From 50c to $7.00 is tl f reioof p-If on bin new Umbrella Mm k. We have I uli in (Hal a In m l i tit g thne Umbrella toifet Ohlv nbahle rovers tin ihimumi framr-saml niiel rod. 'I bardie are t ( unit tent nd In the higher grades fin IMed In eilver I'remlerr or pearl. Our r Mow wii.ilnw i f iled U, n , horn the tlock. l.ath I iiil trflft ! plellily marked. S. E. YouiF&Son. I A High Grade Coffee The flavor of which never changes. It is stimul ating and soothing. A trial will convince you of its merits. it is Jas Heekins& Go's Celebrated F.r fatoy High Grade Cincinnati.Roast. McFeron & lomlinson W n.ake a n nalty of COFFEE And Guarantee all we sell. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL J. L, Underwood, of Oorvl!li,bes hem in the cily . Mr. Arch Meier arrived in Albany Kit night from Washington. Tbe Child Culture Glide will meet at Mia. Hart's loin or row ai 2:30 p. ro. AI Htrahiiy, coriMahlo of dintrit-t one left today on ft lrl to aim Aluea. Mr. Htutetman, o( Haltm, la In the city on a viail the guet of J . Ot'o Iee. 'I lio Salem Journal tsyt that Claud Klrahan, of Portland, la attending the 'ircuit court In that city. Mr. Henry Stewart ha enlarged hit dairy plant bv purchasing ton of (Jeorge W. Cline's bent cows, A, T. Wain, deputy MierifT of Marlon county for eight years, and Miss Fannie Kehne wet married at Italian yesterday. Geo. I). M) born, baa Hold bl timber alnim ai Heny, ono of the boat up the Suntiaui, to lb W. W. Curtia Co., for $iwo. V.x - Kecrolary of KiiUj Kincald pumud through Albany Mil noon on hia way homo to I'.ugene from a trip to the hound. C. J. Shcild. pioneer and founder of the town of Fhedii. Or., in in tho , lv a guest of the KMiiond. Portland Tele- ram. Mr. Khedd't father wna foundur ol the town. According to a Portland uair ltiv. W.S. Gilbert now in Albany will t rob- bly reeeive a cull to the pastorate of the 'alvnry I'ro.byterien church oi Port land. Mr. M. 1. Crown, tho Selein artist. I In the city otgariizing a data. Home of her excellent work may be een In the wwuow oi i lie Mlain Uiothlnir Co. Otto Uradicy. of Kueene. who recent! gave a rake walk in Albany, ie to recite a parouy at an entertainment in huzi-ne rioay nigbt composed by himself. He a bright boy. T. J. P.ckher. leasee of the Albany Mining and Milling Co'a mines at Ani- rlrm returned last run lit from atrin to Keatl.e, end w'11 leave tomorrow worn inn for the itmiea well atocked with heavy rubber itoodt for the cold weather hat lit to come, prepared to push the - velopmeut of the mines. At the Bazaar Stock of Fall Mil MOii MISFITS. It li laid the bill of the Governor and blaalaflfor witnessing the faying of a corner atone In Chicago will be paid by the people of Oregon, at leas' the Joor-I nal intimate that. The new ordinance prohibiting the burning of ttaah In the street and alley of the city applies only to the fire liinii and riot furti-cr. The annual cleanup and burning of leaves will continue. A new Kuger.e ori'inan'o waken it a misdemeanor for ininora to enter a sa loon, with a One of $5 to $10. (Should a father go where it ma misdemeanor for hit boy to go. Hie! a red hot one. In a recent parage among other trane parenciet were tbei.e two: "lianna ia Rotten to the Cre." "To Hell with Trustt." The following willy letter appears In the Lebanon IS. A : "Mr. K!nr.r.T..ii the world plcaee that the American nov elk t it gone to the Mechanic Fair to nee the daughter of a millionaire. Yourr truly, American Novellet." "Frow Knigcrredorp to Lichtenberg, And back to l'otchefelruor ; From Bwszielnnd to I'ieteraburg It heard the burgher drum ; From W'akkeretrum to Ermelo, From lioopatad to Hundee, They're marching down to Huetenburg, And np from Kitnberlte. From Heidelberg, and I.ydenburg, Johanneaburg and all, From Utaodcrton and Hrte!on They atitwer to the call. And Ermelo ia all agog. abu euteredorp re woes; And lateit newt from Haetneneburg nn luuiraie a mss COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Toetday evening, Oct. 10. rrrtent Mayor, recorder, thief of po lice, ttreet tuperlnlendent.chiif infftn.r ami Coiincilrnen VV'hitn.t- n.nn.i. i'feiffer, Dawaon, Richards an J Oraham) ..T.e.(o,;0in were order d paid: M if Ellis, 120.00: Train A Ul.itn.. VH$'' o ch'"W. .75c; K B Davidmrn, A0tf: B V furdom. 13.75: Hor.kins liro,IK.20j J Warm.r. 127 rV); or ai.'l cooncilmen, 13 0J; K A i'arker, )i.(.0; Ben Uleian, $25 (KM Water w-,o W; ireigru on coke, flU.UJ. Councilman Dannal reported that Mr. bteveus bad etamined the bridge and promited an estimate on tightening nutt on roua, but bad not yet leceived tame. Huperintendunt W'estfall reported worn done on ttreett amounting to f J2j. C. 0. Lee at tax collector reported 61.60 taxes collected on roll of 'W; X) 4 j on takes of '17, and )i9M4 on tax of "jH, besides etreet tax. Heporlt of Treasurer and Recorder bowed the following; Am t in treasury $ 2(i Received on taxes 18fi7 62 pany be notified to shut eft the ligbtt oa the termination of the contract with the city alter the 15th of October onles new contract it agreed apon. Carried onanimonslj. Councilman Dawson reoorted a teat ot the new cistern st First and Baker streets, and that in six dayt the water fell in 'he cistern over 5 feet, that itjwat not full depth, and that there were small eracki.alno that the contractor had prom mea io rerement tne cittern. The mat ter was left to the committee on fire and weter. The light running "NEW HOME" sewing machine at E U. Will's AlnsiC Sure prices Jrom $40 to $0. The old reliable "DOMESTIC" sew ing machine at E. U. Will's Motic 8tora prices from $30 to $45. fbo latest imoroved "WHITF." new. ing rnacbice at E. V. Wili't Mosic Store ft ice $:;0 to $40. If they tell yon it it not trm, call and be convinced. Pattern ats, Bonnets and illinery ovelties. N A; large showing of the teason't best atyles in Fashion.uble Headwear. L. E. & H. J. HAMILTON. .iT.- 1 M Call on F.M. French' The Jeweler, If nil . At... r..1..- hv Itrgfliloflof Nlckle, 8ilr, fao.d.filled and Solid Gold Watchflt, that w bought lor cash, and wa are giving oor cut- ivuiei iuu Den a ai oi tne extra aiscount,' ESQ! QEMENTand Specialty. WEDDING RINGS s. Summer Cooking it made a oleavure by tbe nse ol Uifl Quick Meal blue flame oil stove. It it tha most conven ient, simple, economical and easily managed ol any cooking apparatus made, and will bake, boil, broil or roast, and it ture to give thorough satisfaction. STEWART & SOX HDW. CO. A Tower Clock. Tbe following order waa made today by tbe county court: In tbe matterof the nurt-ha.eof a lower ciock. Tint matter cominrron for hrarinir and after being fully considered by the court in couaiurrai ion Willi ttiimaletot cost thereof submitted by F. M. Kronen. bleu estimate is in the turn of 1467.00. vaia net coat is tor a Belli lliomaa atrik ing, 7 foot dial, 8 day tower clock, weiuh log in box 1500 pounds, designated at number 10 of tbe te-.b Thomas Clock totnpany'a Catalogue on file in this tilliee. U ie hereby ordered that F. M. rrencu aecure for and on behalf ol Linn County the above described clock. Mr. French has done every thing pos sible to secure a torer clock at a unon- amln coat. It was bit idea of securing the use of tbe city fire bell to be used in connection with tho town clock. Tbe clock will be built by the Seth Tbomat Clock company which it a guarantee of its superior quality. It will have four dials 6,',' feet in diameter, and will ttiikfl u. e nours nut ihe I'akOta rolliir nncioxl thrnttah Albany yestirday afternoon in two sec tiont, arriving here a few minuiet each aide Of 4 O'clock, the firat nm tion aK.n ping only two or ttiree minutes while the second section remained half an hour pent socially with Albany reonle. Thev wrre a one looning lot ol young lellowe, rejoicing ai ineir return to their homes, aaloon licenaes. , genereai (Jog fines tt sale. Paid warrants Interest iial in treaanry uona luterett fund Konij on interest In treasury outaiand ing warran'.t, 6ept 30, i aw ., rota) indebtedness with $95,. wi ooncifc t'lirpotes of warrants fjoarter: Mayor and council Chief of police Police Kec-jrder "upt, streete Treasurer (ire dept., including new pipe line Lights Sewers Streets.. Sundries 000 00 i 70 12 00 00 00 14 SO $25)87 IS l'JH2 9b 10-J 6 b'H 22 2,851 67 2.251 19 000 00 13 085 68 Ti e leading sewinir machines for about 'or.e bait" tbe price atked by canvass ing agents at E. U. Will'a Mutic Store. prices $.'3.60 to $30 tbe best in tbe world fcr tbe money. The Ifading High Grade Pianos at E. U. W'i'l'e Music Store at tricee from $00 io $75ctiearcr than told in Portland or Kan Francisco. Sold on eaev termt organs taken at part pay. rnnt Joyful Feeling YVltn the exbilarwfinc meniw n' beulth and afre ncrtb and internal cleanli- neat, which follows tbe ue of Sjiopo' f ig, is unknown to tbe few abo bave not profrreud beyond the olo-time medicinet and tbe cneap ubttitutee sometime offered but never accepted by tbe well-informed. Buy tbe genuine. Manufactured by tbe California Fig Svrcp Co, Double Train Service to San Fran- V - clsco. ' Following it tbe official notice of the double train service heretofore referred to: ' , . On October 16tb the Southern Pacifi: will inaugurate a "Daylight Express," leaving Portland at 8:30 a. m., and reaching San Francieo at 7:45 next eveniog only one night out. Both standard Pullmans and tourist sleepers will be attached. Tnis new train it in .108,03c 68 issued during 35 00 210 00 143 60 198 75 135 00 25 00 719 69 689 17 49 65 346 16 107 43 Tbe recorder read answer from tbe Telephone Co. (tying that the contract with tbe city would be carried out in reference to tbe uee of tbe telephone for city purpoeet. Tbe ordinance prevention tbe bnrnine of traeb within tbe fire limits of tbe cil in the ttreett or alleys wat read third time and passed. The bicycle ordinance wat continued until the next meeting. Tbe question whether E. B. David ton ia pound matter or not. not bavine been reelected tbe first of tbe year was aia- 'Jseed, tbeopiniou being that he was yet pounamaster. Electric ligbtt ware discassed. Coon cilman Whitney wat in favor of running tne city witnin ita limit i, tbe same as county, ttate and government should be run. Mr. Whitney moved tbat tbe com- ffojiar Mr. Graiwohl inforaia ua tbat he Is telling 17 poond of granulated tu jiar for $1.00. Now it tbe time to buy at it i liable to gn up at any time. This la a net caih proposition. Ail goods dcltvered free of charge. Viereck'e Pogar Bowl Parlors for Ice cream, confectionery, soda water, cigars and tobacco. STOPU. Will & Etark't and see their large and splendidly selected stock of rings. Any design you want. Kings for all purpoeet rom a present to tbe Am by to a Wotoir.g. Lose no time in calling on Will & Stark for tho best watches, guaranteed time keepert, and take your time in buy ing. It is a pleasure to show their goods. It is a singular taste tbat cannot be tinted in the varied rnd large selection of jewelry at VY ill & btark's, Ihe . best goods and reasonable prices. ihe hours but not the quarter bourt. , rj,":' ,7;:"'" fbe clock wilt have to be built and will ?d' 'J,,t.i J MSi :Jtli not lie ready Cbristmat. to put np until abou The Presbyterians. The Presbytery of tbe Willamette wat convened in the Presbyterian church laat evening. Dr. Davenport delivered tbe moderator a closing sermon, an able ef fort, wben officert were elected. Kev j as. mom peon, ot Brownsville, waa elected moderator and Kev. D. U. Mo Cullagh temporary clerk. Kev. U. L. Keed.was finally selected at permanent ciert. Thit forenoon wat devoted to foreign and home missions and tbe afternoon to reports. Tonight there will be a popular meet ing with an aJdrest by Chaplain Gilbert. Tomorrow noon many ! tbe members will go to Salem to attend a meetint ot the tynod , A CoiMRT Rcw. They Lave been having a dog and eat time at Lacomb, over in tbe Forkt, tort of a church row. One day last week after t gathering of a religious nature, just outside tbe church, William Slavent a tucked Corneliut Cox. ttriking him in tbe face, leaving some conspicuoua marks. Botb aie members ot tut church there. Mr. Cox came to Albany and twore out a warrant fur Slavent arrest, but in the meantime Slavent beard of the trio and went be lore Justice Rice, ofhis prteinct. and plead guilty and paid bit flue, and bad a warrant issued for the arrest ot Mr.Cjx, for assault and the end it not yet. Tbe matter it taid to bave atarted over one brother taking I he other to task for gtt t'ng mad because his hog caught a chicken. overland, and will give many passengers the desired opportunity to tee en route the Great Willamette, Umpquaand bac ramento valleys without loss of time, and still arrive in Oakland and San Francisco at a seasonable hour. Ilnve your stoves polished by Ouuso & liCLBl BT. Tio and Granite ware st Oil LING & Ul'lBCST's. Water Melons, sweet aid deliciout on band daily at . . . C. fc. Bkowsbu. a Ripe Tomatoes, C. E. lirowneU'i. Peart and Apples at White Clover Honey, 10 cts. per lb. a C. E.Brownell s. I n . Season At J. K. Davis's New Market, on First street, west of Ftrry. Ft eft fish, poultry and came for tbe local market. Will alto buy chick ens and esgt for shipment. Everything atat and clean. You Run !No Risk In purchasing a Razor from us. Tbia is the" way we do it. Should you by one of our "BLUE STEEL" rtiore and it proves n jeatisiactory you simply return it and get another or your money ba:k. Tne manufacturer guarantees every one to us oe feel quite safe in guaranteeing tbem to yon. It don't pay to buy cbeap razors. We bave a fine line of Straps, Bruebet and Soap. Call and see oor line. Burkhart & Lee. New Goods in All Lines. Tub Kniquts or Pyiutai. At the grand lodge of Knights of Pytbiaa which met in Portland yetteiday J P Kennedy wat elected grand chancellor. Oliver Tomer, of La Grande, wat elected su preme repreeentative, defeating Dr J L Hill, ol tula city, fcr tbit very important position. L R Btinson, who bat terved tbe order so laithfully waa re-elected grand keeper of records an 1 teal, W L Hradshaw vice grand. Besides tbe A' bany delegatei among the othera are O U Irvine, of McMinnville formerly ot of Scio, L N Liggatt, of Prioevllle tor merty ol Albany nd V V Uarr and L M Jones, oi Ibanon. In tbe meeting of the Rathbone Sisters memorial services were held in honor ol tbe Past Chief Mrs. H. H. Hewitt. Agates cut and ptlMied by D. S. Young, 6th and Tburstou Ste., Albany. Leave orders at French "b Jewelry (tore. Call in and tee our up-to-date line Airtight Heatera. Ohlinu & of Smiley't Clean Printing. Fall Styles in Overcoats and Suits arc now with us I We can write "best quality" and "lowest price" with a clear con science; and the facts and figures will bear us out. You can't go astray with this label on your clothing. t n au.a A, n, t tki uitiorTHi niioui aatMi QUARANTKKD CLOTHING At the BLA.IN CLOTHING Company's