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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1899)
t Amount SATURDAY MIGHT ..THOUGHTS. Th1i week has ieea the launching of mother war upon the world, tht ba tween England and the repoblio of the Transvaal, and the blood wllljlow In Bouth Afilca probably in a manner not a narlanced for manv year. It ie the malt ol the imperialistic, expansion policy of G rat Brit iao , and can end on ly in one way at thte time, in tbe lubject ion nltheiWrs. With her modem imple inanta. and beine at peace with other nation England wilt posh a vigorou campaign through. " . Coming after an international peace conference this war thonld not set well with the lovers of peace all over the world. II war "i bell" aeeome one hae recently said, lent it about time a drill ed people toppd this beli on earth. V The big yacht race in th east continue to be affile, due no doubt to the ele ments, and yet the reenlt ia bonnd tocana unfavorable comments on tbe methods Tha nubl'ic had rather bare any kind of a tub race (hat willlend eometime on tbe day begun or even the next than this Jockeying with the wind day after dtty, Onedthosesa4desleventsot the con- Jn CI IDOMIWi""""" " i nonuoru iia" nectedmithtbewarforthepeopleof tbiejcopenhagen for cilaod. The "peui . w tu. '.;iiin. r pant I.: .... K..n Murorai month under pre valley ha been the killing or Uapt Geary Born and brought up here, epending many veari in Albany r " i- ii. I . ..ilemiM record as a reliable, faithful youcg man, brave at an oak in a etorm, true to hii duties in every held ia which he wa placed. Itlook tough to aeeeuch men wept down by the relentless buU l-t. A Big Paper. The most widely circulated "weekly newspaper in America ia the Thricc-a-Week edition of the New York World, and with the preeidentialcampaisn now at band yon cannot do without it. Here areeomeol thereaeoci why it le eaely the leader In dollar a year jourcaliem. It ie leaned every other day, and !a to aU purposes a daily. Every wees earh ubecriber receives 18 pages and often during the "boey"eeion 24 pages each week. Tbe price is on'y $1.00 per year. It is virtually a daily at tbe price of a It now covers every koown part of tbe world. Xo wei-kty newspaper coma (tand alone and furnish ench service. The Thrice-n Vk World has at its dis poeal all tha jesf-rw of ot he greaies newspaper in exitencetbe wonder of modem journalism-" America's Greatest Sewepaper," ae it baa been justly term ed-The New York World. ' , Its political news ie absolutely impar tial. Thie fact will be ol espeeial value la tbe Presidential campaign coming on. Tbe beat current fiction ie found iu its Olumne. Theee are only some of tbe reasons; there are othera. Read it nod eee them all. We t8;r this anequaled newpaper and tbe Wkikit Democsat together one year for 2,00. Wedding annirenaries are) as follows : First ear... ...... Cotton Second year Third year fifth year Seventh year Tenth year Twelfth year Fifteentn year , Twentieth year.... Twenty.filth year.. Thirtieth year Fortieth year....... , Paper Leather Wooden ; .....Woolen .Tin Silk or Fine Linen .-...Crystal .Chios ...Silver Prl I 1 Ruby . . . .Golden . Diamond Fiftieth year... Seventy-fifth year. Mrs. John Bnirgs returned from a vif it in Port la ad. this noon SEND US ONE DOLLAR " l nmtMul hfmi 1. M wUk ei.M, mm Tir5l i a. . n i.ii-t amm Autr k. MAI C a. a.. mMib t. ..ihi. Bbowm. which U enirimTed direct Irowm m, photoimvh foa aa tarm mommlixmot lw btutif ui appMiimiK. Umm trmmmmUM artar Hnl mmu ar waiaat aa agatraa. iiiwiiiw mmj hv i fcn-ilflf ..III, 1 a.iM pai. WW mmmj mmrw wwi. urn ... hurh. 4t laches lotw. O lnebc wklaand ounds. CoDtailu oetarea, 11 atop., aa fullowa! u,. ia, 1 brnUUmm, liH, OU.U, C M, Mtialir. IMaCnla, lii.w wmrtm aaa i.s ii . ; w . . I !!'. ill -ii 4 BrU af Orrfcotral TaaaJ Shi.iii riM iTBriWaaiOlMW M, 1 Set mtt Mirh Bellaa Saiaa. keraa. 1 M af Ttmrnmm Srfl rrtatttal - vuar ...ail na rKII th. Cl.mtTl aeO whK'h are oolf aaes ia we nin- -wt rr.tde tnatramcnU; fitted with i n i in I (Waaler, an ... a.-,., also beat Doltre (elca. Irttlwera, etc Bellows &terTTi. THE PAkLOn CEM J.furnl.hed - iau heTeled Di&ta French aUrror, nickel plaxxl . . . i i . .it. I H. K.I1M. mnA a bmI i.i ..-bum. and errrT modern traprOTemeDC. Me """ . . . . . i . i PUABWTEP 25 YEARS. SSTT".. 11 i. .. . IV h Via Xr-mgvnd Bdttion of which If any psvrt tciw oat w vev&ir It tr f i.erejf. Try it one montii nl frill ViSTiUiiiH'UKhiV. f)UR RELKBIIITT IS ESTABLISHED bate art ED " '22 Util moi lite - illtaa utl . i ' r (' dealt Wltn us a. 5""'"'f "C" " National Batik, or t urn N.t. ISank. ol ChWsiroi . " i.'.i..n H-nk KfW VorW: or anr miim.iI nr ..flrMi (rintranr In Chioaito. fie f! ore of the larpest bu.liii.s Works i la "; hiding. bklX OKOiSS T SSS.00 oraZp''-"'- ..-niii .. mr nnr i aaitna. biiltduiir. S Iskli OkOASS AT S22.O0 "1V, inetwmfite at leWMt wholeasl arlras. Vl rit for tree eprctal Sctcntlna. Street sweeping by electricity bae been introduced la 8t. Lcuie. The appliance i...u.r. h- f ordinary construction save that tbe broom wheel in the rear ia operated by electricity, which is wuou i.. .ir.niiu man n in U W uiui.s..."" . a .1..:. ,.,t.ilr.n Ironi the roau ueriTwu iu.ti - v heels. Many plante end vegetable which it adattebl to arid . .V .. .,! portion ol thie country n. i. ncsary have been found during an r .ght-months tour of tbe bor- dering on the Meaner.- " In interest ot the Agrtou tural Depart ment by Walter!. Single, a epeclal agent. Mr. Swlogie it.i.. Turkey and the Al- spam, wwwvw, - ... gerian province In Africa, penetrating tbe Deeert of Sahara, ni -large variety of Mede end plant end made careful notee npon methods of cul. tivation and harvesting. v.n. t. ia h illuminated by electricity during the coming Buffa'o Exooaition. Tbe idea ia .oer -i ..i! not, on both the American aa .-! .tri.a o' the river. Oo top ua..... - k.m .lil ha n aced eearcn uguw, lUriU W lie w i a I i i viiapmi mvmt iiii the colore of tbe light wblcn are inrow B . ii ti ... .tntl chanted.! on tne lane ww " - - Arc hahta will alee be placed in the Cave .1 TJ;..t. him Will KITS lu ... .it -: ih. tbe . . ... a. t .B am awa.!! .th IA Hi ID iroa ui m ww.a- a.tinW. Thcwrrnt It to be obtained f r?m h n it". According to the atidd, : Dattlsh .u ..wkft r.iuion has lust wl tion baa been eeveraV months under pre paration, and ite member have rjeeu carefully practiced in tbe uaa ol trie . y ....'iiiib will bat tcticed in tne uaa oi m - etrumente. Two etauona win . and will be connected by teiepnone ana k. . notil teWs-ranh. The diiector of . n:.u MAAArrtli-urir.l office. Dr rM iM 1 iua u.uibu uww '-, i p.u.n ;..t the head ottheexpedi tion, and he will test his own publUbe d theoriee oo the aurora, ae well ae all of the other late ones of tha rarione eclen tiets. Tbe expedition will return in May 1300. A boat People. Croea. chancelor of tbe British escUequor, celebraUS hie eilver wedding this year. Paul DeLontpre, the artist, is building a tudio near SanFrancieco Irom design drawn by himself. Justice Sbtree of United Sutee eu preme court makee notes In shorthand af the cases on trial before him. The Rev i Jame R. Milford ie tbe wtaltbieet Presbyterian preacher in Scot land, aa be possesses a fortune of not less than $1,500,000. rr.fif rvnx'ar of tha ordinance bureau. who wze i:i-fc-r of the international neace eoolereece at Tbe Hague, nes tf (amd to hi duties in tbe war depart- mens. ; Cant. Fretitaetler.lirbo wae a member of tbe Dreyfus eourt mariial of IS94 hae been aoDOinted a commander ot marine infantry at Roehefort, in the department olCbareute -Infer ieure. Prof. H. E. Vogel.wbo has done mueh la im Drove tte eectoeraphie method of determining tbe movement of the heaven lv ttfrtiet. now baajit Potsdam, two ot the finest telescopes in existence. Mr. H. W. Denniaon of Vermont, who has held for many years tbo important poet ot taw adviser to tha Japanese im perial government, is abont to visit boms alter an abeenco of fifteen years. ! Jodie Henry M. Kelly of St. Joseph Mo., is credited with being tbe beetspell- ar ! the United State, lodge Kelly is the nutbor of three important law Iraki, hich are widely need by attorneys throughout tbe state of Missouri. L. M.Carl has returned from bis trip iiaaaai iekiisnw in nnn rmin sjuuu r. where be bee been to eee bte parent! end kMJhaa. Mf-aTwta nrMMroill OH UUIUVsej . uw swjw y 1 - times there. The sick of that fart of the state are weu UKen care 01 ; Linn county people, vr.vms ou w are at Graei Valley, Dr. Smith is at at . a tt". a.. Vaaawaamaa anil Linn county people, vt. voie ana win Mnro ut tha Dra. Ueers are baring all they can do at Wasco. At The Dalles Dr. Geisendorfer is prospering. .ii. weighs u Tr ' V S faaiiwoi I Mr.aini0S I ORUAN I I ; t. . La--. lk?.'!r1?': ' uasniainaB ana ssavmaji au.. ..Ml. ill. fwJ,'talJ: 1 " at i Maeteal,.! ' I t " w I I fiAiat and publ.hd by requet WhntIH-Wrth? rr. I., this uoestion d and an au.wer .W '2 .?:.BtT: meniiit a sum - In tin. way that we will cousuUr atVt a I aa. a. . ... s itiinew . .a.) taw aw mw v at i, i. . cms wheu a persou's worth I estimated ouly In dollars and . IVeannal atnrtn ia iar auu.w -"j tsuin .. . ... i. n.l.laration. VNe all suon muus vi -- i. atinaa clilel weight In communliy is derived from their wealth, .t a. I.L tLa J.I. ...j . wull scin mat wi.u mw ui- erenoe accorded them is mingled a se cret feeling of contempt Doe this ap pear paradoxical T We look upon them and (eel that we wonia no ua r .n,t hare oeopl regal d us as we know they are regarded, Happy for k... thla laellnt . It Is In Ul iia. ww ww - . stinctive respect we pay to pereonal worth, bv It we concede mat worn ie more than wealth, avk.t t. ha ararth to the community T Is he making it batter by his 111 T Does his life pek for rigbteoune ana tem- Can be always ds touna upon thr.ghtiW,orUh moitf coward. .. e i .. inr k lies rivui ictw at tiuMau TeVU "w hnrth(bntinM,T WhatU he worth .. . t.. kt..i A h.lnlni hi. .mii T la bo kind and belpfoi at home, thoughfut of other's comfort? Or is he selfish and croes, or domineer ing and ruJeT Wecaunot all be wealthy but we may be worth a great deal. Let us inquire what are tne element thai go to make op personal worm, i think von will aeree with me that after Truthfulnees and Honesty which are ab eoiotely essential, Stability ia oo of the mn.t imnftrtant elements. Without tu,m nn u a mere weather vane, serving only to how which way the eoclal wind ki-. Th. Ankia nerson cannot oe re W1VWO A Uw 1 nnon to carry out hie intentions however good thT ot 10 "wUl 1 . .1.. If Ktnui n working oui j only confusion and diaappolntment if any dependence is placed upon him. He often bring reproach upon a gooJ cause H.b take tt up for, when hi en ikn.u.m pool, ha is away npon tome ihivoti lall undone and the cause uflm. No reform will move ...erik. hla efforts lor ne cannot make headway agamet the current. He la tarried h ther and yon Dy every euaj like a bit of driftwood and like it is at last depoeited upon the shore to decay nnaeot. nnhonored, nu ous-uK. What the skeleton i to the human ere tern. Moral Courage and Stability are to the character. Having the w can lor- give ome deficiencies In polish ana re finement of manner. Selfishness cannot be overlooked, pol ish may partially conceal it but like murder it "will out." Tbe ooselfish have bad treat social advantage, he may not nndersUnd nil tbe rulee ol etiquette, but be win not go lar wrong In society, be will be naturally a aentleman, because h . win prtter other to himself. He will be thought ful of their comfort and not trespass up on their right or privileges. He will be respectful to tbe sgd, reverential in the hmaa ni and. While be holds bis own opinion firmly, be will allow other tbe same privilege without controversy. Promptness and fidelity aiso are ea eential element of personal woi'b, but tbe stable, nnselfiib person is prompt and faithful In ell duties end engage mente for tbe greater Includes tbe lees . Other qualities might be named did ,mtt tnt no life however bumble or obscure le without value if it embody tbe traits msntioned, posscs'ili. them u Im ewAvlh mn"h. Wa aaa can attain the personal worth ik.t makaa him of value in the common- i.. . h.a 'aims and desires ne . J ww - - e "lvnk nn and not Jown." . Tbe mind must be cultivated, neglected ad santaM ara a reoroacb to b'.m wbich the world I quick to Uke up. He lain do ioflusnc who wattes bis time in Idle' .... .nit .raara nn in Icoorauce, or bav in. ..nam no ia content to lot bis rema'.n dormant instead of seeking Improvement Tlieiosr,ired writer lays, "ine noary ead is a crown of glory, if it be found . , ... sua -nam iu u w-.. .-a ..' . Lfce perfect roan, and bebohl the, I ..... f ft aalaa1 10 tu . ... ------- su. ..rt n( that man ia peace." also "I have eten tbe wicked in great pp - . . . i .i lit.. ha trea ana oenoia oinjiot j , Yat ha naseed away , nd lo be was not ;, v.. r .nnoht htm tint he could not be in,lv." . -r ... , . r.nnri " Teklns Derrooal womi ne naa r.f n aln to the woria wnicn leu twae VI waw mwm-m, .hsn ha a eon, uow many m.n na. hit and are not missed except .v.... i. ...laiain the number of luat uw.wiauw. bsferaon the corner. ' Sabau Psaamom Adams r - ... i 1. 1 TLe.way to make money ju owncw invAnably to have the best article of special kind in tbe mAtket ; not . merely l - .iL... KnS rti.lla A AS gooa ae eorno wif r -w... . public i. alway. rdy to pay the D.t o. anvtbios. Never key a price too high, bnt on tbe other band never key it too low. A reasonable profit t every man rijbt in boeioes. Email profits are of contcqaence only when an Immense bos iness is done. But with tbe beet article ef ite kino, what may be termed a "pro fitable profit" is alwaye possible. La die Home Journal. ... . i Manila is Prof J. A, Sibbette, of JunO . , - .1.1... .1 1 . a Mian Lata a m aril tier of tllfl ieCOfld reif ton. rroi. DiDDB'is, a loriucr rcDiuous ui i iment band: He is a firet-clafS musi r Hjpivi BW" OF I! IB HO AM IIUIIlllIU A ekle without tilambth end e body steura laaad with pare bleod. 9th to the happy caaUltloa prawtsSwal hj CUTICUKA SOAf and CUTKtmA Ointment, eetaraalty, ea4 CimcURA KtisOLVUNT, lataraaily, la the MvwrwM eiata at tortaring, alallgitrlag, ttchlag, harnlag. aaa ecaly haesere. SaMaaarrwwM. M,TMlllt.llL(VmH en., aw t itiT. an. i H.vnt M l K'rt.a lt aaa l aaa. t'r., Kak rif... j.laa tw - Uaa e Vara UmmnS mt-pf aaaa.Aaa, MISFITS. The temple ol commerce ts supported by column of advertising, Radford Review, uuirago. Yeaierdav eveiv esse In the circuit court at Balem had beendeo'ded iu favor o.'the defendant. Moral Look Ufors yon leap. The Wa hington boye will pobabiy isis through Alhany by rail. Thay isve had enoiiirh ef ee voyage. If they bwswlllA'l boat tli deiiot to tee them go by. Th. South African war hai begun Kruger eaye tbe Iord ie on his side. Rut i. i. . t.. i..,..t idat In tha lone ran the IS in .v mw iv... . - t i i . h.iii.i will be too a any on the side of tbe English. The startling rumor ie ling circulat ed that Jo Simon hae refused a pthlic larArtlinn. If true it ie curtalnty to Sen ator Simon's credit. Tim Ltilutnon Criterion euvs two of it. ni.l.r.a l..-am niltaliulol with A few unpleasant word, resulting in n right. fcuUiigieu is goou auu tiiw i'viu.. At the ahow last night one Dutchumn asked anothor one who owned the At lantic ocean. "!ewey" was me answer. r n no owpi mo ui" " th L'nitutl SUttfST ' "1 llV trust." came promptly auu poimeu.y. Gov. Wo'cott, of Massachusetts, say It is abhorrent to the public sentiment to bold permanent control of a subject people, but nevert?ie ee it Is tho duty of the nation to put down the army aesaulu upon tho Hag where it legally belonirs. Tb is is the Danocnvrw idea of it. Put down the Insurrection and then give the inhabitants of the inlands tbeir rights. Tim folloalnir from the Lebanon Cri terion contain a little sarcasm we fear! It is reported that our fire wardens 1. . ... l,..,.i.t tli.ti.blwaa In Ilia tnftlin. tains this summer, and will come home well supplied wun leraeu venison ana smoked trout, as evidence of the faithful discharge ol tbeir duties. Truly, the lite ol the tire wamen ts nam. The Dsmocbat has lust received an account of a wedding in A neighboring city tbat happened nine or ten days ago. That is loo old. Correspondents should get a move on. Never wait until tbe sun sets when you send an item 01 import ance to tbe newspaper. Tha Pao rila's Press man Is not. Ivalous ol tbe exaltation of tbe Man about Town to tha office ol Justice of tbe Peace, end yet 1 looking upwarJ and onward to tbe .1 . rt..t.r. .kail vwalo)! a ml Miuei RUSH tlU sm t tvjtmm .u... . . ' h a chance be given Mm in Ibis great world of office holders. Tbe smallest man In the World Is the one who will Uk a paper a good many ..... anrl than hprauM ha ia dunned L.mkannaimsstM eand a card back with tbe word "He fused," on l, without a....!.. Itnolrlatarl Tha DkMOCAAT knewe of a big little man at Uarrtsborg like tbat. Baker City has a pound mwU-r who diaennnta Albaoi's. He give notice as foil a-a- "DotrB without liceose will be .k- .V. anrl nn nnaatlan asked. uin vm i a " " . " - Poondmaater Davidkon says there a-e inat lasnK three dmrk in Albany not . . v.nt ha can't eet hold of iham hteanaa the v are kept inside their yards. Why not try the baker Cliy way. "Wt.llawB were having an e-cgaco ment one day," sai 1 an ex volunteer el Pnntanrl. "I saw aomething tbat made rr..ienrh A busier was lying oo tbe .... hahlnd a rock, when an of' fleer came along, 'tiet to your company, air ' be shonted. and tbe bugler got np ami ran. Where the laugh comes in Is that tha officer nlanted himself in tbe shelter as soon as the bugler left It. These are days when a man has got to be np sod coming. Keconliy in an east ern city Accordh g to the storv there was a Ar. n a hi hloo.k. One of the mer- . Hum., wera extin cu.m. "-". .in. on lh- lMthi following to the ait . "Sorely we sold cheap enough before - a 1. .Ill l.t. MM.. I ounij : , ,v - , . 1 hen V'-6.h: Ijook out for tbe bargains then V Osh- kosb (Wis.) Time. From the Junction Bulletin: i.inn Mnniv'i finance are in fine hum. aha has no unsaid warrants out standing and hs resources amounting to S63 ooO.a.) beside sue ie reuunuiun uw. -i.i ...... I,.... Thar rnnntv is all rlllllt anrl mint nae eooa unaucuia iu viux. the past fw years working more for the t......iik.n n.oir rksvn. avi- dently their olhcers expect to be re , elect. . Tl.aa An not invr nn the taX-PSV wu. - ...'. iii, . v,; . Haht and she didn't par wj.500 for pi ins for a new county court hOUB?." I A prlss has beeo awarded in Portland (or the prettiest twins In that city. Al bany ha a couple of pair of twlu who can lav the Portland twin In Ihe (hade judglug frum th pictures ol them. A live Interest Is being Ulu-n in the coming cily election. Albany should have the best olllcrr to be eour.l. tleveral person are lulng menllniieil (or me uinvrrnt positions, Imt Mention doesn't mske a raiulhtate, so the lKtt chat will watt (or. Milne klmlot a locus hi-lore giving name. From the e.leut Journal t The fiiiaitclnl report ol I.I tin county U at band for tho six month, ending Dot 1. It shows: unpaid warrant note Interest acemtd none; tnterent islil none; warrants drawn and unpaid m ne total llabillllr none: resources fUtllHlt 24 80 muvli for Populists. Ircmourat ftud Dehorned Hepubliuani, War Jlcgiin. JouANNMai Ati. t)ot. 12 wr foriiially,declared at 10 o'clock this morn ing. Vaviit'MO, O. t 12 (afternoon). A body ot Hoers have cut the border foitce, ad vancetl to the railway and cut the lolo graph wires. Two thousaml iloer ar now occupying the railroad lino. Cam Town. Oct. 13. 9:45 A. M. A dixiMttoli from Vryburg says thatan arm oreil train has been destroyrd. It is feared that much lose of life resulted. I he uews has been unollkielly con tinned. Iloer H nipttliU-ra. Ciucauo, tkt. 12 A siH't Ittl to the 1U cord from Toronto say : An attempt uiade lt night to burn tho bulUllng at the old fort. In which lante ntiantiliea of military store are kei.t. ia attributed by some luoal tuiltta ry moil to pro-IWr eniliiisiasiii, or more proierly to some nnti-Hritiwtt synipatlil sere. A wvll kuown military man put forward the view that the r rem'h-t ana dlan minister oflor tiior niiixwitinti lo the Canadian contingent Iban i ingon the surface. Our War. Mamii.a. Oct. U.lStW P. M.-tivneral Scliwan'a exprdition, accotuplUhing it object, the troop are all returning to their former position, aosnuoiiitig me town taken. littneral 8chwan is en roule from Perci Dfetusrtmas to lutu with the infantry, while the artillery and cavalry and all mute tama are retracing tbeir route from Malabon to Hacoor, with the alg. nal corps removing the wires. , tlig Etrtliquake Aiin.titiAM,OL-t. 12. A dispakh to tbe MandeUblad from Vatavla. capital of Java, says a violent earthquake ha viaited the south side of the Island of IV ram, next to the largest of the Moluccas between liooroo and Papua, completely deetroying the town ot Amel and killing instantly some 4000 people as wel'.aa in juring some 600 others. The dispatch says that tl. t-ils ot tbe disaster have not yet been obtained. IJlH Wlicnt SmIc. La G a 111. Oct. 12. The largest sale of Urand lion do wheat for the season it that just made to Portland buyer by A. It. Uoniey, tne iocai wneai ainu, wnm no.OOO buMhels were disposed of. Mr Conley has not made know n the price, but aaya the bupers came to bis, terms. Since it hail already been announced that he held for oo cent, tt is suppose! that be did not rect i ve Ice. At Manila. Manila. Oct, II. 6:50 P. M. General Scbwan's column, having accomplished its purpose of punishing the rebels, is re- turning irom oan r rnciat.-aua naiauun with artillery and the transportation service. During the early morning hours today Ihere.was some firing near Angeles, wltti the result that eight Americans were slightly woundjd. Artillery was used. They Will l ight T-osih.k. Oct. 11. If the latest reports 1rom South Africa Are .'true, the ; lloers have not waited for the expiration ol tbe time limit, but have already crossed tne border, as tuey would ne enutuu to uo, both by virtue of tbe notification con tained in tho last Daragranhof the ultl malum and of also of the British Ack nowledgment, which reached Pretoria so oeedily a to justify a belief that the war nartv in Great Britain is in reality delighted tbst diplomacy has .said its last ward and tbat action can now pro- seed. A Mam Meetlot;. New Yobs:. Oct. 11. A great mass mcetios was held in Carnegie hall to night to express sympathy with the llo ers In their controversy with. Great Brit ain. Tbe flag of the lt rublic huntr aide bv side on the fcwge with the Sure and Stripes. The colors of tbe Oranse Free Stale were Also displayed On tbe platform and in the amphithea ter were: tethered men of all shades of po'itical faith. Many women were pres ent. : England's IntcrcHln Washington, Oct. II. It fis practical ly settled that the United States will look after the interests of Great Britain in the Trsneva 11 in the event of war, Although Great Britain np to a late hour todar. bad made no formal request for such action on the part of the United States, it is believed there is an under standing to that effect between the two governments. Mlm'fl Indicted. Penhlctox. Or.. Oct. 11. The Krand jury.this morning brought in an indict ment egalnst Kdwln Mims, charging mur der in the first degree. Judge 'Lowell allowed the customary 2 days for the defense to prepare for trial, naming Fri day as the day on wbich the plea ol guil ty ar not gnilty will be entered. Salem'a Small Salem. Oct. II. Elmer Musser, who died of smallpox yesterday, was buried sotiigbt in tho Odd Fellows' the health authorities. The health olhcere report tnai airs. u...... mnilio. .f lha ihii'panpi!. ia ! i'HWB- MV... . - pectcd to die of the same dieeaso before morning. Rev. W. S. Gilbert Im Bocepttd 'the ostl to the pastorate of the Olvary Pres byterian church st Portland, and, will ,in'io,i tha late Ilev. John Mririson. His sii(v4 is appreciated 1A large circle of Irietufs and adiuirerr. County Court. (tleo. 1). Burton Judge, 1). L. Curl and D. U. Swunn coiiiiitlssroiiors.) ' Met purultit lo mlotiriiiiint transiiutod the following busliiee. In tho mntlvr of tlio Indigent poor Mtt n county. , lt'Hnng to tho court that ample provision (or ihecare.coiiifortam teimiiie of lln Indigent poor of Linn futility is llt(iK'tortly ptovliled fur at the county poor lutli niary, by the cpin- lilotion ol it hum uonpuni, i'u ni rililonoe ami other newssary ;btill lings, it is therefori- onlt're.l tlmt all the Imlitt eut ) tour u( I. Inn county in ordur to re ceive assistance from the county re rs-tjue-ted to mtike iplk'iliiti to thecoun ly judge for admittance to the county ! Ilrmary. The tai roll of 108 wns ordoied do ilttioil uullmtueiit on Nov. 1, and that the dura then wrils the roll and turn It over totheehemn with a warrant to levy. Kill of J. It. Ttlloteoti for building bridge at Muddy ,$1150.70, was allowed College Notes. The following student entered col life this week: Column Warner, Browne vile; May and Bertha Axtell. Moro; Clyde Aihby, Harry Crawford, ltoy Bee on, Albany; Kretl Hnrg'aves, Oregon City. TNe A. C. f.. S. met Saturday evening, Oct. 7. Tne program consisted of dec lamation, Geo. Pratt: In promptu.Cha. Sternberg, C. A. Mnlkej", comic read ing. Owen Beam j am! the deltate "He olved that trust shou'd be abolished." Alllruiailve, F. U, Slellmcher and Jas. negative, M. II. Acheaon and U. 1. Byer. Mr. Stnlliuavlier made an excellent sixwcli. The lodgf decided unnnluiotislv in favor of the altlritiative. Tim new "Ulcere ol the slety were in- lllei. Itollin Morgan, of Multnonialt county, wa received as a inembir. ChaDtnin (iliU-rt mnde a talk Iticimpvt Wednvetlay morning. The f-tllowlnu program will In) rcn- durvd at the meeting ol the Krodelpl iaii ucivty Ot-t. H. Addrvssof we'coun lo nieiiibere, A 'I.I e Chamiwrlin; repo! , tlra Sini.,)n: recitation, Frances Frpiich; Inipromptu, Dm ma Sox, l.iU Btoore: original storv. Jennie t'oiilt: music. Frames Muriihy : debate, "lie- solved that poverty tleve'ops the char acter better than riches." Affirmative, Msry Perkins, irttona France and But It Flinn: ngativo, Nina 0Une,Hesie Mer rill and Kuiiua Breuner. The blsckboanls are llng painted green and made more rough so that tliey will le sit table lor the use ot uu. Met with Success.. Here is another former Oregon man who is making it sccording to tho RroAiievlIlo Tiniest Tha nttnv friends of Dr. Geo. W. Cox. formerly of thi city, will be pleased to learn of his success in the Kt since leaving thla place. For the last few years he has been connected with the American uranco ot tne i i.aieur insti tute, at Chicauo. His articles in several medical Journals, and pwrs,o( tbe Fust ralatina to antitoxins have attracted considerable attention in medical circles. . One of hie articles, published In the Philadelphia Medlca' Journal last win ter, wo o strong lu favor of a bill Id troduoed in the hew York legislature re gulating the sale of antitoxin that 10, 000 copies of the Journal were ordered by the institute Ann one sent to every physician in the state, resulting, despite oppoeition, in the roseaee of the bill. IU connection wun tne l astt ur penpie duriog the last four years, and runner ous papers on scrum therapy an-i kin drea topics, attracted the attention of Park, lavia A Co., of Detroit. On the 1st of title month the doctor left Chicago to take charge of the bacteriological la boratories of the company, these being by far the largest in the United Stales, snd second only to the great Paaleur Institute of Fans. He has HOtr.en un der his charge end their control given him exclusively. State S. S. Convention. The Fourteenth'Annoal Convention of tha Oregon State Sunday School As so elation will be held At Albany, October 26-28, 18W. A splendid program Ii being carefully prepared, helpful speaker will be pro vided, and every worker benefited. Primary, Normal, Home Department and House to House Visitation work will be thoroughly presented and practical help obtained. The Importance of this meeting, the low railroad fares, the warm welcome as sured the delcgates.sliould Insure a large attendance, and Sunday School workers bearing proper credentials will receive free entertainment. lelegates paving full fare over the Southern Pacific to Albany will be re turned at one-third fare. Bin moth CAaxrTLt.r that In every case a receipt must be taken and countersigned at the convention. Tickets will be sold Octo ber 25th and 2uth, good to rutu-n on or before October 31U - It is expected that special cms will leave Portland for Albany At 8:3 ) n. m. October 56lh, and return from Albn iy at noon on October 28th. If a sulllclent number (60) to fill tbesecars is obtained. the low rate (2.25 Portland to Albany and return will be made, and all deleg ate beyond Portland are invited to take these cars. Send names of all delegates to A.rA. Morse, 334 Weld lor street, Portland. Or. Will oastors and superintendents make snocial note of thie and set apart Sunday, October 22nd, as a day of special prayer that tnia convention may oe blessed by the presence of the Holy Spirit. . ..... t. . . a. a. aiokn', nucrciary. Tho Methodist peopie ul this loeali y re to be congratulxted btcsure of tho (set that the confertnre of the state gave them for their pastor Uv. V. B. Moore, r who was tormerly pastor ot the Meiiiu Jist church in Jacksonville. Mr. Moore i a splendid gentleman and an honest, t'otiecientioua christian man -a mn whom not only the church people like, but the world' people have only irno.1 words jor hi m. Med ford Mail, Ktv Moore rewn'ly moved there from Khettd S-AK3, KUlBuvit . ' ' r ' ' r c ian.