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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1899)
Forming Trusts. a 1 " Ut, Hanna'a candidate lor Governor I Ohio ii not behind tba bote la tender eoaeidetation for the feeling and ioter- etsolthetrutta. After stating ta a recant speech that tome oi the most upright and thrifty men im lb country, conducting corporations, bad formed their interesta "iuto combin ation commonly called traits," Mr. Nash went on te. say : "I am very loath o believe that these men would known tnarly do anything detrimental to the errantry or to their fellowcit!xeua." Candidate Naeb'a idea about trueta ee!a to b akin to the belief held by tho upholder! of the divine rlstits of tuor-tbat the can do no wrong. Yet Mr. Nash hae lived hit life on the native heath of the Standard Oil Trust. lie hat familiarised himself, no doubt, with too method of that concern and of othei of similar ilk that have gouged the consumers and arent money for illeg itimate purposes among tbe legislators of Ohio. Judge Nash's sugary notions on the object of thee predatory combines will hardly be swallowed by the farmer of If there are any of tbe relative of Gove ernor Qeer who haven't gotten an offie In tbe pael year or two they will please raise their hands. Never fear but what Unole Sam will hold bis own in everything trout a foot race to a yacht race or a tree for all fight with any of tbe boys across tbe big pond. MIS fit. An exchange eays : ".'ague' is morel of a "weather observer" than a forecast ouiciai. TELEGRAPHIC. flLnt News In Short Form. Abdul Ilamid, thesultau, hat bten drowned by the women of hie hnrm. Served him right. It would have btcn timely years ago. A. Baptift minuter was asked bow It was that lie consented to the marriage of bis daughter to a Pretbyteriao. "Well, my dearlfrleod," he replied, as tar as 1 have been able to discover. Cupid never studied theology. Ohio State Journal. Tbe faiteet mile ever done by a running horse wa made by Salivtor on a straight eouree at Monmouth part York, on Auguer 2S.1S(,0, He mile tn 1 minute 3ols' second. The beet mile on regulation track was made in 1 minute SS4' seconds by Libertin, at Chi cago, on October 24, 1393. This Is bocoiuuig a pretty civilised country compare.! with the wild ami wooly east. Last Saturday a train neia up near Uliicago and 8:25,000 cap tured. The men had no trouble in es caping. Come west. The now time table offure a splendid opportunity for the reople of Salem and : owns in is sitio lo come to Albany and secure toe advantage of our superior svuieaiur, w.lU IO 3:21 will AntlMcKmley. Washington, Oct. 17, Theae lean or. ganixed secret movement on foot looking to tne ueieat oi aicrviniey lor renomina. tion and the substitution of some strong er republican, preferably , itooeevolt, lived or Senator iavle, of Minnesota, 'l'h instigators of thit movement want, lirstotall, to defeat McKlnley, and. this assured, will decide on thuir candidate. mey preror one ot tho three named to Dewey, but it Dewe wants the nomina tion and i available t ley will heartily support mm. How It Happened Nxw Yomc, Oct. 17. The tipmaet of the ciip-challuniter Shamrock carried Too IIiRla Rates. Wamiunoton, Oct. 17. General lleoba saw Seuretar Hoot and other war depart ment otHola'i and urged that the exist inn duties now Cnlacad unon American food produote, imported Into the Philip nines be either abandoned or reduced He pointed out thnt the urosont dutiua are abeolvtoly prohibitive and altogether unreasonable and uniuit. belim tha old Spanish rates. near New give at least three hours for the liuriwee. 20 ,"iow.lM "ft'r ' 'nK'" e made the I laticker croased thojetartlng iln todays mntl htafl MtWtiti.iiB mIiiK Isnstasall tAuUla 1 A dog case involving about $5 was tried 3000 ft. of canvas, came rattling down on in ratew last week. Such shining legnl llehta as Til Font. frniin,l,. , siub, toi. . it. Kn'ght, it. J. f leiuing and Chnrlee McSary . were hired by the respective parties to e that justice waa done. the dock, leaving her a hopeless cripple. No amount of pluck or courage could face such a catastrophe and Captain llogarth immediately abandoned the race, tow in Twenty farmers are employed at the 'High" church and "low' church controversies divide attention with lbs his state, who are compelled to pay exor- Transvaal war with tbe London public euam triuote to tne inmoer, agricultural tuplement, tin, glare and other trusts I word hae taken nlaee. i whather or not which diepense arUcte. of necessity, incene. sh.U be burnt during the e.lab- Jouldn have the tSn eft'inTreir while tbe price of farm produce remain liebed church services. It does not seem su tne tow level at wnicn tney stood be the trusts, with the aid of the RepuMic sua party, began their absorption of the The question at isane, orer wbich war of I 'Vy nan asylum to handle 600 acres v. uu, ii vub inrmors or. tne vallev MM Ia v.. lkl . .1 back!to the anchorage, after he ha cleared away the wreckage. llotirtlDefoMcd Coi.Kxiumi Out. 17, 9 A. M. It Is per sistently reported, from wholly different sources met, a large lores oi Honrs reso lutely attacked Maloking, Friday, and alter several hours fighting were) repulsed with heavy iota. SUMMONS. In thk Circuit Court or tiih statu or Orkuon rm tii a Co. or Link, I)t- l'AHTUKNT KO L. D. Stltnson. Dial nl iff vs. Jainne li. Sluuionand Llda btiumon, hit wife.r'rank U. Stluison, Annie Morgan and William Morgan, bur Husband, L'liie Hwitta ana A. J. biniih, her huaband, Martna llealy .nd H. H. llealy, her Lu.baud, (1. W. btiniMon and ilurtlia h Btiuson, his wife. and Li. Stlmson, tlelendaets. AO Jaiuca ii, HHineon and -uia ntinv eon. his wife, and L. tJlluieon, three of the uftndnts above named t lNTitUNAMKOK 'ME STATK UP I Oregon, you and each of you are be re productive energies of tbe con ntry . Republic. I that such a question should excite the angry passion of mn to angry demonstra tions, bat sach is tbe ease. A Trust Factory. Hw Jersey's Secretary of State re ports that 1,95 corporations were char tered thia yesr and that they paid into the treasury of tbe commonwealth in incorporation fees $728,023. This fact give the Chicago News oc casion to aar that $700,000 of thia enor- nous sum was paid by so-called trusts, tot one of which is in any sense a New Jersey enterprise, and not one of which wi'dever be seen or beard of in that Hate except at its products may be sold there.and as it maintains a nomioa head office" In Jersey Cty. Begardlees of whether courts or other tares do or do not issue restraining or ttacitive mandates against existing trasts, New Jersey will go on licsnsiog others to do business in every state in Che nnion. This is oue of tbe phases of the trust question erhicb shows tbe pressing need lor a remedy that shall be comprjhen -ie as well as effective. General Tbomaa M. Anderson, slighted and snubbed in tbe Washington recep tion of Dea-ey, is learning what it mean to be on the A la er. Cor bio blacklist. What's thia about tbe Ohio Republican appealing to tbelr brethren in other Statea for campaign fund? Ilaona must have mislaid the bungatarter. About the most unpopular word with Conw On, Admiral. the averuue American ia Mnrmnnt.. I Waihunotom, Oct. It. It is quite evl NoeinW.i. i . dent that the friends of l'resldent Mc Whili Tlbere I may U inT. I. r " ""'"il " Admiral plesiVdL0 fX?UyV?M opting candidate . mviiuvit i,.iha tuuren mere ar otners that are object ionable, and it cannot get rid of the smell of polygamy. wees: went to Loondor'a circus without They first cut holes in the tmit with their bayonets and peeked in and than f k,l i I .i Great Britain got ber customary .hare MtoUo LTX: Z P.'" in tbe Venexueia award. It waa the the result that the boys in blua ha.i i lion'e, of course. imitate the Filipinos. for the pyesidencr next year, and their tear Is decidedly ttreiigthoned by the announcement of lh ndiniral, before he left Washington that hi- Iihh1 to make a tntirnf th I'ltuntrv duri..i! the fall, and About forty soldiers at Vancouver last I gocler through to the fauilo coaet. The admiral tins outline! u ii'iinlle route to le followed. The evnod of th i'r..),.i..i. i R..,;.in- I K.. .K- TT.i..J . ' T UUICI1 - aa y . vivnukiua a tx iii'i if nam aiai wm vi for re college. A col country in tbe world and that Wh olc t!" Pu h it down To a.rJ rennhlie until I ha hnaiiU lilaiin against silver, wnicn nnauiy contracted I Br et uays. a new train to tbe circulating medium of the country ; I run from Chicago to Kan Franciaco is lo .cwuiiuj tus tjicBt luwiran mug iu mp in ii nours, or three dare oi the people demand more money tor j It took the Dsxouut man about eight Salem The Presbyterian synod at gatsied tbe following resolution : That ebnrcbes observe, temperance gar witb appropriate exercises in coot' pliance with the reoiMW'ira.'Am tie irermaTleaembly. r That thia aynod Lareby aaiertaand de --etaree its confidence intbe maxim laid iewa by tbe supreme court cf tbe Unit d States tbat the saloon bat no natural ar moral rint to exitt, and that there fare, it becomes tbe duty of every Chris tian to strive to secure ancb legal enact extents ae aball effectually auppreaa tbe tbe ealoon and all ancb traffic io l'quora axe lead to the establishing of such vile jplaee of resorts. nee in tue cnanneis ot trade and com merce; therefore, we declare ourselves in lavor uf the free and nnlimited coinage of silver and denounce any attemut to discriminate against silver as nnwiss and unjust. Don't get excited, dear republican reader at the above on account of its em pbatic character, but put on your nine year thinking cap. J be above was the sixth plank in tbe platform of the re publiesn party of Oregon at ibelt. con vention which met in Portlana on ApHl 17, 1890. and tbe Oirgoniao declared in great hlackieJlwtatJt wa a at root bTfplattorm. We are under r" , tame eon - stitation now as then. day, an( Mme oI tD0 oId timeri i mooins or tnereabouts. here The government cannot very well pow do anything else than orJer the con struction ol the Nicarauirna der tbe present war policy it is a neces sity. Tne Pacific coast will reap tbe benefit. 'A late fable : ' A practical rooster, disdaining oeanty and finding bia tail feathers an incon- weaieoee, pulled them out; when tbe -sther chickens, disgusted at bis appear- avnee, polled out Jhe rest of his featbere Aa be waa about to periah from cold he said: "My beauty was, after all, bat protected my life. By making extyaelf a fngbt, I invited all kinds of enemies to attempt my destruction." John Bull may aa well come out and acknowledge tbat landgrabbing ia bia enotive. Ee w ill get just aa much sym pathy from outside nations aa if be tried -to clcak bis actions under the pretense that be is moved by a deaire to rescue from oppression the dowc'.rodden Out laodere. Republic. College Notes. .. E. E. McClanaban, tbe football coach, lias arrived and the team ia getting down to work. Rov Beeeon baa been elected captain. Pree. Lee went to Salem Friday noon to attend tbe meeting of synod. He re tamed Saturday. . ., The girle have organized a baeket ball team and intend to play the O A O girls. Rev. Buchanan, of Pendleton, was -wisiting here Monday, ,. John Talt, of this city, bas been secur ed as physical instructor. Tbe gymna. iam ia being repaired and a class is being .organized for gymnasium work. The Athletic Association have elected T C Morrison Preeident, Emit Howard Yit-e. president and Frank Stellmacher Secretary. The football team are to play a prac tice game witb the O A C at Corvallie .next Saturday. The Collge Student is to be issued In . book form this year. The managers are -working bard for its success, FroL Wirtz ia organising a beginning -music claes. Ed Doyer and wile.of Gervaie have re turned hoae from Dawson with 17,200 In vcaeb. Huw ridiculous it Is for a war to be in augurated over a matter of whether a franchise shall be five years or fl ree. England insisted on a five year agree ment and the Uoera wonld m . ooiyinree. t,uB.anJ hain't expanded ;r soma time so she kept np tbe five year cry. and the result i hLwthi i. At EoKenTTast Saturday tbe Eonho. '.H'.',he tarttwih century .. .l. -c. , - r vontwan era. of foot ball 28 to 0. Salmon are salmon. Fiiherman at Aa- From tbe Journal toria are receiving the highest price on Here's a joke on Tom Toogns. Aa con record, 4 exeats. Fish are scarce. greeaman, be hnmped bimaelf to get an The Journal eaye there are one ban appropriation for the Lou, Tom ereek.ia dred ten employees with spay roil of Beaton county, and succeeded, although nearly -i,000a month at the woolen mill, be eonld get nMhing for Ysqulna Bay. Strahan A Murphy, of Portland, bays Now . 'Mult, the Benton county been allowed $400 by tbe county court at art having a tussle witb the Long Hilisboro for recovering f 2,000 for the Tom. Tbe government bas commenced Holland estate. Tbe neir reside in Irs to improve the stream, but they have land. condemned two bridges serosa tbe stream Tbe Washington Volunteers will be utf.ilVJ Z WTT mustered out on October 31, and will fg ?i"VATh,U,l7?r'w immediately start for home by rail. Ws 15? Ti xp?.B,,01 brid btgb en will meet them at tbe depot. Titn" llW. "boats with 41 feet Oneof the prettiett thing, on sxblbi- WXXJ&Vti th-n PT''ilOB" th" m,odel tbn Bconnty folks nad their lh?.f?T V. b.!JCUr"?5e CLrw 01 hands foil. It will coat Ln ton county a iC-r U Ur,cKl Mtrbl at- goodly sum to get ready to let steam' wn,"wn . c Ply on Long Tom creek, but it sn- Xhe insurance eomnaniea whose hnal- sure tbe Lone Tom statesman AmU. nesa Judge Powell looked after in AI- tion from that eonoty for renommatioD. vmuy lur ihiut yrw, nave oeen placed as follows: ThiFiremen'a Fund with C E Box, tbe German American witb G W Wright. Arrangements have been made for Good tor I.lpton. Nkw York, (Vt. 10. Sir Tbomaa Lip ton took bia defeat with the spirit of a true sportsman. "It was a (air and square race," said he lo an Associated Press representative who saw him on board the Krin. "We were beaten fairly. o two boats ever sailed a better race and were equally wen bandied, as lar ae i could tee. 1 lie Colunbia ia a Unj, fast boat, and was splendidly sailed. A Poor Outlook. Wamiisotov, Oct. 10. From present indications, tbe outlook for Nicaragna canal hgislation at the coming seemon ol congress ia anything but bright. The subcommittee that has beeo in Etirone examining maps and report baa already put in three montha liiuu, and it ia un derstood that Admirral Walker tbinka aeveral montha will yet be required to complete tbe task of this subcommittee. BacUcJ Down. LoxiMix. Oct. lo Disnatchea fr.ini tlm Cape are verymeager tonight, but they inciuue anii tu porta n i message Iromulen- coe camp, dated 3 thia afUrnoon. an nouncing tbat tbe Boer commando. which invaded Natal through Laing'a ea. ano. alter occuDVimr kiicui a. advanced to Dannhauasr. ratlrad on In- gigede yesterday evening, tbelr trans port service Ming reported defective. Thia will dely indefiolly the anticlpa the and boned-!or assault on the strong British ion at Glencoe. A Big Army. New York, Oct 16V A special to the Herald from Washington says: The coebined military and naval forc es of tne United States and Philippines by notified and required to aiwear in the aoovo iniuied court in tne abuve entitled suit and answer the complaint of tbe plain tlffhrln nn III. Jllll. A. a l Kln.-.l.. lava, ana you are nereuy turtber aolined mat ir you fai: io appear and answer tald oouiplalot as a'ornaald lor want thereof tne plainiirr will take a decree against you for the relief deiusnded In aald touiMNint, towlt: For the foreclosure of the niortgaga given by Jane A. Stimtoa and (Wire W . oiimeon, at trustee tor aald Jane A , stlm- aiui ,il.t Ihaltlal A M Anutift I tuvt 'o secure tbe payment of the itn nf tm.vQ with interest thereoa at the rate of 10 er cent per annum from the 9lt da of August, 1893, and such further eunt aa tbe court might adjudire reasonable aa at torneys feet. Which sail tuorta-AKe waa upon ue following described real estate, towlt: Couimencinu at a nolnt on tbe K Una of Block No. H4 ia ilatklouiao's addition to the eity of Albany, Linn oountr, Ovob. Wi ft N of the 8 K corner of eaid l-U k and running thence N on aaUl line ft, tbenee W 132 ft. thence S bltf ft, then .'. lis ft to the place of beginning and I inir and beinir In ate block No. 104 itackleman's addition lo the city ot Alb any, Linn county, Oregon; the land bere- AntlExpnnlon.S ! CmoAoo, Oct. 17,Ths ottMlllon of ths anil enimnalonlsi to the subluga tion ol the Filipino took tanglbls form today In the meeting of about KM) dele gates Irotu different parts ol the country to launch a crusade against the policy ol the administration In tho 1'hllltiplnui. The meeting wot called to order in Cen tral muHld hall by Temporary Chaliman Kdwln A.. Smith, of Chicogo. . Train Attacked. Kimiixhlxv, Oct. 17. An armored traln.while leconnoUerlng near Hpytfon toln, engaged ths lUwra, killing live ami woundliiit aeven. Tho British I ad no losses. Smallnox has broken out here among the natlvea from Johannesburg. Eight cases have been discovered. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. NOTIOK 18 HKUKHY (WVKN THAT the uudersluiied bat liven duly mi- pMoted by tbe County Court of l inn Countv. Oregon, administration of I he ro tate of J O Powell, ditcend. All ptrwnt having claim against aald estate are hereby notified lo pnnent tlitm, duly ver Hied aa by law required, o the undur- iignd at Albany,- Oregon, within tlx month from (lie date bror, Dated tbt 10th day of October, WW. T, J . MriTte,, SUMMONS game ot foot ball at C3ory.Ili.7ext StU oi i L , 1 nrday between Albany college and tbe iZLfL?0' of Longfellow, Lowell, Wbittier and Bry. ant never got np early enough to write anything finer than i the following by bleb basaet ball between tbe cirlt five of Alh. any college and girla club ot lbs O. A. O. in tbe evening. - Don't buy soods away from home fa what tbe newspapers alwaya advise all tbe year around, and yet some home buaineea men continue to get caught with every advertising fakir that comes along. Salem Journal. J. B. Chapman, a pioneer of 1846 died at his bia borne near Eugene on tbe 16th at the age of 83 years. His father waa s soldier in the war of 1812 and bia great tby CTvetal deena inverted Swinge a picture of tbe aky, Like thoae glimmering bopea of Aidenn. Dimly in our dreama that lie." Referring to the Willamette. And tbia about our mountains : "Where the lorda of the mountains lifted In a luster of sliver and pearl. And the shadows of agea are drifted In be banners tbe forests unfurl. Wherefthe Oregon's gathering waters Go down to the strife of tha . , in-.,. . . ' . ' are grandfather in the Revolutionary war of An wmetts meanders and loiters ci: it :. , . ' I I5y many ti rrMA.rliiatAt'oi Iab" no. w who wiiom neuvea over aixty yeara aurvivee him. I Ex Recorder Eadea. of HaUm . .ill RA. S-C. Gillespie, who waa arreaUd abont be a reaident of Albany, ha vino- acenntMl ' two weeka azo at Cottasra Grova on th I a ooaition in the C. &. K. Alh.nT nin..' curKo oi naviog rouoea ana murdered I wiia agent .turner. 3 hUm rST Z n."rljr ? old 'tbur Stringer, of San Francisco and . 'fiT. 7 oaamaoe Miaewiiena Knight, daughter of Rey. MiTS'SU -iWSa"-" 56 ??- P K"i8h re to be married in Salem wa. w s i v aau bia.iu HBiij an nfnninn i erm raA & 2 , -vj, vuo Mia SOS tad no more, be strangled ber and pour ed coal oil over ber body and mat th bouse on fire. He is now in jsil at Co- : ' Letter Llit. qniuewiiy. us la a nend of tbe firet order. Following is tb list of letters remaiuinn A IV cent sociable at the noma nf J A I In tbe Foatorhca at A hanv T.tnn nn. .. v.. j -Zl rZ 7 ' I " v.wZ7Z v ,U"'5T"U 'f . yci. zu, at uregon, Oct. 18. 1899, Peraont calling andcak. ICCre'm these letter, must giv'e tbe date on which Frank Mendenh.ll, s eon of Dr. Men- f,(1Tertl!e,d , denhall, of Harrieburg, haa begun a Salt' Mrl Fred Coii V O three years course in tbe medical depart- Orowley.Mra Elizabeth Purdy, Mrs Cora ment of Willamette univeraity. Hartman, Mrs 8al)y Perfect, MraN M W. W . Kowell, P. A. Yonng and party Fi )?lolW 'Mr bave returned from a visit to their mVmS Tb?' ULB Ifc per Calapooia homesteads and timber IShSi t ji-nt. w ' 5rfc ? m claims, a fine part of Linn coanty. jTftll8fer"' Mr JowPb0 d MrSeldon ' . 8. o. Xbain. P. M. When all the troops and ahlna now under orders reach their destination will ag gregate mors than 70,000 men and 43 war vessels. The last of theas forces wili arrivs in Manila early in December. Ths President. MiLWACKtc. Oct. 16 The apeslal train bearing Preeident McKlnley and party arrived in thia city at 7 o'clock totiighu It was the firat visit to Milwaukee of a chief executive offthe nation in a decade and tbe greeting.he received from many thousandaof people was moat enthusias tic. .... The Boer War. London, Oct. 16. So far aa 'ao'.ual newa ia corcerned, very little change in tbe situation ia noticed. The of affaire at Mafeking can ; only be conjectured. Theoccupation of Newcastle by tbe Bo ers waa prepared lor and expected , the lace having been abandoned by ths ritieh. The Boers are reported to be menaoing Kimberley. , Very heavy rains and snows are re ported . t Outbreak Stopped. Manila, Oct. 15, 9:15 A. M. The au- vnoruies were informed yesterday from reliable sources that an outbreak in the poorer districts of Manila bad been care fully planned for davileht on Sunday. It failed to o:cur, probably on account of tne vigorous measures enforced. ! Many native of tbeTondo district left, .taking their valublea." j " , Not Disbanded. ) . .; Lcwixw, Oct. 14 The stock rntrket bas taken the outbreak of the warDhilo- sophically, and the event, which hat had very little ettect on 'prices, haa on the wnoie oeen rattier welcome, aa likely to settle a disturbing factor which baa long wwa. nunujriuK 1.110 iiinraei.. iuioin shares bave been freely bought here an in i'aris. ibe market was very strong yesteraay on minora oi iintisn victories. by convejed being the W W o the A fc! corner of aald block 104 tn tald Uackle- mau t addition to tald city ol Albany . And for a decree directing tbe property Hereinabove ueacriUf d to be sold at by law directed cn execution, and the proceed arising irora tu o tale be applied, tirsi to the payment of the coat and d ishorsemeeta of this suit, to the attornejr'a fee la tut asm ot 75 00, to tbe principle and inter est uue upon said note mentioned in said mortirag. and a further decree tbat the drfendaata and all penoae holding by, tbrooiih or under them be barred anilfort- cloaed of any right or title of redemption of taid property except tbat provided by law. Tilt utrmont it torvvd noon yon by publication once a week for laconuiivs weeks la tbe Stat Kioht Dsmoout. a wtwkly newspaper of general circulation in said soonty and state, printed and pub- ii.nea in tne eity oi aihaey. ureiroo. Perwant of tbe order of toe lion. Geo. D. Barton, oountr Judge for Linn county, emUr ii h, JCW. and Ut said crday wax scribe tbat the first publicaUnn be made on tbe 6tb day of October, 11. sni tbe evi n day . November, iwy, as tbe day oe which yon shoa'd appear and answer said complaint in said suit- Dated at Albany. Oregon, thia 20th day ot September, law. WlATtinrOkDA W4TT, Attorney for plaintiff. ItrrasCiicoir CocatorTHs arATs or Uxboo roa Link Cotrarr. May Zabn. blalntiff. va Charles Augus tus Z.ha, defendant. To Coarles Aoaustnt Z Oia. the above samed defendant t IN TUE NAME OF TOE 8 TATE OF Ore go , yon are hereby required to appear ana answer ins cocpitiat, ciea against yoo is the above entitled cause, on or be fore tbe 27tb day ot OctoUer.l89d,saiddate being the last day of tbe Urns prescribed is the order ot publication of tbia sum mons; and if yen fail to to appearand ans wer taid complaint, tbe plaintiff will ap ply to tbe above entitled court for tbe re lief prayed tor la said eoraa'aiat, towlt: for s decree dissolving the bonds of ma trimony now existing bwtweea plaintiff and defendants for plaintiff's eoat and aMc bursements herein aai for tbe care and custody of tbe child mentioned in tte complaint herein. Tbii summons is published once a week for tlx consecutive weeks in Taa Stats Riaarra Dsmookat, a newspaper published 'lo Linn Coonty.Oregon.and of general clr citiauot in said countv, pursuant to an or der of Hen. Geo. D. Barton, County Judge of Lien eounty.Oregon. made and dated by him oa the 12tb day of September, I8US. Tbe date ot the first pjblicitioa of this toramons is r'riauy the ltb day of Sep tera'ier, 1899; . -Dated Albany, Ornori, Sept., 15, 1809. . . W. K. Bilthu, i ' Attorney for Plaintiff. In tnmCiRi-uiT Covin or Tin Staik or OamoN ron Limn Covktv. ' Dot.arlment No. 9. John Mntnert plaintiff, v. Areola O Wlsbard and alio vViatmrd, his wife, Barton HWishardand Manba Wl.liard. hit wife, Warren W WUhard, Katie 1) r'orire and Vv ilium 4 Foraey, her bus- band, lette t.riiw and Harry Orico, ber hu.lHind. LtetA W)hard,Ueoiga WUhard, Ullle Wi.oer and Allert H vvtsner. ber btisband, Ricbrd Witbard, Minnie Max im and Fern Mastus, her , nusijand, Uort Wi.imrd, Louisa r raise Andrtn and Ci rlrv Aodorlon ber Luebaod, William Van V'acloi, Rova f'arsbell and l.lmon Paribel', ber husband, A eta Johnmo and Ctaa 11 Jolinson, her bnsuand, Haiuuol Van Vector a.d Mrt Van Vector, hi , wife, Hlil lluulwr and Orin tkinor. ber husband, Frances Van Vector and Floyd Vaa Vector, de(adnt. To Archa O Whbwrd and A Hoe Wle- hard, llartou S Wi.bard and Martha It bard. Wairen W Wtsltard.Kstis I) Korgey and William A Foigwy. Jesia lirice and HarrvUrice. Irta Wi.brd. Oeorsia Wis- hard, Lilli Wisner and Albert B Wl.ner. Richard Wi.harl, Minnie Haxlm and Fern Maxim, Httl Wlsbard, l-ouna Franoe Anderton and t'arley Aadrton. William Va4 Vactor, U;v rarsbeil and Llmno I'arsboit, Datlie Dunbar and Oris Duntmr. Franomi Van Vactnr and Floyd Vaa Vector, tbe too re named defendant. TNTIIE NAME OK TllE 8TATB OF 1 Oreiton. rod are berby not t nod and r .-quired to appesr in the above eoti'led court ia said suit, and answer the com plaint of the plaintiff filed therein on nr before the 'iOtn day of ttovember, 18lr9, that Ulna- tbe date prescribed ia the order ot publication of tbt summon and on srbicb ou are required to appear ad ans wer tbe oomiilaiut beietm and you are further notified that if yoo fail to appear and answer srfrjdiasr seJiy a uttm. quired, for tbe waut thet m. tbe ptaietiff will take a decree and lodgment against y.iu.for tbe relief demanded in said com plaint, towlt: for a decree decKriog tbat the plain' I a bervin be doc'ared and de creed tn be tbe owner In fee simple of and to tbe whole ot aald premises btrelaalter deecnbkd. free and elf ar of any new. claim or tnterett ot any klsd that lb defendant above mantd o any of them or any person or penoo holding by, through or under ' litem or any of (nam may nave or claim to have ia or to the said premise er any part thereof, and that the cloud now upon plaintiff's title he mooted and tbat the defendants be forever barred from asserting any claim to or rtgbt in stld premier or any part thereof, wbich tald premises are 'ascribed a follows, towlt: Bmrianlns at a point on the wed bound ary line of tbe Donation Land Claim of !ohn - W Oslmore and wife. Notification lo. 2518, Claim No. 85, In Township 13, Sooth of Bangs i Watt of the Willamette atetidias, Ofegoa, which ta 31.10 chaina South of tba Northwest corner of said donation land claim sod running thence weet. 88.01 ebalna more or let to tbe r-at Una of th Donation Land Claim of Ueo V Crawford and wife, Claim .No. (9, la Townsbln 12. south of Kan tie 9 West of the Willamette Meridian, Oregon, tbe nee south 58.24 chains more cr let to tbe South line of tb North X of ihs North west hi ot Section 13. Ia aald last named towntutp, tbeoot East 38.81 chains more lesa to the Southwest corner of taid Claim No. 85, tbenoe Nrrtb to the place of betrlonlng, containing 204.80 acres, more or let, situated in Lino couaty, Oregon. And for tba costs and disbursements in curred in taid suit This summons is tervsd noon von l.v publication in the Stats Riurts Diitn- ckat by order of tbe Hon Geo D Barton, county judge of Linn county, Oregon, mads and done at Albany. Oreonn. iha 30th day of September, IH'J'J. The date of the first publication of this summon in said newspaper Is Friday, October 8, 18119. Y cats jcaroitD a: Wtatt. y i-;H for Plaintiff. sEfiP no money ss Campaign in Kentucky Caiuo, Oct. 14. State Senator Goebel. democratic candidate for,. governor o Kentucky .accombanied bv adistlmruiah. ed party of Kentuckiana and a tram ber ol newspaper representatives, reached thia t.11.7 MJis.vvcning on a special train, irom Louisville. Mr. William J. Bryan and National Committeeman Woodsen, of Kentucky, arrived during the night, and all will leave at 7 o'elock tomorrow morning for a tour of Ken' ucky. A Road Completion. Lewihton, Idaho, Oct. 15. Tomorrow ia the date set for turning over the Clear water branch of the Northern Pacific to the operatirg department. There will be about 40 miles of the new line running as far as Oro Finf. Work it still in nro-1 Kress for 24 miles further, to a place called Stewart. tlAtltltrlAtlNiT luttlCK KVItt MAsimmi -a..iMM OTf-MI. HtMMlarj.auet l u , u Mil f Si. m s-, an tak obkatskT bauis iov m v ZZMZZZl 8eelsl OWer Price $18.80 . nd rraiffh. ohrf&ilau:Iiiti wigh VJQ tremor) 7ft MftU for saaVah UKt mlltiti. ftlVI I your bnrM.sWid w will rattara your I MtUnod. W Mil .lfvrw.t MfcM gtattl n4Maf I .iyV.vii.Maiv.osjMfi.saui rullr rttnr1fMKl in A. i t. RsskteCMabiM. butflft.sVO for this Pftur lUt CaVBLRKT SUAfilsgua thk nuROiCK srsaVi'aVo;r;,""r,rrf ""is aus, trim Till w u. JHUa ST the, iT 1 ,.. L tTS.. 1 J' MM SaSJ "k. . Tl-r-l ! ma tor. 80110 QUARTER SAWED OAK ?.,"!!... n,Vi ...-. , ' , ..rill'. Jluirifiii ib!.w. maohino ell (liwl ilroppiiin from .lulititoh V. i J?."?t '."1 Mtrs.dJu.Uliltniai.,nulnSmTtlir( k.U. Do.ltlrafaurmatlnDfMid.uif b.,hhln wln-ler.adju.tabl., baarlnw. patent trn.l ib.r.M wbaal. sd ju.ublpra.ttr foot, Imprnvad ahiittl-oirrlir , ...... u. mi. OUARANTEKO li. Il.ili??. 0At).dO. unrl thMl If Amit1iiw1 ttist JTI TO RKTI'ttN TOLB gslft.ftO If at ADT leOWX sPJbaUAT. (He)ri, Rohiiclr A IN. laitMl ISilMh .k.ii a " b-i and dMmtl 'r.Wnal Sni.. rlnirt aui JZi rurni urea Hits Arm t ahllttla. autom.tlA banur.improTad loor pawns nvMla nar, HablMtniaaiaa. t-n..kl. ... Ml.rk...i fani-i and our rraa In. hIDd of lanoy work. A SO- ' Bl.di.. uT 7. Ln" f' IT C08T8 YOU NOTHING --s .i.T.rta ..;aoP'.r.Tt b.ImI.m BiarblMbuid.. K..r miction Book tails )ti.t hnwanfnna 1th S4S.SO (O .1. oauta to-aAf ' "'at.-. tlm within thrra months you air 5u m o Jii.nt3 oiTn t Co. ara thorouirhlr "imSJ. ? M sutUdail. OkMII Address, 8 EARS, ROEBUCK & CO. (Inc.) Chlcagd, IH.