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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1899)
. . . i I. mi - - 'It- S IJ V IB ill 'mmmmwImm'V . . ls acv ii Ei i el iii 11 ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ni i rii i fii m hi in ii ii v x hi ii in hi Ik fi m ii ii ii ii ii ii &Ljr 1 1 si ii y m us ii ii u u ' iu VJJL.XXXAV ALBANY, (MfcGON FU1DA1. OCTOBER 13. 1899 II TELEGRAPHIC. Nil HOME AND ABROAD l " ." I 1 I a I i- .onscmpUon? We are sure you do not. Nobody wu nit It. But it comet to many t!iuondi every year. Itcomcstoi'toaewho htve bid cough m l colds until the throat It rr.. tnd the lining membrenca of the lung are Inflamed. Stop your cough when It Oral appeara, and you remove the great danger of future trouble. JApr's ciorai ttopt cough of all llnda. It doea ao bccauao It la a tooth, ing and healing remedy of great power. Thlsmakctitihcgrett cat preventive to consumption. Put one of Aycr's Cherry Pectoral Plasters over your lungs A wo MwoVoa tAwjr wa rn? eii. lit I jtv t a, will .cud jou .UMMto lnHrl twwa... Mmdlomt AcfVJow rVa. W h Ihe esiMu.l.a trvtM of entna nf Ilia inl vum..!! plty.lclaas Ml ll.S kU44 VUHM. DU.UI1 lfpMr I lunUlM aiul l npilmw MH. aa II n.hllr aithno gtvii.y n4""1 H f rtv. Wrl IimIj ail IIi l-arlis. fl ! m T"r mm Too Ht nci 1 1 4 r A4ir., dk. J. t Trn. V Low.ll, Mm. V 1)11. J. I,. IIIL1 I'bysirlao ami Burgeon, Hill Mock - - - - Albany. Or. J Littler & Littler BroadalbliiSt., Albany, Or. lleo. Oollin I) D S A. Jack Hodges DDK COLLINS & HODGES Dentist.. Odd Fel.o's Tample, Albany, (.-. OREGON Industrial Expcsillon OPENS IN PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 28 CLOSES OCTOBER, 28, 1899 HolDlttTalaiJAiricilto Product of Oregon, Washington and Idaho In great variety and pro fusion than cvr belore. Bennett's Renowned Military Band MISS ALICE RAYMOND Aojisrlea'a Ureatest Lady Oomet Soloist. The unequalled FLORENZ TROUPE W Acrobats, direct frm the Empire Tim". tre, Lindon; their first appearance In America. A Great FILIPINO WAR MUSEUM 3 GREAT SISTERS MACARTE Unsurpassed Aerialiatt, In their thrilling acts AND OTHER GREAT ATTRACTIONS A Season of Great Surprises and Astounding Feats. . Redu led Rites on All Transportation Line ADMISSION, 2S CENTS childbsh UNoan 12 ykaks, 10 cbnts DONT MISS IT! PATEflTSflSS I DVICB AS TO PATENTABILITY ' nuuua in luventive Age" Book "How to obtain Patents" . Chorott moderate. No foe till natant aMmrari. Lett strictly confidential. Address, g. 6, SIGCEHS, P.Unl UTy. WiiMngtow, 6, C, ) I nto tvwit In .Short l orin. (ii ant'it Clinrue. Manila, Ot t 0. (jem-ral Kredtiraut, n ith thrco coin panics of the J 'ourlli in. (imtry, two compiitiivs of the 1'oiu tocritli Inluiitry ami a bmxl of tcoiita attnehtid to tiio former regiment, advancod from Innn this inorniiiir. Jil vim thu iiimr guntt from t io entire wokt bank of the linns river, 'i'lirt-o American were wouiKk'd, It Is enliinntoJ thai. 10 Fifnl. no were killed. Jlltf Storm Mamii-a, Oct. .Th transiiort Kiiim. which left Honolulu 31 tlaytwiio. cncoiiti teretl typhoons enrly this week. One lasted 40 hours, ft.oit of the forage, which was on dec, was swept over' Uinnl. All the boat were suianlieil In. mid the sieamor rolled tremeniloiisly in the trotiuh of the S"U, althouuli the olll ei mmle all MlorU to bring her about. Tliiijiuilcs were hurled from aide U aide and frightfully mutiKlud and dismubow eled. Their legs and necks were broken. A IliK Fleet Waiuiixuto, Oct. 6. When ihe eht Vf-st-ls ordered to Manila yesterday reach Admiral W'atsun. ho will have under his eomuiHiid one baille-ship, two monlio-s. uoe armored cruiser, seven prutectcd and auxiliary cruiser, and 27 gunboats. The United Km Ice will then be superior in naval atrsngth in tho 1'acific t liussis wlilcli stands next to (ireat lirilian. J lint Wnltlnit. Iixiwv, Oe'. fl. There lis been al most complete dearth of new from South Africa today. The few disatches rvcrived recording inililary inovemeiits at various point tend to con 11 r m the tc lief tliat i'residvnt Krugvr will restrain any forward movement by tho Kwrs, unless they are fired ujjou or war is act ually declared. I ho Alattkn Ilutiiijitry. Ciiii auo, Out. 0. A suecial lo lb Chronicle from H'ashingluu saya: The mate tiopartmeut wi. iniurmed today from London that the IlritisU foreign of lice biul ratified the Alaska proviiioial louiuary line aj nerval uion ty .becre taryliay and Mr. Towur, liritisli charge d'affaires. I'ritfu of Hop. ' WoniMi'K, Oct. 0. V. It. Townud sold to Net A raber today hi entire cop, 12. bales, or 23,8 17 iKiuuds, nt fJ'j cent. Oomtdaint is general from growers that bop aw weighing out exceedingly light. Tiie average a 10 to 11 puao per lnx. . . ...... .... . ...... FOEE Oakville. The carpenters bar put on the finish log touchfs to Ihe best bridge In Linn county. Tl.e main apn Is 72 leet and the approach from th east end Is 53 feet, the approach from th west I 26 feet, aisklng in all SHI feet of bridge, 86 feet of which It covered with a good shingle roof. Mr. J. a. Tillotson, the contract or, aad his assistants Mu.r Johnson, Dilley, Crabtree, Miller and Keel have been very careful and have done at good work as any set of men can do. Mr. Tilloieon I not ashamed of hit work and at each ind of the brilKS be has placed bis painted card : "J. B. Tillotson.Boild. er, 1899." The Judge and Commlwloo ei came out and received ihe bridge, fhey were accompanied byC.S.Ilarnish who look two picture of the bridge and approaches. Mtster Philip Calo found gold ring on the campus Ian Tuesday which prov ed to be the one which waa lott by Mitt tarrie Bhcsrerabout three montht tlnce. The winter term of school commenced last Monday with an attendance of 82. t'rof. Nagle, of Halsey, I teacher. Mis Ua'rle Shearer I teaching soms classes in tbe primary department. Mr. Alex Hamill and family Lave gone to Bhedd. V miss them and will ever remember their deedt of kindness, Mr, Geo. Ktvckton bat lone to Rose burg. Walt Smith has gone to Idaho where he will locale on some of ISe public land of that slate. Lims Ross Ben. Ih Vcntner. Tonight fair, Sunday fair and warim r, itiver l.o umi. V. M. Fbsscii Dispavman .,--siS3R ACTS OENTLV ON THE Kidneys, Liver and Bowels 1 1 rANSCS THE YSTEM ..EFFECTUALLY ,,UAU PERMANENTLY ,T5BlNEr.c,:iCT& B T"g titHUlNl-MAMTO bV gUlvRNIAfTGSVRVPg. 'Xl 2S rsawwrswsaiisiimtwutotwsisnu. Oliver Plows New Prices :aOrKlN8 3R06., Agents. Aioauy, Orvgon "Oliver iravo tbe world the chilled plow And it ha saved more rnonc j to the farmer of A racrlca han .my otner implement ever produced. Genuine Oliver dulled are tbe beet rn eartb. The Oliver Is a promoter of bappi oraia on the farm, and the dealer who .ells it knows he is handling the best. Look out for imiuilHtioni and touch nothing but the cenuinn coods, made enly by OHtat Chilled plow works. South Bend, Ind,. U Several Albanv neonle are altnllna tbe exposition, Several cases of small pox arc reported at Shaw, 12 miles east of Salem. I The pcrfm who borrowed the fine silk ' naK oeionging to tiie VV. O. T. U. is in vited to return it. The fine drivlns t-am nf Til vnr, r Salem died yetterday, both horse Uing 1 """ "- iiuui vaung new oai and te ing driven too far after a long rest. One of the boraet had a record of 2 :2J. E. L. Campbell, who recently had the smallpox at bit home In Woodborn, (.as fully recovered and retained bis poeitfon at mail clerk on the Wood bum Natron branch today. No other cases developed, alibonvb hundreds were exposed to Mr. Campbell. Eugene Guard. If. B. Pluromer, of Polk county, claimt tlie bop picking championship for 18W for two pickert in bit "Luciamute yard. Mrt. Charles Stafford and daughter, Mr. Maggie Oliver, picke1 twenty boxes in one day .of.'ten hours. The began work at 7 o clock and quit at 6, averaging box apiece for every hour they worked. The freight and passenger receipt cf the S. P. company at Asbland were the " v v a - axsLUiiLY Pure Makes the food more delicious and w holesome IM TK..m 150 , (WW TOM. Strictlv jtuffineas French tbe jeweler. Crescent Bicycle, Hopkins brothers, agcuU. Best Bicycle for toe mouey. Will k Stark, jewelers. Crescent bicycles at Hopkins Brothers for only 120, $30, t35 and 50. 0 B Winn, city ticket agent. Ticket to all point in th east. Be sure and see the and rut tinware at FJopkio Bros, will lasi a lifetime. Go to Mies Longt for high priced pho tographs, and do not Jorget to take along the money. oy allowing- tbe accumulation in tbe biggef'. for tbe month of Seniembe? lor i bowels r remain.tba entire mlm U nni. any month during a period of eight or oned. DeWitfs Little Earl Risers regnl- Lebanon. From the E. A.: It. F. Mlclienar !. mt u..l. vsne. Kansai a tnvn tl ahnni lfVi illation, lor the of hi profession. - v. ,,Vi r-circiic meoicsi college, Cincinnati, last spring. Ur. D. M. Jonei sold a choice flock of Angora goat a few dayssgo to fudge Duncan, of Albany. Th r.ri, ...1,1 ... per head. C. C. Tarker otxtnpil lii yesterday. He has lame and varied nurmitnioi goons, and tbe dock is oeany arranged and displayed. 1 rot. U. A. Condiff ha rented the room over inker' (tore, in which he Will BlVa inatrnpllnna l II. I... one class of a cozen voune men. jacx r.nrtgiit, tbe btaband of Ann Ar nett of this place, was killed in Josephine county few week Michsel Daly. Daly ,d Enright wer -w..K Ui.o iiMucri iau were pan ner. .... ...... A good many were io town Wedne day to see th race between Pat Murphy and Bald Hornet. The rider jockeyed all afternoon without getting a urt, and pursued the same tactic the next morn ing until after 1 1 o'clock, when the race was run. The riutam. mn . sod Pat MurpLy came oat about twenty v v w ajiirnu Tangent. The farmer are all busy getting their wheat into th warehouse. Y- Smith, trie popnlar merchant of , . .u ..... u 4UUIDU.T. UO UUV Ine. Mr. Harry Beard, ou of J. J. Beard, baa eon to Manila, m. ..k., j i. .... band of the wth fj. g. lnhmtry ,nd 'fom 8ao Francisco on the 4ih. u.oro icaTing to utter plat be was promoted to Sergeant. A wagon partly loaded with hay and fonrteenortU Y.P.aC.E. oi u C. one evening last week and sui prised Mr nil Ma I rT ryop, nowever they took advantaM af n !...,; i .( enjoyed themtelve aoeially, games ol V.u'L ,UDch WM Mtved by the lady of tbe bona. Mr. Tryon know how to entertain each crowd. Amicfb. To our Patrons and the Public. It becomes neceaeary lor ut to inform you, that the pi set ice which haagrowa up of giving credit for laundry work has proven hurtful to the laundry Interests and its patron and it Is desirable to avoid the evbs attending it. The rapidly increasing number of ac counts and the endless work of keeping record of and collecting the same, aggre gate considerable Jos of money and time to the laundry, which time we could ive to our work room and insure a higher standard of work. Further more our own current expenses, mainly for labor, require strictly cash from us, we have therefor decided, that, except ing onr regular ledger accounts, all nan bles mast be paid for when delivered, and it not they will be returned to the olfice and delivered again any time tbe customer may ask. Respectfully, The Magnolia Stkam Lacncbt. It is a fact that no other article man ctn red in the United State gives auch UNIVERSAL SATISFACTION a Ma gio yeast, other kind of yeast may be good some of the time, but Magio yeast is good ALL the time, and you take no chnce of losing your flour when you use Magic Yeast according to the directions printed on rvery 5 cent package. Yellow Crawford peachea can now be found at 'Baow t-.'8, 2n l St Fresh Oysters atStctter's, Albany's LeaJicgR'staur ant. ten years past, Tbe amount taken in lor ticket salee was f3.42-.S6, of which 2,830.69 wa local. Tbe freigot receipts j,itx.ui7, maxmg a total oi neaiiy $7,000. ' Tbe Presbrterv of the Willa malts ar'tll be held in Albany next week, beginning on Tuesday at 7:30 d. tn. when Dr. Davenport will deliver the rermon. Usilj session Will be held for hn.inoaa and Wednedy evening Rev. W. 8. Gilbert will deliver tbe popular address. Tbe presbytery will adjourn Thursday forenoon. It may be Said that an avaninn at ll.a theatre csn be no more enjoyably spent liian in listening to tbe einrimr of train ed artists, laughing at tbe comedians. wondering at th ability of the acrobats, delighted with tbe poetry of motion, a shown by tbe dantea All tbese feat ures may be found in Hill's newest ver sion of bis extravaganza "Vanitv Fair." made np solely for amusement. It will be ecn her at the Armory Hall, Wed. Oct. 11th. What f hey Won. J. R. Dougla tnd hi son-in-law W. A. Eattburn, won prizes at tbe State Fair, aa follows, as just published by tbe Journal : J. R. Doaglat Sugarbeeu. 1st 10 CO Cauliflower.......;.. .....2nd 1 00 Ooions.aoy variety 2nd 1 00 Onion, yellow Denver... .2nd 1 CO Collection vegetable from Sarkeeseed let 20 00 v Uroap of vegetable 2nd 10 00 Ten varietie of vegetable Exhibit of alfalfa 2nd 2 60; Onions 2nd 2 fiO Maiden bash let 80 Ulor.r tnundl 1st 80 W. A. Eaatbarn uto tbe bowels. Try them and you ways nse mem. rosbay ft Mason. nil No fure. No Pay. That is the way all tbe druggists sell Grove's Tasteless Chili Tonic for Chills, malaria and Billioosncss. It is as pleas ant to take at lemon syrup, 50c. Deal Tebsec Bait sa Sauk Tsw Life Away. To qalt tobacco eaall and forever, be mm nelic. full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To- Bae, tbe wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. All druggist, tOo or tl. Cure guaran teed. Booklet and sample free. Addrea Porrrgn Chris astjibmcm row Sai.b. have a choice selection including over 85 rarities of the latest and best Chris antbemnms all potted and in find grow ing condition. Which I now offer for tale. Call at residence or address. Ms. R. A. Mmrnv. Cor. 7th and R.R. Sts. J. D. Bridga, editor and proprietor of Ibe Democrat, Lancaster, N. fl., says: "I would not be without One Minnte Congh Core for my boy, when troubled with a conga or cold. It it the best rem edy for croup 1 ever nted." Foshay k Mason. Mcsic Miss Mildred Burmester eacher of pi an? or organ. Syste tj th Mason touch and technique. Residence Fifth ctiet, opposite U P church. Miss Joyce Biowoell will take np ber piano class during vacation through tbe winter. Tbe best German and Eastern method. Leave word with W. F. Bead Oysters by the pint or Leading Reetaorant. quart at tbe If yon have pile cubs them. No use andergoing horrible operations that simpi y remove tbe result of the disease withou t disturbing tbe disease itself. Place yon r confidence in DeWiU't Witch Hazel Salve. t fast never f Ailed to cure others; it will Sterling Remedy Co. Chicago or Kew York. . ot to car J01- Fothay ft Mason. 9 ...Our Offerings In CARPETS and other kindred goods are of the latest patterns and colorings, our rug and artqsuare Hnes are very strong this season. : Albany furniture co. " r masonic Temple Bldg., Albany, Or. Table beeta . . Exhibit of cabbage. . . . Largert 4 cabbage Carrots Cauliflower... :r,Dlp, v Kale Onions, any variety.... Onions yellow Dsn vers. . Potatoes, late Squashes... Largest squash , Sugar bee is Onions Sweet corn, 3 varieties. fcxninu ot aiiaiia ... . Besides others not given. j .. awBWB-aMaaHBa-aaaB This and That. ..1st .2nd .2nd ..1st ..1st .2nd 2nd ..1st ..1st ..1st ..1st .2nd .2nd ..1st .1st ..1st 2 00 2 00 1 00 200 2 00 1 00 1 00 SCO 2 00 2 00 2 00 1 50 5 00 5 00 2 40 6 00 ; Viereck's Sugar Bowl Parlors for ice cream, confectionery, soda water, cigars and tobacco. i A large and fine stock of cigars andto bacco at Conn & Huston's. See the dis play. 'When you want a choice steak a nice roast or meat of any kind, call on Henry Sroder. . He koetM tbe best. ' Go to Verlck'a shaving and hair cat ting parlor for first class work. Hot and cold baths. Clean towels to every ; raer. The best meats of all kinds and good treatment at the Albany Dressed Beef Company's market, just djwn Second tret. Gvd weight and prompt attend ion. . Soma of I be rwa'ts of neglected dyspep tic conditions of the stonuch art cancer. consumption, heart disease end epilepsy. &od)l Dyspepsia Cure prevents all this by eaVcting w q'lisk cure in a'l cases of dys- pepaia. rosbay ft mason. w fror atx year I waa a victim of dyw anwla In its worst form. I could eat nothing but milk toast, and at time my atomach would not retain and durest even that, Last March 1 began taking CASTA KETS and since then I have stemlily improved, until I am aa well aa I aver waa in my life." David u. Uurpbt, Newark, O. CANDY CATHARTIC RSmiley'a Ciean Printing. , flow Art Tour Kldaey t Pr lloblis'fparncus Pill, cure all ktrtner 111. San plefrea. Adct.suillnn lteuitxly Uu..Culcoor N. V Pleawnt. Palatable, Pntent. Taste Good, Do Quod, Mover ttlokoa, Weakeu. or Gripe. lOo, jc Hxj. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... ll.rllM bam, Calwa.. lalml, turn I". 9U SJfl Tft P I f Bold and guaranteed tr all drug Kit I U'bAU iui to tV At-fc Xooaoco AUhit. 20 YEARS IN BUSINESS. wnnMTTo nniin MumftO'oram I tbe Oldest Fnrnitnre Dealer in tbe city and he keeps a complete line of Fnrnitnre and Bedding and if yon wsnt good goods cheap give him a call He doesn't intend to be nnder sold. A Farm library of unequalled value Practical. Cp-to-datc Concise and Comprehensive Hand somely Printed and Beautifully Illustrated. By JACOB CIGGLO No. 1-BIGdLE HORSE BOOK All about Horse a Common-Sense Treatiae. with over 74 illustrations ; a atundarU work. Frlce y Cents. No. 2 B1QOLE BERRY BOOK All about ijTOwmjp Small Fruit read and le.rn bow ; cootains 43 colored hfc-like let dicg ' Tarietxea and 100 otiT illvMitaikms. 1 1 ice, 50 CciUs. No. 3-BIOOLE POULTRY BOOK AU about Poultry ; the beat roultry Bock in existrece; tella everything ; vrillnj colored life-like rrproducliona of all the priucinal bretds; with tea vtiier iilustration. Price, jo Cent. No. 4 B1QQLE COW BOCX All about Cows and the Dairy Business ; having a (rent sale ; contains t colored life-like teproductiont ot each breed, with 15s other illustrations. Trice, $c Cents. No. 5 BIOQLB SWINE BOOK Just out. All about Hogs Breeding, rerdirp, t.utih. ery, Diseaies. etc. Contatna over 0 btnuuiul half tones an J other engravings. Price. s Ciuis TheBIOULB BOOKS are caique .origins! ureftl ven never iw anything like them 'i hey are having an enormous sale E.-i 1 YtV-t, 'cr1i! J i d , South Every one who keeps a l!crr, Cow. linn or Cnicken. or prows Small Fruits, oi t lit lo sttii right . away ftw tbe B1UGLE BOOKS. Tlie ARM JOURNAL Is your paper, made for yon and not a tnisf.t II is nvenra old. it is the great boiled-down talt-the-nail-oa the hcml -ouilfler vou-bave-aaid-it. Farm and Household r' the world the blffcrsl paper ol itssise in Ihe ITnitrd 9tc. ol America navtng over a million and a-haliregulcr reautra. Any ONE of the BIGGLE BOOKS, and the FARM JOURNAL YEARS (remainder ot 1899 tree 1901. iocs and ocj) will he scut by mail , !"v i!(lT- s l 1 A DOLLAR BILL. uuuple ol FAUAt JOURNAL and circular describing BIOULE COOKS free. CUAS t UKIN Address, PAR3I JIURNAI. FuiLAnnipnia. ALBANY CIGAR FACTORY J Joseph. Proprietor. m