It it possible that if the United State war to itirt out like Alexander to con quer the entire world it might eventual ly do ao. It baa a much right to Jo to M It ha to try to conquer part o( it against the will of the people. We have just received a aack of Karly Rose potatoes from our friend John Smith, of Qieets, for which lie will pleaea accept our thaoss, some of which are nearly nine inches in length. Lead er. Want a Uowey. It ia eaid that President Kruger'a wife dots her own cookiug and makes her own beds. This iuaures the family against getting into trouble with John Bail and the hired girl at the same time K, C. Journal. The Uuera want to govern themselves and they have a right to, just aa much as the English r-eople. If tin rule was right that the strongest had the right to govern the weakest then there could be only one result that of a single govern ment to the entire world in the end. There is too much red tape in thi yacht race between the Columbia and the Shamrock. Give them a shove and let the one crosting the line first he de lared winner if it takes a week and they ave to get out aud shove the boats along. 1 he public gets impatient over the many failures on account of toe calms. The "new woman ' lias appeared in our very midst, save the Myrtle Creek correspondent of the Buseburg Review She wears blue overalls anc ran be seen In many of the prune orchards picking prunee. At a distance she appears quite manish bat npon a ntarer approach one is led to exclaim with the patriarch of old "tbe bair cf Eran bat the trousers of Jacob,"or Iks. Bow can a patriotio American help sympathising wita tbe Boers, who are liable to lose thair republic throned the avarice of Great Britain. Oncelwe bad an experience of our own with England The cause of tbe Boers though different is Just, as affairs go, and the true spirit of democracy demands a word of encour agement, though otherwise we should keep entirely away from the ent ingle ment of foreign alliances. Tbe New York World Is making an el fort to secure Dewey aa the nominee, lor tbe Democratic party for piesident- It will be In vain, for Bryan will be nomi nated by acclamation The World's position though is interesting aud we give its argument : The advantage to the couc try o! the nomination of Admiral Dewey for Tresi dent by the democratic parly is so great as to outweigh any personal objection which tie rare and quite heroic modesty may seek lo interpose. His candidacy would relieve the Pre iieutial campaign of all the stress and apprehension which ordinarily makes it so distracting to the people end so dis turbing to business. There would 'be no personal rancor: Dewey has no one mies. Taere would be no partisan bit , nest : Dewey has never bee a a party man. There would be no uncertainty: fjewey'e election would be a foregone conclusion. The country would know beyond doubt or peradventure that its honor and its affairs at home and abroad would be entirely safe in bis hands. His char acter, which is as solid as bis tative mountains, and his career, which at very stage has added uew lustre to the flag be loves, guarantee tbij. To the Democratic party Admiral Dwey's candidacy would mean certain success something- that cannot be eaid of any other man. To the country it would mao peace with justice, prosperity without inter ruption, tbe firm execution of all laws, a government by tbe best men. JNOl since W ashington s day lias any American bad tbe opportunity to do his country a greater service than Dewey can render it next year by causing a sus pension of party strife and accepting the Presidency as a simple pattiot under no pledge save to duty, free from all obliga tions except those of honor, bound to no platform other than the constitution, The Woil J does not believe that the American was ever born who cou d cay tbe final No to such a call from his country as this. SATURDAY NIGHT THOUGHTS. About People. BMAgwttenDaod- great activity in the Philippine islands, and there are good reasons to believe that the war will be pushed vigorously as i necessity in connection with the caodi dacy of President McKinley for reelec tion. Regardless of this the American people should stand by the government in this war nntil it is ended and tbe matter settled. This tbongh does not prevent one from reasonable cnt.cism o the measures nsed and the men em ployed in the war. A gold standard bill will be introduced in the senate on tbe convening of the Congress. Straight single gold stand ard . Four years ago it was bimetallism that was right, now there ie no pretence made to claiming any friendship for sil ver in any form, and there will be a dif fereut plan for getting rotes. Where will John H. Mitchell, Binger Herman, Congrsserren Ellis and many others like them who were outspoken for bimetal lism stand. Tbe Salem Independent eausticly says : Governor Kocsevelt says the people like a fighter. Well, tome of them do It depends considerably npon the refine ment of tbe people as to bow much they like a fighter. There is a growing sen timent nowdays in tbe minds of very many human beings tbat barbarian methods of settling, or trying to settle, international difficulties should be dis couraged. With a yonng cracabraio military enthusiast like Roosevelt, who has an idea tbat one must be n fighter 'n order to be patriotic. It is perhaps use less to argue the question. Teddy is so thoroughly possessed by tbe military spirit tbat his only desire is to go down in history as a dashing, grinning war. rlor. Maitre Labor i ?s one of tht best all around amateur athletes ia Paris. Major Marcband ia busy writing a book giving an account of his juurney across Africa. Tbe Khedive cf Egypt draws a salary ten times as great as that of the president of the United States. Lord Chief Justice Russell of England is said always to have a bet on every im portant sporting event. George Berry, the English bandmaste has retired after sixty-three years' serv ice with military bauds. Pev. S. II. Conwell has, during bis pas torate at the Temple Baptist church in Philadelphia baptized 3,875 converts. John Campbell of the Cameron High landers is tbe youngeet major in tbe Brit ish army. He is only twenty-seven years of age. r ....... . . r-mporer vt imam is a patron oi an American clipping bureau tbat furnishes him with newspaper comments on him self and bis policies. Mrs. Clara E. Wright of SanFanciscn started tbe Rampart City Whirlpool in the Klondike last January, aud it bas proved to be a greit success. By the birth'.of a son this year to Prince Christian of Denmark the Grand Doch ess of Mecklen burg-Sib werin becomes a grand-mother at the age of thirty-eight. Walter Wyckoff, the expert in practi cal sociology, who wrote "Tee Worker is off for th- north pole, or as near to it as it may be necessary and possible to go in trying to find L:eut. Peary, tbe Arctic explorer. Ragbnoatb Purnehottam Paranjpe, this year's senior wrangler of Cambridge bas pledged himself to teach mathe matica at tbe Fe'gatson college, at Peone, for twenty years, at a salary of not more than 70 rupees a month. The principal attrautiou In the United States this week, has been tbe attempt at a yacht race between two boats. Now a yacht race aa a rule ia no very big event, but this one Is a swell affair and everybody is puffed up over it in some shape, jii!t because on of the yachts represents Englautl and the other, the United States. This fart has made it an international contest. John Bull and Uncle Saui. though are very IrUudly over the tnatier and btutl aud bet with each other in a veiy cordial manner over the mult, At thia writing two florin have been made amid intense excite ment and both have been failures be cause as much wind as has been flying around very little of it seemed to go the way of the sails of these lead heavy boats, and they failed to got snoh a move on through the waters as would take them over the course within the prescribed time. They will keep trying until they do, and the winners and their friend will bow). England and Cape Colony continue to look daggers at each other. Just now, to the Democrat it looks aa If it will be siveral weeks before they get to firing at each other. By that time it is posiibl thev will have sufficiently gotten their senses to settle their differences as cent people should without war. V During the week a bicycle rider back east rode his wheel ten miles in the re markable time tf a little over fifteen minute?. That is humping it, and shows a hat a man can do when he tree; but really, what does it aiuount to. The bicycle is a great thing for business, but this record suiaihimr. is going to double the backbones of men and twist their their livers and kidneys out of shape. Ten mitea in just four times the time it takes Eddie Mc Dully is fast enorgh for this paragrapher. Otls'a Y.euaorihlp The foot ball seasoo has again rolled around and the oblong sphere has begun its cavortings through tbe fields of tbe conn'ry. The game likewise Is being kicked from east to west and back again but it continues on top with bigger crowds than ever. The young men who play foot ball are amorgtbe best in our colleges, many of them christian young men, and with all its roughness tbey be lieve tbey are receiving a trainiog tbat will be ol benefit to tbem in after years. bo they it regardless ol opposi tion. To be captain of a big team is the greatest glory tbat can come to a college student. Just before the Democrat man left tbe New York village where he was bronght np there was bjrn to one of his best friends there a boy, just a common every day kind of a kid. They named him William after bis uncle, judge of the conoty. Tbat boy had tbe stuff and loJay Bit! Edward is captain of the Princetin eleven and very soon bis name will go thundering through tbe papers, and already his picture is appearicg. This year the UcMociMr is going to yell for tbe Tigers. The following is from a private letter by John T. MoCutuheon, the Chicago Record's stall correspondent in the Phil ippines. It was not written for public tion, but appear In thelUnord : in view o' the fact that our protect against the oeiorhlp la Manila has at tracted considerable attention I thought it might be well to give you a brief story regarding the matter. "Here area few Instance of 0:1'! ceumirshlp : "Collins ol tiio Associated Pre, sub mitted a telegram which stated that the business men of Mauila believed the sil ver basis beat for tli island. Thomp son, tbe censor, read It and exclaimed. "AVly, that' a dlteot boost for Bryan My instruction ate to let nothing go that will hurt the McKinley Administra tion " "On dav, when aiked just wnat mat tercoulJ go. Thompson said : 'Nothing in refereucJ to future move of the military nothing ca'caUtt'l to aid or comfoitthe enemy, and nothing that wiil hurt to Administration. ' "Un another oceaelou a tnlegiain was submitted, preferring to tho court mar tial cf an army t filer r. Thompson said: 'No: that can't go. Nothing can go out of her that will reflect on the army. '.Otis ha persistently refined to alow anything to go which might rtp resell the iusiirgenl as acting on the aggres sive. For instarc-, one night the insur gents attacked Sen Lnls, find thtoo vol leys .into an ab lutly u imn'ctiiu American force, killed one tuau aud thn retreated. ' Otis refined to l.t this rtjry go f ir two or three days- Finally lie dictated a dispatch which made it appear that the Americans l ad acted on the aggros i.v. Otis has repeatedly cutout tbe words 'attack" and 'surprised,' iibtitutitig 'had an engaged rt. FOR RED ROUGH HANDS FOR ITCHING PALMS FOR PAINFUL FINGER ENDS One Niout ThATM!CT. Boak Hi hand thoroughly, on retiring, In a uot lather of CiTKH'HA 8UP. Iry, anil anulnt freely Willi Ci'Tiovaa ointment, Ui great akin on re and purest ot oaiullioiila. Wear olil gkrvws during the night. Kor sura hand, Itching, bunting palms aud painful Hnger audi, till on algal IrttttmtHt I woudcrful. WflMCM (MMMlallyMnlhanmiMiltmiiwI-iii toulwtaM Um tawartaala ilni aiirtrjrias, u4 prop-rttat el tvntf " ml k In ul em tor II duly. B..U ItimarlMxil Ik a.wid. frtaa n n 0 , I'niiw, IkakHk Mttv ulun tktaaulal Uawto, fiaa. Kl A L AND PERSONAL Start Jd for Home. San Fbascimo, Oct, A. Tho Muimno. 'a voliiiiiivm Htrtrlo.l fur homo today. Tho soldier wore given an ovation lit ifn lorry duitot bufuru their depiirturo. The men will ho uivnn a 21 hour' atuy In Portland, and then uitl reitum1 tlult I'listwiird jiiurimy over iho line of the Northern Puciflo. The 'South I'uktiU volunteer were miHiiTo.l out today and paid off. anss t eicival of haling, toe young' but one o! twelve children of the It gh lion. Spencer Percival, the Koglist prime minister who was aseaisleated in the lobby of the houre of commons in the early part ot the century, entered npon her nlnty-fifth year on Aug, 27 last. She still continues to show a keen Inter est In all around ber and retains a vivid recollection cf the tragedy of her child hood After an absence of fifty yeats Senator Nslioo of Minnerota, is visiting Norway, hie native country. The authorities of t'vauger, where he was born, receot) gave a banquet in his honor. The WaahliigtoiiH. Ss Fiuvnm'o. Oct. ft. Gov. Koger, of N anhliigtoii, nrrivnl hero today to wclivnu) Um WimliiiiiMou volmiti it iiuw en route homn from Muniln on trwiMrl IVnnaylviini.i. I hut veaael, however, la not i pvcted Ihto iimicIi before Octolwr S. Governor tingo held ft nt the I'ttltt o hotel loilnv in "honor of tint W Huhinntun ilelegittion. ui d lum turned the atutw tilu'lHtat, Governor Murkhain, over u the viitur for their uio in going lo meet the t Vnn-y I vantit. In Sou li A f lea. I.omh.x. (vt. 5. U'hile Ihi-rit is no .11. mi flu Hon in the Hood of iliiuli Ih.h from South Africa, recording withnhiuwt tin" some Hernt:in the luiliurv nreiiiimtiuiiii and moveiiieitta of Inith side, wilh nil kinps uf accurate and innoctirate rumor and speculation, the rent aitiiation re nmilis umlmiiged. It I cvidi'iit that xtroiig effort are mill U-ing nu.le to pre tvrve peace. A .Manila Plot. Manila. Oct. 5. Tho arr!iil,ll,ni, nl .Manila muitled Gneral Otis ti nt a i.lot a on foot to burn tho residences of the g vernor-gencral mid tho archbishop, together with everal mvernuient build ing and bank, but the plot fuihil ut materialize, notmiblv lano of a iliauUv of force. Tbe racht race todav wa a renetitlon . . . . - - oi me two former attempts, no race on account oi slow lime. The Columbia was ahead. SEND US Or,E DOLLAR Cat tai. aa. aal aaa Ml t. a. alia 1. OH. Hi m .ui tuu mum tiraoraa niooB sxa omatM, wj iMtu c. o. ., aaaj ta mumtm. aiaa. Tmm caa ciaauc It at;aar Bcsrcat rralckt acma, aa4 If yai Sm It exactly aa reareaeatee. taa tn.laif ntm im arar ga j auwa ai a,r. aai aaa far artlar thu anraaa adwtlanl ar aiaat OUR PRICE 835. BO. Um ta. ai.aa tn.,n. m lll u i ar.lrttekuM. THE PARLOR CEM aaa. af tka aaal BUKABLa aaa awmrrtor TOH la.tra-.ata tnr aafcj. from tha iliuatrauoa abown. which la aftgrared direct from a photograph yoneaa font SOBMldaaof ItabeauUful appearaaea. Made (rwaaaolM aaarter aewa aak ar w aiaat aa 4ealre4, aarajralal kwj turn, faM alr, ai.alllal a.iiallil enlaa aauto aad auaf ackar aaaaUaaa luauliu aad araaaaata, aiaUaa II tka TKBl LaTWT HTTLa. 1 UK PAKMlIt 4EM 1 teei hlb, it inches loof.ZI lachea widaand erelxtu IM poonoa. lontin, a octavea, 11 atopa, aa toiiowa : m.mi,b, 1 Baldaaa, CkMta, Craaaaa, Baa, Caaalar, TraUa Caaakr. Biaaaaaa Sana aad Taa Maaaaai 1 OcUfa Oaalan, 1 Taaa fra-U, 1 a, aaa urgae am, a aew a imHara zaaaa a..aa.l.n ril OaalUr Bafda. 1 BMaT SI rara Swaat Btladla Btadk 1 artaf I Ch.natarlT BrilUaat CalaMa Baaaj, 1 Sat af S4 UUk UrIUm toaaah Pfaaaaaa 1 ar na.iae aan rrladpal axxta. THE PARLOR CEM action eonilata of the (Makratad l.aaU ., which are onlj used in tha high eat a-rade Inalnimeutai fltted with H.anaad Caaaina aad Tax Haaaaa, alao neat voin ceita, trttoers, etc., nellowa Dolnl of tha beat rubber cloth, i-plr bellowa stock and flnast leather In vajyee. THE PARLOR CEM lifurnlnhed with a lOilt beveled plate French mirror, nickel plated aeetertealaelret rry riKLOB 4m k ail we t ntee, by the C.i & Fri ' 'a V " - Tax. . J 9 i i mm pexlaU frtvme, and ewery modern lraproTernent. furwUh IVtM bwiiWi rgmm ffttMi skM ttt Idkaa kkawak MfellaBtL, GUARANTEED 25 YEARS. J?TrJ ltetU W Wria-MSll UIIMUU); aV-JCaU glUUBBm. JJ Wlaj BB. tormi svtd conditions of which IX anj part gtrea oat w repair U IVw W 9kmwm. Try ft one month and we will refund jour money if jroaare not perfectly Httsfled. btA of the organ will dc oij v .9iOvi vhvmm j. AT OM'E. 1MK'T 01-LA V. . OUR RELIABILITY IS ESTABLISHED jJ2 dat with uaaalt journelKlibor about ua, write tli a pulilitiiiT of tli la paper or Metropolltaa National Bank, or Corn Nat. Bank, of Chlcaro or German Exchange Bank, h'ew fork i or arir railroad or expreaa comnanrlB :hIcago. We hawaaaaltalaf anr S1on,eou.OO, oocupr entire one of the Unrest barlneaa klocke In Chicaro, and ampler nearly people in our own mm .kix AiujAVa AT net.aa ead aat ruiua, tllt-ao aad aai alaoererythlnir In mmlcal Inmmenta at lowaat wheleaale price. Write for free ipeelal organ, ptaaweim wwnii w... n i . , mmmm, m va. aaa awraaaaif raaMBta.aeuaa. GEARS, ROEBUCK & CO. One.). Fulton, Oesplaiac aad Wayaua Sta, CHICAGO, ILL. Next year's eampalyn promises to be one of name callins on tbe part o friend's of Imperialism and expansion. Already there is a good deal of it, and frequent references are made to all man ner of things from sneaks and copper beads to anti-expanslonisis. Of course soch is rot of the worst kind and does not count as argument. When ever a man ie weak in argument be rerorts to name calling tbe world over. The man who objects to allowing boils aad ban ions added to tbe body politic ia the best kind of a patriot . It is quality and not quantity that tbe Hnited States needs now. We have tbe quantity immensely already. Now let us bsve tbe qnalfty by a better government oi tbe people we hare without adding all the scavengers of the distant sea. Oom Paul in a recent speech said : "Krery thing point to war, becuse the spii it of falsehood bas overtaken other countries and because tbe people of tbe Transvaal wish to govern themselves Al though thousands may come to attack os, we have nothing to fear, for this Lord is tbe final arbiter and Me will decide. Bullets etme by thousands at the time of the.ameaoo raid, but tbs burgher srer. untouched. Over a hundred were killed on the other side, showing tbat lbs Lord directed our bullet. The Lord rnles tbe world." ; MISFITS. U. Ilodes has done business in Cor- vallis forty-two years, practically in the ame piace. Tbe cabbages are wonderfully expand' ed this fall, the early rains having had a material enect on ttieir size. The Gaze.tC'Unlon boaifa of the green and fresh appearance of Corvallis, as if something to be proud ot. A Eugene editor put his feet In it by publishing a notice warning the public against trusting a man's wife signing tbe name oi a brother wuo is living harrnon- louily with bis wife. No fatalities. ice .telegram eays a rortland man has sued a music dealer to recover $01 1 commissions alleged to be due him on tbe sale of pianos which he claims to bave sold al several hundred per cent profit, of which be was to have one- fourth. A paper published in the city down the river that recently had a county bone ebow says that "Portland's one horse exposiiion is little more than a few die- plays of dry goods and o'ber ware. And yet the exposition it is said has al- most the entire sta'e fair exhitit of wheat and produce. The Oregon Native Son is an illustrated monthly magazine of history published in Portlaod, and deserves tbs support of every patriotic resident of . the Pacific Northwest. It is devoted to the history of tbsoriginal Oregon, ia well printed on glased paper, Is beautifully illustrated, and tbe subscription pries Is bat one dollar p v annum. 8ucb a magazine bas been needed In this country for many years, and we hope it will receive the liberal sopport It deserves. SUBSCRIPTION STATEMENTS. The Dimockat is sending out its annual, after harvest subscription statements of account, both on tbe Daily and Weekly, and will try and not miss any one in arrears more than a year, A very nice thing to do would be to pay np promptly, and, as an act of appre ciation for patience in waiting in some cases many years, a year in advance. A monthly farm journal for five years to all who liquidate. In view of tbe effort to establish a M or men church the following from an encyclopedia is of Interest: "Mormon i believe in the Bible and toe bonk of Mormon. Tbey hold tbe doctrine of tbe trinity, tbe atonement, baptism by em ersion, the second advent and the reitor ationof (reel: they deny orlirinal sin. They recognizo Joreoh Smitb and bis successor as prophets and revelators; tbey claim for some of their number miraculon eifts. Polysemy was coneid ered lawful and largely practiced until prohibited by act of conure, after which on October 6, 1890, the practice was lormally renounced by a vote of the Mor mon people in conference. Drowned at Salciu. Salkm. Or., Oct. 6. Ilenrv (ilrardin. aud about 19, was drowneJ at 10 o'clock this morning In the rivrr in thl city. He was employed by the Capital latin berlnirC'omnanv as loir tender. Whil gettinu Ik twthered in a boom be miiUKd bis footing and fell in. The body wa recovered by some !iiiiovra at tii mill about a) miniius later, lie beuan work for the company yeaterilay. A Tough Cliy. lUiceiiCrrr. Or.. Oct. &. At 1 tiYlnrk this morning an unknown man annulled Mm. Wrik'ht, nued 6U vear. with t,l a billiard cuu and a raxor. The woman wa the dror of her home, ami hnr skull was fractured and her throat cut and other severe wounds were Inllicted. She may die. Tho man ecsied. The Ilacr War. Lomdon, Oct. 4. The most intereslimi announcement in connection with the Transvaal crisis today is that the chan cellor of the exchequer, tho Kight lion. Sir Michael Ilicke-iteach, baa already sanctioned the uroviuional exnenditnro of 3,0OO,(M, and that the government will not exsueU that limit withrut au thority from parliament, which will lie asked to vote a uin not exceeding & OOO.tOO. In Cape Town the minion nrcvnlls that the delay of tiie iloers in assuming the offensive points to a willingness on the part of the Transvaal government to allow political counsel to override mill- j tary ardor, and that there is, therefore, still hope that the Afrikanders' efforts for peace will prevail. Wcrw l oo Grasping. Wasiukotox, Oct. 4. Au order of the treasury department today directs that there be no suspension of work on the Portland public building, but that the work be pushed to an early 'completion, according to trio approved plans and spe cifications. Tbe inspector of the super vising architect's ollice, who investigated the building, and thefrequcsts lor a de lay, made by the people of Portland, re ported that the bni'dmg, whin complet ed, would be amply large snmo date all the demands mado ,p?n It tor years to come. Getting a Move ou. WaaiiiNoroN, Oct. 4 The president today directed the immediate dispatch to thel'hilinDinea of a number of vessel of the navy, including the cruiser Brook lyn and the gunuoaia Marietta and Aia cbia. Tbe orders given are in line with the expressed determination of the pres ident to furnish the army and navy every resource for stamping out the in surrection at the earliest poseiblo time J.OIetii, the solid Populist senator from 1-lnii Vjunty, la In the city hl ncs. Salem Journnl. Nell theO. A K. idlleti lell leday on a vacation trlploHan rnmeUeo, .Itanford and othr California places. W W. Francis, of llitlu-y, a a In the city yeilerdav on iiimliur Mr. raiul I wivtnw hi children the ft'ivaiite.e ol Albany' achool. JohnS. ('(innor of Portland, nnd Mina Mattiotipiitry of LkIuiiioh, Ore., were innrriod nt llm I'if'l MwliU'llut church I arir ago hi Spultiimt hint ovvnlii by the Itev. P. A. Cool, t'Mf. Toi bet, ol Albany, lil Im lr at the K-vangeilcal chuii h tin !lllrda)) yviMiing on ". nmoiiiy," Leciiiro Iree ami nil mvlie I. Tomoriiiw evenlnic ;ho I'rul, will preach on "MUsInn," and alll have many en In from Imlia ami 'he Philippine tu lllutrte hi ariuon, lie I a fine speaker. Do and hear Mm. Jt1nr.on llvlew. Corvalli W to bav a teacher of lntu inimtal and vocal niiu'c In the prnn if I'ruf. V . tf. tiate who will heal" or gaiilsmc cli nl week. I'rol.Oatr ii a teacher of ten or twelve year epr leni in eastern tiiuvic aehxilnd come with the hlgheilteatliiumlal, III iw ia tie of teachlnx? sre piano, organ and voice -Time. The rulhue faeiilt nnd atinleiil who can ride io,k a bicycle spin laot evening out the Targent rnad t the school home in ttislrlct i'fl. Aa they bad no guns along they receive I a warm welcome at (hit atrh'ol hou whete MU Maud Heard, th teacher, wn holding a r ei.Uun. T'"e Albany pooplti did their part. Mr II. It, llw. of Milton, (lirf'h, wa guest ul rtiipt. McUee and lam lie Jtiring the lore part f Hie week. I hi a a the gentleman wiiolu a rattled rjimrier mlt.ok for Mr .Mnlluy, of Alb- iiny last week. The irp-.rler wa never ;ure mistaken in his life, although these tan .ent't'tneii iraeiiihle rach other enoitith lo t t'le name pern. Urw n villa limia. Itev. llanna.a former rreident of Cor valh, paased through Albany thl tiooii for that city. Ha alii attend the Hirel ing of the ureahvtery in Albany neat wik. liflv Manna ha been a reldn of Lo Angele for five year, and wa i ta pilclng at veeing ro much green In our tleht after the brow n California ght (hiring lh past eighteen month he bs seen only four rainy day. Tho llriilah I'ebec,- iidgegave Iaf Social la-l evening ihat wa one of lh niot succeaalul of Mia seaaon. It wa uniqiia and very enteriaining. The striking feature w the presentation of a series of tableaux representing book, which the audlenceweretogiipf. After Mng given it was found that Mr, rlora Clifton had eneed the most er roetlv,Mlss Kll Martin second and Mr Montanye third. The booby prise wa g'ven Mr. Martindale. Hi book rer reseuted were Hoserof the Family, Ked tlanntlet, The Woman In White, Joae phlne, Seven Lamp, White Wing, Un der three Flag. Kcrlet Lettm. Two Sta ler, Tbe Clock Struck One. Klsie, White Apron. IxMking Backward, Jack in lha Hush, Over the Tacup. iuterperd aera piano solos by Mis Hrennea and a vocal solo by Mr. Lee. After the pro gram a fine banquet wa served. At each plate wai leal,'ariitlrally prepared The spread was a pretty on- and much credit is due the committee Mine. Heara, and Stile and Mr.Ulllet lor it and the tncceas o! the entire evening. RELIGIOUS. M. K. chircli : Preaching by the pa tor at 10:30 and 7:30 Sunday chool at 12 t Junior league at 3:30, Intermediate aud Kpworth league at 6:30 All are cordially Invite J to l beers services. M . 0. Wims. Pastoi. Itev. W. E. Ooneland. ofHalnm am lecture lo Pearce Memorial church tbi Saturday night, Oct. 7. Subject : "How to Destroy Hie Trusts." Sunday morn lug his subject will be: "I Dealb a Leap in the Dark, or, What Evidence Have We of a Future Lifer All not attend, ing elrswliere are cordially invited to both service. Congregational church : Preaching at II am, subject of ermunt "The True ir-stoi uiirisuati Uheracter." Sunday School at 12:16. Preaching at 7:30 p n sermon, the first of five on the subject. "What I Would do it I Were Uod." Th. object o these sermons will be to show the wisdom anJ goodness of Uod In things as they are. All not attending elsewhere are cordially invited to these services. Unlteu Pretbyterian church: Morn ing worship at 10:30, subject of sermon, ''The vital end of religion and its llnee fold foundation." Sabbath school at 11:45, Junior Endeavor at 3:30, Senior Endeavor at 6:30, evening worship at 7 :30, subject of sermon, " The Power of Uonvietlon." Al) aie Invited to attend tnete servicer. Preaching at the Baptist church by Itev. Sturtevant. m irnlnir and evenlmr. Other services s usual. Preibyterfan Church ! Morting wor ship at 10:30, Sabbath School at 11:40, Junior Endevor at 6:30, Senior Endeavor o:ju, at evening worship at 7 :30 Sub- One editor said of the trip ta Portland before reaching the green fields of Ore gon : For at least 1,400 miles straight away (witb very trifling exception) we passed through a primeval desert, in which it would take a miracle of God to make a tree grow, and in which, were a bird turned loose, it would starve to deacb. For many hundreds of miles we saw nothins but rocks, sage-brush, grease- weed and sand ;rocks, sage-brush, grease weed and sand : rocks, sage-brush, grease- weed and sand i ana tne neat and tue dust were a sore affliction. It makes me abudder to think of that trip. Never be fore bave I taken a car ride to uncom fortable so tedious. Sonar Mr. Oradwobl inform as tbat be fs selling 17 pound of granulated su gar for $1.00. Now is tbe time to buy as it is liable to go up at any time. This is a net cash proposition. All goods delivered free of charge. ' To Car CouetlpaUon aorerer. Tr ke Citacarets Candy Cathartic too or ISO. II C. C. C lull to cure, druggists refund money. Going West. Wasiiingtok, Oct. 4. President and Mr. McKinley and party, including tho entire cabinet, left Washington at nine o'clock tonight for a halt month' trip to Chicago and the Northwest. Springfield and Quincy, It:,, will be passed Friday. Friday afternoon the president will par ticipate in the dedication of the aoldieri' monument at Peoria. Saturday morn- ing'.the president will deliver an address at Galesburg, and will arrive in Chicago Saturday afternoon. The War. Manila, Oct. 4. Several hundred Ina surgents have reoccupied ,1'orac, which was captured by Gen, MacArthur Sept ember ii, and evacuated by tbe Ameri cana the following day. The insurgents forces are reported moving toward Mex ico, southeast of Angeles. New Goods. P. Cohen's large and well selected stock of new goods has ar rived. It embraces late up-to-date goods, which will be sold at prices in reach of all. Give bim a call before buying. Joct of morning sormon "We see thrci gh a mirror dimly." Evening "The Girdle of truth." A cordial invitation to at tend all tin services is extended to nil Notice of Firat Meeting of Creditor In the District Conrt of the United hta'es for tbe District of Cregon: la tbe matter of James F Powell, bank rupt, in bankruptcy. To the creditors of James F Powell, of Albany.Oregon, ia tbe county of Linn ani district aforesaid, a bankrupt. NOTICE IS HR11KUY GIVEN THAT on the 2nd day of October A. D. ISO'J, tbe said lames F Powell wasdulvadiudipm. bankrupt, and that tbe first meeting of bis creditors will bi held at Albany, Ore- Son, in my office, on tbe 10th day of ctober A. D. 1 899, at One o'clock in the afternoon, at wbicn time tbe aid creditor may attend, prove tneir ciatms, appoint a trustee, examine tbe bankrupt, and trans act such other business as may properly come before said meeting, Da'ed.Oct. 6th, 1899. H. Drtart, Referee in Bankruptcy.