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About The state rights democrat. (Albany, Or.) 1865-1900 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1899)
j mrr!!msmr . " i What IsShiloh? . A grand old remedy for Cough, Cold and Consumption; usod through th world for half century, has cured in namerable case of iadpiens consump tion and relieved many, m dJ tairce. If yon are not satisfied with the results we wiU refund your money. Trice 25 cU 60cte. aud $1.00. For sale by Foshay A Mso i. TICKETS To all voir East via . Gret t Northern Railway. For rate, f. Hers and full information Agent Albany jiauval.over Has turned with Jisgust from an other wise lovaWc girl v. im an offensive breath. Kari4 Clover Root Tea purifies the breath nyita actKn the bowels, etc., as noth- else will. SoW. fr2T guarantee, Price 2a cts. , and W cts. Fo ale by Foshay A Msson. If yoi suirer from tenderness or fullness nthe right side,. P d" houLr: lade, consripatun. bilousnes, suit SSucheV ana feel dull, heavy and steepr or liver is torpid and c ingested. l WaV.Lt t eLrly Kisers will cure yon promptly, pleasantly, and permawosly by removing the conation ami wo. ng the Hie ducU to opsn and Bj na-uratiy. They ars good nu . Get the best fiour. The Masnolia To Car Coustlpatlon rr""' CASTOR 1 A Tor Infests i Children. Be Kind Yoa Hsu Always Bosgtit Bears the Signature of MKST TIOAE. BAH1 oar.asrr,oBaoif!i " . S B.TOUHQ jT W. LASQDOH Ctibiar- LSTTIOSi aADton formbU rm a to. v;8 C B. Fuss. Salt Lake, Denver, Ft Faat Fact Mail 8pm Worth, umana, b.u- eas City, St Louie, :45 p m Chicago and East. 7 lliloiruoiiMo --Spokane Wall. Walla, Bpok. Spok.n. Fi,er ana, Minneapolis. St T' .If ' rininth. Mil- 8.0 a v waukee, Chicago, A East. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS i 8pm For San Francisco Sail every five days COLUMBIA RIVER 4pB 8r:J - r .i CTRAMEKS. Jikounn rdVToAVtorii.ndW.y. iOpm Landings. Um WILLAMETTE RIV. 4:30 P ExSun. Oregon City, Kewberg, Ex Son' Salem A wiy-Land'a 7am WILLAMETTE ASD 3:30p lionas Wed. and Sat Ths , Oregon City. Da,to, ;d Sat. anl Way-Uils. . m WILLAMETTE RIV. 4 :30 p a TuSeday Portland to Corvalli. ruerU, TD!y.ndW.y-Land1Dg.. Thur nd Sat. t o.Mri LvLewistot Kam SNAKE RIVER WSW r w.h.hijrlOTT. Gen. Pass. Agea. 0 iAWLINGS, Portland, U. Agent Albany. ORTHERH PAOIFICJLB Puilman Sleeping Oars Elegant Dining Oars, Tourist-- Sleeping Carp' Minneapolis Dnlntb Brand Forks Crookston -TO Winnipeg Helena and Butt TxaOUGH TICKE'i TO hicaifO JVaehingtou fhiladelphla wTork Boston and al. Co . an American line IM atfjnt, Albany, Or. A D Charltor. At Port'and & Ren Fass ak TERMS. aJaily Dmocrat, 85 cents per inouih $3.00 per advance. 80a per month not iS advance. By, carrier, 10c jM week. 10 per cent added It allowed to run over mouths. Simile copwal 5c . Weekly. $1.25 in advances e"? f year; $175 for second yean $2 00 tor ihird and preceeding year, when not paid in advance. Club of fiva suosorioer. at $5.00. Young Mothers. --I t nf thn-iaaoJs of roans mothers because its outbreak Is i so ionising an.l frequently fatal. Bluloh 8 Ooaib aud Consumption Cure acts like masrw in cases of Croup. It ha. never seen known to fail. The worst cases re ieved immediately. Prices 25 Cts,. and 50 cts. and $1.00. For sale by Foshay A Mason, amm wm ii lla,l'..-ll,- The curse of overworked woiimnkind.are quicklv and surely curevi uy ivaij v." Root Tea, tho groat blood puniier ami il.W. MnneV retuiUlCril it DOl tICOUV UUMUVK -j - satisfactorv. Trice, So cts. aud 60 cts. For sale by Foshay A Msson. nrautr Is Blootl Deep. Clean blood menns a clean skin. No wiilwit it. CascareU.Candylatnar tic clean your blood and keen it clean, by .tm n th l,i tv livrr and ilnvum all im purities lrora me ixkiv. ihu banish pimples, boil, blotches, blackhrada. and that sickly bilious complexion ny laHing Cnscarets. beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, JSc.ow. T ...... lo trrinnn. pilliotn. Coldt roup and waviiing-cough readily yioia to Une iMinute uougo oum. . v .; n titn j and s iva a d-J0'rs bill or the un niicjr's. fjthty Jl woa. CLb-ausa Katks. Weekly 1kmockat and Examiner $2.50 and Thrice-a-week World 2.00: and Kenubhc $l.7o: and Oregonlan $2.25; and San Francisco ;ounal 2.00 Don't thiuk yoa cn curi that sliglst at tack of Dvs,pua by dieting, or that it will care "itelt. Kolol Dyspepsia Cure will, curs it; it "digests what you eat and restores ths disaUive organs to beaith FosbayJfc Ma3on. Albany Market, Whest 4S 'ents. Oats 26 Eggs 17tvnts. Butter lito 17 ccnti. Potatoes b0 ceuts. Hams 15 cuts. Sides 10 c nts. Shoulders 8 cents. Dyspepsia Cure. Dmests what vou eat. It artificially digests the food an Jdi Vatura in strengthening' and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It Is the latest discovered digesV lot and tools Ko other preparation can approach It In efficiency. It In stantly reliere and permanently core Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Xiatuea, SickHeadache,Gastialgl a. Cramps, and ... - 1 l....,(Mfb.rfMfllfTMHAf auoiner resuiuvi inyi icv,ui.wiww .Prsporcd bv E. C DsWl'. Co- Cbleopo. OREGON VIAVI COMPANY Cer. Morrison A Park Sta. LEWIS BUILDING. Portland . - Oregou OUR CAPACITY is I'tieunled In the Valley. ODE WORK Is Unsurpassed In Oregon. e have the best stock it select from and our prices arc alwavs the lowest, quality cinsilered SMILEY, Aii.iny. ThePri.iter Torturing Disfiguring Humors Itching, Burning, and scaiy Eruptions of the Skin and Scalp with Loss of Hair CURED BY CUT1CURA. The treatment is simple, direct, sfrreeaWe, Mid economical, and is adapted to the youn. est infant as well as adulia of every a?e. Bathe the affected parts with Hot watkb and Ccticuea Swap to cleanse the skin of crusu and scalei, and soften the thickened cuticle. Dry, without hard rubbing, and amly ConcuaA Ointment freely, to allay iichinK, irritation, and Inflammation, and lS,tbe and heal, and Uatly take Ihe Curimm R"-) to cool and cleante the blood. This treatment affords inntant relief, permits rest and sleep, and points to a speedy, perma nent, and economical cure when all other rem edies ana even wwraH""" K. O. T. M. very Satur J ty evening al K, O. T. Js ll Visiting Kniubu inviied. (i W UOFFOomtnar.der. HOXd WAI1 TUNG CO, Second St r.vnn Birct,. Albanv. Sella Chi nese medicine. Chinese rice. Chinese ; I nut oil. Heart Weakness The hoart Is ths most TlUl orgun ot ths body. It l (lis en gins that propels ths muscles and ends sustenance to ths nsrves and brain and to all tha orajans ot ths body. A ovr in its sneohaulsm is certain to live rise lo serious results, ve kilos aonoies the nnUAtust if a fliLW. It E 1 t ts a loreruuner of some thing more sortous thai b to occur You aro ths A snulncct. Look to jom tutme. res tnst no m dent occurs. HUDYAN is mhatrouneod. HU M. YAN will streiiKlhcn ih heart. HUDYAN will make the heart uiusoKi stronir and hard, l'o nut delay too lonit. Begin tin use oi HUDYAN now. HERE ARE YOUR SYMPTOMS: l-S. THROBBTNQ IN TBI TKM. PLES WHEN LYINO SOWN. HUD YAN IU cause ths throbbing to disappear. 8-6. EINQINQ IN THE EARS-HUD-YAN sto:s the ringing and busting In a abort tlma. 4-6. ALTERNATE PALENESS AND PLUSHINQ OP THB OHKEKS. HUD YAN will restors the circulation of ths blood to Its normal condition aud keep a constant healthy color to the cheeks. 7. PALPITATION Or THE HEART AND IRBEOULAB BEATING. HUD YAN. br strengthening the heart musclus and the nerves thai supply It, will stop ths palpi tation and fiutieriug and causa the hoarl to beat regularly. 8. THROBBING IN THE STOMACH BEOION. This throbbing and pulsatingdla appear shorUy after ths use ot HUDYAN. Thousands havs been cured ot Heart Weak seas by HUDYAN. Yon should be cured too. HUDYAN U1 ours you. rrocure HUDYAN from yonr druggist. It Is sold In all dniKstorea (or too. per package, or packages (or 12.90. It your druggist does not kesplKsenoairect loins HUDYAN HIM CDY COMPANY. Ban Pranctsoo. CaL Consult the HUDYAN DOCTORS FREC. You may call and see them and bar a (res consultation. II yon cannot call on ths doctors writs to thrm lor s lvUq. It will be glTtatros tor tha asking. Address KUOYAN REMEDY COMPANY, Cer. Sleoklsa, Merket sad Ellis lt SAN rRANCISCO. CAU FOSHAY & MASON Wholesale A Retail DRUGGISTS iHD00miLU ALBAKY, OKEOOS. Para Drags and tha finest and Largest Stock of Stationary and Books in tb Market. SODA WATER from SoJaYillf, fresh, just received at Burkhart & Lee's a fiealthy drink. Also a fine thing frcm Marquon 111, bottled by John Burnett ot Sweet Home. rlX PER TENT LOANS. I hare a Oiimited amount of monev to loac on first-clsss farm security or improved business property in Albany. Interest six nor cent for particalari call ou or address. ii. P. MgRBiu., Democrat building. Albany, Oregon NEW VORK WORLD Thric-a-Week Kdilion 18 Pages a Week . . . . . 156 Paper a Yeai For One Dollar bllshrdcTr ry HeraateVay exrentSaa al The Tlirice-a- Week Edition of The Wtt Tore World is first amonjf all "sreekly' and the fresbtvsM, accuracy and variety ol a. ....aVMa-a If Vi m fall tha murit nf at a cn JaiIh nf ft a nrfrA nf a fin la weekly. IU political newa; promrt.cosi. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE aTnnWM II EWE BY RIVFINTUAT 1 under and by virtue of an order of toe County Uourt ot tiinn couoiy, urp((on, xnauv imu culc " " ' 1890,we.tbe administrators Of the estate OI Jonn rouaii, uwcmbii, will.on Saturday, the zaru uay cr ewptem- . ,Qnn tha knur nf Ona o clock in tha afternoon of sa'd day, at the front door in Allianv. Linn conntr. Oreiron. sell at public auction to the bitn est bidder, for cash in hand, tfce lollovrinff described real property helonffing to the estate ol saw Jce8.!1lrwV:. w ., . The S Vi of the N K V and tbe N of the 8 and the N E of the S W -.of. HflRlW of tbe Wil- lamette Meridian, Oregon, containingr 200 aC o iaI Via V! V. and the N of Wo 8e 23 IP. 11 8 B 1 W of ii ui:n it. M.riliTi Orpffon. nontain- . Ia Ih 1 8 U of the S E !a :j ti oo rtrdininff fUI AcrAfl. .i..wi X th N WUof 8ec. 28 To 1 1 8 E 1 W o( the Willamette MsridUu, Ore gon, containing iw acrea. ue. u- ninir at tbe 8 E corner of the N E M of Dec .7iuw . 7 :MMikani rvnnn 44 vn ruaif. ujuato vi less, to the south side of county road, thence southwesterly along the south side . ! i ,.. 1A rn im more Or I PS I. tO or saiu count - - - - - . . -the south line ol the N E M ot said Bee. ,r. .1 .t ,. ik rAaru nf lieulnninff. . : q nnram mnra nr ma. laid tract COniainiiiK o u. c. iv.w . . containing in ths aggregate 168 acres, all in Linn county, Oregon. Dated at Albany, Oregon, this 15th day of August, 1899. ' ,, 8 Jonw W. Gaihis, H. UBTANT, Adminisltators of tne estate of John Karthall, deceased. Geo. W. Wkioht, Hewitt & Sox, ..... Attorneys for Administrators. IT'S JUST! LIKE T1(IS 4lsjsltisJw We lave itisphitifi l;i euiclt as (.Jl sTSX Supples for Sewing Machines and first class repairing. Stewart & Sox Co. Stewart & Sox for Machines that "SEW" mm TsMnm wzmms if f nornalM wen raaaned SB. Tbe MUeaA ewHgbeil im Pounds! eras tmptrurf ""T". : a4 feadVerr liUe aioUui. Fartr In Jan a Mtablx Indacad W lo try lUpsvaa Tatelasv After nsSng tUom lwt weeks the pmiam a4 bleaUna ef eSanw mm mlUnmmtX sva4 issns siilirslr ilsnrrr-rH Tbe paoeas 4 aewuesHlr reoerwfd rt Hbe ItUu r itdlMUiMi akrreas vYmumas, aad eouid eat kAe4 Waa, ataeag evaes aUafe, wUAmbA IU ssllia, WtfflSl fitM was wSS at SmmSS, SaM Sre . asswAaaSfSs, ' .h.anw1.iiiii ijtna.w.i. sifsisshtu .ssa ma, r te M ( sJi suns iii mi eUU w ll a aeaers awMws es a ai i pi i IZTmmZlZLmmmtrZimmmS. SMtatwasMrsMssWisaWA AswejSawi I SWj I ionallis & Eailroai. TIME CAR l). Vnr Vannlna ; Train leaves Albany arrive Yaquli ...12:50 p. to. oa,... o:0O p. in. Keturning : Leave Ysqulna. Arrives Albany. . 7:00 a. m. 12:26 p. m. 8 For Detrci : leaves Alb i"f... Arrives U.Uuit.. 7:40 a. m 11:05 . m. 4 Returning: Leaves Detroit... Arrive. Albany. . ... 12:25 D. in ...... 6:85 p. m. 6:05 p. m. GLeaves Albany... Arrives Corvallle SLeaves Corvallis 6 .65 p. m , 6:40 a. m. Arrive Albany . . 7:2.1 a. m a unnwi at AiDanvanu Corvallis with Southern racllio trains, giving direct fervice o auu um uori ana aaiacen urv.uo. r-Cn nns fro a Albsoy to Corvallis on Mindayg. Wednesdays and rriday ?Di' r. CA,T1li in Albanv on Tuesdaye.Thursdaysand Saturdays only. Trains lor tne roouniaiu. ...... trolt at noon, giving ample lime to reach .Am on tha Breitenbush and Santiam river the same day. IiDH ia c ivi, II. L. WLi)!, Mansger. T.F.&P.A. J. Tdbxeb, Agent, Albany. Notice of First Sleeting of Creditor r .u- m.triot flourl of the United tlates for the District of Cwgjmt ; In tbe mr.tter oi v. rupt, in baDkruptcy. To the realtors oi r. iv. f .1.. .Ik a( I .inn en1 any, uregon, uilwij - .. . . . :A a Unnb-nnl district aiprwa.u, KV,,p Tit a T TV I O HCE IS n MIW) I Ul ' rv i uii w ' . a . n laoa. the said W. R. Blain wss duly djudicated bankrupt, and that the fiwt meeting ot bis :ii t. l,f.lrt ot Allianv. Ore creuiiors w. wA -,r- -H' tmn. in my omw, vu -7,. Cember A. I. 18S.t One o'clock in the - tima the said creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a uu'tee, examine the bankrupt, and trans act such other business as may properly come before said niee iing. Dated Aug. Bbta, Referee in Baukroptcy. Eastern A good urticlo li wonujoort poor on. i-vi.uv om: knows iii.vt.... ONE WHITE SEWING 1 J H I N E H outwear tloxtmcluap Academy of Oir Lair of remsloal Help Boarding School for Girls Thorooah Instruclion. Wbolesouis diet llomelii treatment. IUivs and girl are admitted as day pupils irom six years upward. Term are moderate. Call at the Academy forinlormationor write to bistsabi iKHioK. SUMMONS. No 1431. In tiie Ciact'iT Court or the state or Ohkooh fob the Co. oir Linn, 83. D- I'AHTMKNT No. 2. Barah K. Murphy, plaintiff, vs. W. P. Murphy, defendant. To W. T, Murphy, the above named de- TNTHE NAME OF TflE STATE OF 1 Oregon, you ars hereby notilind and required to be and apre" In co",rt .,n said suit, and unswer tbe complaint of the olaintiff filed therein, on or before (be Kllh day of September, A. U. 1&. and ypu are hereby further notified that if you fail to appear and answer said complaint as aforesaid, for want thereof tbe pKintiff will take a decree against you for tbe re lief demanded In said complaint, to-wlt: That the bonds of matrimony and rnar rlaizo contract existing between the said plainfiu ami me saw ueieimum j: i I l..U tnr nmrnlil. ami that the plaintiff le forever divorced from the said defendant, and ihst in piaia-iu dbvo iu ears and custody and control o their min or child Ross W. Murphy, and that the plaintiff will take )uugmei.t again.i yuu for her costs and disbursements incurred in said suit. , . . ri'ui- ..MMnn la aArvt-n nnnn 1 ou DV DUC iUH.UUIUIVIJ.i. ..--( , lication for six consecutive and successive weeks prior to the saiu io:n uay o win- l. . r, iwon ( tha bvirs HiaitTS emu-r, a u, tw, . w.-.- Democrat a weokly newspaper of general circulation throughout said county and Stale, Driniri. auu iru-,..""'. -- - i 1 . L J n .1 ni.kl.nttn ar I 1 1 M I'll. It I Albany in liinn chudij, vios"i nf HonoraU e K. r. uoinn, luur.u Circuit Court, which order bears dste, s . f thuu and inn.r inn rhiu uuu. R V. Boise! judge of Circuit Court.ln i n,.mir.ltinn nf IhlS IUm saiu orucr iw w. i - - - mi, ImanrffanrihAd the said lutll T. . .timi. I n 1H09 us the time UV UL pcwmur.,.. ' . on or bofore which you shall appear and dtixwer 'iiD iv, wii" -- . , .. . .. .... ..linn nf this . .1.- . .1 iMmn umr in aniii auiL. IIC U'W w. ' " I ' ( ' . ... summons n said newspaper is August 4tn W. T. bLATEM AND fl . M. KAItER. Attorneys for plaintiff. J e"1 .. .- j- ' A. etf I IK I SW .' . - . - j South and East Route fjjuthora Paciuo OsllUal f. ,.f-.T,.l... lis. W. I HMft1' Ai I 'S s At 1 'li A s t.v lit J oer, s. 1 1 Dt.fts t 7 ) I ' M,Utu Albn gstt rial . . . t - X"r"!,r,n ' B.'aln , Otsi..! ml all Intlnlisf"i ll;,,,r ,4,-,linu Ashland. A , I 19 ' M l. ' 1f Alb Ho i MSAsns " in a h ... ul .limn I " il'ir a ttvsi a ND-CUSS SUtflhG C 5 sttataeJ 0f .1. ': HiLh roi-" HS.W .. SA.i Wiwmm m mm A AMI 11 S.iassuk. i,','' 1'la M I l" I.ISA.I At rti in'l Cji.'Is A, I A I iv) t a l. Ar Ar It litis. . 1 1 W a U. 'Minairllle u4W .ilt t in) r n. - lUsuxt' fc1 AIM' u r r a rMtlaa4 tT,iArA. '";": ' r si sVoast. a. Ar.V."iiaiii AND S00 PACIFIC LIHE. To 411 Fbin-i East snild veilibule train, oosWl- of - . ' l....,ilnus dtniDlf ess ie c.r. md frt colon t 19 dOo to Ui Atlantic wllo-i cbanf. Anetic. eonllnrnt in days. Fiw bo U.'r than any ottflot corr Diact aho cntArwT oct t Kootcutiy Mnlns District Acsr, v . aiocASi civ, MUK. Al4l, TKAIC. BOVLA90AW All poinU ia lb Okiuisso Country . . rpamphlst glviag . full of this wonderful country. A ' ,BJ for copy of U. iif I rltwt Columbia. , , Lowe "I"? , . Atlantic steamship in. Canadian Pao. Ry. Uo.'a Koval Mall Steamship lino to China and Japan; OARADIAM AUimtAUAW r MoNoutP, rui AHO ACSTRAUA. The shortest lio to foe Colonies. Tbes steamers carry an expenoaceo meuicai man, and stewaraoas on for time table, pamphlets, or any in ormat'.on, call oo or address. JOJIfLK. A"t, 141 Curi ObWicUUK i V. 0. P. A VAOJOiivcr j LEG AL DIRECTOfo Alban. i W R BlW-u, Foshay & Mason block 11 Bryant. P O block. Anderson Cannon, PO'jlock. J N Duncan, l O bloc T P Hackleman, Pearoetiloclt, Judg 11 11 llowitt.PO block. N B Humphrey. Kelly A Curl, bank building L H Moitanve. pearc blotV J c Powell, P 0 block. CESox.PO block . L L hwann, Bank building. H 0 Watson, bnk building. Weatherlord A Wyatt, Bnk bnlldlnj Whitney A Newport, Oulck block. O W Wright, POblook, Lebanon. P M Garland. Brownsville, AATusslng. Sclo. T J Hson . LINN CO- ABSTRACTSCOMPANt Albany 'jOroeon- Office! Bank of Oregon Building. Qnly set of Abstracts of Linn County. 3omp!ete set of maps and plat. SCavwUsntTrii1n ITsrtsoWnlnM and allFai BMidmoilol.dniwInKorphoto, WealvlMlfr S utiuiUlilo f re. or euari!. on r run a ot tu nt r A liimnlilt "Hnw IdOh- t Uln I'atimu." ntlh cost of .hB.a, usdiorisioouulrleasentrras. iddreaa, i C, A SMOV & CO. i' 0. PsritwT OrriK. WsiHtNQTi , D. C tyv "r ' a-f. .- l,Sr1-lll IUJ t fl IrQ 11