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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1899)
if I IT fllf 1 YiHf T 'ASft OLXXXV, If ""W if. UJ I TnrnuAPiiir I ' i : - : ---. -JJ When llio children set their feel wet mi J tako cold give (hem lint foot I nil). bowl of hot drink, a dor i or Aycr's Cherry I'cctoral, an I put Ihcm to bed. The chancci are ihey will bo all right In il a morning. Con tinue the C rry Pectoral a few dya, imtil LI cough haa die appeared. Old couths tre alao cured; we mean the coughs of bron chilli, week thronia and irritablo lungs, liven the hard coughs of consumption are alwayt made esay and frequently cured by the continued uae of (pitrry QPectopal Every doctor knowa that wild cherry bark la the beat remedy known to medical aclence fur aoothing and healing inflamed turoaia and lungs. Put ono of Dr. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Plasters over your lungs Avfor W now v vfit iti Hunt ml- ruil i.i.ilri.i. in lb I nlia iii-. kwlixl .4to. Will H-it B DM. J. L. MIV rbairlan and Surgaon, Hill Block - - - - Albany, Ur. UtUer & littler DrondalbinSt., Albany, Or. Uao. Golllna D D S A. Jack Hodges 0D8 COLLINS & HODGES Dentist. Odd Fel.o'i Tempi, Albany, Or. OREGON Industrial Exposition opens in " PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 28 CLOSES OCTOBER, 28, 1899 Producta ol Oregon, Waahlngton and Idaho in treat variety and pro fuaioD than evr before. Bennett's Renowned Military Band MISS ALICE RAYMOND Amarlca'e Urea teat Lady Oornet Sololat IThe unequalled 2FL0RENZ troupe cf Aorobata. direct frm the Empire The atre, London; tueir nrai appearance In America. A Great FILIPINO WAR MUSEUM 3 GREAT SISTERS MAC ARTE Unaurpaaaed Aerlaliati,la their thrilling acta AN0 OTHER GREAT ATTRACTIONS A Beaton of Great Surprlaei and AitounJlngFeaie. Redud Ratea on All Tranaportation I.inet ADMISSION. 25 CENTS cniLDBiH tie dob 12 viaaa, 10 cents DONT MISS IT! PATEEJTSi DESIGNS TRADE.MARKS AND COPYRIGHTS OBTAINED ADVICI AS TO PTENTBILITY Notlo Id " InTontiT Ace " Book "Uow to obUlo fkUnta" FREE Charff madtrat. No fits till pUnt Monrad. LetUnl ftrictlr oonflrtentlal. Addrw. n llfldeBfl Dl..l I . Ual.lata A I ten, 0. fi I MULlVllll I II I k a I ; ar fl B I W fl BS.IBIIi . I iilliJI I I t ULLiUIUtJ, 111 Montmm Hoys. riuiiM.,o, Kiipt. 22. The Unitod Kill!; tannaiiort Keulamlia Arrived from pj.imiu viu iokoiioina tmliiy, lmvin on l .rd six coiiipanii-s of tho Firm Mouts I I Volillitaoi. A nuUv irracLini UihJuiI to thu returning huM iuth, Hhuiu nl arrival wait nntioiincoil ly llm blow uitf of t"m tthimlcn Mud tho (linciiiiriio t nut More I Wyiwiiimiiov, n,,lt. 2.'J Seii;itor.Hitiion ! ami tji-iiflrul liiwhv were at tho Ireamry i''rM ""'.T 1 alull-lllig It Mil llio rorthltld public 1'llM'llML', i ,n (lijiiHrtiiiKiit nun. In Huapenil operataone lor ihe piiroo of iiinkiiiit arr-nciiint for cnlur.ini" the liuildiotf by fur'.hor niipruprlntliiin, pro vidiiitf Iheriiftiuhcre of Coiniiierce np provt-M, (ifiuiriil Ufobo brouuht the ap proval with him. rroininciit iMnii IkiiJ. Ukitnkii. Or., Kopi. '22-3. L. Morrow pioueorof iruoii ami Idaho, diod hvie ttxlay, "Uncle Juck." a bo um liimlllurly known, hue k'en a rfaiJent of leppner anae IHiU, ami wna one of the Ii II. ml men to fiiiiauo in bubiLcax hitre. Morrow county wna timuH bIiit Ho linn Uten i.romiiaTitly bh ntill-d in the itilitica of thii count v. rpiriNiitiiiit it t ice in the atute lKlalture. Sotisfactory I'raJc. Navr Yoiik. Sent 22. lSraJirei.'a to- morrow will any: Katmhi-tory trade and price coiHiuionaappcrctitly atill rciun. fa iow in liter, aru tiie rt-iwrt of lKKir iriule, Hint favorable report-, may l laid lo almoni unamnioiM. An ei tmiulcil vol uinu of full tr.i lo U imllciited bv the on- Kttvaieot biiiikt li'Brinuif jr tiie week, iioucn renorta irom no mo inaikett nont to the croitcHt runh Ixrina inadw. Hop Hli. V,u.ix, Or., Hi'pt. 22. Tui'-ilay, the ilrnl .Uo and nlniiiimnt of lioin fruui liallna took plai'o Tbr lot wna only 22 num, anil tli pri e tmi'l wua 10 cenca ht pouml. ilii dope were llrat clan). Portland In It, I'tMM'innt Kent. 22 Tho trana- porta fekh and t'ity lilo Janeiro, it wna aaid tixlnr. will leave for Portland to carry the Thirty-fifth regiment to Man na a toon aa the vc-wli can i e pui in reiair. The work of imluUni: and re placing the old iKiilera ie now prorfrea tng, ami would i.nvo been com wiihi strik ill Ivied hai it not Uhti (or the recent otkinen. " e ol the AW OCNTLY ON THE Kidneys, Liven and Bowels rtfANSESTHCjYSTCM rl EFFECTUALLY OVERCOMES JJw-V 0 4r oilUAt v PCRMANENTU evy vwi eNwiMiMaNr o by .ayju, WUItH For Sale. I will tell for 132.00 per acre mv farm of 180 acrea aituated four mi lea north weat of Ualaey, 100 acrea being under cultiva tion and balance paatare, timber and or chare. Good houee and barn and every thing complete and flrat-chus. Alao, I will eell 71 acrea two mile aouthweatof Sheridan, for $28 per acre. Farm fenced and haa houee and barn. . Ad- dreea the underaigned at Aahland, Or. 0. B. SovKHsa. OjiYer PlOWS New Frlces HOPKINS 3R0S Affenta, i-any Irrgos "Oliver cave the worlJ th chilled pbw And it has aavtd more mone) to the farmer of A mcrica bvi myotner ira.iloment ever produced, tfenuine Oliver dulled are the host en earth. The 0;lver ia a promotrr of happi onaa on the farm, and the dealer who telle it knowa he ia handling the beat. Look out for immitations and touch nothing but the genuine goods, made enly by Oliver Chilled plow work. South Bend, Ind.. U. A. ' I ST'1?'" " ; The Plaindoaleraay that blcyc'iatt pro poaa to lake an active interest la the municipal election at Koerburir, only aupportiotf thoae who will enact city k--lulmlon farorahle to theui. There are liable lobe bkycle partlea every where. The Town Talk la to he moved from Ashlan J lo Klamalli FalU and conaolid ated with the Kepubli:aii. In closing die Talk semthlv nva "An a mitr nf A-ll-i nrthrae t. e. ""u na mneli as i.u. --.I it lonv lur anv or - - ... wwrv . n iaji it onotoencouiagetben-f rd Oilier ber. l'pn i tllutiun ol a third ill do well if they acoord aullie t aai port to two para." 1 I A Marion countv t.uner erail? I Linn ami Mat ion ountlca liavo s coatly i object leaaon of alack aiipervialon of pnl ! lie briJ0 building. The Joiut fianltam iriutjo, uv Diuyion, ouiuor ir Urn veara nKOt a coat of 1 8,000, ia giving a way na unnalo. l'oor auoerontendanev' ier- apa none at all." l'oor place nerhara for a briilge. The Hrownaville Timea rpraka cat ee- lo'.Iowe: "W. It. Kirk returnwl l.n 1 evening from attending the a!ate fair at Salem. lie did not aooearvi-rv unihna. laHic when aaked by a Timea repeoent ative hat he thought of the (air. There ia no nee talking, yeu can'l make a auo ceaafut atate fiiir out of a horae race oniv. nd the toofier thoae luniinniu preaent horae race at Halem realize thia (act the aoojer will we have a fair that will receive aupport from the beat t eople of the etaic-theagriculiural clama. The editor ol the Crowly (Mtai) Bite- nai aava of Oregon : The very name of Orr-gon avora of everrthing; beautiful, uenuiuui nu doairab.e. o matter now exaggerated to vou mat ti-rm th atori.a ot wonderful ut. believe iiii-m, ior iney cannot be over drawn. loueei we coneider ber piopie except uiPBny ni(xifi, wnen tnev have every thing of which to be boaatfuL. One lean nave bnt a, vague conceptio of what V'regon really ia without eeeiou it UT IS. I- .1 oiiuii.i ma irinacur ol lla tu-mnmrv tiie wealth of ita mlnei. tha mvnttf ence of Ita flower and Iruite, it i a ttate uniiiutj, complete. Fall Opening 01 Paltera halt and aailora on Thnra- oay ana Friday at Mra. Aahbi'a. Alao a lull line ot Far Capes and Col Call one and all. ? trouble to ehow goods. r . oum-apeciai eases la Irloime i goods. . . Millinery Ooenin. miss Ball will oo Thursday and Fri oay, sept. 2i,t and 22nd, dUplar Iter naual line of fine millinery, to which ahe moei coruiauy lovuee toe ladies of Al baoy. Fresh Oysters at Stetter'a, Albany's Leading Restaur ant. This and That, ' Vlereck's Sugar Bowl Parlors for ice cream, oonfeetiooery, soda water, eigsrs and tobacco. . . A larga and fine stock of cigars and to baooo at Conn dt lluaton'a. He the dia pir. ,. 4. , VVbe. yon went a choice ateak ak rtwneatofany kind, oailea Henry Broders. Us keeps the beet Go to Verick's shaving and hair ting parlors for fimt clw vrv nnt sad cold baths, t mar. Clean towels to every ThsbeatineaU of aU kiada Sad breatmeat at the Albany Dneeed ompaaya market, Joat djwa Second treat. Uood weight and prompt attoad ion. ' , It makea no difference bow bad the wound il yon oae DeWltt'a WRch Haiel Salve; it will quickly heal and leave ao scar. Foabay A Mason. , Some oi l ba reanlU of aegleoted dyspap tio conditions of the atomich are oanoer, coninmption. heart disease and epilepsy. Kodol DyapepaiaCure preveata all thia by effecting a quick cure la all oases of dys pepaia. Foaaay Maaon. Ripe Tomatoes, Pears and Apples at we m 4'tvfiut'M The Real Test O' geod flour is shown by the demand for it and there is a demand lor llagoolla Flour For twice the caoacity of the milt, at prices considerably above ordinary valley flours. It is always made from No. 1 Old Wheat Every Sack Guaranteed To Vara Cou.tlpatlon 1'or.rnr. Tke CtiscrU Candy Cathartic lOo or S5a II C O. C. tall to oure, druggUM ixfuuU muuey. Congregational church Fmnltina ml . iu., fumeti oi eeruion, "Heavenly Ireaau ea in Karthen Veatela." Sunday echool at 12:25; preaching at 7:30 p. m. lubjiict ol eermon. MTi Ktr.,, i 1 .i. All not attending eleewhere are cordially invited to the above aervicee. It the U. P. church inatea-l of the regular aervict there aiilbe a Kabbath 'JirZ J'1 f '. 1,'f1wk. "i'h "Peel"' aervlcea. Junior Kndeavor at 3:0 and feenior endeavor at 8 M. i0 preaching In the evening on account of the abeence of tho paator who ia In Portland attend- iog a meeting of the Preabrtr. I'reabyterian church: Rally dar 1! , aT- im.m.Z.. 'V.30' . "i K b,U) ' ;Sfi g'"1;" A patriotic aervice, with abort '"'"a or aome of the retnrnaa nir.. yaL f ''u'. 'eavorat6:30. ....irT: ..7"'" aubject of eermon," I'rogreig thro- uKii rorgmiuineaa." A eon i.l lni. dial tion to ell the aervlcea ia extended to all. p''1"' ' Baptiat church I reaching morning and evening by th paator, ' Lebanon. From the E. A.: C. C. Baker left th nee"iMoU.y.eDte,WilUmet,e"oi I ita Joyce jrowneil and Miss Sne Sreckinridire came over from Albany thia moruiog, airs, m. j. I IIZ7ral.l l.n i. S1 t'nent in Albany, caroeoveil ' """' " a.ay ai dome for a abort t lime. . , Eoocb Riilimo l . t - -fi j -i3Wl iiuujc verier day from fcaatern Oregon, alter an ab- ooel Mitcbeli.tbe auperintendent. on hi! . A' TiaT 01 In,Pction of the W. V. and M. wairon ro I. i,.i... iovnieno,on the eaatern boundary of . m.,. aiucneii took tee ''" Bun reiornca to h i.nma n. land by railroad. Lrr. Laro oeraon returned hum. U'.i netday from a visit u hie folka at Con don, Gilliam county. Whiln in port end be cot a littU and Girla' Aid eoci.te, brought herhoio- ia Haael May and ahe ia 3 yeara old. 6be te a nice, cute little tnine. and will k given a good home and kind treatment by the Dr. and wife. Schillings Best money-back tea and baking powder at Tour Grocers The. vVeather. Tonight and Sunday, fair stationary temperature. River 1.5 feet F. M. Faaaca , Dlapavman oriCTt. I have made arrangements for free delivery of dressed chickens Sat urday afternoons. Leave yonr orders early for good chickens at reasonable prices. . F. Q. Powcbs, the Foultryman Lose no time in calling on Will k Stark for the best watches, guaranteed time keepers, and take yonr time in buy ing. It ia a pleasure to show their goods. If yon have piles ccaa them. So use undergoinc horrible operation that aimnty remove the reaulta of the disease wit hoot dietorbing the diaeaae itself . Plaoa yonr confidence in OeWiU'a Witch Basel Salve t baa never failed to core others; it will ot fail to cure you. Foshay St Maaon. Sour Stomaoli Attar I wm Mm- a try CAaCA- KBTa, I will mtwIx wltbom tala Um om, Mr 11 w tu laa'T7 M char. ay hma oUS 4 1 tod Mo ch tnmbls. Rn.tlMUt la Cmtnw. 1 fml Sm. My U ku atoo smS Hm with bMSisl rasulu for mv MtatMb. JoS. 1 MUW, aat CoaiM 8.. Si. Lol.. Mo. Huaiit P&lmtabl& rotoot. Tut Good. flow!. Nanr 8lUa. WnkH.01 Grip. Kckc 9o. . CURK CONSTIPATION. ... HiiHi a tr a i, i, tm i im . aia K3-T0-EAC Sold And ruftrmnted by all dnur litw u CVU.K Tuiwooa llaut. - Pure Water Is essential to good health. You can get this by caving an iron stone curbing in your well. Nothing can get inside ex cept the pure water that conies from the bottom. Call on 11. C. Harkness of this city and order one for your well. Haw Arc Taar KMacya t n. ttikk..n,Mm.-pni,iwrkll k!dnT tlla Sam- pla trea. Add. Hierliun Kemedy Cbicaco or M. I . I J CATHARTIC - -. S vaAos mum asaisnaaoB Do f VjA V it ry;, w The IClnd You Have Always la urn for over 30 years, '-, and has been made under nw per- 'Jfy7yt-j?j sonal enperAislon since Its infancy.' CUCAJKi 'Allow no one to deceive you In thia.. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex- perimcnts that trifle with and endanger the health of, . Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What Ts STjDRIA Caatoria Is a Bnbstltute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops! and Soothing: Syrups. It Is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Jfarcotlo! substance. Its age Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worm and allays Feverlshncss. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic It relieves Teething: Troubles, cures Constipation ( and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulate the! Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.! The Children's Panacea The GA'STORiAway GENUINE Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. m enmva commit, rr monm.r irmr, aira M em. jasafk n!akes the food more de'tdous and wholesome Stnctlv biunncss French the jeweler. Crescent Sicyde, Bopkina Brothera, agents. Beat Bicycle toe Lie inouey. Will A Stark, jewelers. Crescent bicycles at Hopkiaa Brother for only 120. 30, $35 and 150. 0 B Winn, citv ticket agent. Tickets to all points in tho east. Be sore and aee the anti rnt tinware at Bopkia Broa, will laa; a lifetime. Go to Hiss Longs for high priced pho tograpbs, and do not forget to take along the money. , Bv allowing the accomulatiooe in the bowel 1 1 remain. the entire avstem ia pois oned. De Witt's Little Farly Biaera regul ate the bowel. Try them and joa will always uae them. Foshay k Mason. No "ure. No Pay That ia the was all the dm agist aell Orove'a TaateleM Chilt Tonic for CbiMe, malaria and Billiontnss. It i aa plea ant to take aa lemon syrup, 50o. Baal TaWaota SfU aa4 Hawk limr Ur !;. To quit tobacco easily and forever, ba mac neUe. tall ol Ufa. nenre and ior, taka No-To-Baa, tb wonder worker, that makes weak mea atreag. All druggists, Moor II. Cure guaran teed. Booklet and sample tree. Address Sterling Remedy Co.. Chicago or :.' Yore. Floor Coverings. FULLY DOUBLE the amount ever before ehown by na, consisting of Carpets, Art Square. Co' tags Art (a new and aitrtctive goods) Mat tings, Linoleum and Oil Cloth. . Wa are also well supplied with Lace Curtains, Portiere, Shades and kindred goods. Piece goods in Curtain material and coverings. ALBANY FURNITURE CO. rflasonic Temple BIdg., Albany, Or. 20 YEARS IN BUSINESS. 0MR8BRINK W Is the Oldett Fornitnre Dealer in the city and he keeps a con line of Furniture and Bedding and if you want good gooda cheap htm a ca'l He doesn't intend to be under sold. 4 iViWWV4'V,k'v'ii''iV"iiii.-.i ii iii ii.-J lionght, and which has best!,, t has borne tho signature of Mother's Friend. S Signature of '4 FT3. .ft A , HCw SOUR. lt-'ar . aaolj-aWW t C-T S1 avus 9tvaa ve ? The Corvallis & Eaatero railroad have placed in effect their regular round trip eomiuer excursion rates to Newport sad Detroit. Fare to Newport, U.K Fare to Detroit, S3 00. Tickets good for return ontil October 10,1899. Edwis Stomb, Manager. J. D Bridg, editor and proprietor of the Democrat. Lances ter. N. i., saya: "I would not be without One Minute Cough Ctre for my boy, when troubled with a cough or cold. It ia the best rem edy for croup 1 ever ad." Foshay k afasoB. TOE HOMLIESFM AN IN ALBANY As well as the baBdwmeet, and other are invited to call on aav drogist and get FREK a trial bottle of Kemp'a Baiaqa for the Throat and LunH, a remedy tbat as Kosranired to cure and reliere all Cbronlo sod Acu'e I'oas-bs. atbma. Bronchitis Oonauikption. fnoe 25c. and 60c Music Mis siiiarca Barmester eacher of pian' or organ. System the Maeor touch ard technique. Residence, fifth rtreet. Toosite U P chnieh. complete Rive