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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1899)
t From 50c to $7.00 --riL'e,",800' P''CM on our bw - Umbrella r'SV aWJf!ar UmbrBllM ,o,el S. E. Youn&Son. A High Grade Coffee The Flavor of which never changes. It is stimul ating and soothing. A trial will convince you of its merits. It is Jas HeekinsS Co's ! - Cefebrated High Grade Cincinnati Roast. or Balo by , We uak ewcialty of COFFEE And Guarantee all we sell. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Lawyer Yatee of Corvallla la doing business io Albany this afternoon. License hue been iteud for the mar riage oi Edward Nilwjl and JardaBwan-ecu. Arthur Mood returned vesterdav from Napa, Calif., where ha has been w rklng In tin woolen mill. Mr. Charles Bainford cam over from Toledo ttila noon with a patent washtr lor which lie la an agent. 0. Hall ana wife, who hat been in Aanlacid for the pest two month, left yeiWrday for Albany, Tidlnge. Next yacht race tomorrow. It ia to bo hoped that it, endi the too tee t, over which there haa been to much agony. Mii Ada Cat. ofAlbanv. who baa been the guett of Mies Klla Long, at 836 Liberty atreet, returned today. Journal. O. B. Bhsdd bag been BDr ointed aiioar- intendentof the poultry show to be held io Albany next January. An excellent election. Mr. Ludwiff.of W II bolt. Kan., arrived In Albany yeatvrday and will apend the winter wim hie too Mr. Martin Ludwig, He bee lust spent week with a ion at cages. D. F. ITardnian. one of thecleikeof the ttate land ofllcs, la at hie borne in Alb any, having been called t j the bedxide of bl eon, who la reoorted as being dan gerously ill.- Balem Statesman. Mta Anna Mo-rl. a former amnions of tbia office, arrived from Bclo last Frl- dav night, aod a(Ur visiting with frienda in io wn until unaay morning proceed ed to Long Creek, near which plice ah uaa oeon engagea 10 bnisb a term 01 echool. Unpner Times. License haa been iaaued for the mar riage Fred 1'. Walter and Miss Trina M Anderaon. which will Uka dace, thia evening. Kev. Louia Anderaon and Mia Mattie Anderaon, brother and aiatr of the prospective hride come up thia noon to attend the wedding, I I f At the Bazaar Novelties... in Ladies Neckwear. ust the finish suitable for the up- to-date costumes. Full fronts for Tailor or Evening owns, Stock Collars, plain and ancv. velvet, cordurov. and silk-- liberty, India and Surah silk, Chif- and Net Scarfs. AH in dainty and original designs from the cheap est to the best. EW . ' v.;:::.:;.:v:: ackintoshes, Umbrellas, Fur garments, Winter Footwear L. E.& H.J. HAMILTON. . 'V gV i 5 Jft 'ill Aji :J. jy Call on -F. M. French The Jeweler, ,, , ' . If yon want a first class S vf6 bv lge tin of Nickle, Silver, Oo.d-ulled nndL8olid Gold Watchaa, that w bought lor caah, and w are giving our cut tomera the benefltj of the extra discount.; ENGAGEMENT and WEDDING RING 8 a specialty ... Summer Cooking ia made a pleasure by the me of the Quick Meal blue flam oil stove. It ia the moat conven ient, aimple, economical and easily managed of any cooking apparatua made, and will bake, boll, broil or roast, and ia sure to give thorough satisfaction. STEWART & SOX 1IDW.C0.: The Mascot. mo of 30 The Metropolitan Opera Co , a excellent organisation consisting artlita will make their Initial bow beforj an Albany audience Tbortday night. Oct. 10th. The company come her bv personal aubacrlption ol cur citizens and although the Armory ianot fitted no wun scenery etc the singing ol coora will Im luit ia good as if in a larae tbea tr. The company carry 7t trunks, spec ial scenery and wardrobe and our citi zens can expect a treat on the appear ance of this most able com Dan r. The principal members are all artists of repu tation among mem rteiog Will B. Kisu g tenor, Blanche Aldracb primo donna. A Hyoney Uborer baritone, A- DeWoif Uarry Warmser, Glady Von, Jeunette at d Lhcoln backed by an efUctent male and female chorus and composed of 20 ca -elully. well trained voicea. The com pany appear here on account ol an open date on their way toitoaUl aod onr amuttment loving pubiio may expect treat in nor lor tbem. The pi ices are 75 cents for reserved afa aod 60 cents for general tdmiesloo. The sale of aeaia ha. Men Urge. The elite of this city will comprise the audience. Foot Ball'. Tb Albanjrcotlg foot ball lsvn ar doing some hard and effective training under coach McClanoahan, who la put' ting more aoap into their play than Alb any boys ar need to, and tbey are learn ing to start quick and go low. Fxt ball is a last game, and tb team that is not prepared to do electric work ie not in it tbea days. The college haa developed strength sufficient to have two aood teams, and bring out candidate for the different positions. Xb line of tb first team Is nrtttv well Mtabliahad. with Powell, a 190 pounder, in the middle, at least vicKinson, m outer, Helcber. Btell- macber, Martsuck and Btenon beside nlm. Morrison and Howard are elvina splendid satisfaction at half. 8mick will probably o at full. Tber era four can didate for quarter. Ramp, Border, Charles Etewatt and Rupert. TheDxn orjur man raw their practice last night. The manner in which tbey pushed through and ran around tb second team is a good Indication ol their strength The game announced for next Satur day will piobably not be played, and sboola not be at this time. The old man named Hunter who got mad ana left th poor farm few days ago, haa returned, glad to get back. It transilres that It was bla Own fault and not that of tb anperintedent aa he charged. Tb saperintsndent ii follow ing orders and doing bis best to run tb farm in a creditable manner. Tha new buildings, hospital, etc. make It a neat place, and it i prt posed to keep it that way. It la reported from Woodburn that considerable exoitement exists over tb report of several caiea of smallpox at Sbaw, on th Woodburn Natron branch of the Southern Pacific. . L. Camp bell, postal clerk, reported tour cases and many exposures. Strenuous efforts ar being mad with postal antborities to quarantine againat tb mails at 8baw. A Callaa dispatch says that Dal'as now uses 12 2000-cand; power street lam pa nntil midnight, lor which it pays $7.60 per month each. A proposition for con tinuimi tb light all nijht has been aiked for, and, ii council will order th improved service. Henry Karatena, raiding six miles from her left at Currana a sqnash that ia a monster, being seven fet in circum ference one way and seven and two inches tb r tber, weighing 150 pounds. Tnftt Joyful Feeliug With the exhilarating aenao o renewed health and strength and internal cleanli ness, which follows the use of Syiupo' Sign, is unknown to tb few who have not propread beyond the olo-Ume medicines and tbe cneap substitutes sometime offered but never accepted by tbe well-informed. Bar tbe genuine. Manufactured by tbe California Fig Svrcp Co, Lose no tlm"el calliug on Will & Stark for tb best watches, guaranteed time keepers, and take your time in buy imr. It is a pleasure to show their goods. MISFITS. There Is talk of ereatinir another offl for tbs hungry politici.ns, th depart- "Baing held for th grand Inrv .ill a vuiug UI we pt, There was a rumor of 12 cent i., A big turkey appetite ia twin.. .i..d.,i ltrth.nnt?iliDKr h",11'" "'ooncement tt i i!.P,M 0,tbU',t bird will be "i ," ", , i w account 01 a scsr- V.. V. ,JUJ. '" ueer ssvs leava ihm ,.(.. alon aud tbey will destroy themaelvea, and the Independence Enterprise very bigbealthy calf on a thick cream diet i"'i ana puny." In his last potm Mr. Markh.m mak. mhSSuu! 'hPki io Heaven wbr Mi ton kneels, deep as tba t grave Io hell where Caesar lies." 15y what authority baa this man to consign ooe to heaven and tbeotberto bell. He bad w.ier uoe in some other field. Some watermelons are caaiinv a vtaat deal of tronb.e io the country villaire of woodburn down tbe road. Hanral hot were caught stealing Mr. Milltr's melons when be demandsi uvm Hnil.r. i. dropping tbe matter. It waa paid and tbey bad him arrested for concealing a crime. He waa arouitted. Then he be. gao having them arretted one at a time lor larceny, aod the end is not in sight. County S. S. Convention. In the absence of :he President, I feel that it devolve npon me to call tb County 8. 8. Association together, to or ganlz and provide for tbe continuance of tb 8. 8. work in Linn county for tb coming year, i accordingly suggest that lb county organization tuerae its Dro- gram with tbat of th state meeting, and plan to hold a business meetinv some- Urn during tbe sessions of tb fcuts As sociation. Thia will uke place at Alb any, Oct. 20, 27 and 28th. Let all in onr county who are interested in 8. S. work, pian to d present. Very respectfully, W. II. L, Vice-president, Albany, Oregon Grand Entertainment. Wanted a License. From tb Corvalli Times; It happened at the court houee fii. tar- day. They war two, bat their hearts beat as on. Her dallied nncos. fortably ne-r tb 80's; bis was scarcely more than 20. Tb marriairo dav waa right at hand, and tba the license. "Where do you lire?" In qu:idUeputyClik Victor Moses with bis sweetest smile. She was the spokes man of th bridal pany, and with a gleam in her ere she responded, "In Linn county." Th official then explain ed that tbe license conld only be had in Una county, when th maiden quickly explained, "Oh-ob no. We wV-llvi b jton county." Then th deputy loqolred who waa to make the affidavit for tbem, and when both be enr! shs eon- eraca uiai wiey were without acquain tance in Corvallla, tbey were told tnat tbey could not bave the license. The Information fell like a thunderbolt. He was dejected, and apparently ready to bask out of tb match. 8b waa fnri oo. She tbouiat it a nitv that in two souls had but a amgi thought tbat tb cruel form of tbe lav should keep tbem asunder. Finally, gathering ber skirt with a jerk, ah aaid, "Come on. uoney, lie an ngnt; i never undertook anything yet tbat I did not carry out." And she flounced ont of tbe office, fol lowed by her Jimmie. It is a singular taste that cannot be suited in tbe varied and large selection of jewelry at Will it Stark's, Tbe best goods and reasonable prices. 1 Th ligbt rnnnln "NEW MOME' sewing machine at E V. Will's Mnaic sure price ironi MO to $60. Tbe old reliable "DOMESTIC" taw lag machine at E. U. WiD'a Music 8tor "price from 30 to $40. The latest fm Droved "WHI1E" iw na machin at E. V. Will's Mnsle 8to Pric 130 to MO. If thev tell yon it iat not true, call and b convinced. If von have a iob of nrintinj von ar in a hurry for take it to bin lev, l ho I'rinter. Freab Oysters at Stetter'a, Albany'a LeaJicj,Ritaur ant. ARMORY IIAJ.L Th Modern Woodmen of America wil give an entertainment at the Armory on Saturday evening, 21st int. A fine musical program haa been ar ranged for tb occasion. Hob. Ralph E. Johnson, of Lincoln, Nebraska, Lecturer and Hon. M. A. Miller, State Deputy Head Consul fo Oregon, will b present and will explain th working of thi order. Tb Modern Woodmen has more member than any other beneficiary order in th United Stetea.' Come out and enjoy yourself. Every body welcome. "'."- "'-""- Salem offared th r nusual aigbt ot a trio ot triplet and a pair of twins taking tb same train uniay in new uregon express. Misses Dora and Flora Myers, of Hcio. wbo have been tbegueet of Mr. Tho. Roth, left for home today. Tbe young ladies are twlna and Col. Jeff Myeraiavery proud of tbem. On tbe sam train traveled Mrs. John Waitt, and ber three children, triplet age I twelve-two boye and a girl -all hand some children who left iortbeir bom near Oorvallia. Journal. EBiaiciBt EHiaorfliiaiy The Social and Musical Event. Metropolitan Opera Co Presenting the Bright and Sparkling Opera Booffe Maccott, one night Tbarsday, October 19. Elegant Wardrobe, Eminent Comediens, Pretty Uirls. Largest, Greatest and most Expeneive ever in Albany. Admiaslon 60 cent. Reserved seat "5 cent. By personal subscription o! cit izens of Albany. Tb leading sewing macbloee for abeak "one ball" tbe price asked bv cm vase ing agents at E. U. Will's Music 8tot prices 123.60 to 130 tbe best in tb world for tb money. Tb leading Hiifh Grade Pianos at KL ' 17. Will's Music Store at nricea froaat tbO to $75 cbeaccr than sold in Portlaail or San Francisco, Sold on easy terms organs taken as part pay. mmm Socar Mr. Graiwohl inform na that he fa selling 17 pounds of granolat-d is- gar ior s i.uu. ao is in tim to bay it is liable to go up at any tim. Tbi ia a net cash proposition. Ail good delivered free of charge STOPU. Will & Stark's axdf tee their iarsw and splendidly selected stock of riogs. Asy design you want. King for all porpoe) rom a present to the baby to a wc(Mgv VIereck's Suasr Bowl Parlors for kr cream, confectionery, sod water, cigariv and tobacco. White Clover Hcnev. lOcts. ner lb. at C. E.Brownells. Agate cut and poliihed by D. &. Youcg. 6th and Tburston 6t., Albaty. Leave orders at French' jewelry (tore. Have rour atovea polished by Ohlejo k BCLBl'BT. Water Melons, aweet aid delicious on band daily at C. E. BaowwxLL'a Our New Store Strictj Cass Pncfis-BfsaL All goods guaranteed atrictly first clasw. Freeh and full count and full welsbt or money refunded. Fresh Sweet Potatoes today 17 lbs, fnll weight. Gran. 8ogsr. . 00 18" Choice '& Ice.... 1 00 7" Rolled )ata, good ones 2 "8" Beet White Beans 2 2 pkg. Arbuckl Coffee, ground to order 2& 2 pkg. Lion Coffee 26 Call and examine nr good. ALBAM TRADIHG CO. Vance Building, Second Street. ou Mtin No Risk In. purchating Bator, from na. Thia is t be way we do it. Ehonld too by one of our "BLL'E STEEL" ratore and if prove nasatisfactory yon simply return it and jet another or your money ' bask. The manufacturer guarantees every one to ns so we feel quit aaf ia guaranteeing tbem to yon. It don't rv 'o buy cheap rasors. We have av . fin lin of Strap. Brushes and Soap. Call and see our line, Biirkliart & Lee. N 1 '1 ew Goods in All Lines. -I . .4 ' if. t i t t f 1 rvv fnw 1 Fall Styles in Overcoats and Suits arc now with us I We can write "best quality " and " lowest price" with a dear con science; and the facts and figures will bear us out. You can't go astray with this label on your clothing. f I si ; ' ft) THR tAlCL Or THK -AUOU 1 J aUAIMNTKK CLOTHINa At the BLAIN CLOTHING Company's