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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1899)
..THURSDAY. ( Death of Capt. Geary, Albany people wero ahoekod laat night by a tolupliono moKiitgo from Portland announcing the killing of Capt. Geary near Manila In a battle with tho Fill ptnoe. A cablegram had put benn re ceived. Capt. Gnery wu a eon of Rev. Geary, one of the Preldoitta of Albany college noil a former pastor of the Con froKiUkmnl church. Ha wae born In Irownaville. A fur going with fath- or to Eugene young Geary entered West Point graduating with high honon. Two or inreo yeare ago lie wae stationed lit tuo uauiI uorvami, where ho became very popular. nan tne BpHMaii wr proke out lie iinmodlUily resigned for the regular aervlee mid wont to Cub, thence going to the Philippines. On hie way ne atoppoa at Albany end Corvallle, where hie wife now la. Mra, Uery waa fust making arrfiKiicnttocouie to Al bany to reside until the return of her linsband. Capt. Geary waa a aplcndld ollloer, and aa foarleae a man aa one ever meow, me death in tho prime of life, when hla ambltlona were being realised, iiwuiiany eau one, A Chalk Talk. Albany peoj le will be given a treat oa Monday evening of next week, whea Chailra K. Koftouraiu, of Boiton, will be nt the college chapel. Ilo lean eiport cartoonist, humorist and dramatic tnonologuiat.arid toeee ami hear him la privllruH. Thoa. McClulland, president of Pecido Univendty at Forest Urove, writee about him aa followa : "Mr. Charlea K Itosorrani gave one of hie chalk tala last night in the col lide chapel to a largo audience. Ilia talk and picture, were thoroughly en joysdbyall. 1 1 la clever iketchea and curlcaturoe of well known men, hla lm moron repnnttiona of popular fad and fuiblea and hia Ulllful use of the crayon, aa aoiue moonlight acene, grew under I. in finger, tilled up tho hour in a manner that waa both entertaining and Instructive. Adiiiiialon 25 cent. Poundmaster Davidson. Iking aAtUfim of hi legal authority aa poundmaater Mr Ed Davidson haa begun pushing bualneaa again. Thia morning he caught lawyer Montaoye'ejcow or$he atrect and took it up. Mr. Montanye appeared and undaaj-ed the rope from the animal and got the tow inaide hia yard wi lie the poundmaaier got the rope. Awhile alterwarda they had a nieot ng at the oltlMof Mr. Montanye, terminating ill the nntinWma.t.r trflfna down eUlre from the necond floor of the Pearce block in a very live manner, end ing: at the bottom allva villi um acratchea on the face to ahow for the ex- penenie. JSow he declare that be will nave a warrant Imued, and will aacer lain for certain whrther he la sound. matter and haa a right to attend to the uusineas. The Knlghta and IUthbonca havo re turn (Hi Iroui Portland. William McClure.of Eugene, baa been granted a clerkship in Hie land olhre at v aldington at $1,000 a year. J. K. Van Winkle waa annotated den- uty.'grand chancellor for Linn county, of i ue grand lotige 01 ftnigniaoi I'ytniaa, Hon. T.J. Btlteabaa been appointed admliilatrator of the ctUte of the late Judge J. O. Powell and will aettlo the eetate. Mra. Geary, wife of the late Capt. Geary, and hereon and daughter and Miaa Uellally came over from Corvallla mai evening. T, P. and William Welch, the court honae contractor went to tfalern yeeler day in reenonae to a diepatch announc ing the dangerou illneaa of tlwir father. 0. I!. Himaon, auperlntendent of echoola of Klttitaa county, Wash., and Miaa Aimee, daughter of rJuperiutendent Lee, of Uie aUte penitentiary, were married in Balora yeaterday, Aahland Tiding Octo'ier 9: Rev. J. T. Abbctt, the new M. E. minister for Aahland, conducted the aervlcea at the church yeaterday. lie waa greeted by large eongregationa and made a very favorable impreaiioo. MiNNia ta If khk. The great and only Minnie the boot black, who left Albany live yeara ago, returned thia noon after Wing in Salem a month, the aame aty liab and good naturod darkey aa of old. tsinoe leaving Albany he haa been In houth Africa four yeara and knowa lb iloera pretty well. They are a pretty good people, but in the long run Eng land will conquer them. After leaving Capo Colony be epent eeveral month in Europe among other ex perlencea having the honor of blacking the boota of Prince lliamarcand family and William. He leached New York with $2.(0 in hia pocket and etarted wettward. In order to complete the tour he will eventually do Alaika. Pin do. A lodge of thia order ia being organleed In Albany. Thia order i getting a good foot hold and makes an excellent abowing. On a baaia ill 1,000 member it coata $1.60 a month. During Ave yeara It ha paid 624 aick and accident claim, an average of $24.36 each. There have been 22 deatha in an average of 800, leea than 6 per 1.000. Bosidue these there are pension previa iona of a beneficial character. Fuller ex planation will be given by the organ izer. Aa anticipated in the dlnpntchea ot eaterday war between England and the ocra wae;trgon today by the Boo re (inning the border ami taking the in Intivf, attacking the Engllsli. The Vanity Fair icrformance Inst evening i well epoken of. Tlioo who cxpec'.ed aomatlung very loud nro anid toive been disappointed. Tho big yncht race w ai;nin declared i,'t today. 'Cause, luck of wind. William Flickiimer returned from a i-it to Mie expedition at rortland, this noon, alone. Bclicioes 4 Ilka -4 A are made with Royal Baking Powder, and are the most appe tizing, healthful and nutritious of foods. Hot biscuit made with im pure and adulterated baking powder are neither appetizing nor wholesome. It all depends upon the bak ing powder. Take every care to have your biscuit made with Royal, which is a pure cream of tartar baking powder, if you would avoid indigestion. aOVAL BAKIMO FOWOCft. CO.. HEW VOUK, The liantlat aUte convention will be held in rortland beginning next Mon- day.: The Willamette Preabyterv cloaed th'a lorenoon to thia city, and the member left on the noon train for alem to at- wnu uie nieemg ot mo yna; ol the atato. CapUin K. K. Ilartbromr. of the Eu gene Salvation Army corpe, make hla report to hla auperior for the quarter endln Kept em tor 24, lsw, ol an income Ol f 10.19. The date W C T U convention will be held in Portland beeinn nir next Mon (.ay. It wilt be followed by the nation al convention at Koattle. Several Al bany ladieill attend the conventiona. Klley Moore who waa committed to Uieaylum from thia county on Auz. waa diechanrod aa cored on Oct. 0, and George llayford, who waa committed on Kept. 13 waa discharged aa cured on fcept. V. There will be no errand iurr at Salem tLla term bv order of the dietrict attor ney. Tbia mean alio that Mr. Mayden will not lave one at the I.lnn county term. Thia la under a new law. The dietrict attorney band in the indict ment nimaeii. The entornrialns A O U W baa made a hit by making arrangement with the Albany band for Uie chance of the name to the A O U W Band. The lodge will fuiniaii a meeting place for practice and aulte for alt the member of the band. The Rath bone fiiitera veeterdav elect tu Will dllW M WW grand repreeentatlve. Mr. Cora Darn, of Union, waa elected to the h?ad office of moat excellent chief. Next year the Knlghte and Rathbone Blatera will meet at Aatorla. Some oue who came on from Sale no thia noon reported three dealba at that city laat night from amall pox, and that there were Jslx new cam. Theatate ment waa made that it waa being kept aa till aa potaibl. The annual meeting of the Oreeon Fire Relief Aaaociation waa held at McMinn ville yeaterday. The report ahowed in- rurance in force amounting to $0,764,041, a gain of 11.760.000 in a year. Loaaea paid f 16 2U4.20. O. H. Irvine .8 presi dent of the company and H. II. Ilewltt ia one ot tne trustee a. Mr. George Reec, the breeder of high grade aheep, yeaterday made a fine a'lip ment to J. L. Thomaa, of New W hat- comb, Waah , conaiating of eeveral large Uotawolde, full blooded, some of them weighing 800 pound. They are to be croaeed with lull blooded Merino. Judae Bellinger' aon. VctorC. Bel- t-nger, ia dangerously 111 rttna teiidence of hi, parents, in I loll id ay, a addition, of cancer of the stomach. An i xamination waa made bv Dra. Whitney, Lane and Baker, and it waa decided that the grow'j had tecome o far advanced that an op eration would bb uaelesa. All hope of Mr Bulliriter'a recovery haa been a bond- aued. I'elecram. ictor Bollinger, eon of Judso Bellin- our, died at Portland last evening at the ave of 37 yeara. He waa born at or near Albany. He waa a lawyer. A Civil Sirvich Examination. Mr. Grovea, manager of the Ccrvallia opera house, waa In the city yeaterday on his way home from Portland, where be had been to be examined under the civil ser vice rule ai a candidate for mail clerk. Thore wire twentv-two in the c'ars. The examination la an Interesting one and ia particular y atrict iu neojrapny and the reading ol wrltng. Anong other tents la one of nad ng twenty-five horribly wrl'ten add eaes.' To get a hundred on It the names hive to ba read la one nod a half minut and the ia a complete liilure illt ttkea ovor five minutes. Two inembtra of the class were slower than that. Tba men get their pos'lions during the following year in the oider of the grade of their examinations. j Lebanon. From Uie Criterion : B. F. Bandera boa bought a farm four ml lea north of Albany and ia now mov ing. Miaa Clara P.lalne, ot Albany, haa been viaiting in the tbia city, the gueetof Mra. K M. Miller, for the paat few daya. J. F. Pell left Monday for the Moun tain bouae. Mr. Dell reports that Joe Keleo haa bought the McRinnon ranch, and will take poeaoaaion tno 15th ot next month. Laat Friday Mr. and Mr. J. F. Hyde received a check (or 12000 from the A. O. U. W.. that being the amount of the policy iiald In that order by their eon Oecar, who ded a few weeks ago. Mima Alice Temple went to'Salem Fri day, at whcii place alio began teaching in the public echoola laat Monday. The chx!s were to have commenced two week earlier, but were postponed on ac count of a amallpox acaro. A report baa reached our ear to the effect that a elick-tongued aharper waa laat week aollciting advertising in town, claiming to represent the Criterion. To is ia a tutatake, aa we employ no auch method, but will meet you face to face when wa have anything epeoial to say to jva waceroiog wiverviMug ia uie ri- leuon. Wm. Eourwine and family arrived hero yeaterday from Ohio and have Mint a. I ,1.. VA If-- and will try Oregon a year, and then if eulted they will locate permanently. Mr. Sourwine ia a brother-in-law ol Mr, Myere. Tallman. Tallman ia fuil thia fall, every bouae being occupied witn one or two lanuliea. Mr. J. W. Dell P. M. la quite poorly. A petition ia being circulated asking i he county court to open a county road from Tallman along Uie S. P. K. It. to intersect the road at Goltra knowa aa Uie Fry road. Thia road ahould be opened. It would be a great convenience to tbe larmera hauling wheat to the Tail man warehouse and tne traveling public in general. It would ahorten Uie dis tance from Lebanon and vicinity eeveral mile. The farmer have organized a club to atop tresspassing. They propose to en force the treapasa law and the hunter ahould take warning. The following are the name oi the club: K JL liilson, D B Troutman, Hiram Parker, M B Faulk ner, O Crawford, J 8 Faulkner, J P Swank. W W Crawford. Geo McKnisht. J H Irvine, O M Enaley, M P Brigga, P Swank, J M Swank, J H Swank, Sheri dan Bros, D F Premus, Henry Gerdea, T L Dugjter, Terhune Broa, A T Whet atone, D B McKoight, Tom Ready, K N Bennett, Mose Parker, J W Swank. K W Frr. Darwin Case. II L Laesell. Geo UIOtCUtON. List of Patents. Grsntfd to Northwest inventora thia week. Reported by C. A. Snow A Co., Patent Attorneya, Washington, D. C: G LGay, Spokane, Waati., wrapping machine; F H Gilbert, Riugefield, Wash, eack-ho.der; C B Hanthorn, As toria, Or, automatio water-feeder for etearo-boilera; J T Lucoa, Waaco, Or, gang or cultivator plow; J W Smith, Portland, Or, slore-etool and foot-rest. For copy ot any of the above patents endlOcenta in postage stamps with date of this paper to 0. A. Snow A Co., Ill - 1. 1 . r I V II. G. Colton.'of Portland, niananer of the Massachusetts 1.1 fa insurance (Vs bnsiuesa in Orogon, arrived in Sflt-ui last evening from lalla and lndi-pcn-1 decco, en route to Albany, whore lis familv is visiting. Statesman. 1 FiUDAY Real Estate Sales. Q E Cm me to J f I IJarmon, 40 ttvtva. , Iho. Ueadin to Q E'c7ame"62 acrf 1000 1000 1600 160 JcMcCurdy to Oram' jjodgeioi L Koiey' to E A Goodrich,' 2acrea." ti i . . 10 b roiy- i inteie.t In lot lelnon Wm K Main to W M Mainii'so acre ' W U 8 John to Mn L Ba'rVaV.'t lot In Peoria ' M V Vivion to M A Dion!'kr t Intin lot 8, bl20,Aibanv.....:f J,"11 10 L O Mathew.,40 acre . Amy Alley to J f Wallace, 20 acre, 11 w 2 ' eciM,VU 10 i M V B""""'32 t KViou w PLiiiiVa;vo;c;;;; l Piatt to Lafayette Oaborn, 4 acrea, lOwl ' 8 ?-Xoun Ho J D TrombttlV. 1 .US ktm All.. 9 226 250 600 400 2000 400 200 900 1600 8A7 867 3000 1 600 atJ,,Ji.boro t0 Cortla Lomber w, iw acre M E Klorer to A I Arnold.43 acre" A K Arnold to A I Arnold,43 acrer$ rQUihT.ltoiito Gallup, 160 acrea 10 E 4 , v' Margarn JacraonVd C L Jack ion 1(V) acra . ' J W Gaiee and II' Brvant adm Joho Martiallto8amufliicbank loo acroa Oao A Houck to F C Aldricb'.'iio acrea....,.,,,. (' Jefferaon Mfera to JohnZ Abrana- k, 30x100 feet, JJcio II 8 liirona aim to A B UibtonioO acrea...., 8'!,'I; Th"7Pn to WL Case and K8lck"eil, 70 acrea Wm Bogoe to 8air.' Mum, 6 acrea f,11?" B Chanson, acre G W WrUht to Mageria Brink. 2 loiabl 63 Albany..... . Mary Hill to J J Coal., 83 acre! Hetlie iiedgei to Barab A Smith. 85 actea 2093 68S 350 400 2150 1 S50 650 1500 325 Mra. M. I Mnrri .n.l . viaiung friends in Turner. B. r. Jona. rr ni Tnlln. t waa In tbe city yesterday on business G. II. Bruce vnt Ia V.nnin. n .i noon to proye np oa bisclaim half a mile W. J. Rihbtan ,1.. .-I ..J . .. maker of Halsey, waa in the city yeater day accompanied h hi. .if. Licenee have beeniinied for th m.. rlage of Martin E. Roth and Roea Neua- cuw.nuer, ana Albert Rock wood and Lydia Lee per. Mra. Ren Kirk left thia morning on the overland lor Hepner on a visit with a orotber nlm rsito .... .u.. HI.- -.11 " - - - .u-icuy. " K"" inres or tonr weeks. ti .7; rcnT"-"ner, Mra. G. B. r u I uiuiuunuiu airs. a. 1. Hale are delegate to the State W. C. A.- " . ,u roniana next week OtnerewillalaoattenJ. 8. M. Garland, of Lebanon, ba been !?. .-Ity .tod., viaiUng frienda the nrat time inra . .. .:. aa ern trip. He aaya times are much ct iia t ii.. a ji ... van man in uie Northwest. coin air. r. G. Powera and hia wife !, lH ,f t'!",r uon in thia city. Mr. w c. vrawiora baa charge of tbe bua' neas and la making arraogementa to re wiuw uu wr. rower of tbe second diatrict. iuii,pii)g constable hmtnMi Dr. Beardeley. who baa been residine near Tangent lor eeveral month. ai neen in tbe city ptevieu to leaving for 8n Antonio, Texas, where be will pend the winter, and where ha ha baen ecv - eral other time. rRogerB.8innott, an attorney of Tbe i uertruae lowosdaie one of Salem' leading society ladiee marriea yeaterday. There were tour generations present. W . W. Rowuli p a v.... Tk Jonea and othera yeaterday returned to .kI. L - . . .'sir nomee on tne neadwatera of tbe IjlaDLTM. That arill ha nnnn nl. - . j " w w, vui m vw At lha Ranivl nt lha Vmmm l..l..;. cbutcb at Saiem yeaterday Rev. Alexan der Foster of M,nle Point waa elected Ha4AUa. M I r r. aa.. ftCtlll.f ffifVlAntAr Ra.t LV.A- aa aa al waa one of the two candidate, for modar- Mr.. T. E Aahhv i ilk... k.. - . - j , ws .mn;) u mm , opened her millinery a tore in Stayton. "V" are on etoutn water ' between 8econd and Third ia tbe building; formerly occupied by A. J. "u7uini e, orog itoro. U we Ida Hellinna. ah. m.i. k. i . -a,,vu .una.VIV ll.l. .M.w'n,6r wying on the hudneea Irxm Mm I.LI V. . n . Mr P a tt..aj. o n ...: . at Lebonao, rode over on bis wheel Sun- A ,w. " "wni ana Uke a took at the eollege'i new buildidga aud improve menta. Mr. Bawett ia well-known throughout thia portion of they valley, Dnt haa haan at t 1.1,11. r - .1 - " . m.umiv, .muiiH CUUUIJi for eeveral year, being lately transfer- Ms. . a T I ... .... mi uumuo,-vorvauia ai ne MARRIED. GAIN PEARL. On Friday, October 13, 1899, In Albany, by Rer. A. J. Sturtevant of the Baptist church, Mr. B. L. Cain, and Miaa Lulu D. Pearl, of Halsey. Two of Haltey'a beat young people they have the wiabea ot many f rends. Mr. and Mra. Cain wentto Portland thia soon oa their waddiag trip. JOSI WADTLI. On Oct. 9,1899, a the home ot the bride's parents, nea 8weet Home, Mr. Fred Josi and Mia Ltax-e Wadtli. LINDLEY DUNCAN. On Oct. 11, 1899, at the residence of the groom at Lebanon, hy Justice G. Lovelee, Mr. A. A.Liadleyand MUaXottie Duncan. BOR. r, . j i . u.rca ai, jvvji m "."J i . Mra Tknm.a Thnnw, nlilm it. R.I a girl, their third daughter. j Ait uoii.g wen. TOMLINSON.-In Albanv. on Thnrd.y, ' October n, 1899, to Mr. and Mrs. . James Toiniinson, a daughter. .., v. h- Worrell ia nin in tha. i.nilrick'' OPP081 the Dimocat ready to H.F.MeIlW.W boot, ot the maseee. MirlvU mat.t. . ... I Tliawrafi tavakai aa maiai aw Im 11k. $13.50 j i r X. - ...V i kTk i.L:mM ia " m aaaaaBBHP , ,' , agaaa. aoaaucwai co. cMtcaoo, iliv. Scio. From the Newt: T. . Claxton haa aecured the contract U erect the building for the Flax and fiber Association. Work waa begen Monday, tf ? r.i . . .... . . iAnmr ana lamity arrived; trom 1 ortlaod Satorday and are fitting tin thA IT An;i. i . . I -r ...,.u uuu, preparatory lo housekeeping. Q. E. Crume haa bought of Thomas Reddina hia lmnl.l.i...... uated 6 miles southeast of Scio, where ba luwrea ni iatuiiy aba will retide la tbe ature Daina ttrino in, t.. Mr. Ralnh K. Jnlinut c. t ... lor Aebraaaa. of Ihm UiuImi. vo r -" m ' ' wj iucu. Sivoni naniajl h M a u:n. i w on, Bur Deputy for Oregon, will be in oeivuu neuneeaay. uctODer loin, ana in mo vveoiog mui lecture on Modern Woodcraft. Tmt aiAttb tttla CI. oils... m,AA tt.. T V Crume farm of 40 arraa 2 miloa nnrih nf 8cio, to 8. U, Harmon, of Lo Gato. California, for II 000. Mr. Harmon fought tbe farm for bie brother-in-law nrAnM erty and will make the place hia future home. Jihn Zabranskr. of Xt.rkoL T.I- alio, laat we-k purchased of Hon. Jeff Mjere, the property just north of the bank in tbia city, where tbe;bowling al ley ia aituated, for .'!60. Riley ShelUn effected tbe sale. Mr. Zabransky will imtrove and fit uo the hnildinv and nse a portion ol it lor a jewelry etore. V MnOiii;.... i i iu i . . ' ' .'.ll.lll.T ,,V'U AIUIUJ UU I. division manager for tbe Oregon Tele- iuuuv vu. iu iuie oiBinci, wa in town most of oar business men in regard to caning id a local teiepuooo system, bo for be was quite auecessf ul aud it ia moat likely that the work will be done, and that in a I. nr. . t. A : 1 1 1. . " 'mm mm uw. . ..U.V ...V UtU riH W U.I V to erect tb polei and put io the inttra- Shamrock va. Columbia. No raoa today. Cause no wind. HUlVgll tthM.1r. n.1 -ll !4 . . vv .v .'.VIM.. .UU U.I I. V.4 on tbe plains. Tbe ten thousand mark baa been paased in tbe Portland public schools for the time. McKUloodc Burkhart are Smorovine their restaurant Tney are as well Joing a rushing buaineaa. In the circuit court at Emrene vester- terday a divorce waa granted Laura A. riarria irom ner iinaiiana i . w.Hinu At Meacbem and other p!acea in East ern Oregon eeveral inches of anow have fallen already. We have ielt a whiff of tbe breeie here. Minnie, who baa ehined the bojta of th crownei heads of Europe.ia at Head- I :,)e- The Ukmocrat predicta i; will be I ", v. u. vi iu. uiuuui ira i"! . " I??' "? ? ,0D " 11 u" ma" V I lne K B depoi at Toledo baa received 1 'rraD coat oI paint from the artinic 1 brD,h ' Hnry Main Jr. which ia a great improvement to Its appearance. The two daya acet were begun at the fair .rnnnill thia nftnvnAAn Tn.1. m mm mm to be devoted to running matches, while . . .t f I . . . T r. Hiuivrisw unn win tm eome Ol ooia. ai toeta only fafteea cent a to get in. Ia a auit tried at Salem thia week tbe plaintiff waa offered $400 by tbe defend ant for a settlement, but the plaintiff wouldn't settle, be wanted the whole $900 aued for. The jury return .-d a ver dict lor the defendant and the nlaintiff thtu got nit. A Eugene paper aaya aix or seven eonnla) m manct Kinn Mia Aw mmrI. ly during tbe circuit cocrt there by re- ceiviog uivorcev. tiere ta Aioany aev eral connlaa ham hn maita h.nnv n. cently by being married. There 'e a variety ot taate in tni world in a very emphatic manner. Homer Davenport ia not the only man in the world who can draw pictures. PrAf RnniifNK, nf Rn.l m m.K .III m . ., v. UUD. ma , mw 1 1 V. nil, be at the college chapel next Monday evening, ia ai wall an expert, doing hia ork before hia anriianra llh ramarba. be rapidity. He talks likewise. The wnoie ie a treat, zo eene will be tbe sixe of the admission. Cheap enongh. J. P. Pence, a Harilsburg atockman, waa in town today. 11a ia ta eight Tear, ha haa not H.n .look aa hull or scare in Oregon. During the depress ion stock wa aotd off to raa money. Wk.. ; mAmmm.mmmA l.m- ..nk... mA off their young eto;k close and now they vivaa W Mat. ai at vrat m-mft ' A nvr Vva . ava m J m v wvw aawai avj aj v pr.'sed to see a regular meat famine thia winter. Salem Journal. - : . i r-rnm . . Rev. Paul Kruger of Ukiah. in eastern Oregon la decla-ed to be a relative of Oom Kruger of Transvaal fame, tie CWVUMJ piivovvu ea ocvra avj-M yr- uty sheriff in a manner to indicate that he boa some of Oom'a spirit and eand. Tho Stilnma. l . ti . thai ff laa flmrmm 1UV.ID1I va ti.n. v.J, n mo .nuu.v. auvav LCi.. l .1... .it. mmmmmmtA llian 5cvv7iua .IIOIUVV. Urva .iiii.i aavaaa unction, upon comthvut of John Ham- illnn. nt Junction Clitv. pharrloir hap with the larceny of $40 from bin Thura- riav nirlit . Sim, iff Withers and hia deputy were iu Salem at tbe time and iook coarge oi tier, sue w.s going vy the name of Heien Hunt in Junction. Mis; MosUr resided in Albany eeveral months last year. It is possible her 1 version ot the anair may ne unierent. ' ' , a ropaivtinn last evening was tendered the new students of lha college bv the x r o v n vi n -v ' ' nt time ' lad Cntthla wL win Mud .:r- fHi awe it mt t.rZ"?,j:?:.,,'r:i auit au ait Ji ' " "INmMk HOME AND ABROAD. Not enough wind again. Nuleed. The data f the ebalk talk baa bee postponed. Announcement on Monday Jack Frost made hla second a' pear- ance thia morning la a very live manner. Owing to the rapid apread ol amallpox In tsalem and. it ia mmmi . il ' mmediate precautions are necessary o mm u, .tu. mm, niii.n. - rmm. , vur jrcupia againsi mis oatu-- eome diaeaaa Jafl mrnn T?a.takaa tWmm.. . eae in Halem and none in Albany. No-' .j.. vrin wen. - Governor Geer ia in Waabiogton try ing to areureaixeannona captured frou iu. DmunD, ior vregon, lust wbat for WeUOnotknnar Urn im .1.. - , -Mm tm mimv IITIIIK V get Portland established aa a abiDoinr port i government inpplie. a com mendable undertaking. Dr. E. A. Pierce, neatlh officer of Sa lem, baa made an affidavit tbat there are oolv two tatee of email pox in or "r 8alem, Mr. Battersby's babv boy and Carl Putnam, and tbat both are uointrwell and nraitin. - f. should settle the wild and nnreaaonablw rumors in tbe matter. It ia oolawfut to kill .u. aantt, grouae and other native birda of thia ebaracter between the let day ot December and lha la. Aim rt.i... Tbia makes the open season from Oct. f j ue-nn may ne kilted lor tbe market from Oct. 15 to Nov. 15 after three yeara from tbe passage of the law,, and cot before except for breedog pnr posea. r In tbe ra:ea at the fair ground yeater day afternoon E. R. Case's Altalene de feated A. Hackleman'a Klonaike colt beet two in three. Tbe time it 3 minute. Three bonee ataited in tbe running race. Groves mare Floia won, with i Royce'e Fifaeefood.Miller' Athena- tutiu. Auieauernoon trier r. mn.a running racea with Pat Mnrphy in the bunco. The late Mra. A. Hackleman left ill Vllirtl hllllHHl .JmilltlA.lu4A . - 1 -mm .UWlinilH)JiVUlC,. with Mr, Hackleman aa executor. Her property ie valued at $20,000. The biff grove adjoining tbe city ia divided into- uy. cquai pane oi o. acre each and left to the tour children. i w ir Price, T. P Denver and Frank, and her grand-daughter now Mra. Rev. Melvis Wi.hamr. The will waa made in isoi RELIGIOUS. Preabyterian church. in iuo arwenew oi tne DaSlOr at nrw! a Bnminarv of bie at uburn, N. Y., Rev. J.K. Buchanan, bow paator of tbe Prea byterian church i.t Pendleton, will preach both morning and evening. Morning worship at 10:30, evening wr ship at 7:30, Sabbath choo. at 11:, Senior Endeavor at 6 :30, Junior Endeav or at 3-0. A cordial invitation to all rervicea ia extended to all. , United Preabyterian church: Morn ing worship at 10:30, eubject of sermon. "The Practice of God Pretence." Sabbath echool at II :4 Junior Endeav or at 3:30, Senior Endeavor at (5:30, evening worabip at 7:30, aobject of set mon, "flanet-hke Reflection of Light." A Cordial invitation ta thaaa ai,mM ta extended to all; Congregational ehnivht lH.liiH service at 11 a. a. uhiui .1 "What ia Sacrifice." Sunday echool at 12:15, evening service at 7 :30 a.m.. al iect of sermon. Th I inamivntr. i Moses." Alt not attending eleewherr ara cordially invited to the above service. TJanal aurrinca at TtntU .KnvnK. preaching morning and evening by th n.ctnr t? a . 1 CinnanBi . . . . mm w..iici.uit Ut'UaiU echool at close of morning service, Young; auL. a,! aW (tA "7 i wimc m ueeuoK d:ou p. in The New Time Table;. a a effect on the Southern Pacific beginning tomorrow lha l.tih will Ka mm L'a.. Taraa Albany ia concerned: The firtt Sonthbonnd overland wil leave Portland at 8:30 a. m., arrive at Albany at 12:10, leave at 12:40 and ar- mi v. in . n 17nMaMA Ih. nnw. ! n . .mm, mjmmM . anuwsvw uw v,7aaai( at 7:45, with on night's ride on the trip and the Willamette valley entirely by daylight. Tbe second southbound of the day will leave Portland at 7 p. aa., and arrive at Albany at 10:45 n. ni.. and will be to- nigbta on the road, artiving in San. e rancisco about aa now. Tha. mr.tnin. davIIiKaiiiiiI avilt ar.lwa. at Albany and leave at 5:43 a. m., ar- riviog in roruana at a. m. The afteroon northbound overland will arrrivo at Albany at 2:57 p. m. and leave at 3:36, remaining for dinner. It .. in ; . n , a - . . . win Kriive at roruana at 4 :io p. m. flAnfr. AfDaij VVr,:A 1 - - ' A m . Yord waa received from Ruaton.'La.- tcday by Mra.- CucdiH announcing the deatn of Rev. T.-B. White at a camp meeting 28 miles from there on the 7tb of October. Particulars not given. Age 67. Kev. White waa an old resident; of Albany, being pastor-f the M K. Church Siutb here for several years. He waa one cf the first members of the Alb any ledge A. O. U. VV . and baa kept up hi dots faithfully ever since, retaining hia membership. It will be a aorrowhi) privilege for Albany member' to help pay the $:C00 that will go to hie tBttma bltt family. t . Air. L. E. Blsio, Mr. Jol.n Althonf er Mrs. G. B. Haight and MSes Olga Hewitt weut to Portland today to attend tl-o 'et.tP convention w tJT U, and the national convention to meet in Seattle,