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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1899)
She cljttuoaat. FP.NUTTINti.Ed and Prop. Kuterel a! the PostOffloeat Albany A gor,..a neooml clew mail matter.! Mr. McKinley wou'd shield AJuihal Dewey from ibe eligheet politic! wind. Th B'itf.h temperament may be slow boat seeing a joke, but It cn spot gold mines a thousand miles away. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS In Season At J. K. Davis's New Market, on First street, wea F.rrv. Fres.1 flb, poultt? and nine for the local market. Wilt also MJ iic. ... and mi lor .Moment. Everything a eat and clean. The present should lemilleria. him elf with the great truths set to'ht ia tlie Declaration ot Iodependeocf, and apply tbena to tit policy. Tne adjulnittration organs at last aay openly that nothing will be done to avert war in the Tranivaal that would be agreeable to England - di About People. Carsi llendrick Kruaer. nephew of the president of the Tranivaal republic, li a recant graduate of the Edluburg unlver. ity, where he won the Syms eurglca1 scholarship. Hubert Herkoraer haa isen chosen pro. lessor of palutlug In the schools ot Royal academy in place of Mir B. Richmond who ii responsible (or the mo ales ia 61. Paul' cathedral, and hae resigned. The only man In the wofld reported to be worth over 81,000,000,000 1( the Angll- oiaed Uerman, Alfred Belt. scnrs w w twvvi mrcuiuiic iur ui V babv that is thin and not S well nourished and for the g W wvwivr vriiu liuin, UUCS H V GIRL WASTED, to do geneaal house work. For particular" wi a"" ceuTOtnce. FOUKD.-Io Albany several day. ago. a . i.,i,ea team, vjaii " nen'8 at Firat and Baker streets. nc-w-r 1 K.rn with two ilalll '"rl'LlhnMT. Address bo POU VUUl aw sw - 493, Albany Oregon. 1 1 TASTED. Several bright and hoo- VV eat pereonewrepreeeinu. -rr . In this and clone by vouoties. SU .nnn a vatr and exneneew. """ T S31" no lea. .alary. Foe- Mn permanent. Our reference, ery 11 n any town. It ia mainly othc.. - ..wt,i at home. Kierenc. ,...-- - ...meed envel- ??.ZZ nAJisras Compasv. Dept. 2, vpv A Chiacgo. Nobody ha. yet proposed the erection ol a triumphal arch for Otie, though the people would doubtless be glad to erect a rfoun. II tha Drea.dent would only or der him home. Beimotyet f not nourish the baby. i It Is co ' I boy or a Senator Hanna hae begun hi. scram ble for fund, quite early tbl. campaign He i. now giving the federal office hold- art point, on prosperity and bow they ran beat retain it. fifty, i. well educated and made hi. for-1 It is CQUally tfOOd (Of the 5 l- J: 1. .1 . . I Itf . 1. . ... .XL. uu ,u uiauiuuusuunug .- p.t i"uin DOV Or 0IN WhA It thin and V (our jetrr. IS r,f mnX nt tu.ll 1 Col. Francieco Alcantaro, who Is at tb I S .1.. f. eu 5 l,..dnl.n J,lill.....Hlm.ntnl lh. 3 w,v" ,wu 'W " S amniant rl Vanrniftla. "raduatail frAtn I r aiuunic or consumptive I ii . a . . the West Point military academy twoSWll UVSl IS-lOSUIj Hesn .nifsyui u ll l vil luiuiti Jim I W OIIU 9M WlttMl l i,lnk nl V.n.iit.U. I Itf l (...II " S M In fact, for all conditions v 1 5 of wasting It U the foods By this time Mr. McKinley muat un derstand tne popular fueling regarding tht .candalous Navy department treat ment of the man who einanhed the Don. at Santiago. Arthur A. Zimmerman, the great rac er champion. Is .pokea of a. a poMible IV med ClfM that Will nnnrlth if Democratic candidate tor sheriff in Moa .n(l u.,J ltn iu ti,. .nj W mouth county. N. J , and his former IS ZY ft i 3 manager and brotherin-law, Joe McDer- 5',Y w n energy W w V S mott will be the Republican candidate I V wnCn a!l lcr Mtans fail. The tiip of the President and hi. cab inet through the weat ha. already proved too. a political stomping tour. Trie sreeche. ol all the cabinet officer, have been dtiect appeal tor political .upport- for county elerk. Mlaa Minona Stearns Fitta. ths hoad of the Chicago Woman'sOwnerabip league eomeaofa family which has produced several women prominent io .tmilar movement. 'One of her sister, i. the mayor of Florence, Or., and another i head of the Wisconsin library commis sion. SSbotiM b tnkia In lummer W Kura w ... . Wr Joe. ikI Ii.oo, ill drutttat. y SCOTT A BOWNB, OvM&iita, Ntw Yark. S Special Sale. SPECTACFS, EYE GLASSES Goggles MAGNIFYING GT.AP8EH andCOMPAU'Ef EYES TKSTED FREE. Call and get prices before buj log eW where. . eieoiacles and Eje oi.m iicm ioc up. Uogglrs, 10c. To the Music LovingPublic. -o- J. A. Cummings. & are Turnintr Out Tha whitest, clt'sorit, best laundry work In Atnerlrs tneooiy fnreou. Then 1( sou o.m nlhlr"lrmromPlneiS. you'll like We're as punctual as cloci work only fasler. Let your bundles come. ... ni. nnalal and m.asOn Will fail. MAGNOLIA STEAM LAUNDRY. Telephone 31 . TO IIVNTER8. No hunting" will le nl lowed on the lartn ol Mrs. n. rhambera at Knox's Butte.byanv ono. Trempaaaers will be prosecuted. Please take notice anu save irouoie. Mangle Work. tbat talk We are prepared to offer the following rates on flat work : Io full doaen lots Sheets, 25c. wvi. Oral lOW OllWCa Table cloths (average sue and quality) m io 15c according to sue J I : a Towels, 8 to 20c according to eiae and quality. Roller toweis, 2s. Barber towels, each ;?c, per hundred Ca o a.. arh ?a. net dozen 15c. Butcher aprons, each 4c, per ooxen Although Sanator Hanna bowled it was "insulting" to Deey to about him for the preeidency, it may be stated positively that Elanna was not ths intuited party when be was made aeua tor. President McKinley points with pride to our Increase of territory as if it was due to him. but fails to mentioa the in crease in the national debt, the increase in the iutern.l revenue taxes, and the increaie io the number of trusts. The protective tariff converts tbs trust the contolidation of man? tMablish- ments into a monopoly of the worst, by making a closed field in which trusts may put up the price unreasonably. The Dingley tariff destroys competition from abroad and the trust dsstroys it at Lome and the consamer is forced to pay the pritestbat will provide the dividends uc on the watered stock. 60c. 40c. An awrtel down for families, 25c. Our waaon call anywhere. Drop a postal cr phone SI. Magnolia Stkam Larwmv. Albany, Or. The quotation from the president. speech about "Mo step backward on civ II service." would bare made an appro priate caption for the blackmailing cir cular sent out by the Ohio republican committee to all federal office holders. Now Is rbe Time fo Plant Tour advertisements. Use all the fields. Try the Democrat. Any aise you wish fixed np to suit you. It you don't wish to run a big one try a smsll one; a ten line display for only fl a month whether for one month or a yea', 60 cents It each additional inch space per month, will be run in both daily and weekly, thus appearing over tfcirty times a month. That Tooth needs attention Remember it can be filled or extracted without paiu bT DR. ADAMS. If ths republican candidate for e ov- ernor of Ohio was placed on recoid against trusts by this platform, wbile Senator Hanna cannot se anything bad about then, there would appear on me French the jewe)er mikkea a gpecialty face of things to be some lack of barmo-1 of engagement and wedding rings. Tuiely Suggestions. In novelties Will A Stark lead. Call at the Sugar Bowl for fresa fruit Open till 12 o'clock p. m. atStetter's. See the Sugar Bowl's wicdow display Fresh fruit at Viereck'a Suaar Bowl nark tors. Dr. J. IT. Krskine ia now in the Foster Block, 2nd story. Ureters cooked anv war vou wish at Stetter'e. Leave your orders for Fresh Ovsters miouniers. Ovsters opened esh ever da r at tha euing restaurant. ny betweeo these two Ohio statesmen . I Fresh Sodaville soda-water a healthful summer drink, at Burkhart A Lee's. Try Parkfer Bros, For the best Groceries, Baked Goods, and Fresh Produce and Fruits. Tlioao cnntpmiilatlnir tak'llll UP til study of miislo will find it to their Inter est to Investigate theadvnntagi'S oliureil by Albany Oolh'ire. The following brandies are taught i VOICE, PIANO, ORGAN, MrttiM illlfAlf MAKtlftMN COItNixilAltMONY. AM v(.) U N TK It I U I N I , UUMl'WlllWfl and HISTORY OF MUSIC. Mr. Wins. Musical Plwctor, Isa grad uate ol the Chicago Conservatory of Mu elo, and has studied with such artists as Seebow k, Ziegfoldt, Koelllng, Falk. Gar wood, Ruff, and the late Dr. Karl Mers. These men are masters In their respect lve departments and musicians of world wide fame. Mrs. Wlrts, instructor In vocal music, Is a pupil ol Mr. William Nelson lUirritt, who is known to lie one ol ths best voice teachers in America today. Mr. lturritt studied eight years in Italy and severs yesrs In I-oiidon. Th. methods used In Albany College Conservatory are the latest and moat ap proved, being the combined result of autwrior instruction received .experience, end the acquaintance with the methods of our eastern conservatories. Tuition reasonable, t'uptls may;cniei at any lime. Fall term 0ns nepi. iv, lew. ror further information call on or ad dress Pressldont Wallace flows Lee. M. Senders & Co. Ear and Oat Warehouses- eevenin anu iianroau rireeia We are prepared to lake on storagt bahid bar. wiU buv your oats In an Iquanlty at top market price. SACKB FUKNI3IIED. Oats bought In rar lots at any ship ping point. M. SENDERS & CO. f nsursnce, Hay, Grain and Woe I. Stanley Stewart, At Second and Ferry Mr. Julius Gradwohl will now be found in his own store at th. above location, better prepared then ever before to serve th. public with a first class stock of crockery and glare ware, and standard Groceries. . . I Th. lighest place In Albany. Every thing in eight. Good goods at low prices. Mr. Gradwobt has always done the square thing with bis cost mers and will continue to do so. Also writes insurance in rst class ompsnie Senator Hanna on bis arrival from Europe, stated it as hit opinion tbat tUe mooarcbial governmrBi r-f Eogland was good as th e govern nun t cf Ibis country Ttst may be so under tbe govsrnment of McKinley. but there are still a number of Americans who believe that our system of govsrnmsnt is far superior to that of any-monarchy when th. Constitution aud tbe Declaration of Independence are taken as tbe guids of our rulers. fJERVITA VITALITY. LOST VIGOR AND MANHOOD Cures Impotency.Night Emissions and wastiner diseases, all effects ox seu- abuse, or excess and India- cretioa A nerve tonic and , blood builder. Brings tbe pink clow to pale cheeks and restores the fire ot youtn. i By mail 60c per box; 6 boxes ;0: with a written guaran tee to cure or refund tbe money. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Cilnton Jackson sta, CHICAGO, ILL. For sale by Fred Dawsoa, Drofgist Albany, Uregon. ft mti vttk 7m whrtbar joa watlaa h tine, pui&m ta. The National Tribune of Washington, saya tbat the president one bis western trip is likely to fled oat from th. old sol diers tbat in retaining Fvans who failed to carry out the promises of 1896, be is carrying a heavier load than Alger, Ot'.s, Brooke and Carter put together. He National Tribune thinks that surround ed by sycophants in Washington, the president has not realized bow deep Is tb. resentment felt by the veterans over th. broken pledges . For sale, sord earoetintr. 33 cents rr yard, by T. 8. Alexander, east end olStb street. A new supply of Coke's dandruff cure received at the Combination Barber (bop. Just th. thing for your bead, v Kaw Goods. F. Cohen's large and well selected stock of new goods has ar rived. It embraces lata nn-to-data goods, which will be sold at prices in reach of all. Give him a call before buy ing. - Yellow Crawford peaches can now be found at ' BsoarxVA's ,2nd St Etlneata Your Bonli Wuk UuM. SJo.soc. If C. C C. folk arosMsta refund mooer. When yon want something lsrlynicein tbe printing line. See Smiuv, tb. Ik'J I it 1 IJ.l.n'J L J.l 1 L Art J-1 rm I MJM TRY MORMON BISHOP'S PILLS for all diseases arising from .'(..huM or elirarett. smoklnc. In US. ' u.i k.w ir.nhnrwl enraa deuleted worn- over w jm.t viiuki v. jww. , , out men. makes rich blood and tissue. Cures westings and all, make, you l.stitingly strong, cure. fJSJ.SI osi ol memory, oaa areame, buiuuuu ViK.u., t i. A j.MnBllrAllnn. mAAm In lira to th. eVeS. StOPS nerVOOS iwiirmi.tfl 7"JT"u72 ii; A Ib Yvonne or old. MOUMC II ' 9 4V.IIO. wvi.u I." Ulm all BISHOP'S PILLS strengthens and restores small weak organs. Stops an u tn h.i... Prtc within tb. reach ol all. Ouaran- eed to cure. Price s-y-is ho, 6 lor MM by msll. Send for Ireo circular. Address BISBOP HD REMEDY CO., San Franclsco.Cal. For sale by Foe- liZJ Lay & Mason, Albany. ALBANY CIGARl FACTORY J. Joseph. Proprietor. mooey, particu-Printer for .w mm m bum Ton nrona f f ill tola. labMlth.MrT.-rf Uf IMtaannni. Bar uSMakt-am ,1 b'liaTaRK.' fro r. ar s i r Swaaf WWII m orn eu. Wfl. rill vobtm Tor T.K. I. wna . irlll,wttBUr, pmliMBtlr. Ob. f . uuui eon: Mm. S-ta EXECUTOHS K3TICE TV T OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IN tbe undmigned executor ot the taut will and testament and estateof Henry V McBride. deceased, has filed with the clerk of tbe county court for Linn connty, Oregon, bis final account in said estate and the court bas fixed Saturday tbe Utb y of November, at une o'ciocc p. . to hear objections to said account and r the settlement of said estate This the 3rd day of October, 1899. E. Badger, Executor of last will and estateof Heary S McBride, deceased. ! WBATHEHFOSD WTATT, Atty's for fcx. Under the constitution a vast and ill- defined power is vested in tb. president as commander in chief during the exist ence of a state of war. There ia hardly any limit to tbe things be can do with ont being responsible tnereior. to any thing out public opinion, while the lat ter can be placated by appealing to pa. triotic feeling to support tb. flag. This is doubtless on. reason why Otis bas been allowed to conduct such a farcial campaign, quit. as ridiculous as aay . of those for which w. formerly ridiculed tbe Spanish generals. Had armed op position been crashed out six months ago, th. question of tb. president's poll ey could no longer bsve been obsenred by biding behind tb. plea tbat tb. flag was in danger, wbich baa kept so many from judging it on its merits. There is more Catarrh in this section of the country tban sit other diseases put to e-ether, and nntu tw last tew years was supposed to be - incurable. For a rent many year? doctors pronounced it a local disease,' and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly tailing to enre with local treaiment.pronounced it incurable. Scitnce bas proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and therefor, requires constitu tiona1 treatmeat. Mall's Catarrh Core. manufactured by F. J . Cheney k Co,, Tol edo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally ia doses from 10 drop to a teaapoonful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous sur faces of tbe system. Tbey offer one hun dred dollars lor aay cae it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Ad dress. F. J. CHENEY & CO., To!.do, O. Sold by druggists, soc. Hall's Family Pill are the best. T Car CoutlpatUm SToraver. ..Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or Se, If C O. C fall to cure, druggiate refund money. Ah, tbat aad no me at wfaea we bear Death's awful pinion horer- lnjt near Abort the one we bold most dear. We know tbat death must aooner or later come to all, but we can never sorely foretell when the dread angel will appear. No matter now imminent the sum mons may aeem, it may till, in God's food provi dence, b far away. It is part of man 'a bu- rr manity to man tu.fl, t to avert aick- $t 2 I neaa ana aeatn as far as ilea mortal ttowr Nearly thirty 7 nstitntion founded in Buffalo, N. Y., known as tbe Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, which haa aince become one of the most famous institutions in the world for ita enormous benefits to the sick and suffering all over the United States. Thousands have come there for treatment and tens of thousands have received nrofeaaional ad. vice by mail with suggestions for inexpen sive home-treatment, whereby they have been cured of severe, and in many in stances, apparently hopeless disease. A Massachusetts man, Mr. John Brooks, of BorlstoB, Worcester Co., writes : "About a year ago I was taken with a bad cold which arftiMl on my lnnga. The doctors said I was in con sumption and could not get well. I took Emul sion of Cod Liver Oil and it did me no good. After taking it four month I heard of your ' Golden Medical Discover and mratm for advice. I have taken your medicine and it saved my life. I felt so sick when I wrote to you that I thought I would not live through the winter. In the mornins' I raised an awful and would spit all tbe time and had pains in my chest. My bowels would not move more than once or twice a week: mv strength was nearly gone; I could not do a whole day's work. Now, my bowels are regular every day and I feel no more pais in my cheat. I feel a rreal deal stronger. I am working hard every day. driv ing a team in the woods, snd I owe my thanks to Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Diaeovenr. I know it saved my life." The most dimcult diseasea to cure are those which are aggravated by constipation. in sucu cases Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets should be taken in conjunction with tbe ''Discovery." They never gripe. All good dealer sell them. The Real Test Or good flour is sbowo by ibe demsnd for it and there is a aemsna tor I Magnolia Flonr t Pap t-irft tha cADiicUv of th mill, ftt price conaidertbly boTSordlDa-rjr Y.Jjr STp. 1 Old Wheat Every Sack Guaranteed ALBAhY IMCH CODKTEB, AlcKllloi & burkhart, Proprietors Prompt mtals all boots. Fwshoys. ers in styles desired. Berro lunches lor snquets on short notke. FOR SALE, A second hand Columbus Buezy in good condition. Drice reason able, also one set single harness crice! reasonable. Address box 493. Albany Oregon. J M RALSTON, Three doors east ol tbe DsnocaaT office has money to loan on farm security at low rate of interest. Also smalt loans made n personal security . City, county and school warrants bought. Collections made. Bents collected. Fir In surance written in th. following large and reliable comDenleS! HOME INS. CO., of New York, PHOENIX 1NS.CO., Hartlord, Conn., LIVERPOOL, LON DON AN0 GLOBE INS. CO. ol Es CITY TREASURERS KOTISE Notice is hereby given I bat funds at. on hsnd to pay city warrants Kos. S67 to 390 inclusive of tbe issue of 1898. Inter est on said warrants will cease with tbe date of this notice. Albany, Or., Ott. 12, 1899. E. A. Pabksb, City Treasurer. IN8URAN0E. J. V. Talt, agent for the yueen ins, uo., oi American nrst-ciass company. Fire insurance promptly at tended to. Office in tbe Pearce block. The Bes Photographs In Albany by the Long Photo Co.. In Fromao Brick. m.. I...4 vallarv OI Albany. tk.' Anlv-nrj-to-dat. first class studio in town. All work to pleaso. MAKIE LONG Prop Double Train Service to San Fran Cisco. r;uln. la tbs offlok . tb. j vaswv -wan) . ,ir,u train service beta;; treTtrwrreo On October 16tb th. Soulhera racins ill inaugurate a "Wayllsht Eiprese." leaving Portland at o:w M.i.hinir Ran rrenciso as i;w " .H.WM f DM UIKU VUW. ' wvvw.uft v f. . i . .I-- standard roiimansana wurm m k .n..h.ii. Tbis new tram is io addition to tb. present 7 :00 p. m. Sbssts overland, and will glv. many P"""" the desired opportunity to se. en rout, i.... uruiamatia. UnMnssDa bao ramento valleys without loss of tlms.snd still arrive in Oakland and San Francisco at a seasonable hour. TRESPASS NOTIOEWe, tb. under- signed, bereoy nowiy i - bunting on our premises is str ktly for bidden. All violations of tb. terms of this notice will b. prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. JOHS W SIGHTS a! All, Jon Wiles,; E. F. Wats, W.T. Wilis. m CO- A8STRACT2CQMPAN! Albany Oregon. Officef Bank of Oregon Building. Only tec of Abstracts of linn Connty. Complete set of maps and plats. For Sale. Four tracts of land in Santlam u ., Each has bouse, barn snl ortli.r 'a ulrsof H. liar.... CYCLE REPAIRING, FORGING AND MACHINE WOB K ALL WORK GUARANTEED. scArtn Faon Tin CAii.--Thre. lln ets and one yetlew bird with spot oa Ida of neck. The Under will nloiie ln orm Mtas Mast 1!mh'xt, Cor 6th. and R. U.sts. Irrigation. Irrigation hours S a. m. to 9 a. m. and 4 p. m. to 9 p. m. Hose must not be need without noasles, nor most closets be allowed to run coo tlnuoualy. Fallii"U comply wlih tnese instrnct lons.will cause tbe water lo be shut off. Albany Water Company. For Bargains In Farm Lands. Timber Lands sad City Property, call on or write Ot . . o a rxbc Albany, Orogon Pure Water la essential to irood health. You Can get tkia bv kavlns an Iron stono curbing in yonr well. Nothing can got inside ex cept the pure water tbat conies from the bottom. Call on II. C. llarkness ol tbis city and order on. for your well. H. F. Herrill INSURANCE AND LOAN AG KNT. 1 1 ollactlons promptly attend .cor respondence solicited. Office in Uiao- bat building. JTREET RAILWAY NOTICE. Toe motor on tbs Albant Street ltn I. will connect prumpty with all (rains to i from tbe depot, day and .debt. Special tnps will be roads at spsj rates. R. Moons, . tfiewt r as4vsvs Ono Boco Tell the story. When your bead acnes, and you feel bilious, consti pated, and out of tune, with your stomach sour and no appetite, Just buy a package of Hood's Pilio And take a dose, from 1 to 4 pills. You will be surprised at bow easily thav will An thlv wnrlr n,pa tmir headache and biliousness, rouse the liver and make you feel happy again. 26 cent. Hold by all medicine dealer. :