The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900, October 13, 1899, Image 2

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The World says:
This great Republic till with toldrd,bande
and leaves to InapenalGerniany the task
ef protesting againat England's dettruc
iioD of thejBoere'frfe institutions f
Galling, the man who iuvented
ton by that name, bat passed hie
birthday. Tht people who were at
otLei end of the invention are dead long
ago, remarks an observing nowspaper
General Shatter big it not great-
want the bo vera men t to bay him a II
100 brouaham. That sort of a thing
m.T an for him to iend to hit friends
but it he want a vehicle tor personal
on he ought to make a .tquieition tor
freight car. Ex.
TheOrfgonien ad mitt that iti first
thouiibt was that the rbitippinet thould
nnt ha lalnd. and it 10 ttated in it
editorial columns. There ia an o'd
sating about firat thoughts being bott
but that paper evidently taw the drift c
things and tacked. After all thie u
verv interesting world in which we live
The great sugar pine tree found grow,
ing on the McCloud river in California
from which the great plank, 12 feet wide,
30 feet long and 3 feet, it to be cnt
lor the foreetry exhibit at Parit baa been
felled and will be hauled to the mill to
be eawed .
General Aleiandrino. the head of tne
Filipino ndlitary commission now con
lerring with General Otis said in a re
cent interview: "Our government it
willing to accept a protectorate under
the United Btatet. We fought Spain be
came we did not wteh longer to be a col
soy. A colonial government under the
American rule would be worse than the
Spanish, because you know nothing of
tne war to aovern colonies. We do not
want to he experimented on for a cea
' tor? while you learn how. Yon are an
other race and not in eympathy with u.
We know how to rule onr own people.
We want an honorable peace, but we
will figbt until death for our institu
tion e.
Mr. Bryan recently et'.d: "The bnl
wark of our nation' satety "lien net in
its fortresses or its army or tit navy, but
in the t pirit which pastes at the heritage
of men in all lands everywhere. Destroy
it and yon have planted the seeds of des-
potion) on the rights of Chert, you have
kvi the genius of yonr independence ani
become the fit subject for the first com
ing tyrant who rises among .vou."
"I wouldn't trade the history of this
nation at a Republic for all the histories
of all the Empires that have risen and
fallen since time began. To annex con
tiguous homogeneous territory, te bs In
habited by Americana and integral por
tion of the union of S'atea, is expansion
but to cross ancean to conquer an alien
people to be held as subjects and govern
ed by the doctrine of might, is Imperialism."
Admiral Dewey would be very accept
able to the Oregonian tor president
Likewise a great many others. But it is
nnt at all lixelv that the admiral will
ever content to run for office, though
presidential bee sometimes gets to buxx-
nir o loud at not Ito be resisted. At
those who wish to ran him for oftlcs are
in both parties thejmatter is decidedly
mixed and can ouly end in contusion
When the cat. vent ions have met it will
be learned in all probability that the two
tickets will be headei by W. J. Bryan
andW .McKiulry.
The other cay a Chicago doctor de
sired a few pieces of human skin for
araftintr. He nlaced a short advertise
ment iu one of the Chicago dallies to
that effect, saying that be would pay $2
a person. In a snort time etier me pa
per appeared in public sixty-two people
drivoo by sheer starvation, answered the
advertisement. Tney all said they were
without money and were willing to do
anything for bread. The doctor selected
four and to d the others they were no1
needed. Many insisted on selling tliei
skins and one old man, the oldest of the
crowd, muttJred as he wai leaving, "I
cannot even sell my fleeh for food."-
Under the head of a "Blow at Free
dora,"the New York Worldgi vtieenti
menu beietofore expressed by the Dkm-
War ia imminent in South Africa
Whoever may commit the first overt act
the war if it comet will be the direct and
deliberate result of England's aggres
sions upon the Transvaal republic.
It will be a blow at Freedom, a crime,
against Liberty, an arsault upon the
right of Self-government.
It is as inevitable as it is right that in
such a war the sympathy of all true
Americans will be with the Boers and ,
against the British. Our history, our
traditions, the breath of onr own Decla
ration of Independence, the very in
etinctt of onr natures at free men,
prompt us now as always tbey have done
ia the past to side with the oppressed
against the oppressor, with the weak
against the etrong, with those who bat
tle for freedom and for the rignt of every
people to govern itself against those who
deny and assail that right.
It is time for this sympathy to find
expression. Let it net be said that the
people of the United States stood dumb
- while a great empire sought the life of a
- a little republic!
There are some people who wouldn't
allow a common person to criticise a
government or the men conducting a
war because they are along ways off and
are not supposed to know as much as
tbe'raen right in the conflict. Well,
that will not down in this country. The
strength of our government is in the
freedom of the prees and of the masses
to diecuas all publi: mattere freely.
Censorships lead to despotism and are
imperialistic m character. Free speech
and a free press are necessary to our
form of government, and those who love
it best will never gainsay this right
There are things tending towards imper
ialiem which our people should always
ooDoce as dancers that menace onr free
institutions. .
From the Republic.
Champ Clark made at Dallas a master
ly and telling presentation of therecreau
cy and aupotlasy of the Republican party
What would Lincoln and the other
founders ol the party lay, it they could
speak from the grave, ot a Republican
administration which permits iht pei
petuation of slavery tit Hawaii and In
dorses it by official sanction In the Phil.
ippities? Polygamy, against which Us
publican leaders have protested and leg
islated In the patt and against which
American pablio opinion is practical y
a unit, hat the indorsetusat of Kttpub
licau administration in the Sulu ltlanJ.
Lincoln solemnly and otten warued
h'a party and lbs American people
against the perils which aagreatd
wealth lay in the path of liberty. Mo
Kinley has eucou rayed and (ottered these
aggregation! until the machinery of the
government ia practically in their handt.
Truly, at Mr. Clark aptly put it, the
best part of the Republican patty It un
der ground.
Ml eflt.
Daily reports of Dewey's engagement
to prominent eastern widows may now
ie looked (or.
So far the big international yacht race
has been a oreat footlo. iu the language
oi (tie goii player.
October has come, the month when
the Philippine war was to be pushed
The sooner Aquinaldo is captured the
oetier lor :ne wnoie business, uivo imu
hts and end the war.
Linn county is entirely out of debt
with several thousand dollars in the
trsasury and a big lot of good taxes com.
ing in. Tax payers are not unnecesaari
ly pushed to make sacrifices in order to
iiutst the demand within a day as they
are in some counties.
From the
Senator Mark Hanna denounces the
freantnt mention of Admiral Dewey for
the nresidenev of the United States as
"indecent" and as being "an insult and
a great injustice to the hero of Manila
Bay." It hurts Hanna to the quick to tee
the Ameiiean people thus intuiting
Tbereisa good reason to believe that
rather than witness a continuance ol
these intuits. Uanna is prepared to make
almost any sacrifice of bit own feelings
or those of the present President or the
United States, who owes bis exalted po
sition to Hanna's management of the
Republican boodle and bnldore the cam
paign of 1896. To save Dewey from "in
justice" and "intuit," it boot loo much
to assert that Banna would be willing to
subetituie Mr. McKinley himself as the
recipient of these insults and the victim
of this injustice.
Here is the Boers national song:
'Wave, four-color of our precious land
Again o'er all Transvaal t
Woe be to God-foraaken band
Who thee e'er down would haul 1
vVave on, on high, in our clear air,
Tranevaal'a own banner free !
Our enemy has fled aftr
Break, day of joy, for thee!
Thro' many storms did you endure
To us the token true,
Again a storm's gone by secure
And we are pledged anew !
Assailed by Kaffir, brute, and Brit,
It waved o'er bead of ire ;
To their despite may they see it
Rise with onr love the higher!
On high, wave on in onr clear air,
Transvaal's own banner free!
Our enemy has fled afar!
Break, day of joy, for thee !
On big", o'er all our precious land,
Wave, four-color of Transvaal
Woe be to God-forsaken band
Who tbee e'er down would haul !
The imperialists seem to be in favor
ol knocking the epMs off Oom Paul and
his people, though he represents the
same kind of free government as that of
the United States though narrower in
his policies. It looks if they had to
be consistent. When we remember the
glorious history of the United States
this is a ctrane situation .
The Democrat is an expansionist in so
far as this continent is concerned or ad
joining islands that wish to be a part of
us, the same as Bryan is. but emphatic
ally anti-imperialistic when it comes to
annexing the distant islands of the sea
against tbelwisbes of the people. Can
dor though necessitates the statement
that the case of the Philippine islands is
a peculiar one. The islands were token
from Spain that owned them with a war
on its bands and were paid for. The
original taking of them by Dewey was
proper as a part of the Spanish war; but
when that was settled it was the duty o
It is the constant use of the advertis
ing columns that wins. The public may
forget to-dav what was advertised yes
terday; but today's advertising is before
tneni. lo advertise at trie right moment
to advertise continuously. Philadel
pbia (Pa.) Record.
Salem has only one nlghtwatchmao
and he ia sick, and yet there are no more
burglaries there than when tbey had
The Methodist ministers generally
must be a pretty nice lot of men for the
Democrat's exchanges all over the state
nave given them ronie cordial and com
plimentary notices on their returning or
There is a spten JM field In lAlbany for
a good sized hospital. Centrally located.
who a rpieiioia corps oi local puvstciaca.
a boeoitai here would bring patients
irom an tne ao joining cittt s .Let ui
nave one.
The Journal quotes old Bill Anderson
oi Salem as authority for the state
ment that there has not been a aenoine
case of small pox in that city this year
regardless ot the statement ol some of
the pbyslciaoi.
The weather prophets bave again been
missing it, even Hicks and Ayrr's al
manac being clear off. One prophet
ognoeticated a severe storm for sever
al days sgo, and it has not reached this
valley, which has been enjoying tome
very serene fall weather.
Portland hunters com plain of the
scarcity of Chinese pheasants. Good.
Our hunters seem to find all tbey need
to eat, though few to give away. At
least that is ihe experience at the Ditto-
chat office where hunters are scarce.
Rev. Copeland, of Salem, has deliver
ed a lecture denouncing the treaty made
un tne auitan oi tne sum laiands, in
which slavery ia countenanced within
the jurisdiction of the United Btatet. It
looks as if our officials were putting their
leet in i'. rignt along. ,
A Chance to Crow.
Dewey ttt Hoiu.
SitKi.iiuHSK, t Oct. 10 Aduiira
Duwuv is homo at Ut. nml is happy to
t)o within tho shadows of the '
inouutalns. and besldo the waters of Luke
I'litniplttlii, awav irom tne "' '
Immla ih. it liM filled his cars since tils
HrtUHl.iti.-.imain sluht of SttlHiy Hook.
The (act that the admiral renlly was In
Vermont wee signalled tonight on. tmi
mountain ncuka bv bonfires ami eloctrlo
serclililiU f torn ono end o( lite state to
the other.
1'uttliiKOii Stylw.
v Vaiiw. Out. 10. Marcus Puly, of
Montana, lint taken a 10 years' lease ot a
fine house recently buit by William
it ieiN W'lftU Avitmirt. lintwiwn
It UIVJVI I aotWI t Vt a ita nv ---- - - -
Fifty-sixth and Filthy-seventh ttt. It
is the most arintocrtio site on the ave
nue, the Uornerus anaeroiit rom
and Iho mansions ot Wir.iam W liltnoy
and 0. IP. Huntington, being ou the
FiHvseventh street corners.
Off for Nome
Victoria. It. C. Oct. 0. The steamer
Tecs, which 1ms just brongl-t 30,UK) in
gold Irom Alnska, reports that a stam
pede is now on in earnest irom nawson
A Fool Hunter,
Oiircion City, Oct. 10 Last night John
A. llowland brought in Irom the Upper
Clackamas lieu Kiutbley. ol Damnsuus,
who Is suffering from a nllo-Ull wound
in the lleahy twit of the right aide below
the armpit. The two meu were follow
ing a door, taking separate roiitna. How
luud mistook tho color of Klinblov'a veat
in the brush fur a deer, aui) II roil. The
bullet graftud tlirouuh the ilosh to tho
depth ot about of half ot its dinmotor,
Irtiir Circuit Count or tub ntatr or
Ohkoon ron tub Co. or Linn, lu-
1'AHTMKNT Nl, 2.
ii, D, 8tliiiion. plaintiff vt. Jamot U.
Stumon and l.liU hiiinson, hit wifo.Krttnk
(f. Stiiiiton, Annio Morgan and William
Moruan, her husband, iiuue huniu una a.
I, Smith, tier husband, wartim iiaiy
kiwi it. it. una v. tin, nuiini, u.
Htiumon and Martha K Bt nmiii, tilt wife
ml L. Stluiiion, ilntenilaott,
To Jikiiu-N 11. Hiinuon and '-lo Hum
ton hit wife, and L. blinison, three of the
dofmlAna above named i
Oreiron. vou and eauh ot vou are litre
by notified and required to appeal in the
above intitled court in the abuve entitled
to Nome. When the miners who arrived j suit and answer Urn complaint ot the plain
bv the Tees left the Klondike, river
steamers were bolus loft without crews,
the seamen deserting to join the great
crowd hurr? I nir down the river to the
now Ktdorado. Navigation will close
next week on the umier river, and the
steamers will go into winter quarters
near White liorso.
Big Preparation.
London, Oct. 9 The vattnets ol Oreat
Britain's military preparations, seeming
ly out of all proportion to tho work in
hand in South Africa, was not fully re
alised by the public until the war office
announced that 25,000 reserves had al
ready been summoned to rejoin the col
ors. As a int ot fact, i.enerai miner
will have comuuiii.: "( twice at many
British soldiers as l nko ct Welling
ton, the conqueror ol ih.- Fust Napoleon
ever saw collected on a L illleld.
the "oited States as a republic to con
sult the wishes of tbe people and as
mncb as poesible assist in forming a
goveromeut for tbe people, without
splitting hairs as to their capacity for
self-government, retaining such dicta
torship as developed circumstances
should justify. Had Otis used good
judgment the matter might bave been
settled without retort to arms, notwith
standing tbe fact that there bas been
much to make it appear that Aquinaldo
was tbe hireling of some foreign power.
When war was ooce precipitated then it
became tbe duty of Americans to back
tbe government in the contest, which
bould bs as speedily ended as possible.
An eastern paper says that Mr. Bryan's
response to the inquiry of a New York
paper that tbe Boers bave tbe sympathy
of tbe American people in their stand a
gainst Great Britain appears to be sup
ported by tbe tone of tbe American press.
Not one newspaper of influence in any
part of tbe country hat given approval
to tbe course of great Britain, with the
exception of tbe New York Tribune.
Linn county not only made a fine
showing in tbe state fair on vegetables,
bat can crow decidedly on what it did in
the poultry line, tbe premium list for
which bae just been published by the
Journal. It shows tbe following :
C. 8. 8bedd of Shedd took three firsts
and two second premiums on Red Caps
and two seconds on Partridge Cochins,
total $8.40.
Frank Hulbert of Oakville four firsts
on Partridge Uocbins and two seconds
and a second on Whit . Wyandottes, to
tal 8.70. .
Doug Wassoo of Harriaburar firat and
second premiums on Bronze tariev cock.
1 11.20.
a. w Kif&p.Knnrn thiu nr. fa am K ..b
Langshans including pen and two sec- Dewey is too patriotic to refuse
onae, total o.
L. W.Ross four firsts oo White Plym
outh. Rocks and three seconds, total
P.J. Baltimore first on Black Lingsban
cockerel f I. -
Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Witz 1 of Tangent
ten firsts on Brown Leghorns, Buff
Wyandottes and Andalosi&ns, and seven
seconds, total $15.10. '
C. D. Bates first and second on Brown
Leghorn cockerels, $1.60.
D. O. Woodworth five firsts on Silver
Laced Wyandottes and three seconds,
A. A. Hulbert ten firsts on White
Plymouth Rocks, Tolouee geese, 8. 0. W.
iegnorns ana k,
Clone to MnU'.i.
Manila. Oct. 0. This aftermn a
b-Klv o( insurgents was seen near Im l.c
ma church (our miles from the heart ol
Manila. Thev opened fire, the bullets
falling among the tents of the Twcnty-
tir ttt infantry. Tho Americana manned
tho trenches and replied at a range of
1200 yards. The insurgents vol'eved
and Americans used their artillery. The
flcht lasted an hour, after which the in
surgents (retreate-i . Ono American was
wounded, l lie scouts oi tne awciiiiuiii
njsntry are now out reconnottenng.
The WuHlilugtons.
Sas Francisco. 0':t. 9. Bearded and
bronzed, sobered by the hard campaign
ing o( a year in a tropical souniry; not
much like the regiment of young men
that went out a year and a halt ago, the
rlrst Washington volunteers returned
this morning on the transport Puonsyl
They were glad to get back, were the
men of the First Washington.
At Manila.
Ma.-.a. Oct. v 10:15 P. M.-tetMrral
Scbwan's column, consisting ot the Thir
teenth infantry, a battalion of the four
teenth infantry, two troops of cavalry,
Captain Riley's battery of the Fifth ar
tillery and Lowe's scout, continued the
advance today toward Fan Francisco do
Malabon. meeting with little resistance
snd suffering no casualties. The enemy
fell bsck steadily.
High Wages Again.
Dawson, via Victoria, Oct. 0. So
many people bave left here for Cape
Nome, that working men are getting
scarce and wages have gone up to $1.60
per nour. iapentert ana experienced
miners are in great demand.
Anything lie Wanta.
8as Francisco. Oct. 7. Gov. Stanley,
of Kansas, who wired here last night to
welcome the Kansas volunteers on their
return from Manila, says :
Gen. runstan can nave anything ne
wants, politically, in our state. Tbey
congressman at-large, and give him bait
a dozen other titles, an at once. Dom
ing will be done, however, until he ex
presses a wish of his own.''
South Dakota Troops Coming'.
Sar Franciso. Oct. 7. The South Da
kota regiment, which was mustered out
last Thursday, will leave for home on ape
cUl trains at 5 o'clock tomorrow even
ing. They will go to Aberdeen, via Port
land, it is expected that the regiment
will reach h-mie in time to meet Presi
dent McKin'.i y who will be at Aberdeen
tbe 14th of this month.
Ruahlng AhcaJ.
Novetkla, Island of Luzon, , Oct. 8.
16 P. M. General Schwan's column,
consisting of the Thirteenth infantry, a
battalion of the Fourteenth, two troops
ot cavalry. Captain Rellly'e battery of
the Fifth artillery, and Lowe's scouts,
advanced from Bacoor this morning and
occupied Cavite Viejo and Novutala.
The American toss was three officers and
nine privates wounded, one of the officers
being mortally hurt. The loss of the
enemy is unknown.
Wanta Dewey.
Bar Frakcibco, Oct. 8 Hugh Wallace,
of Tacoma, a former democratic nation
al committeeman from the state of
Washington, said today:
"There is one power that Can prevent
Dewey from being the next . president. .
That is himself. Mo man bas ever de
clined (the presidency, and Admlrsl
patriotic to refuse to take
orders from the American people. His
nomination by the democratic conven
tion will remove all past.differencct and
unify the forces.
Every Day Vachtlng.
NewYobk, Oct. 8. By a mutual
ageecment between the representatives
of the New York Yacht Club and the
Royal Uls'er Yacht Club, the .Columbia
and Shamrock will sailtvery day after
next Thursday until the question of in
ternational yachting supremacy shall be
tiff herein, on tli'i!0'.h dav of Novembm
18U9. and you are hereby further notified
that if vou fai! lo aotwar and answer ui.
coumlaint at alow-mid for want thereof
the plaintiff will take a decree agalnut you
for tue relict demanded la sia comprint,
For the foreoloteure ot tho mortgage
irlven lit lane A otiiuson and lieurge v
iStuiixon, at trustee tor said Jane A. Ktlm-
sou. executed tueUlst day ot August, luys,
o secure the payment ot tbe sum of
IH00.U0 with interest thereon at the rate o
10 ir cent rx-r annum from the 31t day
of August, 1803, and tucb further turn at
toe court might adjudge reasonable at at
torneys fees. Which tall mortgAgu was
nponUe following detcribed rent estate
Commencing at a point on the h line of
Block No. 104 in llackleman t addition to
tbe city of Albany, l.tnn county, Oregon,
f6'' ft N ot the M K corner ot said block
and running thence N on said line XH ft
then W Hi ft. thonce 8 65 ' ft, theme
;: 132 ft to the place of beiriiioing and ly
loir and beinir in W block No, 104 ii
iiackleman't addition to the city of Alb
any, Linn county, Oregon; Ihe land here
by conveyed being tho N !i of the t h
corner of said block 104 in said Hackle-
man's addition to said city ol Albany
And for a decree directing the properly
hereinabove described to be told at by law
directed en execution, and tbe proceeds
arising !rtn tu rh sale be applied, first to
tbe payment of tu coats and disbvmmeiits
of ibis uit. to tbe attorney's fee in ths
sstn of $75 00, to tbe principle and inter
est due upon said note mentioned in said
mortimi;. and a further decree (hat tbe
defendants and all peraont holding by,
through or under tbeu be hatred and fort-
cloaed of any right or title of redemption
ot said property exempt thai provided by
Ti:ii tjirmout it served upon yon by
publication once a week for lixconsocuiive
eeks in the Stats Kkiiits Dmk rat. a
weekly newspaper of general circulation in
aid uouoiy and state, printed and pub
lUhed in the city of Albaay, Or two.
Pertuant of tbe order of the Hon. Go.
D. Usrton, county judge for Linn county,
Oregon, which order bears date ol Hept
ember 2D.b. 1?99. and that said order pre
scribes that tbe first publication be made
on tbe Gib day ot October, liW. and tbe
!Aihdayo November, IHW, as tbe day no
which you tbou'd appear and answer said
coinpiaiot in said suit.
Dated at Albany, Oregon, this TJlh dny
of September, ISSMJ.
Attorneys lor plaintiff.
LoNhoK, Out. 10. The Trausvaal gov
at t n 1 1 rt e I list at awit a aw It a u ... i 1
wiMiueNii attna tRuim tail uiilllltRwUlU VfVHVwi
Britain demanding the withdrawal ti
Uriiinit troops (ram the frontier, and re
questing explicit assurance within 34
hours of the withdrawal of all British
forces lumlmt in Month Africa since the
lMoeiiifonteln oonforenco,
Fighting Exported.
London, Oct. 11, A dispatch (rom
Mafuking. dated AioiulMy, Bays;
The military are making every prep
aration. It Is expected that an attack
will he made tonight, and the man aro
sleeping on their guns. Tho outposts
have twoii strengthened and every ono
lin;ieeii I warned to ho ready, It Is
thought the enemy will attempt to shell
tho the town at daybreak,
i tbe undesigned executor of the
last will and testament and rtiiit-u'f Henry
0 Mcliridtt, deceased, has tiled with tbe
clerk o( the county court for Lion county,
1 IfMHilM IiIm Until MK.wtimt Ih . .1.4
and the court has lined Saturday Ihe 1Kb
day of November, 1W!, at One o'clock p.
in. to bear objections to said account and
for lbs lettleuteiit vt said estatu
1 Ins tbe 3rd day of (Aiir, IK'ij.
Kteeulorof Ut will and entsteof lleniy .
K Mcllrhle, decentrd.
WgATIIKIiroHH At Wr trr,
Ally's (or K.
In tub Cmt'CiT Coumt ortna Staib oi
Orkoon you Linn County.
Department No. 9,
John Mlnert plaintiff, vt, Archie 0
Wisbard and tilce tVisliard, his wife,
Hartoii H Wiilmrd and Msriba WUhard,
bit wile, Warren W Wi.hard. Katie 1)
Koruoand William I rorgey, her hus
band, ! tirlee and Harry Oric, ber
husband. Ltex Wlhard,(leoige Wl.bard,
I, title Wisner and Ailert 8 Eisner, ber
busband, Ricbrd Wislmnl. Minnie. Max
im an I r em Maxim, ber li uband, liert
Wisbard. I.tulta Kraiee An lnrtn and
Cerlev AmWion her buslmiii), William
Van Yaciot, Hi rarsbell and I.tnion
l'arbl", her h ilnd, Aot a Johnson and
CI as H Jonnion, her littband, Hamuel
Van Vnctor ai.d Mrt au Vactor. his
wile, Uollio Iiunbar and (Irin Dtiatiar, her
husband, Francos Van Vactor and Hoytf
Van Vactor, def.ndans.
To Arcb J W .hard ami Alice WIs-
hard, Hurton r? Wi.bard aed MaHha Wis
bard. Wairen W Wistiar l.Kitie 3 Forgey
and William A Fwgy. Jeie Griceand
Harry tlr'.ce. lax wtshard, Ueorge
hard, Lilil Wisner and Albert 8 Wisner,
Richard Wi.burl, Mlnntn .Maxim and .
era Maxim. Mert Wlshard, lwua
Frensea Anlerton and Carley Aederton.
William Va.i Vactor. Riv rarhd and
t.imon Panbeil, IMlie Dunbar and Una
Dunbar. Frances Van Vaclur and Floyd
Van Vactor, tbe above named defendants.
Oregon, you are hereby notified tod
riuired lo appear In tbe above entl'ltd
court in said suit, and answer the com
plaint of tbe plaintiff tiled therein on or
U(ore Ibe iWtn day of November, 1MML
that bsinir the date nrescribed in tbe order
ot publication of this summon, and on
bich )Ou are required to appear acd ans
wer tbe complaint hiiej and you are
further notified tbat if sou lail t) appear
and aniwer teia complaint, at beieie re
quired, for tbe waut Iheftvf. Ibe plaintiff
ill take a decree and judgment against
you for tht relief drman-ied in said cotn-
piaim, towiii lor a decree uecinng tnai
tbe plaintiff herein be dec's 'cd and de
Im ths Ciacoir Cocbt or rua srara or
OuanoM roa Linn Countv.
May Zaha, plaintiff, vs Charles Augus
tus Zahn, defenc'ant.
To Cnarles Augustus Ziho, Ibe above
named defendant :
Oregon, you are hereby required to appear
and answer the compiaiot, filed against
you in lbs above entitled cauaa, on or be
fore tbe 27 tb day ol October, l8W.said.Uie
being the last day of tbe time pietcribed
in tbe order of publication of Ibis s am
nions sod if you fail to so apoearand ans
wer said complaint, tbe plaintiff will ap
ply to tbe above entitled court for tbe re
lief prayed lor in said complaint, luwit:
For a decree dissolving ILe bonds of m
trlmon now existing between plaintiff
and defendant! for plaintiff's costs and slit
bursemenls herein am tor tne care and
custody of the child mentioned in tte
complaint herein.
Tbii summons it published once a week
for tlx consecutive weeks in Tui Btati
Riohvs Dbmocrat, a newspaper published
to Linn County, OreKon, and of general cir
culationin said county, pursuant loan or
der of Han. Geo. D. Barton, County Judge
of Lino county.Oregon, made and dated by
him on the 12th day of September, )8i)ii.
The date ot tbe first public ii ion of this
summons is r ridiiy toe 1 Stb day of Rep-tember.1899.-Dated
Albany, Oriirnn, Sept., 15, 1800.
W. R. liiuruu,
Attorney for Plaintiff,
fri to be tbe owner ia fee simple of and
o tbe whole ol said premises hereinalter
descriuod, free sod clear of any liie, claim
or interest of any kind that tbe defendants
above tnantd o any of them or any person
or per.ont holding by, ibrougu or aaoer
them or any of them may bave or claim to
bave in or to Ibe said premises or an part
thereof, and that tbe cloud now upon
plaintiff's title be remoseo and that tbe
defendant be forever Mired from assert lag
aay claim to or right la said premises or
any part thereof, which said premises are
(escribed as follows, towit;
beginning at a point oa tbs west bound
ary line of tbe Donation Land Claim of
oho W Utl more and wife, Notification
lo. 25IS, Claim No. 85, in Township 12,
Booth of Range 2 West of lbs Willamette
Meridian, Oregon, which is 81.16 chains
South of the Northwest corner of said
donation land claim and running tbence
West, 38.61 chalet more or lest lo the Kast
line ol tht Donation Land Claim of Oeo F
Crawford and wife, Claim No. 69, ia
Township 12, 8onth of Range 3 West of
tbe Wiltametlet Meridian, Oregon, tbenoe
south 63.24 chaint more or luia lo the
South line of tbe North ot the North
west i of rleetion 13. In said last named
township, tbence East 1 chains more
or lest lo the Southwest corner of taid .
Claim No. 85, tbenoe Nertb lo the place of
bettlnnlng, containing 204,86 acres, more
or les, situated in Linn county, Oregon.
And for tbe costs and disbursements in
curred ia laid tuit
This summons it served upon you by
publication iu the Statu Rkiiits Dimo
ckat by order of the Hon Uoo D liareon.
county judge of Linn county, Oregon,
madt and done at Albsnv. Ormrnn. iha
30th day of September, 1899. The date of
ths first publication of this summons in
said newspaper is Friday. October 8, 1811.
Alt ys for Plaintiff
The President's Sunday.
Chicago, Oct. 8. Sunday was not a
r T rVoW. LiL 'dy ot re8t tor President McKinloy. The
O. W. Leghorns, total pf a city.g fegtivitieil( and the one
desired obiect ol numerous committees
Mrs- Wrightsman, mother of j, c' snd delegations, he was kept busy from
Wrightsman, a former resident of Al' !he V?18.0? hls '.P? ?ubUJf'.tfr"
bany, died at her home in Benton coun- ' bJtkfa,.c!ar untl! thela18? be2?,di?tion
ty last Monday at the advanced age of 5f thLe ''Btouswrvives which filled tbe
90 years. y "eeu g"ri-
mthis a -(
oitani si. a iriini- I.
?ae SUB ULnii Ir m "t .1. SO 11
MHMMMUfMn.uu!tlv M r.DrfiDt-i . M,s to urtfM.rtkwt Mil
a. tics m, ana ths easiissr auuMis sou
nor d
SOU mmm
aa .tuxtsr. .? SiMclal Oder Pries SIB.BO .
irir rmtjwx sjsjtjM our T i i 1 ' n
uhI frtitrht ebftrfsM. Msu-bin wtjigi, l
mht eti Msu-bln w.igi, i ma tfcftfrftltfht will
lowuror.Mbo0.mllM. 0IVI IT TUMI MONTH I' TBUt in
vnar owm homt). avnd w will rat urn Tour
tWUMtlsd. Wawll sllsterwsit mk4 aMUtwf Ummm
iO.U. 1I1.M. ill. OO mm4 . All fit 11 T AtutTitmAn
MhiM CatsttytjffMi, buHU.aOforthU bUOf PKttft aUUUl
imV Toy ant not
wltaa MhtWsitU am..
rliMU!fi!Miln our rr lUstiM
ho Outi v our mA vasts
ilawmotitaofrirlneT wb acailtxt unlr various iksunM, with rartaatitj.
laestMtij, WHtcaotxiefVtetsti ta f'kiaa.n m4 lr wlt ri rat labia ut wis are nni.
m BTr aiuiiBKn lar-KOVKSRitT.
Iwwnitti. Writ aotxie frtetstl ta (lilaa
ijpsawtw-.. . '"Wejiiw rtj MsiKara in Afttr
ram ma sjatrial
1 1 sf fc-r.
3 1 i j i lira i 1 'I". t .rS.U. til. nth.roiMn
e -v.. r it. asaw i . i s
wavMsi vw mumm. HM lrla
1 . (
Mr dsn S,
. . IIIu.lrAllon tliuw muliln
iruia .iKUIIOMnwI S SMI.P UMt, ,ln
Ih f .ill k I.. L i . . '
mil. S fl.T .r.w.n. I.IW ,.m ...1.1 . j . . . -
lKMnddortlr.l,ln.tAiil,l,,flMtBlrkl dnw'sr pulls.' nwuTafaur
.S."?? """"Srnj'tb Iron atuiil. sstlm
t , VHi nl.,.,Sr?H"i" "dJ.," hdlns Tlbnitint huttl.Vuwmln
hi'i".i,',l?ri.i. to tw.rlnut, p. tont (.niton Ii twrttor.tmpro'xl too
iw.linwil , OURHTIID lW.ll..ll..ta, MMM.MI 14
SVIH Book.i"! J1'" how nyori rtn run It ud do .llb.r plsln r y
kind of lincjr work. A o-T..r.'sl..l.,e..r..u.i,Mntwlib mry nuhln.. I
II CUST8 YOU WOTHIHq o. us .iul..ilil.B.AiM.iytnp.r Itwltb
8EARS, ROEBUCK 4t CO. (Inc.) Chicago. II!