE PiASlS US D.a.n v. n . v harabv nanlred to appear in tbe above eatltled court and aw i . T: at aT. kAMsU no nr bsftftirtt ttt ast day of the period of time prescribed IOC ue puoiiaatiMB , 7 r , you. wmcb psriid of vm ta more than six weeks from the date of the first wUlca- tion of this summons, to-wii; too i a., nn K.emLer. 189. and yon are fur ther notned that i jou fail to so appear and answer saia umpiaio. as h reby required Ibe plaintiff will ap nly to the court for tbe relief prayed for in bis complaint, to-wit: For a djcree of decreeing that the plaintiff be de-med to lie tbe owner in w wspn nw -i liens of tbe following dsscribed real prop- sSbswsl H of BUon 4 in Town ship 13, South of flange 8 West of the ..:Vi u..:,i.n in county. i ..niainina- 160 acres: and ., . il! i . -.1 n. mada bv Linn iDat too wy -, ',, ... county, Oreiron, on the aesm mt roll for theyeaVlSOibe declared to be null and . ii - i : J I a IU. map a a i n A ft tin void, ana mat saio y ---- --- bfild for nausbt and that tbe sa'd tax deed as made by the bhenff of Lion county. ' e a . At J.fn-rla I IliB BtSV Oreoon, herein to mo uriouu.M. aside and that this plaintiff be decreed to be tbe owner of said real estate in fe sim ple aid that t he ciona resting " i''"-""" : Sitle by reason of raid ta, deed be removed and that the defendant be decreed obave no nterestln said lana. ana . "",v'" L-mi j aainattha delettdarit .1 A ,.knr.amanls of IbtS SUll. fhe dateol the nrst puuiicai.iuu . snmmons is tne tcoa u, ui 1899. aid tbe ante or tne isst , 1'11U 18(10. This summont is puolnbed ii the State lt fifdpf fit liOnOTftUH Geo. D. barton, County JuJe of Linn i. M.-rmn made and dated this tbe 15th dy of September. 1S99. WaATnEiironD & wvatt, Attorovs for nln'"''. For Sale. . mi 11 i.l r arm tnv fiiriil a will se" " eo."v - , of 189 acres situated four miles northwest of Halsey, 100 acres Doing um er -tion and balance pasture, timber and or chard, (iood house and barn and every thing complete and . flnl". . will sell 71 acres iwu uiu - Sheridan, for 28 per acre. 1 arm is fenced and has nouso tuu . dress the undersigned f'gjJJ; ttlrl th' WALUCE HOWE LEE, President MUSIC AND ART. m . a St AAA Ill J. H BROWS Principal er in cm i vuiu n,..! Instrumsnts. "maBm paine.treee w severe that byBoAsreala tej, r , weif iim is potsmi warn cwvwwr r as. aaseag eUjea Sfcihea. eat aeaast. Sa aeissaseejipgiaaBisiei rvraiKasai aeasjtssm iliislsi a CoTTallii & Ratal. TIME CARD. A 0.. VasMHlM fur i Miusaasja a . . a - a tl tA .IA Xrtttt MT1 IWIDTe ietiW J? 01 a I V....1.. at .SLA . BXTITsM AIUUIOI,,,. V rUU Ola 1 Tsaf nrntn f Leaves Ysquioa . :w a. m. Arrives Albany 12 .26 p. m. f natrnitl I .eaves Albany 7:u a. m. Arrives Detroit 11:65 a. m. 4Betnrolngt . t ..... Ik.).iit 12:25 n. in. Arrives Albany 6:56 p. m. 6Leavee Albany 9tm p. m i ..i.. rVkrvalila fl.66 n. m SLeaves Corvallis 6:40 a. m. . . ... i ih... . . 7:1& a. m. One and two connect at Albany and Corvallis with Sontbern I'ecltio trains, giving direct rervira to aud from New port and adjacent beaches, r No. runs fron Albsny to Corvsllis on MMidsys, Wednesdays and Fridays "iio. 6 runs from Corvallis Albsny on Tuesdays.Tborsdaysanrl Ssturdsys only. Trains for the mountains arrive at Io trolt at noon, gtviug ample lime to reach csmoina groucds on the Breltenbusb snd Baniiam rivers the seme day. Edwin Hroxx, H. L. Wtuiix, Manager. t. A p. A. J. Tuaaxa, Asot, Albany. - m' rrT s NEW VORK WORLD Tliricf-n-Week Udllo 18 Pages a Week . . ... 156 Paper a Yeai For One Dollar bllsbdeveryHeralllayexfeplSaa Ti,Ti,rip.a.WfikKdition ofTHgNavi . . ..rnn... Hur .Turing HI. WIKKI V . . . ., ,i .i.i I :.!. lfvinanr, of nublicatton papers in t , . . and tbe frethtssn, accuracy and variety oi . u has all tbe mttrits of a iWWv at: he price of a do! la weSUly. Its political nnw... piun. i, w... Men EODA WATER from Soduvillo, Iroin, .r.t.i at- KiirLrtinrL tv Lieu lealtby dri'Jk, AIho a line thing irom in Ki-.frfl.-..l l.t, Tf.lin HumrLt I ! .... ..t ni . Kwont Home. TTT eaom (3 o I ... taaavsr. Ft IAS! Fast Mstl I p in Chicago ana Hpoksns F'vt' 1.10 pm gweago, East. OOEtN STEAMSHIP 4 Vnt Han franolsco 8p m Ball try dJ" tnm. COLUMBIA WVM M ttikundsy o """.-.- " ,v v . ..wuuiV 1 Al n wii.i. ski .r KatfoB Baient It " am WMAMKTTKA1I1 S:30p Nonas ...aday, YAM"'"'"':-'. wad. !.. U'H05,r.Y.:nd.: andnat ...itt.t. and way-uau . a and Bat. ..... LV lWHBU LtRiparla , , 12;W) r ayw KutVL;;r.rou u.iy 15-. r?. 4AWUNOi, Portland, W. Agent Albany. 1KD S00 PACIFIC UNE. To iUPoints East ' Mid JLl. trains. V'sTn. ace sleeping m eiflc to U,e iht) IMPERIAL I.1HI i r... Md. Amwican sonllntnt in 4 U. fas'er than any comtilof cosTOUECTAao crt aotrra t Kooiciuiy ;rw -a l iucs ftllas'lllt? 1 a twos. nistrici tvru. All point, in tl Uk.f Cotmtry I Mmi.blt lilvitig a lull leacnptiPi. ofliTt. wonderful cWry. JftfiS for a copy of the wining r,rlMW Columbia. .... Atiantketsamsblp laae. nv.fn.n Pac. Ry. Uo'a Boyal Mail Steamship line to China and Japan - - . uaee. a Ml OAaaOtA AVSTaAUAP avaa-a- QSOttitP, VUI A ASHtaAUA. DnTand a sUwardcas oa wy voyage. rot time tablet, psvmpnwt", w sy ormatloa.caUoaor address. JOJTLS. Kt 1 Curl LEGAL DIRECTOR Albany. W R Bttv-o. Fosbay k Mason block U Bryant. P O block. Anderson Cannon. P 0 Mock . J N Dnnctn, V O bloca . T P llackieman, Pearoe bloc. Judge U II llewltt.P O block. KeUy A Curt?oank building L II Moitan ve, Pearce block J C Powell. P O block. CEBog.rUDlora. L L bwano, Bank building. , j 0 Watson, bank building. ..tJ-i Weatherford A Wyatt, Bank bnlldim WbitneyA Newport, Cuslck block. f O W Wright, PO block. r j Lebanon. ; KM Garland. ' Brownsville .h' fcclo. I TJ Hion or AI.4T,0OI- fsw11ni ,-rtMeM " trt a.Tor ,B,W.LAJ- ? ttllftsaeseesss n " TRANSACTS A OaMaaAt.b.nklailbaelasss tl aCCOimTSaarTsaUlsetiesaeeB. . ..r.;- ..niwoi ..t.i..nll. it aslsr. f tigOTIOHS dADKee fs.orslite eraas. Staaoroaal n t Teose a w uss p 4 OooBvie b. rwaaf O I. Puss. ...... -i.. - .....r.i.HHistl nr irtvanlif -S .-i.i- ......nsiif si,i-rhHni-ai or Invnllf js t"sVVsVStsasBVsstfa?st . font biikhii-Bicouiliirtoil fur Mnderrts t .' n N.ti.ntjtilnfri'oiif clnr'-'V Onrfeenot i Jouaforcitiucounlrlisstntfroo. idaraf. 41 Mt IVIHnU v v m . w t a . snow & c f a. 3 ADCharlt" rsiiai y