From 50c to $7.00 Ii li t rsngo of prices on our new Umbrella We have (akin Special rsre In eeleitlnir tlmta lTmljrtla- tnurl . I . . I ' 1. 1 " . . T . r P"'T rmmiin rovers on paragon irailiesaud steel rods. lock. iidiiid rovers on tit 'llio tiatxl ten ere setvlceable end neat and In thit hlulinr aradea inni in mrer I'rrminn or pearl, Our west -n indow in Oiled with a .election from the stock Km li Umbrella I pUluly marked. flu- S. E. Youn&Son. A High Grade Coffee QTlic flavor of which never changes. It is stimul ating and soot liin?. A trial will convince you of its merits. It is Jas Heekins& Co's Celebrated High Grade Cincinnati Roast. For lc by cFeron & Tomlinson SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Mlit l't tJ m I ih of Lebanon if visiting Albany friends. William M. Iloag Im reiurntd from a rip to Han Kntnclsco. Kd Parkr left Ihl morning en bit rel urn trip to if tin, CrooW county, John Petty baa returned from Alsea where be hid been after hoe I cattle. K II. 8i,srkes of Crook county, a former Linn county man, bat been In the city. Carl Llebe. Hie well-known Portland baker, hat been In the city llio guest of William Kaber. II U. Houieholder, of ltoaeburg, who hat been in Albany teveral tnonlbt re turned home yesterday, W. D. Uarmao, of Cottage (Jrove, for merly In business In Mill City and Brownsvll'e, it in the cfty today with hit family. An operation was performed tetter of near Tsn ireut, In thit city by Drs. Wallace and Davit. Mr. Merrill Hh. ion of Mrs. tied ol tliii city, now ol Boise. Idaho, and Mlta eeMe Jewell woe married in Astoria on Monday. II. J. Ellert. whose bin olano ad vertisement In the Portland nepers ave attracted attention generally hat been in the city. Alfred If. Freerkeen went tj Salem estenley to apply fo admiatlon to the ar. tuere were tix oiner applicants. K. L. rlryan left this noon be the Weat Hide, for Walla Walla, where he and hie lamiiy now expect to locate, iottead of at i 11 Kin at lor im riy contemplated. H. E. Crawford a retidrnt if Oasvl U for teveral yeart, bat moved to Albnny to reside. He will engage in the poul try business wiih F.U. Powers during the winter. A clses of twelve In tdiarmacv waa examined yetterday in Portland bv the Aknivsd at Djwson A letter receiv ed this noon by the family of 0 W Watt announced hit sa'e arrival in Dawson on September 20 lie arrived In Sksgway on the 15th with hit partner Dr Wilcox ton. Mr Wattt bad the contract for aklng In big ehipuient of mining ma chinery but on account of representa tion that it would be itnpoealble to do to then gave It up, whereas i'. could hive been done very eatllv. lie renorted a marked tranufbrmalion in the appear- t of Dawson already considerable of the city having been rebuilt with better building. 8ktiiih(i Dmrxnur Nsw, novel and atartlioj it offered ai an attraction in the near frture In J J ill's travestry and ex- rsvsKsnzs. which will be one of the principal attraction of the opening eajon here. The title is "Vanity Fair" the supporting company an excellent one it is said will present a mixture of unique mimical effects, fsree sklu, aero batiani and high class vocaliam, making "Van at the Armory Hail for one night on Wednes- jay, uci. it. Mr. John K. Magion le in he city todsy making arrangements for voe A1DI We make a specially of COFFEE And Guarantee all we sell. At the Bazaar M of f allMiliineru p attern Hats. Bonnets and illinery Novelties. A Bio Oat Sale. One of the biggest oat tales of the year in the valley was made yesterday by Simpson it Beam, of this city, coneietingof the purchase of J. L-urrier ol between Uorvsllis and Monroe, of ten thousand bushels at 26 cents. Mr, Currier raised this year 14,- uuu nusiie's oi oats anil .uw bushels ol wheat. state board. A more those woo nested was rrtnk h. Hume of Lebanon and fcrneet hlliol of Corvallit. h. E, Davit has moved from Harria- burg to Albany to reside, in order to ee- eore the abvantages oi onr schools. Mr. iravis mough will be at bis Hariisburg arma goou deal ol tils tlna- i.icenre ias oeen issued Inrlha mar. rlage of Mr. Ha in Borkhart the Donular restaurant man. and Miss Nellie Monk ers daughter of Sheriff Muckers. The ceremony it to be performed tonight. rroi. f arvin brought with htm from baiein three oil paintings, the work of uis daughter Mrs. M. P. Brown, which display a superior talent The pieces may be seen at the Jilaln Clothing Co's store. J .JU. Cot, Bob Wiley, Ed Parker and vr. r. ju. irvlne Itft t ile Crook county, by way M A large showing of the season's best style in Fashionable Headwcar. L. E. & H. J. HAMILTON. Call on F.M. French! The Jeweler, I bought for cash, and lomers tue Den If you want a first class e oi JNickie, Biiver, Watches, tbat we ch. We have a large line of Nickle, Silver, uu.u-uiku ana solid Uold ere bIvIdb our cus- fit of the extra discount. ENQlEVISMTind Specially. WEDDING RINGS a Summer Cooking la made a ttloature by the use ol the Quick Meal blue flame oil stove. It it the most conven ient, simple, economical and easily managed ol any cooking apparatus made, and will bake, boll, broil or roast, and la sure to give thorough satisfaction. STEWART & SOX HDW. CO. The Ladles. Tbe pleaaant ffect and nerfec't aafefv with which ladies may ue ayrop ol Figs, unaer an cooauions. makes it their ravnr iie remeay. i o get me true ana genuine Hrucie, toon for the name of the California rig HtroD Co. Dr nted near the bottom o the package, tot tale by all drn pgiela Lose no time in callinir on Will A Stark for tho U-st watches, guaranteed time keepers, and take your time in buy ing. It is a pleasure to show their goods. bany performance. The light running "NEW HOME'" new iDg machine at E V. Will's Muiie Store prices irom 140 to ICO. The old reliable "DOMESTIC" sew ing machine at E. U. Will's Music Store prices from .30 to $45. "ho latest improved "WHITE" sew ing machine at E. U. Will's Music Store Price 30 to $40. If they tell yon it is -not true, call and be convinced. It is a singular taste that csnnot be suited in the varied and Isrge selection of jewelry at Will & Stark's, The best goods and reasonable prices. Kipe Tomatoes. Pears and Annies ai v. jv, jurowneirs. White Clover Honey. lOcts. per lb. at c. v l..ll . The leading sewing machines for about one ball" the price tsked by ejnvassr- ing agents at E. U. Will's Music Store, prices $23.60 to $30 the best in tb world for the money. Tbe lesding High Grade Pianos at E. U. Will's Music Store at prices from. i.'0 to $75 cheap tr than sold in Portland ' or San Francisco. Sold on easy terms organs taken as part pay. We lead with 70,000 Ladiks Aii Hotirrv. The regular meeting cf the Ladies Aid Society will be held on Ihursday, Oct. 6th. at tbe residence of Mrs. A. II. Martinet 2:.'i0 m. Homer Davenport is the bighei. pri - ed artist In the world and he la a native Oregonian. Recently the New York Joerntl on which Davenport draws pic tures of current events politics!, in caus ing a general reduction of expenses ask ed Davenport if be would stand a reduc tion of a week. Davenport got mad and instead of being reduced $oO it was raised $50, so that be now receives only $15,000 a year. Tbat is genius. When von want something particu larly nice in the printing line. See SMiutr, tbe irinter. We lead with niarlv 70.CC0 prescriptions on file, without a single mistake being recorded gini nr. Your pretcription at cur store will receive prompt and cartful attention. Our Syrups, Tinctures and Extracts are up to ti e standard, always fiesh, being made from tbe best drugs that money can buy. When you are sick you should have the beet and yoo get the Lest from os. Bnrkhart & Lee. If you have a job of printing in a hurry you are for take it to Smiley, Tbe Printer. m truing for of the f jthftnnn vtegonrtoad. Dr. Irvine will nnn an omce in Prlneville, where be formerly practiced and where be wlil no doubt do a good buiioeee. Mr. frank Wood junior and family win in. to nut week lor Ualilornla to re "' poping that a change will benefit Mr. Wood s health. Tl, nnh-ai- nf which Mr. Wood has been a member for W" HI tender him a fare well at ii. J.. Hopkins tonight. Mrs. Kev. Harris, wife of a former pastor oi the Congregational church nas oeen in the city several day a visit ing friends here tbe guest of Mrs. Ben .oiimion. Mrs. llama ia now blind but rrts.'ns that pleasing character tbat maue her beloved by ail. Governor Geer and two start officer Cols. Spkncer and Jackson left yesterday for Chicago to assist in thj laying of tbe corner stone of the ne post otuce. at which President McKinley is to handle the trowel as a member of the union. Tbe event will be a great one politically. J. P. McErlane and wife came out from Albany last week to attend tbe grand commandery of Knlgbts Templar. Tbe former retnrned home Saturday evening but Mrs. McErlane. who ia a daushtar of A.Radcllft of this city, will remain for a longer visit with her relatives here. Ashland Tidings. Abner McKinlev. wno has marfa a hi thins on government contracta bv haino a brother of the president, recently pass ed through Albany lor tbe north and east. On account of the S. P. night ser vice through this vallev AlhariT did not have tbe privilege of seeing the distinguished manipulator of govern ment contract!. Among the sportsmen were Erixln Stone and M. M, Davis wfco accompan ied a crack shot from Chicao-o on hi first pleasure shooting trip. The party went out on a special engine, and oper ated in niodgett'a : vallev. The Chica- goan made a good record at pigeon shooting, but was unable to do mnch execution among the Chinas. Times. ! A telegram to Recorder Rallailv ves- terday morning, announce! tbat his sister, Mrs. V. E. Dentler, left New York Uity yesterday morninn and waa I to arrive in Corvallls within five days. She is expected next Saturday. Mrs. Dentler brings with her fresh recollec tion! of the late terrible hurricane tbat swept the islsnd of Porto Rico with frightlul loss of life Times. Rev. Edw.Eccleston is in Astoria in the interests of Albany college, of which institution be is the financial agent. Mr. Eccleston is making a determined effort to get the college out of debt and be has been greatly encouraged. Tbe College is under tbe control of the Pres byterian church and it ia tbe members of that denomination chiefly wbo are putting tbe institution on a sound fin ancial basis. Tbere are good prospects fcr an endowment from tbe East when tbe debt is cleared. Astorian. A reception was tendered Rev. M. C. Wire and family last evening at the M. E, frsonage, enjoyed by a large number of members of tbe church and other friends, all glid of the opportunity to express their appreciation of the return of Rev. Wire to tbe Albany charge, where be an 1 hie wife have served so faithfully and well during tbe past three years. A program waa rendered con. elating cf a duet by Mrs. Winnard and Mrs. C. O. Lee, addresses of welcome by Rev. C. R. Stevenson and Prof. Tor bet, a vocal solo by Mrs. Lee, a welcome ad dress for the Epworth League by Mlra Marv Montanve. A response to tbe ad dresses by Dr. Wire and Mrs. Wire and a few remarks by Rev. Stortevsnt. The evening was greatly enjoyed by all. Agates cut and rfllihcd by D. S. Young, 6th and Tburston Sts., Albany Leave orders at trench s jewelry store. ' Yellow Crawford peaches can now be souna at Browmu. a, 2nd St Water Melons, sweet ard delicious on band daily at U. E. bbowkcll ARMORY HAJjL s "It Is To Laugh Wednesday, Oct. U, 1899. VANITY FAIR , A Melange of Bnrleeque and Vaude ville, with entirely new waidrobe and an Admirable Co. n Prices 75, 60 and 5 cents. Reserved seats at Burkbart & Lee's. r?tw Ph-KT A barn with two stalls anrl rAnln fnra busev. Address box 493, Albany Oregon. A Representative -OF- ill lorn k Domnanu TJie Great Chicago Merchant i WILL BE AT OUR STORE OCT. 9th & 1 WirH AN ELEGANT DISPLAY OF THE LATEST NOVELTIES IN WOOLENS. Tailors Oth FOR SALE, A second hand Columbus Buggy in good condition, price reason able, also one set single harness price Winable. Address box 4?W. Albany Oregon Come and have Vour Fleasure Taken IliPJilllHlll W B STEVENS & CO New Goods in All Lines. Refined reflections of the tailors' skill for Fall and Winter is easily seen in our Fall invoices resplendent in all the glory of Novelty I Complete in assortment, gratifying in price 1 1 1 1 Arr I JV mJt J V u JV laP Will! WEAR The original GUARANTEED CLOTHING. At the BLAIN CLOTHING Company's