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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1899)
it I i n )A V I riBriTlT rniinT "i 5'? ' The Metropolitan Opera Co. The MolrojM.litrO)r Company ,one 01, the tnovt (Ulutaittlnl ornltlnt.. playing the northwestern circuit, will Sphere on 04. ll,AIbuy tliui gel on " big city attract omi. Tbo coin Pny hue th. week boon t.laylngjo ,n iinuiviittt buNlmiM before i'ortlatid audi- f-ri-'i 'n ""Ivod moat flat taring notice from the papuri of that ootnpinjy mrrioa inch picked ar tliU n Will itlainif iii..i . .1 i , "' 4V t 1 1 w 1 1 Q Alii rac i, la eonxnlcuoua today for the com .loteii.. and lanfoctlon of It cttum- ing. mounting una Biasing. 1 lie iiiik!, J m, I .....?....?. . ... ., I. " iwouiaoi All .;T.. i "wulyP"t "'emaolve ou wiok appreciative ol audi en E0,!!!.!,.U. ." tl.elr Intent tiiB IimII ill0 mU8 "Urtlng .i.?1 '. . "lni rolling thi. ,i7.;..i. 7Bir"l":"K"' will further ueo tlleii.alvea In I eal favor bv play. Si Vi.oo. " ,',ic", 50 "l,J " I ' u Sf Clty T.11! ou ' tt dark . M IISTII gH llglll. a pne of $5.00 l cfTored (or a It name Wapartment No. I of th Circuit Court The following la the docket i v.... ... .u lieach, recover, hloi tr.lnioru n.ede: . uvuia ioo eariy. n' EES ' . M' .bland nuwi buii to mi started. Keen .... ..... . . ... i:.-TV 5 . ",v" ,or now run f llf.l ...... no .ay agt l M I, (,, mandate. WIciUetalaKtF&MIn. Co, J,Uu.t.'in'iint nt th 'ir ground hint Saturday aftrn.u.n i.- . Athena and' 1'at' Mu7phy wa? woS ..SL'VVV- will formal. John Moinort airt J J K,.U. 1. I h dedicated the flr.t in JSli' personal property". n the grand lodge will ieit fceTi TnJ cigar riue Co But J H flil,iu...i .... V? vmnir meinbera of the or covury iiiuney, ' I"" pari oi tiiu tto. Albanys Coach. From the tiuards vl' K-..MeV'nn. ba well-known i'niverlty of Orogun iuarler-back. liaa iii- T,rta blvu-;,, "'" of the Albany collie foolUII team, to put hi team In condition for tho game Coach Mcuranahan h a good football record, and ttia work with the Albany boye will have good rttulu. Jn lHmA in lcl,1ul'1 lull-back of the High bchool leant. For three year Mr. Wctlattahan wa quaiter-back and field l'tal,n U. of t. team, and many oflUbrll iantucceoare due to bU gmteral.hip. A. a player, Mr. Mcflan ahan la cool, rapid an.r bfady, and will ba able to get the beat ffort out of hi men. Coach McOlanahan trafolug lm ten received from euclt thorouglt and Hmllh, of Muitnoaiah, Klmpaon, of 1 erkolov, ami Ptickney, of Multnomah and lale. Served Him Right. A the DKMncaAT intimated thtr wre two atdca to an I tun rejiorU'd In tbe lKo'N..tT laxt wevk. The (iuard ayi : John Hamilton, of Junction, ye.terday bad a draco Moaier, of 8iem, who bear an unenviable repttutloit, arrcat ed for atewling from him faj. ha re- M.rimi vo junciion In cuatody ol (sheriff 7.' .u "llon wa bad before the juatlee of the K-ace, at that place today. It wa clearly proven that be gave her the :-0 piece, fhe public wlwly taxed up the eoeU of the cae to ..... muhi at junction. The W.C. T. U. iu.'"i n '?"'. Vr. Cllne'a .' r"' wn. """I bom at thi u c . pom.,,,..,.,, gas KjKzrivia t: H I Nhor. . w t . . . . .Z vp ,r': Jiurie re- " 'iy vt a . e oci-1 Ko.iTinovt ii Jniinni 't i .it - Atoany ptople were eoneiderably eur prhte, l laat week In wading the reLt ol u "7 o' T. W. Harria, now 5 It?. ,vuKt''. ',J In rcaident niiHjiiTi allH'Iiratfl fir ti.. !.... ' c Mr. IlarVf. '"""" mom " 1 Mor,h 1,1 Bl' rcvery Lin ii money Hi! mem. Oregonjtgt Ii Forcn, roblcry. A J Fox agt Kphrlam Kns et al. elect- II aim ,!r"i"i7-U,i?,U:.m.otLr of Ju,,V8 incut. " 'J"1- ""fl.V of ll.i city diod at her home In 'i'r!'!"1 -I H IWncaet a!. UuTO W'C recovery mouej t attaebmant. W II Condra et al atft KHa Lewla covery money; attachment. ' A fll Cannon aut wijr tuunay. Itoienblatt A Co aut IV covcry money; alUchment re- John ifolnert, re- K Blain. ra ter Of lHi'J and tha mnlhnr nf ).. ,.l..l,l her noble pioneer women. , u.It9.? 'o' Odd Fellow met 7, . it . i.t ? ,K,,f ltt"1 8turday night r.h"T?UI,Ll'?n Mver" nw n oer. i lie fccio man wp n..:.i..i Uacobaagt VV It Iiui V!" MrJ- K- Weatherford. Urand money. wT.r7 . r .tnA w owero, J'rof. Mart- The Fecond dBDart.. m VV " " ""0 Kirach, II. on No. 13. Iforo wT,i:.,h:V,"T! will puu Hi i Lhe docket iTh rZ T . a " a,lol"r oi una i n. uocaet. city who report a fine time and splendid i ifcaiiiicot. ... Our Telephone System. 7 Vron'nltwafrom New York . C. J. Corcoran, unerintcndnt f tructlon in the nortbwciifor the Pacific tiUte Tcleiih it.. ... . i. wiuii nrivnui feaw..w. . ... . . .a (J "nquent: iat week adrlinoucnt mir.iJ-. -,.;.i ye ama f . ... K." . ... V - . . . .mi'" 'rar trm and au preme judge one ierm. While Oove? nor. Hon. I. J. m i ..... ?. i.i. -"-' v inia ctt-v, waa oir. iircuran l.-.i at.. . t bo ,.T- ... . . "perriion ii. ; : ."' ww lorn Inc. which Jonne. h. 5 '"w ! ! 1." a "Plfi'V He- 1CT-V W"'''?Kln. California ."nd ro:' A "-"J lumio nu now tt..i i.- bulk of that aid: A.n"lhr! V1'1' ,0 ya 1 "o uunu. miii another one I hooe In nav vnn 11,1. -,..L. ... go to the dev.l 'ni'i Mi i Aitfjroaiin exchange, in , hi, ;.i0 JT f'0" Z . " to uk warning by etc. win ijo removed and new and mod- Portland, ia .. TUESDAY. UaoBATarat Woat.o. - Ju!- n rllA In ...!.. I .1 .. . uia Mongolian pbeaaaut "'v ua conrerred the greateat IHVin Im.nlnVI. . . ' Kr,M of Pbanan't;. ii.. w. .u """cnpiea. d with Dlir rill llal1 lka.a a ha.m v .. ir".." '""ooocea mn lull i arnniri .1... Iiuwllman ...... . . "T" : prone 10 lorget beneflt received ai tha rt . f A f."y ?T ''We In Portland anrf .1 . . ' ' Pr"n anyway, 5 ! "i Prtnn have got thine onie he haa a frin,i .. a . . v.uu,au. ixuiiiierfl a a ciae are men who look out for n i ana powder and bullet. van remembrr the new.paper men. DlVOKta 8t!T.Two new Avn.,u ...!.. re L. II. IJerry agt J. E. Berry. C.ute rleaertlon. The parties were married in fJecember, 1885 and have had ono child whom the o alutiff A..i.. !Z were marr ed In m.i... i. 7o,ri,e! FaoM Ati.ix.J. H. Foatar. fn.i.. ha loat retnroad hnn .u- w here he ba been the naat r iri SiTJi aSaaPitbo?t 0Da tD0" do"", nSi.?. h ,l"n D00t 200 W0'tb Of nagget. He behevre in the Atlin die- npi all being mall, there b.ving been i?g VT 5.'000' CP- Bowman f ?i Mr-.ojter' brother, who were witb ulm desired aomethin. t.i... 1 . ontoDawaoo, where Mr. Foeter will prooaoiyjolo tbem in tie prin. Wheat I i7 cent. It oueht lo ba S7 cent, and would be but for the exhm- 1- - t0",,'D0,r 2 rhilllflg, where fO kwu 1 r-. -f . . .'"i wen are by the SlueeUieorganlaalinoby tho W. C. T. U. of new aoclety In the eaatero part of town make ucceary a mean of dlattufuiaUlnit between tbe two bow on, the old union will be known t ho Untral uoloo while the new take bo Willlard Union. At the recent annual meet log of tbe Central to ion the following oilier were M. M. lllain; Ice Prealdent, Mr. I. M. "j "'. Mia. John Altbonae; .J,,, WlUr tfng of tbo Cen tral Union will be held tomorrow at ; P. m. in tho W.C. T.U. hall. Gem of the Ocean. m A apeclal front New York to the PoaUl Tolograph offloe aaya the Colombia won j taw vj w nunuiei ana 2 aecond. There wa a good wind. A Rac-amoN to Company I. Grand Prairie Grange at ita meeting hut Satur day unanimously voted to give the mem ber of Co. I, 2nd Oregon, a reception at It hall hfturday night, Oct. 21. A pro gram will be rendered and refreahmenta erved, Lxercieea commence at 8 o' clock. Open to all grangor, all fa ml lie of Albany prairie and invited gnosi. Jnu ir w... .... Chairman Committee of ArrargemenU. From the Journal rwhen Judge Bur nett I on the bench he I the em'jodi- uoii vi juuiciat aeverity ana inaUntlv but yeaterday he not only allowed a gen! Aral (iMa. a ... ...... 1 ... . . NMuuuniHiiw nut laugued freely at one joke on bimeelf. The wit- neiaon the aUnd poke very indeatiuct- j nu in, juuge nau mm to repeat a vcruiin Biaiemeni a couple oi time and thonaald: "Speak louder; I can't un deratand vou." Tlmn ti !.... 1 4 - , - ----- ... -. .ii... .ctu- - to comprehend the aituatlon, Baying, ' Oh, yef and then nodding conoden tialle to the judge, be added, "I'm deaf, V 11 ulba?y 111 .now on' one tit gprt'vntw m me corner ot JJroadalbin r. i",u '"""ii.patu or oy the county. The k company and the council have not yet V r00.1"8, K greemont, and the rcult . or n 111 iot nut at ii it mm ineatiiii n .. ... . : . bo in the tame Iwat Salem! Tho Dallea " "uner viiy nave Doen in. being robbed ten cenla a hnlh.i traniporlation compaoiea. A Jeffereon diptctt aava (hat A boy Moiiier. of Albanr, and Rom, of Doovla COUOtV. -Ir-.-.l f, .1.. 'i achoAl ...-.i" -.IT!'""" :u" - ..7 uurniog, ana were can tured near thia city lait n gbt by W L Jone. and O. B. Hoyt, and returned to Tlie Examiner now.'arrivea in Albany ut oay alter being printed, reach ing here at 2 :W in the Sfternoon inaSaV, . n. morning a formerly. The new aervice ia being greatly appteciat- Vefic bb!e Preparation Tor As slmilatirig theroodandRctfuIa-' linglheSlnnuvcMflntl Howebcf Tkcss and BcstXontains ndllw Opniai'.Morpbine nor Hritffll. NOTNAOaCOTlC. uirmwmTrtmrm A perfect Remedy forCons (i ca tion, Sotu"StDnuch.DiarThoca, WonraMnmihionsJevcnsa OC55 and LOSS or 6lXB fwaawawaBaWHBMawaawawaawaw Tac Simile Sigrvalure of XEW YOHK. EXACT COPY Of VHAPPta. y liiiii For Infants and Children. The Kind You llavo Always Bough! Bears tho Signature of Ah In Use For Over Thirty Years fNf Camuit liil ' PAIVf MW 'POWel 0frV, Jfr linnet arid too 0f SUCharlea. . . I. . rr""v o- conve re In the city. ::MS! Uctober 26, 27and 28, HK?hrlMa. w 1 ,. couniy !. g convention will be held "'7i vctooer z. 27and 28. There are at least 31 7 lawyer in Port uaon down and renlani i,f. - . ' taicity n..l.i. - iren uu - ... -w.- .luur Qnea. a he new "drv ta- ",'n,w ueer will be home from 1,i per 'cablea ln nae H modern t-SZ.!?. ' trip on October s 6 ,r'n h' KJ ? '" r ,n In placeol be- W. B. Lawlor returned yeatealav Irom tS.ttteta,'?r the re.- I- the lnt,nt,o of the'eompany to make wl,e .hi hi'f". rll 'm Portland one tut win 1.. .... . . 1 iiov 1111 hn.i .rii.i 1... .... .11. n . . HID UIOBI SBLIB- I .. -"nuiaC lTUJ tin. K I II. T Alprrill .1). t ... . 'c",7,,T,c..PiW. ! ,.rJ"".. ?f Kugene. were marVl l Und thi. am" 4T; f: r lhi. toUko 4 wna. 00 convention of IJaptieta" - UteirfnaU ChaA n 'it-wii, ii ia ina aim ai ii.. i were in uia ii ..... - r i .n. j . . ' r rv" iu veraa- company now to put teleDhone. T n W i '"H u,"."un,mer' the city today. i.i . . . ' - Eiimnrti. ni iiMk n ait cia a e i a - PI. fltlAl IT IkAMiinHa . " . 7 land Lawver WraiT V. in fa'em yeater convea- .... . tiv ua ueen maue. I lon f r- r ... A. ifAi-w - neaienutaer ol Yonll riainvlew. ereimni,ii,.ii .:L1. In. ner ,leter Wan offlco Wedneeday. Mr. Hoock ie entho- , Ker. O. W. Grannl. ha. moved to Sa- in.r.....J u.X.. . "T"!' 'or that ;v;,T. HUHiiijt nr. 11 oral rwjktiii jtA a ranch near th Sileta Iry ind eWi e wania to eaUbliah a the hotel Albany. Dr. J. Salem yeeterday., aa OakviUe. at irom 7 "r. M flnancial agent. Some ol onr beat chimin, u rom a trip to the mouoUina. brinin Then K. u V N. 8m!th -.o... eM vl.lii .l" . oi caiem 7.'- aged Daren t a ft h- navo gone in Te tbrldf naa received ( . weautouan u 'ra aa an i....- -1 . aim mine- aution on hia ranch k l ed a deer Tl,. ii.:. ring r- oeipaa look. Tha enda Toledo creSme?.: ooSfarth. feni ,n"a fn'tK ni:hU',' lh" " whit, bd 25 cow of hit own to "to draw" on v Tl fiu-i- t . ' the county mod wearea white neonfe are informe.1 that Agen?BuJord will ae! n.en Pi0! ti T&P'91! ?or W TcC on t Wr. Wood In oecurlng enough co" Hwuck W H tl 5onl i w S1 ll manynfoa ouua. Air. ll nM,i:. l .lrwk il. . " -uu irabledIrection.-TolewLader; l-tweVal ill , Mr. biowiddie. Kd Parkar. TW T...: . ' wi i- r;.; ".r," prty r- a u3 v 1 1 iaa laiair . a- ia : t . J!!-'of.n.Tui bad iU.t;ri;L".'"i."e ""',a um9t0 escP em it. W. Ilnlman naiJ.u letter from Claude C.Tayior, lormerly of thia city.m member of the n,.r B. cornaon thacru avnu.i. .... I ti.. ci ... ahin of AdminTTw-iyrri " xzzzzrrs? fn ntof . v mu iiew lorn i i ine atara in..... ....i . l,i. 1.. ,. - ""w nuru to l - n.ui eoipioveea Uif v-icKo . nome. r. Taylor telle of tho magnificent rceLl.i n ' IT.' -i-MpT and counr ii man. iayioria a folio oem button, of thia cit uiacnargeu and return aametime. thi noon. nlnvaAa it,... -w " line, n oiu man namod Hunter, who been at the poor farm, came to the laai nigut, claiming that he didn't haa citv like it there and wam't tronted well by the f aunerintendent, and waa allowed to re jimui vor nignc in wie county jail. The JJkmocrat han't heard the other aide JO.. 1 ' Irs . ... niA train are now pasting Albany on the ' Acneumu, tuo oniy material change Wng the alternoon California expreHt niuuii goes noun at z:o-3:; In tha al sriioon Iritteitd of the old Koteburg lo- F 't f a 'f Mr K. II. Fleming wife of one of Sa vJt'in' lead in i? lnivvcra ilipil iAiii.r.1.- 1 l?cn IXnlge, recently injured in an ac tlilent lint begun breaking on the new V'rlnnds. .Ijvib mm ll.. r . .I:,,"'"' otcommodate aw v w a am in 1 1 raaai an. 1 1. . 1 1 DUblio. vue traveling Oacar Dilley i Draoartn- :. ac llw Jods. ha. beat him ont ol --". o . , Mfatai All., n..a miw ni t rin irtn Mank. a . tAtM. ika '.r nw one pooy acroM. Mt. g a rr. e ?.er wek. nr "' Tl.. ri . . ,. , i 1 ." lhe timi I. .... . ' . . . gtvea the foilowln r- .ll f-r".. """y emoreea here, nwaki in ii.. 1.1..1 ...- . .:". vu"i recent man-a. in r..i.j i.u. r . - Kiicik icriin oi the treat-1 Of internal in B v' mentaccortled all hand by tbe citUet a "Piediufi t ,?y Lu,nnty people of New York an.i w..t,i..-" Jri.. '.e?.nion. the acene of a vr nrit, niiiiaiuii. caiMUfiBM waarii tinn m . a ii . . w . vvaj mouimi innrniHa i eaaania anu t and in fclcnna in n Johnann 1tf. t.V.. . . I "P'Otectiv. i.riff i. tk " ..i.i. vuiiuaon nao. nniinntinik.r. . "H1 IUUCI UITA .f I t . .7' I Oil DDH I ill th. nnl u . . T IV If.., I . ' WW. W.Vl II V . MM II . I "llAA't .. I . . . -v Ur.anrl In Ti . r. . I noue With tl. oi.-. ..i .... " i t-uirene wiioi.t,.l- k..s : . v." awipea air. .n.T,-, n v""Un ino' daughter and w: x, Uncl olditr we aeverat aaya returned home - r. .TT '. V M!ra. wo becomina t iivn, xrtromed with whiu eatin Tbo groom w.marriad in i.u uniform under i liuber 1ULEY-PR0PBT.-In Alhanv. at m,. U S!??"!. aa . b.a.a . J 1. . ll . . w vuuiiiii BUU lUllllaVlllff IIKiAa . I."' .1 .D7 Mwi.JflUr.Mn, F. M. Jack- n In 1 ",.T:r.r!B: w .;!. r " "7r.7!" r,."OD7HigDt.when Frad.ltl... .i, ..TJ" T""" f" V. who will h. WT Helena .hi. thev are fcVL-Lr:?,. r . . i wuiB ujarriAfi m ok. i . i . - w w"w u i uur hi noma about the IEIII MARRIED. wore becoming With Whita aatii. lr Fergueon. pastor of StaSt ift Preebvterian elnm i. ti.- "iinn 't hmu... it . a . . I..- .in.r- .u." . V'V r onv- i eaiviias tufj rnara tahau . u a te: .jube-b.r v.' th...; .r"u" ""o io wuvaiioi. ext. . , LlTTLt R08K BCD. Resolutions of Condolence. A Challenge. A geuUeman, with a aomewbat dia tmguighed appearance came to tbe Demo- cbat office thia morris t and extending hi band wi b a piece of paper in it, re marked: "I have a piere I would like to have publiabed in the Dkmocbat." All right air." "Whrn will ii come out?" "Tonight." Here i the piece: the American oreliet i ready to meet the EngKih an German uoveiiati at any time or place. We autpect tbia i tbe Lebanon gentle man wnoee letter in (he conoly preta nave neen atiracting eo macb attention on account of their originality. The play though I evidently a Hamlet without a Hamlet. We toeeeit that when the German and Cngliab noeiieta are ready to meet tide American ffovelut that the appoioimeot be at tbo north pole or ome other place wl.ence tbe traveler, never retorna. I I Earaka HarneM Oil I the beat preservative of new laatber and the beat renovator ol olet leather. It olU, aoftena, black eoa and protecta. Uae Eurcha Harness Oil on your Imw hurra, voor oM bar now, and yoor carrtaurr top. and Uwy wMl not only look bettrr but tnwr lonr. 8oldeTfrfbrelii cuu U tOm from balf plntt 10 flncaUoaa. a hr arnaiaa eu to. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT rvj uilCK IS HEREBY GIVES THAT 1I tbe nrderaigDcd Administrator of" the eaia'e of of Gova S htavton Wal haa filed ia tleconatv court of Linn conn. ty. Oregon bis final account in aaid eetat. and that ilosd 'y, Nov 6, 189, at 10 a. III., ha been at bv laid roml aa ll tin.. for hearing o j-xtioni to aaid report, and for t be MtOr-tuent I hereof. Uenht Ltoss. Adm'r. J J. VYhitbt Ai'ry Aitn'r. The Mascot. If piotty glrla, fanny comediea. elt- gaet wardrobe, good linglngla an In ducement to tbe music lot in public of tbia city, there (be Metropolitan eboald meet with bic aaccee The eomnan ta a big one compriaitg 30 artiat and carry ing 71 tranka and epecia! reenery. , Tbe opera, Haacotte, ia bright, aparkliog and full of f on aa egg i of meat beeide tbe good aioging in the opera ilea i. Tha Chora t large, w-1! trained and com poeed of yonng, pretty girla with fresh VO Cea. lb Comnanv roma hara mill. flattering preea notice and a large per sonal guarantee wa aubecribed be onr citixea.. Opera ie alwaya a welcome event in thl-i city even il it iaa't ia a firet elaaa theatre. The tinging will he tlire juat the aame and it ' will he a treat to bear aometbing elte besiilea comedv, drama and hot ae play. Price for th is engagement 75 cent for reserve eeaia, renei al hdmiaaion bO centa. t$eat now on aale. Finished Alone. M.ryS. IWt. "J" M... drdVatSr8 M;W , Where., our brloved neither Ira PeT.?K?e0ym.,ifSrl,ar.I!0V,r MaV ? r" K u th Margegoi a ml M s 1"' Wh bM "" KV.fndh!h,M.,?.nS -.f. " hrcbri, of p"d " dT5S2 fr.bovetoht. eternal home, and --uiuiirvi air. wen nnmnnun,. i.i .... . rrana front!, ol nanr lh !.... ... I wnu, mi jogi. .irAn. - U CB.l III- . i i They have the beitl 1 Perl a Ul able young lady. wiane oi many. W'SON-PKETTYMAN. - On Oct. 15, 1899, at the residence of and by Rey. Slreyleller, Mr. Jame Jolinon, of Albany, anil MU Matiie Pretly man, of Benton countv. Thia worthy nnnnln hau. ,1 . I..., wishe ol many friend. DIED run ' i: U AoL:T A. Soilavillo, , Orejjon, October ,.;Vl j '"niea m. Hale aged 40. lhe deceased a mn ..I Kr.. t?i:.. beth Hale, of this city. cct in Every Uetnil. Colombia flitv riAi...nKi. . Sept. 8. 18907 ' ry""" vu., wro. Sfar, Roebuck A Co., Chicago, III. iwcrivpa mi t iirriini. c.n.:. ... . ahnni Ik. .'111,"; -'"K-uaciline ... iuiuuib oi j nne. nave used it a great deal and find it perfect. It Van elegant aewiua machine. . i,n.jj". fntnior.VPKntthrn the Singer aew Ing machine, .old here at from $l0.0n To o.uo. iourgtrnlv. m KS. JOHN GREENhAQEN, Mies Ltlltt hurt, nf l',.Wn I. t- .i . city the guest of Mies Elsie Martin. ailnrvnrt bia mothnr and fathar . ki.i .-j j . ' . --' m.MU .uu USTUI- ea eon and tbe community a valued and most energetic member, therefore be it. . KSSOLVKO. That weextanrt In lh. k.' reaved onr deroeat av 111 rtal ( It V an a-m . , - J r J x vriu mend them to the care ol a mercful providence. Kksolvkd, That a page be set apart in tbe minutes to the memory of our de parted neiifhbcr? that ished the bereaved family and a copy be eent to the Statb Riohts Dmocb vt of Alt,ny- J. M.KiTcn, W. M. Powtu,, E. B. CoBNBTT, Committee. Prices fur Mascot aia fl m,H , SO people. In the raoe today between ihe ilam bia and the t-hanorjek after patsioa th line the Shamrock, whicb waa unfort.i te in not havimr an O.-eirrn fir nnu lib. toe Columbia, waa obliged t- stop by th Dreaamg ot m to inland the Uolitmtiia i a gallant manner finished tna rnnn alon within tl e limit and i!l have tn ra w if she claim it as eha is entitiMt tn ua as nil oe 'rorer. aa it ia a inn nl tne ru-'mss to ri.-e mast that wil aland tin- racket as much a to have th rtiitii km i nt reels a.'.d lh prope. ma at t.-e wh-el. 1 - Alt memheia of the Knighleof Pytlna. muv aarveu 111 me war win tie preeenttd with a handaoiiie me1l by the grand mug.- ot wregon. SEND out, vr iu.i.,.h S X ONLY 02,75 NOMONgV. Cuttkia H MM LO Bl, BUM M ul Mril. alro iub. tncbw arouixt My .1 Ih. ana . will menu thi. ilT CAM K you by nun. 1DMCC tO axUBlllAtlOB. umlH aad try It oa and II Ifmiid .nam. '' J. Ml7 a. rf- . ".in m ua "a him tm mm wr kMnf ml. wmii mmr .mi.i iP" tttriii vlU arantn M to cot. lor omrh l,0Mmil. THIS CAM IA LA. . Winter, frOBi ntt-a th aa4 aVeavy oil wm1 oa aio Terelt, 17 1 neb knr, tot full wp, is-inch npp?r mptxeitrnfulL, 1 t-r mm4 ltw- olaem tJr, beautj ftilly trinimod with Mavck atoitM m fairi upper eap trtmDd with thr row and eoltar ith two rows of 1m hair brtialt clth button omanMsnuv Tola no t ftao taJW aaaa Uraaatk,art arxi V)tial tooatal that tellM tor than donbte th prit. Writ fkr rra Ckoak Cataloajaa. SEARS, ROEBUCK A CO., CHICAGO . itMM am C r ttirwt rohaoaa) JtatfaNj SUMMONS Is ma Cimcuit Cckt or thp Stat ok ' Ohbooh ron Cocktt Department No .2. Thmnaa Alliaoa, plaintiff, vs. John B .t3;..J 5i!2.,,J,n,i Gre A'", the abov namtd defeadanta. IN THE NAME OF J'UK STATE OF Orejroa, yea are herbv notified and reqmred tc be and an. ear in the ah. coort in wtd suit, and aaawer tbe com plaint oi tbe above named plaintiff ia aaid cause now oa file therein, on or before the Uth day of November, 1899, and yon are hereby farther notified that if yon fail to appear and aeeaer raid complaint aa alortaaid, for want -berefore tbe plaintiff will taae a decree against yon for tte n 'tef prayed for in raid crmplaint, towit ro. a decree of said court orecloting l e mortiwge described in aaid coai. .t hrtieio. and lorever barring yon aod'.ath or joa and all persoua claiming by.tbrrugh or under oa or ettbt-r of yoo. or aid Simproa Peamoo. since be date of said mortgage described i. said con. nlnini r all riifbt. t llf. iniemi n.,.. .. deiuptioa in .r o tbe said premises dc- ' in m cuoip ami at,u tnortifaoe tberein described; said premtseabeina df a.iibed as fcllowa, towit: The North ball of tbe SootLeast quar'er Southeast quarter of Southeast quarter of Section reventen.and theontedt quar !r ?f .tLi Nor,ht quarter of Section ' twenty in Township 10, couth of Ran -e 6 East of the Willamette MeridHu, routait ti g 160 acrea of land according to tiip gov ernment smvey thereof; and airtctu B that said Undi bisold by the iher ff of Linn connty. Oreeon, and tre proceei.'s thereof applied, first to the rayment of the ccsta aDd charge of masks such taie ai,.l k. coeta anu dishuiwrnenl of said nut sec- ond. to tbe patment of $80 0O. '.. enable attorney's fee for instituting said nit; third, to the merit o aaid p'ain tiff of tbe rum of 600.C0 in V. s win, together with Interest thereon in like gold co n at the rate of ten annum from tbe I0tb dav of March 1896 oaUlpaid, and for a judkni. nt . against vou audeachof t oo for the mi. o. j:. bur'emenn herein and forcuch other ani further ,elief as may be m;et to iquity llnstummODS ia aervrd nm. publication fur six consecutiva h the I8tb dav of November. 180Q n.. Statm Riohts DJtocaATa weekly newa pirfr of general circulation throuifhont utd county and state, printed and put isbpd at tbe citv of Albanv in t in- - ty, O: egon. by orfer of Uon U, o O Barton County Jn.lireof Lina Ccnntt , Oregon' which order bear date Oct. 2nd. 1S9 tnd tha the said Hon Geo D Barton I'jilir jaij county, in said order f... iu. pohlicatin nf said fiimmons uionyoo has p eto.-ib ii the 17tb dav Ot X wiuKm 189'J, as the time on or Iv-fore at iVh shall aopear and answer raid orrnlu, said suit Tbe date cf the first vublicalirn of thi nmmma in said newsDittr ia Dnmi h,lS39 ' W. R, BiLTcr, jAttotney for Plaintiff.